Complement words examples. Secondary members of the sentence

In the Russian language, all words that are part of sentences are either main members or secondary ones. The main ones constitute and indicate the subject being discussed in the statement and its action, and all other words in the construction are distributive. Among them, linguists distinguish definitions, circumstances and additions. Without minor members of the sentence, it would be impossible to talk about any event in detail without missing a single detail, and therefore the importance of these members of the sentence cannot be overestimated. This article will discuss the role of the complement in the Russian language.

Thanks to this member of the sentence, it is easy to construct a complete statement in which not only the action of the main character of the story will be indicated, but also the object with which this very action is connected will be highlighted. So, in order not to get confused, you should start analyzing this topic from the very beginning. After all, only by following consistency can you learn the great and powerful Russian language.


A complement is a minor member of a sentence that indicates an object that is the result of the action of the main person in the sentence or to which this action is directed. Can be expressed as follows:

  1. A personal pronoun or noun used in indirect case forms. Can be used in a sentence with or without a preposition (I listen to music and think about him).
  2. Any part of speech that performs the function of a noun (She glanced at the people who entered).
  3. Often additions in Russian are expressed with an infinitive (Parents asked her to sing).
  4. A free phraseological combination of a noun and a numeral, used in the genitive case (He opened six tabs.).
  5. A connected and stable phraseological combination (He said not to hang your nose).

Function and addition issues

In Russian, the complement responds to cases, namely: “Whom?”, “To whom?”, “Whom?”, “About whom?”, “What?” “What?”, “What?”, “About what?” In a sentence, this minor member has an explanatory function and can refer to the following parts of speech:

  1. To a verb used as a predicate (I am writing a letter).
  2. To a noun as any member of a sentence (Hope for the father).
  3. To a participle or adjective used as any member of a sentence (Weighing grain; strict to daughter).
  4. To an adverb as any member of a sentence (Unbeknownst to you).

Types of add-ons

If a given member of a sentence depends on a verb, then it can be of two types:

  1. Direct objects in Russian are used without prepositions and are expressed by transitive verbs in Such words denote an object to which, one way or another, the action of the main person relates. For example: I remember very well the day we met. If the predicate in a sentence is a transitive verb and is in the form of negation, then a direct object in the genitive case can be used with it without a preposition (But we can’t bring back the days of yore). In the case of impersonal predicative words in a sentence, the addition is also used in the form of the genitive case and without a preposition with the words “sorry” and “sorry” (And we feel sorry for something bright).
  2. Indirect objects in Russian are expressed by words in the form of the accusative case, used together with prepositions, and in others without prepositions (She jumped up and began to peer out of the window with a restless look; his attempts to improve relations with his classmates were crowned with success).

Meanings of direct objects

Direct objects in Russian, used with verbs, can denote the following objects:

  1. An item obtained as a result of the action (I will build a house in the village).
  2. An object or person that is exposed to action (Father caught a fish and brought it home).
  3. An object to which the feeling is directed (I love winter evenings and walks along a snowy street).
  4. Object of development and knowledge (She knew foreign languages ​​and could communicate freely; she was interested in philosophy and foreign literature).
  5. The space that is overcome by the main person (I will go around the entire globe, cross the cosmic distances).
  6. Object of desire or thought (Now I remember it).

Meanings of indirect objects without prepositions

An indirect object in Russian, used without prepositions, can have the following meanings:

  1. The relationship of the objects referred to in a phrase or sentence, namely the object to which the action is directed (Harvested).
  2. Object of achievement or touch (Received his diploma today; he will be happy when he touches just her hand).
  3. An object with which an action is performed (You can’t cut out what’s written on your heart with an ax).
  4. A subject or state that complements the action (The bear he killed was very large; he should be sorry).

The meaning of indirect objects with prepositions

Indirect additions, which cannot be used in a context without prepositions, in a sentence can acquire the following shades of meaning:

  1. The material from which this or that object is made (The house is built of stone).
  2. The object that is affected (Waves splashing on the stone).
  3. The person or thing that is the cause of the condition (The father was worried about his son).
  4. An object to which thoughts and feelings are directed. (He talked about the benefits of his work.)
  5. An object from which one is removed (He left his father's house at an early age.).
  6. The person who participates in the main action (Upon arrival, the grandchildren surrounded the grandmother and kissed her for a long time.).

Addition as part of turnover

In the Russian language there are such concepts as active and passive phrases. In both cases, this is a special phrase, the construction of which includes the main and considered secondary members of the sentence.

