Mental arithmetic training at home. Arithmetic game for adding, subtracting and multiplying numbers Game “Fast addition”

Free program and arithmetic game allows children learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers, including single-digit, double-digit, natural positive numbers within the subject of mathematics using colorful pictures of fruits and berries, insects and amazing animals, as well as images of other nature characters.

The educational game program is intended for preschoolers and children of grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 of primary school and gives the opportunity, in the form of a math game, to choose one of the arithmetic operations on numbers: addition, multiplication, subtraction or division.

With the help of bright and colorful images, children learn with interest how to perform basic operations with numbers.

The child can both study operations on single-digit and double-digit numbers and, through training, consolidate the material. In the game, the student can independently choose not only an arithmetic operation to study, but also one of three difficulty levels.

In the program, the child is shown one by one simple examples and their display in the form of an appropriate number of pictures. There is no need to enter the numerical result of the example; the student selects with the mouse the number of pictures corresponding to the answer.

For example, when learning addition at the initial stage, the child counts the number of apples in the first and second terms together and selects the corresponding number of apples with the mouse in the answer. The program shows the correctness or incorrectness of the answer and counts their number.

Simulator-game Arithmetic

This game or simulator contains 12 examples at each difficulty level. If necessary, you can increase the number of examples to 23 by adding invented examples to the corresponding text files. In this case, new pictures are automatically offered, although the mode for adding or subtracting, multiplying or dividing numbers may be activated.
  1. Unpack and run the game (file Sapling 2.0.exe);
  2. In the top menu, select an arithmetic operation (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) and difficulty level (1, 2, 3);
  3. Click "Start" in the menu.
  4. After selecting with the mouse what you think is the correct number of pictures, click the “Ok” button.

Operating system: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8
Interface language: Russian.
Author of the game: Kononov Vitaly, student of grade 11-A of secondary school No. 43 in Simferopol, project work.
Scientific supervisor: computer science teacher Nikolai Vasilievich Andreychuk.
Size: 357.91 Kb
Year of release of the program: 09.04.2002

The program is intended for free download.

When posting a training program or its description on other sites, a direct link to this author’s page is a prerequisite!

Arithmetic is the most basic, basic section of mathematics. It originated from people's needs for counting.

Mental arithmetic

What is called mental arithmetic? Mental arithmetic is a method of teaching quick counting that comes from ancient times.

Currently, unlike the previous one, teachers are trying not only to teach children how to count, but also trying to develop their thinking.

The learning process itself is based on the use and development of both hemispheres of the brain. The main thing is to be able to use them together, because they complement each other.

Indeed, the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, speech and rationality, and the right hemisphere is responsible for imagination.

The training program includes training in operation and use of tools such as abacus.

The abacus is the main tool in learning mental arithmetic, because students learn to work with them, move the dominoes and understand the essence of the calculation. Over time, the abacus becomes your imagination, and students imagine them, build on this knowledge and solve examples.

Reviews about these teaching methods are very positive. There is one drawback - the training is paid, and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, the path of a genius depends on one’s financial situation.

Mathematics and arithmetic

Mathematics and arithmetic are closely related concepts, or rather arithmetic is a branch of mathematics that works with numbers and calculations (operations with numbers).

Arithmetic is the main section, and therefore the basis of mathematics. The basis of mathematics is the most important concepts and operations that form the basis on which all subsequent knowledge is built. The main operations include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

Arithmetic is usually studied at school from the very beginning of education, that is. from first grade. Children master basic mathematics.

Addition is an arithmetic operation during which two numbers are added, and their result is a new one - the third.


Subtraction is an arithmetic operation in which the second number is subtracted from the first number, and the result is the third.

The addition formula is expressed as follows: a - b = c.

Multiplication is an action that results in the sum of identical terms.

The formula for this action is: a1+a2+…+an=n*a.

Division- This is the division of a number or variable into equal parts.

Sign up for the course "Speed ​​up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic" to learn how to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers and even extract roots. In 30 days, you'll learn how to use easy tricks to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Teaching arithmetic

Arithmetic is taught within the school walls. From the first grade, children begin to study the basic and main section of mathematics - arithmetic.

