Dream about a wall clock. Interpretation from the dream books of Enigma and Miller

A wristwatch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream. This is the main difference between sleep and those in which there are walkers, modern wall clocks and alarm clocks. To understand why you dream of a wristwatch, you need to remember its appearance, the feelings that you experienced when contemplating them.

A wristwatch seen in a dream is a symbol indicating that the prophecy refers specifically to the one who saw the dream

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing an expensive wristwatch on your own hand in a dream means:

  1. A vision foreshadowing a big win. If such a dream visited a person playing on the stock exchange, it means that his finest hour is coming.
  2. For a gambling casino visitor, this can be considered a prophecy of success in the game.
  3. Giving them in a dream is a warning that you need to be more correct and tactful in dealing with people, so as not to get yourself into trouble.
  4. Loss warns of the machinations of envious people, gossip and slander that await you in reality.
  5. To break means to lose something important in real life.
  6. The lucky ones who are about to make drastic changes in their lives have to start them in a dream.
  7. Those who stop prophesy losses, obstacles in business, minor but exhausting troubles.
  8. Gold, bewitching with its brilliance, is dreamed of as a warning about the lies and hypocrisy of those closest to you. If you had a theft the day before (or it will happen in the very near future), then you will have to look for the loss among your closest friends, partners and family circle.

Dream Interpretation of the Oracle does not consider watches from the point of view of their cost, presentability, performance qualities, and other external features. The only explanation for the presence of a wristwatch in a dream, according to this dream book, is the prediction of success in all areas of life. There is also a warning in such a dream, which is indicated by the “Oracle”. Haste, emotionality or slow decision-making can affect fortune's favor.

Freud's Dream Book narrows the interpretation of sleep:

  • Winding a watch in a dream means receiving a long-deserved reward. As the psychologist talked about this, it won’t necessarily be money. It is possible that this will be recognition of merit, increased authority in the team, or mutual love.
  • Freud interpreted broken and broken watches as harbingers of uninteresting sex. This is a warning sign that you should not waste your precious time on this.
  • Gifts given in a dream are a symbol of the fact that time spent with a loved one in reality will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Loff's Dream Book suggests paying special attention to such details as the condition of the clock mechanism:

  1. Stopped, damaged, indicate the impossibility of changing the current deadlock situation.
  2. Seeing a dial, a ticking clock, without hands, means that the problem will resolve itself over time. There is no need to make any effort for this, so as not to aggravate it.
  3. The absence of an hour hand, but the presence of a minute and second hand, is an indication that you are unable to understand the situation and adequately assess it. It is necessary to stop all actions to resolve the situation and reconsider your view of the situation. Only after this should you take the initiative into your own hands or let the problem go like an unattached boat along the flow of the river of life.
  4. A stopped clock is a direct indication that the deadline for fulfilling a dream or task has already expired.
  5. It is possible to determine the time when they stopped - this is a hint, an indication of a specific event that you may not yet know about or do not attach much importance to it, although it foreshadows the end of some period in your life.

Clock in the dream book (video)

Choosing a watch in a dream

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream (for yourself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires choosing a further path, the situation of a knight at a crossroads.

Choosing a wristwatch in a dream (for yourself) is a dream when a moment comes in life that requires choosing a future path

This is not a narrative dream; in it you need to pay attention to:

  • who helped choose;
  • how the seller was involved in the selection process;
  • familiar or unfamiliar people were next to you at the counter at that time;
  • what they said;
  • do your opinions agree with them;
  • electronic or mechanical you chose;
  • were they correct?

The active participation of strangers in your choice suggests that your choice in real life can be influenced by colleagues, relatives, bosses or strangers. This dream shows who exactly influences you in reality.

Seeing women's or men's wristwatches in a dream

Choosing a watch as a gift to your girlfriend or wife is a good sign.

If such a dream follows a disagreement in real life, you need to pay attention to the body.

Choosing a watch as a gift to your girlfriend or wife is a good sign

If the body sparkles with gold, it means that the conflict was provoked by someone from the inner circle. They tried to quarrel you deliberately.

If you were given a wristwatch in a dream

  • A loved one presents a watch in a dream - such a dream can be considered the same as the gift of an engagement ring. For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.
  • Electronic ones with a leather strap, chosen for the wife, are a symbol of stability in family relationships.
  • Mechanical, quartz, electronic (working) ones donated by a spouse in a dream foreshadow a trusting relationship in reality, not overshadowed by mistrust or jealousy.
  • Shiny rhinestones on the dial or strap speak of deception, ostentatious feelings, and betrayal.

For a girl and an unmarried woman, this dream promises an early marriage.

Choose a watch as a gift

I had to choose a men's watch, but definitely not for myself, but as a gift - you are taking too active a part in the fate of the person to whom you wanted to give a nice gift in a dream.

  • If this is a colleague, such a dream shows that he does not need overprotection on your part. She burdens him, he tolerates your excessive concern out of reluctance to offend.
  • Choosing such a gift for your son symbolizes that the child has already grown up, it’s time to give him a little freedom. Stop demanding excuses from him for every step he takes without your approval.
  • If you dreamed about a man's watch that you chose as a gift for a woman, this is a sign that she has a stronger business acumen. You subconsciously recognize this, even if in life it is difficult for you to accept this fact.

A beautiful wristwatch on someone's hand

Beauty lies in both decoration and stylish design. Seeing a Swiss watch in a dream with a dial decorated with diamonds (on someone else’s hand) is a sign that this person can provide qualified assistance in business. The stability of a Swiss watch in this dream is transferred to the person on whose hand they can be clearly seen.

  • Diamonds speak of financial well-being, evenness of character and financial stability of their owner.
  • The absence of diamonds in the design of the dial of a reliable mechanical watch on the hand of the alleged benefactor can be regarded as effective assistance in business without involving his finances.
  • A woman who sees such a watch on the hand of her chosen one can be sure that this man will be a reliable companion in her life, will provide the family with a comfortable existence, and will be successful in business.
  • Shiny elements of the dial, in which one can recognize rhinestones or zircons, along with a gold or gilded case, can be regarded as an indication that the person on whose hand is the object that has attracted attention makes many beautiful promises. You shouldn't expect real help from him.

Beauty lies in both decoration and stylish design

A woman with an attractive watch shining on her wrist is capable of flirting and short-term relationships, but it makes no sense to consider her as a life partner.

Find a wristwatch

According to Miller's dream book, such finds in dreams are prophetic:

  • Dear ones foretell receiving a bonus or salary increase;
  • Gold is a warning that you will soon have to take responsibility for the life and well-being of someone you know.
  • Women's promises to receive income from a completely losing project.
  • Men dream of marriage or adding to the family.

Time and clocks in the dream book (video)

Seeing a clock in a dream means receiving a warning, a hint. This sign does not foretell anything terrible. The main thing is to correctly interpret what Morpheus and your subconscious are trying to say.

Attention, TODAY only!

Wall clock is a symbol of immortality. The nature of sleep is very unclear. But despite this, many people believe that every dream can help them in the future. That is, you can explain the meaning of each dream and the reason why you dreamed it.

Indeed, people have been studying dreams for many years. They can be incredibly different, and can mean things that completely defy logic.

For example, why do you dream of a wall clock? This thing can be dreamed of in several cases. But despite this, it is worth remembering others. For example, what time was on that clock, whether it was running or frozen at a certain number. And also everything that may be connected with it.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, then most likely it means that you forgot to do something very important, but you really didn’t want to do it. Also, if the clock is not ticking, then this indicates that you are constantly wasting your time.

If a certain time is shown, then you are expecting a very important event. Think about why you dreamed about this watch. Perhaps then it will be a little easier to define your sleep. A dream in which a wall clock haunts you is very ambiguous.

If you know its meaning, you can understand that it is worth paying attention to your life, and also do everything possible to ensure that it runs more smoothly.


Why do you dream of a Clock?

ABC of dream interpretation

The clock is a symbol of inexorable time, a reminder that life passes. Symbol of the period of life to which the marked time corresponds.

Seeing a stopped clock is a sign of stagnation in life.

A clock without hands, a broken clock - to be rejected by family, society.

Winding a watch in a dream means changes for the better.

American dream book

The clock is the passage of time. Time is ticking.

English dream book

A clock striking in a dream always warns of something.

If in a dream you hear a clock striking and counting down the strikes that strike the time until noon, it means that you have great happiness ahead.

If the clock chimes in the afternoon, expect trouble.

A sharp single strike of the clock warns of a deterioration in your health and, perhaps, even of approaching death.

If you just dream about the clock striking, it means that you will soon get married and will be very happy.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about a Clock in a dream according to the dream book?

A wristwatch is a harbinger that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

Hearing a clock tick is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time.

A stopped clock means death.

Children's dream book

A clock in a dream counts down the vital forces.

If you hear a clock ticking, it means that you have to go through some kind of extreme situation, or your body is warning you about a developing internal disease.

