Is it possible to learn public speaking? How to learn the art of communication.

Stop being intrusive. Obsession and temptation are mutually exclusive. The more desperate you are, the less attractive you will be. The last thing you want to do is make the person feel under pressure. If you want to seduce someone who is quite independent, you can succeed if you learn how to tame a free-spirited man.

  • Even if you feel yourself becoming obsessive, don't give up. Think of it this way: your needs will be met, but maybe not right now. Late pleasure.
  • Be carefree when you're seducing the one. Be, within reason, a little reckless: do something risky or unexpected to keep him guessing. You can go to the beach in the middle of the night. Go on an unplanned trip for a couple of days. Try to create an atmosphere of mystery.

Relax. The more comfortable you feel, the more comfortable the person next to you will be, and the more open they will be to your sympathy.

Don't be in the access area all the time. People like to spend time with people who are doing something fun and interesting because they feel happy that someone is sharing their precious time with them. So what will you achieve if you try to meet them or talk to them every minute? Nothing. It's better not to bother the other person with your time and let the relationship develop at a reasonable pace.

  • In some cases, if a person asks you out, don't say yes right away. Say you will check your schedule and then agree. Even if you have nothing to do, remain calm. So, you will improve your social image with just a trick.
  • It is worth saying that you should fill your schedule with real events and real people. There is no substitute for reality. You will actually be happier and feel more whole when you leave the house if you sit at home and kick back.
  • Use body language effectively. Move with confidence. Most people are not attracted to quiet people, but to those who are confident. Remember to smile and, if possible, make physical contact if the moment is appropriate and unobtrusive.

  • Don't be too frank. Leave room for imagination. You don't have to tell the other person everything about yourself: a mystery is always attractive. It makes people realize that they don't know you completely, and this mystery gives off a seductive aura.

    • Resist the urge to tell this person the whole story of your life and especially your parents. It's not that your parents are uninteresting; They're just not very tempting!
    • If you are forced to tell everything about yourself, tell in general, but not specific details. You can explain where you're from, how you grew up, and what plans you had to save the world, but it should happen in conversation, not as a big, long monologue.
  • When communicating with family members or colleagues, conflicts, misunderstandings, mutual reproaches, and quarrels sometimes arise. Their number can be minimized if you master the art of communication. Then relationships with others will become more harmonious.

    Do some self-analysis. Try to look at yourself from the outside as an interlocutor to understand where your mistakes lie. Sometimes such visualization is enough to identify weak points and start working on them. Imagine how nice it would be for you to communicate with a person like you. Think about how interesting, attentive, aggressive, sweet, or categorical you can be.

    To master the art of communication, you need to deal with your internal problems or identify and acknowledge their existence, so as not to project your dissatisfaction or dissatisfaction with some life circumstances onto others. After all, this is where rudeness, suspiciousness, bias, and selfishness come from, which interfere with building sincere, open, honest, effective relationships with other people.

    Remember that the point of communication is not only to express your own thoughts, but also to receive feedback. Therefore, it is important to learn to listen to others. Otherwise, you will not receive any new information or you will misunderstand what your interlocutor said. Develop your listening skills, be attentive to other people, try to delve deeply into the topic of conversation. By the way, others expect the same feedback from you.

    Learn to discard stereotypes that prevent you from correctly understanding another person. By labeling others, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to immerse yourself in another world. This way you remain stuck to your opinion and gain nothing from communication. Refrain from categorical statements and biased advice. Try not just to express your opinion, but to understand by what principles a person lives.

    Get rid of the habit of speaking too harshly. This can be very disturbing for some people. If you are used to directly saying everything you think about others, without sparing their feelings, do not be surprised that some part of them stubbornly avoids communicating with you. First of all, you value your opinion too highly. Perhaps no one expects you to comment when you speak unflatteringly about something or someone. Secondly, negative remarks can offend and alienate other people.

