The most charming and attractive Belarusian girls. The most attractive girls in Belarus (9 photos) Which city in Belarus has the most beautiful girls

It is known that the most beautiful girls live where wars often took place, there were conquests, and the blood of the victors and the vanquished mixed. Men's magazine 18+ in search of new beauties, he turned his attention to Belarus. And he compiled his rating of the most beautiful girls in the country.

Irina Khanunik-Rombalskaya- famous TV presenter, actress, model. An excellent student, she has 2 higher educations: lawyer and journalist. She has been in the modeling business since she was 12 years old, but recently her main place of work has been Capital Television. He works with complete dedication and loves to be in the center of events.

Sasha Pavlova- a popular TV presenter and model, winner of “The Last Hero” in Holland, she is loved and discussed. This gorgeous blonde with intelligence was on the cover of Playboy. But after success abroad, she still returned to her homeland.

Alina Kravtsova- a historian by training, a popular TV presenter, first of news programs, then of cultural and educational programs, as well as competitions and song festivals. Interested in the fashion industry and directing. Perhaps soon she may appear in a completely new role.

Galina Shishkova- a popular performer, worked with the Finberg Orchestra, the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, and then began performing solo. She has received several prestigious awards for creative professionalism. Recorded 2 albums.

Lucia Lushchik- popular TV presenter. The winner of various awards, she was recognized as one of the most beautiful and successful girls in the city of Minsk. Participant in various extreme show programs. For several years now, this beautiful girl has been wishing all Belarusians good morning.

Alexandra Sokol- model, former athlete, master of sports in football, participant in the European championship among girls. Due to injury I had to retire from the sport. She was noticed as the lead singer of the XO group.

Belarusians are a small nation living in voluntary isolation. Belarusians are always interested in foreigners, and foreigners are always interested in Belarusians. The latter always ask rare guests: “How do you like it here with us? How are the girls?” Foreign men usually cannot say anything: their jaws drop from the possibilities. And foreign women, as a rule, note the dullness and sloppiness of Belarusian men. I have a slightly different view: according to my passport, I am Tuteish, even after almost ten years of living in Europe. But I have something to compare with: during my stormy youth I met Belarusian, Italian, Ukrainian, Russian, English, Polish women, had romantic relationships with Bulgarian, Dutch and Spanish women, American, Swiss and even a Turkish woman (I avenged you, dzetsyuki! ) Sorry for being so quick with your exploits, but you’ve already tensed up internally, so it’s better to immediately throw out the red rag. I am writing anonymously - I am protecting my relationship from you, well-wishers!

I have a couple of Ukrainian acquaintances (Yalta and Kiev). Both now live in the USA; they used to often travel to visit relatives in Belarus. One said about Belarusian women: “Belarusians are a quiet pool. Serious women: a thing in itself, focused on relationships and marriage and therefore can grab you by the balls - you won’t even notice.” Another added: “Ukrainian women are fun sexy things who dream of dolce vita and live dolce vita. Without hesitation, they can leave a man for more expensive beads from another suitor.” An apt description, I have repeatedly seen this performed by Ukrainian women outside of Ukraine. Ukrainian women remind me of Italian women in many ways.
And Belarusians in general are judged by Russians, Ukrainians and other Europeans as “simple, complicated little things.” Belarusians certainly have something to be proud of. Without exception, all Western foreigners I know are crazy about them. We are crazy not so much about beauty as about the easy-going complaisance and almost Protestant practicality of Belarusian women - they build strong families with them. And Belarusian women find in foreign husbands something that Belarusian men did not give them at home. But behind all this, no, no, they will also mourn (like all Soviet people) for the “deep spiritual understanding” that they had at home in Belarus. But still, these “escaped” women who are happily married to foreigners prefer not to remember the difficult lot of Belarusian women at home.

Any foreigner cures a girl from Belarus from her main illness - low self-esteem. But neither Belarusians (they are “strong”), nor foreigners (they didn’t notice or are simply well-mannered) almost never admit this.

