The best combinations in roulette. The best roulette strategy “Determinant number in the top row”

No. Using this system, of course, considerable sums were won, but many times more were lost. By the way, regular players are aware that 15 and 20+ times the same types of losses occur with equal chances. You simply won’t be able to raise your bet that high: either your bankroll won’t be enough, or you will reach its limit. Nevertheless, there is a chance that you will get lucky, but this is not the basis for making money.

  • Is online European roulette for rubles with real dealers better?

    It is better because it is original, as realistic as possible. In addition, many believe that strategies work better in the live version, because do not believe in the honesty of the RNG. However, according to statistics, they win in both options. But according to the overall results of the volume of investments/payments, in both cases the casino wins.

  • I lost a lot of money, how to win back?

    No way. You'll win another time. Don't act out - this will be the most winning decision. There is a simple rule: you should not allow yourself to lose a lot. This is unwise - just like trying to win back. Just don’t repeat this mistake in the future, which, by the way, many people make, one might say almost everyone, sooner or later. Better luck later!

  • I play according to a certain strategy and always win. Do you want me to share?
  • Is playing online roulette for money better than slots?

    No. It has even more monotonous gameplay, which many even consider boring. Its most significant advantage is that you can quickly double your huge bet with the highest probability. But slots have so many advantages of their own that it is quite rare to find those who only play online roulette and are indifferent to slots.

  • Roulette systems cannot bypass the house edge, they cannot even reduce the house edge.

    How to play roulette to earn money

    If you are still wondering how to play roulette to make money, read, check and accept the following facts:

    • The roulette ball has no memory.
    • Each spin of the roulette is independent of all previous events.
    • You can fool yourself into thinking a strategy works, risking a lot to win a little.
    • However, no betting system can stand the test of time.
    • The longer you play, the amount of money you lose will be equal to the house edge.

    And you won't be able to win at roulette.

    I often had the opportunity to communicate via email, in casino chats with owners, buyers and strategy openers who were convinced of the success of their system.

    Their faith sometimes seems fanatically religious. Their faith is so great that it tells them to follow their convictions.

    And casinos still exist, and no one has yet been able to prove that their system works.

    Beat the casino at roulette: a scam using the classic strategy

    The biggest gambling myth has already been described in our blog.

    Landing a red now does not guarantee a black next time.

    Moreover, landing three reds in a row does not guarantee a black one for the fourth time, or even increases the likelihood of falling out black.

    Most marketed roulette systems are based on this misconception that there is a relationship between every spin of the roulette wheel.

    This delusion is akin to the hope of inventing a perpetual motion machine, the existence of which contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. Casinos are not only not afraid of systems built on this misconception, on the contrary, they provoke their use.

    Roulette winning system offered by scammers

    The main strategy that is widely used is doubling the bet after a loss.

    With this system, bets are usually placed on either black or red, this system is known as Martingale.

    The idea behind the roulette winning system is that by doubling your bet after a loss, you will win enough to cover all past losses plus win one bet. For example, if a player starts with a $1 bet and loses four bets

    (1 $ + 2 $ + 4 $ + 8 $ = 15 $)

    and then wins the fifth gets $16. The losses are covered, and the winnings are $1.

    The problem is that it’s easy to lose several bets in a row, and you won’t have enough money for the next bet.

    To confirm this, a program was created that simulated two gaming systems: Martingale and fixed bet. Every bet was Pass line into the craps game every time (49.2929% chance of winning).

    A Martingale player would always start with a $1 bet and have a $255 pot, enough to lose eight bets in a row. A player with a Martingale system will place 100 bets, unless, of course, he loses all his money first (in which case the game ends for him).

    A fixed bet player will bet $1 100 times in a row. After each experiment, the player’s net profit will be recorded. In total, 1 million sessions were conducted for each of the systems, and you can see the results in the table:

    As you can see, the fixed bet player has a bell curve with a peak loss of $1, and never strays far from that peak. A martingale player would have shown profits peaking at $51, however on the left side of the chart we see instances where the player walks away with a significant loss. This happened in almost 19.65% of cases.

    Martingale supporters mistakenly believe that many wins will cover a small number of losses.

    In this experiment, the average loss for a player with a fixed bet was $1.12, and $4.20 with the Martingale system. In both cases, the ratio of money lost to money won was very close to 7/495, which is almost equal to the house edge on the Pass Line bet in craps.