    Respect other people's feelings. It happens that one person shares his experiences with others, and in response receives supposedly encouraging comments, urging him to take everything more simply, not to bother and not to get upset about any nonsense. If you are one of these advisors, think about whether this is what is expected of you. Sometimes others need sympathy and acceptance of their right to feel certain emotions.

    Don't become a manipulator. Some people take advantage of the decency and kindness of others and make them feel guilty. Sooner or later, communication with such individuals stops, and they are left alone. No matter how much people trust you, their patience may come to an end. They will realize that you are taking advantage of them and will stop it. And you will have a very long time to restore your own reputation. Play by the rules. You can’t just receive from others without giving anything in return. After all, communication is a mutually beneficial process.

    What gender is your thinking?

    Science has proven that men and women think differently. Men perform better in tests of spatial reasoning. Women speak in longer and more complex sentences than men. Men use the right hemisphere when working on abstract problems, while women use both hemispheres at once. Answer the questions in our test and find out how masculine or feminine you think. Published

    Architecture, design, painting, installations - we encounter art every day. But, unfortunately, sometimes we feel that we do not have enough knowledge to appreciate it. Does it feel familiar? Perhaps it's time to fix the situation?

    We will give 5 reasons to let art into your life and learn to understand it.

    1 Art develops emotional intelligence

    The artist expresses certain emotions with every stroke in his work. At the same time, you, as a viewer, looking at a painting, sculpture or installation, may experience completely opposite feelings. Analyze them, try to understand their cause, name them. This psychological exercise perfectly develops EQ (emotional intelligence). In addition, many experts advise visiting exhibitions and museums during stressful periods for psychological relief.

    2 Ways to increase self-confidence

    The ability to carry on a conversation about art, tell a company about an interesting exhibition, or discuss with colleagues about a fashionable artist earns respect. By showing your broad outlook, you increase your self-esteem. This is also a great way to make new friends and expand your social circle.

    3 Art helps you look at the world in a new way

    In life, as in painting, there is not only black and white. There are many colors, undertones and shades. When you study art, you will see more than meets the eye. You will begin to look at events from a different angle. This is a very useful psychological skill that will be useful to you in everyday life.

    4 Ways to develop imagination

    Sometimes, looking at a picture, you suddenly want to think out the stories of the characters, imagine what might happen to them next or what preceded the moment depicted on it. Don't stop yourself! Use your imagination. Bring to life what you see in front of you. The ability to fantasize fills every day with new colors.

    5 Art as a new hobby

    We all need hobbies to take our minds off routine worries and thoughts about work. An interesting hobby makes us more productive. Art can just become an outlet or even a new thing in life. What if you get so carried away that you decide to become an artist or art critic? In the world of art, everything is possible!

    Of course, to immerse yourself in the art environment, you need a preparatory base. Therefore, from mid-February, the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art is launching educational courses for adults.

    Classes are held in groups of 25–30 people on weekday evenings, so they are convenient to attend after work or school. Each meeting consists of practical and theoretical parts, led by recognized experts in their fields - professional artists, architects, sculptors and art historians.

    The topics of the courses vary. Thus, seminar participants “ Architecture. The art of seeing. Version 18+“They will learn to “take brick by brick” modern buildings and understand how architects design and change the life of an entire city. Each lecture is complemented by a practical part, during which participants will make a model of the building of the future, assemble the Shukhov Tower and write their own architectural manifesto.

    “Our course is a bridge between professional architects and spectators. This is one of the first attempts (not counting a couple of books) to tell a wide audience about architecture as something integral,- explain the course teachers, architects Anastasia Golovina and Vladimir Yuzbashev. - We are not talking about individual buildings and styles, but about a whole area in which we exist, which influences us and which we can also influence. Our task is to make architecture “visible,” that is, to encourage listeners to pay attention to it and the meanings hidden in it.”

    During the course " In the footsteps of contemporary art. Version 18+» teachers will talk about the works of great masters of the 19th and 20th centuries, such as Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh, Marcel Duchamp, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol, Joseph Beuys, Ilya Kabakov, etc. Each listener will also create their own art project - a performance, installation or object in the pop art style.

