Nigina Amonkulova year of birth. Nigina Amonkulova: My father scolded me for doing frivolous things

Nigina Amonkulova was born in the city of Penjikent in the very west of Tajikistan. Despite the fact that her parents, especially her father, were partial to music, Nigina herself dreamed of being a doctor throughout her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered medical school. However, after one successful performance at a school graduation party, Nigina decided to take music seriously.

The next step on the path to a singing career was participation in the capital’s Andaleb festival. Nigina came to Dushanbe as part of the Penjakent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (“The Beloved Came Offended”) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment her stage career began.

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began performing Tajik folk songs and songs in the “retro” style. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, “non-pop” nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in bright costumes based on Tajik national costumes, which adds even more charm to her performances.

This singer is imbued with the energy of the Zarafshan Valley and the ancient cities of Samarkand and Penjikent, she grew up in the space where the founder of Persian-Tajik literature Abu Abdulloh Rudaki and the bright star of 20th century poetry Loic Sherali were born. You were not mistaken: Nigina Amonkulova is visiting AP.

- Nigina, how was your childhood? Tell us about your family.

- My childhood passed in Penjikent. My mother is an accountant by profession, and my father is a driver. There are five children in our family. My elder brother Khurshed is a businessman, my second brother Khusrav is a singer, he graduated from a music college, my third brother Hayem is a woodcarver, and my youngest Hamijon is still in school.

- Surprisingly, mom is an accountant, dad is a taxi driver, and their two children are artists. From whom did you receive such a gift?

Initially you did not plan to become a singer. What was the deciding factor for you? And how did your parents react to your choice?

For the first time in public, I sang at the last bell; it was there that I sang the song “Farewell to School” in Tajik. All the teachers and graduates were crying, I didn’t expect that I would touch their hearts with this song. This came as a surprise to me. After finishing school, my parents decided that I would become a nurse. I did not challenge their decision and entered medical college. Then, already as a student, she participated in all cultural events in the city. My father’s aunt, who worked in the cultural sector, knew that I could sing well, and when I was in my 3rd year, she signed me up for the Andaleb city festival. I then sang the song “Mukhabbat - bakhti khandoni” (Love is smiling happiness). Next was the republican festival, where I received the highest score. After my performance at the festival, they began to show me often on television, all the journalists started talking about me, even from Dushanbe one of them came to Penjikent to interview me. My father didn't like it. The thing is, I was engaged at the time. Of course, my father wished me happiness and was worried that the media would talk badly about me. Unfortunately, this happens; in our time, art has its pros and cons.

If it's not a secret, who is your spouse? When you got married, was he not against you continuing your singing career?

At the end of 2007, I married my father’s sister’s son. His name is Firuz, he is an entrepreneur. Before getting married, my parents told him that this was my profession. He accepted me for who I am and did not interfere with my further career growth.

- This summer, some media outlets slandered that you were allegedly divorced. This is true?

When I read about this, I realized that my father was worried for good reason. Let's go backbiting! Later my husband called and asked: “Nigina, what is it? Are we already being scammed? We decided not to pay any further attention to these gossips.

But, I assure you, I am a happy, married woman. Mother of a charming 3-year-old boy named Azamat. Some newspapers just need to raise their ratings; often they have one headline, but what you read inside is completely different. But, unfortunately, people pay attention to the title, and not to what’s inside. It happens that they call, ask one or two questions, and then I read a long article about myself in the newspaper. I used to be surprised, but now I’m used to it.

- If your husband put you in a dilemma: family or career, what would you choose?

Of course, I would choose family. Any Eastern woman should first think about family happiness, and then about her career.

- How many children do you want in the future?

I want another child, a girl.

- What would you name your daughter?

If I ever have a daughter, I will give her an unusual name - Zeravshan, so that her life will flow like the Zeravshan River - beautifully, long and carefree.

- It’s probably difficult for such a famous singer as you to walk down the street. Will they recognize you?

Yes, but mostly I try to avoid being recognized on the street.

-Are you disguised?

- (Laughs). In everyday life I wear discreet European clothes, but they know me by my national dresses. I often wear glasses, and then I walk a little, mostly driving my car.