A valid turnover is considered when the complement is the person to whom the action is directed, and the main member of the sentence is expressed by a transitive verb. For example: picked a bouquet, mowed the lawn.

Passive is a turn in which the basis is the subject being acted upon, and the complement indicates the main object of the statement. For example: the colonel was quickly picked up by the privates and sent to the infirmary.

How to find an addition in a sentence?

Questions of addition in Russian are very simple, and therefore, regardless of what part of speech a given member of a sentence is expressed, finding it in the context is not too difficult. To do this, you should follow the standard parsing scheme. First, highlight the grammatical basis, and then determine the connection of words in a sentence through the questions posed. First, from the subject and predicate to the secondary members, and then directly between the secondary members. In writing, each word, depending on which category it belongs to, is indicated by a special type of underlining. To complement this

Secondary members of a sentence are the basis of complete statements

Secondary members of a sentence are a fairly voluminous topic and contain many rules, but if you do not spend a sufficient amount of time studying it, you will not be able to master such a great science as the Russian language. Circumstance, addition and definition are those that will allow you to form a statement that reveals the entire meaning of the story. Without them, the language would lose all its charm. Therefore, it is very important to approach this topic with full responsibility in order to know how to correctly use this or that word in context.


Addition - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes addition denotes the subject of an action or state (see translation agency). For example: The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin).

Add-ons, expressing the object of action, are used with verbs, as well as with nouns formed from them: deliver goods- cargo delivery; work on an article- working on the article.

Add-ons, naming an object in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested, are used with adjectives and nouns formed from them: faithful to duty- loyalty to duty; stingy in his movements- stinginess in movements.

Add-ons are divided into straight And indirect.

Direct addition - This addition, which depends on a transitive verb and is expressed by a noun or pronoun (as well as any part of speech used in the meaning of a noun) in the accusative case without a preposition: see picture, sing a song, fix the iron , write a letter , solve a problem , seehis , meet a friend .

Direct addition can also be expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition. The genitive case is used instead of the accusative in two cases: 1) if there is a negative particle Not before a transitive verb: felt joy- did not feel joy; heard voices- did not hear voices; 2) if the action does not transfer to the entire object, but only to a part: bought bread- bread; drank water- water: ...The gun commander did not leave the firing position, he asked to bring him shells from the broken guns (V. Astafiev); Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia... (A. Pushkin).

Direct addition denotes an object to which an action is directly directed, which can arise, be created or disappear, or be destroyed during the action: knit a sweater,write an essay, decorate a room, check a dictation, break a tree, demolish a house etc.

Everyone else additions are indirect, they express different relations of action or attribute to objects: I won't regret it about roses, withered with a light spring (A. Pushkin); Aksinya remembered her youth and all her life, poor in joys (M. Sholokhov).

Add-ons can be expressed:

1) a noun in any indirect case with or without a preposition: With a golden ray the villagelilo (A. Maikov);

2) pronoun: I could never argue with them(M. Lermontov);

3) cardinal number: Divide thirty-six by two;

4) any part of speech in the meaning of a noun: I ran to my grandmother and asked her about the forgotten (M. Gorky);

5) infinitive: Everyone asked her to sing something (M. Lermontov);

6) syntactically integral phrases and phraseological units (the same as the subject): The hunters killed seventeen snipe (L. Tolstoy).

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Lesson objectives: enriching the vocabulary of learning with new words, mastering theoretical material, the ability to find direct and indirect additions in a sentence, developing personal competencies, instilling a love of poetry.

Lesson type: synthetic

Lesson type: lesson experiment

Visibility: posters, markers

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment (1-2 min)

a) greeting (slide No. 3): Hello! IN different countries ah, they greet in their own way: And in one of the African tribes, when they meet, they say: “I see you”:
b) autogenic training: everyone says to himself the phrase “I am the best!”

