Essay based on a painting by I.K.

I.K. Aivazovsky traveled a lot in search of inspiration. The result of one of the trips to Crimea is the painting “Sea. Moonlight Night" was written from a beautiful landscape of a bathhouse in Feodosia. The author, with his creation, conveyed and showed us all his love for the sea and seascapes.

The play of light in this work amazes with its unique beauty. The fabulous night sea with a green tint and the half-lit sky with a bright moon delight the eye. The skies are covered with thick clouds, and the moon seems to have emerged from their web and is illuminating the path of sailboats quietly sailing on the calm sea with its light.

Most of the canvas is occupied by the amazingly beautiful sky. The clouds are drawn so realistically and beautifully, and against their background there is a small bathhouse on the pier. A woman quietly swims up to her, resembling a mermaid in the night light, and another, probably her friend, is waiting in the house, whose silhouette is clearly visible through the open door. The dark-haired beauty is dressed in a snow-white long dress, folds her hands on her knees and waits.

In the distance you can see mountains covered with dense trees and a sleeping city. Not a single person dared to light a light in the window, as if they knew that a stunning canvas was being created nearby.

9th grade

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An essay based on the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia"

Ivan (Hovhannes) Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was born in Feodosia on July 17 (30), 1817. The boy began to be interested in art early; he was particularly interested in music and drawing. In 1833, Aivazovsky was enrolled in the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is rightfully considered an outstanding Russian painter. All works of this great artist are known all over the world.

Many paintings by Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky are dedicated to the sea. The artist emphasizes the nature of the sea element, so accurately and realistically conveys everything connected with the sea. One of the most famous paintings is “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia." This work was created in 1853. The painting was painted in oil on canvas.

We see the night sea on this canvas. Sky, clouds, ship. The light of the full moon illuminates the surroundings. And everything seems somewhat unreal, ephemeral, even mystical. At the same time, we can distinguish the smallest details, so the reality of everything depicted in the picture is undeniable.

In the foreground of the picture we see a quiet calm sea. The bright lunar path seems so mysterious and attractive. The endless sea goes beyond the horizon. A girl is floating on the right side of the lunar path. How is she not scared here alone... After all, the sea just looks so calm and serene. But in fact, everyone knows the treachery of the sea elements. However, maybe it's a mermaid? And the sea element is her home. The legends about these amazingly beautiful sea inhabitants immediately come to mind. Maybe they really exist. And the picture shows one of them? But it immediately becomes clear that these are just dreams.

There is a bathing house on the shore. Here the door is open, it’s light inside. We see a girl. She is probably waiting for her friend, who is swimming in the sea. If you look closely, you can see the embankment on the right side of the picture. It is illuminated by bright moonlight. A little further away there are houses. They are hidden in the darkness, not a light is visible in the windows.

In the center of the picture we see sailboats. One of them is brightly lit by moonlight. There are ships at the pier. But they are not so easy to see, they are hidden by the darkness of the night.

The sky seems special, it is brightly illuminated by moonlight. The clouds are so clearly visible.

They seem so tangible, as if you could touch them with your hand.

The beauty of the night sea and sky is amazing. I want to look at this picture again and again. And every time you manage to see something completely new in it.

There is something unusual, mystical in the picture. Here, on the one hand, there is a rare sense of calm and harmony. But on the other hand, one can feel the formidable power of the sea, which at any moment can turn from calm and serene into formidable and dangerous. And then the rampant nature will make you forget about everything. After all, a person is defenseless against the power of the sea elements. But now I don’t want to think about it. The sea is so gentle and calm. It seems that amazing sea freshness is reaching us.

This painting is part of the Crimean cycle created by the artist. Currently the work is in the Taganrog Art Museum.

With the name of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, everyone will immediately remember one of the artist’s most famous works - the painting “The Ninth Wave”. A master of battle scenes, “the painter of the Main Naval Staff,” Aivazovsky is considered the best in creating a stormy sea, a raging element.

But he also has other canvases that exude peace and tranquility, where there is no violence of the elements, but there is the breadth and beauty of his native expanses, even if these are sea expanses. Such paintings include the painting by I.K. Aivazovsky “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia,” written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. The first thing the viewer pays attention to is the moonlight, which pushes apart the darkness. The blackness of the night recedes to the edges of the picture, which makes it give the impression of something very bright, because the full moon is shining in the sky. It was she who filled everything around with a yellowish light, and in some places the water seems green.

The moonlit path split the dark water in half. And the water sparkles and sparkles, shaded by the black abyss around. In the moonlight, the silhouettes of ships standing at the pier are clearly visible. A sailing ship can be seen in the distance. It looks more like a shadow, as if a ghostly Flying Dutchman suddenly appeared on the horizon. There are houses on the distant shore, and the railings on the embankment fence are clearly visible. Not a single light shines in the windows of sleeping houses. The night covered everything around with its mysterious cover. Clouds move smoothly in the sky. But they don't cover the moon. And she reigns in heaven, and on earth, and on water.

To the right of the lunar path there are bridges with a bathhouse, which is brightly lit. But not by moonlight, but by a lamp. This lighting seems to replicate the night star: in the center of the canopy the same yellow circle glows as in the sky. It floods the small space under the bath with light. And there is a woman swimming there. It seems that she is floating in the moonlight, looking like the moon herself. And only in the house there is a reddish light. A girl is sitting there. She is apparently waiting for her mistress. Or maybe it's a friend of a bathing woman. She did not dare to go into the water and stayed in the house while the second girl bathed.