Idiomatic dream book

“Happy hours are not observed” - the timelessness of joy; “your hour has struck” - a crucial period of life, an opportunity, the end of life; “watchmaker” - precision; “the clock has stopped” - interruption of activity, death.

Imperial dream book

Clocks were created by man specifically to coordinate his world/time with the worlds/time of other people. Watches became necessary with the development of civilization. In an earlier period, a person had enough of a sense of natural rhythms. The general agreement on a single time (rhythm of life) binds individuals into a single society. But at the same time, the same time for everyone enslaves and destroys the individual self, since time from an individual internal personal category in society turns into a category of rhythm, external and impersonal.

A clock is a completely special material symbol, reflecting something that does not materially exist in the world, because time exists/occurs only relative to the human observer, and each person lives in his own special time and in his own world, different from the worlds (personal self).

Mechanical watches, sun watches, sand watches - reflecting the internal state and philosophical categories.

Seeing, knowing the real time on the clock in a dream and feeling its rapid flow away is a lack of something (for example, the dreamer does not have time to go to work in a dream). Here there is a discrepancy between the internal personal rhythm of time and the generally accepted one, a complete discrepancy between external goals and objectives and internal forces, and so on. All increasing external failures will give rise to increasing internal blocks and depression. To prevent a vicious circle from closing, it is necessary to adjust goals with capabilities.

An hourglass or water clock or rapidly decreasing sand/water in a clock is a waste of time and energy on empty things or on an ungrateful person.

Seeing a broken/stopped mechanical watch on your hand/on the wall/an old, stopped watch in a dream - a psychological stop, fixation on some event in the past and the absence of the present; Prolonged negative emotions have created blocks in the body - obstruction of energy through the channels. The emotion that prevails in a dream/after sleep will indicate an organ that has been unhealthy for a long time.

A stopped clock on the wall of a house indicates the destruction of the family/clan that began at the moment of stopping; an old broken clock may indicate an incorrect flow of energy over several generations (birth illnesses). Looking for lost hours in a dream means trying to find at least some rhythm of movement with society. The dream is unfavorable: complete loss of both personal internal goals and external guidelines for the movement of life. The search is being conducted in the wrong place and using inadequate methods: you should think about the meaning of your personal life; if you have internal goals, the external will improve. If you don’t have the strength to think about it, then art should call for help: theater, books, and so on.

Throwing away an old watch means getting rid of internal blocks, alien or outdated opinions, inert habits, and the like. The dream is favorable: your attitude towards life will become more free, she will smile back.

Seeing a sundial in a dream means compliance/inconsistency with natural rhythms.

An entire sundial that correctly indicates the time of the sun, evoking pleasant feelings - internal compliance with external natural rhythms, health and success.

A destroyed sundial is a discrepancy with the rhythms of the sun and nature. In addition to those listed above, there are seasonal dreams: you don’t dream about hours, but the loss of large periods of time is acutely felt. A dream can be conditionally called a time failure. For example, before a summer vacation, when the vouchers have already been purchased and the weather is good, you suddenly dream that the vacation is over and you couldn’t rest; or the dreamer dreams of himself being much older (there is fear) than in reality, and so on. The dream indicates emptiness of energy: the dreamer seems to have already spent it in advance - borrowed it from himself.

Intimate dream book

In a dream, winding up the watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so that there is no doubt about his emotionality.

If you dreamed of a tower clock, it means that you are about to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that.

A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some of your partner’s eccentricities, in your opinion, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Italian dream book

A clock is an instrument for measuring time. For a person, they are associated with a certain vice, since everyone would like to have more time in the day to fulfill plans and obligations.

If a person sees himself living by the clock, this means a protest against a rigid schedule, against the circumstances of his previous life. The watch denotes the presence of a “technical super-ego” - an alien destructive mechanism that deprives a person of freedom, controls the life of the subject as a whole and his life manifestations. Gives them such parameters as accuracy, clarity, accuracy. In some cases, the clock signifies maternal control and programming of actions in accordance with imposed norms. If this image is often repeated, then this is due to the presence of mental abscession (obsession).

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about a Clock in a dream?

Quartz watch - you will be late for an important event.

Chess clock - you need to hurry up.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like.

If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

Seeing in a dream an electronic wall clock with a light on it means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and make an important discovery.

If you dream of an hourglass, this indicates that you will one way or another be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and public holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trivial favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply lassoed into this matter and the entire organizational part was blamed on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: they respect you and want you to be in the thick of things.

For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their school events. In 17 or 26 days they are planning some kind of holiday, and you will have to actively participate in it, whether you like it or not.

Psychoanalytic dream book

The time on the clock may correspond to the time of a real experience in the past. Mother's control, reflex. The heart and therefore the emotions. The striking and ticking clock. Pulsation in the genitals.

Family dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means you can succeed in playing on the stock exchange.

If you checked the time using them, in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.

If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, she could have various troubles at home.

Symbolic dream book

A clock is a symbol that corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, watches symbolize age.

There is a belief that if the clock in the house stops, it is a bad sign.

If in your dream you are afraid of being late and look at your watch all the time, this means that in reality you have an opportunity that you are afraid to miss.

Breaking your watch in a dream means that in reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Dream Interpreter

Seeing a clock reminds you of the proper use of time; if you dream in a dream that a clock is running forward, this means death; and if you see that they are lagging behind, it marks a long life.

Combined dream book

If in a dream you hear the chiming of a tower clock, you need to take the current situation seriously and make an important decision.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Clock?

Dreaming about a watch predicts that you will become rich as a result of well-prepared business transactions.

Breaking a watch is a sign that you are threatened with losses and troubles.

Breaking the glass of a watch predicts a frivolous friendship or unpleasant communication.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, in reality domestic troubles would make her unhappy.

Stealing a watch is a harbinger that you will have powerful enemies seeking to tarnish your reputation.

Giving a watch is a sign that in real life your interests will suffer due to your penchant for dubious entertainment and pleasure.

If you dream that you are looking at your watch, then take this dream as a warning - you are threatened by enemies.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means receiving unpleasant news. This dream may be followed by the death of a friend.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Clocks are a necessity for precision. Reflection of the perception of time.

Azar's Dream Book

Watches are a waste of life on trifles.

Vanga's Dream Book

Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help.

Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Clock - Time flows.

Dream book for a bitch

Watches are an increase in capital.

Lose - domestic quarrels.

A whole, working watch means success, good health.

Broken - sadness, failure.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If in a dream you paid attention to the clock, this is an obvious reminder that time is running out and you should hurry. Such dreams usually mean that you risk missing a favorable moment to implement any plans.

Losing a watch in a dream is usually a sign that in reality you are wasting time.

Giving a watch as a gift is a warning that someone is shamelessly using your time.

A broken clock suggests that by missing time, you risk complete failure in some of your endeavors.

Watch on a chain - symbolizes punctuality and accuracy

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing a clock running is a sign of desynchronosis, i.e. disruption of biological rhythms in the body; to see a stopped clock means the death of someone you know is possible.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Watch - you are wasting your life on trifles; if you see a broken watch, then this dream is about the end of your life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

A watch means getting rid of terrible danger.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Wiping your watch with a rag means you will live out your life in a foreign land.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Hours - profit; and the patient has a short life.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about a Clock in a dream?

Having a pocket watch means regulated family relationships; find - must be punctual; gold - close friends will rob you; not going - you are wasting time; give - you deceive your heart; big striking clock - remember that time is money; to break - expect evil; unopened - the death of a distant acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will experience something that will radically change your life.

If you dreamed of a wristwatch, such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to implement your plans. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler who is now in power in your state will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects.

Determining time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you.

Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that someone close to you really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Clock in a dream?

Winding a watch in a dream means the successful resolution of a difficult matter.

Hearing a clock strike portends that suspicion will fall on you of an offense you have not committed, which can significantly undermine your prestige and authority.

The ringing of an alarm clock means positive changes in business.

Wristwatches mean a successful career.

A watch on a chain is a sign of unfulfilled hopes.

Wall clock - indicates that you will suffer from the false slander of slanderers.

A gold watch promises in reality championship in an unspoken competition with stronger, but less successful rivals and competitors.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Winding a watch is a boring, monotonous job.

Wall clock - funeral of a loved one.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If you saw an old clock in a dream, such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.

Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

The knocking of a clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Clock according to the dream book?

A wristwatch is a new daily activity, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, waiting, boredom, haste.

Looking at the clock or finding it means rushing things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life.

Expensive, beautiful watch - a successful, profitable marriage.

Hours - waiting; change; tests; rush.

Stopped - happy time; death of one's own or of a very important person, parents.

Sand - a feeling of the transience of your life.

With a cuckoo - long life.

A clock with a pendulum can symbolize the work of the heart.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Watches - mistakes, miscalculations.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a watch in a dream means good luck on the stock exchange.

If you dreamed that you were looking at your watch to find out the time, or looking at a watch, know that all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

To break - to troubles and losses.

Losing it means trouble in your home.

If you dreamed that your watch was stolen, or you saw someone’s watch stolen, you should know that you have enemies who will try their best to denigrate your reputation.

