Psychological complexes, psychology, self-healing of the body, determinant of diseases. Types of complexes

The concept of human complexes, their main types and causes of occurrence. Quality of life and the impact of this problem on the existence of people in society. Methods for solving problems independently. Psychological assistance to a complex personality.

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A person’s complexes are a subjective and distorted opinion about himself, as a result of which he experiences deep emotional stress. As a result of such erroneous thoughts, the quality of life deteriorates significantly. People deprive themselves of the opportunity to enjoy it and acquire signs of childhood shyness. Such conditions appear in early childhood, but can also develop for the first time in adulthood.

Reasons for the development of human complexes

The origin of one or another complex always occurs due to pathological changes in a person’s mental functions in his brain. The important thing is that this can be prompted by completely different conditions and factors surrounding us. We also cannot talk about the instantaneousness of this process, because it takes people a considerable amount of time to develop such attitudes. In addition, there are many reasons for human complexes that lead to their occurrence.

Today, there are several sources for the formation of complexes, including:

  • Family. As already mentioned, the entire mass of development of this thinking occurs in childhood. Then, when the child is just forming as a person, he gets to know himself and the whole world around him. The only people who influence his perception the most are his parents. Therefore, a careless father’s word about the child’s appearance or character can affect his self-esteem in the future. The atmosphere in which children are raised becomes the main one in their lives and brings into it its own reflection of reality. This is how she will remain in the memory of a person in the future.
  • Friends. Those people who deserve to be the closest outside of blood ties also play a huge role in everyone's life. All this is because it is their opinion that now becomes the main one, and the criticism is the most fair. As a result of this type of thinking, you need to understand how carefully you need to choose your friends. After all, the way they see a person shapes not only his personality, but also his independent perception.
  • Favorite person. This part of life almost always comes first. At the moment of admiration for the opposite sex, people listen to him more than anyone else in the world. Even if his opinion is considered absolutely absurd, it is still taken seriously. It often happens that a previously independent and self-sufficient person retained his opinion and pride throughout his life and only after meeting the owner of his heart acquired several types of complexes at once.
  • Society. What surrounds us cannot but affect our lives. It has already happened that at certain times their own generally accepted canons of behavior and more are formed. Growing up in such an environment, each person strives to be like others and conform to existing standards. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and not everyone succeeds. Due to the presence of different layers in society, not everyone is able to protect their interests. It is these people who often develop many mental complexes from early childhood to old age.
  • The man himself. Sometimes the cause of all troubles must be sought directly in people. Sometimes they create a lot of complexes for themselves through their actions and pathological thinking. It is believed that people with a melancholic type of temperament are more susceptible to this behavior. They are characterized by isolation, uncertainty, tearfulness, are afraid of everything and do not like change. Based on these features, it can be assumed that it is they who force a person to distort himself from the inside for fear of seeing a truthful reflection. Such actions soon lead to a change in personality, the emergence of a new complex person.

Distinctive features of a complex person

In terms of its significance, this problem occupies a special place in the lives of all people in the world. Faced with it almost every day, everyone should think about what human complexes are and why it is so important to know about their presence. There is no particular specificity among the signs, but there are still several general manners in behavior.

Among them are the following:

  1. Cowardice. This trait is inherent in almost all people with the presence of some kind of complex. All of them have a very painful time making important decisions and taking serious actions. This also applies to attending various events and meeting many people. Such people see difficulties in performing each of these actions. They have a hard time trying to calm their excitement and anxiety.
  2. Stiffness. This manifestation distinguishes and makes notorious personalities more noticeable than others. This is because their movements are very slow and clumsy. They are almost never in a hurry and show little of their positive or negative emotions. People avoid noisy places and companies, preferring modest, quiet places to live and relax. When communicating, they rarely gesture or express interest.
  3. Excessive excitement. A rather dubious characteristic at first glance can be seen quite clearly in human behavior. This is most noticeable after he makes a decision on his own. And even when the action has already been completed. The feeling of doubt and the approaching responsibility for it make you constantly nervous. Such a reaction often attracts the attention of others, especially if it is the act of an adult.
  4. Atypical reactions. The point includes several different behavioral manners. This means that people behave strangely. They may suddenly run away from any events or not answer calls or messages. Their gaze will take on a suspicious appearance with drooping eyelids and pointed facial features. The feeling of fear can also cause expressionless twitching of facial muscles on a person.