You stand out from the rest with your exquisite style, thanks to you, many girls proudly began to wear the national skullcap, many fans after your performances ran to the atelier in the hope of sewing the same dress as yours. Who comes up with your look, who sews such beautiful concert dresses?

In addition to being a singer, I am also a dressmaker, and I sew almost all my outfits myself. It happens that there is not enough time. Then I prepare a sketch of the dress and give it to the dressmaker. And when choosing a material, I often choose satin, because satin has always adorned the Tajik girl at all times. It’s not for nothing that the girl in the atlas is still sung in songs. I decided to wear the skullcap myself.

- Nigina, they say you cook deliciously. Do you have your own signature recipe?

I love to eat delicious food and cook delicious food. Now I mainly lean on salads and soups, limit fatty and sweet foods, so I often prepare salads. I love making something out of nothing. I open the refrigerator, take the greens, whatever vegetables I have, chop them up, and it turns out to be a delicious salad. This is my special recipe. I like to experiment, I mix things that no one has combined before me. But I will never resist the temptation to eat delicious Penjikent pilaf. I admit, this is my weakness.

- We now know that you like to make something out of nothing. What else will you surprise us with?
- I travel a lot, I’ve already visited most of the world. Once, in China, I was pleasantly surprised when the Chinese came up to me and asked: “Are you the singer Nigina from Tajikistan?” I didn’t know that even there they listen to my songs. I have visited many countries, they are all magnificent, but the famous saying: “See Paris and die” turned out to be unfounded for me. You have no idea how much I fell in love with Paris! (Eyes shine) What life is there, and it’s in full swing! The first thing I did was visit the Eiffel Tower. Whatever souvenir I take, it’s a song by my favorite singer Edith Piaf, “the little sparrow” - as the French lovingly called her.

You have visited the country - the trendsetter of high fashion and the birthplace of perfumes. What perfume do you like, what style of clothing do you prefer?

I love Chanel perfume the most, but sometimes I don’t mind spraying Christian Dior perfume. I prefer the classic French style of clothing, that is, simplicity, quality and sophistication. And I don’t like gold, I prefer silver jewelry.

Nigina, summing up this year, we can confidently say that it turned out to be successful for you. Your songs are heard everywhere. Especially the new clips “Tu Bigu” and “Charkhi Falak”...

Yes, this year I released two videos and several new songs. When creating these videos, Orzu Isoev helped me; he wrote the words and Davron Rakhmatzod wrote the music. When I was offered to sing the song “Tu Bigu”, I agreed without hesitation, because I really liked this song. And the video “Charkhi Falak” shows the real bitter life of many women. Although I have not encountered this problem, I have often heard from friends that women often fall into family slavery, and this is a pressing problem in our society. Now I’m working on preparing new songs under the guidance of the famous composer, master Asliddin Nizomov. And I hope that they will become hits, because really, these songs were created especially for me.

- All the spectators are looking forward to your solo concert. When will it take place?

Many people ask me this question. I’m planning to give a solo concert soon, I’m working on it now. I want to sing live, I plan to create my own stage in the national style so that everything is professional. While I'm still learning and trying to work more and more on myself.

- Where do you study?

I am a 4th year student at the State Institute of Arts. M. Tursunzoda. And for the 4th year now I have been working in the national ensemble “Dare”

- What musical instruments do you play?

I have always dreamed of playing the piano, so I take piano lessons at the institute where I study.

- Who are your teachers in creative activities?

These are Muzaffar Mukhiddinov, Maston Ergasheva and Asliddin Nizomov.

-Aren’t you going to sing in English and Russian to gain worldwide recognition?

I first want to gain recognition from my people, this is the most important thing for me, so I work for the benefit of my homeland and will sing in my native language, because our language is so beautiful.

- Which artists’ songs do you like to listen to most?

Among Tajik performers, I like the songs of Mastona Ergasheva, Barno Isokova and Nigina Raupova, I listen to Akhmad Zohir, I love the songs of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour and Joe Dassin, I also like Indian songs.

- What would Nigina Amonkulova wish for herself on the eve of the New Year?

Health, peace, tranquility and happiness. I would like my son to grow up to be a healthy, smart, good person and to make his contribution to the development of the country.

