Eugene Onegin the most beautiful passages. Our territory: Learning passages from Eugene Onegin by heart

Additional excerpts from “Eugene Onegin” for video recording by competition participants

Detailed description of the project - .

11 reading passage


And I, making a law of myself
Passions are a single arbitrariness,
Sharing feelings with the crowd,
I brought a playful muse
To the noise of feasts and violent disputes,
Thunderstorms of the midnight watch;
And join them in crazy feasts
She carried her gifts
And how the bacchante frolicked,
Over the bowl she sang for the guests,
And the youth of days gone by
She was wildly dragged after her,
And I was proud among friends
My flighty friend.

But I fell behind their union
And he ran into the distance... She followed me.
How often a tender muse
I enjoyed the silent path
The magic of a secret story!
How often on the rocks of the Caucasus
She is Lenora, in the moonlight,
She rode a horse with me!
How often along the banks of Taurida
She me in the darkness of the night
Took me to listen to the sound of the sea,
The silent whisper of Nereid,
Deep, eternal chorus of shafts,
Hymn of praise to the father of the worlds.

And, forgetting the distant capitals
And the glitter and noisy feasts,
In the sad wilderness of Moldova
She is the humble tents
I visited wandering tribes,
And between them she became wild,
And I forgot the speech of the gods
For meager, strange tongues,
For the songs of the steppe, dear to her...
Suddenly everything around me changed,
And here she is in my garden
She appeared as a district young lady,
With a sad thought in my eyes,
With a French book in hand.

12 reading fragment

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who matures in time,
Who gradually life is cold
He knew how to endure over the years;
Who hasn't indulged in strange dreams,
Who has not shunned the secular mob,
Who at twenty was a dandy or a smart guy,
And at thirty he is profitably married;
Who was freed at fifty
From private and other debts,
Who is fame, money and ranks
I got in line calmly,
About whom they have been repeating for a century:
N.N. is a wonderful person.

But it's sad to think that it's in vain
We were given youth
That they cheated on her all the time,
That she deceived us;
What are our best wishes?
What are our fresh dreams
Decayed in quick succession,
Like rotten leaves in autumn.
It's unbearable to see in front of you
There's a long row of dinners alone,
Look at life as a ritual
And after the decorous crowd
Go without sharing with her
No common opinions, no passions.

13 reading fragment

Her doubts confuse her:
“Shall I go forward, shall I go back?..
He's not here. They don't know me...
I’ll look at the house, at this garden.”
And then Tatyana comes down the hill,
Barely breathing; circles around
A look full of bewilderment...
And he enters the deserted courtyard.
The dogs rushed towards her, barking.
At her frightened cry
Guys, yard family
She came running noisily. Not without a fight
The boys scattered the dogs
Taking the young lady under his wing.

“Is it possible to see the manor’s house?” —
Tanya asked. Hurry up
The children ran to Anisya
Take the keys to the entryway from her;
Anisya immediately appeared to her,
And the door opened before them,
And Tanya enters the empty house,
Where did our hero recently live?
She looks: forgotten in the hall
The billiard cue was resting,
Lying on a crumpled sofa
Manege whip. Tanya is further away;
The old woman said to her: “Here is the fireplace;
Here the master sat alone.

I dined with him here in the winter
The late Lensky, our neighbor.
Come here, follow me.
This is the master's office;
Here he slept, ate coffee,
Listened to the clerk's reports
And I read a book in the morning...
And the old master lived here;
It happened to me on Sunday,
Here under the window, wearing glasses,
He deigned to play fools.
God bless his soul,
And his bones have peace
In the grave, in mother earth, raw!

14 reading fragment

Moscow, Russia's beloved daughter,
Where can I find someone equal to you?

How can you not love your native Moscow?

Persecution of Moscow! what does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?
Where we are not.

Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

How sad your appearance is to me,
Spring, spring! it's time for love!
What languid excitement
In my soul, in my blood!
With what heavy tenderness
I enjoy the breeze
Spring blowing in my face
In the lap of rural silence!
Or is pleasure alien to me,
And everything that pleases lives,
All that rejoices and glitters
Causes boredom and languor
For a long time dead soul
And everything seems dark to her?

Or, not happy about the return
Dead leaves in autumn,
We remember the bitter loss
Listening to the new noise of the forests;
Or with nature alive
We bring together the confused thought
We are the fading of our years,
Which cannot be reborn?
Perhaps it comes to our minds
In the midst of a poetic dream
Another, old spring
And it makes our hearts tremble
Dream of the far side
About a wonderful night, about the moon...

