“simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty” (l. n

  1. Fairytale motives Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas".
  2. Characters of the main characters.
  3. The life-affirming beginning of Gogol's story.

Human life is complex and multifaceted. It has a place for everything: feats and adventures, politics and love, entertainment and work. If you give up at least something, life will definitely become poorer. Interest in a fairy tale will never fade in a person. It's amazing beauty fairy tales makes them so beautiful and attractive to readers. I would like to dedicate my essay to Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”. This work perfectly corresponds to Tolstoy’s formula: “Simplicity is necessary condition beautiful." There is so much that is truly fabulous in Gogol's story. Real world closely intertwined with folklore and fairy tale motifs.

We easily and imperceptibly fall under the influence of the magical story created by the writer. This work does not call anyone to anything; it is far from politics and the social situation. But “man does not live by bread alone.” No matter how interested we are in social contradictions and moral quest Russian classics, we like the magical stories from the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikan-ka”, told by Gogol, no less.

The story “The Night Before Christmas” cannot leave even a skeptic indifferent. Everyone will find in this work what they like. Some people like it fantastic motives, for some - the warm and lively humor of the writer, and for others they seem especially interesting human relations in the background mystical events. The unknown and mystical have always attracted people. But fear of the unknown made such interest dangerous and creepy. However, Gogol makes his own magical story so fascinating that the reader is left in the most rosy mood after reading.
Gogol skillfully connects folk beliefs, legends, fairy tales. They combine so harmoniously and naturally that we inevitably begin to believe in fiction author. All the characters in the story resemble real “folk” characters. The brave and desperate blacksmith Vakula, the beautiful Oksana, who so excites his heart, remind us of the “laws” fairy tales. It is in fairy tales that a very common plot is in which a young man, trying to achieve the love of a beauty, commits acts of unprecedented courage in her honor.

In Gogol's story exactly the same laws apply. The beauty wants to get the royal shoes. The condition is certainly not easy. But the brave young blacksmith cannot fail to fulfill his beloved’s wish. In order for the beauty to receive her slippers, the blacksmith had to saddle the devil and fly on it. The blacksmith Vakula brought the royal shoes to the beautiful Oksana, and he managed to deceive the devil and save his soul. Wonderful fairy tale plot, amazing language Gogol, reliable, bright human characters - all this makes the work unforgettable. Gogol’s story “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” can be read more than once.

The work gives the reader positive attitude. The devil - the personification of evil forces - is put to shame. A simple person turns out to be much smarter, more cunning, and more savvy. “In gratitude” for the journey, the devil receives a good thrashing from the blacksmith. Evil forces in the image of the devil are shown in Gogol's story as so wretched and pitiful that it is impossible not to laugh at them. The noble hero rose to the occasion; no one could defeat him.

Every magical story shows us not only incredible adventures, but also real relationship between people. And these relationships sometimes turn out to be no less interesting. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" reveals to us amazingly bright characters heroes. We laugh with pleasure at comedy episodes and watch with interest everyday details that are so natural and believable.

Gogol's story pleases us with a good ending, which is also fully consistent with fairy-tale traditions. Good triumphs over evil. The story clearly has a life-affirming beginning. The story is very simple, easy and understandable to understand. Both children and adults like it. In moments of sad reflection, she is able to please, make you think about how wonderful life is. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" is surprisingly simple and that is why it is such a beautiful work.

Complex and multifaceted. It has a place for everything: feats and adventures, politics and love, entertainment and work. If you give up at least something, life will definitely become poorer. Interest in a fairy tale will never fade in a person. It is the amazingness of fairy tales that makes them so beautiful and attractive to readers. I would like to dedicate my essay to Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas”. This perfectly corresponds to Tolstoy’s formula: “Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.” There is so much that is truly fabulous in Gogol's story. The real world is closely intertwined with folklore and fairy tale motifs.

We easily and imperceptibly fall under the influence of the magical story created by the writer. This work does not call anyone to anything; it is far from politics and the social situation. But “you don’t live by bread alone.” No matter how interested we are in the social contradictions and moral quests of Russian classics, we like the magical stories from the collection “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, told by Gogol, no less.

