Thematic week musical instruments in the senior group. Calendar and thematic planning “Musical instruments

When I started thinking about the topic “Music”, I was counting on short lessons for just a couple of days. But then I realized how much could be said on this topic, introducing many concepts and interesting facts.

The purpose of the classes: to introduce the child to instruments, divide them into groups: strings, winds, keyboards, percussion or noise. Pay attention to the shape of the tools. Listen to the sound of all the musical instruments that you can find. Read fairy tales about musical instruments. Find out professions related to music. Learn notes. Learn to find them on the keys and understand them on the staff.

1. We started getting acquainted with the instruments with the cards “The World on the Palm” “My Little Orchestra”. I was able to find a lot of interesting videos on yoytube, where we listened to and watched all kinds of musicians. We even listened to the harp, harp, and mandolin. We even played some instruments. We have castanets, a button accordion, a synthesizer, a guitar, and a pipe at home. There were maracas, but they broke. Instead, they made noise with rattles and kinder surprises with cereal poured into them.

2. We discussed the professions of musicians. Singers, instrumentalists, conductors.
Composers write music for songs, plays, films, and also for performance in concert halls. We play any melody on the keys. This is our essay.

Conductors are the leaders of orchestras. We give our toys instrument cards, turn on the recording of the symphony and conduct with a baton.

The accompanist of the entire orchestra is the first violinist - before the start of the game, he walks around all the musicians and, if necessary, adjusts the tuning of the instruments; he also, if necessary, replaces the conductor. You can lightly twist the tuners on your dad's guitar while he's at work)).

In ordinary schools and kindergartens, those who educate with music work - music teachers and music directors. We haven't seen them yet, but Matvey has a music teacher in the video. He goes to the “Merry Notes” “club” at school.

3. Played Lotto “Professions” in SSG 3+ “What professions are there?” From the total mass of cards, you need to find cards related to the profession of a musician.

4. We examine the tools and arrange them into groups depending on what geometric figure their silhouette resembles.

For this we will need templates of simple geometric shapes. And we also repeated the figures that can be found around us. What wonderful books “Educational Stickers for Kids” are! I told you in a previous post that I bought Yulia a complete set of these books. I like books with clear stickers. The stickers fit perfectly into the picture, even if they are applied incorrectly. The book “Form” contains the basic shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, oval. I haven’t even leafed through all of these books yet. I only looked at the ones I particularly liked. In particular, the book “In the House”. The illustrations are lovely! So warm and homely.

5. Pay attention to the size of the tools. We divide instruments into those that stand on the floor while playing them, and those that the musician holds in his hands.

6. Studying notes. We draw them on the staff. We are looking for it on a synthesizer. We are reading a wonderful book in verse “The Raccoon Doesn’t Know Music.” This is not just a book of poetry. She also has interesting tasks. You need to put a sticker on each page, count something, find it, destroy the maze, find the same thing. And I really like the illustrations in it.

7. And, of course, we eat. Yulyashka loves to sing so much! Lovely! But he doesn’t allow himself to be filmed. And she sings songs from the cartoon “Umka” so beautifully: “My neighbors, the white duduedi, are sleeping...” My sweet little girl! “Abakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

There is an even deeper study of this topic with the help of the Academy “Professions. Culture and art". They are, of course, cool, but we will return to them in about 3 years. For now, we will keep in mind that we will be happy to repeat the theme of art a little later.

Usually, after a night out, Yulia doesn’t really want to eat in the morning, so we do whatever she wants before breakfast. Often this is drawing. That’s why (it turns out) in the photo Yulia is all sleepy and shaggy)). The other day we were studying the topic “Wild Animals” and made sure to include English. We repeated a lot of English phrases and looked at books. And the table was served in English. Skylark will help us. We also played a game where we had to insert the missing “circle” into the picture. Thus, we have completed the huge theme “Wild Animals”.

Before sticking on the paper balloons, Yulyasha first painted them with paints. EMVM “Paste the picture” That’s it, we’ve finished this little album! We loved him very much.

547 – champion’s number)) Matvey at the forests all weekend. Grandfather is leaving for the Urals for a marathon on March 7th.


Topic of the month, week, day 12/07/2015 (Monday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic: “Our helpers are electrical appliances”.

Tasks: introduce children to electrical appliances and their purpose for human life.

Examination of photographic illustrations depicting electrical appliances.

Individual work on speech development(Seryozha, Lida, Lesha).

Tasks: exercise children in selecting action words (chicken clucks, clucks, pecks, walks, looks). Enrich children's vocabulary.

Household work: cleaning the group room.

Tasks: teach how to organize joint work, create responsibility for fulfilling work assignments.

Tips for parents on organizing games with basic mathematical calculations. Providing methodological recommendations for playing games with counting elements.

Development of speech “Sound “Sh” (wind song), drawing balls, listening to nursery rhymes.

