The artist and power are examples. Contemporary art as a tool for influencing the politics of the Russian Federation

Throughout the history of civilization, one interesting and quite logical connection can be traced - the interaction of art and power. It would seem, how can two completely different spheres of human life influence each other? But nevertheless, when considering categories such as art and power, it becomes obvious that they are much closer than initially seen. They both influence the will and emotions of a person, changing them and subordinating them to a specific goal.

How art influences power

In order to understand the nature of the interaction between political order and creativity, it is necessary to know what they are.

Power is the ability and ability to exert a certain influence on the behavior and activities of people using a set of certain means.

Art is the most important part of cultural life, a type of spiritual and practical exploration of the world and the relationships in it.

Art is the embodiment of a flight of fancy, a manifestation of human freedom and creative spirit. However, it was often used by those in power to achieve certain political and religious goals. How was this done? The point is that both art and power are capable of capturing the minds of the people and imposing on them a certain line of behavior. Thanks to the works of outstanding sculptors, poets and artists, leaders of countries strengthened their authority, belittling opponents, and different cities maintained their fame and prestige.

Art makes it possible to translate rituals and religious symbols into reality, to create ideal and majestic images of rulers. They were endowed with extraordinary qualities, wisdom and heroism, which undoubtedly aroused the admiration and respect of citizens.

Thus, one cannot underestimate the influence of power on art, which became an excellent tool in establishing a certain political regime. Unfortunately, ordinary people often became victims of deception, which was achieved with the help of the works of poets and writers.

Art and power in ancient times

If we consider the interaction of these two branches of social life, it becomes obvious that many centuries ago this was a very important tool for influencing people. Art and power depended especially strongly on each other in the ancient superpowers. Thus, the Roman Empire during its heyday is famous for its sculptures depicting emperors and generals. We see their ideal physique, classic facial features filled with courage and courage, and involuntarily we are imbued with respect for them. What can we say about their contemporaries?

Art and power were very interestingly intertwined in Ancient Egypt. It gave the pharaohs the power of mythical creatures. They were often depicted with a human body and an animal head. This emphasized their divine power.

Middle Ages

If we consider art and power in a later period, we can trace significant changes. The techniques of sculptors, painters and poets became more sophisticated, as it became increasingly difficult to influence. Now writers, commissioned by the royal administration, created ornate poems in which they described the exploits and majestic deeds of the ruling persons. The art of those times gave humanity many outstanding artifacts. So, Napoleon I, trying to perpetuate the strength and power of his army, ordered the creation in the center of Paris, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

The relationship between power and art in our country

The history of the interaction of these categories in Russia dates back to the 15th century. At this time, Byzantium, which was the heir of Ancient Rome, fell under the onslaught of barbarians. Moscow became the cultural and Orthodox center of Eurasia. Our state was experiencing rapid geographic and economic growth, which required the creation of an appropriate image. kings became a haven for outstanding culturally educated and religious figures. They included talented icon painters, architects, musicians and builders.

The relevance of the influence of art on power today

Of course, in the modern world everything has changed, but the topic described (power and art) remains very important and relevant. The interrelation between these sectors of activity is especially strong during periods of significant political and socio-economic changes. There is now virtually no censorship, which means that anyone seeking to express their thoughts and ideas through art can do so without fear of being punished. This is a very important breakthrough regarding freedom of creativity and spirit.

How does art influence power in our time? Now these two concepts have become very distant from each other, since people can receive reliable and complete information about the domestic and foreign policies of their state, as well as openly express their opinions. There is no longer any need to influence the minds of the population with the help of beautiful poems and sculptures in order to strengthen authority.

Exhibitions on the influence of power on art

Periodically, exhibitions are held in different cities that highlight this problem. They are of great interest to those who are interested in history and political science. Not long ago, a similar exhibition was held in a Swedish museum. It bore the symbolic name "Art for Rulers." It featured more than 100 exhibitions featuring 400 exhibits from different eras.

An interesting pattern constantly emerges. Art, as a manifestation of the free, creative powers of man, the flight of his imagination and spirit, was often used to strengthen power, secular and religious.

Thanks to works of art, the authorities strengthened their authority, and cities and states maintained their prestige. Art embodied the ideas of religion in visible images, glorified and immortalized heroes. Sculptors, artists, and musicians at different times created idealized, majestic images of rulers and leaders. They were given extraordinary qualities, special heroism and wisdom, which, of course, aroused respect and admiration in the hearts of ordinary people. These images clearly demonstrate traditions going back to ancient times - the worship of idols, deities, which aroused awe not only in everyone approaching them, but also in those looking from afar. The valor of warriors and commanders is immortalized by works of monumental art. Equestrian statues are erected, triumphal arches and columns are built to commemorate victories.

What qualities do artists and sculptors emphasize in the images of statesmen, rulers of different eras and
countries ? Whichfeelings do these images evoke in you?
What are the similarities and differences between these images? Name the common (typical) features that symbolize power.

By order of Napoleon I, who wanted to immortalize the glory of his army, the Triumphal Gate was built in Paris. The names of the generals who fought alongside the emperor are engraved on the walls of the arch.

In the 18th century a new chapter of Russian history has opened. Peter I, in the apt expression of Pushkin, “cut a window to Europe” - St. Petersburg was founded.

New ideas are reflected in all types of art. Secular painting and sculpture appeared, music changed to a European style. The choir of the sovereign's singing clerks has now been transferred to St. Petersburg and becomes the Court Singing Chapel (Peter I himself often sang in this choir). The arts proclaim praise to the Lord and toast to the young Tsar of All Rus'.

