Advantages and disadvantages of internal advertising. Types of advertising: advantages and disadvantages

Chapter 3. Decision on the means of disseminating information………………………..6

1) Magazines and periodicals……………………………………….22




Advertising is now becoming increasingly important in our country, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of potential buyers to the company: its capabilities, its products, to emphasize the full range of consumer properties of the product (high quality, novelty, reliability, ease of use, reasonable price, etc. .).

It is known that before buying a product produced by any company, the consumer, as a rule, asks himself a number of questions. What is the company? What kind of products does it actually produce? Who are the company's regular clients? What is its history, reputation? In Russia, the consumer’s attitude towards goods and services of market structures is extremely important. It is no secret that a significant part of society maintains a wary or even downright negative attitude towards private firms. Therefore, considerable amounts of money are spent on advertising. Sometimes powerful and expensive campaigns are organized in the press and on television, but this does not always bring the expected results.

Advertising is an integral part of building the authority of a company. In a competitive environment, it is not enough to produce a good product, provide marketing, distribute the product, advertise it and sell it. And a very good product may “not find a buyer” if its manufacturer pursues an ineffective advertising policy. An important role in this is played by the means of disseminating advertising information as the main parts of the advertising process.

The following channels seem to be the most useful for communicating with any customers:

personal contacts - a visit of a company representative (general director or other senior manager, employee, for example, of a foreign trade company) to a potential buyer, negotiations with representatives of potential buyers at exhibitions and fairs. During these contacts, printed advertisements (catalogs, brochures, booklets, etc.) dedicated to the company’s products are presented;

mail - direct mail ("direct mail"), distribution of printed advertising materials (catalogs, prospectuses, leaflets, etc.), product samples, other materials to specially selected addresses of potential buyers, as well as to the addresses of editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, government officials and other recipients important to the enterprise;

The press is, first of all, industry (specialized), aimed at senior managers and specialists of enterprises and trading companies where this product can be used, as well as at wholesalers. It will contain advertisements and non-advertising scientific and technical editorial articles.

To attract the attention of buyers of personal goods, especially if these are mass goods (food products, shoes, clothing, etc.) or durable goods (passenger cars, refrigerators, televisions, other audio-video equipment, etc.), as The most effective channels can be considered:

the press (mainly the most widely read newspapers, magazines, newsletters and other media that do not have a specific audience, accessible to all segments of the population);

audio-visual media (radio, television, cinema, special video installations at fairs and exhibitions, slide films, etc.);

external advertising - billboards, posters (various kinds of visual and text messages placed in crowded places, at train stations, along highways, in business and commercial centers of cities, etc., drawing the public’s attention to certain goods and services;

The main element of advertising of personal consumer goods is the positive emotional impact of illustrations and text, which, as a rule, is simple and easy to remember, creating an attractive (within the framework of reality) “image” of the product. In the case of industrial goods, an emotionally positive image serves only to attract attention, and the main role is played by the content of the text, its evidence and truthfulness, and high information content.

Chapter 2: Channel Selection Criteria

Since any advertising costs are included in the cost of the product (not from the point of view of taxable profit, unfortunately), they either increase its price or reduce the profitability of commercial work. Therefore, it is important, while maximizing the number of advertising contacts with potential buyers, to minimize the costs of each such contact. In order to rationally select a channel for distributing advertising messages, special work is carried out to analyze media channels according to the following criteria:

coverage (i.e. to what possible number of addressees the message can be conveyed under normal average conditions);

accessibility (whether the company will be able to use these channels at any necessary time, and if not, how much the resulting restrictions will reduce the effectiveness of advertising);

cost (total costs for one publication (transmission) of a given advertising message, discounts for multiple repetitions, the cost of one advertising contract taking into account the circulation (number of viewers, listeners));

controllability (i.e., will the enterprise be able to transmit messages through this channel to exactly the target group of influence that is necessary);

To compare the importance of media channels, each of them is assigned a “weight” according to the categories listed above, after which the “weights” are summed up and it is possible to rank the channels in order of preference. Usually the “weight” is determined by a group of specialists. It should be taken into account that in different regions and countries tariffs for publishing (transmitting) advertising vary. It is useful to contact a consultant who has experience in advertising work in this market and has certain statistical and cost data, for example, a commercial intermediary of an enterprise. In any case, decisions based solely on the opinions of management should be avoided.

In any case, the costs of direct mail, all other things being equal, turn out to be the lowest, and the controllability, accessibility and authority of this channel are very high. From the standpoint of minimizing the costs of advertising mass consumer goods aimed directly at buyers (consumers), the location of information channels changes somewhat:

2) audio-visual, mainly television and radio advertising (to a lesser extent film advertising);

Chapter 3: Media decisions.

1) making decisions about the breadth of coverage, frequency of occurrence and strength of advertising impact;

2) selection of the main types of information dissemination media;

4) making decisions on the schedule for using advertising media.

When choosing media for disseminating information, the advertiser must decide on the desired breadth of coverage, frequency of occurrence and strength of impact that must be ensured to achieve the advertising objectives.

1. Coverage. The advertiser should determine how many people within the target audience should be exposed to his advertising campaign over a specific period of time. For example, an advertiser may aim to reach 70% of the target audience within the first year.

2. Frequency of advertising. The advertiser should also decide how many times during a specific period of time the average representative of the target audience should encounter his advertising message. For example, you can achieve three advertising contacts.

3. Impact force. In addition, the advertiser should consider how much impact the contact with his advertising should have. Television messages usually have a stronger impact than radio messages because television is not just sound, but a combination of picture and sound. Within a particular type of advertising medium, say magazines, the same message in one magazine may be perceived as more credible than in another. For example, an advertiser may be aiming for an impact strength of one and a half, while the average ad media has an ad impact rating of one.