Classification of human complexes

Almost every second person on the globe has encountered this condition in their life. It is almost impossible to list all the things in relation to which a preconceived opinion may develop, because for everyone they will be specific and individual. To date, several classifications have been adopted that can divide the main human complexes into several large groups.

Types of complexes by sphere of manifestations

It was not easy to systematize this pathology of human thinking. They all have an equally strong impact on everyday life, but they also manifest themselves in different ways. And yet, based on the presence of common characteristics and differences between objects that people distort, the following two large groups were identified:
  • Human physical complexes. This category includes all parameters that can be measured and assessed from the outside. Most often, these are appearance problems. Some people are overly sensitive to the problem of a seemingly long nose, ear or toes, others are nervous about hair color or the presence of any spots or moles on the body. All this is a completely individual selection of a person’s physical characteristics. The most common case in nature is excessive weight. This problem is always very scrupulous and delicate in relation to correction. Women suffer from it to a greater extent, but cases also occur among men. The parameters of an ideal figure in this case are very vague, so such a complex arises both in slightly overweight representatives and in those who are simply moderately well-fed. The advantage is that people are often ready to fight it themselves, even using the most radical methods.
  • Psychological complexes of a person. This type includes all sorts of problems of human behavior in society. This problem cannot be touched or corrected with surgical plastic surgery. This makes the situation worse. A typical representative of this group is an inferiority complex that haunts many people throughout their lives. It is based on a problem hidden in human thinking itself. He does not see in himself all the characteristics of an ordinary person and suffers from this. In general, the entire group is represented by people who outwardly are no different from the rest, but see their flaw much deeper - in social behavior. They rarely turn to outside help, since the problem is not considered to be the presence of a complex, but their own inferiority.

Types of complexes depending on the pole

Due to the wide variety of complexes and the frequent presence of this problem in the population, many studies have been conducted on this subject. In this regard, it was found that not all of them have the same effect on a person.

After interviewing many people, some patterns in this area were clarified and two types of human complexes were identified:

  1. Positive. The name of this type provides its main characteristic. It has been found that for some people, having this critical attitude can be helpful. This manifests itself in the form of an incentive to action. For example, with a complex of obesity, people often change their lifestyle for the better, start playing sports, and stick to proper nutrition. Therefore, for them this condition has more benefit than harm. And the final result can even lead to the independent liquidation of the existing complex.
  2. Negative. Unfortunately, not all of the above have a positive effect on a person’s life. In many cases, the action is aimed precisely at causing harm to it. This is due to the fact that the presence of one or another complex is always accompanied by shyness and self-doubt. Such people cannot feel free and at ease even when surrounded by friends. They are constantly worried about the problem they have invented, they rush around looking for a solution in various ways and cannot find a way out of the current situation. Also, such a condition prevents them from getting a job, building any relationships and destroys their personal life. Representatives of this type are often psychological complexes that require mandatory seeking outside help from specialists.
Determining any of the complexes to a positive or negative type is not always possible. There are often representatives of mixed groups who are capable of exerting both types of influence on a person’s life.

Ways to deal with human complexes

Many people, even today, live with the idea that the presence of some kind of complex is an obligatory part of their character. Naturally, given such an opinion, none of them even tries to somehow get rid of this problem. Unfortunately, very often such a position significantly complicates existence, making it unbearable. In order for a person’s internal complexes not to become an obstacle to a happy life, it is necessary to pay attention to methods of getting rid of them.

The first person who must challenge complexes should be their owner. This is necessary because without his assistance it will be impossible to get rid of the problem. It is because of this that several tips have been developed to help cope with it:
  • Finding Benefits. Each person is unique in his own way and endowed with some special talent. Therefore, in this situation, you need to start looking for him. You don't have to find a superpower or gift. Simply what brings benefit and pleasure to a person will be enough. It could be a hobby. For example, knitting, baking or writing poetry. The type of occupation is not at all important, but only that when it is discovered, people are distracted from thoughts about their shortcomings. Often it is at this stage that all problems disappear.
  • Stopping imitation. It’s not at all bad to have an idol and admire other people’s talents, but everything should be in moderation. You need to stop comparing yourself and your capabilities with other people, because in the end there will still be someone better. Therefore, you should not do such actions from the beginning, so as not to get upset about what is already inevitable.
  • Gaining Confidence. First of all, of course, it is necessary to find out the initial data. That is, to determine how much a person trusts and values ​​himself. After this, you need to develop a strategy to improve these properties and understand that without self-confidence it is always very difficult to achieve any result or goal.
  • Competition. This point should be fulfilled when the previous ones have already been completed and the person has already become a little bolder and more confident. The best way to consolidate success is competition - exactly what complex people are so afraid of. You should choose an opponent by assessing your and his data, but taking into account the possibility of defeat.
  • Search for harmony. The anchoring point on the path to success will be reconciliation with your own “I”. This means that you need to listen to your intuition, cast aside all doubts and fears. It is possible to use auxiliary methods such as meditation or yoga.

