How to become strong and independent. Happy relationships between a man and a woman (secrets of independence)

Hello dear readers. Every woman wants to become self-confident. Self-confidence is an important adequate behavior that serves as the key to success and effective achievement of goals. Today I want to raise the topic of how to become a strong woman and a confident woman. These are just simple tips and it is everyone’s right to follow them or not. Remember that a woman's strength is in her weakness. To be more precise, a woman’s strength is in her wisdom, in the ability to be herself, but at the same time showing strength when necessary, as well as weakness.

It is very important to be able to love life in all its manifestations, to enjoy every new day.

1 You must be able to prioritize in life, but only after yourself. We put ourselves and our needs first.

2. You need to know your worth. Be able to filter your surroundings. Pay attention to your surroundings, and under no circumstances allow yourself to communicate with people who drain your energy.

3. Learn in life understanding, patience, wisdom (understand something, accept, if necessary, adapt to someone and finally solve your situations).

4. Solve questions as they arise; you don’t need to think or invent anything.

5. Be able to be honest, first of all, with yourself. And if a woman is honest with herself, then she will be honest with others.

6. Realize that you are a beautiful, confident, wise woman, successful and happy. You don't need to be like someone or adapt to someone. No one will be you and you will not be anyone. Don't lose yourself and your identity. Discover new facets of yourself every day.

7. If you broke up with your loved one, this point is for you. Don't hold on to the past and past relationships. It was an experience and a life story. Don’t scold yourself, because growth in life is not possible without mistakes. Take everything as life lessons and be sure to benefit from it all.

8. A strong woman is not afraid to make mistakes. You and I, everyone, are not perfect. We all want a better quality of life. And as we walk this road, we need to remember. Life presents us with situations (lessons), not problems.

9. A woman’s happiness is not external, it is inside, in her thoughts, in her heart... Therefore, you need to be filled with positive thoughts every day and “cultivate” love within yourself.

10. The most important thing is not to see other people (women) as competitors. Don’t compare yourself with others, compare yourself with yourself yesterday, what successes you have achieved, what problems you have solved. Most importantly, praise yourself every day.

11. It is necessary to learn to enjoy the successes of other people (envy and anger are not appropriate here). Let other people's successes become an incentive for your own achievements and victories.

12. It is imperative to develop, life does not stand still, it is not appropriate here. Self-development is very important.

13. Stop complaining that everything that happens to you is “good.” Think that you are stronger today than you were yesterday.

14. Learn to forgive, because it is very beneficial. But first, be sure to forgive yourself; by forgiving yourself, it will be easier to forgive other people. Learn from situations and move on.

15. People can make your dreams come true, but under no circumstances let them do this. After all, as you develop, you improve the quality of your life every day. Don't let your efforts be ruined.

16. Periodically take an observational position, this will allow you to abstract yourself and look at yourself and your achievements from the outside.

17. When choosing growth and development, do not strive for perfectionism. When choosing ways to become a strong woman, it is important not to lose your valuable moments.

18. A sign of strength is open emotions. If you want to cry, you can allow yourself to do so.

19. Do not accept the opinions of people around you as the ultimate truth. It is important to listen to other people’s opinions, but to do as your heart tells you.

20. Dream, translate dreams into goals and objectives. Always be confident in yourself.

21. It is very important to take responsibility for your life once and for all. Therefore, we need to stop blaming everyone. This takes a lot of energy. Understand, your life is yours alone. No one will live your life for you.

22. Learn to focus on the main thing, don’t try to embrace the immensity.

23. Life gives us surprises every day. The main motto of life is faith in the best. “Everything will work out for the best for me.”

24. Protect yourself with prayers and positive attitudes. Don't forget to thank God.

25. Lightness, softness, and airiness are characteristic of women, remember this. A woman's strength is in her weakness.

Let's look point by point at how to become an independent woman

From early childhood, girls are told that their main task is to get married successfully and rely on their husband for everything. But not all representatives of the fair sex want to sit and wait for a prince on a white horse to appear in their lives and solve all their problems, especially if they learn about the number of divorces, those who do not want to pay alimony, and the huge number of men who are happy to shift their problems on fragile female shoulders.

The reality is that being independent today is not only desirable, but also vital. Not everyone will want to accept this; your attempts to declare yourself as an independent person will meet with fierce resistance from your parents if you live with them. No matter how old we are, for them we always remain small children requiring control and attention. And here it is very important to find the right words to convince them that you are already an adult, capable of making independent decisions and being responsible for yourself.