Adding numbers

Rules of arithmetic

The order of operations in an expression is very important!

If the example looks like 2+3-4, then the order in it can be whatever you want. Because addition and subtraction operations have the same priority. If we do the addition first, we get: 5-4=1, and if we do the subtraction first, then: 2-1=1. As you can see, the result is the same.

Similarly with the expression for multiplication and division. Multiplication and division operations have the same priority. For example, 2 8:4. Let's do the multiplication first: 16:4=4, and if division: 2 2=4.

Order makes sense when an expression mixes addition or subtraction with multiplication or division. For example:

2+22. The first action is to perform ALL operations of multiplication and division, and only then addition and subtraction. That is, the expression 2+2 2 = 2+4=6.

But there are parentheses in the expressions. Parentheses tend to change the order of operations. Consider the previous example, only with brackets: (2+2)*2. In this case, the operations inside the brackets are performed first, and then outside the brackets in the order: 1. Multiplication and division 2. Addition and subtraction.

So, (2+2) 2=4 2=8.

As you can see from the examples, parentheses have a role. And the order of operations is the same.

Arithmetic lessons

Arithmetic lessons - school lessons, up to the sixth grade. Then mathematics opens its sections: geometry and algebra, and later trigonometry.

Arithmetic grade 5

In the fifth grade, students begin to study topics such as fractions and mixed numbers. You can find information about operations with these numbers in our articles on the relevant operations.

Fractional number is the ratio of two numbers to each other or the numerator to the denominator. A fractional number can be replaced by division. For example, ¼ = 1:4.

Mixed number– this is a fractional number, only with the integer part highlighted. The integer part is allocated provided that the numerator is greater than the denominator. For example, there was a fraction: 5/4, it can be transformed by highlighting the whole part: 1 whole and ¼.

Examples for training:

Task No. 1:

Task No. 2:

Arithmetic 6th grade

In 6th grade, the topic of converting fractions to lowercase notation appears. What does it mean? For example, given the fraction ½, it will be equal to 0.5. ¼ = 0.25.

Examples can be compiled in the following style: 0.25+0.73+12/31.

Examples for training:

Task No. 1:

Task No. 2:

Games for developing mental arithmetic and counting speed

There are great games that promote numeracy, help develop math skills and mathematical thinking, mental counting and counting speed! You can play and develop! Are you interested? Read short articles about games and be sure to try yourself.

Game "Quick Count"

The "quick count" game will help you speed up your mental counting. The essence of the game is that in the picture presented to you, you will need to choose a yes or no answer to the question “Are there 5 identical fruits?” Follow your goal, and this game will help you with this.

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

The Math Comparison game requires you to compare two numbers against the clock. That is, you have to choose one of two numbers as quickly as possible. Remember that time is limited, and the more you answer correctly, the better your math skills will develop! Shall we try?

Game "Quick addition"

The game “Quick Addition” is an excellent quick counting simulator. The essence of the game: a 4x4 field is given, that is. There are 16 numbers, and above the field is the seventeenth number. Your goal: using sixteen numbers, make 17 using the addition operation. For example, above the field you have the number 28 written, then in the field you need to find 2 such numbers that in total will give the number 28. Are you ready to try your hand? Then go ahead and train!

Development of phenomenal mental arithmetic

We have looked at only the tip of the iceberg, to understand mathematics better - sign up for our course: Accelerating mental arithmetic - NOT mental arithmetic.

From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase


Mental arithmetic at home. Mental math training for adults online download for free. Simple addition and subtraction. Download examples for free. Examples of actions on the abacus. Auxiliary beads (brothers and friends).

The material has been prepared for parents and children for informational purposes! For educational materials and classes, contact the development clubs in your city.

Meet Abacus

  1. outer frame
  2. top row of beads (brothers): value 5
  3. bottom row of beads (friends): value 1
  4. calculation (dividing) ruler

Examples of actions on the abacus

When working with the abacus, use your thumb and index finger.

Add the lower beads (friends) with your thumb and subtract them with your index finger.