You dreamed that one of your relatives or friends had their watch stolen - this signifies the death of one of your distant relatives.

If you dreamed that you stole a watch from someone, good luck awaits you, but at the same time you will have to betray a friend or someone you know.

Giving it to someone means trouble.

In a dream, you bought or were given a watch - soon you will receive a valuable gift.

Hearing them fight is sad news.

Freud's Dream Book

A watch, like any complex mechanism, is a symbol of the penis.

If a man offers a watch to a woman, he seeks sexual contact with her.

If you have many hours, you are sexually active and have many sexual partners.

A broken or stopped watch for a man symbolizes problems with potency, and for a woman it symbolizes the lack of full-fledged sex.

If you wind your watch, your interest in your sexual partner is fading.

If a man winds his watch with a key, he is prone to homosexuality.

If a woman winds her watch with a key, she is prone to self-satisfaction.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

A watch is a change in life; remember the hour and minutes - the year and month, or the month and day of change.

Aesop's Dream Book

Clock - this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health. There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and always look at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

French dream book

If you dreamed of a tower clock, this dream will be followed by the destruction of your house and the collapse of your affairs.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

A good watch means health; scrapped

Ukrainian dream book

If you dream of a watch that stands, it means death; if the clock is ticking, life is changing for the better.

If you dream about a watch, there will be an acquaintance; nice meeting.

Universal dream book

Clock - suggests the idea of ​​observation. When you need to be attentive and focused, you are always on guard. Do you want to guard someone, or do you want another person to guard you? People love to be appreciated and desired. Does the dream reflect your desire to become the object of someone's attention?

Folklore dream book

The clock stopped on its own - to someone's death.

Gypsy dream book

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Clock according to the dream book?

Putting on a hand watch, seeing it in working order and running - to coordinated work; you use your time well.

Broken, stopped - problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will always be late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing benefits.”

To lose, to drop - you have missed time, and your place in both personal and public life will be occupied by others.

Wall - a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, don't miss opportunities, don't ignore dangers.

The tower chimes are striking and ringing - signifying important events in the state that will affect your life.

Hourglass - uselessly passing time, wasting energy.

Erotic dream book

Dreaming of a watch reminds you of an important matter, your unrealized plans and dreams.

If in a dream you hear a clock striking, this means that you are a very sensitive person who reacts to the slightest irritation - some sounds, light touches, the timbre of your voice.

If you dreamed that the clock was running forward, the dream speaks of your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.

If they lag behind, you will have a long and stormy love affair, complete sexual harmony with a new partner.

To see the mechanism of a working clock - everything is in perfect order with your health. In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, it can be assumed that there were also some disruptions in your sex life.


Why did you dream about the clock?

There are various signs in dreams - some can be completely unclear and blurry, while others are so metaphorically vivid that you simply feel, even at the level of intuition, what it might mean.

Many things and objects have strong associations for us with something - with certain phenomena, events, and so on.

One of the most striking, metaphorical, associative symbols is the clock. They are not just an object that is found in every home, in every institution, and on almost every hand.

Gold, plastic, electronic, mechanical, antique, children's, cuckoo or chime - such an incredible variety of watches. And they all seem to have their own soul. A clock is time, the inexorable passage of moments, it is a reminder that the life of each of us is impermanent, seconds flow by, they cannot be returned...

There can be an endless number of thoughts about the transience of our days, the value of moments and the passage of time. But how can one correctly interpret what a watch means in a dream, because it is such a complex, voluminous and multifaceted symbol!

First of all, you should very carefully and scrupulously remember your entire dream - the clock could have been anything, and anything could have happened to it. It is precisely such important nuances that will determine what the watch is meant for in dreams, and believe me, there can be a huge variety of meanings and meanings.

So, such dreams with dials and hands can be like this:

  • You heard a clock strike in a dream.
  • We saw a watch on his hand.
  • The wall clock in your dream is ticking very loudly.
  • You dreamed of a pocket watch.
  • A wall clock or other clock stopped in a dream.
  • You saw a dial without hands.
  • The clock in your dream went back.
  • You saw midnight on them.
  • A wall clock with an insect in it, such as a spider.
  • You dreamed of a cuckoo clock.
  • Sunny.
  • Sand.
  • Gold.
  • Women's watch.
  • Clock on the facade of a building or tower.
  • You look at the time.
  • Repairing watches.
  • The watch was broken - accidentally or on purpose.
  • You lost a watch in your sleep.
  • Turn them on.
  • You are buying.
  • They were given to you.
  • You gave them to someone.

It is difficult to find any symbol that could have so many diverse, sometimes completely opposite, meanings and meanings in a dream. Therefore, in order to determine as accurately and correctly as possible what the watch is for in your dreams, be sure to remember everything - what it was like and what happened.

So different, seen in dreams

To begin with, it’s worth analyzing those dreams in which the clock was simply seen by you - from the outside. But you yourself did not touch them, but only looked or accidentally noticed them. What is very important here is what they were like and where they were.

In addition, if you remember exactly what time it was on them, think about it - this time may be important in reality. Perhaps it is at this time that some important event will happen for you in reality.

1.If in your dreams you hear a clock striking a clock, know that an important and significant event is very close. Such a dream is simply a reminder that you should prepare for something and get ready.

2. It’s curious why you dream of a wristwatch – on your or someone else’s hand, or simply lying on a table, in a display case, and so on. This dream foreshadows many small joys, pleasant chores, small events that will fill your days to the brim. You won't have enough time, but it will be pleasantly busy.

3. A wall clock that ticks loudly in a dream indicates that you have to wait for something. This could be the anticipation of a long-awaited meeting, event, decision - anything. Be patient and don't rush things - learning to wait patiently will give you many benefits.

4. If, for example, you dream that you have a pocket watch, or you just saw it on someone, this is a wonderful sign, a symbol of the inevitable quick success that will overtake you in business. Work, personal relationships - everything will go well, and the period of failure will pass.

5. Do you dream about how the clock on the wall or on your hand stops? Know that this is an omen of the end of something. Some kind of protracted matter or process, maybe even a whole life period. What seemed endless will soon end.

6. If you dreamed of a dial without hands, this also promises the end of something. But here the dream book hints that it is time to start something new, that the time of the old is already coming to an end.

7. If you saw how the arrows went backwards, it is not difficult to find in the dream book an interpretation of such a bright symbol. This symbolizes a return to the past, some events or meetings from the past, people, memories, past connections.

8. If you dream that it is exactly midnight on the clock, this means that a very significant event awaits you ahead. It may even change the course of your life, but most likely it will not be in your very near future.

9. But if you happen to find a spider or other insect in a watch in a dream, which is not clear how it got there, this means that you will find next to you an ill-wisher, a hypocrite or an imaginary friend.

10.A dream in which there is a cuckoo clock symbolizes peace and order in the family. You will get great joy from your family life, which is calm, peaceful and favorable.

11. The sundial is a hint that you are making too many unsteady and illusory plans. You should be a little more down to earth, look at things soberly.

12. Finding or seeing an hourglass - advice: take care of your loved ones and friends, protect your relationships, your actions can destroy them.

13. But why do you dream of a clock located on the facade of a building? This dream promises you recognition, praise and approval. Your work and actions will be recognized.

14. Gold also promises fame, recognition and honor.

15. Women's watches are a symbol of household chores. Perhaps guests will come.

Time is a precious gift

Let's consider why you dream of a watch that was not just seen in a dream, but with which you did something directly. All the details of the dream are also important here.

1. If you dream about how you look at time, it means that in reality you will correctly distribute your days and manage to do everything.

2. Receiving a watch as a gift in a dream means that in reality you will receive some kind of offer, very rare and desirable. For a girl, this may mean a marriage proposal, and a man may receive a very lucrative offer in the work sphere.

3. Finding them in a dream is a good sign. This means that you can soon count on unexpected and great luck.

4. It’s curious why you dream of a watch that you wind in a dream. This is an indication of your impatience, and advice to be more patient, learn to wait.

5. As the dream book says, a watch that you accidentally broke in a dream promises you a loss. And if you broke it on purpose, you yourself will deliberately get rid of something - and do it confidently.

6. If in a dream you are doing watch repairs, this indicates that you are probably wasting a lot of time and do not know how to plan properly. Try to reconsider your plans and everything on which you spend precious time every day.

7. Losing your walkers in a dream is a warning: you may be late for something. Remember - this can be in an everyday sense, for example, being late for a meeting, or maybe in a global sense - you risk missing something important. Be careful.

8. If you yourself bought a watch in a dream - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wristwatch, a wall watch or something else, this promises you the start of new, interesting things that will change your life a little. They will bring something bright into it, something will captivate you, and you will be busy with interesting things.

9. But if you gave someone a watch in your dream, it doesn’t matter who exactly – a new romance, a love adventure and a lot of emotions await you!

It turns out that this is such a complex, interesting and multifaceted symbol. Our time passes, it cannot be stopped - and dreams only remind us of this once again.