Try to clearly define your position and prove the seriousness of your intentions with your actions. Start buying food and things yourself. Cook, pay utilities, behave like an adult, without requiring help from anyone. As long as you depend on them, they will never recognize your independence. To do this, you need to rely only on yourself, and your parents can only help you with advice. Only then will they gradually understand that you have truly grown up and are ready to take responsibility for yourself.

If no persuasion or action helps, the only thing left to do is rent a separate home. True, be prepared for a difficult conversation, and sometimes blackmail, especially if you live with one of the parents. Do not give in to him, firmly defending your right to be independent. If the confrontation is too serious, agree to stay, but only if they are willing to accept your right to come whenever you want and refuse to control your expenses.

Becoming independent is difficult if you do not have normal self-esteem and self-confidence. It’s not easy to defend your own rights and force both strict parents and demanding husbands to respect them when you’re used to relying on someone for everything. Therefore, as soon as you decide to change the current situation, refuse anyone’s help in those issues that you can solve on your own. Make your own decisions based on the information available. This will help you feel the taste of freedom. Even if you make a mistake, it is your decision and you will have no one to blame for the failure but yourself. But this will teach you to balance your capabilities and desires, and at the same time it will become an invaluable experience, which you cannot do without in the modern world.

Don't think that taking responsibility is easy. Your usual way of life will begin to collapse, you will leave your usual comfort zone and the first feeling that will appear at this moment will be fear. The main thing at this moment is not to retreat, not to succumb to it. Everything unknown is scary. The human psyche is structured in such a way that it resists change. But without them it is impossible to live the life you dream of. And the main obstacle on the way will still not be your parents, but you yourself. Therefore, it is so important to clearly realize that you are ready for change and no longer want to live as before. Any fear is easy to overcome when you are confident in the chosen path.

An independent person knows how to defend his own point of view. Sometimes this leads to conflicts, but if you do not want to follow what others impose, you need to find the strength to fight back. To avoid getting lost and find compelling arguments in any situation, educate yourself. Read, study the news, listen to interesting programs, learn to analyze the information you receive, and draw conclusions. Someone who is fully developed easily fends off any arguments and is able to prove that he is right without much difficulty.

Don't trust everything you see and hear. Be more attentive to what they are trying to impose on you, no matter whether it is advertising for weight loss products or news. You should have your own opinion on any event in life or country.

Top 7 how to become independent

  • Don't give up on getting an education, even if the beloved husband is against it. Why are you obliged to sacrifice your interests for his sake, which will only bring benefits and become the necessary protection for you and your children if you suddenly find yourself alone. He got an education, why can’t you do the same?!
  • Be sure to take care of your own financial security. You cannot achieve freedom in decision-making when you are completely dependent on someone financially. Financiers advise saving at least 10% of each earnings. So gradually you will collect a fairly decent amount, which will give you confidence in the future. Your husband forbids you to work, find a secret way to earn money at home, or try to collect a small amount from the funds he allocates. Although in such a situation it’s time to think about why it limits your freedom so much. If he is afraid of losing, let him allocate certain funds so that you do not feel dependent and do not constantly ask him for money for various little things. If this is a hidden form of total control, it is worth considering whether an independent woman can live with such a representative of the opposite sex.
  • Learn to accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. Don't strive to be like the models you see on magazine covers or TV screens. Their figures contradict the canons of real female beauty and are needed only as an attribute to demonstrate clothing. Love yourself for who you are, just don’t strive to turn into an angular teenager. An overly emaciated woman evokes not admiration, but a desire to feel sorry for her and feed her.
  • Do charity work. This will give you a feeling of satisfaction and give you strength and energy. It doesn’t matter who you decide to help: homeless animals, people with disabilities, orphans or elderly people, no matter how great this help will be, the main thing is that your kindness will definitely return to you a hundredfold and will make you proud of yourself and feel the joy of those simple things more keenly that you have.
  • Independence gives a feeling of freedom, but at the same time requires a person to have iron willpower and a responsible attitude towards his actions. But not everyone has the strength to achieve what they want, so there are not many women around who strive to live the way they see fit. At the same time, the reluctance to fight for one’s rights, on the one hand, allows one to avoid many conflicts, and on the other, can turn life into hell. Those around you take advantage of your dependent position, trying to solve their own problems, and family tyrants take pleasure in subjugating you.
  • To protect yourself and avoid becoming a victim, take a self-defense class or martial arts class that you can find where you live. Good physical shape and awareness of your strength will allow you to feel safe wherever you are, although you still shouldn’t take risks walking through the park at night in splendid isolation.
  • If you are alone, don't focus on it and don't give up on yourself. Happiness is hidden within, and does not depend on whether you have a loved one or not. You can't be dependent on someone, it makes a person weak. Love should bring joy, and not turn into a slave. If you want to be loved and love, believe in yourself and so it will be.