Nigina Amonkulova(Taj. Nigina Amonulova, born January 30, 1986, Penjikent, Leninabad region, Tajik SSR) - Tajik pop singer, performer of Tajik folk songs and songs in retro style. He stands out for his very bright national appearance and vocal abilities. She was first noticed at the Andaleb competition and after that her career soared.


I spent my childhood in Penjikent. Mom is an accountant by profession, and dad is a driver. There are five children in the family. The elder brother Khurshed is a businessman, the second brother Khusrav is a singer, he graduated from a music college, the third brother Hayem is a woodcarver, and the younger Hamidzhon is still in school.

The gift of singing was passed down from my great-grandfather, who had a good voice, sang and played the rubob, a folk instrument. She considers her father to be her main teacher. It was he who instilled in her a love of music. He plays several musical instruments very well and sings well.

Until the recent past, Nigina could not even imagine that her talent could conquer the entire republic. Despite the fact that her parents, and especially her father, are partial to music, Nigina herself dreamed of being a doctor throughout her conscious childhood. To achieve her goal, she even entered medical school. But fate decreed otherwise. To dramatically change her future life, Nigina only needed one appearance on stage. It was at a school graduation party. Here Nigina performed a song in front of her native teachers and classmates. The audience gave a standing ovation. The words of her song touched the audience so much that many could not even hold back their tears. That's when she was first noticed.

Already as a student at a medical school, she participated in all cultural events in the city. Her father’s aunt, who worked in the cultural sector, signed her up for the Andaleb city festival. Then she sang the song “Mukhabbat - bakhti khandoni” (Love is smiling happiness). Then there was participation in the capital’s Andaleb festival. Nigina came to Dushanbe as part of the Penjakent ensemble and received the main prize. And her song “Ranchida nigoram omad” (The Beloved Came Offended) made her name famous not only in her native Penjikent, but also in the capital. From that moment her stage career began...

Nigina moved to Dushanbe and began performing Tajik folk songs and songs in the “retro” style. In a short time, the singer became famous throughout Tajikistan, which was facilitated by the folk, “non-pop” nature of her songs. The singer usually performs in bright costumes based on Tajik national costumes, which adds even more charm to her performances.

She really enjoys working with Sirojiddin Fozilov. He writes music for her, and they select poetry together. She also works with Saidkul Bilolov and Sharif Bedakov.

The singer about herself

Pop is not my genre. And not because I find him bad or unworthy. It’s just that folk art, “old songs about the main thing” are much closer to me. Probably only in them can you express your feelings with all sincerity.

One day one of my friends gave me a great compliment. He said that the songs I am performing now were not as popular among the people before as they are now.


  • Nigina Amonkulova - Rafty (2012)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Vatan
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Gift oshi tu (2014)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Modar (2016)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Yori musofir
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Arusi zamonavi 2 (soundtrack)
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Atlas
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Tu biyo
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Padar
  • Nigina Amonkulova - Vatanam

© M. Dushanbeeva, “Russia for everyone”

Nigina Amonkulova: My father scolded me for doing frivolous things

09:00 23.10.2015

How she managed to become a singer, despite the bans, is it true that she had to leave the stage under pressure and what new songs are awaiting her fans, the popular singer in Tajikistan Nigina Amonkulova told in an interview with “Russia for Everyone”.

Nigina Amonkulova is one of the brightest and most talented Tajik pop stars. Thanks to her beautiful voice, graceful performance and, most importantly, the high-quality content of songs in the national style, in a short time she was able not only to gain nationwide love, but also to find her own, unique place on the modern stage. Sudden popularity did not have a negative impact on her, as it happens - she, as before, is modest, friendly and easy to communicate with.

Nigina Amonkulova spoke in an exclusive interview with the Internet portal “How” she managed to become a singer despite the restrictions, whether it was true that she left the stage under pressure, and what new songs await her fans.

— Nigina, was it your childhood dream to perform on stage and become a singer?

“Of course, it was in my heart, but I probably didn’t realize it.” Dad has a very good voice, my grandfather sang folk songs. My genre is not classical and not too pop. It's more from the heart. Rather, I am still a performer of folk songs. But I really like what I do - it’s my job, and I’m happy that I have it in my life. I live and will live by this.

— Did your parents immediately notice your artistry and zeal for singing? Did you support?