Let's assume that the advertiser's product may appeal to a market of 1 million consumers. The goal is to reach 700 thousand consumers (1000000x70%). Since the average consumer will have three contacts with an advertisement, the advertiser should purchase 2.1 million contacts (700,000 x 3). And since he needs contacts with one and a half impact strength, the estimated number of purchased contacts should be 3.15 million (2,100,000 x 1.5). If 1000 contacts of a given impact cost $10, the advertising budget should be $31.5 thousand (3150 x $10). Generally speaking, the wider the reach, the higher the frequency of ad appearance and the higher the impact indicators that the advertiser achieves, the larger the advertising budget should be.

An advertising specialist planning to use the main means of distributing advertising information must be well aware of the coverage, frequency and impact indicators each of these means provides for the advertising placed in them. These means are arranged in the following order: newspapers, television, direct mail. , radio, magazines, outdoor advertising. Each has its own specific advantages and limitations. An advertising media specialist planning their use makes a selection based on a number of characteristics, the most important of which are:

1. Commitment of the target audience to certain media. For example, radio and television are most effective at reaching teen audiences.

2. Specifics of the product. Women's dresses are best presented in color magazines, and Polaroid cameras are best presented on television. Different media have different potential for product presentation and presentation, and different degrees of clarity of interpretation, credibility and use of color.

3. Specifics of treatment. A message announcing a major sale that will take place tomorrow requires the use of radio or newspaper. A message containing a large amount of technical information may require the use of specialized magazines or mail.

Chapter 3. Decision on the means of dissemination of information

1) Magazines and periodicals



Advertising is now becoming increasingly important in our country, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of potential buyers to the company: its capabilities, its products, to emphasize the full range of consumer properties of the product (high quality, novelty, reliability, ease of use, reasonable price, etc.) .

It is known that before buying a product produced by any company, the consumer, as a rule, asks himself a number of questions. What is the company? What kind of products does it actually produce? Who are the company's regular clients? What is its history, reputation? In Russia, the consumer’s attitude towards goods and services of market structures is extremely important. It is no secret that a significant part of society maintains a wary or even downright negative attitude towards private companies. Therefore, considerable amounts of money are spent on advertising. Sometimes powerful and expensive campaigns are organized in the press and on television, but this does not always bring the expected results.

Advertising is an integral part of building the authority of a company. In a competitive environment, it is not enough to produce a good product, provide marketing, distribute the product, advertise it and sell it. And a very good product may “not find a buyer” if its manufacturer pursues an ineffective advertising policy. An important role in this is played by the means of disseminating advertising information as the main parts of the advertising process.

The following channels seem to be the most useful for communicating with any customers:

personal contacts- visit of a representative of the enterprise (general director or other senior manager, employee, for example, of a foreign trade company) to a potential buyer, negotiations with representatives of potential buyers at exhibitions and fairs. During these contacts, printed advertising (catalogs, brochures, booklets, etc.) dedicated to the company’s products is presented;

mail - direct mail(“direct mail”), distribution of printed advertising materials (catalogs, prospectuses, leaflets, etc.), product samples, and other materials to specially selected addresses of potential buyers, as well as to the addresses of newspaper and magazine editorial offices, government officials and other important recipient enterprises;

press, first of all, industry (specialized), aimed at senior managers and specialists of enterprises and trading companies where this product can be used, as well as at wholesalers. It will contain advertisements and non-advertising scientific and technical editorial articles.

To attract the attention of buyers of personal goods, especially if these are mass goods (food products, shoes, clothing, etc.) or durable goods (passenger cars, refrigerators, televisions, other audio-video equipment, etc.), as the most effective channels can be considered:

press(mainly the most widely read newspapers, magazines, newsletters and other media that do not have a specific audience and are accessible to all segments of the population);

audio-visual aids(radio, television, cinema, special video installations at fairs and exhibitions, slide films, etc.);

external advertising- billboards, posters (various kinds of visual and text messages placed in crowded places, at train stations, along highways, in business and commercial centers of cities, etc., drawing the public’s attention to certain goods and services;

Main element advertising of personal consumer goods - the positive emotional impact of illustrations and text, which, as a rule, is simple and easy to remember, creating an attractive (within the scope of reality) “image” of the product. In the case of industrial goods, an emotionally positive image serves only to attract attention, and the main role is played by the content of the text, its evidence and truthfulness, and high information content.

chapter 2 : Channel selection criteria

Since any advertising costs are included in the cost of the product (not from the point of view of taxable income, unfortunately), they either increase its price or reduce the profitability of commercial work. Therefore, it is important, while maximizing the number of advertising contacts with potential buyers, to minimize the costs of each such contact. In order to rationally select a channel for distributing advertising messages, special work is carried out to analyze media channels according to the following criteria:

coverage(i.e., to what possible number of addressees will it be possible to convey the message under normal average conditions);

availability(whether the company will be able to use these channels at any necessary time, and if not, then how much the resulting restrictions will reduce the effectiveness of advertising);

price(total costs for one publication (transmission) of a given advertising message, discounts for multiple repetitions, the cost of one advertising contract taking into account the circulation (number of viewers, listeners));

controllability(i.e., will the enterprise have the opportunity to transmit messages through this channel to exactly the target group of influence that is necessary);

serviceability(i.e., is it necessary to present the advertising message in an absolutely ready-made form for printing (transmission) or can you count on professionals to prepare the text, take photographs, create television films, etc.).

To compare the importance of media channels, each of them is assigned a “weight” according to the categories listed above , after which the “weights” are summed up and it is possible to rank the channels in order of preference. Usually the "weight" is determined by a group of specialists. It should be taken into account that in different regions and countries, tariffs for publishing (transmitting) advertising vary. It is useful to contact a consultant who has experience in advertising work in a given market and has certain statistical and cost data, for example, a commercial intermediary of an enterprise. In any case, decisions based solely on the opinions of management should be avoided.