Target: continue to develop children’s phonemic hearing and speech apparatus, encouraging them to intonationally highlight the hard consonant sound “Ш” in words, to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. Continue to introduce the term “consonant sound”, name the first sound in words. Develop graphic skills. Develop the ability to read a nursery rhyme. To develop the skill of self-control and self-esteem (E.V. Kolesnikova “From Word to Sound”, p. 26).

Drawing "TV".

Target: expand ideas about the shape of familiar objects; learn to convey the characteristic features of objects ; develop the ability to draw with a brush and paints; develop the ability to draw any image on the TV screen.


Observation adults at work: a janitor clears the snow .

Tasks: invite children to watch the work of the janitor and talk about its importance. Organize the provision of all possible assistance to him.

Outdoor games « Cat and mice", "Crucian carp and pike".

Tasks: continue to teach how to follow the rules of the game;

intensify physical activity.

Work : collecting snow for buildings on a group site.

Individual work on

movement development(Sonya, Dasha N., Danya P.).

Tasks: develop the skills of throwing a ball at a target.

Didactic game "Live Week".

Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.

Sports game football .

Tasks: teach children to play together and act as one team. Promote the development of accuracy, coordination of movements, determination, courage.

Independent games for children with external materials.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading a story G. Yurshina “Curious little mouse”

Tasks: teach children to listen to the reader, understand the content of what they read, answer questions based on the content, and evaluate the actions of the characters.

Canteen duty


Tasks: cultivate responsibility, conscientiousness, and develop teamwork skills.

Game situation “Handkerchief”.

Tasks: teach children to monitor the condition of their nose and mouth and use a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.


Experimentation game“Tricks of inertia” (the possibility of practical use of inertia in everyday life).

Didactic game “What’s mixed up”(Sasha, Yulia,

Dasha F.).

Tasks: consolidate ordinal counting skills, develop visual perception, memory, and attention.

Role-playing games “Builders”, “Firemen”».

Tasks: improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Organized educational activities

Physical training


Observation in nature: properties of snow.

Tasks : invite children to tell what they know about the properties of snow, to suggest whether snow is the same everywhere. Dig a hole and invite the children to look at the layers of snow.

Outdoor game "Traps."

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, act on a signal, develop coordination of movements, dexterity.

Planning educational work for December.

Topic of the month, week, day 12/08/2015 (Tuesday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic "Tools for people of different professions."

Tasks: introduce children totools, their purpose, types.

Examination of photographic illustrations depicting instruments.

Articulation gymnastics“Puffing up our cheeks”, “Spatula”, “Fence” (Semyon, Danya P., Ulyana).

Tasks: train children's articulatory apparatus.

Class duty(Sasha).

Tasks: teach children to perform duty duties, instill responsibility.

Independent activities of children in the theater corner.

Tasks: develop children's independence, initiative, and creative abilities.

Consultations: “Children’s safety at home”, “Dangerous objects in the house”.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCDM) "Electricity and electrical appliances."

Target: introduce children to the concept of “electricity”, “electric current”, and the cause of static electricity”; clarify and expand knowledge about household electrical appliances; expand ideas about where electricity “lives” and how it helps people; introduce the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances at home.

Modeling "Tool Set".

Target: to convey in modeling the features of the shape of tools of people of different professions, to maintain proportionality between parts. Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine between the palms, improve pulling techniques. Develop fine motor skills, vocabulary, creativity.



Weather observation.

Tasks: strengthen children’s ability to independently determine the weather, name its main characteristics: cloudiness, temperature, precipitation, wind.

Outdoor games "Interceptors", "Sly Fox".

Tasks: teach children to follow the rules of the game, play the roles of players and driver-trap. Increase children's physical activity.

Work: clearing the area of ​​branches.

Individual work on

movement development(Misha, Danya H., Lesha).

Tasks: improve walking technique (walking with side steps).

Outdoor game

"Cold - hot."

Tasks: achieve the correct technique in previously mastered types of walking.

A health jog around the kindergarten.

Tasks: teach children to correctly perform basic movements when running, maintain posture, coordinate the movements of arms and legs, and breathe rhythmically through the nose.

Independent games of children's choice.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading and discussion of the story

L. Panteleeva “Big wash”.

Tasks: develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste, develop literary speech.

Canteen duty(Lida).

Tasks: Discuss with children the significance of the work being performed, teach them to plan their actions, stick to the plan, talk about the results of the work, and evaluate its quality.

Formation of a culture of behavior.

Tasks: discuss with children why people say hello to each other, form the habit of saying hello to parents and teachers, and saying goodbye when going home.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Work in the sensory education corner.

Tasks: consolidate children’s ability to perceive the various properties of objects using different senses, compare and classify them.

Didactic game “Long, wide”(Seryozha, Olya, Dasha F.).