Psychological assistance

In situations where a person cannot cope with his problems on his own, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. People of this profile manage the methods of modern psychoanalysis quite well. The methods used to eliminate the problem allow patients to get rid of complexes in a relatively short period of time.

Among the most commonly used types of psychotherapy are the following:

  1. Cognitive. This method is quite common in medicine. Its action is based on session therapy. The doctor invites the patient to examine some of his qualities one by one and together with him points out to him the presence of pathological thinking. The visit requires the patient's full consent to the course of treatment and assistance in it.
  2. Group. According to this method, people are gathered in one audience and the problems of each of them are jointly solved. They take turns talking about their fears and recognizing the need for outside help. The advantage is the fact that people themselves share their problems. This helps not only to resolve what was said, but also to overcome excessive cowardice.
  3. Analytical. It primarily involves the patient completing the doctor’s homework. He invites him to think about one or two situations, and at the next meeting they are analyzed together. The situations provided make a person think about many of his advantages and disadvantages, and also apply them in a given situation.
  4. Other. There are also many modern treatment techniques that involve real-life role-playing. People are placed in situations in which their complexes are not shown in the best light. Independent experts are invited, and they objectively evaluate this or that person. Their critical opinion is perceived by people and is retained, replacing the previous one.
Watch a video about human complexes:

A person's complexes are not part of his normal thinking. Their presence significantly impairs the quality of life of many people and can lead to serious consequences. Despite their positive or negative impact on existence, this problem still requires a solution. Modern society offers quite good ways through which people can forever forget about their complexes.

A complex is a person’s erroneous idea of ​​his physical and mental abilities, an exaggeration of his capabilities or shortcomings, which leads to deep experiences. Usually people try to drive negative thoughts away by hiding their worries from strangers. However, human complexes don’t just go away, ruining our lives day after day. And the saddest thing is that while a person is thinking about how to get rid of appearance complexes, other people do not even notice any flaws on his body. Since most of them are absolutely far-fetched. After all, if we think objectively, then all people are different. Everyone has their own characteristics that distinguish them from the rest. And, of course, all people want to be better, wanting to be liked by others. Therefore, psychologists agree that, in principle, complexes are a completely natural phenomenon, which indicates that a person is adequate. But the scope of such “self-criticism,” of course, should not go off scale.

Types of human complexes

According to experts, psychological complexes begin to form in childhood, when children do not receive enough attention from their parents, or, conversely, when they are overly praised. Often, complexes are the result of some negative events or unpleasant situations that teenagers find themselves in. It is through complexes that adults try to cope with all the negativity that has washed over them in order to continue to develop and improve. Often this desire to get rid of their inferiority makes people very successful.

Let's look at what types of human complexes exist. There are a huge number of them. The most common of them are an inferiority complex (when a person thinks that he is worse than others) and the opposite superiority complex (when a person is sure that he is much better, smarter and more beautiful than others). The inferiority complex includes such complexes as:

  • physical imperfection complex
  • guilt complex towards others
  • complex of injustice in the surrounding world
  • complex of constant deception (when a person thinks that he is constantly being lied to)

The superiority complex includes:

  • excellent student complex (when a person is constantly afraid of being second)
  • beauty complex
  • helper complex (when a person feels the need to constantly help others)
  • conqueror complex (when a person constantly tries to succeed)

Among the fair sex, the expression “girls without complexes” is popular. However, it is ladies who often suffer from such psychological problems. Typical female complexes are:

  • Diana complex (when a woman acquires masculine traits in appearance, clothing and character)
  • Daphne complex (a woman’s refusal to have close contact with men)
  • Messalina complex (too lecherous behavior demonstrating the availability of a woman)
  • Medea complex (mother's hatred of children born from an unloved man)

But a typical male complex is the bachelor complex, when a young man is so afraid of getting married that he always finds various shortcomings in his chosen ones.