    “During the classes we will study 20 areas that reveal the history of art from the end of the 19th century to the present day,- say the course teachers, art historians Tatyana Bortnik and Natalya Sidorova. - All classes are held in a discussion format - we love it when we are asked questions and encourage students to discuss the material covered. Each lesson ends with a practical part - creating your own work, which will help you express yourself and deeper reveal the problems of the artist’s creativity. We also have two joint trips to the museum planned.”

    The main goal of the course is “ Art codes: workshop» - to help listeners feel confident when visiting any exhibition and learn to formulate their own feelings and emotions.

    “This course is based on the desire to transform our students into active participants in the conversation,- Tatiana Bortnik and Natalya Sidorova explain. - We reveal the key concepts of the art vocabulary, learn to correctly apply art terminology, analyzing it using examples of works from Ancient Rome to the present day. Together with our listeners, we go to various exhibitions and museums, discuss and analyze in detail what we see.”

    How to learn to inspire a man? For example, my husband does not want to work, engage in spiritual practice, or is not interested in anything. Since we look first of all at ourselves, looking for our shortcomings, our weak points, then in this case we should ask - what am I doing wrong? How can I inspire my man and become his muse?

    A man needs a woman's energy

    God created man as the driving force. He gave him all the necessary qualities so that a man could achieve any goals he set. Only in one thing did God limit his capabilities - he left him without the ability to independently generate energy.

    The man ended up looking like a multifunctional computer. Which can do a lot, a lot. He can perform different tasks, learn many wonderful things, and earn money, and go to the store, and build a house, and repair a sink. But only if it is connected to the electrical network.

    There are two options here - either it is connected to an outlet where general electricity flows, or it can be powered by some kind of mobile generator. That is, a man can receive energy either from God or from a woman.

    Modern men find it difficult to build a relationship with God due to their upbringing, traditions and beliefs.

    Even while in spiritual movements, you can be in the illusion of your spiritual growth or status!

    Therefore, the universal electrical grid remains inaccessible to them. Then all hope remains on the generator.

    A woman is created to generate energy.

    She can create it out of thin air - out of nowhere. And for her, this is one of the most important functions. Every woman creates this energy, accumulates it, and somehow spends it. The most important question is where are we sending it?

    If my husband doesn't want to move, then where is my energy?

    This is the most important question that every married woman should ask herself. If my husband doesn’t want to work, achieve something, isn’t interested in anything – where is my energy?

    • Am I spending it on excessive work and earning money?
    • Did I get carried away with raising children and forget that I was also a wife?
    • Have I gone into self-development, leaving behind my responsibilities as a wife?
    • Or maybe I’m still sure that I could find a better husband?
    • Or am I overwhelmed by greed and am not ready to give away my energy?
    • Have I decided to be strong, independent and independent at all costs?
    • Do I know how to produce it myself, save it and share it?

    How to inspire a man to do great things

    Let's remember children's fairy tales. How did princesses inspire princes? Immediately before your eyes there is a picture of a princess in a tower, guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. A handsome prince on a white horse defeats the dragon and takes the princess with him.

    What did the princess do that was so special?

    1. The princess was obviously weak and could not save herself.

    This step is a rejection of our female independence and independence. By becoming weak, we awaken in men the strength and desire to take care of us. As long as we try our best to be strong, we have no chance of being cared for. Remember, like Rozhdestvensky:

    “I am with you - so confident -
    very difficult.
    At least on purpose, at least for a moment -
    I ask, timidly, -
    help me believe in myself,
    become weaker"

    2. The princess believed that the prince would save her.

    How often do we know how to believe in our men? How often can we completely trust them and not control? And can a man really help if we don’t believe that he can and will do it?