15 reading fragment


You can be a smart person
And think about the beauty of nails:
Why argue fruitlessly with the century?
The custom is despot between people.
Second Chadayev, my Evgeniy,
Fearing jealous judgments,
There was a pedant in his clothes
And what we called dandy.
He's at least three o'clock
He spent in front of the mirrors
And he came out of the restroom
Like windy Venus,
When, wearing a man's outfit,
The goddess goes to a masquerade.

In the last taste of the toilet
Taking your curious glance,
I could before the learned light
Here to describe his outfit;
Of course it would be brave
Describe my business:
But trousers, a tailcoat, a vest,
All these words are not in Russian;
And I see, I apologize to you,
Well, my poor syllable is already
I could have been much less colorful
Foreign words
Even though I looked in the old days
In Academic Dictionary.

16 reading fragment


Will I portray the truth in the picture?
Secluded office
Where is the mod pupil exemplary
Dressed, undressed and dressed again?
Everything for a plentiful whim
London trades scrupulously
And on the Baltic waves
He brings us lard and timber,
Everything in Paris tastes hungry,
Having chosen a useful trade,
Invents for fun
For luxury, for fashionable bliss, -
Everything decorated the office
Philosopher at eighteen years old.

Amber on the pipes of Constantinople,
Porcelain and bronze on the table,
And, a joy to pampered feelings,
Perfume in cut crystal;
Combs, steel files,
Straight scissors, curved
And brushes of thirty kinds
For both nails and teeth.
Rousseau (note in passing)
Couldn't understand how important Grim was
I dared to brush my nails in front of him,
An eloquent madman (6).
Defender of Liberty and Rights
In this case, completely wrong.

In this article I publish excerpts from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" for learning by heart in 9th grade.

1. Tatiana’s letter to Onegin (girls teach)
I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Now I know it's in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You won't leave me.
At first I wanted to remain silent;
Believe me: my shame
You would never know
If only I had hope
At least rarely, at least once a week
To see you in our village,
Just to hear your speeches,
Say your word, and then
Think about everything, think about one thing
And day and night until we meet again.
But they say you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we... we don’t shine with anything,
Even though you are welcome in a simple-minded way.

Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never have known you
I wouldn't know bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Having come to terms with time (who knows?),
I would find a friend after my heart,
If only I had a faithful wife
And a virtuous mother.

Another!.. No, no one in the world
I wouldn't give my heart!
It is destined in the highest council...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life was a pledge
The faithful's meeting with you;
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper...
You appeared in my dreams,
Invisible, you were already dear to me,
Your wonderful gaze tormented me,
Your voice was heard in my soul
A long time ago... no, it was not a dream!
You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!
Isn't it true? I heard you:
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or she delighted me with prayer
The longing of a worried soul?
And at this very moment
Isn't it you, sweet vision,
Flashed in the transparent darkness,
Quietly leaning against the headboard?
Isn’t it you, with joy and love,
Did you whisper words of hope to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel,
Or the insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And something completely different is destined...
But so be it! my destiny
From now on I give you
I shed tears before you,
I beg your protection...
Imagine: I'm here alone,
Nobody understands me
My mind is exhausted
And I must die in silence.
I'm waiting for you: with one glance
Revive the hopes of your heart,
Or break the heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach!

I'm cumming! It's scary to read...
I freeze with shame and fear...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her...

2. Letter from Onegin to Tatiana(boys teach)
I foresee everything: you will be insulted
An explanation for the sad mystery.
What bitter contempt
Your proud look will portray!
What do I want? for what purpose
Will I open my soul to you?
What evil fun
Perhaps I’m giving a reason!

Once I met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her:
I didn’t give in to my dear habit;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
One more thing separated us...
The unfortunate victim of Lenskaya fell...
From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore my heart out;
Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: freedom and peace
Substitute for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how I was punished!

No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

And I am deprived of this: for you
I wander everywhere at random;
The day is dear to me, the hour is dear to me:
And I spend it in vain boredom
Days counted down by fate.
And they are so painful.
I know: my life has already been measured;
But so that my life may last,
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you this afternoon...

I'm afraid: in my humble prayer
Your stern gaze will see
The undertakings of despicable cunning -
And I hear your angry reproach.
If only you knew how terrible
To yearn for love,
Blaze - and mind all the time
To subdue the excitement in the blood;
I want to hug your knees,
And burst into tears at your feet
Pour out prayers, confessions, penalties,
Everything, everything I could express.
Meanwhile, with feigned coldness
Arm both speech and gaze,
Have a calm conversation
Looking at you with a cheerful look!..