Listen to the advice of the dream book, do not forget to listen to your heart and mind, and do not waste time - after all, the most interesting and important things are happening now, in these moments!


Lots of wall clocks

Dream Interpretation Many wall clocks dreamed of why in a dream there are many wall clocks? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see many wall clocks in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clock (wall)

This sign relates to the passage of time.

Time is flowing.

Do you feel like time is running out? State to yourself: “I have enough time at my disposal to achieve my goals.”

This may also mean that you should watch for signs around you.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Those who go fast - to the short one.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Wearing a watch or looking at it means a very important person will visit you.

A clock on the facade of a building - dreams of receiving approval and recognition.

Short hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.

Winding a watch means you will have to work hard to get the desired output.

The chimes ringing is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - receive public recognition.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Dream Interpretation - Clock and number one

Dream Interpretation - Clock


They give a watch

Dream Interpretation Give a watch dreamed of why in a dream they give a watch? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a watch in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clock

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being. If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure. If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance. If the clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit. A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome. Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death. A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you. Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck. Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless. The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family. Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles. Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you see a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock market.

If you checked the time using them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.

If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then various troubles were possible at home.

If the watch on your hand fails, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward may also be intangible.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by a person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting he expresses his feelings very clearly.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will learn some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to take into account the opinion of a loved one. Try to make the first move, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches.

Looking at an old watch in a dream means that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock - you are about to do something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you won’t have enough time to implement your plans.

If you determined the time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial, the event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, this means that someone close to you is in dire need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: whether you lived with dignity, whether you did good or bad deeds.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, it means there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a clock or a tower clock is a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the demands of the time.

They strike - an important social event has approached, the hour of your test and test has come.

Looking at a wristwatch means wasting your life on trifles.

Breaking them means chaos in your life / loss of family.

To lose is some kind of delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - anxious anticipation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a cabinet - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house chimes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you'll return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring of the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a large clock is a reasonable hope; you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding any watch is impatient.

Trying to stop the clock, holding the hand or breaking it - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of time running.

Breaking a watch on purpose means being dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

Finding a spider in a watch means finding the culprit of something.

Finding a skull in a watch means thinking about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrow - feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walking, seeing a cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turning them over means being the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health.

There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and are constantly looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you have missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Buying a watch means starting new things.

Someone buys a watch - you will receive unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you manage to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month or the month and day of change.

A broken or broken watch is a sign of misfortune and all sorts of misfortunes.

Looking at the clock means losing in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch means trouble.

Losing it means a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow running clock means a long life.

Those who go fast - to the short one.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

A rushing clock means a trip somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you dreamed about a clock, you will have a visit to an official.

Outdoor watches will appreciate your efforts.

If the watch is not very large, you have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind your watch, which means you will plunge headlong into your work, and the results will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes, your time is running out, hurry up to complete the task.

Wearing a watch or looking at it means a very important person will visit you.

A clock on the facade of a building - dreams of receiving approval and recognition.

Short hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.

Winding a watch means you will have to work hard to get the desired output.

The chimes ringing is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - receive public recognition.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Breaking a clock portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Clock and number one

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like. If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

In a dream, turning the clock hands to one o'clock in the afternoon means that in 19 days you will be sued. If the unit on the dial stands out clearly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.

Seeing an electronic wall clock in a dream with 00:01 displayed means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery. If the clock says 01:00, then be prepared to be slandered - don’t be upset, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.

If in a dream you look at an electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the board you get the number “1” by adding, then this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals; perhaps they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. For women, a dream in which they easily add numbers and get one promises easy and quick victories on the love front. It could be 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality you will be prevented from achieving success in your professional and personal fields by doubts and self-doubt.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If the clock was running properly and showing the correct time, the dream means that your work is going smoothly and you will be able to complete it on time. A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task. Winding up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work that will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to a watchmaker and he repaired it very quickly. The clock is ticking again. If you have seen a broken watch, imagine being given a new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional precision.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

A clock is a symbol that corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, watches symbolize age. There is a belief that if the clock in the house stops, it is a bad sign. If in your dream you are afraid of being late and look at your watch all the time, this means that in reality you have an opportunity that you are afraid to miss. If you break your watch in a dream, in reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation. A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.


Wall clock

Dream Interpretation Wall Clock dreamed of why you dream about a Wall Clock? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Wall Clock in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clock (wall)

This sign relates to the passage of time.

Time is flowing.

Do you feel like time is running out? State to yourself: “I have enough time at my disposal to achieve my goals.”

This may also mean that you should watch for signs around you.

Are you tied to time? Should you be more precise? Is your time running out? Is time passing you by? What is your relationship with time? Mystics perceive time completely differently than ordinary people.

The deeper you penetrate into the center and come into contact with the divine principle, the less power the shackles of time have over you.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being. If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure. If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance. If the clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit. A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome. Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death. A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you. Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck. Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless. The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family. Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles. Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you see a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock market.

If you checked the time using them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.

If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then various troubles were possible at home.

If the watch on your hand fails, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward may also be intangible.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by a person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting he expresses his feelings very clearly.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will learn some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to take into account the opinion of a loved one. Try to make the first move, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches.

Looking at an old watch in a dream means that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock - you are about to do something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you won’t have enough time to implement your plans.

If you determined the time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial, the event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, this means that someone close to you is in dire need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: whether you lived with dignity, whether you did good or bad deeds.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, it means there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a clock or a tower clock is a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the demands of the time.

They strike - an important social event has approached, the hour of your test and test has come.

Looking at a wristwatch means wasting your life on trifles.

Breaking them means chaos in your life / loss of family.

To lose is some kind of delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - anxious anticipation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a cabinet - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house chimes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you'll return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring of the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a large clock is a reasonable hope; you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding any watch is impatient.

Trying to stop the clock, holding the hand or breaking it - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of time running.

Breaking a watch on purpose means being dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

Finding a spider in a watch means finding the culprit of something.

Finding a skull in a watch means thinking about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrow - feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walking, seeing a cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turning them over means being the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health.

There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and are constantly looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you have missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Buying a watch means starting new things.

Someone buys a watch - you will receive unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you manage to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month or the month and day of change.

A broken or broken watch is a sign of misfortune and all sorts of misfortunes.

Looking at the clock means losing in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch means trouble.

Losing it means a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow running clock means a long life.

Those who go fast - to the short one.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

A rushing clock means a trip somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you dreamed about a clock, you will have a visit to an official.

Outdoor watches will appreciate your efforts.

If the watch is not very large, you have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind your watch, which means you will plunge headlong into your work, and the results will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes, your time is running out, hurry up to complete the task.

Wearing a watch or looking at it means a very important person will visit you.

A clock on the facade of a building - dreams of receiving approval and recognition.

Short hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.

Winding a watch means you will have to work hard to get the desired output.

The chimes ringing is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - receive public recognition.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Breaking a clock portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Clock and number one

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like. If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

In a dream, turning the clock hands to one o'clock in the afternoon means that in 19 days you will be sued. If the unit on the dial stands out clearly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.

Seeing an electronic wall clock in a dream with 00:01 displayed means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery. If the clock says 01:00, then be prepared to be slandered - don’t be upset, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.

If in a dream you look at an electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the board you get the number “1” by adding, then this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals; perhaps they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. For women, a dream in which they easily add numbers and get one promises easy and quick victories on the love front. It could be 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality you will be prevented from achieving success in your professional and personal fields by doubts and self-doubt.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If the clock was running properly and showing the correct time, the dream means that your work is going smoothly and you will be able to complete it on time. A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task. Winding up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work that will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to a watchmaker and he repaired it very quickly. The clock is ticking again. If you have seen a broken watch, imagine being given a new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional precision.


Receive a wristwatch as a gift

Dream Interpretation Receive a wristwatch as a gift dreamed of why you dream about receiving a wristwatch as a gift? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Receive a wristwatch as a gift by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wristwatch

This sign relates to the passage of time.

Time is flowing.

Do you feel like time is running out? Declaring to yourself: “I have enough time at my disposal to achieve my goals.” This may also mean that you should watch the signs around you.

Dream Interpretation - Wristwatch

A new daily activity, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, waiting, boredom, haste. Look at the clock or find them rushing things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life. Expensive, beautiful watch, a successful, profitable marriage. See Add. Clock in the home appliances section.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being. If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure. If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance. If the clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit. A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome. Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death. A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you. Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck. Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless. The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family. Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles. Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health.

There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and are constantly looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you have missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you see a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock market.

If you checked the time using them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.

If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then various troubles were possible at home.

If the watch on your hand fails, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward may also be intangible.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by a person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting he expresses his feelings very clearly.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will learn some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to take into account the opinion of a loved one. Try to make the first move, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches.

Looking at an old watch in a dream means that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock - you are about to do something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you won’t have enough time to implement your plans.