Tasks: consolidate the ability to compare the length and width of objects using a conventional measure. Improve design skills.

Independent gaming activity: board games.

Tasks: teach children to choose a game based on their interests, select partners for the game, and independently select a place to play.

Role-playing games of children's choice.


Observation behind the stars.

Tasks: invite children to look at the starry sky, tell them that many centuries ago people came up with the idea of ​​combining stars into constellations. Tell children about the constellations of the zodiac, show the Big Dipper.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys.”

Tasks: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to train children in running. Develop attention, coordination of movements, agility and endurance.

Independent motor activity of children.

Planning educational work for December.

Topic of the month, week, day 12/09/2015 (Wednesday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation “Why can’t you play with sharp objects?”

Tasks: teach to follow safety rules in case of discovering an unfamiliar object, reinforce the rules for handling sharp objects.

Examination of plot and subject pictures on the topic.

Finger gymnastics “Friendship”, "Sharpening the knife"(Seryozha, Lesha, Sasha).

Tasks: develop fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to switch from one movement to another, synchrony and sequence of movements.

Games with building materials.

Tasks : to develop children’s ability to independently select construction kit parts for the construction of the necessary building. Develop imagination and imagination.

Parents meeting

Organized educational activities

Speech development. Theme: "Tools".

Target: teach children to name instruments, consolidate the general concept of “instruments” in the dictionary, teach them to compose stories about instruments according to the proposed visual plan. Learn to make phrases and sentences using pictures (N.E. Teremkova “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, album 4, p. 4).

Decorative drawing “Magic snowflakes” (winter colors).

Target: learn to build a circular pattern from the center, symmetrically arranging elements on radial axes or by symmetrically building up elements at concentric angles. Use a variety of straight, rounded lines, shapes, and plant elements in the pattern. Use a brush skillfully. To arouse in children the desire to create a collective composition from painted snowflakes (I.A. Lykova, p. 94).

Physical training(according to the plan of the physical manager)


Observation: change in day length.

Tasks: invite children, based on the results of observations, to draw a conclusion about the change in the path of the sun across the sky, the change in the length of the day.

Outdoor games « Counter dashes”, “Who’s next?”

Tasks: learn to run, holding each other, listen to the teacher’s signal.

Work: cleaning branches on the site.

Individual work on PHYS with Olya, Ulyana, Misha.

Tasks: practice running, completing a task to improve the ability to navigate in space.

Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Tasks: clarify children’s ideas about the seasons, practice them in coherent speech.

Game activities based on children's interests.

Tasks: To develop children’s independence, activity, and to develop the ability to spend their leisure time interestingly and usefully.

Role-playing game "Car Showroom".

Tasks: to form sociocultural competencies.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading poetry S. Mikhalkova “My Street”, “Bad History”.

Tasks: instill an interest in fiction.

Canteen duty

(Nikita V.).

Tasks: to help improve children’s table setting skills and to teach them to independently perform the duties of a table attendant from start to finish.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: form the habit of washing your hands before eating; continue to improve the culture of food: eat carefully, quietly, make requests, give thanks.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Games – dramatizations based on the contents of stories

J. Rodari "Cipollino" and others.

Tasks: teach children to dramatize dialogues, use various means of expression to convey the character and emotions of the characters in stories.

Individual work on FEMP: didactic game "Do the same"(Danya P., Lida, Semyon).

Tasks: practice counting with children

The use of strokes and shading, templates and stencils of tools, electrical appliances.

Coloring illustrations from coloring books.

Drawing "Toolbox" - and cutting along the contour.

Tasks: strengthen the ability to cut out instruments from paper, develop fine motor skills


Weather observation.

Tasks: teach children to independently talk about the state of the weather, choose the necessary symbols, and write descriptions using figurative expressions.

Outdoor games "Cat and Mice", "Planes".

Tasks: continue to teach to follow the rules of the game; intensify physical activity.

Independent motor activity .

Tasks : teach children to organize games independently, find activities of interest for themselves and their friends.

Planning educational work for December.

Theme of the month, week, day 12/10/2015 (Thursday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “ Electrical appliances can cause a fire." “The TV caught fire.”

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about fire safety measures. Teach children the correct behavior in case of fire of electrical appliances at home; learn to independently draw conclusions about the consequences of careless handling of electrical appliances.

Laying out counting sticks along the contour of electrical appliances(Lesha, Danya Kh., Yulia).

Games with large building materials.

Tasks: learn to think about and plan practical actions, reason, justify your idea.

Class duty(Sasha).

Tasks: teach children to prepare the necessary materials in accordance with the topic of the lesson.

Game activities based on children's interests.

Tasks: to develop independence, activity in children, to develop the ability to spend leisure time interestingly and usefully.

The use of strokes and shading, templates and stencils of tools, electrical appliances.