The story “The Night Before Christmas” cannot leave even a skeptic indifferent. Everyone will find in this work what they like. Some people like fantastic motifs, some like the writer’s warm and lively humor, and others find human relationships against the backdrop of mystical events especially interesting. The unknown and mystical have always attracted people. But fear of the unknown made such interest dangerous and creepy. However, Gogol makes his magical story so fascinating that the reader is left with the most rosy mood after reading.
Gogol skillfully connects folk beliefs. They combine so harmoniously and naturally that we inevitably begin to believe in the author’s fiction. All the characters in the story resemble real “folk” characters. The brave and desperate blacksmith Vakula, the beautiful Oksana, who so excites his heart, remind us of the “laws” of fairy tales. It is in fairy tales that a very common plot is in which a young man, trying to achieve the love of a beauty, commits acts of unprecedented courage in her honor.

In Gogol's story exactly the same laws apply. The beauty wants to get the royal shoes. The condition is certainly not easy. But the brave young blacksmith cannot fail to fulfill his beloved’s wish. In order for the beauty to receive her slippers, the blacksmith had to saddle the devil and fly on it. The blacksmith Vakula brought the royal shoes to the beautiful Oksana, and he managed to deceive the devil and save his soul. A wonderful fairy-tale plot, an amazing Gogol, reliable, bright human characters - all this makes the work unforgettable. Gogol’s “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” can be read more than once.

The work gives the reader a positive mood. The devil - the personification of evil forces - is put to shame. A simple person turns out to be much smarter, more cunning, and more savvy. “In gratitude” for the journey, the devil receives a good thrashing from the blacksmith. Evil forces in the image of the devil are shown in Gogol's story as so wretched and pitiful that it is impossible not to laugh at them. The noble hero rose to the occasion; no one could defeat him.

Each magical story shows us not only incredible adventures, but also real relationships between people. And these relationships sometimes turn out to be no less interesting. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" reveals to us the surprisingly bright characters of the heroes. We laugh with pleasure at comedy episodes and watch with interest everyday details that are so natural and believable.

Gogol's story pleases us with a good ending, which is also fully consistent with fairy-tale traditions. Good triumphs over evil. The story clearly has a life-affirming beginning. The story is very simple, easy and understandable to understand. Both children and adults like it. In moments of sad reflection, she is able to please, make you think about how wonderful life is. Gogol's story "The Night Before Christmas" is surprisingly simple and that is why it is such a beautiful work.

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Statements of the greats about the importance of such a quality of human character as “simplicity”...

“There is nothing complicated in life. We are the ones who are complex.
Life is a simple thing, and what is simpler in it is more correct. »
Oscar Wilde

“Happiness is like a clock:
how simpler mechanism, the less often it spoils.”
Nicola Chamfort

“We should be grateful to God that he created the world so
that everything simple is true, and everything complex is not true.”
Grigory Skovoroda

“The truth is too simple;
It can be very difficult to go to him.”
George Sand

“Strong people are always simple.” - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
“... there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth.” - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

“There is nothing simpler than greatness;
truly, to be simple is to be great.”
Ralph Emerson

“Ordinary people are amazed by incredible phenomena;
educated people, on the contrary, are frightened and puzzled by all the most simple, everyday things.” - Edmund Burke.

“In character, in manners, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.” - Henry Longfellow.
“Simplicity is the closest relative of intelligence and talent.” - Fedor Glinka.
“Truth has simple speech.” - Grigory Skovoroda.

The power of simplicity in human life

“Beware of refined language. The language should be simple and elegant." - Anton Chekhov.
"If a thought cannot be expressed in simple words, which means it is insignificant and must be discarded.” - Luc Vauvenargues.

“Never make any difficult moves if the same thing can be achieved much more in simple ways. This is one of the wisest rules of life. It is very difficult to apply it in practice. Especially intellectuals and romantics.” - Erich Remarque.