From the point of view of minimizing advertising costs (for example, in relation to industrial goods and personal goods sold through intermediaries ) The media channels are arranged as follows:

In any case, the costs of direct mail, all other things being equal, turn out to be the lowest, and the controllability, accessibility and authority of this channel are very high. From the standpoint of minimizing the costs of advertising mass consumer goods aimed directly at buyers (consumers), the location of information channels changes somewhat:

2) audio-visual, mainly television and radio advertising (to a lesser extent film advertising);

Chapter 3: Decisions about the means of dissemination of information.

1) making decisions about the breadth of coverage, frequency of occurrence and strength of advertising impact;

2) selection of the main types of information dissemination media;

4) making decisions on the schedule for using advertising media.

When choosing media for disseminating information, the advertiser must decide on the desired breadth of coverage, frequency of occurrence and strength of impact that must be ensured to achieve the advertising objectives.

1. Coverage. The advertiser should determine how many people within the target audience should be exposed to his advertising campaign over a specific period of time. For example, an advertiser may aim to reach 70% of the target audience within the first year.

2. Frequency of advertising. The advertiser should also decide how many times during a specific period of time the average representative of the target audience should encounter his advertising message. For example, you can achieve three advertising contacts.

3. Impact force. In addition, the advertiser should consider how much impact the contact with his advertising should have. Televised messages usually make a stronger impression than radio messages, because television is not just sound, but a combination of image and sound. Within a particular type of advertising medium, say magazines, the same message in one magazine may be perceived as more credible than in another. For example, an advertiser may be aiming for an impact strength of one and a half, while the ad impact strength of the average advertising medium is one.

Let's assume that the advertiser's product may appeal to a market of 1 million consumers. The goal is to reach 700 thousand consumers (1,000,000x70%). Since the average consumer will have three contacts with an advertisement, the advertiser should purchase 2.1 million contacts (700,000 x 3). And since he needs contacts with one and a half impact strength, the estimated number of purchased contacts should be 3.15 million (2,100,000 x 1.5). If 1000 contacts of a given impact cost $10, the advertising budget should be $31.5 thousand (3150 x $10). Generally speaking, the wider the reach, the higher the frequency of advertising and the strength of its impact that the advertiser seeks, the larger the advertising budget should be.

An advertising specialist planning to use the main means of disseminating advertising information must be well aware of the coverage, frequency and impact indicators each of these means provides for the advertising placed in them. These means are arranged in the following order: newspapers, television, direct mail, radio , magazines, outdoor advertising. Each has its own specific advantages and limitations. An advertising media specialist planning their use makes a selection based on a number of characteristics, the most important of which are:

1. Commitment of the target audience to certain media. For example, radio and television are most effective at reaching teenagers.

2. Specifics of the product. Women's dresses are best presented in color magazines, and Polaroid cameras are best presented on television. Different media have different potential for demonstrating a product and its visual representation, different degrees of clarity of interpretation, reliability and use of color.

3. Specifics of treatment. A message announcing a major sale that will take place tomorrow requires the use of radio or newspaper. A message containing a large amount of technical information may require the use of specialized magazines or mail.

4. Cost. The most expensive is television, and advertising in newspapers is cheap.

Having the characteristics of the media, the specialist planning their use must decide on the distribution of budgetary allocations according to their main types. For example, when entering a market with a new brand of cookies, Levante might spend $3 million on daytime network television advertising, $2 million on advertising in women's magazines, and $1 million on advertising in daily newspapers in 20 major markets.

Local daily and weekly newspapers are very popular among small and medium-sized enterprises due to their large circulation (advertising reaches a large number of consumers), the relatively low cost of newspaper space, as well as the ability to place an advertisement immediately after it is submitted and, if necessary, quickly change its content.

Newspapers of a different orientation, published, for example, for national minorities, members of certain parties and movements, business people, etc., or the so-called central newspapers, enable advertisers to convey their information to an audience selected on some basis.

Recently, the number of periodicals in all post-Soviet countries has increased sharply. Newspapers are published for computer scientists, businessmen, traders, lovers of orchids and crocheting, for residents of a certain region, city, district. There is also room for growth - in Italy, for example, each village publishes its own newspaper. As an entrepreneur, you need to navigate this sea of ​​newspapers and collaborate with a newspaper (several newspapers) that will deliver advertising specifically to your market segment.

a) in a certain territory there are few local newspapers competing with each other, which will make it easier for you to choose media;

b) a local newspaper, as a rule, has a significant circulation, i.e. reaches a larger number of consumers than other local media. A typical newspaper, which occupies a monopolist position in the city, according to experts, reaches 65% of the adult population of the city;

e) newspapers are generally very elastic in action. Your ad will appear in the issue 1-3 days after submission, literally at the last minute you can make changes to the content;

f) placing an ad in newspapers is easier and cheaper than in other media. In addition, once you have made the original layout, you will be able to use it many times.

a) consumers often ignore newspaper advertisements. In this sense, television and radio advertising, as well as advertising by mail, will be more effective. In the newspaper, your ad will appear next to a whole “bunch” of ads from other companies. Moreover, it is very difficult to make a newspaper ad that is so strikingly different from the rest as to attract the reader's eye;

b) newspaper readers, as a rule, are mature individuals who change their preferences for certain goods less willingly than the audience of other media;

c) sometimes the quality of newspaper text is very low, which is why the quality of photographs and text is lost, and some of their features may completely disappear:

d) the typical modern reader has less time to read newspapers than the reader of yesteryear. He skims through the articles and only glances at the advertisements.

