Presentation on the topic of biography of Gaidar. Literary reading

“Biography and creativity of A. Gaidar”

For a literary reading lesson.

primary school teacher


Arkady Petrovich Gaidar


9 January 1904 -

Russian, Soviet children's writer, film screenwriter.

Participant of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

Arkady Gaidar was born into a family of teachers - Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov (1879-1927) and Natalya Arkadyevna Salkova (1884-1924), a noblewoman, a distant relative of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. There were four children in the family; Arkady Gaidar had three sisters.

With mother, grandmother and sisters. 1914

With father, mother and sisters. 1914

In 1911, the Golikovs moved to Arzamas, where Arkady went to study at a real school.

Life for a 13-year-old teenager, a future famous writer, is a game full of dangers: he participates in rallies, patrols the streets of Arzamas, and becomes a Bolshevik liaison.

During the First World War, my father was taken to the front. Arkady, then just a boy, tried to get to the war. The attempt failed: he was detained and returned home.

Arzamas. The house where A. Gaidar spent his childhood. Now the house houses a museum.

IN 1918 at the age of 14 he was admitted to the Communist Party (RCP(b)) with the right to an advisory vote.

Works for the local newspaper "Molot".

At the end of December 1918 he was enlisted in the Red Army.

At the end of 1919, he was appointed to the active army as an assistant platoon commander.

At the end of June 1921 The commander of the troops in the Tambov province, M.N. Tukhachevsky, signed an order appointing Arkady Golikov, who was not yet 18 years old at that time, as commander of the 58th separate anti-banditry regiment.

He is preparing to enter the military academy, but in 1924, after a shell shock, he is demobilized.

Company commander, 1920

Since 1925, Arkady began to engage in writing.

Still in a fresh army uniform, with well-preserved drill bearing, full of enthusiasm - this is how the aspiring writer first appeared in the literary environment.

His first work was a story called “In the Days of Defeats and Victories,” which was published in the famous almanac “Bucket.”

The pseudonym Gaidar (Turkic word for “horseman galloping ahead”) was the first to sign the short story “The Corner House,” created in 1925 in Perm.

During the Great Patriotic War.

During the Great Patriotic War, Gaidar was in the active army, as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. He wrote military essays “At the Crossing”, “The Bridge”, “At the Front Line”, “Rockets and Grenades”.

After the encirclement of units of the Southwestern Front in the Uman-Kyiv region in September 1941, Arkady Petrovich Gaidar ended up in Gorelov’s partisan detachment. He was a machine gunner in the detachment.

Before leaving for the front. 1941

Arkady Gaidar died on October 26, 1941 as a result of a skirmish with a German ambush near the village of Leplyavo, Kanevsky district, Cherkasy region.

According to the widespread version of events, on October 26, 1941, a group of partisans of the detachment encountered a German detachment. Gaidar jumped up to his full height and shouted to his comrades: “Forward! Follow me!

In the active army. 1941

According to Butenko, on this day Gaidar and four other partisans went to the detachment’s food base. There they were attacked by the Germans. Gaidar stood up and shouted: “Attack!” He was hit by machine gun fire. The Germans immediately stripped the dead partisan of his medal and outer uniform, and took away his notebooks and notebooks. Gaidar's body was buried by a lineman...

In a partisan detachment.


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Literary reading grade 4 Teacher: Ponomareva S.V. Lyceum of VGUES Nakhodka, Primorsky Territory ARKADY PETROVICH GAYDAR Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (real name Golikov) is a famous Soviet children's writer, participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars.

Born in 1904 in the city of Lgov, now Kursk region, in the family of teacher Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov. His parents took part in the revolutionary uprisings of 1905 and, fearing arrest, left for provincial Arzamas. He spent his childhood in Arzamas. Mother, Natalya Arkadyevna, teacher.

She died early.

During the First World War, my father was taken to the front. Arkady, then just a boy, tried to get to the war. The attempt failed, he was detained and returned home.

At the age of 14 he joined the Red Army. He became an assistant commander of a detachment of red partisans. At the age of 17 he began to command a reserve regiment.

Once he was in KHAKASSIA. They spoke Russian poorly there.

Sometimes, when they forgot their last name, they laughed and said: “Arkhashka, haidar? (Where are you going?)” And he answered in response to his last name, he even liked it better, asked to call him that.

In the mid-1920s, Arkady married a 17-year-old Komsomol member

from Perm to Lia Lazarevna Solomyanskaya.

In 1926, their son Timur was born.