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Book corner - what to read with children”, “A book is the best friend and helper”.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP). Number and figure 9.

Target: introduce the formation of the number 9 and the number 9; practice counting within 9; learn to increase numbers by one, be able to compare objects by thickness, explain in words the result of comparison: “thicker - thinner”, “equal in thickness” (V.P. Novikova “Mathematics in kindergarten”, p. 38).

Music(according to the music director’s plan)


Poplar observation.

Tasks: form ideas about the winter poplar, about how you can help it survive the cold winter.

The teacher asks the children questions.What do trees do in winter?Is it good or bad for them in winter?How can we help

survive the cold winter?

Outdoor games

« Two Frosts", "Entertainers".

Tasks: teach to perform characteristic movements according to the content of the game; develop agility and speed.

Work: sweeping the veranda.

Individual work with Semyon, Ulyana, Nikita V.development of movements.

Tasks: teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Didactic game “Count - don’t be mistaken!”

Tasks: teach children to reproduce the order of numbers

natural series, practice forward and backward counting.

Independent play activities of children.

Tasks: teach children to independently find something to do, join groups for joint games, and take into account the interests of other children.

Sports game "Band Hockey".

Tasks: introduce children to the main participants in the game (forward, goalkeeper, defender); teach how to make passes to a playing partner.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading of Sasha Cherny's poem "Wolf".

Tasks: introduce children to fiction, enrich children's vocabulary.

Canteen duty

(Dasha F.).

Tasks: teach children to independently and conscientiously perform the duties of dining room attendants, set the table, and clear away dishes after meals.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Tasks: teach children to cover their mouths with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing, and to use a handkerchief correctly.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Book corner work: an overview of modern children's magazines.

Tasks: introduce children to modern children's periodicals, develop the need for reading magazines and interest in them.

Didactic game “What’s extra?”(Sonya, Dasha N.,

Danya P.).

Tasks: train children in the use of nouns with prepositions; learn to reason logically and find what is superfluous among a group of objects, and give reasons for your choice.

Role-playing games “Car repair shop”, “Barber shop”.

Tasks: teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners, to observe role-playing actions and relationships in the game.

Games with rules: “Interesting models”, “What did the artist mix up”,


Observation for birds: crow.

Tasks: invite children to describe the bird, imitate its voice, and observe the bird’s habits in the winter season. Tell children about the life of birds in the cold season.

Outdoor game "Baba Yaga".

Tasks: remind children of the rules of the game, teach them to play the role of a trap driver, develop reaction speed, and develop the ability to react to the actions of their comrades.

bat at a distance, develop accuracy.

Planning educational work for December.

Theme of the month, week, day 12/11/2015 (Friday) “Tools, electrical appliances. Materials".


Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activities of children

Interaction with specialists, parents, social partners

Group, subgroup



Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Good mood.”

Tasks: to develop health-saving competencies in children: a positive attitude towards their health, knowledge of methods of physical self-improvement.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”, theme “Tools” (Danya Kh., Misha, Lesha).

Tasks: teach children to use the ability to recognize and correctly name tools and their characteristics to solve a game problem.

Role-playing games “Orchestra”, “Supermarket”.

Tasks: improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills, encourage the desire to organize role-playing games.

Informing parents about the progress of the educational process, focusing on reading works of fiction with their child.

Organized educational activities

Cognitive development (FCDM). Journey into the past of the light bulb.

Target: introduce children to the history of the light bulb; evoke a positive emotional mood, interest in the past of this subject (O.V. Dybina “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment”, p. 41)

Physical training(street)


Observation behind the objects of the surrounding reality.

Tasks: invite children to pay attention to the frozen windows, look at the patterns on them, and determine what they look like. Tell the children why ice patterns appear on the windows.

Outdoor games« Shepherd and Flock", "Day - Night"

Tasks: teach children to monitor the coordination of movements of the arms and legs, to maintain posture when running. Cultivate courage and self-confidence.

Work: cleaning branches on the site.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught"(Nikita V., Danya P., Olya).

Tasks: train children to jump over a line, teach them to perform jumps technically, and maintain correct posture. Develop agility and reaction speed.

Didactic game “Find a toy.”

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features.

Sports game bandy.

Tasks: teach children how to dribble a ball with a stick, avoid obstacles, and make passes to a partner. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, cultivate endurance.

Independent play activities of children.

Preparing for lunch. Dinner.

Getting ready for bed.

Reading chapters from A. Volkov’s book “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”

Tasks: introduce children to a fairy tale, arouse interest and a desire to listen to the fairy tale further.

Canteen duty(Julia).

Tasks: contribute to the improvement of skills related to the duties of the duty officer. Involve children in serving the second course and clearing dishes from tables.

Self-care: Locker room exercise.

Tasks: teach children to undress carefully and quickly, observing the correct sequence, and maintain order in their clothes.