Studying the role of the newspaper makes it possible to draw some conclusions:

1. Through the newspaper, people identify themselves with society as a whole.

2. The newspaper helps a person not to feel cut off from others, cut off from the world, from the local community.

5. Due to the wide range of issues covered in newspapers, they attract the attention of a significantly larger number of people than other advertising media.

The life of a newspaper is relatively short compared to magazines.

Studies conducted in our country and abroad indicate that the average reader spends 12-14 minutes reading a daily newspaper. Newspapers offset this shortcoming by placing on their pages descriptions of incidents, puzzles, tests, and stories that are divided into several parts. Typically, the morning newspaper is taken out of mailboxes in the morning and purchased on the way to work, and the evening editions are purchased on the way home. Approximately 15% of the materials in morning newspapers are duplicated in evening newspapers. Therefore, it makes no sense to place similar advertisements in both morning and evening newspapers.

Morning newspapers. Advantages:

a) people read morning newspapers on their way to shopping centers;

e) a newspaper delivered to home is an advertising influence on housewives.

Evening newspapers. Advantages:

a) are considered “home” newspapers, since they are delivered by mail in the evening and are also purchased in the evening;

b) evening newspapers are read in their free time; as a rule, newspapers are read by all family members;

c) the effect of advertising in these newspapers is that information about durable goods is researched. Carpets, refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, etc. Usually such purchases are discussed at a family council;

d) in most cities, evening newspapers carry many advertisements, much more than morning ones, and therefore are carefully studied by women;

The disadvantages include the fact that advertising in evening newspapers can only be implemented the next day, and during this time the decision to purchase the product may be reconsidered; Evening newspapers are usually read on the way from shopping centers, so advertising in them is of little importance in relation to impulse purchases.

Radio can be used by any company with a fairly wide range of consumers. Radio causes an immediate reaction to the advertised offer. It perfectly lives up to the expectations placed on it when it comes to introducing clients to the company, as well as helping to build its reputation.

Due to its relatively low cost, as well as the possibility of selective influence on consumers, radio advertising takes an honorable second place among the advertising tools of small companies.

Gives good results even for a relatively small business;

Allows you to influence a certain type of audience;

Radio is one of the most intimate media. This is a valuable quality for an advertiser;

Radio audiences tend to be somewhat younger than typical newspaper readers and are therefore more willing to purchase new products and services.

Some radio listeners switch receivers from one station to another literally every minute and especially do not like blocks of advertising and announcements;

Television advertising, acting as a home insurance agent, can demonstrate new products and fashions, show the technology of preparing various dishes, show household appliances, cars, agricultural and gardening equipment in operation, demonstrate various weapons, musical instruments, advertise the work of pop groups, performances, etc. p. Television reaches the largest audience of listeners. Stores can successfully practice designing “television” display windows, in which it is profitable and convenient to present goods advertised in television programs

Films and videos can be fictional, filmed from nature, animated or graphic.

Animated videos are very popular and have a wide range of possibilities; the effect is even greater when using computer animation. Based on the type of plot, commercials are divided into three types:

1. Descriptive (informational), they contain certain information;

2. Prosperous and sentimental, creating an atmosphere of well-being that comes with the advertised product, which, as a rule, is an attribute of the corresponding lifestyle;

3. Paradoxical and shock contrast in the plot inconveniences and disasters without the advertised product and the benefits brought by it.

The most important advantages of television advertising besides those already mentioned:

Simultaneously visual and audio impact, the event is observed in motion, which involves the viewer in what is demonstrated on the screen;

Instantaneous transmission, which allows you to control the moment of receiving the request;

The ability to selectively act on a specific audience;

The personal nature of the appeal, which makes this means close in effectiveness to personal selling. This role is perfectly fulfilled by cable television;

Huge audience.

It has incomparable capabilities for creating unforgettable images;

Can show the viewer how he will feel if he buys the product or service being offered;

People usually watch TV during leisure hours, when they are not in a hurry and have nothing to do (especially in the evening);

The very fact of your company's presence on television can create the impression that it is larger, more solid and stronger than in reality;

Those who recorded a particular program on a VCR will see the advertising present in it several times and over a long period of time;

The main reason for limiting television advertising is high cost.

Of the many ways to determine the effectiveness of television advertising, let us pay attention to the two simplest methods:

1) interviewing the population of the area to find out what TV programs were watched in the previous 3-4 hours;

2) telephone interviewing of area residents during the broadcast of advertising to determine the name of the program at the time of the telephone call.

If you have the opportunity to finance a television advertising campaign, then you need to take advice only from advertising professionals who, using their wealth of experience and potential, will help you rationally spend advertising funds.

Television is an ideal advertising tool for businesses that need to “show off” a product or create an atmosphere of excitement around it. Many people consider television advertising to be the most effective because it conveys visual images that are the most visual and compelling of all.

Traditionally, television advertising is used by companies that want to convey their information to a wide range of clients. However, the situation may change in the future: with the development of cable television, it will be possible to direct television advertising to narrower, limited circles of consumers.

As a mass means of influencing people using various modes of transport, advertising on transport is indispensable. Millions of people use the metro, buses, trolleybuses, trams, and commuter trains every day.

3) Station posters placed at railway stations and Aeroflots, at bus stations, at tram and trolleybus stops, at gas stations.

The average travel time on public transport is 30 minutes.

The number of readers of in-salon tablets exceeds the number of newspaper readers.

The readership of in-salon tablets is approximately 25% of the adult population.

Advertising on transport may be limited to one city, but may include a set of regions. Advertising on transport allows you to vary the placement and shape and size of advertisements. Transport advertising is designed for specific audiences - workers - men and women moving from home to work and back, housewives going shopping during the day, schoolchildren and students.