The first work, the story “In the Days of Defeats and Victories,” written in 1925, was published in the Leningrad almanac “Bucket”, famous at that time.

The writer signed the pseudonym GAYDAR and became a classic of children's literature, becoming famous for his works about sincere friendship and military camaraderie.

The most famous works of Arkady Gaidar

"P.B.C." (1925)

"School" (1930)

"Military Secret" (1935)

story "Hot Stone" (1941)

"Timur and his team" (1940)

"Bumbarash" (1940)

1939 - “The Fate of the Drummer”

“The Tale of the Military Secret, of Malchish - Kibalchish

and his firm word" (1940)

1939 - “Chuk and Gek”

During the Great Patriotic War, Gaidar was in the active army, as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Arkady Petrovich ended up in a partisan detachment. He was a machine gunner in the detachment.

Five partisans on the morning of October 26, 1941 stopped for a rest next to the railway embankment. Gaidar took a bucket to collect potatoes from the trackman's house. At the very crest of the embankment I noticed Germans hiding in ambush. He managed to shout: “Guys, Germans!”, after which he was killed by a machine-gun burst. This saved the others - they managed to escape the ambush.

On October 26, 1941, a group of partisans from the detachment in which he was a war correspondent clashed with a German detachment. Gaidar jumped up to his full height and shouted to his comrades: “Forward! Follow me! He was struck by German fire.


In 1947, Gaidar's remains were reburied in the city of Kanev.

Monument to Gaidar in Arzamas

Gaidar's name was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages. The monument to the hero of Gaidar's story Malchish-Kibalchish - the first monument to a literary hero in Moscow - was erected in 1972 near the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

Film adaptations of works

1937 - Duma about the Cossack Golota

1940 - Timur and his team

1942 - Timur's Oath

1953 - Chuk and Gek

1954 - School of Courage

1955 - The Fate of a Drummer

1955 - Smoke in the Forest

1957 - On the count's ruins

1959 - Military secret

1960 - Let it shine

1964 - Blue Cup

1964 - The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish

1964 - Distant countries

1965 - Hot Stone

1971 - Bumbarash

1976 - Timur and his team

1976 - The Fate of a Drummer

1977 - R.V.S.

1981 - School

1987 - Summer to Remember

Badge of Honor - state award of the USSR

Order of the Patriotic War - military order of the USSR

State awards of Arkady Gaidar

Yegor Timurovich Gaidar is a Russian statesman and political figure, economist, and held high positions in the Russian government. State Duma Deputy

Father, Timur Gaidar (1926−1999), is a foreign war correspondent for the Pravda newspaper, rear admiral, son of the famous Soviet writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar.

Mother - Ariadna Pavlovna Bazhova, daughter of the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. Thus, Yegor Gaidar was the grandson of two famous Soviet writers.

Yegor Gaidar

Pavel Bazhov

Presentation competition “Great People of Russia” Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (Golikov) Authors: - Kuznetsova Anna Alekseevna, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Klin, primary school teacher, 1st qualification category; - Andrikova Tatyana Borisovna, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Klin, primary school teacher, 1st qualification category Teachers Mutual Help Community website

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Arkady Petrovich Gaidar Childhood Military youth Writer Gaidar in the war Pseudonym 1904 - 1941 Memory

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Gaidar writer Since 1925, Arkady began to engage in writing; his first work was a story called “In the Days of Defeats and Victories,” which was published in the famous almanac “Bucket.” Soon Arkady moved to the Perm region, where he worked for the local newspaper Zvezda. It was in Perm that the public saw the first story of the writer under the pseudonym “Gaidar”; it was the story “The Corner House”.

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Gaidar writer In his works, Arkady glorified sincere friendship and military camaraderie, which made him a great classic children's writer. Gaidar's most famous stories are “School”, “The Fourth Dugout”, “Chuk and Gek”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, “The Blue Cup”, “Hot Stone”. All these children's works were written in 6 years from 1930 to 1936.

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Gaidar writer The story “Timur and His Team,” written in 1940, stands apart in the writer’s work. It should be noted that it was this work that inspired the youth of that time to create the Timur movement, the purpose of which was to help pensioners and veterans on behalf of the pioneers.

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Gaidar writer Most of Arkady's works received their own film adaptations, were included in the school curriculum and were even translated into several foreign languages.

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Why Gaidar? Two versions of the origin of the pseudonym These are the first letters of the phrase “Golikov Arkady from Arzamas”, composed in the French way: “G.A-Y. gift". When Mongol cavalry went on a campaign in ancient times, they sent a rider ahead. This rider, galloping ahead of everyone, looking into the alarming distance where the detachment was heading, was called “Gaidar.”