    It is no coincidence that no matter what game system we choose, this ratio will always be consistent with the house edge. To prove this point, consider a Martingale player starting with a $1 bet and having a pot of $2,047, enough to cover more than ten consecutive losses.

    The table shows the possible outcomes with each probability, the expected bet and the expected winnings.

    Possible outcomes when playing using the Martingale system up to ten losses.
    Result Maxi-
    small rate
    Bank amount bet Winning Probability Expected
    0 Win 1 1 1 0.49292929 0.49292929 0.49292929
    1 Win 2 3 1 0.24995001 0.74985002 0.24995001
    2 Win 4 7 1 0.12674233 0.88719628 0.12674233
    3 Win 8 15 1 0.06426732 0.96400981 0.06426732
    4 Win 16 31 1 0.03258808 1.01023035 0.03258808
    5 Win 32 63 1 0.01652446 1.04104089 0.01652446
    6 Win 64 127 1 0.00837907 1.06414175 0.00837907
    7 Win 128 255 1 0.00424878 1.08343900 0.00424878
    8 Win 256 511 1 0.00215443 1.10091479 0.00215443
    9 Win 512 1023 1 0.00109245 1.11757574 0.00109245
    10 Win 1024 2047 1 0.00055395 1.13393379 0.00055395
    10 Loss 1024 2047 -2047 0.00056984 1.16646467 -1.16646467
    Total 1.00000000 11.81172639 -0.16703451

    The expected bet is the product of the bet amount and the probability. The expected gain is equal to the net profit and the probability. The last line shows that this Martingel player has an expected bet of 11.81172639 and an average loss of -0.16703451. Dividing the average loss by the expected bet, we get 0.01414141. Now let's calculate the value of the ratio 7/495 (house edge in craps on the Pass Line bet) we again get 0.01414141!

    This means that the martingale is no better than a fixed bet when measuring the ratio of expected loss to expected bet.

    In other words, all betting systems are equally useless.

    Another experiment in an attempt to beat roulette.

    This experiment will also prove what is described above. Players played roulette, testing three different systems.

    • The first player always bet the same $1 bet every time, he did not use a betting system.
    • The second player started the series of challenges with a $1 bet and increased his bet after each victory. A lost bet meant the end of the series and the next bet was $1.
    • The third player used doubling the bet in case of defeat (Martingale). After the third player wins, his bet is again $1. To make it more believable, the third player's maximum bet was $200.

    Below are the results of the experiment.

    First player

    • Total wagered = $1,000,000,000
    • Average bet = $1.00
    • Total losses = $52,667,912
    • Expected Loss = $52,631,579
    • Ratio of money lost to money bet =0 .052668

    Second player

    • Total wagered = $1,899,943,349
    • Average bet = $1.90
    • Total losses = $100,056,549
    • Expected Loss = $99,997,018
    • Ratio of money lost to money bet = .052663

    Third player

    • Total wagered = $5,744,751,450
    • Average bid = $5.74
    • Total losses = $302,679,372
    • Expected Loss = $302,355,340
    • Ratio of money lost to money bet = .052688

    As you can see, the ratio of money lost to money bet is always close to the casino advantage 1/19 = 0.052632.

    Changing the bet amount based on past wins and losses has no meaning and is no different from a fixed bet.

    Roulette winning system

    The Internet is full of sites offering offers to buy systems and strategies that can beat casinos.

    Under no circumstances should you spend a single cent on any gambling system.

    The computer simulation results show that the result is ultimately the same as when playing with fixed bets. If you ask a system salesman about this, he will most likely answer that in real life no one plays a million challenges in a casino. He will probably also add that his system works in real life, and not in computer tests.

    Computer modeling is now used by professionals in almost every walk of life, in almost every field of research, but when it comes to modeling such simple things as playing roulette or craps, computer analysis systems suddenly become, in their opinion, “useless and unreliable.” Such excuses are unacceptable.

    If a betting system doesn't work in a computer simulation, it won't work in a casino.

    Roulette betting systems have been around for as long as gambling. None of them have yet been proven successful. Sellers of strategies buy them from each other. They steal ideas from each other and, rehashing them in a new way, present them as something new.

    Many sellers of winning systems promise that their strategies provide serious advantages to the player.

    Is it possible to win at roulette?

    In fact, having an advantage over the casino of only 1% in each bet, it is not difficult to turn $100 into $1,000,000 by following certain rules of bank management.

    I was asked to prove this statement, and to do this I wrote a program that simulates a biased coin draw that gives a 50.5% chance of winning.