Belarusians are really serious. Therefore, they will be much more willing to give (even knowing that this is a one night stand) to someone who gives them compliments, or to someone who entices them into a serious relationship. An American would just fuck (for example, for the sake of exoticism). A Russian woman would fuck out of love for Chekhov, for oil, or, for example, out of pity. The Spanish girl would fuck first. The Englishwoman - for her sense of humor. And with Belarusian women it turns out somehow with anguish: you don’t seem to promise to get married, but you feel that they still expect something from you. Personally, this really infuriates me about Belarusian women (with a lot of other positive qualities), but personally I can’t do anything. Thinking about the mysterious archetype of the modern Belarusian woman, it seems to me that I have found the origins. This is history, demography, new traditions of family relationships and “special conditions of marriage in Belarus”, all of which together have placed a heavy burden on the shoulders of the nation and on the shoulders of the women themselves.

In Belarus, it’s time to allow polygamy and polygamy - this would partially save everyone.

Numerous wars that swept across Belarus for centuries could not help but leave a mark. Just 70 years ago, there were much more women than men in Belarusian cities and villages. Since the patriarchal Salayan way of life has not yet disappeared, every woman tried, if not to get a husband into the house, then at least to be caressed by a man! Boys born after the war (no matter whether in a legal or illegal marriage) were triple desired by their mothers and spoiled from the cradle. An explanation for this can be sought not only in the 2nd World War, but also in the 1st World War, which fronted in the middle of Belarus for several years, in Napoleon’s campaign, in three uprisings against the Russian Empire of the 19th century, as well as in the Northern War and other wars against eastern neighbor - all these events mowed down the men. The genetic memory of Belarusians (Belarusian women) is to “preserve and protect the man,” which in a special way is superimposed on the genetic hard work and flexible memory. It’s women who save men.

All over the world and at all times, more boys are born than girls, as a kind of compensatory reaction of nature to men’s tendency to take risks (it’s all testosterone!) Times when men risked their lives in mammoth hunting, war, coal mining or rafting the forests in the civilized world are gone. However, Belarus still falls out of the statistics. I don’t presume to judge the reasons, but most likely they are related to alcohol, poor motivation at work (hello to the Belarusian Charco-Shvarka), lack of material anchors in the form of a mortgage, “accounts” and other obligations to one’s family, society and credit institutions.

Photo: Victoria Selbach

But in general, the difference between countries lies not in how many boys are born per girl, but in the age at which the number of males of the same age is compared to the number of females of the same age. Thus, in Germany the number of same-age men is compared with the number of women at 50 years old, in Great Britain - at 40 years old, in Canada - at 53 years old, in Italy - at 47 years old, in the Netherlands - after 64 years old, in Nigeria - at 49 years old, in Kenya - at 46, in Ukraine - at 29 years old. In Belarus, the number of men of the same age who are ready for relationships and reproduction is compared with the number of women not even at 29, but a little earlier - at 25–28 years (we subtract gays, alcoholics and other tank players from men). Actually, this can be observed on the streets of the city, in restaurants, clubs and cafes of Minsk. Belarusian statistics are especially frightening, because at the age of 52 there are almost 3 times more women than men. This means that the average Belarusian woman has to fight for a Belarusian man with two other Belarusian women. It turns out that after World War II, Belarusian society still cannot restore the numerical balance of “men - women” in reproductive age. This means that in active age there are always more women than men. And if so, then the conditions “on the market” are dictated by men. They are a resource in short supply.

Spoiled Belarusian boys

The most interesting thing is that in Belarus, since the “post-war”, boys have been caressed from birth even today - mothers (probably unconsciously) indulge many of the boys’ whims, while girls are raised from the cradle in strictness and restrictions that are unthinkable for Belarusian boys. The post-war children born did not have fathers (often women simply wanted to give birth to a child) or the fathers were busy at the next construction site of the five-year plan, and the rest continued to drown out their war, partisan and camp memories with vodka. Probably, it was in those years that Belarusian mothers finally took the upbringing of boys into their strong hands. Since then, Belarusian boys have grown up spoiled. A mother can raise a boy; Only a father can raise a man. So it turns out that Belarus today is a matriarchal state (in which a handful of mustachioed men sincerely believe that they rule the country).