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Gaidar at War As soon as the Great Patriotic War began, he immediately rushed to where the fate of his homeland was being decided and where it seemed unthinkable for him not to be. Having become a special correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, he hurried to the front. In the fall of 1941, he was a correspondent on the Southwestern Front. He voluntarily remained behind enemy lines and became a partisan in the Dnieper forests. Several times the writer was persistently offered a plane to fly across the front line to his own. Gaidar refused to leave the detachment, remaining, as always, true to himself and his all-consuming sense of soldierly duty...

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Gaidar in the war He was loved and respected in the detachment: a strong, kind, warm-hearted man, and his courage was cheerful. He was known as an excellent machine gunner.

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Gaidar in the war On October 26, 1941, Gaidar, accompanied by four partisans, went on reconnaissance in the vicinity of the village of Leplyavy. A large detachment of fascist SS men lay in ambush at the crossing. And a small partisan detachment went out at dawn right into this ambush. Gaidar was the first to see the Nazis. He instantly realized that only by his death could he warn his comrades following him. Straightening up to his full height, Gaidar loudly shouted: “Attack, follow me!” And he rushed straight towards the SS men. A furious volley of enemy machine guns hit the partisans. But, realizing what was happening, they managed to instantly lie down for defense. Gaidar also fell onto the embankment. He fell and could no longer get up.

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Gaidar at war Grave of A.P. Gaidar

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Gaidar's military youth In 1918, when the bullet-pierced red October battle banner soared higher and higher above our land, fourteen-year-old Arkady Golikov decided to fight “for a better life, for happiness, for the brotherhood of peoples, for Soviet power.” This is how the adult life of Arkady Gaidar began with the war, at less than fifteen years old. Straight from the war.

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Gaidar's military youth Arkady Petrovich spent six years in the Red Army. He fell in love with the army of the Land of the Soviets with all his pure and restless being, became close to the military family and thought. stay in it for life. But in 1923, Gaidar became seriously ill - an old head concussion took its toll. He had to take treatment, and in April 1924, when Gaidar turned twenty, he was transferred to the reserve as a regiment commander.

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Gaidar's military youth Arkady Golikov, the future writer Gaidar, walked a long, glorious battle path along the fronts of the civil war.

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar Arkady Gaidar (real name Golikov) was born on January 22, 1904, in a small town in the Kursk region. His father, a school teacher, Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov, was from a peasant background. Mother - Natalya Arkadyevna, was a noblewoman of a not very noble family (she was even Lermontov’s sixth great-great-great-niece), worked first as a teacher, later as a paramedic.. After the birth of Arkady, three more children appeared in the family - his younger sisters.

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar Pyotr Isidorovich and Natalya Arkadyevna Golikov Arkady Gaidar in childhood

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar Arkady's childhood, with his usual boyish activities - real school, games, first poems, "sea battles" on the pond - coincided with the First World War and the revolution. He called it a fun time. Dreams came true - you could easily exchange a revolver at the market, hear revolutionaries - Socialist Revolutionaries, Cadets, Bolsheviks - live.

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar Arkady studied not very diligently. True, more often than others he received A's in literature, which was taught in their class by Nikolai Nikolaevich Sokolov, his favorite teacher, whom he introduced under the nickname "Galka" on the pages of "School" in 1916.

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar Arkady is not at all a quiet and “bookish” boy. He is tall, strong, broad-shouldered. Full of a thirst for activity, decisive, courageous, accustomed to independence, enjoys authority among his comrades. But doing school work cannot captivate him very much; Gaidar wants more. Therefore, Arkady comes to the Bolsheviks.

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Childhood of A.P. Gaidar This is how Arkady Golikov’s childhood ends and strange and contradictory military activities begin. Monument to Arkady Golikov in Arzamas

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Memory of Gaidar The name of Gaidar was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages of the USSR. The monument to the hero of Gaidar’s story Malchish-Kibalchish is the first monument to a literary character in Moscow, erected in 1972 near the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity on Vorobyovy Gory

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Memory of Gaidar From 1938 to 1941, A.P. Gaidar lived in Klin, near Moscow, on Bolshevistskaya Street (now Gaidar Street). Here he wrote the works “Timur and his team”, “Smoke in the Forest”, “Commandant of the Snow Fortress”. A memorial house-museum of the writer has been opened in Klin.