    Each time the player bets 1% of his bankroll, the bet amount is rounded up to the nearest dollar. However, if the player's next winning bet wins over $1,000,000, he bets exactly enough to win exactly $1,000,000.

    I also made calculations for a player advantage of 2% and the player's initial pot is $1,000.

    Below are the results of all four tests.

    Pot $100, 1% advantage.

    • bets won = 7,182,811,698 (50.4999%)
    • bets lost = 7,040,599,544 (49.5001%)
    • player reaches $1,000,000 pot = 79,438 (83.019%)
    • player went bankrupt = 16,249 (16.981%)
    • Average number of bets required to reach $1,000,000 = 174,972 (364.5 days if bet every day, 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)

    Bank $100, advantage 2%

    • bets won = 7,027,117,205 (51.0000%)
    • bets lost = 6,751,539,769 (49.0000%)
    • the player reached the pot of $1,000,000 = 215,702 (98.099%)
    • player went bankrupt = 4,180 (1.901%)
    • Average number of bets required to reach $1,000,000 = 63,775 (132.9 days if bet every day, 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)

    Pot $1,000, 1% advantage

    • bets won = 5,213,026,190 (50.4999%)
    • bets lost = 5,109,817,544 (49.5001%)
    • the player reached the pot of $1,000,000 = 74,818 (99.0285%)
    • player went bankrupt = 734 (0.9715%)
    • Average number of bets required to reach $1,000,000 = 137,208 (285.8 days if bet every day, 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)

    Bank $1,000, 2% advantage

    • bets won = 6,332,837,070 (50.9996%)
    • bets lost = 6,084,596,671 (49.0004%)
    • the player reached the bank of $1,000,000 = 267,445 (99.9996%)
    • player went bankrupt = 1 (0.0004%)
    • Average number of bets needed to reach $1,000,000 = 46,428 (96.7 days if you bet every day, 8 hours per day, 60 bets per hour)

    The results of this simulation show that with a small edge of just 1% and starting capital of just $100, you can work your way to $1 million by gambling.

    But you've never heard of anyone getting rich playing roulette. Maybe these gambling systems don’t really work after all?!

    Currently, there are many sites that sell all kinds of systems. Often these sites stop working in the middle of the night and direct traffic to resources with other dubious content. Also keep in mind that there are many sites that offer money from gambling, although they do not talk about betting strategies.

    These sites talk about hacks, software errors, and even use words from the field of physics “chaos”, “fractals”, although the creators of these sites do not even know the meaning of these words. Previously, I provided the addresses of some of these sites, but I received angry letters claiming that I do not have the right to criticize what I do not understand.

    Personally, I think that any way to make easy money at a casino is a scam, and I don’t need to understand the secrets of this method.

    If someone really found an easy way to beat the casino, why isn't he getting rich using his method?

    For six years from 1999 to 2005, I offered $20,000 to anyone whose betting strategy could show a profit over 1 billion computer simulation sessions.

    During this time, hundreds of people wasted my time, claiming that their system worked, but each time it was not confirmed. Therefore, in January 2005, I withdrew this offer.

    However, don't worry about it, other people have taken up my suggestion. So, my webmaster, Michael Bluejay, offers you the same bet on his website If you accept his challenge and win, I will be happy, and on the main page of my website I will write that the experts were wrong,

    The gambling niche is already overflowing with money, so everyone who is not too lazy is trying to join it.

    This is not difficult to do, just collect a small amount and make a deposit on some gaming site. But before you make your first bet, you need to study the strategies.

    Many beginners dream of learning the secret formula on how to beat roulette. There are several clever techniques that you will now learn about.

    Methods to beat roulette

    Having studied a huge number of different techniques and tried them, I came to the conclusion that not all of them are equally good. In addition, you need to carefully choose a gaming service.

    I like that this casino has several types of roulette and you can play in Live mode:

    Although there are other high-quality online casinos, I will present a small selection at the end of the article.

    Now let's look at the most successful betting methods:

    Is it possible to beat roulette? No, but it’s really possible to increase your chances of becoming a profit. All methods are designed for this, but they must be used extremely carefully. It is advisable to use them no longer than 15-30 minutes, so that casino owners do not become suspicious.

    Which casinos can you beat at roulette?