II. Homework survey: read an essay on the topic “Russian folk traditions”

III. New topic: Direct and indirect object

1. The teacher's word.

Dear students! Today we have an unusual lesson that will take place in a creative workshop. You must conduct an experiment and determine what the topic of today's lesson is. (There is a white poster on the board on which students must write the topic of the lesson after they have carried out a linguistic experiment and made a conclusion.)
But before we start studying, we must plant a tree of expectations, i.e. Each student writes their expectations from this lesson on pieces of paper and attaches them to the tree. (Tree of expectations. Slide No. 4)

2. Brainstorming (Slide No. 5). Question: What is the topic of our lesson?

Supporting concepts: main members of a sentence, secondary members of a sentence, subject, predicate, object, indirect and direct object.
Mukagali Makataev, teacher of the Russian language, lyric poetry, Dante, Shakespeare (Among these concepts, the new ones are: direct and indirect objects, Mukagali Makataev. Based on the new concepts, students come to the consensus that in the lesson we will talk about direct and indirect objects, and Also, the lexical topic will be devoted to the work of Mukagali Makataev.)

3. Teacher: What did we talk about in the last lesson?

Pupils: We studied the topic “Addition”

(Students, answering this question, write the definition of an addition on a reference poster. The remaining terms related to the new topic are entered by students in this reference book!)

An addition is a minor member of a sentence that answers questions about indirect cases. (Slide No. 6)

4. Linguistic experiment (slide 7

Here are some examples: (syntactic five minutes)

In Russian:

At the fair you can buy a woven basket and a patchwork rug.

Masters showed how to make a toy from a tire

In Kazakh language:

Tura zhane zhanama tolyktauysh

1) Balans of okytudy zhek kormedim (Tabys septic tura tolyktauysh)
2) Qulak estigendi koz koredi
3) Oner – white bar zhurttar (Neden? Shygys septic tank, zhanama)
Tastan barn salgyzdy (Y. Altynsarin)
4) Zhylkyda ot zhok, oser malda olim zhok (Zhatys septic) zhanama tolyktauysh

In English:

Direct, indirect and prepositional objects
1) I wrote a letter (direct)
I wrote a letter
2) I wrote a letter to him (whom?) (indirect)
3) I spoke about him (prepositional object)
(I talked about him)

(Students find additions in sentences, since they speak three languages, students make a comparison and draw a conclusion: there are two types of additions in the Kazakh language, three types of additions in English, and how many in Russian?)

5. The linguistic experiment in the creative workshop continues (slide 8)

Explain why the phrases are divided into two columns?

After writing down examples, students determine the case forms of nouns and indicate the transitivity of verbs. On the student reference poster they write:
Transitive verbs denote actions directly and necessarily aimed at some object. The action denoted by this verb presupposes one or another object (house, dam, factory, etc.) and is impossible without it. The object to which the action of a transitive verb passes is always expressed in the accusative case form without a preposition.
Sometimes the direct object of a transitive verb is in the genitive case: when denoting a partial object, when negating.
Intransitive verbs denote actions that are not directed at any object. They have the meaning of position in space, state, sound: sitting, grieving, barking, etc. In accordance with their meaning, they cannot control the form of the accusative case without a preposition.

6. Presentation of the directory (9 slide).

On the reference poster, students write case forms in two columns, which are necessary for transitive and intransitive verbs. Then they draw a conclusion about direct and indirect additions and write the topic of the lesson on a blank poster.
The direct object refers to a transitive verb and is expressed in the accusative form, less often - in the genitive form without a preposition. All other additions are called indirect.

7. Selective exercise.

1. My grandmother loves collecting medicinal plants. 2. My sincerity amazed Pugachev. 3. Give me some milk, please. 4. Son, buy some bread at the store. 5. They said there would be no water during the day. 6. I don't like your jokes. 7. To achieve a goal, you have to work hard. 8. The patient lost sleep. 9. Many composers devoted their entire lives to music. 10. I will not allow anyone to deceive me. 11. We melt tin and drive cars. 12. The old man was catching fish with a seine. 13. From newspapers and old magazines I learned about the life of other cities, other peoples. 14. Not a single holiday passes without music and songs. 15.I went to the city with a friend. 16. Dulat plays chess well.

8. Work according to the table (Slide No. 10)

Students consolidate their knowledge of direct and indirect objects using a table.

9. Phonetic exercise (or speech exercise) the hiss of a snake; rustle of leaves; the wind howls; a crow croaks. (Slide No. 11)

(Students must pronounce words, performing the actions listed above, for example: the hiss of a snake - s-s-sun, ts - ts - flower, s - s - light; the wind howls - pere - y - y- street, y - y- street, chance; a crow croaks - kar- kar- picture, kar- kar- cardboard, kar- kar- caricature.
This phonetic charge serves as a bridge for the transition to the lexical topic “Mukagali Makataev”.