1. Be seen often.

2. Attract attention to yourself.

3. Be brief.

4. Be easily readable on the go.

internal advertising stickers, external posters on the sides of vehicles and billboards at stops and platforms. Internal advertising stickers and announcements are posted on trains, buses, trolleybuses, trams, subways, and taxis. Advertising on boards can be either hanging or hand-drawn.

Transport advertising is suitable for stores and companies offering various services to the public, as well as for organizers of mass events whose target market is concentrated in a given locality. Advertising placed outside vehicles appeals to a different group of people than advertising placed inside them.

Advantages of advertising on means of transport

Highly visible and therefore effective.

Available to consumers 16 or 18 hours a day.

Constantly moves around the city; your ad will be seen by different groups of consumers.

Affects people in confined spaces (only advertising inside salons).

Disadvantages of advertising on means of transport

Constant movement, people only have a few seconds to absorb information (applies only to onboard advertising).

Susceptible to atmospheric factors and acts of vandalism.

Not always appropriate and not always available.

When using direct mail advertising, a circle of people is identified to whose address the information will be sent. Direct advertising differs from mass advertising in the same way as, for example, a rifle with a rifled barrel differs from a hunting rifle that fires shot. Direct mail advertising is a targeted shot: “Shoot the individual bird, not the whole flock,” says the American proverb.

Typically, a significant portion of direct advertising is sent by mail. However, in many cases, some advertising is distributed on a door-to-door basis; advertisements can be distributed to passers-by in certain places, attached to windshields or under the wipers of parked cars, and handed to customers at retail outlets.

5. Compared to any other means of advertising, direct advertising provides many more options when choosing materials and production processes.

10. By using persuasive techniques not available in other advertising media, direct advertising provides the reader with a more compelling basis for action or purchase.

The decision to use direct advertising is influenced by the fact that such advertising is the most personal, the most intimate of all forms of advertising. Let's remember Dale Carnegie:

“The sweetest word for a person is his name!” Here's what former Direct Mail Association President Edward N. Meyer said about this:

"You are addressing the customer or prospect individually with the most important word he knows - his own name." Basically you are trying to give the impression that you know who he is, what he is like. In most direct mail copy, you speak to him as you would in person. Therefore, direct mail advertising is most appropriate in situations where such an approach to a potential buyer is logical and “justified.” The effectiveness of direct advertising is directly proportional to the correct choice of addressees, when the advertiser knows that his message has hit the target.

1. When audience sampling is desirable and practical from a practical point of view.

3. When it is necessary to achieve coverage of a specific selected market, and the use of other means of advertising for this purpose is necessarily associated with the presence of useless circulation.

4. When communication of a personal, personal or confidential nature is desired.

6. When the needs of a specific market area can be met with minimal involvement of neighboring areas.

7. When it is desirable to adhere to specific timing or frequency of advertising contacts.

8. When it is desirable to use coupons.

9. When research is required under controlled conditions (for example, measuring the effectiveness of advertising in certain markets, establishing profiles of potential buyers, testing price, packaging and identifying adherents of new products).

Allows you to convey information both to clients on the other hemisphere and to limit it to your city;

Allows you to select recipients;

You can accurately assess the effectiveness of a campaign by the number of customers who contacted you after it;

Despite the relatively high cost of producing and sending advertising materials by mail, the number of orders generated by mail advertising justifies the costs;

When "urgent" messages are sent to customers, direct mail advertising can significantly increase turnover;

Coupons sent by mail are much more effective than coupons placed in the press.

The high cost of producing and distributing advertising can significantly undermine the budget of a small company;

It is difficult for small businesses to organize the distribution of test advertising - and only tests can give an idea of ​​​​the effectiveness of advertising;

An abundance of brochures in the mailbox can irritate recipients. A direct consequence is that the number of people who, caring about the environment, are protesting against the consumption of so much paper on advertising is increasing;

If you haven't thoroughly researched your target market, a large percentage of the brochures you send will be wasted.


The most famous magazines are addressed to a wide range of readers, but most magazines are addressed to very strictly defined groups of readers. Therefore, such publications are an excellent advertising tool for enterprises whose target markets are clearly defined and (or) occupy a large territory.

An enterprise producing musical instruments, an artistic embroidery workshop, correspondence courses in foreign languages ​​- all these companies can be successfully advertised in magazines.

Since quite a lot of time passes from the moment an issue is subscribed to the publication of the magazine, advertising in magazines is for patient companies that are more interested in long-term strengthening of their position than an immediate increase in turnover.

A magazine is the way to go when it comes to focusing advertising on a selected group of consumers.

No other type of advertising (with the exception of postal advertising) can so effectively convey information to certain categories of the population selected by demographic, professional or any other characteristics. After all, literally for each of us a magazine is published, and even more than one! There are magazines or specialized publications for women, children, teenagers, railway workers, doctors, teachers, car enthusiasts, accountants, programmers, artists, vegetable growers, tourists, etc.

Small circulation magazines tend to charge lower prices for advertising space than large circulation magazines. At the same time, if their entire circulation is distributed in your target market (for example, among teachers), then advertising in them will be very effective.

The level of intelligence of readers of specialized magazines makes it possible to place advertising texts of greater complexity. This is the case when you can afford to talk in more detail about your position and the product you are selling.

Disadvantages of advertising in magazines

Each issue of the magazine takes a very long time to prepare. Even several months may pass from the time an advertisement is submitted to a magazine until publication.

The prices in the big consumer magazines are insanely high.

Magazine production technology does not allow for quick changes.

Your ad will compete with many other ads.

Point-of-sale advertising is advertising (materials with which you attract the attention of customers to your products and services. It is placed where consumers can get your products or services, for example in restaurants, banks, pharmacies, stores, gas stations. Such Advertising materials are either prepared by the traders themselves, or they are provided by product manufacturers and placed on trading platforms - these are most often short slogans reflecting the distinctive features of your products or services.