— I won’t say that I was the center of attention. I remember that I always sang at home - when I was working, cleaning, cooking, singing along all the time. Mom and Dad scolded me for this and told me not to be distracted. I regret that my parents did not send me to music school then. I have no musical education, and I also do not know how to play musical instruments.

— What instrument would you like to play?

- On the piano. This is an instrument on which you can play and compose anything. It would be nice to sing and accompany yourself on the piano.

- But now it’s not too late to learn this, the main thing is to find time...

“It’s just that there’s not enough time, because there’s a lot to do right now.” And it seems to me that you still need to do this from childhood so that the foundation is strong.

— Do you remember your first performance in front of a large audience?

— I sang my first song at the graduation party at school. It was a song of his own composition, “Alvido, maktab!” ("Goodbye School") We got together with our classmates and girlfriends and decided to sing a song about our school years. The musicians listened to us, they liked my voice, and they left only me. My friends were a little offended then.

And on graduation day, when I sang this song, all the graduates and teachers cried. After the performance, everyone came up, hugged me and thanked me for my performance. When I entered medical college, everyone already knew that I sing and have a good voice - they began offering me to perform at various competitions. But then my parents scolded me for singing at graduation.

— So your parents didn’t like the fact that you sang and the audience greeted you so warmly?

“My father scolded me that I, a grown girl, was doing some frivolous things.” Mom was also unhappy.

- Did anyone from your family come to your defense?

- Yes, grandma. It seems to me that she is the person who supported me and confronted my parents with the fact that I would sing, and that’s all. It was her decision, and no one would go against her word.

At Andaleb-2004 (Song competition. - Ed. note) I had to perform at a city competition with the song “Muhabbat - bakhti khandon” (“Love is smiling happiness”). My parents didn’t know about it, but when they found out, they banned it. But I couldn’t let down the team that relied on me so much. Well, I sang and they gave me 10 points.

The next tour of “Andaleba” was a republican one and took place in Kulyab (200 km southeast of Dushanbe. - Ed.). I sang the same song. They gave me 9 points, and inside me all my hopes collapsed at once, my whole mood deteriorated.

Two years later, when I had already graduated from medical college, I was again invited to the republican competition “Andaleb” in Dushanbe. I was offered three songs to choose from - “Intizori” (“Waiting”), “Khonai mo on kadar ham dur nest” (“Our house is not so far away”) and another song, which is more popular among the people as “Dar Labi both” (“On the River Bank”), but in fact it is called “Rankida nigoram omad” (“My offended beloved has come”). I immediately chose this song - it was closer to me. Dad gave his consent only three days before leaving for Dushanbe - again, thanks to my beloved grandmother, who barely persuaded him.

And so I came to Kohi Farhang (House of Culture), we rehearsed and flew to Dushanbe. On the day of the performance I had some kind of problem, I don’t remember what it was, but, in my opinion, there was something wrong with the costume. I was very worried about this and even cried before the performance. But when I went on stage, it was as if everything was boiling in my soul. And when I started singing, I felt the sympathy and support of the audience and gave it my 100%. The jury gave me 10 points. ( The singer's small homeland. — Note. ed.) then won the Grand Prix.

We have returned home. Everything is fine, everything has calmed down. And then suddenly, “Shabakai Avval” and “Safina” probably show my performance every half hour. Dad got angry again - they say that they show you so often, you need to call them and tell them not to show you.

— How did you feel when you saw it on television?

“I remember being very shy, scolding myself for my facial expressions, thinking why I did that, why I smiled.

—What kind of person are you in life?

- I'm a reserved person. I'm not as active as I am on stage. When I go on stage, I literally transform myself, putting all my strength and all my emotions into the performance of my song. And I am a family-oriented, quiet person. I can’t be friends with everyone or communicate with everyone.

— After “Andaleb”, were you invited to work in Dushanbe?

- Yes. I studied at the Tursanzade Institute of Arts. True, my profession is laughs). In 2007, I entered the conservatory, but I also worked as a soloist in the Daria ensemble, and there was very little time, I could not combine study and work. When I went to study, I was scolded here; when I worked, I missed classes and received abuse from the teachers. Then I decided to switch to distance learning and continued working.

— Were there conditions in Dushanbe when you were invited?

- Yes, they provided me with housing. Now I live here.