If you determined the time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial, the event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, this means that someone close to you is in dire need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: whether you lived with dignity, whether you did good or bad deeds.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, it means there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Buying a watch means starting new things.

Someone buys a watch - you will receive unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you manage to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month or the month and day of change.

A broken or broken watch is a sign of misfortune and all sorts of misfortunes.

Looking at the clock means losing in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch means trouble.

Losing it means a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow running clock means a long life.

Those who go fast - to the short one.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

A rushing clock means a trip somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a clock or a tower clock is a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the demands of the time.

They strike - an important social event has approached, the hour of your test and test has come.

Looking at a wristwatch means wasting your life on trifles.

Breaking them means chaos in your life / loss of family.

To lose is some kind of delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - anxious anticipation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a cabinet - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house chimes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you'll return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring of the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a large clock is a reasonable hope; you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding any watch is impatient.

Trying to stop the clock, holding the hand or breaking it - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of time running.

Breaking a watch on purpose means being dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

Finding a spider in a watch means finding the culprit of something.

Finding a skull in a watch means thinking about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrow - feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walking, seeing a cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turning them over means being the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Breaking a clock portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Clock and number one

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like. If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

In a dream, turning the clock hands to one o'clock in the afternoon means that in 19 days you will be sued. If the unit on the dial stands out clearly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.

Seeing an electronic wall clock in a dream with 00:01 displayed means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery. If the clock says 01:00, then be prepared to be slandered - don’t be upset, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.

If in a dream you look at an electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the board you get the number “1” by adding, then this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals; perhaps they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. For women, a dream in which they easily add numbers and get one promises easy and quick victories on the love front. It could be 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality you will be prevented from achieving success in your professional and personal fields by doubts and self-doubt.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If the clock was running properly and showing the correct time, the dream means that your work is going smoothly and you will be able to complete it on time. A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task. Winding up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work that will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to a watchmaker and he repaired it very quickly. The clock is ticking again. If you have seen a broken watch, imagine being given a new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional precision.


The wall clock fell and

Dream Interpretation The wall clock fell and dreamed of why in a dream the wall clock fell and? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a wall clock falling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clock (wall)

This sign relates to the passage of time.

Time is flowing.

Do you feel like time is running out? State to yourself: “I have enough time at my disposal to achieve my goals.”

This may also mean that you should watch for signs around you.

Are you tied to time? Should you be more precise? Is your time running out? Is time passing you by? What is your relationship with time? Mystics perceive time completely differently than ordinary people.

The deeper you penetrate into the center and come into contact with the divine principle, the less power the shackles of time have over you.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

A watch in a dream is a symbol of life, change (good or bad), movement, success or defeat.

If in a dream you remember the time shown by the clock, then try to understand what exactly this means. See interpretation: numbers.

A working clock in a dream means that your business is progressing successfully.

Seeing or receiving a watch with a bracelet in a dream predicts imminent marriage. Losing them in a dream means the collapse of your hopes. But if you can find them in a dream, then happiness awaits you in your married life. An expensive watch in a dream portends good changes and promises health, wealth and prosperity.

The clock hands indicate how much time is left until the desired moment.

A stopped watch in a dream foreshadows a stop in business or the death of the one to whom this watch belongs. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may lose track of time, and warns you about imprudent actions that can greatly harm your well-being. If you dream that someone took a stopped watch for repairs, then you will be able to safely get out of another adventure. If the clock is rushing in a dream, then you should not make hasty decisions. The dream also indicates that you need to do something important and indicates deteriorating health. But if in a dream you see that the clock is lagging behind, then you should hurry up so as not to miss the lucky chance. If the clock slows down in a dream, then your life is in danger or trouble. Seeing a lot of ticking clocks in a dream means that you will have many different things to do that will bring profit or benefit. A broken watch in a dream foretells failure due to obstacles that you cannot overcome. Seeing a broken clock mechanism in a dream means that you will lose your income. For patients, such a dream threatens death. A watch without hands or with broken hands indicates that stagnation in business and great worries await you. Seeing a lot of broken watches or dropping a watch and not picking it up in a dream means that you should abandon useless undertakings.

Breaking a clock in a dream means that you yourself will interfere with your happiness or frighten away your luck. Seeing a broken watch is a harbinger of the death of a loved one. But if in a dream you dropped your watch, but it did not break, then you will have great luck in a matter that you considered hopeless. The ringing of an alarm clock in a dream indicates to you that the time has come to make an important decision or take a decisive step. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will make a good profit. See interpretation: sounds.

The striking of a wall clock in a dream predicts imminent and sad events, and sometimes a funeral in the family. Losing or giving a watch in a dream is a harbinger of domestic troubles. Finding a watch or receiving one as a gift in a dream means that due to your frivolous behavior you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation. Such a dream also indicates that you should take advantage of the good advice of your friends or loved ones.

If you dream that your watch was stolen, then beware of ill-wishers who want to harm your happiness or well-being.

Stealing a watch yourself in a dream is a sign that you are ready to do anything for the sake of your happiness.

Winding a watch in a dream means that you have to make an important decision.

If you dream that an acquaintance left his wristwatch with you, then you will have a happy and long-term relationship (partnership, friendship) with this person.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you see a watch in a dream, you can succeed in playing the stock market.

If you checked the time using them, then in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.

If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.

If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.

If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, then various troubles were possible at home.

If the watch on your hand fails, you will receive a reward for the work you have done. True, this reward may also be intangible.

If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by a person whom you always considered reserved and dry. It turns out that in an intimate setting he expresses his feelings very clearly.

If you dreamed about a tower clock, you will learn some very important and long-awaited news.

A broken watch is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to take into account the opinion of a loved one. Try to make the first move, otherwise your relationship will end.

Nostradamus gave the following interpretations of dreams about watches.

Looking at an old watch in a dream means that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.

If you dreamed about a wall clock - you are about to do something that will radically change your life.

If you saw a wristwatch in a dream, you won’t have enough time to implement your plans.

If you determined the time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial, the event that will happen to you will be unusual and will greatly upset you.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, this means that someone close to you is in dire need of help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about watches as follows.

If you saw an old clock in a dream, it’s time to reflect on your past: whether you lived with dignity, whether you did good or bad deeds.

If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.

If you dreamed about a wristwatch, it means there is very little time left for an important event in your life.

If you heard the sound of a clock in a dream, your life, unfortunately, will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a clock or a tower clock is a symbol of inexorable time.

An ominous dream about a tower clock - you will fall behind the demands of the time.

They strike - an important social event has approached, the hour of your test and test has come.

Looking at a wristwatch means wasting your life on trifles.

Breaking them means chaos in your life / loss of family.

To lose is some kind of delay / loss of a friend.

The clock is knocking loudly - anxious anticipation, there is little time left for something.

To see a clock in the form of a cabinet - you have somewhere to hide from the difficult present.

The clock in your house chimes with others behind the wall - social events will affect the family.

Having a pocket watch means little money, good luck, happiness.

The clock has stopped - the end of something, death.

To see without arrows - your time has passed, you will remain on the sidelines.

Let's go back - you'll return to where you started; something from the past will take a significant place in your life.

The spring of the wall clock bursts - an important event in the house (bad).

Midnight on the clock is a sign that the whole dream symbolizes one of the most important events in your life, which may not happen soon.

Trying to repair a large clock is a reasonable hope; you should not believe in your powerlessness.

Pocket watch - get bogged down in trifles.

Winding any watch is impatient.

Trying to stop the clock, holding the hand or breaking it - the happiest days of your life will come and go / fear of time running.

Breaking a watch on purpose means being dissatisfied with your life; file for divorce.

Finding a spider in a watch means finding the culprit of something.

Finding a skull in a watch means thinking about the meaning of life.

A knife, sword or sickle instead of a pendulum or arrow - feel the fatal inevitability of the passage of time for yourself.

Walking, seeing a cuckoo clock is a peaceful period in your life.

An hourglass in a dream is a danger of losing a loved one.

Turning them over means being the culprit of important changes in your life.

Sundial - some plans that do not correspond to reality.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

This symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health.

There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and are constantly looking at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you have missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.

Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.

If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.

A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.

Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.

If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.

A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.

If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.

A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Buying a watch means starting new things.

Someone buys a watch - you will receive unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you manage to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month or the month and day of change.

A broken or broken watch is a sign of misfortune and all sorts of misfortunes.

Looking at the clock means losing in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch means trouble.

Losing it means a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow running clock means a long life.

Those who go fast - to the short one.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

A rushing clock means a trip somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If you dreamed about a clock, you will have a visit to an official.

Outdoor watches will appreciate your efforts.

If the watch is not very large, you have to make a decision without hesitation.

You wind your watch, which means you will plunge headlong into your work, and the results will not be long in coming.

If the clock strikes, your time is running out, hurry up to complete the task.

Wearing a watch or looking at it means a very important person will visit you.

A clock on the facade of a building - dreams of receiving approval and recognition.

Short hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.

Winding a watch means you will have to work hard to get the desired output.