Health-improving activities after sleep: awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Experimental activity “Magic electricity".

Tasks:generalize children's knowledge about electricity; introduce children to the cause and manifestation of static electricity;cultivate interest in understanding the world around us;

evoke joy in discoveries gained from experience.

Didactic game “Who will find the most?”(Ulyana, Sasha, Seryozha).

Tasks: to train children in memorizing, distinguishing and naming geometric shapes. Develop visual perception, imagination, learn to use the names of figures in various speech constructions.

Printed board games of children's choice.

Tasks: develop observation, attention, the ability to notice similarities and differences in objects, and activate the vocabulary.

Drawing along the strokes and cutting out along the contour “Musical Instruments”.


Observation for the weather .

Tasks: to clarify children’s ideas about natural phenomena united by the concept of “weather”. Invite children to characterize today's weather, compose a collective story using the concepts of dry, windy, sunny, cloudy.

Outdoor game "Geese-swans".

Tasks: invite children to tell the rules of the game, explain how the players need to act. Develop attention, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Independent activity of children.

Tasks: fostering independence, encouraging initiative and friendly relationships.

Leave a comment on this page and pick up a gift - a collection of tasks for

holding a themed week "Autumn"!

======= Feedback from participants of open thematic weeks =======

How will the theme week work?

Participate yourself and invite other mothers!

Who will host the theme week?


We will be happy to answer your questions

After confirming your subscription, you will immediately receive all materials for the thematic week.

To make the week truly open, we invite you to share your impressions of your walks in the comments for each day of the week. You can also post photos of your classes, ask questions to the hosts of the week and communicate with other participants.

Among all the participants of the week who publish reports on all 5 classes, we will draw a free participation in the "" project!

Hello, my name is Olga Pirozhkova, I am raising my daughter Yulia (2.4 years old)!
I am a supporter of early development, so immediately after the birth of my daughter, I began to devote a lot of time to developmental activities. I have a musical education, so we play musical instruments almost every day, listen to tunes of different genres and play music games. I didn’t even suspect that a two-year-old child, it turns out, can distinguish by ear the sounds of a violin from a guitar, and the sounds of a trumpet from a tuba. I suggest you get acquainted with our classes at the open music week and conduct them with your kids, and you will see that children from birth have musical abilities that are quite easy to maintain.

My name is Svetlana Ivanova, I am the mother of baby Veronichka (4.6 years old), the author of the website “Growing and Developing Together with Mom.”

As soon as Veronica turned 1.5 years old, I started doing creative work with her. Seeing that my daughter really liked such activities, I began to introduce new elements into them, and soon they turned from banal modeling or drawing into full-fledged developmental activities.

I invite you to conduct interesting and educational activities with your child!

I am mother Irina and daughter Veronica (2.3 years old). We want to say a big thank you to Svetlana for organizing our summer classes! My daughter and I changed our place of residence for the summer - we came from Volgograd to St. Petersburg. And this means a change in the weather, places to play and walk, and the environment. And at first, my daughter and I were just getting to know the new place. And then Svetlana offered to take part in the free “Summer” week! And this helped us a lot!

The week flew by in one breath! Every day there are new tasks, new materials. There was no time to be bored. We studied at home using the materials of the week (reading, music, exercise, creativity) and diversified our walks. I really liked the week’s material, the format in which it was presented, and we purchased 4 more thematic weeks on different topics. And our adventures continue... We develop our creativity, logic and intelligence, read, watch cartoons, play outside. We even had classes based on our favorite fairy tales! And the most important thing is that my daughter really likes such activities! And it’s a joy for me to work with her.

I would like to say that at least we have materials for 5 thematic weeks, but the material is so voluminous and rich that it will last much longer. And next summer there will be something to do)))

And one more important point - these weeks awaken the mother’s imagination! Now I can come up with an activity on a topic that is interesting to my daughter. And I want to continue to actively work with her as well! There are so many ideas!

Svetlana, thank you very much! We are waiting for your new projects!

Irina Tertykova and daughter Veronika (2.3 years old)

Hello! Svetlana, thank you for such a good incentive! I finally started systematically working with my children (as much as I can “save for later”). I really liked the presentations for each week! The days are going wonderfully, mom finally has some kind of system and a feeling of satisfaction!! Svetlana, thank you for such a great opportunity, I enjoyed this time!