Now the Choir Chapel named after M. I. Glinka is a majestic monument of Russian culture, famous throughout the world. The chapel helps to maintain the connection of times and the continuity of traditions.

In the twentieth century, during the era of Stalinism in our country, pompous, magnificent architecture emphasized the strength and power of the state, reducing the human personality to an insignificant level, and ignored the individual uniqueness of each person. The soulless mechanism of state coercion highlights the grotesque element in music (D. Shostakovich, A. Schnittke, etc.).

The democratic sentiments of the people find especially vivid expression in art at turning points in history. These include revolutionary songs, marches during the October Revolution in Russia (1917), posters, paintings, and musical compositions from the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). This is both a mass song, reflecting the labor enthusiasm of the post-war years, and an author's song of the second half of the 20th century. (a type of urban folklore), expressing not only the lyrical sentiments of the younger generation, but also a protest against restrictions on individual freedom, especially clearly expressed in rock music.

Give examples of historical eras with authoritarian and democratic rule.
Select works of art that reflect the ideas of these
states . Consult reference literature.
Look at pictures, fragments from films, listen to pieces of music that express the ideals of the people at different times in different countries. What can you say about their social ideals?
By what means and for what purpose does art influence people today?

Artistic and creative task
Prepare a report orcomputer presentation on a topic related to instilling certain feelings and thoughts in people through the means of art. Analyze various works of art of the same type of art in different eras or select an era and, based on works of different types of art, present its holistic image.

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The basic principles that served as the support of the supreme power in Ancient Egypt are inviolability and incomprehensibility. From the very emergence of the Egyptian state, they determined the deification of its sovereign rulers - the pharaohs. Their unlimited power was based on land wealth and the exploitation of huge masses of slaves. Already in the 5th millennium BC. rudimentary forms of state power appear, an apparatus of oppression created in the interests of the emerging slave-owning class. Even then, the dwellings of tribal leaders began to stand out among others due to their size, and the graves were lined with bricks as this material was mastered. In addition, the leader’s grave was rectangular, while ordinary members of the community were buried in ordinary oval pits. Particular attention was paid to the design of the leader’s grave because it was believed that the “eternal” existence of his spirit ensured the well-being of the entire tribe. Such a tomb of a leader was found in Hieroconpolis, the clay walls of which were already covered with paintings. In the process of the formation of class society and the formation of a single

In the slave state, the role of the pharaoh gradually increased. Thus, Egyptian society went from the tradition of venerating the tribal leader in the predynastic period to the complete deification of its ruler in the Old Kingdom. In ancient Egyptian society, the pharaoh was considered the deputy of God in the flesh, and therefore received the official title “good god.” In later times, the usual name for the pharaoh became “strong calf”, in honor of one of the most revered animals in Egypt - the bull. The ministers of religion taught: “Be afraid of sinning against God and do not ask about his image.” Egyptian art was created for the glory of the kings, for the glory of the unshakable and incomprehensible ideas on which they based their despotic rule. It was conceived not as a source of aesthetic pleasure, but primarily as a statement in striking forms and images of these very ideas and the power with which the pharaoh was endowed. Art began to serve the interests of the top of the slave-owning state and its head; it was called upon, first of all, to create monuments glorifying the kings and nobility of the slave-owning despotism. Such works, by their very purpose, had to be performed according to certain rules, which contributed to the formation of canons, which became a brake on the further development of Egyptian art.

The influencing power of art. Art and power. How are such phenomena as art and power related? Art, as a manifestation of the free, creative powers of man, the flight of his imagination and spirit, was often used to strengthen power, secular and religious. “The Bronze Horseman” Thanks to works of art, the authorities strengthened their authority, and cities and states maintained their prestige. Art embodied the ideas of religion in visible images, glorified and immortalized heroes. D. Levitsky. Catherine II « J.-L. David “Napoleon at the Saint Bernard Pass” Assignment:  What qualities do artists and sculptors emphasize in the images of statesmen, rulers of different eras and countries?  What are the similarities and differences between these images? Name the common (typical) features that symbolize power. The valor of warriors and commanders is immortalized by works of monumental art. Equestrian statues are erected, triumphal arches and columns are built to commemorate victories. Triumphal Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy. By order of Napoleon I, who wanted to immortalize the glory of his army, the Triumphal Gate was built in Paris. The names of the generals who fought alongside the emperor are engraved on the walls of the arch. France, Paris, Arc de Triomphe In 1814 in Russia, for the solemn welcome of the Russian army of liberation, returning from Europe after the victory over Napoleon, the wooden Triumphal Gate was built at the Tverskaya Outpost. For more than 100 years, the arch stood in the center of Moscow, and in 1936 it was demolished. Only in the 60s. XX century The triumphal arch was recreated on Victory Square, near Poklonnaya Gora, at the site where Napoleon's army entered the city. The Moscow tsars considered themselves heirs of Roman traditions, and this was reflected in the words: “Moscow is the Third Rome, but there will never be a fourth.” Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery - a monument. 2nd floor XVII century (the desire of Patriarch Nikon to create holy places in the image of Palestine, where the earthly life of Jesus Christ passed) In the twentieth century, during the era of Stalinism in our country, pompous, magnificent architecture emphasized the strength and power of the state, reducing the human personality to an insignificant level, ignoring the individual the uniqueness of each person Unrealized projects of Moscow architects of the 30-50s. Palace of Soviets Homework.  Prepare a report or computer presentation on a topic related to instilling certain thoughts and feelings in people through art. Analyze various works of art of the same type of art in different eras or select an era and, based on works of different types of art, present its holistic image.