The chimes ringing is a warning that time is running out.

Gold watch - receive public recognition.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.

Breaking a clock portends troubles and losses.

Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.

Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.

If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Clock and number one

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly, means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like. If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.

If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.

In a dream, turning the clock hands to one o'clock in the afternoon means that in 19 days you will be sued. If the unit on the dial stands out clearly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.

Seeing an electronic wall clock in a dream with 00:01 displayed means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery. If the clock says 01:00, then be prepared to be slandered - don’t be upset, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.

If in a dream you look at an electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the board you get the number “1” by adding, then this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals; perhaps they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. For women, a dream in which they easily add numbers and get one promises easy and quick victories on the love front. It could be 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you experience difficulties with calculations, then in reality you will be prevented from achieving success in your professional and personal fields by doubts and self-doubt.

Dream Interpretation - Clock

If the clock was running properly and showing the correct time, the dream means that your work is going smoothly and you will be able to complete it on time. A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task. Winding up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work that will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to a watchmaker and he repaired it very quickly. The clock is ticking again. If you have seen a broken watch, imagine being given a new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional precision.

Is it good to dream? The Dream Interpretation will definitely help you find the answer to this question if a person remembers his dream in the smallest detail. Often such night dreams disturb people who are on the verge of change. Also, a dream about a wall clock may indicate unpleasant memories. So, what do the guidebooks to the world of dreams say?

Wall clock: Miller's dream book

What interpretation does the famous psychologist offer? What does it mean if a woman dreams of a wall clock? Miller's dream book claims that such a dream indicates problems in his personal life. The lady needs to concentrate on solving them before it is too late.

What does a dream with a wall clock mean if a man sees it? For the stronger sex, such night dreams warn of the imminent occurrence of an unforeseen situation. The dreamer will have to call upon his composure to help, otherwise he will not be able to avoid losses.

It is very bad if a person tries to break a watch in his dreams. In this case, a streak of failure awaits him in reality. Those who in reality will suffer from the machinations of competitors can look closely at them in a dream. Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent this.

Reassessment of values

Why do you dream of a wall clock? Denniz Lynn's dream book also offers dreamers her own version of interpretation. The clock that appears in night dreams calls on a person to stop and think. It is possible that the ideal time has come to reconsider your position in life and abandon false values.

Seeing a lot of wall clocks in a dream - what does it mean? Such a dream warns that a person is in limbo. The dreamer too often allows himself to live one day at a time and does not make plans for the future. Such a life position can soon become a source of serious trouble.

The sorceress Medea also expresses her opinion. If you believe the words of the soothsayer, wall clocks are dreamed of by people who think about the inexorably passing time. It is possible that a person sets his priorities incorrectly, and this prevents him from achieving what he planned.

Change is coming

Is it good to dream about wall clocks? The Wanderer's Dream Book does not give a clear answer to this question. The dreamer will have the opportunity to influence his future, but he risks missing it. Actions committed in the near future can determine a person’s entire future life, so you should refrain from rash actions.

Should you worry if you dreamed about the frantic ringing of chimes? In this case, the Wanderer's Dream Book promises global changes that will affect not only the dreamer, but the entire state. Time will tell whether they will be positive or negative.

Hour of Reckoning

Many dream books believe that a person who is troubled by remorse can see a watch in a dream. An ugly act was committed in the past, which the dreamer is unable to forget. This is especially true if the dreamer in his dreams watches the movement of the clock hands.

Vanga’s dream book offers people a negative interpretation. The famous seer states that such a dream often worries people who are wasters who do not value their time. Subconsciously, the dreamer understands that he is scattered over trifles, and this makes him suffer. Also, a dream may indicate a person’s ingratitude, his habit of complaining about his lot. One should finally thank fate for the benefits it has bestowed on the dreamer.

What does it mean to dream in which a person gives a wall clock to a dead person? Such a plot may warn that the dreamer is making obviously impossible plans. It is also possible that his intentions are not destined to come true due to his penchant for vices and entertainment.

Hot streak

What else could such a dream mean? A wall clock and the time on it is a dream that can have a positive interpretation. If a person watches the clock tick, this may indicate his ability to competently manage his own time. This is especially true when you dream of a big watch.

Sometimes people dream that they are winding a watch. Such a plot indicates that the sleeper is ready to change for the better, to part with bad habits that prevent him from achieving success. Electronic clocks predict disputes in which the truth is born.

Buy watches

A person can not only see a watch in a dream, but also buy one. Such night dreams warn that the sleeper is not able to extricate himself from a difficult situation in which he finds himself through his own fault. It is possible that the time has come to turn to loved ones for support.

What does a dream mean if a representative of the fair sex sees it? Buying a watch in a dream indicates carelessness and frivolity. If a girl does not learn to take her affairs more responsibly, she will soon have serious problems.

The clock has stopped

What other options does the dream book consider? The clock has stopped - such a plot is not uncommon. Unfortunately, the dream suggests that the person has chosen the wrong path to achieve his goal. All his attempts to get what he wants will be fruitless if he does not change his tactics. It will also be useful to work on mistakes and analyze mistakes made in order to avoid their repetition in the future.

People can not only see a clock in a dream, but also hear the chimes. It is very bad if the clock mechanism is faulty. Soon a person will be involved in a whirlpool of unpleasant events, as a result of which his financial situation will significantly suffer.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Should I be concerned about the clock? Nostradamus gives a positive answer to this question. It’s time for the dreamer to repent and admit unseemly actions committed in the past. People whose friends and relatives indulge in unsightly acts can also experience remorse.

If you dreamed about a clock striking, Nostradamus advises paying attention to loved ones. Someone from the dreamer’s inner circle needs his help, material or moral support.

Freud's Dream Book

A famous psychologist offers his own interpretation of dreams. A wall clock, if you rely on his opinion, is dreamed of by someone who is about to have pleasant discoveries. First of all, this concerns the intimate sphere. It's time to take a closer look at your partner, find out his desires and needs, as this will have a positive impact on the dreamer's sex life.

Tower clocks, according to Freud, dream of important news. In the coming days, the dreamer will receive news that he has been waiting for a long time.

The worst dream is the one in which a broken watch appears. Freud has no doubt that such night dreams indicate people's sexual problems. There is a possibility that the dreamer is too conservative in matters of intimate relationships, which does not suit his more liberated partner. The time has come for a frank conversation, with the help of which a compromise can be reached.

The clock strikes

The English dream book does not give a clear answer to the question of whether a dream about striking a clock is good. If a person simply hears this sound, there is a high probability that happiness will await him in his personal life. Single people will soon meet their soulmate and get married.

If in a dream a sleeper is counting blows, in reality he is in danger of great trouble. If there is only one blow, such a dream can warn of deteriorating health. Even if a person feels great and does not notice any alarming symptoms, he needs to undergo a medical examination.

The modern dream book believes that the clock striking in a dream is seen by those who find themselves on the threshold of a fateful decision. The soothsayer Vanga insists that this sound is a dream about the approach of serious trials.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do night dreams in which broken watches appear warn about? Tsvetkov’s dream book insists that they symbolize rash actions. Representatives of the fair sex who have such a dream should take a closer look at their chosen one. This man may turn out to be the hero of someone else's novel, and this suggests that she is wasting her time on a hopeless relationship.

Should you be wary if the clock is fast in your sleep? The interpreter believes that the dream warns of a person’s excessive haste. It's time to stop and think about what to do next. Lagging clocks, on the contrary, are dreams of people who do not have time to do anything. Slowness may cause them to miss out on something important in life.

Cuckoo clock

What other meaning could a dream have? Cuckoo clocks appear in night dreams for good. Almost all guides to the world of dreams are unanimous that such a plot predicts a long and prosperous life for the dreamer. If a sick person sees such a dream, he can count on recovery in the near future.

Why do you dream about an old cuckoo clock? The dream also promises people a long life and recovery from illnesses.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream of a watch:

Modern dream book

Seeing a clock in a dream means:

Dreaming about a watch predicts that you will become rich as a result of well-prepared business transactions.
Breaking a watch is a sign that you are threatened with losses and troubles.
Breaking the glass of a watch predicts a frivolous friendship or unpleasant communication.
If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, in reality domestic troubles would make her unhappy.
Stealing a watch is a harbinger that you will have powerful enemies seeking to tarnish your reputation.
Giving a watch is a sign that in real life your interests will suffer due to your penchant for dubious entertainment and pleasure.
If you dream that you are looking at your watch, then take this dream as a warning - you are threatened by enemies.
Hearing a clock strike in a dream means receiving unpleasant news. This dream may be followed by the death of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

A dream with a clock in the dream book is interpreted as:

Clock - this sign refers to the passage of time. Time is flowing. Do you feel like time is running out? State to yourself: “I have enough time at my disposal to achieve my goals.” This may also mean that you should watch for signs around you.