    3. At the same time, she did not just sit and wait, but did women’s things - embroidered, painted.

    The habitual way of life of a modern woman practically excludes women's activities. You can buy clothes ready-made - and there is no need to sew them. The dishes are washed by a dishwasher, the laundry is washed by a washing machine. Embroidered shirts are no longer in fashion. There are so many children's toys in stores that there is no need to sew or embroider them. It’s not even necessary to cook in the full sense of the word. You can buy a semi-finished product and heat it up.
    Our life is becoming easier and more technologically advanced, and most importantly, where does the energy that we saved go? And do we know how to replenish it, because many women’s activities exist precisely in order to recharge with energy.

    4. She didn’t shout to him from the tower how to properly chop off a dragon’s head.

    How often do we think that we know better what is right. I’m like that myself – and I constantly catch myself thinking that sometimes I “help” too much when it’s better to keep quiet and relax.

    And at the same time, we are very often ready to poke a man into every mistake he makes. We don’t attach as much importance to his victories as to his defeats. Favorite phrases: “I told you so,” “I knew it,” “As always” and “Again”... How many knightly hearts they broke...

    The ability to not pay attention to his mistakes, to support him in a timely manner without humiliating him is what can make a woman the best for him.

    5. The princess openly admired the prince's valor and courage

    How often do we admire our husband’s ability to fix a faucet or carry heavy bags? Do we see the strengths of our men - or do we focus on their weaknesses?
    What we pay attention to increases. And if you constantly nag and be dissatisfied, new reasons for dissatisfaction will appear. And if you admire courage, responsibility, and the ability to care, they will also grow.

    6. After the prince saved her, she completely surrendered to him.

    She threw herself on his neck and at his feet. She thanked me from the bottom of her heart. And he took her to his house. Whoever saved her became the husband.

    When a man kills a mammoth, do we always joyfully thank him? Or do we sometimes take it for granted? Or do we even evaluate the harvested mammoth, comparing it with yesterday’s and our neighbor’s?

    The choice is ours. Each of us has one. We can choose what to do with the energy God has given us. We can go against his will - and spend it ourselves. Or we can try differently.

    What if you become a princess and inspire the man next to you to perform a feat?

    What is the real work and strength of a woman?

    The most important woman's work is not to feed and wash everyone. It’s not about doing all your homework and mending all your socks. And it’s not even about having the maximum number of children.

    These are all tools. But the essence is lost by many women. And then we wash and clean - because we have to. We give birth and raise because we have to. We tolerate our husband because we have to. But why is it necessary? Who needs it?

    Every action has meaning. It is also present in any ritual, but over the years it can be lost. And then the ritual turns into a mindless repetition of some action exactly in accordance with the rules. As happened in many religions. To stand only this way, to bow only this way, to be baptized only this way... This is what happened with women’s labor.

    The most important woman's work is not to feed and wash everyone. It’s not about doing all your homework and mending all your socks. And it’s not even about having the maximum number of children. These are all tools. But the essence is lost by many women.


    All other responsibilities follow from here. They just help show Love. We can say that our responsibilities are our employers. Which help to reveal our potential. And at the same time they allow you to have a means of living. But what does Loving mean in practice?

    Caring for the body or the soul?

    What really matters?

    Feeding your children and husband for the “obligatory set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates”? Or is it more important to feed their souls with love, acceptance, forgiveness?

    Is it more important to clean the house and their clothes so that no one thinks badly of you? Or is it more important to help cleanse the mind and soul of unnecessary ballast?

    Is it more important to iron their trousers down to the crease and their shirts without creases so that they always look good? Or is it more important to stroke their souls so that they always feel good?
    You can wash their clothes, or you can erase the grievances and pain from their souls.

    You can teach children mathematics, or you can teach them to love...

    I am in no way saying that you don’t need to do anything. I just want to show what should come first.

    We always pay a lot of attention to bodies. But taking care of the body for the sake of the body itself is a pointless waste of time and effort. It’s the same as sitting on VKontakte for the sake of sitting on VKontakte. After all, we are more than this body. And the needs of the body are not all our needs.

    How do we treat ourselves?

    And it all starts with your attitude towards yourself. We pay a lot of attention to our body. We are constantly losing weight and getting fatter, learning the art of skin care, makeup, buying new outfits, jewelry, changing hairstyles.