RMP materials are also used for information about sales promotion, for example about a competition, game, lottery, etc.

Advantages of RMP

Highly visible and effective. When placed correctly, it cuts through the information flow and attracts the customer's eye at the point of sale.

Ideal for introducing a new product to the market or highlighting a special offer.

RMP production is relatively inexpensive

Disadvantages of RMP .

Effectiveness may be weakened if too many competing RMP materials are placed in the same place (for example, in a store window).

If you are a manufacturer, you cannot be sure that merchants are using the RMP materials that you provide to them.

Ideal candidates for using outdoor advertising (large format posters) are trading companies, companies providing various services, as well as organizers of public events, concerts, etc., whose clients focus on a relatively small space.

It is very noticeable and, due to its size, has a strong impact on consumers.

People often drive past one or another large format poster, which makes the impact of outdoor advertising even greater.

Once installed, it affects consumers constantly, 24 hours a day, for a long time.

Helps quickly disseminate information about the company among consumers. Potential clients notice and quickly respond to information placed on outdoor advertising.

Simply and very effectively conveys your information and gives an idea of ​​the company's position.

High cost. The invested funds are returned no earlier than after several months, or even years.

It deteriorates under the influence of atmospheric conditions (rain, wind, etc.), sometimes people spoil it.


Advertising media is changing rapidly, and so is our world. Although newspapers and magazines will probably be published in the next ten years, television and radio will remain, it is difficult to foresee which other means of advertising will join them, which will strengthen their position, and which will sink into oblivion.

The future is coming. Already, in some countries, companies place advertising in video systems built into wheelchairs used by visitors to self-service stores, and show advertising materials in video programs shown in airplane cabins and conference rooms. Videos are shown before screenings in cinemas.

In the future, newspapers and magazines will be published in computer and video versions, transmitted to the subscriber via modem (Internet), on a floppy disk or on a CD. Subscribers will be able to electronically sort and search for information in search of advertising messages they need, completely ignoring those that do not interest them . Electronic telephone directory. Computer networks.

Advertising on clothes. Advertising inserts in books. Telephone advertising. Using telefax for marketing. Market promotion of products related to film and television premieres. Advertising on video cassettes. Answering machine advertising. Holograms. Advertising transmitted via satellite communication. Sound advertising in public transport (metro, buses, trolleybuses, etc.). These are just some of the new opportunities for companies that want to advertise. Some of them are expensive, others are not. Some will die a natural death; others will gain a loyal but small following. But the most powerful means of distributing advertising of the next century may still be emerging in the brain of some scientific genius?

There is always a risk, of course. New forms of advertising with a great future can be completely disappointing if you lack the funds or ability to develop them accordingly. The best advertising media may have flaws, and besides, people are people - and they will often reject a new advertising medium, even if research shows that it should be very effective.

3. Kotler F. Fundamentals of Marketing. M., literature plus, 1994.

8. C. Sandigi, W. Freiburger, K. Rotsall, Advertising: theory and practice, Progress, 1989.

9. Jugenheimer W.D. , White G.I. Textbook on advertising, Samara, Fedorov, 1996.

Newspapers provide readers with the opportunity to select advertisements. Daily newspapers allow you to publish an advertisement on a specific day and repeat the message several times throughout the week. For the advertiser, factors such as geography of distribution, frequency, time of release, size and nature of the readership are important.

Popular newspapers, which are read by people of different ages and different professions, usually advertise goods and services of mass demand: groceries, clothing, household appliances. In specialized newspapers for readers of a certain circle (industry publications, press on interests), advertisements of goods and services are placed for relevant consumers. Financial, computer, and transport advertising are more appropriate in a business newspaper. Newspapers differ from each other in their content. The most familiar type for the reader is information newspapers, mainly publishing news, articles, notes, and interviews. If the emphasis is on advertising messages, then this is an advertising publication. As a rule, advertising newspapers are read by those who are determined to buy or sell something. Newspapers print advertisements for those who could potentially buy, but have not thought about a specific purchase. The frequency of publication also plays a role when choosing a newspaper or magazine for advertising. A weekly newspaper or weekly magazine is accessed several times and kept for seven days. Daily newspapers are less likely to be read by multiple family members compared to weekly newspapers.

It's clear that dailies and weeklies can be used to create instant impact and create an atmosphere of relevance - the fact that they are quickly discarded motivates readers to take immediate action.

When planning an advertising campaign, a factor such as circulation (the total number of copies printed in the printing house) is also taken into account. The circulation can be used to judge the size of the audience, but only to some extent, since the number of copies never coincides with the number of actual readers.

On average, it is estimated that three to four people read each copy of a newspaper. The method of distribution is also important. The larger part of the circulation is distributed by subscription, the more certain the qualitative and quantitative composition of readers. If a newspaper is sold at retail, you never know which audience will buy it. The audience of a free newspaper is generally unpredictable.

Magazines have many of the same advantages and disadvantages as newspapers, but differ significantly in some ways. It takes more time to prepare a magazine for printing than to prepare a newspaper. The advertised product may become out of date and prices may change. Magazines are read more slowly, which means the effect of advertising is also slower. The advantage is that monthly publications can act as long-term reminders.

Magazine advertising lasts longer. Magazines are usually read for months, stored for years; Many people repeatedly return to a previously read issue. The secondary audience for magazines is wider than for newspapers - usually the magazine is passed on to other family members or friends. Magazine advertising is characterized by a greater degree of impact. Magazines are more specialized than newspapers (there are many publications for men, women, teenagers, representatives of a certain field of activity), which makes it possible to target narrower target groups. Almost every group of people, united according to various criteria: age, hobbies, religion, has its own magazine. Unlike specialized newspapers, specialized magazines are aimed at narrower groups of people. A newspaper, for example, can cover agriculture as a whole (“Rural Life”), a magazine usually writes about its individual areas (“Fertilizers,” “Beekeeping”).