Women in the country rule everything from birth and throughout the life of a male citizen. The mother takes the boy to the garden. The mother goes to school for parent-teacher meetings, where she communicates with female teachers. The mother washes, cooks, cleans, makes repairs, goes shopping, often hammers nails and changes burnt out light bulbs. A mother tries to get her son out of the army on the military commissar's carpet. The mother, crying, sees off her son to the army and then goes to him with parcels. The mother enters the university with her son and literally takes tests and exams with her child. The mother arranges a wedding for her son, gives money for the wedding and, on top of that, from her own stash - for a new car or apartment. And even after a divorce, the children remain with their mother.

Where has the Belarusian man been and remains all this time? All this time the men were withdrawing themselves. And they didn’t have to pay anything for it (women allow it). It was women who allowed men to withdraw themselves (to work, to work in Russia, to drink beer with friends, to watch hockey on TV, or simply to meet with their mistress). They probably learned all this two or three generations ago from their grandmothers, who survived the war and were happy about “any man in the house.”

“Any man at home” is actually scary. Slouchy, drunk, partying, lazy - the main thing is “one of our own”. The fragile female hands of Belarusian women will bring absolutely everything to men’s feet.

It is interesting that these same mothers treat girls harshly and demandingly: either they are preparing them in advance for “competition for a man” in Belarusian society, or they are simply unconsciously taking out their post-war, now genetic, traumas of always single mothers on the girls. This is how Belarusian girls grow up responsible and unloved from childhood. Growing up, they are harnessed to work, while at the same time looking for their “female share,” their ideas about which are greatly distorted by a matriarchal society. But they live in the modern world, where handsome actors watch from the screen, carrying their partners in their arms, where friends from Germany tell on Skype how many handsome, well-groomed men (and most importantly, single) show signs of attention during an evening in a Munich bar, a world where you can fly to Turkey for a couple of weeks and within two hours feel like the center of the Universe! This is all abnormal.

Photo: Victoria Selbach

And Belarusian women understand this with the left hemisphere of their brain: all their efforts and services to Belarusian men are in vain. Hopelessness and decay give rise to internal anger, aggression and hostility towards other women. Belarusian women will never admit this, but it is they who, in their own way, take out their anger and “bad sex” on Belarusian women. Here (in part) lie, as it seems to me, the roots of gloominess, rudeness and hatred of one’s neighbor.

But the ice of a simple Belarusian woman at any age is very easy to melt - the tension is relieved with a simple compliment, a smile or a signal: “I’m not like your man. I am the ideal that you dream about on lonely nights.” Believe me, the technique works both on the girls from the Ў bar and on the sewing aunts Nadzeya Kotkovets. Otherwise, Lukashenko would not have won elections for 20 years, invariably appealing to that very layer of women who will no longer meet a man of the same age.

Game theory

Now let's turn to smart books on game theory. You can find a lot of applications of game theory in everyday life, and the theory describes especially well and simply the relationship between two individuals and the possibilities of their rational cooperation (read: mutually beneficial relationships) within a couple. Game theory and cooperation theory are a kind of microeconomics of relationships, while macroeconomics is formed by large numbers (the same demographics). Let's take, for example, strong families in the USA and Western European countries. You can refer to divorce statistics as much as you like, but sitting in Belarus, you will never have an idea of ​​the strength of relationships that exists in the average Western family. In the West, families are maintained precisely on the balance of conditional forces between man and woman. And the women there are happy; the men are happy too. Here is a simple tablet (taken from a textbook) where there are four simple scenarios for the development of relationships in a couple and their consequences for men and women in Belarus:

In Belarus, in any of the scenarios (except for the prosperous one), a man easily finds himself a new woman, since after 29 years it is statistically easier for him to do this. For a divorce (with or without promiscuity), the man will not receive anything, and the maximum: he will pay alimony (if there were children). Moreover, in a country where the gray economy weighs up to 40%, it is easy to avoid paying large alimony to your “ex”. An ordinary woman, even if she still has a reserve of old admirers, will have a much more difficult time - finding a new man is more difficult than before, plus there are additional social expenses (which were previously divided by two). To summarize, a man in Belarus in any of the scenarios will not suffer anything for violating the rules of the “relationship” game. So they take advantage of the moment: they cheat, shirk family affairs, since a woman is always obviously a loser - it will be much more difficult for her to find another Belarusian man (hello, Europe and Turkey!) Let's see how game theory works in the USA or Western Europe.

