Comedy has a flasher for driving the rest. Anyone can drive with a flasher! And AMP numbers give some additional powers

Is it necessary to allow special vehicles to pass without a siren?

If an ambulance and a traffic police crew are driving with flashing lights, but not turning on the siren, am I obligated to let them pass or give way to them?

Matvey, Kemerovo district.

In paragraph 3.2. The traffic rules state that drivers are required to give way to vehicles with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal on. Thus, a working sound signal in this case is a prerequisite and in its absence, drivers do not need to be given priority in traffic. Separately, a flashing light can be used to attract the attention of road users. For example, employees State traffic inspectors They use separate light signaling when accompanied by organized groups of children in order to focus the attention of drivers and ensure the safety of young passengers.


I bought a car in Krasnoyarsk that was registered there. I drove it home, went to the traffic police, and they refused to register it because the registration was canceled after an internal check. It turns out that the car was brought from Japan and cleared through customs using forged documents. I cleared the car through customs again, received all the necessary documents in my hands, but they still refuse to register the car. What should I do? And how can you get an appointment with the head of the traffic police, and not only the Kemerovo, but also the regional?

S.A. Kabysh.

To solve your problem, a detailed study of all the circumstances is necessary. I advise you to contact the registration department again and ask the staff to explain your further actions to you.

And you can get an appointment on personal issues with the first heads of the State Traffic Inspectorate on Mondays. It is conducted without prior registration. The head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo Region receives in the building of the State Traffic Inspectorate on Bauman Street, 59, from 15.00 to 18.00, the head of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Kemerovo - on Oktyabrsky Avenue, 16 - from 18.00 to 20.00.


What documents are needed to register a snowmobile? And how can this be done?

Tirrak (via email).

Snowmobiles are classified as mechanical vehicles not intended for driving on public roads; therefore, registration of snowmobiles with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is not required. This type of transport is subject to registration with the Department of State Technical Supervision of the Kemerovo Region.


I sold the car at the end of September, under a sales contract, but due to my inexperience, I did not make a copy of the sales contract or all other documents. Several months have passed and the car has not been registered. What are my actions now?

Alena, Kemerovo.

According to the law, after 30 days from the date of concluding a contract for the sale and purchase of a car, the previous owner has the right to apply to the State Traffic Inspectorate to terminate the registration of the vehicle. To solve your problem, you need to submit a corresponding application to the registration department of the traffic police at your place of residence.

You can send your questions to the editorial office by mail (with a mark on the envelope “Avtopravo”) or send by e-mail [email protected], or ask by phone: (384-2) 72-35-11.

Pavel Volya and Garik Kharlamov introduce the guests:
- director Rezo Geniashvili who took a photo with Angelina Jolie;
- video blogger Weiner with gay habits Yango Yan Gordienko from Ukraine;
- Volya’s wife Leysan Utyasheva danced a vogue;
- model Anastasia Volfanovskaya;

YUSB Group - announcements of the new season.
North Korean show The Voice.
Pap's swinger.

Knight with rusty armpits and old spice.

- And I’m Nikita, I’ve already been roasted in the center of Moscow.

Trio from St. Petersburg Ivanov-Smirnov-Sobolev- two scary girls in a cafe called a guy from dating.
Friday the libertine and Tuesday the libertine.

Dmitry Kazhoma and Ivan Pyshnenko- a meeting of two guys - one modern and the other old views.

Frivolous conversation with Pasha Volya- about modern fagot show business.
Lolita costume and how often she gets fucked.
Grandmother, geometry teacher: - How are you talking about the radius, if we have never let you go around in a circle?
Boy with a crown on his neck Artem from M Band - if you want to talk - WRITE!
Worms hate the MBand group.
Glamorous bastard in a Lolita costume.