    But how much time does each of us devote to our Soul? But we are Souls. Bodies will change. And our soul is eternal.

    Do we listen to our heart, do we follow its call? Do we take care of our soul and allow it to reveal itself to its full potential? Do we see her at all? And do we know that we are Souls, not bodies?

    And the question here is not to stop washing and dressing. You need to understand what comes first. Who is more important, the car or the driver?

    Can a starving driver go where he needs to go without breaking the rules? Even if his car is cleaned to a shine and with a full tank of fuel?
    Can a healthy driver drive a car that has never undergone maintenance, never changed the oil, and with an empty tank?

    Balance is important. And it is important to understand what comes first. What you should pay special attention to.

    It often happens that we know the car we are driving well. We understand its color, size, brand, power, fuel consumption. But they are completely unfamiliar with the driver. He seems to be hiding behind tinted glass. Or maybe we covered up the windows on the outside so as not to notice him?

    First of all, you should get to know him. Look into the glass and, if necessary, remove paint or tint from the glass. And see who is inside?

    In order to erase this paint, we need to cleanse our lives. Take care of the cleanliness of your body and home. Keep early hours. Avoid ingesting alcohol and other poisons. Stop smoking and using swear words. Keep your thoughts clean. My Teachers – Oleg Gennadyevich Torsunov, Oleg Georgievich Gadetsky, Vyacheslav Olegovich Ruzov – talk a lot about all this.

    And when we can see our true selves - even if not completely, even through the first crack of purity - then - and only then - we will be able to see others.

    A woman is the one who sees Souls!

    For me, the most important work of a Woman is to see the Soul in another person. Look at her and help her open up. Help a person see it for himself.

    Why exactly Woman? Because nature created us in such a way that we feel very well. We have strong feelings, strong minds. Women have strong intuition, we understand people and their actions better. And we can look deeply. If we want.

    And in order for a person to open up fully to us, there are women’s responsibilities. We relax his body with delicious food, clean clothes, and our beauty. And then it is much easier for his Soul to manifest.

    We take care of other people's bodies so that we can take care of their souls. We just need to relax their bodies.

    My husband comes home from work, nervous. In this state it is difficult for him to think about his soul. It boils with aggression, shame, guilt - each has its own set. If he is met by an equally excited wife, there will be trouble.

    If his wife meets him beautifully, in a clean house with a plate of his favorite borscht... And in response to his indignation about work, she tells him: “Of course, you’re right. Let’s go, I’ll stretch your back.” And even better, not only the back, but also the feet...

    From such care a man relaxes. Then he can take off his armor and show his real self. He will be able to risk being vulnerable in front of her - knowing that she will take care of his Soul.

    And at this moment, true friendship and close relationships can arise between spouses. After all, the word “wife” comes from the word “squad”. And before, the most important thing between spouses was this cordial friendship.

    But you can act differently. You can inflate him, even if he came calm. You can wave your sword around him, poke him with a spear. Trying to break through the armor. And God forbid in such a situation he comes home unarmed...

    For example, my husband had a difficult situation at work - he was promoted, not him, but someone else. A wise wife will pacify her upset husband. So that he himself will understand that this is for the better. That the work in that position is not what he likes. And the social circle is different. And there would be less time for family. With all this, he deserves the best. It's just that this is not the best for him. And if he is relaxed and calm, it will be easier for him to see other possibilities. For example, fulfill your old dream or change your field of activity.

    Or it can be done differently. You can work him up, convince him that this is unfair. And he deserves the best, but the boss doesn’t understand this. This way the wife will awaken in her husband an offended warrior, who will definitely arrange a vendetta. In which someone will definitely get hurt. And it’s not a fact that it’s the boss. She herself can become a victim...

    Our mission is to pacify with love

    We are filled with feminine energy - the energy of the Moon, in order to pacify. Remember when we were little, we fell and broke our knees. So what did we do? We ran to mom so she could blow on our wound. When someone offended us in kindergarten, we also ran to complain to our mother.