Teacher: Do you think this method is used?(i.e. repetition of the same sounds) poets in poems? What is it called?

Students: This method is called alliteration. It is often used by poets. Alliteration is the repetition of identical consonant sounds in poetic speech, one of the types of sound writing. Alliteration highlights individual words and lines, which therefore become especially expressive:

The echo roars across the mountains,
Like thunder rolling over thunder.
(G. Derzhavin. Waterfall.)

(“A brief dictionary of literary terms.” L.I. Timofeev, S.V. Turaev)

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with the life and work of Mukagali Makataev (Slide No. 12). This is a famous Kazakh poet. His poems occupy an important place in Kazakh literature. Mukagali Makataev also wrote poetry in Russian. He worked as a Russian language teacher. And now you must read the text about him, observing the rules of pronunciation.

Exercise 4 from the textbook “Russian Speech” edited by G. Badambaeva.

One of the most talented Kazakh poets Mukagali Makataev lived only 45 years (1931-1976). He was born in the Narynkol district of the Alma-Ata region. Teachers gathered in his house, and his readers simply came to the poet. In the evenings we often discussed poetry and talked about poetry. For the first time, the Kazakh teacher was introduced to the work of Makataev in 1966 in the newspaper “Kazakh Adebieti” by the oldest poet of our republic, Abdilda Tazhibaev.
The formation of Makataev, a poet, was greatly influenced by the oral poetry of the Kazakh people, his love for which manifested itself in childhood. On long winter evenings, the future poet loved to listen to stories, legends, and songs by the fireplace.
Mukagali Makataev translated the works of Dante, Shakespeare and other classics of foreign literature into Kazakh.

10. Lexical corner: working with new words - discussed, influence, legends.

Make up sentences with new words. Decline nouns.

11. Working with text: Reprint the text on paper in small print and hang it on the board.

Divide the class into two groups and ask them to close their books. Each group should
restore text in notebooks. To do this, two students write, and the rest of the students, having read one sentence at a time at the board, approach the student who is writing and dictate the sentence they read from memory. The group that is the first to restore the text without errors and (underline the addition in the sentences) deserves an award.
(This type of work allows students to develop memory, and also gives students the opportunity to move around in class)

12. Problem from “Teddy Bear”: find the addition.

The bullfighter put on a sombrero.
Sombrero put on Torero.
Answer: Sombrero (from Spanish) is a wide-brimmed hat with a high cone-shaped crown and usually with the edges of the brim rounded upward.

13. Structural discussion on the topic: “Do modern youth read fiction?” (Slide No. 13 )

Students express their opinions from the point of view of optimists, pessimists, and realists. Observers and the analyst evaluate the statements.

14. Lesson summary: Tree with results.(Slide No. 14)

Students write their reviews on pieces of paper and attach them to the tree. The teacher compares expectations with the results obtained.

15. Homework: write about your favorite poet, using direct and indirect objects.

The direct object denotes the object to which the action is directed, is expressed in the accusative case form without a preposition, extends the transitive verb, as well as some words of the state category (you can see the house, hear the music, it hurts your head): Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society (Belinsky ). The genitive form of the direct object is possible with transitive verbs with a negative particle not: I am not
I love spring (Pushkin); I cannot imagine a situation where there would ever be nothing to do (Dostoevsky).
The preposition of the direct object often allows it to retain the accusative case form for transitive verbs with the negation of not. Apparently, this is explained by the weakening of the connection between the substantive word and the verb. Wed: The night did not bring coolness (A.N. Tolstoy). - I could not recognize my father’s house (Yesenin). But the genitive case is also possible: The sun is not visible - the sky is overcast with Burning (Gerasimov).
Note. They are not direct objects of the genitive case form in the following sentences, since they do not contain transitive verbs: I lack your tenderness, you lack my care (Shchipachev); There is no stronger beast than a cat (Krylov); Gerasim was no longer in the yard (Turgenev).
The indirect object is expressed by forms of indirect cases with and without prepositions and refers to the verb,
to an adjective, to words of the state category, to a noun: So forget about your anxiety, Don’t be so sad about me (Yesenin); The word “tomorrow” was invented for indecisive people and for children (Turgenev); I brought a basket full of dew from the forest (Marshak); It is impossible to live in the world without sacrifices, without efforts and hardships: life is not a garden in which only flowers grow (Goncharov).
The meaning of an object in secondary members of a sentence is often complicated by attributive and adverbial meanings.
Determinative complements are subject to sentence members expressed by verbal nouns that retain the action component in semantics (the categorical meaning of the verb). This explains the correlation between a number of verbal and substantive phrases: think about the past - thoughts about the past, dream about travel - dream about travel, demand quality - demand quality, study history - study history, etc.
The brighter the verbal component in the semantics of verbal nouns, the clearer the meaning of the object among their distributors. When the verb component is neutralized, the attributive meaning in the dependent word is stronger: the thought of you, the meaning of speech, etc.
Adverbial additions are subject to verb forms: Butterflies flutter over the flowers... (Sokolov-Mikitov); For_
art is only suitable for the material that has won
place in the heart (Paustovsky).