But so be it: I’m on my own
I can no longer resist;
Everything is decided: I am in your will,
And I surrender to my fate.

3. Fragments about nature (all students learn 1 fragment out of two)

Fragment No. 1
The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

Dawn rises in the cold darkness;
In the fields the noise of work fell silent;
With his hungry wolf
A wolf comes out onto the road;
Smelling him, the road horse
Snores - and the traveler is cautious
Rushes up the mountain at full speed;
At dawn the shepherd
He no longer drives the cows out of the barn,
And at midday in a circle
His horn does not call them;
A maiden singing in a hut
Spins, and, friend of winter nights,
A splinter crackles in front of her.

And now the frost is crackling
And they shine silver among the fields...
(The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of the rose;
Here, take it quickly!)
Tidier than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily;
The goose is heavy on red legs,
Having decided to sail across the bosom of the waters,
Steps carefully onto the ice,
Slips and falls; funny
The first snow flashes and curls,
Stars falling on the shore.

Fragment No. 2
That year the weather was autumn
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January
On the third night. Waking up early
Tatiana saw through the window
In the morning the yard turned white,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glass,
Trees in winter silver,
Forty merry ones in the yard
And softly carpeted mountains
Winter is a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white all around.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

Plus this one:

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

In this article I publish excerpts from the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" for learning by heart in 9th grade.

1. Tatiana’s letter to Onegin (girls teach)
I am writing to you - what more?
What more can I say?
Now I know it's in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate fate
Keeping at least a drop of pity,
You won't leave me.
At first I wanted to remain silent;
Believe me: my shame
You would never know
If only I had hope
At least rarely, at least once a week
To see you in our village,
Just to hear your speeches,
Say your word, and then
Think about everything, think about one thing
And day and night until we meet again.
But they say you are unsociable;
In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,
And we... we don’t shine with anything,
Even though you are welcome in a simple-minded way.

Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never have known you
I wouldn't know bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Having come to terms with time (who knows?),
I would find a friend after my heart,
If only I had a faithful wife
And a virtuous mother.

Another!.. No, no one in the world
I wouldn't give my heart!
It is destined in the highest council...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life was a pledge
The faithful's meeting with you;
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper...
You appeared in my dreams,
Invisible, you were already dear to me,
Your wonderful gaze tormented me,
Your voice was heard in my soul
A long time ago... no, it was not a dream!
You barely walked in, I instantly recognized
Everything was stupefied, on fire
And in my thoughts I said: here he is!
Isn't it true? I heard you:
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or she delighted me with prayer
The longing of a worried soul?
And at this very moment
Isn't it you, sweet vision,
Flashed in the transparent darkness,
Quietly leaning against the headboard?
Isn’t it you, with joy and love,
Did you whisper words of hope to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel,
Or the insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.
Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And something completely different is destined...
But so be it! my destiny
From now on I give you
I shed tears before you,
I beg your protection...
Imagine: I'm here alone,
Nobody understands me
My mind is exhausted
And I must die in silence.
I'm waiting for you: with one glance
Revive the hopes of your heart,
Or break the heavy dream,
Alas, a well-deserved reproach!

I'm cumming! It's scary to read...
I freeze with shame and fear...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her...

2. Letter from Onegin to Tatiana(boys teach)
I foresee everything: you will be insulted
An explanation for the sad mystery.
What bitter contempt
Your proud look will portray!
What do I want? for what purpose
Will I open my soul to you?
What evil fun
Perhaps I’m giving a reason!

Once I met you by chance,
Noticing a spark of tenderness in you,
I didn't dare believe her:
I didn’t give in to my dear habit;
Your hateful freedom
I didn't want to lose.
One more thing separated us...
The unfortunate victim of Lenskaya fell...
From everything that is dear to the heart,
Then I tore my heart out;
Stranger to everyone, not bound by anything,
I thought: freedom and peace
Substitute for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how I was punished!

No, I see you every minute
Follow you everywhere
A smile of the mouth, a movement of the eyes
To catch with loving eyes,
Listen to you for a long time, understand
Your soul is all your perfection,
To freeze in agony before you,
To turn pale and fade away... that's bliss!

And I am deprived of this: for you
I wander everywhere at random;
The day is dear to me, the hour is dear to me:
And I spend it in vain boredom
Days counted down by fate.
And they are so painful.
I know: my life has already been measured;
But so that my life may last,
I have to be sure in the morning
That I will see you this afternoon...