    If mom is wise and feminine, she will listen, pat her on the head, and now neither her knee nor her heart hurts. Not everyone had such mothers - some were shamed for tears and torn tights, others took out their anger and resentment on others... But it is important for us to learn to be wise women - and make a choice in favor of peace.
    It’s the same in fairy tales - the prince first had to be fed, given water to drink, put to bed, and then he was already kind and calm, ready for exploits. We replace “prince” with “beloved husband” and get a ready-made program of action.

    My husband came - feed me, give me something to drink, massage my back. And then, when he calms down in silence, we can talk.

    Just as mother’s milk instantly calms a baby, so feminine soft energy can heal souls.

    Let's actively fill ourselves with lunar energy so that we can pacify our loved ones. Let's learn to be wise women. learn to see the Souls of other people...
    I wish you to see your Soul first. Understand it, see it, love it. In order to then easily see the Souls of other people, help them open up and pacify them.

    Yuri Okunev School

    Hello friends! Yuri Okunev is with you again.

    How to become liberated in any company, get rid of complexes, learn to speak brightly, lively, and captivatingly on any topic? Is it possible to learn to persuade and interest? This requires very little - hard work and the desire to master public speaking lessons for beginners.

    It is better to start learning the secrets of public speaking in a team under the guidance of an experienced tutor. Now there are courses and trainings in every city. What are the benefits of the courses?

    • Firstly, they will tell you from the outside all the mistakes and point out your weak points;
    • Secondly, you will have an excellent opportunity to gain practice speaking;
    • Thirdly, it is easier to overcome complexes when you see that others are not so perfect.

    The coach will help you find a beautiful and confident voice, teach you acting techniques and expressive gestures, and tell you how to quickly overcome fear. Maybe you won’t become such an unsurpassed and eloquent speaker as, but you will definitely learn to speak.

    Okay, what if there are no public speaking courses near your home, or maybe there are, but the class schedule doesn’t fit your work schedule? Public speaking skills can be developed independently at home.

    I hope you have a voice recorder (or better yet, a video camera) and a large mirror? Great, we can get started. Ask some of your acquaintances and friends to become your listeners and assistants. Stay tuned to the blog; in the articles in this series you will find many exercises to hone your skills.

    Three whales and a song

    A good speech can be compared to a good hit song. What does it take for a newly released song to be popular and successful? A combination of three things is required: a pleasant melody, good lyrics and a skillful performer. Right?

    A successful public speaking performance is also based on three components, that is, it stands on three pillars:

    1. Speaker's voice;
    2. Competent text;
    3. Interaction with the audience (contact).

    Take away the melody or the words from a song and there is no song. It's the same with the performance. The speaker’s technical mastery of voice, the ability to present facts and hear the audience’s response determine success.

    Voice data

    I suggest doing a little experiment. In the company of friends, start telling some joke or life story, and slowly turn on the recorder. When you get home, listen to the recording. Do you like the sound of your own voice?

    Probably many of you will find your voice too quiet, indistinct or loud, harsh, creaky. In general, it’s not very pleasant. Our internal perception is sharply different from how others perceive us. The task of training is to learn to hear yourself from the outside, to develop a resonant sense.

    The voice of a skilled speaker sounds three-dimensional, round and smooth, the velvety timbre captivates the ear, captivates attention, and magically attracts the listener. Owners of a pleasant and sonorous voice are forgiven a lot; even burrs and small flaws in the text are not so striking.

    Is it possible to develop?

    Every person from birth has a certain set of phonetic data. This set is unique. We cannot change the length of the vocal cords or the circumference of the lungs. But we can learn to control the speech apparatus and configure our vocal instrument in the desired way.

    1. Learning proper breathing (diaphragmatic);
    2. Unwinding phonetic muscles by relaxing them;
    3. Developing a sense of resonance.