Vanga's Dream Book

Sleeping with a clock means:

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by. Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help.
Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. To you
It will seem that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Sleep clock meaning:

A wristwatch is a new daily activity, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, waiting, boredom, haste.
Looking at the clock or finding it means rushing things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life.
Expensive, beautiful watch - a successful, profitable marriage.
Hours - waiting; change; tests; rush.
Stopped - happy time; death of oneself or of a very important person, parents.
Sand - a feeling of the transience of your life.
With a cuckoo - long life.
A clock with a pendulum can symbolize the work of the heart.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a watch:

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

What can a watch mean in a dream:

Seeing a watch in a dream means good luck on the stock exchange.
If you dreamed that you were looking at a watch to find out the time, or looking at a watch, know that all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
To break - to troubles and losses.
Losing it means trouble in your home.
If you dreamed that your watch was stolen, or you saw someone’s watch stolen, you should know that you have enemies who will try their best to denigrate your reputation.
You dreamed that one of your relatives or friends had their watch stolen - this signifies the death of one of your distant relatives.
If you dreamed that you stole a watch from someone, good luck awaits you, but at the same time you will have to betray a friend or someone you know.
Giving it to someone means trouble.
In a dream, you bought or were given a watch - soon you will receive a valuable gift.
Hearing them fight is sad news.

Psychoanalytic dream book

A watch in a dream means:

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream about a clock, it means:

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange.
To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
Breaking a clock portends troubles and losses.
Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.
If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune.
To imagine in a dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.
Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you.
If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a clock - you will successfully play on the stock exchange;
look at your watch to find out the time - your opponents will nullify all your efforts;
a broken watch is a disaster;
watch with broken glass - you will find yourself in a society that is unpleasant for you, where you will behave too frivolously;
for a woman - losing a watch means domestic troubles will poison your existence;
your watch was stolen - someone will try to tarnish your good name;
giving someone a watch - get ready for personal troubles;
hearing the clock strike is news that will upset you.

Esoteric dream book

Putting on manual ones, seeing them in good working order and moving - to coordinated work; you use your time well. Broken, stopped - problems with time, you do not fit into its course. In this regard, you will always be late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing benefits.” To lose, to drop - you have missed time, and your place in both personal and public life will be occupied by others. Wall - a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, don't miss opportunities, don't ignore dangers. Tower chimes - striking, ringing - signify important events in the state that will affect your life. To see - you lack internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

Clock in a dream from Intimate dream book

In a dream, winding up the watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material.
If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so there is no doubt about his emotionality.
If you dreamed of a tower clock, it means that you are about to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that.
A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some of your partner’s eccentricities, in your opinion, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Clock in a dream from Gypsy dream book

Wearing a watch or looking at it means a very important person will visit you.
A clock on the facade of a building - dreams of receiving approval, recognition.
Short hours - you will have to make a decision quickly.
Winding a watch means you will have to work hard to get the desired output.
The chimes ringing is a warning that time is running out.
Gold watch - receive public recognition.

Clock in a dream from Imperial dream book

Clocks were created by man specifically to coordinate his world/time with the worlds/time of other people. Watches became necessary with the development of civilization. In an earlier period, a person had enough of a sense of natural rhythms. The general agreement on a single time (rhythm of life) binds individuals into a single society. But at the same time, the same time for everyone enslaves and destroys the individual self, since time from an individual internal personal category in society turns into a category of rhythm, external and impersonal.
A clock is a completely special material symbol, reflecting something that does not materially exist in the world, because time exists/occurs only relative to the human observer, and each person lives in his own special time and in his own world, different from the worlds (personal self).
Mechanical watches, sun watches, sand watches - reflecting the internal state and philosophical categories.
Seeing, knowing the real time on the clock in a dream and feeling its rapid flow away is a lack of something (for example, the dreamer does not have time to go to work in a dream). Here there is a discrepancy between the internal personal rhythm of time and the generally accepted one, a complete discrepancy between external goals and objectives and internal forces, and so on. All increasing external failures will give rise to increasing internal blocks and depression. In order to prevent a vicious circle from closing, it is necessary to adjust goals with capabilities.
An hourglass or water clock or rapidly decreasing sand/water in a clock is a waste of time and energy on empty things or on an ungrateful person.
Seeing in a dream a broken/stopped mechanical watch on your hand/on the wall/an old, stopped watch - a psychological stop, fixation on some event in the past and the absence of the present; Prolonged negative emotions have created blocks in the body - obstruction of energy through the channels. The emotion that prevails in a dream/after sleep will indicate an organ that has been unhealthy for a long time.
A stopped clock on the wall of a house indicates the destruction of the family/clan that began at the moment of stopping; an old broken clock may indicate an incorrect flow of energy over several generations (birth illnesses). Looking for lost hours in a dream means trying to find at least some rhythm of movement with society. The dream is unfavorable: complete loss of both personal internal goals and external guidelines for the movement of life. The search is being conducted in the wrong place and using inadequate methods: you should think about the meaning of your personal life; if you have internal goals, the external will improve. If you don’t have the strength to think about it, then art should call for help: theater, books, and so on.
Throwing away an old watch means getting rid of internal blocks, alien or outdated opinions, inert habits, and the like. The dream is favorable: your attitude towards life will become more free, she will smile back.
Seeing a sundial in a dream means compliance/inconsistency with natural rhythms.
An entire sundial that correctly indicates the time of the sun, evoking pleasant feelings - internal compliance with external natural rhythms, health and success.
A destroyed sundial is a discrepancy with the rhythms of the sun and nature. In addition to those listed above, there are seasonal dreams: you don’t dream about hours, but the loss of large periods of time is acutely felt. A dream can be conditionally called a time failure. For example, before a summer vacation, when the vouchers have already been purchased and the weather is good, you suddenly dream that the vacation is over and you couldn’t rest; or the dreamer dreams of himself being much older (there is fear) than in reality, and so on. The dream indicates emptiness of energy: the dreamer seems to have already spent it in advance - borrowed it from himself.

Clock in a dream from dream book of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors.
Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will experience something that will radically change your life.
If you dreamed of a wristwatch, then such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plans. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler who is now in power in your state will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects.
Determining the time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you.
Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that someone close to you really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Azar

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

Clock in a dream from Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Clock - this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health. There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”
If in your dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and always look at your watch, this is a sign that in real life you missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.
Seeing a stopped clock in a dream is a sign of sad news and disappointment.
If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago, this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You may be at risk of serious illness.
A dream in which you buy yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.
Breaking your watch in a dream is a sign that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.
If in a dream you are afraid to oversleep and set your alarm clock, it means that in real life you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.
A broken clock reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.
If in a dream you see sand flowing out of an hourglass, this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you do not hurry, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.
A dream in which you are trying to repair a watch indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

Clock in a dream from Hasse's dream book

Pocket have - settled family relationships
find - must be punctual
gold - close friends will rob you
not going - you're wasting your time
give - deceive your heart
The clock is big and strikes - remember that time is money
break - expect bad things
unopened - the death of a distant acquaintance.

Clock in a dream from English dream book

The striking of a clock in a dream always warns of something. If in a dream you hear a clock striking and counting down the strikes that strike the time until noon, it means that great happiness lies ahead of you. If the clock chimes in the afternoon, expect trouble. A sharp single strike of the clock warns of a deterioration in your health and, perhaps, even of approaching death. If you just dream about the clock striking, it means that you will soon get married and will be very happy.

Clock in a dream from Children's dream book

A clock in a dream counts down the vital forces.
If you hear a clock ticking, it means that you have to go through some kind of extreme situation, or your body is warning you about a developing internal disease.

Clock in a dream from Family dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means you can succeed in playing on the stock exchange.
If you checked the time using them, in real life all your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
If you broke a watch in a dream or gave it to someone, get ready for trouble.
If you broke the glass in your watch, you will behave too frivolously in an unpleasant society.
If your watch is stolen, know that your opponents are trying to tarnish your reputation.
Hearing a clock strike in a dream means upsetting news is possible.
If a woman dreamed that she had lost her watch, she could have various troubles at home.

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of May, June, July, August

Clock in a dream from Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

If you saw an old clock in a dream, such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.
If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.
Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
The knocking of a clock is a sign that your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Clock in a dream from Idiomatic dream book

“Happy hours are not observed” - the timelessness of joy; “your hour has struck” - a crucial period of life, an opportunity, the end of life; “watchmaker” - precision; “the clock has stopped” - interruption of activity, death.

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Health

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Always pointing to the technical precision of the "super-ego" and therefore representing a deformation mechanism that observes vitality in order to empty it. In other cases, meaning the action of the maternal matrix; the mechanical repetition of the image indicates a state of mental obsession of the subject, who is under the influence of the irreversible program of the deviation monitor. They indicate the determinism of the reflective matrix.