“We should speak simply about serious things: pomposity is inappropriate here;
When talking about insignificant things, we must remember that only nobility of tone, manner and expression can give them meaning.” - Jean La Bruyère.

“Originality does not exclude simplicity.”
Denis Diderot

“Nothing like simplicity brings people together.” - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
“Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.” - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
“Simplicity is always a consequence of sublimity of feelings.” - Jean d'Alembert.

“In character, in manners, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.” - Henry Longfellow
“To love in simplicity, you need to know how to show love.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Simply put, simplicity in everything makes life is easy and joyful. We will talk about this in the next article “ Simplicity of Man”, which will be posted in the “Character Qualities” section...

“Everything in this world is simple... until we ourselves confuse everything...”
Black Doctor

This poem by Pasternak keeps spinning in my head:

Is in creativity great poets
Features of naturalness
What is impossible, having experienced them,
Don't end up completely dumb.

In kinship with everything that is, making sure
And knowing the future in everyday life,
It is impossible not to fall into the end, as if into heresy,
Into unheard of simplicity.

But we will not be spared
When we don’t hide it.
She's just people need it more,
But the complex is clearer to them.

In the blog about Pushkin, I cited only the second stanza. But look what's next:

But we will not be spared
When we don’t hide it.

How to understand this? Will we be punished for simplicity? Who won't spare us? The people who need it most? But why? Is it because simplicity is true? Ah, it is said that nothing offends people more than the truth. So, for simplicity, that is, for the truth, do not expect mercy...

People need her most
But the complex is clearer to them.

What is “most needed” is true. Simplicity, that is, truth (truth) is constructive, its vector is development, movement into the future.
But why is “complex” more understandable to people? Is this true? Rather, the complex is more familiar and pleasant to them. This is how the guru speaks to his disciples with hints, allusions, parables, without confronting them with the truth (truth) head-on, because for a weak mind such a confrontation can be fatal.
That is, our human amateurism is bathed in the complex, like in a soft wrapper, like bubble wrap.

Here are some aphorisms about simplicity.

Don't pretend to be anything; simplicity is the mark of genius.
K. Berne
Simplicity is consciousness of one's own human dignity.
P. Buast
Simplicity is the closest relative of intelligence and talent.
F. Glinka
Simplicity is always a consequence of sublimity of feelings.
J. D'Alembert
Ostentatious simplicity is refined hypocrisy.
F. La Rochefoucauld
Simplicity makes life not only more enjoyable, but... also purer and more beautiful.
M. Montaigne
Simplicity is the main condition for moral beauty. In order for readers to sympathize with the hero, it is necessary that they recognize in him as much their weaknesses as their virtues, virtues - possible, weaknesses - necessary...
L. Tolstoy
Simplicity is a necessary condition for beauty.
L. Tolstoy
All people are truly busy important matter, are always simple, because they don’t have time to come up with unnecessary things.
L. Tolstoy
The least simple people are those who want to appear simple.
L. Tolstoy
The language of truth is simple.
Seneca Aucius Annaeus (Younger)
Be wise as serpents and simple as doves. New Testament. Gospel of Matthew
Simplicity is not only the best, but also the noblest.
Theodore Fontane
How simpler man expressed, the easier it is to understand.
James Fenimore Cooper
In character, in manners, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
There is nothing simpler than greatness; truly, to be simple is to be great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Simplicity is what is most difficult in the world; this is the extreme limit of experience and the last effort of genius.
George Sand
The most complex souls strive for simplicity of life, and everything simple strives for complexity.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

And finally - an excerpt from the novel “Doctor Zhivago”
Yuri Zhivago: “All his life he dreamed of originality, smoothed out and muted, outwardly unrecognizable and hidden under the cover of a commonly used and familiar form; all his life he strove to develop that restrained, unpretentious style in which the reader and listener master the content without noticing in what way they internalize it. All his life he cared about an inconspicuous style that did not attract anyone’s attention, and was horrified by how far he was from this ideal.”