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Memory of Gaidar Many city children's libraries bear the name of A.P. Gaidar. In Arzamas, the name of A.P. Gaidar was given to one of the streets, the city park of culture and recreation, school No. 7, the central city children's library, and the Arzamas State Pedagogical Institute. Park of Culture and Leisure named after. A.P. Gaidar

General information about the writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (real name Golikov) was born on January 22, 1904 near the city of Lgov in the family of a teacher. In 1911, the Golikovs moved to Arzamas, where Arkady entered a real school.

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Family Arkady Gaidar’s father, Pyotr Isidorovich, was the grandson of a serf peasant, thanks to perseverance and perseverance he received an education and worked as a teacher.

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The writer’s mother, Natalya Arkadyevna, was a noblewoman of a not very noble family. After graduating from high school, she left home, broke with her environment, deciding to devote her life to educating the people. She worked first as a teacher, later as a paramedic.

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Arkady was the eldest child in the family. He had three sisters.

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Childhood From an early age, Arkady was taught to be independent. No one in the family remembered him being capricious over trifles or complaining about his comrades.

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When one day Arkady broke the glass and ran away, his mother explained to him that a strong and brave person never lies and does not hide behind other people’s backs. From then on, he always confessed to his mistakes and misdeeds.  Conquering the fear of punishment, Arkady cultivated courage and will.

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Since the age of thirteen, he has been participating in rallies, patrolling the streets of Arzamas, and becoming a liaison officer for the Bolsheviks. At the age of 14 he joined the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and worked for the local newspaper “Molot”.

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Personal life In the mid-1920s, Arkady married a 17-year-old Komsomol member from Perm, Liya Lazarevna Solomyanskaya. In 1926, their son Timur was born in Arkhangelsk. But after five years, the wife left for someone else.

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In 1934, A.P. Gaidar came to see his son in the village of Ivnya, Belgorod Region, where L.L. Solomyanskaya edited the large-circulation newspaper of the political department of the Ivnyanskaya MTS “For the Harvest.” Here the writer worked on the stories “Blue Stars”, “Bumbarash” and “Military Secret”, and also participated in the work of the newspaper (wrote feuilletons, captions for

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Front When the red flags of the revolution were raised, Arkady joined the people who fought for equality, a bright life for all people. They were called Bolsheviks. The boy began to be trusted with various small errands: run somewhere, carry something, call someone. He was 13 years old at that time.

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He managed to do everything: guard the city at night, educate himself, write for the student newspaper. And besides all this, Arkady diligently underwent military training and even learned to ride an old water-carrying nag.

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A firm determination to go to the front results in Arkady joining the Red Army as a volunteer in November 1918. He was broad-shouldered and tall beyond his years. When asked how old he was, he replied that he was 16 (although he was 14). Served as adjutant to the battalion commander. But staff work attracted him little.

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Wanting to save the boy, the commander sends him to the Moscow command courses of the Red Army. But these courses were soon transferred to Kyiv, and this was the Petliura Front. Golikov takes part in the liquidation of the Antonov rebellion in the Tambov region, catches the strong and treacherous ataman Solovyov in Siberia.

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Unfit for service... Golikov traveled a long and glorious path along the fronts of the civil war. He experienced the death of many friends, learned resentment, the bitterness of defeat and the inspiring joy of victory. Arkady Petrovich spent six years in the Red Army. He loved her with all his pure and restless being, and became close to the military family. The future was clear for him - he would remain in the army forever.

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But suddenly he was struck down by illness. Injuries, head concussion, and non-stop, severe overloads took their toll. Arkady Petrovich is being treated patiently, but the doctors are relentless. In November 1924, when he was 20 years old, doctors diagnosed him as unfit for military service.

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Choice of life path Golikov decides to become a writer. This choice of his is not accidental. Arkady had an early interest in words and a need to write. At school he wrote poetry and created a handwritten journal. To the question “What is your favorite activity?” - answered: “A book.”

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If you carefully read Gaidar’s short stories, you can say that they were written by a cheerful man, with an open heart and a strong character, a man who has seen a lot in life. It shows heroes, adults and children, in the most difficult, decisive moments of life. At such moments, a person gathers all his strength, all his mind to do the right thing, with dignity. So, the choice

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First story But Arkady Petrovich did not immediately achieve success in his new field. Gaidar himself considered his first stories rather weak (1925-1927). But already in 1926, a story was written that determined the truly correct path of the writer. It was the story "R.V.S."