Clock in a dream from French dream book

Clock in a dream from Slavic dream book

Clock in a dream from Newest dream book

Clock in a dream from ABCs of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Clock in a dream from Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Seeing in a dream a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like.
If there are no more numbers on the dial besides one, then this indicates that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.
If in your dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, this is a direct indication that you need to start acting. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money. True, if the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory; perhaps it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.
Seeing in a dream an electronic wall clock with a light on it means that in real life you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and make an important discovery.
If you dream of an hourglass, this indicates that you will one way or another be drawn into public life and take an active part in rallies and public holidays. All this will begin 26 days after you have this dream, and at first you will not feel constrained or uncomfortable, as you will be asked for a trivial favor. But gradually you will discover how you were simply lassoed into this matter and the entire organizational part was blamed on you, which, of course, you will not like. But try to look at everything from the outside: they respect you and want you to be in the thick of things.
For parents of schoolchildren, this dream promises worries about their children and their

Clock in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

If the clock was running properly and showing the correct time, the dream means that your work is going smoothly and you will be able to complete it on time. A stopped, broken or broken watch is a warning that you risk not having time to finish an important task. Winding up the clock - in the near future you will have to do urgent work that will be paid very well.

If you dreamed of a broken watch, imagine that you gave it to a watchmaker and he repaired it very quickly. The clock is ticking again. If you have seen a broken watch, imagine being given a new, expensive Swiss watch that runs with exceptional precision.

Clock in a dream from 20th century dream book

If you notice the clock: this is an obvious reminder that time is running out and you should hurry.

Such dreams usually mean that you risk missing a favorable moment to implement any plans.

Losing a watch: usually a sign that in reality you are wasting time.

Give a watch: a warning that someone is shamelessly using your time.

Broken clock: suggests that by missing time, you risk complete failure in some of your endeavors.

Watch on a chain: symbolizes punctuality and precision.

Clock in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

Buying a watch means starting new things.

Someone buys a watch - you will receive unexpected news or offers.

The clock symbolizes changes in life.

If you manage to remember the hours and minutes on the dial, they can mean the year and month or the month and day of change.

A broken or broken watch is a sign of misfortune and all sorts of misfortunes.

Looking at the clock means losing in the fight against rivals.

Giving a watch means trouble.

Losing it means a bad situation in your own home.

A dream about a clock still promises you an acute lack of time, being late.

A slow running clock means a long life.

Those who go fast - to the short one.

A stopped clock is a sign of death for the patient.

The hourglass is a symbol of the frailty of life.

A rushing clock means a trip somewhere.

Lagging behind - to the appearance of guests.

Clock in a dream from Newest dream book

To the lack of a true clear goal in life.

You have the gift of clairvoyance (prophetic dream).

Chess clock - you need to hurry up.

Quartz watch - you will be late for an important event.

Hourglass - in a short period of time you will have to solve an important life problem.

Clock in a dream from Astrological dream book

There are various signs in dreams - some can be completely unclear and blurry, while others are so metaphorically vivid that you simply feel, even at the level of intuition, what it might mean.

Many things and objects have strong associations for us with something - with certain phenomena, events, and so on.

One of the most striking, metaphorical, associative symbols is the clock. They are not just an object that is found in every home, in every institution, and on almost every hand.

Gold, plastic, electronic, mechanical, antique, children's, cuckoo or chime - such an incredible variety of watches. And they all seem to have their own soul. A clock is time, the inexorable passage of moments, it is a reminder that the life of each of us is impermanent, seconds flow by, they cannot be returned...

There can be an endless number of thoughts about the transience of our days, the value of moments and the passage of time. But how can one correctly interpret what a watch means in a dream, because it is such a complex, voluminous and multifaceted symbol!

First of all, you should very carefully and scrupulously remember your entire dream - the clock could have been anything, and anything could have happened to it. It is precisely such important nuances that will determine what the watch is meant for in dreams, and believe me, there can be a huge variety of meanings and meanings.

So, such dreams with dials and hands can be like this:

  • You heard a clock strike in a dream.
  • We saw a watch on his hand.
  • The wall clock in your dream is ticking very loudly.
  • You dreamed of a pocket watch.
  • A wall clock or other clock stopped in a dream.
  • You saw a dial without hands.
  • The clock in your dream went back.
  • You saw midnight on them.
  • A wall clock with an insect in it, such as a spider.
  • You dreamed of a cuckoo clock.
  • Sunny.
  • Sand.
  • Gold.
  • Women's watch.
  • Clock on the facade of a building or tower.
  • You look at the time.
  • Repairing watches.
  • The watch was broken - accidentally or on purpose.
  • You lost a watch in your sleep.
  • Turn them on.
  • You are buying.
  • They were given to you.
  • You gave them to someone.

It is difficult to find any symbol that could have so many diverse, sometimes completely opposite, meanings and meanings in a dream. Therefore, in order to determine as accurately and correctly as possible what the watch is for in your dreams, be sure to remember everything - what it was like and what happened.

So different, seen in dreams

To begin with, it’s worth analyzing those dreams in which the clock was simply seen by you - from the outside. But you yourself did not touch them, but only looked or accidentally noticed them. What is very important here is what they were like and where they were.

In addition, if you remember exactly what time it was on them, think about it - this time may be important in reality. Perhaps it is at this time that some important event will happen for you in reality.

1.If in your dreams you hear a clock striking a clock, know that an important and significant event is very close. Such a dream is simply a reminder that you should prepare for something and get ready.

2. It’s curious why you dream of a wristwatch – on your or someone else’s hand, or simply lying on a table, in a display case, and so on. This dream foreshadows many small joys, pleasant chores, small events that will fill your days to the brim. You won't have enough time, but it will be pleasantly busy.

3. A wall clock that ticks loudly in a dream indicates that you have to wait for something. This could be the anticipation of a long-awaited meeting, event, decision - anything. Be patient and don't rush things - learning to wait patiently will give you many benefits.

4. If, for example, you dream that you have a pocket watch, or you just saw it on someone, this is a wonderful sign, a symbol of the inevitable quick success that will overtake you in business. Work, personal relationships - everything will go well, and the period of failure will pass.

5. Do you dream about how the clock on the wall or on your hand stops? Know that this is an omen of the end of something. Some kind of protracted matter or process, maybe even a whole life period. What seemed endless will soon end.

6. If you dreamed of a dial without hands, this also promises the end of something. But here the dream book hints that it is time to start something new, that the time of the old is already coming to an end.

7. If you saw how the arrows went backwards, it is not difficult to find in the dream book an interpretation of such a bright symbol. This symbolizes a return to the past, some events or meetings from the past, people, memories, past connections.

8. If you dream that it is exactly midnight on the clock, this means that a very significant event awaits you ahead. It may even change the course of your life, but most likely it will not be in your very near future.

9. But if you happen to find a spider or other insect in a watch in a dream, which is not clear how it got there, this means that you will find next to you an ill-wisher, a hypocrite or an imaginary friend.

10.A dream in which there is a cuckoo clock symbolizes peace and order in the family. You will get great joy from your family life, which is calm, peaceful and favorable.

11. The sundial is a hint that you are making too many unsteady and illusory plans. You should be a little more down to earth, look at things soberly.

12. Finding or seeing an hourglass - advice: take care of your loved ones and friends, protect your relationships, your actions can destroy them.

13. But why do you dream of a clock located on the facade of a building? This dream promises you recognition, praise and approval. Your work and actions will be recognized.

14. Gold also promises fame, recognition and honor.

15. Women's watches are a symbol of household chores. Perhaps guests will come.

Time is a precious gift

Let's consider why you dream of a watch that was not just seen in a dream, but with which you did something directly. All the details of the dream are also important here.

1. If you dream about how you look at time, it means that in reality you will correctly distribute your days and manage to do everything.

2. Receiving a watch as a gift in a dream means that in reality you will receive some kind of offer, very rare and desirable. For a girl, this may mean a marriage proposal, and a man may receive a very lucrative offer in the work sphere.

3. Finding them in a dream is a good sign. This means that you can soon count on unexpected and great luck.

4. It’s curious why you dream of a watch that you wind in a dream. This is an indication of your impatience, and advice to be more patient, learn to wait.

5. As the dream book says, a watch that you accidentally broke in a dream promises you a loss. And if you broke it on purpose, you yourself will deliberately get rid of something - and do it confidently.

6. If in a dream you are doing watch repairs, this indicates that you are probably wasting a lot of time and do not know how to plan properly. Try to reconsider your plans and everything on which you spend precious time every day.

7. Losing your walkers in a dream is a warning: you may be late for something. Remember - this can be in an everyday sense, for example, being late for a meeting, or maybe in a global sense - you risk missing something important. Be careful.

8. If you yourself bought a watch in a dream - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wristwatch, a wall watch or something else, this promises you the start of new, interesting things that will change your life a little. They will bring something bright into it, something will captivate you, and you will be busy with interesting things.

9. But if you gave someone a watch in your dream, it doesn’t matter who exactly – a new romance, a love adventure and a lot of emotions await you!

It turns out that this is such a complex, interesting and multifaceted symbol. Our time passes, it cannot be stopped - and dreams only remind us of this once again.

Listen to the advice of the dream book, do not forget to listen to your heart and mind, and do not waste time - after all, the most interesting and important things are happening now, in these moments! Author: Vasilina Serova