Often, readers are so interested in certain topics that they perceive well-written advertising as useful information material. In addition, the effectiveness of an advertisement is higher if it is placed next to thematic material.

Newspapers and magazines are expanding their advertising capabilities through apps. The most common are thematic applications. They are published on the basis of a newspaper or magazine periodically or on occasions (for example, for holidays). Readers study topical applications more thoroughly and retain them longer. The most common form of advertising in print media is modular advertisements. This is traditional advertising that occupies a certain, standard area - a module.

The message may or may not be framed, have text content and be accompanied by an illustration. Modular advertising provides all the necessary characteristics of the product: technical data, advantages, terms of sale. Modular advertisements inform you about new products and allow you to monitor the level of prices for goods and services.

A convenient form of advertising is line ads. This is advertising in words, placed line by line. It is convenient in that advertising of this form can be ordered without leaving your home or office, by phone or by e-mail. Line advertising is especially effective if it is located in newspapers and magazines under special headings. This technique gives the advertiser the opportunity to establish contact with a large number of people who are ready to perceive information: readers are specifically looking for categories to satisfy their needs for purchasing or selling a certain type of goods and services. Correct categorization determines the readability and popularity of such advertisements.

The high cost of magazine advertising is justified by its quality. Glossy magazines are the leaders: any drawings and photographs are reproduced in them without distortion. An important feature of print advertising is the use of illustrations. Pictures are remembered better than words. People love to look at advertisements. The right illustration can have a greater impact than the text of the message. A high-quality illustration encourages one and a half times more people to read the text than an ordinary one.

Illustration can be used as a primary means of attracting attention, but it must also be attractive to those outside the target audience. To draw attention to an ordinary advertising object, you can use an illustration that is clearly unrelated to it, but there must be a tangible internal connection between the image and the object that can be explained. If the style of the product, its design or appearance is of great importance to the consumer, the image of the product should be made the main one in the advertising message. Wherever possible, the advertiser's name and product packaging should be used. An illustration often achieves several goals at once. The image of a mother, father and children sitting in a car is a symbol of ideal human relationships, a symbol of a happy family and at the same time an advertisement for a car. A photo of a pretty girl driving a sports car is both an advertisement and a hint of an adventure that many would like to experience.

After analyzing all the advantages and disadvantages, we can determine the main advantages and disadvantages of advertising in the press:

  • · The first and one of the most important advantages that advertising in print media has is the human perception of textual information. Read information is stored much deeper than information perceived by ear.
  • · Secondly, advertising in print media is considered an unobtrusive means of promotion, since the consumer can read the information he is interested in at any time.
  • · The presence of printed information allows the potential consumer to evaluate and understand the semantic content of the message, while radio and television advertising are limited in time.
  • · Ads in newspapers and magazines do not interrupt reading, disturb readers or irritate them, such as advertising in electronic media.
  • · Low cost of advertising in the media. The cost of placing advertising materials in newspapers and magazines is significantly lower than the cost of advertising on TV, radio or outdoor advertising at public transport stops or billboards. The cost of creating promotional material is also low. Developing a module for advertising in the media is several times cheaper than creating an audio clip to be played on the radio or video material to be shown on TV.
  • · Informativeness: An advertising message may include multiple arguments, tables and graphs, voluminous texts and comparisons.
  • · Duration of exposure: The reader can turn to the advertising message a week, month, year after the advertisement is released. You can save your advertising message, watch it later, or show it to a friend.

The advantage of advertising in print media is the ability to accurately select the target audience. For example, for advertising car tires or spare parts, specialized publications for motorists would be an ideal choice. To promote household goods, cosmetics or perfumes, advertising in media designed for a female audience is the best option. A great variety of specialized newspapers and magazines are published today. Also, when placing advertisements in print media, you can choose the region of influence.

The disadvantages include:

  • · Weak channel of influence: Inability to influence the auditory channel of perception (no sound), weak influence on the visual channel (no dynamic visual objects)
  • · Short life of advertisements: Newspapers are usually read only once, and in weekly magazines (newspapers) advertisements only last for a few days.

The task of any advertising campaign is to select media that are popular among the target audience to which the advertisement is aimed. Print advertising should avoid extravagant claims, sloppy illustrations and poor quality printing. This can cause a backlash in a potential buyer - turning him away from buying. Print advertising is a kind of showcase by which one judges a company and the goods or services it offers.

Every day people spend several hours on the Internet, solving their work and life issues. The audience is constantly growing, both quantitatively and qualitatively: teenagers, young people, mature people with high incomes are ready to buy goods without leaving home. Most companies have long understood the importance of the Internet and actively sell products through their website and use promotion such as online advertising. There are advantages and disadvantages to advertising on television, radio, the Internet and print media. The article will talk in more detail about online advertising.

Advertising and its varieties on the Internet

Today on the Internet you can see large number advertising that differs in appearance, placement technique, and method of influencing users. Each resource owner, after knowing his audience, must decide how to express himself and understand how advertising on the Internet will be chosen. Each type undoubtedly has advantages and disadvantages, but the effectiveness may vary.

  1. Placing in catalogs and directories is an easy way to tell about yourself, most often free and not requiring special knowledge.
  2. E-mail marketing - with good, unobtrusive mailing of letters to current and potential clients, this method can be very effective and profitable.
  3. Exchanging links is a simple but good way to advertise a company at the expense of others, when a site with a similar topic is recommended in the useful information section or contacts.
  4. Banner advertising is one of the popular types that is worth talking about in more detail; it can be seen on almost all sites that want to earn extra money.
  5. Contextual advertising is gaining more and more momentum every year and sometimes small companies start their business with it, since these advantages of online advertising are higher than those of other types.