I'm afraid: in my humble prayer
Your stern gaze will see
The undertakings of despicable cunning -
And I hear your angry reproach.
If only you knew how terrible
To yearn for love,
Blaze - and mind all the time
To subdue the excitement in the blood;
I want to hug your knees,
And burst into tears at your feet
Pour out prayers, confessions, penalties,
Everything, everything I could express.
Meanwhile, with feigned coldness
Arm both speech and gaze,
Have a calm conversation
Looking at you with a cheerful look!..

But so be it: I’m on my own
I can no longer resist;
Everything is decided: I am in your will,
And I surrender to my fate.

3. Fragments about nature (all students learn 1 fragment out of two)

Fragment No. 1
The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

Dawn rises in the cold darkness;
In the fields the noise of work fell silent;
With his hungry wolf
A wolf comes out onto the road;
Smelling him, the road horse
Snores - and the traveler is cautious
Rushes up the mountain at full speed;
At dawn the shepherd
He no longer drives the cows out of the barn,
And at midday in a circle
His horn does not call them;
A maiden singing in a hut
Spins, and, friend of winter nights,
A splinter crackles in front of her.

And now the frost is crackling
And they shine silver among the fields...
(The reader is already waiting for the rhyme of the rose;
Here, take it quickly!)
Tidier than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily;
The goose is heavy on red legs,
Having decided to sail across the bosom of the waters,
Steps carefully onto the ice,
Slips and falls; funny
The first snow flashes and curls,
Stars falling on the shore.

Fragment No. 2
That year the weather was autumn
I stood in the yard for a long time,
Winter was waiting, nature was waiting.
Snow only fell in January
On the third night. Waking up early
Tatiana saw through the window
In the morning the yard turned white,
Curtains, roofs and fences,
There are light patterns on the glass,
Trees in winter silver,
Forty merry ones in the yard
And softly carpeted mountains
Winter is a brilliant carpet.
Everything is bright, everything is white all around.

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood he renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
The daring carriage flies;
The coachman sits on the beam
In a sheepskin coat and a red sash.
Here is a yard boy running,
Having planted a bug in the sled,
Transforming himself into a horse;
The naughty man has already frozen his finger:
It's both painful and funny to him,
And his mother threatens him through the window...

Plus this one:

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already singing in the silence of the night.

Knowledge & Skills

Learn the novel "Eugene Onegin" by Pushkin by heart.

For what:

1. Memory training, which has recently begun to fail quite often;

2. Diversify, increase vocabulary, speech patterns. Put it into practice;

3. I like poems;

4. So that somehow in a conversation you can later say: “yes, yes, I read it, I remember it by heart... everything”;

5. Perhaps unknown positive reasons will be revealed during the study.

The task is quite ambitious, considering that I had never learned any poetry by heart before, except for the school curriculum.

I will teach in Moscow traffic jams in the morning and evening on weekdays in the car. On average, 30 minutes of “silent” standing in the morning and evening.

The work consists of 8 chapters, 393 stanzas, more than 5000 lines. That is, an average of 50 stanzas per chapter. Taking into account repetitions of what has been memorized, business trips, vacations, etc., I plan to learn one and a half stanzas per weekday a year. That is, the time to memorize a complete work is 1 year.

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

1. Knowledge of the entire text of the novel "Eugene Onegin" by heart.

2. Reading out loud by heart throughout the day, chapter by chapter.

Russian ball of the 18th – early 20th centuries. Dances, costumes, symbols Zakharova Oksana Yurievna

Alexander Pushkin Evgeny Onegin Excerpt from the novel

Alexander Pushkin

Evgeny Onegin

Excerpt from the novel

Chapter one

You can be a smart person

And think about the beauty of nails;

Why argue fruitlessly with the century?

The custom is despot between people.

Second Chadayev, my Evgeniy,

Fearing jealous judgments,

There was a pedant in his clothes

And what we called dandy.

He's at least three o'clock

He spent in front of the mirrors

And he came out of the restroom

Like windy Venus,

When, wearing a man's outfit,

The goddess goes to a masquerade.

In the last taste of the toilet

Taking your curious glance,

I could before the learned light

Here to describe his outfit;

Of course it would be brave

Describe my business:

But trousers, tailcoat, vest,

All these words no in Russian;

And I see, I apologize to you,

Well, my poor syllable is already

I could have been much less colorful

Foreign words

Even though I looked in the old days

In Academic Dictionary.