Some complexes have interesting names associated with characters from fairy tales and legends. For example, the Pinocchio complex manifests itself in a person’s constant desire to embellish reality. The Cinderella complex means that a girl has a too passive attitude towards the development of her personal life. The Jonah complex occurs when a person is afraid to reveal his talents, explaining that he is lazy and a loser. But the Cheburashka and Quasimodo complex often appears in adolescence, when young people consider themselves ugly and completely unattractive. For most teenagers, this complex goes away on its own after a couple of years.

There is another group of complexes that develop in the family. For example, an older or younger brother/sister complex. Even in adulthood, older children often continue to look after the younger ones, and the younger ones need the help of the elders, although such behavior is absolutely inappropriate, because the “younger ones” have their own families, children, and maybe even grandchildren. But such a complex from childhood still periodically makes itself felt. Another interesting psychological feature of family upbringing is the close emotional connection between boys and their mothers, and girls with their fathers. Often such complexes prevent adult boys and girls from finding life partners, since they cannot find a partner who is similar to their beloved parent.

How to get rid of complexes

Often the fight against complexes requires a lot of effort and time. People are not always able to understand how to get rid of complexes on their own. Sometimes you have to seek help from a psychologist. However, the most common complexes that are common to many people can be minimized through self-analysis and self-hypnosis.

  • How to get rid of an inferiority complex

The problem of inferiority complex is familiar to many girls. Nowadays it is difficult to find a woman who would be completely satisfied with her appearance. Some ladies are not happy with the extra pounds around their waist, others are trying to hide their freckles, others don’t like their uneven teeth, big nose or insufficiently long legs. In order to stop torturing yourself with unfounded reproaches, you need to soberly analyze the situation. To dot all the i's, you can go to a cosmetologist, dentist, hairdresser or even a plastic surgeon. A specialist will be able to tell for sure whether the problem with your appearance is really as big as you think. And at the same time, he will give you some advice on how to get rid of it, automatically adding to you a little optimism and faith in your strength.

Having dealt with the situation, it is worth finding the original source of the problem that needs to be dealt with. Often these are people who tell us that we are imperfect. “Inveterate” girlfriends, loser neighbors and numerous acquaintances who try to assert themselves by humiliating others. You need to stay away from such people, not allowing them into your life. Then all fears and complexes will begin to recede. All you have to do is believe in yourself, love your reflection in the mirror and believe in your own strength.

  • How to get rid of the victim complex

Many people have a victim complex, especially women. A constant feeling of oppression interferes with life, preventing you from building normal relationships in the family and at work. But it is quite difficult to get rid of it. Psychologists say that all human complexes are interconnected. Therefore, the fight against one of them includes the fight against all the others. Therefore, having decided to say goodbye to complexes, be prepared for deep introspection and a complete restructuring of your consciousness. Don’t be afraid or worry, you will certainly be able to overcome all your complexes and change your life for the better. Everything is in your hands. So don't even think about leaving them out!

What is a complex? Psychologists long ago defined this word. However, it is sometimes used for other purposes.

Essentially, under human complex understands the feeling of inferiority and unreliability, which can become an incentive for self-realization and the search for one’s purpose. When we say “complex,” we mean that a person is afraid, ashamed of his certain traits, he is a timid, modest person. While a person without complexes seems to us fearless, self-confident, arrogant. However, all this may indicate one of the complexes - inferiority complex.

It was the psychologist Alfred Adler who gave the concept of this complex and named its causes. As children, we are all helpless, dependent on our parents, we need their support and love. If a child is often scolded, accused of his own inferiority, this will remain in his subconscious, in the future he will try to make up for the lack of love and respect, to prove his worth. Thus, a person strives for recognition; he achieves what he wants by any means. The inferiority complex develops into overcompensation complex.

Most people suffer from this complex; we all want to achieve something, to prove that we are smart, talented, and worthy of the best. All this is the result of overcompensation. This is how we get rid of the feeling of our own helplessness and inadequacy.

We can conclude that those people whom we are accustomed to calling “uncomplexed” simply suffer from overcompensation, one of the forms of an inferiority complex.

Freud's discovery

Word "complex" has such meaning as a totality. That’s right, a person’s complex develops over time, under the influence of some events, this is a certain experience that we may not remember, but which is in our subconscious. Sometimes it is very difficult to determine where a person got this or that complex; you need to look very deeply. Despite the fact that complexes develop in childhood, they prevent us from living in the present time.

The concept of complex was first coined by S. Freud. Complexes were able to explain people's behavior, this was a great discovery and many psychologists began to use this and found several dozen more complexes.

However, not every person will be able to see signs of certain complexes in another; this requires certain knowledge and skill.