One advertisement quietly attracts attention and increases sales, another causes negativity when it intrusively opens on the full screen, the third presents not only its product, but is also a means of promotion. You can choose one or several types, interact with one partner or several, and ultimately understand which advertising will be the most effective.

Key Benefits

For companies that have not yet decided where to create advertising, it is worth talking about the main advantages of advertising on the Internet:

  • Advertising placed on the Internet costs less than, for example, on television. The difference in price is especially felt by regional companies that are just starting their business.
  • It’s easier to create advertising online, and its transmission speed is higher
  • It is easier to analyze and calculate effectiveness after launch, which allows you to immediately make adjustments if the result is unsatisfactory.
  • Adjusting advertising to your target audience, geographic location and time is easier and cheaper than on radio and television.
  • Not only for large companies, but also for small ones, the opportunity to enter the global market opens up.


Undoubtedly, the advantages of online advertising over other types of advertising are higher, but it also has disadvantages that you need to know about in order to be prepared for anything and understand how to correct mistakes and disseminate information about the company in the best light:

  • Before talking about your company, you need to study and understand where it gets information about its products. Not everyone is ready to buy online because it does not inspire trust. These clients most often include the older generation, who are accustomed to buying from people and receiving a check in their hands.
  • There is a lot of competition online, and before you place an advertisement, you should figure out what makes the product unique and why people should come to you.

Banner advertising

A popular online advertisement is a banner that is placed on a variety of resources. Often large companies place several banners in accordance with user requests. On an information portal, a banner can tell about the company itself, on sites where people ask what is better to buy - this product or that one, you can place a banner about a specific product at a discount, and on a third site - a banner notifying about a competition.

Advantages of posting on thematic resources

The article has already mentioned the target audience more than once, how important it is to study it and understand what interests it. Knowing about it will help you find those sites where you need to advertise.

Example. If the target audience is mothers on maternity leave, then it is clear that they are interested in goods and services related to children. But at the same time, mothers want to look good, even when going for a walk with their children. If you sell beautiful and practical women's clothing, you can place advertisements on children's websites or forums where it is appropriate.

Finding a connection between the target audience and thematic sites is an important step, since most people spend most of their time on their favorite sites, forums, blogs that are interesting to them and meet their needs.

Contextual advertising

A type of advertising in the form of an ad, which is displayed for a similar query topic through a search engine. Example: a user asks a question about where to go in winter. The search engine offers answers such as an advertisement for a travel company or a tourism website where he can find answers.

Contextual advertising has three main components: the advertiser himself, networks in the form of large search engines and the placement platform. These three components do not always work together; interaction between the advertiser and the network or the advertiser with the platform is possible. The advantages of online advertising of this type are that you do not need to waste time searching for good sites, since the system will do this, and the advertising will be shown only to interested users.

How online advertising interacts with the audience

  • study the target audience;
  • decide on the type of advertising or choose several types;
  • create advertising for your target audience that will attract and call to action;
  • find resources for placement.

When choosing several types, advertising will be placed in different places and there are several important points to know here. Firstly, the user spends little time on mail, weather sites and news resources, and rarely pays attention to advertising; its effectiveness will be low, but it will make a certain contribution. To increase efficiency, you need to choose sites with useful and interesting information.

Unobtrusive but noticeable advertising that is constantly in sight will bring in many more users. This is the main advantage of online advertising - to attract a client when he doesn’t realize it, but needs a product/service and makes a purchase.

Marketing research using online advertising

Advertising can be not only a way of selling products, but also a method of promotion and research. The Internet allows you to conduct marketing research, having the ability to collect and reach more respondents than the classical method. Anyone can participate in the study, regardless of where the user is located.

A company that releases a trial version of a product can immediately conduct a survey and collect instant trial data. Such research is simpler, cheaper, faster and more accurate, which helps the company better understand its consumers. There are also advantages of online advertising for a company that has launched a video about a new model of a product. You can find out the opinions of consumers, how much they liked the product, and what is better to change and adjust.

Is online advertising the main thing or an addition to other types?

Are there any advantages of online advertising compared to radio, television, outdoor advertising, and how much better and more effective will they be in increasing sales? Every businessman asks himself this question when he opens his own business and thinks about where to start promoting, because advertising is the engine of trade.

The best option is to use several types of advertising that can be seen and heard by future clients in a variety of places: on TV in the morning, on the way to work, in the office during lunch break. But during the first steps of development, it is difficult to allocate a large budget for this area and you have to choose one thing. You shouldn’t be afraid of online advertising, you just need to place the emphasis correctly so that it is noticed by the target audience.

How it can harm

Online advertising has benefits, many of them, and all of them have a positive impact on a company's reputation. But, like everything, this type also has a downside, which can cause harm when it becomes intrusive, inappropriate and discourages the consumer from making a purchase.

An advertising message that arrives at the wrong time and place is called spam, and when there is a lot of such advertising, then, as a rule, the company loses a client. It is better to use newsletters in cases where the client agrees to it after purchasing the product. For example, a girl ordered cosmetics for the first time and can order again. The store is obliged to ask a question; you can send her messages by mail in order to familiarize yourself with the products and possible promotions and discounts. If the girl agrees, then the mailing should be no more than once a day, and no more than twice a week.

Every day, millions of people go online to find useful information, chat with friends, buy goods, and every time they come across an advertisement. Catchy, simple and inviting, which tells about the company and helps increase sales. High-quality advertising created and placed on the right resources will be the key to the success and recognition of the company.