— How do you combine home, work, and family in such a busy tour schedule?

— It can be very difficult, but so far I’m coping. My family understands and supports me. My family knows that the stage is my calling.

— Who helps you take care of your child?

— My mother helps me with this.

— Besides you, does anyone else in the family sing?

- Yes, my younger brother, Khusrav Amonkulov. He is a singer and mainly performs in Khujand. He started playing music before me and graduated from music school.

— How many of you are in the family?

- Five. My brother is older than me, and there are three younger brothers after me. I am the only daughter.

— In your performances, you mostly wear national clothes. Who makes the sketches and comes up with the design?

— I deal with all this personally. I have neither a designer, nor a director, nor a producer. I make sketches myself, give them to the dressmaker, and she sews.

— In the latest clips you have brighter makeup and European clothes. Don't want to be remembered only in the atlas?

- No, why, on the contrary. I want to be remembered like this, because satin is so diverse, beautiful and makes any girl even more feminine and tender. But there are times when I choose outfits for a song.

— Do you mainly shoot your videos in Tajikistan or abroad?

— I don’t yet have the opportunity to shoot videos abroad. Everything was filmed here in Dushanbe. Of course, I would like to shoot them abroad, more professionally and with high quality, but so far there are no financial opportunities. Let's be content with what we have.

— What has your name and success brought you materially?

- I have everything, thank God. I have a car and an apartment. My wealth is my songs and videos. This is all I did myself.

— From the moment you competed in the “Andaleb” competition until today, you probably have accumulated a whole army of fans. Don't they torture?

- No, my parents were very protective of me, and there was never such a problem as people attacking me. But, as we say, “khavchicho biser budand” (there were enough matchmakers).

— You are a fairly famous singer in the country, and there are a lot of rumors about you. One of them, for example, is that you were pressured and therefore you left the stage. Is this true?

- No, these are, of course, rumors. No problems, thank God. As I performed and worked, I continue to work.

— What are you working on now? What do you plan to please your fans in the near future?

— As I already said, I do everything myself and therefore cannot release a song every month. Sometimes, of course, it happens that I release 2-3 songs in one month, but sometimes it can last up to three months. I have a couple of new songs on the way now. I’m still working on finishing them.

— Do you have any plans to perform in Moscow, Russia?

- Yes, sure. This year there were many offers from Moscow regarding concerts. I was also supposed to be there, but since we are a government agency, a lot of performances and events at which we have to speak take place here. But I really hope that this year I will finally go and perform in Moscow.

— Have you ever performed in Russia before?

— No, I’m not familiar with the Russian public yet.

— In which countries did you perform? Where did you like it more?

— We often travel to different countries. I was in China, we traveled around Europe, we visited Arab countries and India. Almost everywhere we are greeted very well, I’ll even say with a bang - these are, after all, national Tajik songs.

— When you have free time, where do you like to relax?

— I would like to visit Italy. I really liked it in Paris. Even though we were passing through there, I will never forget this city - it really is fabulous. In Germany, life seemed somewhat gray to me, but Paris is bustling with life, although I didn’t really have time to see anything.

— Do you also buy clothes on these trips?

- European - yes. But I very rarely wear European clothes on stage, and I sew national clothes here.

— How do you like to spend your free time?

— If I have time, which is very rare, I try to spend it with my child, because he always misses me.

— Do you cook at home? What is your signature dish that you treat your family to?

- Yes, I’m cooking. My child loves spaghetti very much. They work out well for me.

— What national dishes do you like to cook?

— I don’t know how to cook much from national cuisines, but, to be honest, I myself really like to eat delicious food ( laughs). Of course, I understand that this is harmful to the figure, but when I see that I have already gone too far, I go on a diet, but not a strict one. I just eat fruits, dairy products, and vegetables. And I’m not at all picky about food. I'm always interested in trying new foods, different ones. When we were in China on tour, no one ate traditional Chinese food, but I tried everything.

— Do people often recognize you on the streets in Dushanbe, on tour?

- Yes, it happens often. At first I felt somewhat complex, but now I’m used to it. They come up for an autograph and ask to take a photo together. Now I’m driving a car, but before I used public transport.

- Do you feel like a star?