More on the topic § 45. Direct and indirect additions:

  2. Sentences with direct and indirect speech, their structural and semantic features. The mechanism for replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

A sign or serving as its instrument. There is a distinction between direct and indirect objects. Direct the complement denotes the object directly involved in the action. The criteria for its identification are different in different languages. In is expressed accusative without, combined only with verbs. Depending on the nature of the action, such an object can be external (unchangeable): “buy a house”, “throw a stone”, and internal (resultative): “build a house”, “crush a stone”. A type of internal object is an object of content (“cognate addition,” figura etymologica), i.e., an object, as if extracted from the action itself: “think a thought,” “cry out a cry,” “grief grief.” An object denoting the subject of speech, thought, perception (“to report news”, “to plot a crime”, “to see a ship”) is called deliberative.

Indirect the addition is expressed by a noun in indirect cases with and without prepositions. Associated with the concept of indirect object is the idea of ​​an object affected by the action not directly (cf. “report the news” and “... about the news”) and not completely, but partially (cf. “drink water” and “... water”) . The indirect object may also be associated with the idea of ​​a smaller object (cf.: “wait for the train” as opposed to “wait for the train”) and of its peculiar activity (cf.: “be scared of the dog”, “be happy for your son”, where the object is specific stimulates the activity of the subject). In classical linguistics, the concept of indirect object covers various types of object meanings. In particular, there is a distinction between the objects at which the action is aimed (“ask for bread”, “to achieve success”) and from which it is sent or evaded (“to lose an inheritance”, “to avoid a quarrel”); recipient objects (“smile at a child”, “help a neighbor”); object-tools (“reap with a sickle”, “conquer with beauty”). In the structure of the utterance, all types of objects are in principle compatible and hierarchically ordered: “tell friends (O - addressee) the truth (deliberative direct O) about the war (deliberative indirect O) in the words of an eyewitness (weapon indirect O)”, and some objects are associated with the verb as the core of the message is more obligatory, others - less obligatory connection.

A type of addition is sometimes considered to be a member of a sentence, expressed and denoting a dependent verb feature (“hope to rest”, “promise to help”, “be afraid of making a mistake”, “convince to stay”). With an even broader understanding of the complement, it also includes various types of subordinate clauses associated with the main explanatory relations (“I want to be helped,” “I know that they will help me,” “I’m afraid I might make a mistake”). In school grammars, along with verbal additions, adjective additions are distinguished, which in most cases are derived from verbs, cf.: “read a book” and “reading a book”, “love the homeland” and “love for the homeland”, “thirst for glory” and “ thirst for glory”, “fill with content” and “filled with content”.

  • Shakhmatov A. A., Syntax of the Russian language, 2nd ed., Leningrad, 1941;
  • Grammar of the Russian language, vol. 2, part 1, M., 1954; M., 1960;
  • Peshkovsky A. M., Russian syntax in scientific coverage, 7th ed., M., 1956;
  • Jespersen O., Philosophy of Grammar, trans. from English, M., 1958;
  • Gabuchan K.V., Addition, in the book: Russian language. Encyclopedia, M., 1979.

I. N. Kruchinina.

Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. ed. V. N. Yartseva. 1990 .



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    ADDITION- ADDENDUM, additions, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. complement complement. He was involved in adding and correcting old articles for the collection. || A part added to clarify or correct what was previously written. In the new circular... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    addition- See addition, addition in addition... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. addition augmentation, replenishment, addition, addition, additive, allowance, increase, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

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    ADDITION- ADDENDUM, I, Wed. 1. see add. 2. What what n. added, addition. D. to the resolution. In d. (in addition to nothing else). Additions to clothing (ties, belts, scarves, bags, jewelry). 3. In grammar: minor member of a sentence... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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