Examples of complexes

Many complexes are named after mythological or biblical heroes.

Oedipus complex. If a boy has a negative attitude towards his father and is attracted to his own mother, then he has an Oedipus complex. He strives to take his father's place.

Griselda complex: the father rejects all suitors for his daughter’s hand in marriage, because he subconsciously wants to keep her for himself.

Cain complex. If the older brother is jealous of the younger because the latter receives more attention, love and care, then the former suffers from a Cain complex.

In psychology, there are many different human complexes, and if you look at it, each of us suffers from at least one of them. The question arises: “Isn’t this complete nonsense?”, “What should I do about it now?”

However, complexes also have their own positive side; they push us to do great things.

Since not all people are interested in mythology, over time the complexes began to be called after celebrities or designated as a description of a certain life situation. For example, Marilyn Monroe complex , complex of Napoleon Bonaparte, the complex of an unrecognized genius.

Many people suffer from various psychological complexes. Psychologists believe that complexes have not only a negative side, but also a positive one - they say that the success of some people began precisely with complexes, which they subsequently overcame. But there are very, very few such people, and the complex life of others can turn into a complete nightmare.

This is a person’s misconception about his physical, mental or psychological disabilities and the tendency to exaggerate them. They are accompanied by deep and, as a rule, hidden from strangers experiences.

It is very difficult to get rid of complexes, even if a person is fully aware of them and has a strong desire to get rid of them. A complex is a very stable psychological construct and there are several psychophysiological explanations for their stability and survivability. One of the reasons is that they begin to form in early childhood, precisely at a time when we are not yet able to think critically and filter incoming information. It is then that any negative opinion about us can take root in the psyche without hindrance and remain there forever.

In the personality structure, most complexes are so interconnected that it is simply not possible to get rid of just one at will. It is also difficult to say goodbye to your complexes because they are combined with personal defense mechanisms, which in general play not only a negative, but also a positive role in a person’s life, preserving his mental health at a “dangerous” moment.

There are a huge number of psychological complexes. Here are just a few of them:

Inferiority complex

This is a person’s subjective confidence that he is somehow inferior, worse than others, and therefore deserves an unkind, disrespectful and dismissive attitude towards himself. It can arise due to physical and psychological deficiencies. On the one hand, both of them can be considered “imaginary” and far-fetched, but if you look closely, this drawback really does exist. The inferiority complex itself is not caused by the deficiency itself, but by the person’s rejection of it, since he considers this trait or property to be negative.

The flip side of inferiority is superiority.

Superiority complex

This is not a completely justified, subjective attitude of a person that he is superior to other people and in some way better than them. For example, having special knowledge, abilities, belonging to a higher social status. The complex itself lies not in the fact of “superiority”, but in the fact that this fact (not always valid) gives a person the right to “teach” others how to live, what to do, what is right and what is wrong.

Hostility or defense complex

For such people, everyone else and the whole world as a whole are enemies. He is always in a defensive position, ready to repel an attack and defend himself, although there is objectively nothing to defend against. In reality, it turns out that a person simply responds to any actions of people with aggression and believes that he is forced to do so. As a result, a “habit” of being aggressive “just in case” is developed. Many still believe in the truth of the phrase: “If you are afraid, it means you respect.”

Guilt complex

People suffering from this complex have a very strongly developed conscience and sense of responsibility. They constantly worry about their actions in the eyes of others and analyze them. But such individuals are not only engaged in self-criticism, they often “terrorize” those around them on the subject of conscientiousness and responsibility, and without proper grounds. They are often o It seems that they are personally to blame for what happens to the people around them, although in fact this is not the case.

All these complexes are intertwined and closely related to what we call our personality. Each of the complexes is reflected not only at the level of the psyche and behavior, but also at the level of the body, energy, emotions and thoughts. Each complex is associated with all these levels (bodily, mental, energetic), therefore, in order to free yourself from complexes, it is necessary to work with all components, otherwise the results will be minimal. At the moment, there is a system that works not only with the entire personality and its constructs, but also allows you to get rid of complexes and other psychological problems at the bodily and energetic level in the shortest possible time and independently. You can get a book with a description of the technique and a mini-course by downloading it from the link at the bottom of the page. But once again we want to emphasize that the system is completely independent and requires you to have the skills to work with your problems and emotional states. If you don’t have such skills yet, but have a desire to start working, individual psychological consultations are your choice.

Ksenia Golitsyna,
Practicing psychologist