Add and subtract the upper beads (brothers) only with your index finger.

For example, let's take only ones and tens and compare the numbers and values ​​on the accounts.

Task 1: record the values ​​shown on the abacus.

Simple addition and subtraction

Do all calculations from left to right (this will make it easier to calculate when working with large numbers).

Task 2: simple addition and subtraction

Auxiliary beads (brothers and friends)

  • If there are not enough beads, use the top bead (brother's help) or the bead from the next rod (friend's help).
  • We use the upper bead (brother's help) for two groups of numbers that add up to 5: 1 and 4; 2 and 3.
  • We use a bead from the next rod (help from a friend) for five groups of numbers that add up to 10: 1 and 9; 2 and 8; 3 and 7; 4 and 6; 5 and 5.

Build 5: brother's help

Task 3: Build 5: brother's help

Subtraction 5: Brother's Help

Task 4: Subtraction 5: Brother's Help

Addition 10: help from a friend

Subtraction 10: Help from a Friend

Task 5: Addition and subtraction 10: help from friends

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While searching for literature on the topic of my work, I came across many computer programs that can be used to teach children the basics of mathematics.

Here are some of them: “Count it!”, “Multiplication Table”, “Primerchik 1.4 Rus”, “Arithmetic with pleasure!!!”.

“Count it!” - a program for teaching the basics of mathematical calculations. Topics available include adding and subtracting numbers within 10, forming a ten, passing through a ten, adding and subtracting tens, summing numbers up to 100, comparing numbers, measures of length, geometric figures. There is a section with tests that check the correctness, display the result of the solution and assign a grade. Tasks are generated automatically. Their number and time to solve can be changed. There are hints. Possibility of additional graphical display of solutions to examples. Musical accompaniment and sound effects. The program is intended for children of preschool and primary school age.

“Multiplication Table” -The main goal of the program is to learn the multiplication table in the shortest possible time. Each “column” of the table is a separate level with colorful animated graphics and pleasant music and sound accompaniment. Ability to set time intervals for solving tasks. The principle of choosing the correct answer from among those available is used. Control only with the mouse, in contrast to the tedious entry of numbers from the keyboard.

Primerchik 1.4 Rus" - A unique program that will give your child examples of addition and subtraction instead of you, help in memorizing the multiplication tables, teach him how to perform addition, subtraction and multiplication in a column.

"Example" can work in forced mode: the program will start when you turn on the computer, and until the child solves the number of examples/tasks you specified, he will not be able to play.

"Primerchik" has the following tasks in its arsenal (the complexity of the tasks is adjusted by the parents themselves depending on the age of the child):

Addition and subtraction. Starting from kindergarten, parents begin to give their children examples of addition. From the first grade, when working with your child at home, you already have to constantly come up with and come up with new examples. Gradually, examples are added with unknown terms, examples of subtraction, with an unknown minuend, subtrahend...

The Addition and Subtraction activity will do just that routine work for parents! Just indicate the range of values ​​of the addends or the minuend and the subtrahend, and your child will enjoy solving such examples on the computer!

Multiplication table. The child will be given examples from the multiplication table. Parents themselves will be able to indicate which examples to show, whether to give examples of division, and whether to find factors, divisors or dividends.

Expressions with brackets. This task will produce examples with parentheses. The child will indicate the order of actions, enter the answers in brackets, and then the answer for the entire example.

Column addition/subtraction/multiplication. As the name of these activities suggests, they will teach your child how to do addition, subtraction and multiplication.

“Arithmetic with pleasure!!!” - Developmental program for preschool children. The program is designed in a clear game form, with the help of which the child can practice his arithmetic skills. This not only contributes to the rapid assimilation and memorization of material, but also increases the general interest in the exact sciences among the younger generation.

All programs turned out to be interesting, exciting and educational in their own way. It seems to me that it will be useful for preschool children to get acquainted with these programs; the benefit from these programs will be much greater than from ordinary games of cards, shooting games, racing, etc. Working with such programs, the child will have the idea that he is playing a computer game, and at the same time, he will develop and learn.