    To avoid having to leave the game every 30 minutes, just register at different casinos and alternately apply strategies there. Not all gambling sites are honest, plus not all promotions are held and cash gifts are given, so I advise you to play in these casinos:

    1. – register on the site to evaluate its external design. You will definitely be surprised how well thought out, interesting and high quality everything is here. There is a Live mode for roulette, you can place small bets.
    2. – a casino with enormous popularity, which now offers bonuses for deposits up to $200. There is no need to download the client, you can play directly in the browser. To receive bonus funds, use promo code roulette50.
    3. – a casino with a rating system and points, which, after accumulation, can be used to play. For a more comfortable gaming experience, customers are offered to download a browser plugin.
    4. – registration will not take more than 15 seconds, and for completing it you will receive a 200% bonus with a minimum deposit. In addition, there is a welcome bonus package totaling 100,000 rubles.
    5. – unfortunately, it was blocked in Russia, but you can log in via 2ip, only to download the client. For registration, you will receive a $10 no deposit bonus and then you can also count on a bonus of $888.

    Time-tested projects on which you can try to beat electronic roulette. If you are in doubt about strategies, try playing in demo mode. This is even better, as you will quickly learn all the subtleties of tactics, practice is best.

    Roulette is the most popular and beloved game, which at one time managed to ruin more than one casino! Great minds worked on creating strategies for this game, and yet it turned out to be difficult to thoroughly calculate the probability of winning. Professionals are sure that 90% of this game is given to luck, and only 10% to calculations. And yet, strategies on how to absolutely not lose at roulette and take at least some winnings with you exist and are used all over the world!

    How to win at roulette if the game takes place in a virtual casino? In fact, in this case it’s even simpler! Here, no one limits the player in ways to beat the casino at roulette - the use of any system will not be “punished” by the croupier and casino observers, which is very common in many real casinos.

    In order to clearly understand how to beat online roulette and win money, you need to know the rules of this game.

    Knowing how to beat a casino at roulette is half the success, so first let’s repeat the main points. There are three generally accepted types of roulette - American (with 35 cells), European (with 37) and French (38). When wondering how to win at online roulette, it is worth remembering that online casinos most often focus on European roulette. That is why we will further consider how to beat European roulette.

    There are several types of bets in European roulette. First, bet on the number. If the desired number comes up, the bet will be multiplied by 36! (by number of cells). The player can also bet on even-odd, red-black and over-under the specified limit. In this case, the winnings are doubled. By betting on dozens, that is, numbers in specified intervals that are multiples of 12, your winnings will be increased by 3 times.

    To win at online roulette, you should use special functions to limit bet limits. In addition to the fact that this is done by the casino itself, each player can change the settings according to their own capabilities. Then, under the influence of the excitement and pleasure of the game, your head will always be “in the place” and beating roulette will become much more realistic!

    Roulette winning system

    How to beat roulette using a generally accepted system? It’s not difficult if you follow one of the strategies. It works flawlessly for those who want to learn how to win at electronic roulette. The roulette winning system is based on a bet per dozen.

    Starting the game, from the very first bet we begin to monitor the numbers that appear. The dozen that didn't appear the first few times are the ones with which we start using the strategy.

    We bet $1 on it. If you win, you get $3, but if it doesn’t come up, you bet $2 on it again

    If failure repeats, we increase the bet again - now it is equal to $3. If we win, then the first bets will be won back, plus we will receive an additional $3.

    The further strategy is aimed at gradually increasing the bet on the same dozen. So, in case of failure, now the bet amount should be $6.

    The next bet, if a dozen does not appear, will be equal to $12.

    The further game becomes more successful, since by this time a dozen should already fall out. And it is then that all bets will be won back and the coveted winnings will be received. If a dozen does not appear for several more rounds in a row, this means that by the time it appears, the winnings will only increase!

    Many reach bets along the following increasing “trajectory”: $12, 24, then $48, 96, 200, 400, 800... But these are rare occurrences, since the chosen dozen cannot fail to appear for so long.

    In any case, when this moment finally comes, the player will win back all previous bets and enrich himself by a certain amount.

    In order to increase your chances of winning, you can bet on all dozen numbers or increase your bet several times with a proportional increase in subsequent numbers.

    Good articles on the topic:

    • Roulette strategy
    • Probability of winning at roulette
    • Types of bets in the game roulette

    Ways to win at roulette

    In addition, recommendations on how to win at casino roulette can be based on other principles. Is it possible to win at roulette using the “weapons” of the online casino itself and beat the slot machine? You can, if you know how to deceive a casino at roulette in a way that is legal and not prohibited by casino rules.