Everything seems to be turned upside down there: the predominant number of men makes them strain in relationships and marriages. If you went to the left, you got a divorce and a lawsuit in court, taking away a considerable part of your savings and property. I relaxed - I got a divorce from a woman (believe me, she has someone to go to). If he missed his woman, he was left alone, not with the highest probability of finding another woman. Men there build families and rarely get involved in other games. Western women, with all their potential advantages, prefer stability (hormones here are stronger than game theory). I have repeatedly observed game theory using specific examples in the examples of immigrants from post-Soviet countries who moved to the West for permanent residence. Among programmers and scientists, examples of wives leaving their programmer husbands after moving “there” have become the talk of the town. The same thing happened to hundreds and hundreds of ex-Soviet engineers, scientists, doctors and other immigrants. By the way, there were relatively few Belarusians among them, but the essence is the same: as soon as the “macroeconomics” (external factors and conditions) change, and a woman or man finds themselves in different conditions, the “balance of power” in the relationship becomes radically different.

I heard complaints from dozens of comrades who moved to the West with their wives and girlfriends, saying that the latter “began to shake up their licenses and threaten to leave or file for divorce.”

In several happy stories, Belarusian women, six months or a year later, happily reported how their husbands had changed after moving (of course, those guys understood the new conditions of the game): they began to help around the house, began to prepare romantic dinners (which, in general, is quite the norm for a Western man) ). After 2–7 years, many “Soviet” men’s wives left them for others - more successful, attentive, caring, simple, rich. Many men have never recovered from this to this day. Sitting in the West, they curse their ex-wives, Western women (who do not give them anything) and cry over the beauty of Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian women.

Yes, there are a few examples of sacrificial fidelity of wives and men after moving. Such relationships were and are the strongest. Probably, in order to check the authenticity of feelings, we can recommend changing your living conditions: moving to live in the West for a year (of course, provided that you are not a millionaire and that your woman will also have to work and naturalize).

Belarusians who have found their happiness in the West with the Americans, Swedes, Dutch, Germans, British, Italians and other Turks are truly happy. There they are allowed to be women, they are helped in everything, they are taken into account and they plan their lives together - all this is largely inaccessible to women in Belarus. I want to believe that everything will change, Belarusians will become kinder to each other, and that there will finally be enough men for everyone. I believe that if men live longer, they will begin to take care of themselves, will stop getting fat at 25 and running after women, having a wife and children at home. And I advise you, my double chauvinist Belarusians, to date foreign women and try to try on your stereotypes on them, and not to drive the self-esteem of Belarusian women below the plinth. And if you consider yourself a guru of the Minsk pickup truck, then try to calibrate your irresistibility on the road... or even to the Czech Republic! Weak? Is it better in Minsk? But the Belarusians are not weak!

Having already prepared several photo reports designed to show the face of a modern Belarusian girl, we realized that the portrait was incomplete. What is missing is a truthful and impartial view.

Because what we think about ourselves is one thing, and how others see us from the outside is another.

Therefore, this time we took to the streets of the city and addressed men specifically. They were asked to describe a Belarusian woman.

What is the most important thing in life for her? What are its advantages and disadvantages? What kind of mother, wife, worker is she? What distinguishes her from representatives of other nations?

And now we read the men’s answers.


The life goals of a Belarusian woman, in my opinion, can be presented this way: before 25 - get married, before 30 - build a career, after 30 - get married again.

Still, in the life of our woman, a man plays a big role. Many people see it as a way to get a better life in life.

Especially against the backdrop of the fact that a Belarusian girl, as a rule, wants a lot, but does not want to make her own efforts for it.

Belarusians generally seem overly self-confident.

But at the same time, they are somehow naive, cheerful, cheerful and, for the time being, optimistic.

Those who are trying to achieve something in life on their own are ambitious, responsible and, again, self-confident.


Belarusian girls are lacking initiative and do not have clear plans in life, because they live according to stereotypes.

And the main stereotype is to definitely get married.

The second is to be a good housewife. Although I believe that a woman should not be approached from such positions.

Hostess is not a profession.

In modern conditions this is no longer so important. Our woman works and sometimes earns more than a man. Therefore, she, and he, and they together can be the “mistress”.