Only those who have independence are able to achieve success. It is different for everyone, but only when a person has found the strength to take responsibility for his actions. Sometimes it takes years to realize such a simple truth. But there is nothing more pleasant than feeling that no matter what surprises life has in store, you are ready to meet them fully armed, because you know that the most important assistant in any matter is yourself. But only a woman who has managed to become independent is capable of this.

Since ancient times, a man has been considered the main thing in everything. Be it profession, family or lifestyle. But in the modern world, house building has already lost its authority, and more and more often from the lips of a woman you can hear the question: “How to become independent?” Don’t wait until your husband allocates money for shopping, lets you go out with friends, or decides whether to play sports or try another hobby. Children, diapers and housekeeping are, of course, those things that rest on a woman’s fragile shoulders. But life shouldn’t pass you by! Burying your personality and talents for a man? Who told you such nonsense! In this article we will dispel all your doubts and explain how to become independent.

Dependence on a man - how to get rid of it?

Where does it all begin? Usually this is either the beginning of cohabitation, or marriage and again cohabitation. Career, personal time and space, which filled life before meeting a man, gradually fade into the background. New roles and responsibilities open up for a woman - housekeeping and everyday life, giving birth to children and raising them. Gradually, the woman begins to sacrifice herself for the sake of good relationships in the family, and begins to dissolve in the man and his life. This is where dependence on the husband begins. It carries within itself the character of sacrifice. Refusal of development and career in favor of children, husband and family - after all, a woman is sure that such a sacrifice will certainly be appreciated. But time passes, and emotional dependence gradually becomes material. After all, my career has gone down the drain! Scandals are gradually brewing: she is bored sitting at home, she doesn’t like that he comes home late and doesn’t pay attention to her, she doesn’t like that he gives her little money, etc. At the same time, the dependent woman begins to be afraid of losing a man who is already beginning to look around, depression begins, problems in relationships, dissatisfaction with her life and much more. But it all started with a banal sacrifice, albeit with good intentions. The only way out of this situation is to become independent!

The reasons why a woman begins to depend on her husband begin in childhood. The parents' mistakes in this case consisted of limiting freedom and initiative. Children who are often told by their parents: “if you love me, you will do as I say,” become dependent. Or vice versa: “if you love me, then you won’t do this.” Considering the fact that women subconsciously look for support and support in a man, a woman will automatically begin to sacrifice herself for the sake of his love. How to correct the situation and become one that bears the proud title of “independent woman”? Of course, you need to solve your psychological problems once and for all. You can do this as follows:

1. Start with a small exercise: close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting on a high mountain, and a long path stretches out in front of you below. She is your life. Look at it carefully, and try to analyze your behavior in some situations that you especially remember. Think back to times when you were proud of yourself, then to times when you did something you enjoy. After that, ask yourself a few questions and answer them honestly:

  • What kind of relationship did I have with my parents?
  • How often do I do what I want?
  • Why am I afraid of losing my spouse?
  • what will happen if I am left without a man?

2. Remember situations from childhood in which you were afraid to do something against the will of your parents. Convince yourself that as an adult you have the right to do as you please.

3. Think about what you want from your life? What goals and plans can and want to set for yourself? Try to start implementing them without looking at other people's opinions or disapproval.

4. Remember that the best relationships exist only in those families where both spouses know their worth, do not depend on each other, do not try to change each other, but live in mutual respect, love and harmony.

In any family there should not be a strong and a weak side. All responsibilities of the spouse should be divided in half. Even if at first it will be difficult for you to step out of the role of victim. Make it clear to your household that you have the right to personal time and personal interests. As soon as you start taking care of your own affairs in addition to your household, you will feel how light your soul becomes and see how quickly your family life will improve. Remember that only love and mutual respect in this world can work miracles. And personal space is your world, where you can no longer depend on anyone.

Independence is freedom from imposed stereotypes, from material problems and from psychological pressure from others.