Ekaterina Zakharova and son Yurya (4.4 years old), daughter Nastya (2.4 years old)

Calendar-thematic planning for the week in the preparatory school group on the topic “International Music Day”.
Author: Marina Aleksandrovna Menshchikova, teacher of the MKDOU “Kindergarten in the village of Kedrovy”.
The plan was drawn up in October 2016.
Mode Theme of the week is “International Music Day”.
Educational activities in special moments:
Joint activities of adults and children Organization
development environment for independent
children's activities
(activity centers, all group premises) Interaction with parents/social representatives
subgroup Individual 2 3 4 5 6
Monday 3 October
Morning. Game activity.
Board and printed game “Cut Pictures”.
Exercise children in collecting cut pictures according to the pattern; develop visual perception and imagination; to develop the ability to carry out dialogic interaction in the process of activity.
Productive activity.
Offer coloring pages on the theme “Musical Instruments” to children who wish to do so.
Instill an interest in drawing; consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly, select the right color,” teach children to conduct a dialogue with a friend while drawing.
Motor activity.
Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Humor and health.”
Form the foundations of a health culture, initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle; talk about the role of emotional well-being, the ability to perceive everything with humor in maintaining health; develop basic skills of emotional self-preservation.
Listening to an audio recording of a work
D. Shostakovich “Waltz - a Joke”, “Merry Song”, music by G. Struve, lyrics by V. Viktorov.
To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to a piece of music, to distinguish the nature of music and shades of mood; cultivate interest in music.
Conversation on the topic “Hand hygiene”.
To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, discuss the need to wash hands before eating; talk about the dangers associated with dirty hands, find out which of the guys always remembers the need to wash their hands.
Breakfast. Pay attention to how the children hold the pencil, the pressure, and the accuracy of coloring.
Individual statements on the topic of conversation. Help with leading questions.
Individual training in hand washing and drying skills. Prepare a board and printed game “Cut Pictures”.
Prepare coloring pages on the theme “Musical Instruments.”
Prepare a tape recorder and audio recording of works.
Soap, towels.
Morning reception of children.
Individual conversations with parents about children's health.

Conversation “Where do musical instruments live and work?”
Strengthen knowledge about musical instruments. Develop the ability to distinguish the timbres of instruments. Strengthen knowledge about genres in music. Expand children's horizons. Teach children to interact with each other, develop communication skills.
Contribute to strengthening the physical and mental health of children using health-saving technologies.
To cultivate emotional responsiveness, receptivity, musical and aesthetic taste through music.
Cultivate an interest in playing children's musical instruments, a desire to play instruments, and take care of them.
2. Drawing.
“Golden Khokhloma”, introduction to the elements.
Continue to acquaint children with the features of Khokhloma painting, its color, elements, amazing beauty; develop skills in composing and executing a decorative grass pattern, brush painting techniques; to cultivate interest in folk art, respect for the work of master craftsmen
Material and equipment: illustrations depicting objects, elements of Khokhloma painting; objects of Khokhloma painting; album with elements of painting; brushes, gouache, jars of water, napkins.
3. Communication about the formation of prerequisites for learning to read and write.
“Consonant sound [M], [M,], letter M."
To consolidate children’s knowledge of the concepts of “sound” and “letter”; form the concept of “consonant sound”; teach children to isolate consonant sounds [m] and [m,] from a word, determine their position; develop the skill of clear pronunciation [m] and [m,]; introduce children to the letters M, m; develop phonemic hearing; cultivate perseverance. Material and equipment: picture of a poppy; syllables mu..., ma; blue and red squares; cards with the letters M, m. Providing assistance while playing a musical instrument (helping to pick up the instrument correctly, producing sound).
Provide individual assistance during independent activities as needed.
To develop the ability to highlight the sound [m] at the beginning of a word (Venya, Milana A., Lera). Prepare musical instruments.
Prepare the necessary material and equipment for conducting direct educational activities. Preparing for a walk.
Cognitive - research activities.
Observation "Sounds of nature".
Labor activity.
Cleaning the site.
Contribute to the improvement of relevant work skills; teach to observe the rules of personal hygiene while working; teach children to summarize their work; identify successes and shortcomings.
Game activity.
Didactic game “What time of year”.
Teach children to correlate descriptions of nature with a certain time of year, give reasons for their choice, and independently create a task for the game.
The plot-role-playing game “Travel by car.”
Develop the ability to unite in a game, act in accordance with the plot; foster friendly interactions during the game.
Outdoor game "Funny Clowns".
Enrich children’s motor experience, develop creativity in motor activity; help create a good mood, provide emotional uplift. Pay attention to the rules of safe behavior during work.
Consolidate knowledge of the main parts of a truck (Artem D., Marat). Create conditions for observation.
Prepare a rake, broom, cart.
Create conditions for the game.
Returning from a walk.
Canteen duty.
Continue teaching children how to set the table for dinner; cultivate neatness and safe behavior when working with cutlery and utensils. Assisting staff on duty during table setting for breakfast. Aprons, duty caps, napkins, cutlery, dishes. Tuesday 4 October
Evening Health and hardening procedures.
Gradual rise of children. A set of awakening exercises. Walking on a prickly rug.
Game activity.
Story-based role-playing game “At the Concert”.
Help children create a plot for the game and assign roles; develop the ability to select numbers for the game; cultivate interest in musical activities.
Constructive activity.
Creative workshop “We are funny toys - mischievous rattles.”
Teach children to make musical instruments - rattles - from unshaped material, and decorate them with appliqué; develop fantasy and imagination.