True, in work, Belarusian women, although efficient, tend to have little initiative.

But in general, they are, of course, beautiful, soulful and predictable. In a good way.


In any case, the Belarusian’s family, children, and comfort in the home come first, and in the background are work and professional prospects.

And for the sake of the family, our woman is even ready to sacrifice herself and her career.

However, in her work, the Belarusian, although she approaches the task responsibly, is not very hardworking.

But around the house - yes, a real housewife.

In life, she is purposeful, not focused on material wealth.

A little frivolous and spontaneous (which can be both good and bad).


Belarusian women mainly live for others. First - for the husband, then - for the children.

Young girls, however, pay more attention to well-being, but as they age, their priorities still shift to family.

Naturally, our girls and women are the most beautiful.

They are also educated, faithful, good housewives, wives and mothers (judging by my mother and relatives).

In general, the work is handled responsibly. They try to do well what is required of them. Although people are different...

Among my friends there are both career women and those who simply come to work for the day.


The goals of our women look like this: before 20 - to take a walk, before 25 - to have fun at the expense of a man, before 30 - to get married successfully, and after that - to be the mistress of the house.

Moreover, most often this means not giving life to either yourself or your man.

Belarusian women in general, unfortunately, are perceived as an attachment to a man. Largely due to the fact that men in our country still earn more.

And that's absolutely normal.

It’s not normal when a woman wants more money and starts putting pressure on a man, but at the same time she doesn’t want to do anything.

They simply don’t want to work for us. And if they work, they are terribly lazy. In any structure, in any sphere, a Belarusian woman is a lazy person.

And the word “nurse” suits the description of the Belarusian woman well. Just give her a reason to take care of someone. Just like a mother shaking over her child.

Therefore, unfortunately, our men are like that. They are used to being looked after like children.

However, when it comes to children, I have recently noticed that young girls are not very good mothers. For example, I often see mothers on the playground sitting on their phones and not caring at all what is happening to their child.

Walks him like a dog.

In general, our women are the most beautiful (I’ve been to 16 countries and now I can definitely say this), kind and able to adapt to the situation.


If we talk about life priorities, then in my environment there are mainly women in creative professions, so creativity for them is one of the main aspects.

But in general, work and professional prospects are important for a young girl.

Those who are older focus on family.

By the way, the fact that our girl is still ready to start a family and pay a lot of attention to her, from my point of view, is her main advantage.

Belarusians are not so emancipated. True, lately there has been some kind of self-will (although perhaps this is not a drawback).

Usually our women do not act openly.

They covertly force a man to do as they want. (This is why I, for example, do not agree when Belarusians are credited with sacrifice.)

They often behave in the same way at work.

Although in some things a woman, even if she is not so proactive, should be relied on more than a man. Because she approaches her responsibilities very carefully and diligently.


Our woman primarily lives for her family and for her family. Although a lot depends on age.

Until the age of 30, a girl simply has fun, seeks male attention, and thinks more about material aspects. But after 30, family comes to the fore.

True, in relations with her husband, a Belarusian woman does not always have the ability to understand that sometimes she should not put so much pressure on a man. It is better to approach him more gently, rather than push him persistently with your requests and demands.

If we talk about work, then, as a rule, our women approach their work responsibly and devotedly.

Naturally, they may get caught up in workplace conversations for a while. But when they need to work, they give it their all.

Well, what makes a Belarusian girl stand out from others? Naturally, external beauty. And also kindness and some kind of maternal care for others.


Our woman pays more attention to her family. It just seems like she has some other priorities now.

In fact, the goal is still the same - a good, strong family.

The Belarusian woman is not at all used to living for herself.

She can sometimes seem selfish, although in reality she just thinks about her child and tries to provide him with everything he needs.

Therefore, in the professional sphere, she is persistent, hardworking, and purposeful. For the sake of your children.


I wonder that for the Belarusian woman galounae - geta syam’ya.

Navat is a young daughter, at the first chargu, looking for a good lad to make a love with him.

I have been observing this trend for quite some time now: families are turning their respect to rich men.

Napaina, because of our progress, we have become ekanamichnaya.

However, all our ladies are trying to do their best.

Yana is gaspadarly, well-behaved, samaddany. There will be some haste to make more money, transfer money to everyone and give money to each other.