People are not born independent, they become independent, and, as a rule, at the cost of incredible efforts. Too much has to be broken down and built anew. And today we will talk about what needs to be done to gain the opportunity to say: “I don’t depend on anyone!”

Step one: learn to make your own decisions

From childhood we are told what to do, how to think, what to say, and so on. If, after reaching adulthood, you continue to live according to the orders of your parents, relatives and those who consider themselves “the ultimate truth,” then you can forget about independence forever. Only if you make independent decisions and defend them will you become a full-fledged person.

Prove with your rational actions that you are an adult, and that your actions must be taken into account. However, be prepared to take full responsibility for what happens to you. Refuse the tempting prospect of shifting the consequences of your mistakes onto your relatives, and do not expect help from them.

Step two: don't stop there

An independent person is always looking forward. He looks for benefits in everything and the opportunity to move to the next social and personal level. You should not stay in a job where there are no prospects for growth and stable, regular salary increases. If no positive changes have occurred within three years, then there will be no further changes. Monitor companies according to your profile, find out how they are doing with employee incentives, and move to a company where you have the best chance of making a career or earning a larger amount.

And at the same time, continue to improve your professional skills and receive additional useful information. Independence comes to those who are constantly developing, who are considered a valuable employee, and for this they need to create a positive business reputation for themselves.

Step Three: Learn to Earn YOUR OWN Money

It’s difficult, or rather, unrealistic, to be independent if you don’t have your own income or it’s so small that you make all your major purchases using your parents’ or husband’s money. Therefore, even if you are sitting at home and raising children, find time and the opportunity to earn money. There are now a lot of companies where you can work remotely. Think back to everything you've ever been taught and think about what industry you have the best chance of applying it to.

In addition, you should not give all the money you earn to the family budget. You must have your own personal bank account, from which you can dispose of financial resources solely at your own discretion. Not to mention the fact that the amount you have accumulated will insure you against financial problems in the event of a temporary loss of source of income or separation from the person who is considered the main “breadwinner” in the family.

In general, financial independence is very important, since it is directly related to your self-esteem and the fact that, having your own stable income and some savings, you can look into the future without fear.

Step Four: Get Rid of Phobias

It is unlikely that you will be able to become independent if you are susceptible to some kind of phobias. Your fears will hold you back, poisoning your existence and forcing you to constantly seek help from others. So don’t be shy and tell a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst about your problem. It may take quite a long time to heal completely, but it is truly worth it.

Balance, absence of psychological complexes, inner peace - all these are essential components of independence.

Step Five: Break up with people who manipulate you

Independence implies freedom of action initiated by your own interests. Having people around you who force you to do things that are unfavorable to you deprives you of the opportunity to independently manage your life. Whoever imposes his decisions on you, communication with this person should be minimized or completely abandoned. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to break off relations with your parents or children, and this is not necessary. Just let them know that from now on you will do what is right for you, not for them.

But you should get rid of friends with similar tendencies and men who immediately begin to dictate their terms to you. Don't let others "live" your own life.

Step Six: Learn to Avoid Boredom

If a person has nothing to occupy himself with, he seeks a permanent society in which he will be listened to, entertained, and pitied. And this is also a kind of addiction. Naturally, an individual is not able to live in a vacuum and refuse to communicate with friends, relatives and neighbors. However, if you use these people to “dispel boredom,” you very quickly begin to become panicky about being alone. And then there can be no talk of any independence.

Expand your horizons, find new exciting activities, take up hobbies for which you don’t need company. And leave communication with people close to you for those moments when you sincerely want to see them and when they need you. In general, if you often impose your company on someone, they will simply avoid you. So this will affect not only your self-esteem, but also your relationships with others.

Step seven: allow yourself what you really want

Independence is also expressed in the ability to indulge one’s desires. For example, you are tired, dreaming of a vacation, and your relatives say that the money you set aside for vacation would be better spent on renovating your apartment (buying furniture, etc.). Perhaps this is rational, but if you follow the lead of your relatives, you will remain tired, and embitterment will be added to the feeling of internal discomfort.

Know how to insist on your own, give yourself the right to consider your desires, and not just the interests of others, even if what you are provoked to do will ultimately benefit you. In the end, the same vacation is not a whim, but a necessity, because it will help you restore your strength and allow you to continue to function in a productive mode.