Reading the fairy tale “The Miracle of the Whistle.”
Instill an interest in fiction; develop the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other genres, answer questions about the content; teach children to evaluate the hero of the work. Help remember songs and dance elements.
Providing assistance to children as needed.
Help understand the content of the fairy tale using leading questions and illustrations. Prepare a set of exercises, a spiky mat.
Create conditions for the game.
Prepare materials and equipment for making rattles (yogurt bottles, sticks, colored paper, glue, napkins, cereal for filling crafts). Preparing for a walk.

Observation of the evening sky.
Game activity:
Game with singing "Teremok".
Teach children to convey the characteristic habits of animals, dramatize the content of a song, and perform playful actions; develop a musical and rhythmic sense, the ability to experience music, feel the emotional expressiveness of rhythm, and accurately reproduce it.
The game is a relay race “Running in pairs”.
Teach children to coordinate actions with a partner and perform tasks at speed; develop agility and speed qualities.
Outdoor game “We are funny guys.”
Develop children's motor activity; learn to follow the rules of the game. Help children assign roles and remember the text of the characters.
Observing the interaction of children during the relay race. Create conditions for observation. Children returning from a walk.
Going home. Game activity.

Create a favorable atmosphere for the game; develop the ability to recognize and correctly name musical instruments and play them; cultivate interest in music. Provide assistance in proper handling of a musical instrument and in producing sounds; photographing each child with an instrument for the “Musical Orchestra” collage. Prepare musical cubes and musical instruments for the game. We recommend that parents listen to works by Russian and foreign composers about autumn with their children.
Wednesday 5 October
Morning. Game activity.
Board and printed games of children's choice.
Develop the ability to agree on the choice of game, choose a leader, follow the rules of the game; Develop friendships while playing.
Motor activity.
Morning exercises.
Communication activities.
Conversation on the topic “Musical instruments and toys.”
Continue to introduce children to various musical instruments and their structure. Learn to determine the character of music. Cultivate a caring attitude towards musical instruments.
Listening to the musical work of F. Schubert “A Musical Moment”.
Introduce children to a new genre of music and its features. Develop musical and auditory perceptions, emotional responsiveness to music.
Perception of fiction.
Reading poems about musical instruments.
Teach children to listen carefully to a poetic text, to identify from it the characteristic features of musical instruments. Cultivate an interest in poetry.
Breakfast. Improve the ability to form (following a model) words with the same root (Nadya, Polina).
Observation of children's perception of music.

Prepare musical instruments.
Prepare a tape recorder and audio recording of musical works.
Prepare the text of poems with illustrations. Morning reception of children. Conversations with parents about the condition of their children.
activity 1. FCCM: subject and social environment. Getting to know nature.
Conversation with elements of listening to musical works “Music of Autumn”.
Introduce children to the musical works of composers M. P. Mussorgsky, A. K. Lyadov, C. Saint - Sanso; teach children to listen to the expressiveness of music.
"Musical Instruments"
(from paper lumps).
Develop the ability to perform volumetric appliqué; consolidate knowledge of the properties of paper; teach children how to use PVA glue correctly; cultivate accuracy while performing work.
Materials and equipment: colored cardboard with images of musical instruments, colored napkins, PVA glue, napkins, oilcloth.
3. Musical. Help children perceive music using leading questions.
Provide individual assistance as needed. Prepare a tape recorder, audio recording of musical works by composers M. P. Mussorgsky, A. K. Lyadov, C. Saint-Saens, portraits of composers. Preparing for a walk.