And the Yashche Yans, I understand, are jumpy and jumpy.

Of course, everyone is different. But if in general you look at us, Belarusians, through male eyes, then these are the two portraits that emerge.

On the one side- kind, sincere, caring, ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of another person (usually husband and children). Responsible, executive, hardworking, not focused on material wealth.

On the other hand- lazy, lack of initiative, selfish, with inadequately high demands. Women who want a lot from life, but at the same time do not want to strain to get what they want. They prefer to act through the hands of others and expect that their lives will improve not thanks to themselves, but thanks to men.

Yes, these portraits are diametrically opposed. And naturally, none of us can fully and completely fit any one description. Be either absolutely positive or absolutely negative. We combine both qualities.

As for me personally, I found a description of myself in both one and the other portrait.

In what definitions do you recognize yourself?

VELVET: Olga Igumenscheva

There is an opinion that Belarusian girls are practically no different from Ukrainian or Russian beauties. In fact, there are certain differences in the appearance of representatives of these nationalities. First of all, it is worth basing on the typical features, which will allow you to determine their difference.

Main features of girls from Belarus

A typical feature of Belarusian girls is the fact that they do not use a lot of cosmetics. They have gorgeous thick hair and expressive facial features. They are mostly tall, although there are short girls with short hair. You can distinguish a girl from Belarus by the following characteristics:

  • lack of a lot of makeup
  • blond long hair
  • expressive facial features
  • tall
  • beautiful eyebrows
  • attractive appearance

How do Belarusian girls differ from Russian and Ukrainian girls?

If we compare girls and women of Belarus with females of Ukrainian or Russian nationality, it is worth noting that there is no dark skin in this country. Almost all women over 40 have blue eyes, which gives them a certain zest. This nationality has a kind facial expression, so it is difficult to see any aggression on their face.

In Ukraine, girls also have a light skin type, but it is combined with dark (brown, gray) eyes. Belarusian girls rarely dye their hair, so they can be fairly easily distinguished from a Ukrainian beauty. Unlike Russians, Belarusian ladies can boast of plump lips, while Russian women have to increase their volume with the help of cosmetics or injections.

Comparing Belarusian women with Ukrainian and Russian women, we can say with confidence that they are different:

  • upturned nose
  • plump lips
  • big face
  • predominant brown hair color

This appearance attracts many men from different countries.

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As you know, the Belarusian land is famous throughout the world for its beauties. In order to confirm this statement, I advise you to familiarize yourself further with the sexiest and most attractive beauties of Belarus. Let's look further.

Ekaterina Domankova

This is a young and beautiful Belarusian model who has already made a name for herself all over the world, becoming the winner of the Supermodel of the World competition - 2006. Now she participates in many famous shows, is the face of several well-known brands and is trying herself in the field of television.

Irina Khanunik-Rombalskaya

TV presenter, actress and model, who has 2 higher education degrees in journalism and law. She devotes herself completely to any endeavor, and, apparently, that’s why she achieved such success.

Sasha Pavlova

This girl also managed to travel around the world. She won the reality show “The Last Hero” in Holland. She also appeared on the cover of PlayBoy. Now a successful Belarusian model and TV presenter.

Alexandra Sokol

Master of sports in football, but due to injury she was forced to leave the big sport. Now she is a successful model and is interested in pop music.

Anna Sharkunova

Popular Belarusian singer, without whom not a single concert takes place. She is the winner of many festivals.

Lucia Lushchik

Probably the most famous Belarusian TV presenter, an absolute professional in her field. However, sometimes she acts as a model, and rightly so: such beauty cannot be hidden.

Victoria Azarenka

Talent of Belarusian sports, number one tennis player. According to Alexander Solodukha, this is the hottest girl in Belarus.

Tatiana Dyagileva

A young Belarusian model, a native of Vitebsk. She is considered the sexiest by many men, in particular Sergei Chaly says: “It’s just an elf!” She is really very good, she is a model for such brands as Hugo Boss, Dior, Saint Laurent, etc.

Yulia Skalkovich

The girl is studying at the Brest State Technical University to become an architect. Speaks four languages ​​fluently. This is already enough to consider her outstanding. However, part-time, Julia also participated in Miss World 2012.

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