Naturally, the above applies not only to relaxation. Any unfulfilled desire leads to an internal feeling of dissatisfaction, a person stops enjoying life, and he loses the incentive to move forward. Apathy comes, and with it such harmful thoughts: “Why make money if I can’t dispose of it at my own discretion?”, “Why want something if they won’t let me realize it?”, “Why bother with something?” then hope if I don’t succeed?” And you find yourself completely dependent on those around you and on your inner feelings.

In general, independence is a good thing. It's better to have it than not to have it. However, it is worth remembering that relationships with people close to you will automatically cease to be convenient and comfortable, because the majority of individuals strive for total control over their relatives, friends and even just acquaintances. And as soon as you try to get rid of outside influence and pressure, you will encounter rejection and resentment.
So before you start molding yourself into an independent woman, think about what is more important to you - the peace and love of loved ones or your own ambitions.

Nadezhda Popova


The patriarchal model is still popular in Russian society. And the average woman, who does not know or does not perceive the idea of ​​emancipation, considers a relationship where the man is in charge to be the only possible one. Then, when she understands that the man who supports him, in return, demands almost religious worship and, no, no, yes, reminds him of his system-forming role in the family. Over time, the woman gets tired of such a family life and asks herself: “How become independent from your husband? The answer will require an analysis of women's roles in relationships with men. Let’s not let our thoughts run wild and take three roles:

Become a strong independent person and have no regrets

One cannot think that independence is achieved with little blood. If a person passionately wants freedom, then this desire transforms him. If a woman decides to become a strong independent person, then she will have to:

Reshape life. We bring up the financial issue again. A woman who hopes that a man will solve her problems is not used to thinking about the future. This, she believes, is not a woman’s concern. Those who desire freedom part with such an attitude. An independent woman is responsible for her life and her decisions. A man, if he is nearby, is perceived as a person, and not as a bearer of functions and benefits. When a person chooses freedom, he must respond to actions, and this implies responsibility. As a result, there is more freedom and less comfort.
Get used to the hardships of life, which spoil your character. Freedom doesn't come for free. You have to pay for it with emotional overload, constant stress. If a woman has not worked before, then immersion in the abyss of social life will not go unnoticed for her. Her character will become bad and her heart will harden.
Change your interaction with a man. If a woman strives to become independent in a relationship, then this ultimately leads to a rethinking of her role in relation to the man. A woman can no longer be only a “mother” or a wife to a man, from now on she wants more. This poses the problem of finding a fundamentally different partner in terms of quality. “Man-child” or “man-breadwinner” is not suitable for such a woman. Her ideas about .
Come to terms with. The conclusion from the points mentioned above is living solo. This is the price for independence.

If a person wants to become strong independent, then he should consider the consequences of freedom.

“I want to become independent!”

The desire is understandable, but what to do:

Realize and admit dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
Analyze your weaknesses and strengths. What does a woman need to become free and independent?
Draw up a plan to make your dream come true.
If only the relationship with her husband is not satisfactory, the woman believes that he does not value her, does not regret her and violates her rights as an individual to talk to her husband and discuss problems and pain points.

Despite the fact that a person has the power to create an entire world in his mind, this ability will not save him from specific problems. If a woman suddenly wants independence from her husband, and before that she didn’t want anything like that, then she needs to discuss the new desire with her husband. No amount of psychological tricks will get rid of a direct conversation about family problems. Therefore, before a woman says to herself: “I want to become independent,” she needs to think about whether she is ready for an open conversation about problems. Becoming free and independent is difficult not only financially, but psychologically.

Those women became independent who wanted to. Pros and cons of freedom

Let's start with the losses:

Carefree life, goodbye. Freedom comes with responsibility.
Life becomes anxious and full. In addition to everyday troubles, the horrors of the social world are added.
The phrase “A man should...” disappears from a woman’s vocabulary. Now she understands that debt is the free choice of another person, and not a duty or obligation. This places restrictions on a woman's life.


And self-confidence.
Opening up new areas of application of forces.
Improvement of education. Complication of consciousness.
Liberation from imposed roles and obligations.

It seems to men that if women have become independent, then this threatens them. But these are empty fears of those who are afraid of the new. Society will continue to exist, even despite value shifts. The main thing is that both sexes do not become independent of each other, because in this case the future of humanity as a species will be in jeopardy. Otherwise, everything is allowed. One way or another, the question of why girls become independent is high on the agenda and makes men think, what are they doing wrong?

January 24, 2014