    Four exercises for voice development

    I suggest doing simple exercises for the speech apparatus that will help you improve your voice:

    • Resonant tuning. Stand up straight, relax your facial muscles. Inhale and as you exhale, make the sound “Eeeee.” Focus on the top of your head. We rested. Now we make the sound “Eeeee”, pay attention to the throat, try to feel the vibrations of the vocal cords. Next, we make the sounds “Aaaaa” and “Ooooh”, and control the sensations in the chest area. The exercise ends with the sound “Uuuu” (lower abdomen). All sounds are different in height, the highest sound is “I”, the lowest is “U”. This task helps improve timbre and gives beauty to the voice. Three approaches are recommended.
    • Lion's Roar. Say the sound “Rrr” quietly, while your tongue should be relaxed and slightly raised towards the palate. Growl a little, like a dog growls. Then say a few words with the letter “R” loudly, focusing on this sound. Develops voice power.
    • Q X. Pull your lips into a tube, say the sound “Q”, then stretch out a wide smile and say “X”. Alternate movements, doing at least 15 repetitions. The exercise removes the clamps on the articulatory apparatus and frees up sound.
    • Basketball player. Imagine a basketball (you can take a real ball if you want) and start hitting it on the floor, counting from 10 to 1 in a descending manner. Each count is one exhalation. Then we throw the ball up and count from 1 to 10. The exercise trains the sense of tonality of the sound. Throw it up - the voice is high, beat it off the floor - low.

    Now take any book and read a few lines out loud. Do you feel how your voice has changed? For those interested in voice development techniques, I recommend paying attention to video course by Ekaterina Pestereva “My tongue is my friend”. Here you will find many professional exercises for training your voice and diction.

    I suggest everyone else watch this video:

    The text of the speech is the speaker’s business card

    Yes, yes, the most famous speakers are, as a rule, intellectuals in every sense of the word. The speaker must have a rich vocabulary. The speaker must be able to build logical chains and skillfully use comparisons and metaphors in his speech.

    Literacy in composing the text of a speech comes to the fore. I won't dwell on this point for long. I have already written about building a public speech.

    Basic requirements for the text of the speech:

    • The material for the speech must be carefully selected and logically linked;
    • The speech should have an attractive and concise title;
    • The speech must be aimed at a specific audience;
    • The text of the speech should be divided into logical parts for better comprehension;
    • During the presentation, the ergonomic component - the attention of the audience - should be taken into account. The speaker constantly switches the attention of the audience with the help of special ones.

    The importance of detailed work on the text is well illustrated by this video. Are we watching?


    A good speaker is not only an intellectual and a logician, but also an outstanding artist, a sensitive listener and a skillful leader. The audience may or may not like the topic of the speech. Listeners may sympathize with a particular speaker as a person, or they may initially be biased.

    The skill of a speaker lies in the ability to direct the perception of the audience in the right direction, which will be beneficial to the speaker himself. A professional speaker will arrange everything in such a way that by the end of the speech his opponents will become supporters and like-minded people.

    The speaker must be able to:

    • Show genuine interest in your audience, engage in dialogue and be polite;
    • Show listeners that he is “cut from the same cloth” as them. Avoid factors that irritate the public: sloppiness in clothing, arrogant posture, fussiness.
    • Answer questions from the audience correctly;
    • Be far-sighted, be able to calculate the public’s reaction to a particular statement;
    • Manage the course of the discussion that arises during the presentation.

    I suggest watching another video - a short video from Vladimir Solovyov, this master of human intrigue and talented TV presenter. An expert in public speaking will tell us about the art of connecting with the listener.


    Wherever you study the basics of public speaking - in online courses, in a public speaking club, or on your own using a textbook at home - you will have to work on your voice, leadership skills and the content of your speech. Possession of these skills will allow you to become interesting interlocutors, make you self-confident and relaxed in public.

    You can find all the necessary exercises in the book by public speaking coach Evgenia Shestakova “Speak beautifully and confidently”. The theoretical material is presented in an interesting and exciting way, the tasks are simple and accessible even to children.

    All the best. Yours, Yuri Okunev.