    So, let's start with the fact that most casinos provide a 100% refund of the first deposit to a new player. That is, if a player bets 100 units, he gets exactly the same amount back. But the condition for withdrawing the bonus is to win it back in a ratio of 1:20. That is, if the online casino bonus is 100 units, the player must bet exactly 2000 units, and only after that the bonus will be used free of charge. Unreal - many will say so! And this is not true! It’s easy to win back a bonus without having $2000 in your pocket and make a profit!

    To do this, we take $100, the casino credits exactly the same amount to the account. We bet $100 on black, $100 on red and $5 on 0 (zero). If you get black or red, your winnings will be $200. At 0 - 180$ ($5*36). By repeating this combination of bets exactly 20 times, the player will never be in the red and will win back the bonus issued by the casino ($205*20). This way, anyone can get a significant amount without making a major investment.



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    People play gambling for different reasons - some for pleasure, and others for the purpose of enrichment. After all casinos were closed in Russia, the only option for gambling was the online sphere. The most popular game on the Internet is roulette. After a couple of losses, the player loses all hope of winning and begins to look for possible ways to win at roulette.

    There is American and European roulette. In the first case, the casino profit is 5.3%, and in the second – 2.7%. For both cases, a similar principle of the game is used - a wheel with numbers in the cells and a ball, the result can be different. The player is required to indicate the number, sector or color where the ball will land. If it was specified correctly, then a certain reward is awarded, which is calculated depending on the size of the bet.

    How to beat a casino at roulette online

    How to win at online roulette? There are several main ways to win at roulette. Each of them has a mathematical basis if the online casino plays fair. We are talking about not blocking a whole series of bets made in a row. Many people know firsthand that online casinos are a risk and a scam. Becoming a winner in such games in an honest way is not easy and almost impossible.

    How to win at roulette - an effective system

    How to beat a casino at roulette? The most common method is the Martingale technique:

    • Select starting bet.
    • If unsuccessful, increase the bet size – x2.
    • If we win, we return the indicators to the initial ones and continue in the same way.

    Remember that each cycle of the game you should choose black or red, but do not change the color as the bets increase. This deceptive method has a significant drawback - after a big loss, you need to increase the bet by 256. The amount will be high if the player initially bet $1. This effective system is not used for all casinos, but only for proven ones.

    The technique was developed 2 centuries ago. Many online casinos do not accept such players and block their accounts or do not allow them to place bets in this way.

    How to beat roulette - a win-win strategy

    Experienced players suggest trying a win-win strategy. The Fibonacci method involves following a series of sequential actions:

    1. We place the minimum bet and increase its size after each loss – 1-1-2-3-5-8.
    2. When winning, we do not return to the minimum, but retreat only two steps back.
    3. The cycle is considered completed when the player returns to the minimum bet.
    4. For each series, you should specify one color value, without changing it throughout the game. The next cycle we take the opposite value, which increases the probability of winning.

    A new method is labouchere. According to statistics, it is maximally profitable if all recommendations are followed. The strategy is quite simple, as it is aimed only at controlling rates. The essence of this technique is to use equal chances in the game. First, we come up with numbers from 1 to 9 in random order. It is best to use any 4 single digit numbers, for example 3-8-1-2. To determine the bet, we add the extreme numbers: 3+2=5. If we win, cross them out and add up the remaining ones: 8+1=9.

    If unsuccessful, add a number to the row that will be equal to the bet that lost: 8-1-9. Next bet: 8+9=17.

    Avid players are advised to use the reverse method. We add the bet that won and cross out the unsuccessful values.

    How to win at roulette at Hydra Center

    How to win at roulette on Hydra? To win you need to learn strategy. Before the game, numbers in the range of 1-100 are generated automatically. It is necessary to guess it. The cost of one chip is: the cost of a product (for example, an iPhone or a car) divided by the number of chips + an additional interest rate.

    By moving the slider, the player buys chips from 1 to 100 pieces. and places them around the field. The more cells with numbers are filled with chips, the greater the chances of winning. This roulette is mathematically correct, so every player has a chance to win.

    How to win at European roulette

    You can also win at European roulette. To do this, you need to first familiarize yourself with these useful recommendations:

    • Don’t give in to excitement; follow the strictly established scheme that you chose initially.
    • You should not bet randomly. If you don’t trust proven methods of enrichment, then develop your own method.
    • Please read the rules of the game before making a deposit.

    Having prepared in advance, you can beat any roulette. Do not forget that many casino owners do not accept the use of well-known techniques and block accounts without explanation. To choose a suitable casino, read reviews in advance.