— No, I never considered myself a star. The star is Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov. I have people's love, but that doesn't make me feel like a star. “Makhbubi halq budan” (being the people’s favorite) is good. I always say that my sponsor is my people, because I often go to events and weddings. My people support me, and I am grateful to them for that. I will never leave Tajikistan and go to some other country.

— Were there such proposals, and if so, from which countries?

- Yes, they were. Mainly Iranian and Afghan diasporas who live in America and Canada, but I can’t imagine myself without Tajikistan.

— What are you striving for now? Have you achieved everything you wanted?

- Don't know. It seems to me that I haven’t done anything important yet, I haven’t achieved much yet. I feel like I haven’t sung my main song yet, it’s still ahead. I still have to grow and learn, gain experience and professionalism. I recently found out that I already have 80 songs: I came to a friend and saw that she had a disk in which all the songs were collected into a collection - both those that I sang alone and as a duet.

This singer is imbued with the energy of the Zarafshan Valley and the ancient cities of Samarkand and Penjikent, she grew up in the space where the founder of Persian-Tajik literature Abu Abdulloh Rudaki and the bright star of 20th century poetry Loic Sherali were born. You were not mistaken: Nigina Amonkulova is visiting AP.

- Nigina, how was your childhood? Tell us about your family.
- My childhood passed in Penjikent. My mother is an accountant by profession, and my father is a driver. There are five children in our family. My elder brother Khurshed is a businessman, my second brother Khusrav is a singer, he graduated from a music college, my third brother Hayem is a woodcarver, and my youngest Hamijon is still in school.

- Surprisingly, mom is an accountant, dad is a taxi driver, and their two children are artists. From whom did you receive such a gift?

- Initially, you did not plan to become a singer. What was the deciding factor for you? And how did your parents react to your choice?

For the first time in public, I sang at the last bell; it was there that I sang the song “Farewell to School” in Tajik. All the teachers and graduates were crying, I didn’t expect that I would touch their hearts with this song. This came as a surprise to me. After finishing school, my parents decided that I would become a nurse. I did not challenge their decision and entered medical college. Then, already as a student, she participated in all cultural events in the city. My father’s aunt, who worked in the cultural sector, knew that I could sing well, and when I was in my 3rd year, she signed me up for the Andaleb city festival. I then sang the song “Mukhabbat - bakhti khandoni” (Love is smiling happiness). Next was the republican festival, where I received the highest score. After my performance at the festival, they began to show me often on television, all the journalists started talking about me, even from Dushanbe one of them came to Penjikent to interview me. My father didn't like it. The thing is, I was engaged at the time. Of course, my father wished me happiness and was worried that the media would talk badly about me. Unfortunately, this happens; in our time, art has its pros and cons.

- If it’s not a secret, who is your husband? When you got married, was he not against you continuing your singing career?

At the end of 2007, I married my father’s sister’s son. His name is Firuz, he is an entrepreneur. Before getting married, my parents told him that this was my profession. He accepted me for who I am and did not interfere with my further career growth.

- This summer, some media outlets slandered that you were allegedly divorced. This is true?

When I read about this, I realized that my father was worried for good reason. Let's go backbiting! Later my husband called and asked: “Nigina, what is it? Are we already being scammed? We decided not to pay any further attention to these gossips.

But, I assure you, I am a happy, married woman. Mother of a charming 3-year-old boy named Azamat. Some newspapers just need to raise their ratings; often they have one headline, but what you read inside is completely different. But, unfortunately, people pay attention to the title, and not to what’s inside. It happens that they call, ask one or two questions, and then I read a long article about myself in the newspaper. I used to be surprised, but now I’m used to it.

- If your husband put you in a dilemma: family or career, what would you choose?

Of course, I would choose family. Any Eastern woman should first think about family happiness, and then about her career.

- How many children do you want in the future?

I want another child, a girl.

- What would you name your daughter?

If I ever have a daughter, I will give her an unusual name - Zeravshan, so that her life will flow like the Zeravshan River - beautifully, long and carefree.

- It’s probably difficult for such a famous singer as you to walk down the street. Will they recognize you?

Yes, but mostly I try to avoid being recognized on the street.

-Are you disguised?

- (Laughs). In everyday life I wear discreet European clothes, but they know me by my national dresses. I often wear glasses, and then I walk a little, mostly driving my car.