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Gaidar's Testament In the book “Chuk and Gek” we read: “What happiness is - everyone understood this in their own way. But all together people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and deeply love this huge and happy land, which is called the Soviet country.”  Gaidar not only left us such a covenant. He lived as he taught. Gaidar has always been a real commander for adults and children. He knew how to use military cunning, go on reconnaissance, how to become resilient and strong. How to save strength on a difficult hike. How to arrive on time

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Death Arkady Gaidar died at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War in a battle near the village of Leplyava, Kanevsky district, Cherkasy region on October 26, 1941. He was only 37 years old by that time. Buried in the city of Kanev.

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Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (real name Golikov) is a famous Soviet children's writer, participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. 04/04/2016 2

04/04/2016 3 Born in 1904 in the city of Lgov, now Kursk region, in the family of teacher Pyotr Isidorovich Golikov. His parents took part in the revolutionary uprisings of 1905 and, fearing arrest, left for provincial Arzamas. He spent his childhood in Arzamas. Mother, Natalya Arkadyevna, teacher. She died early.

04/04/2016 4 During the First World War, my father was taken to the front. Arkady, then just a boy, tried to get to the war. The attempt failed, he was detained and returned home. At the age of 14 he joined the Red Army. He became an assistant commander of a detachment of red partisans. At the age of 17 he began to command a reserve regiment.

04/04/2016 5 The author himself did not write unambiguously and clearly about the origin of the pseudonym “Gaidar”. Once he was in KHAKASSIA. They spoke Russian poorly there. Sometimes, when they forgot their last name, they laughed and said: “Arkhashka, haidar? (Where are you going?)” And he answered in response to his last name, he even liked it better, asked to call him that.

04/04/2016 6 In the mid-1920s, Arkady married a 17-year-old Komsomol member from Perm, Lia Lazarevna Solomyanskaya. In 1926, their son Timur was born.

04/04/2016 7 The first work, the story “In the Days of Defeats and Victories”, written in 1925, was published in the then famous Leningrad almanac “Bucket”. The writer signed the pseudonym GAYDAR and became a classic of children's literature, becoming famous for his works about sincere friendship and military camaraderie.

04/04/2016 8 The most famous works of Arkady Gaidar “P.B.C.” (1925) "School" (1930)

04/04/2016 9 “Military Secret” (1935) story “Hot Stone” (1941)

04/04/2016 10 “Timur and his team” (1940)

04/04/2016 11 “Bumbarash” (1940)

04/04/2016 12 1939 - “The Fate of the Drummer”

04/04/2016 13 “The Tale of the Military Secret, about Malchish - Kibalchish and his firm word” (1940)

04/04/2016 14 1939 - “Chuk and Gek”

04/04/2016 16 During the Great Patriotic War, Gaidar was in the active army, as a correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Arkady Petrovich ended up in a partisan detachment. He was a machine gunner in the detachment.

04/04/2016 17 Five partisans on the morning of October 26, 1941 stopped for a rest next to the railway embankment. Gaidar took a bucket to collect potatoes from the trackman's house. At the very crest of the embankment I noticed Germans hiding in ambush. He managed to shout: “Guys, Germans!”, after which he was killed by a machine-gun burst. This saved the others - they managed to escape the ambush. On October 26, 1941, a group of partisans from the detachment in which he was a war correspondent clashed with a German detachment. Gaidar jumped up to his full height and shouted to his comrades: “Forward! Follow me! He was struck by German fire. VERSIONS OF GAYDAR'S DEATH:

04/04/2016 18 In 1947, Gaidar’s remains were reburied in the city of Kanev. Monument to Gaidar in Arzamas

04/04/2016 19 Gaidar’s name was given to many schools, streets of cities and villages. The monument to the hero of Gaidar's story Malchish-Kibalchish - the first monument to a literary hero in Moscow - was erected in 1972 near the City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

04/04/2016 20 Screen adaptations of works 1937 - Duma about the Cossack Golota 1940 - Timur and his team 1942 - Timur's Oath 1953 - Chuk and Gek 1954 - School of Courage 1955 - The Fate of a Drummer 1955 - Smoke in the Forest 1957 - On the Count's Ruins 1959 - Military Secret 19 60 - Let it shine 1964 - Blue Cup 1964 - The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish 1964 - Distant Countries 1965 - Hot Stone 1971 - Bumbarash 1976 - Timur and his team 1976 - The fate of the drummer 1977 - R.V.S. 1981 - School 1987 - Summer on memory

04/04/2016 21 Badge of Honor - state award of the USSR Order of the Patriotic War - military order of the USSR State awards of Arkady Gaidar