Observing nature in autumn.
Labor activity.
Cleaning up fallen leaves in a group plot.
Teach children to use existing experience, work skills, the ability to select the necessary equipment, and act rationally.
Game activity.
Word game "Continue the sentence."
Teach children to communicate; develop attention, memory, and the ability to continue a sentence started by a peer.
Sports game "Football".
Teach children to dribble the ball with their right and left feet, moving forward, and shoot at the intended goal; develop dexterity and speed of reaction.
An outdoor game of children's choice.
Teach children to name the game correctly, tell its rules, negotiate with friends, unite in microgroups based on interests, and act in accordance with the rules. Didactic game “What is yellow? (blue, green)."
Providing assistance during work.
Strengthen the ability to compose sentences by adding missing words (Polina, Maxim, Lera).
Personalized safety reminders while playing.
Observing children's interactions during play. Create conditions for observation.
Prepare a rake and cart.
Prepare the ball. Returning from a walk.
Dinner. KGN.
Perception of fiction.
Reading Russian folk songs “The fox walked with rye...”; “Chigariki-chok-chigarok...”
Instill interest in folk art.
Dinner. Pay attention to how Milana and Egor N. put things in the locker after a walk.
Prepare lyrics for songs. Thursday 6 October
Evening. Wellness and hardening procedures.
Gradual rise of children. A set of awakening exercises. Walking on a ribbed board.
Game activity.
Independent play activity.
Develop the ability to find partners for games, come up with a game plot, build game interactions, act as game organizers. Foster friendly interactions during play.
Communication activities.
Work at the “Merry Notes” music center: getting to know the lyre.
Invite the children to tell them what they know about this musical instrument and show them the method of sound healing. Invite the children to play this musical instrument. Cultivate a caring attitude towards musical instruments.
Listening to a fragment of S. Rachmaninov’s musical work “Musical Moment”.
Teach children to compare contrasting plays of the same genre, expand their understanding of human feelings, and convey the character of music in motor improvisations.
Perception of fiction.
Reading a fairy tale about musical instruments.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other genres; cultivate interest in fiction and music. Individual conversations with children about their well-being.
Individual work on speech development.
Exercise children in the formation of comparative adjectives, teach them to compose phrases, and use them in various speech constructions (Bronya, Milana, Venya).
Practicing speech skills. Create conditions for choosing a game.
Prepare a tape recorder and audio recording of works. Preparing for a walk.
Walk. Cognitive activity.
Cloud watching.
Game activity:
Didactic game “It happens - it doesn’t happen.”
To promote the use in the game and deepening of knowledge about seasonal phenomena; develop attention and coherent speech.
Outdoor game "Day - Night".
Improve children's ability to maintain balance; develop reaction speed and dexterity; develop spatial orientation skills. Practicing speech skills. Create conditions for observations. Children returning from a walk.
Going home. Perception of fiction.
Reading of the poem “Resentment” by E. Moshkovskaya.
Teach children to listen carefully to the work, offer to talk about the behavior and experiences of the characters, and give their own options for the development of events; develop verbal imagination. Learn to give complete answers to questions about the content of the poem (Dima Ch., Artem D.). Prepare the text of the poem. Offer for viewing the collage “Musical Orchestra”
(silhouettes of children with musical instruments).
Friday 7 October
Morning. Labor activity.
Household work: cleaning shelves with toys.
To develop in children the ability to work in a team: to distribute work among themselves, to coordinate their actions with their comrades, to be responsible for their own and the overall result.
Motor activity.
Morning exercises.
Communication activities.
Conversation on the topic
Game activity.
Musical didactic game "The fourth odd one".
To consolidate knowledge about musical instruments and their varieties; develop the ability to classify musical instruments according to general characteristics, find an extra instrument; cultivate interest in music.
Vocal exercise "Baba Yaga".
Develop the ability to sing vowel sounds, develop phonemic and musical hearing.
Conversation “Learning to use the toilet carefully.”
Develop self-care skills in children, teach them to observe the rules of personal hygiene, explain the importance of observing them, and teach them to act carefully.
Breakfast. Individual orders.
Develop the ability to explain your choice.
Individual reminders of toilet rules. Prepare the necessary material and equipment for work.
Prepare a musical didactic game “The Fourth Wheel”.
A picture of Baba Yaga. Morning reception of children. Individual conversations with parents.
activity 1. Cognitive, research and constructive activity.
“Metallophone” (paper tubes).
Develop the ability to roll a rectangular sheet of paper into a tube using a pencil; develop the ability to arrange the received parts in length, from shortest to longest; cultivate accuracy while performing work.
Materials and equipment: cardboard blanks for the base of metallophones, rectangular sheets of colored paper of different sizes, glue, napkins, oilcloths, pencils.
2. Musical.
3. Communication.
Reading fiction.
Reading "The Tale of Musical Sounds."
Teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a literary work and determine its genre; deepen children’s knowledge about kindness, strengthen the ability to consistently and logically express their thoughts, and answer the teacher’s questions; cultivate interest in fiction and musical instruments. Provide individual assistance as needed.
Practicing speech skills. Recording background music, tape recorder.
Prepare the text of the fairy tale with illustrations. Preparing for a walk.
Walk. Cognitive - research activities.
Monitoring the work of the janitor.
Game activity.
Didactic game “Incomprehensible words”.
Develop sound culture of speech, phonemic hearing. Teach children to distinguish words that are similar in sound composition.
Outdoor game "Homeless Hare".
Teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game, analyze their actions for compliance with the rules; improve skills in performing basic movements when running. Practicing speech skills. Create conditions for observation. Returning from a walk.
Dinner. Game activity.
Didactic game "Musical cube".
Create a favorable atmosphere for the game; develop the ability to recognize and correctly name musical instruments and play them; cultivate interest in music. Provide assistance in proper handling of a musical instrument and in producing sounds. "Musical Cube"