Two Gariks Kharlamov and Martirosyan- Sochi, 4 am, New Wave casting hall.
A song about the whore empress.
Why are you like an inflatable woman, I haven’t finished yet and you’ve already deflated.
Be like your childhood - sit back and play.
A small country is threatening America with a bomb, and a small country dreams of destroying it. Small country, small country we all wish you good luck, small country.
A song about devolax and my girl.
Song about Yerevan: Stop, stop, Vita, screw your ass!
There is a flasher for driving, and the rest is all down to the pussy.

New Comedy Club in Barvikha from September 22, 2017 watch online.
Issue No. 518 according to the numbering of QC employees. The numbering goes by release for the time being, then again by date, because who the hell remembers comedy releases today by numbering.
TV channel: TNT
Duration: 44 min

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Activists of the Blue Buckets society came to this conclusion after receiving an official response from the traffic police

What is a switched off flasher on the roof of a car? Special signal or just decoration? We have always thought that a flashing light, even if it is turned off, or even an object resembling a flashing light is a special signal, and therefore requires permission to install. If there is no such permission, prepare a 2,500 ruble fine. But it turns out we were thinking wrong! In this situation, it all depends on whose car the suspicious object is installed on. If a small blue plastic bucket is attached to the car of an activist of the Blue Buckets movement, then this is clearly a violation for which the hooligan must pay a fine. But if something resembling a flashing light is on the governor's car...

Quite recently, an activist of the above-mentioned “Blue Buckets” decided to ask: why is there a flashing light installed on the car of the Governor of the Lipetsk Region Oleg Korolev? No, everyone understands perfectly well that a high-ranking official cannot do without special signals, but these cars must travel with AMP series numbers and be registered in the garage of the presidential affairs department - regional heads travel in them during visits to Moscow. And Mr. Korolev used a “member carrier” with special signals while traveling around Lipetsk and its environs, and the car number was not Moscow AMP, but local - M 001 MM 48. Is the governor using the flashing light illegally?

According to the head of the Lipetsk traffic police, Andrei Panasovich, there is no violation of the law here. And all because the flasher installed on the governor’s car is not connected and is a dummy that “does not provide any advantages over other road users.” But why then do you need such a dummy? It turns out, solely for “identifying the car of the head of the administration of the Lipetsk region in the traffic flow.” It turns out, if you believe the main Lipetsk traffic cop, any motorist can install a dummy flashing light (just like that, to identify his car in traffic) and nothing will happen to him for such decoration!

But no matter how the story about the pseudo-flashing light of the Lipetsk governor ends, the legal issue is obvious. As the Code of Administrative Offenses states, “the installation of devices on a vehicle without the appropriate permission” is now prohibited. But what is considered an installation: installing a flasher on the roof or connecting it? The Supreme Court must establish this so that such incidents disappear forever from Russian legislation. Otherwise, we will have what we have, when an exception is made for a high-ranking official and a real flashing light is equated to a dummy, and for a bucket on the roof they are fined as for real special signals.

And it wouldn’t hurt to increase the fine itself. At the end of last year, when employees of several departments came out to fight illegal special signals and passes, the catch turned out to be rich. But what's the point? If a person drives a car that costs several million rubles, will he really not find 2,500 rubles to pay a fine for having a “left” flashing light? This is how several hundred cars with special signals are driving through the capital, but without any permits. And raids are so rare that it is almost impossible to catch someone who likes to disperse traffic with the sounds of a siren. But there are also clones who disguise themselves to the smallest detail as the cars of high-ranking officials - they are not even stopped during special operations...

Meanwhile, deputies of the LDPR faction proposed to tighten the punishment for illegal flashing lights: legislators believe that instead of the current 2,500 ruble fine, it is necessary to introduce fines in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, which can also be supplemented by deprivation of the right to drive a car for 2 to 3 years! “When a person equips his car with special light or sound signals in advance and illegally, then his intent to commit illegal actions is already evident. Such a person is initially determined to break the law,” the deputies explained. But this proposal, apparently, will remain just a proposal...