Now we have something wrong in the subject:

We better hurry to the ball,

Where to headlong in a Yamsk carriage

My Onegin has already galloped.

In front of the faded houses

Along the sleepy street in rows

Double carriage lights

Cheerful shed light

And they bring rainbows to the snow;

Dotted with bowls all around,

The magnificent house glitters;

Shadows walk across the solid windows,

Profiles of heads flash

Both ladies and fashionable weirdos.

Here our hero drove up to the entryway;

He passes the doorman with an arrow

He flew up the marble steps,

I straightened my hair with my hand,

Entered. The hall is full of people;

The music is already tired of thundering;

The crowd is busy with the mazurka;

There is noise and crowding all around;

The cavalry guard's spurs are jingling;

The legs of lovely ladies are flying;

In their captivating footsteps

Fiery eyes fly

And drowned out by the roar of violins

Jealous whispers of fashionable wives.

On days of fun and desires

I was crazy about balls:

Or rather, there is no room for confessions

And for delivering a letter.

O you, honorable spouses!

I will offer you my services;

Please notice my speech:

I want to warn you.

You, mamas, are also stricter

Follow your daughters:

Hold your lorgnette straight!

Not that... not that, God forbid!

That's why I'm writing this

That I haven’t sinned for a long time.

Alas, for different fun

I've ruined a lot of lives!

But if morals had not suffered,

I would still love balls.

I love mad youth

And tightness, and shine, and joy,

And I’ll give you a thoughtful outfit;

I love their legs; but it's unlikely

You will find in Russia a whole

Three pairs of slender female legs.

Oh! I couldn't forget for a long time

Two legs... Sad, cold,

I remember them all, even in my dreams

They trouble my heart.


From the book Everyday Life of the Nobility of Pushkin's Time. Etiquette author Lavrentieva Elena Vladimirovna

From the book Tale of Prose. Reflections and analysis author Shklovsky Viktor Borisovich

The novel “Eugene Onegin” and other works with many details, seemingly not related to the lives of the main characters. To evaluate Pushkin’s works, one must fully understand their form. For example, Pushkin writes not a novel, but a novel in verse - and this, as he himself points out,

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Mikhail Lermontov Hero of Our Time Excerpt from

From the book Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

Evdokia Rostopchina Excerpts from “The Diary of a Girl” Excerpt from the novel in verse 1 He wants to know why there are signs of tears in my eyes, why I lost the old smile, why in my mouth there were suddenly no living speeches and songs... Is it difficult for him to guess What I don't dare

From the book Cases of Bygone Days... [Historical and everyday commentary on the works of Russian classics of the 18th-19th centuries] author Meshcheryakov Viktor

Ivan Turgenev Fathers and Sons Excerpt from the novel A few days later, a ball was held at the governor's house. Matvey Ilyich was a real “hero of the holiday”, the provincial leader announced to everyone that he came, in fact, out of respect for him, and the governor even at the ball, even

From the author's book

Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina Excerpt from the novel XXII The ball had just begun when Kitty and her mother entered the large staircase, filled with flowers and lackeys in powder and red caftans, flooded with light. From the hall rushed the rustle of movement that stood in them, as uniform as in a beehive, and while they

From the author's book

Juncker Excerpt from the novel Chapter XX Polonaise “Polonaise, gentlemen, invite your ladies,” the long, flexible adjutant exclaimed in a high tenor, quickly gliding along the parquet floor and gently jingling his spurs. - Polonaise! Ladies and gentlemen, take the trouble to become pairs. Alexandrov

From the author's book

From the author's book

L. G. Leighton Circular course in the structure and style of the novel "Eugene Onegin" In his book "Natural Supernaturalism", dedicated to the study of Wordsworth's poem "The Prelude", M. G. Abrams examines in a broad context the types of historical and philosophical ideas about the course

From the author's book

The word in parentheses in the novel “Eugene Onegin” M. Gershenzon’s long-standing remark that “some of Pushkin’s works are similar to those mysterious pictures for children when a forest is drawn, and under it is printed: “Where is the tiger?” The outlines of the branches form the figure of a tiger; once I looked at her,

From the author's book

The endings of microplots in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” In M. L. Gasparov’s “Records and Extracts” there is the following fragment: “The endings of Horace’s odes are similar to the endings of Russian songs - they freeze and are lost in the balance of invisibility. Who remembers the song “On the Street” to the very end

From the author's book

From the author's book

Novel in verse by A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (1833)