- You stand out from the rest with your exquisite style, thanks to you, many girls proudly began to wear the national skullcap, many fans after your performances ran to the atelier in the hope of sewing the same dress as yours. Who comes up with your look, who sews such beautiful concert dresses?

In addition to being a singer, I am also a dressmaker, and I sew almost all my outfits myself. It happens that there is not enough time. Then I prepare a sketch of the dress and give it to the dressmaker. And when choosing a material, I often choose satin, because satin has always adorned the Tajik girl at all times. It’s not for nothing that the girl in the atlas is still sung in songs. I decided to wear the skullcap myself.

- Nigina, they say you cook deliciously. Do you have your own signature recipe?

I love to eat delicious food and cook delicious food. Now I mainly lean on salads and soups, limit fatty and sweet foods, so I often prepare salads. I love making something out of nothing. I open the refrigerator, take the greens, whatever vegetables I have, chop them up, and it turns out to be a delicious salad. This is my special recipe. I like to experiment, I mix things that no one has combined before me. But I will never resist the temptation to eat delicious Penjikent pilaf. I admit, this is my weakness.

- We now know that you like to make something out of nothing. What else will you surprise us with?
- I travel a lot, I’ve already visited most of the world. Once, in China, I was pleasantly surprised when the Chinese came up to me and asked: “Are you the singer Nigina from Tajikistan?” I didn’t know that even there they listen to my songs. I have visited many countries, they are all magnificent, but the famous saying: “See Paris and die” turned out to be unfounded for me. You have no idea how much I fell in love with Paris! (Eyes shine) What life is there, and it’s in full swing! The first thing I did was visit the Eiffel Tower. Whatever souvenir I take, it’s a song by my favorite singer Edith Piaf, “the little sparrow” - as the French lovingly called her.

- You visited the country - the trendsetter of high fashion and the birthplace of perfumes. What perfume do you like, what style of clothing do you prefer?

I love Chanel perfume the most, but sometimes I don’t mind spraying Christian Dior perfume. I prefer the classic French style of clothing, that is, simplicity, quality and sophistication. And I don’t like gold, I prefer silver jewelry.

- Nigina, summing up this year, we can say with confidence that it turned out to be successful for you. Your songs are heard everywhere. Especially the new clips “Tu Bigu” and “Charkhi Falak”...

Yes, this year I released two videos and several new songs. When creating these videos, Orzu Isoev helped me; he wrote the words and Davron Rakhmatzod wrote the music. When I was offered to sing the song “Tu Bigu”, I agreed without hesitation, because I really liked this song. And the video “Charkhi Falak” shows the real bitter life of many women. Although I have not encountered this problem, I have often heard from friends that women often fall into family slavery, and this is a pressing problem in our society. Now I’m working on preparing new songs under the guidance of the famous composer, master Asliddin Nizomov. And I hope that they will become hits, because really, these songs were created especially for me.

- All the spectators are looking forward to your solo concert. When will it take place?

Many people ask me this question. I’m planning to give a solo concert soon, I’m working on it now. I want to sing live, I plan to create my own stage in the national style so that everything is professional. While I'm still learning and trying to work more and more on myself.

- Where do you study?

I am a 4th year student at the State Institute of Arts. M. Tursunzoda. And for the 4th year now I have been working in the national ensemble “Dare”

- What musical instruments do you play?

I have always dreamed of playing the piano, so I take piano lessons at the institute where I study.

- Who are your teachers in creative activities?

These are Muzaffar Mukhiddinov, Maston Ergasheva and Asliddin Nizomov.

-Aren’t you going to sing in English and Russian to gain worldwide recognition?

I first want to gain recognition from my people, this is the most important thing for me, so I work for the benefit of my homeland and will sing in my native language, because our language is so beautiful.

- Which artists’ songs do you like to listen to most?

Among Tajik performers, I like the songs of Mastona Ergasheva, Barno Isokova and Nigina Raupova, I listen to Akhmad Zohir, I love the songs of Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour and Joe Dassin, I also like Indian songs.

- What would Nigina Amonkulova wish for herself on the eve of the New Year?

Health, peace, tranquility and happiness. I would like my son to grow up to be a healthy, smart, good person and to make his contribution to the development of the country.