Aivazovsky’s painting “Moonlit Night” is amazingly beautiful. Bath in Feodosia." It is simply impossible to take your eyes off her. In my opinion, no one has yet been able to so accurately convey the moonlight, when the full moon is shining in the sky, and everything around is illuminated by some extraordinary light. The woman in the water resembles a mermaid from children's fairy tales. If it weren’t for the light in the bathhouse and not the second woman, the resemblance to the fairy-tale creature would be complete. A magnificent painting created by a great artist!

The great Russian painter Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky painted the painting “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia" in the mid-18th century. In the picture I see a calm night sea, illuminated by the bright, but at the same time diffused light of the full moon, breaking through the light haze of clouds. The vast, quiet expanse of the sea, connecting with the black night sky, which occupies more than half of the painting, creates a feeling of mystery and tranquility.

In the foreground, on the pier, there is a tiny house with an open door, through which dim light escapes. This appears to be a bathhouse. Through the open door I see a woman's silhouette. Apparently, this is a young bather who is attracted to the night sea. She is sitting on a chair in a long light dress. She has dark hair and her hands are folded in her lap. The hair is pulled back into a neat bun. The lunar path seems to illuminate sailboats with lowered sails and the embankment, on which a vague silhouette can be seen. Most likely, this is a young fisherman in love with the sea. In the distance, on the hillside you can see cozy little houses. Their windows are dark, their inhabitants have long since gone to bed. The hills themselves are densely covered with trees, and their appearance gives a feeling of fairy-tale charm. A woman swims across the night sea, like a sea mermaid, leaving ripples behind her. According to the fashion of the time, she bathes in a long white shirt. Apparently, she was the one who used the house and then rushed off on her night swim. And, apparently, it is the girl sitting in the bathhouse who is waiting for her. The higher the sky, the darker and more impenetrable it looks.

And in general, the whole picture is painted in such a way that the closer to the center, the more clearly the details are written, the brighter and lighter the colors. This painting is undoubtedly considered one of the outstanding works of the artist I.K. Aivazovsky.

Essay on the painting “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia"

Dark night. Midnight. The night sea, shimmering under the glare of the moon, it seems boundless and bottomless, the sea goes somewhere far into the distance. If you take a good look at the picture, you can see a girl in the black sea; she resembles an enchanted mermaid who swam out to admire the beauty of the moon and nature. The moon this night is full and clear, it attracts the viewer’s gaze, the moon, like a magic ball, shines among the black darkness, it is she who well illuminates everything that is under it. On the shore there is a small house with an open door, a light is on in it and another girl is sitting, who is waiting for the one who is swimming in the sea. It can be assumed that this night is very warm and one of the girls decided to take a dip in the cool water, which is pierced by a fairy light, in order to cool down.

Under the moon itself there are ships on which white sails flutter from a light breeze; they are contrasted with the blackness of the sea. There is a feeling that these ships are sticking their masts straight into the sky. Under the bright sun of the moon you can see the clouds, they are light and airy, which means that the next day will be warm and clear. That part of the sky that is not illuminated by the moon seems mysterious and scary, the sky here is black and black, it is impossible to see anything in it. When painting, the artist uses more dark tones to accurately convey the atmosphere of the night. Dark shades give the picture mystery and mystery. When you look at a picture, you want to carefully examine all the details; the Artist arranged all the objects so interestingly that you simply cannot leave a single detail unexamined. The picture is interesting. Each image captured in the picture is unique and individual.

The picture evokes conflicting emotions: on the one hand, you admire the beauty of the moon and its light, on the other, the darkness and mystery of the picture are alarming.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky is known throughout the world as a marine painter, the sea was his muse and love, the artist could paint it endlessly. And indeed, no one depicted the expanses of the sea better than Aivazovsky. The artist managed to achieve such reality of landscapes, thanks to skillful color rendering, that when admiring his next canvas, you involuntarily feel like a participant in the picture.

In addition to the artist’s most famous painting, “The Ninth Wave,” his other works with seascapes are also famous. So the painting “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia” is completely opposite in character to “The Ninth Wave”; every stroke, every stroke is imbued with calmness, love and tenderness. And not in vain, because the Crimean town of Feodosia is the artist’s small homeland, here he was born and periodically lived, so in this picture Ivan Konstantinovich combined his love and affection for the sea with childhood feelings for his native places.

The center of the plot of the picture is the sea on a moonlit night, only here it is not at all raging and rebellious, but calm and cozy. A lunar path runs almost through the center of the canvas, dividing the canvas into two halves, catching your eye from the very first seconds. It is she who illuminates the remaining details of the picture for us: ships moored near the shore, a small bridge with a bathhouse, and two characters - girls. One of them is swimming to the bathhouse; most likely, in a minute she will come ashore and present her naked, beautiful wet body to the moon’s gaze. Another girl, completely dressed, sits inside the gazebo; judging by her pose, it seems that she has been waiting for her friend, sister or mistress for quite a long time. Considering that the picture was painted in 1853, then the version with the maid and her mistress is more similar to reality.

After a careful examination of the bathhouse, illuminated from the inside by a bright lantern light, and two mysterious girls, the gaze again involuntarily turns to the sea and the lunar path running along it. And it’s not surprising, because Aivazovsky’s real main character is everywhere. Every stroke of the water surface is written with such reality, with such clarity that it seems as if you can hear the sound of a light breeze and feel the salty taste of sea air.
The iridescent glare of the moon on the sea surface, like a lamp, illuminates the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. The sky alone is worth it: from the darkness and mist, the moonlight pulls out heavy, torn clouds, as if hanging directly over the expanses of water. Thanks to the same light, the sea itself acquired a greenish mysterious hue, merging with the seemingly ephemeral clouds on the horizon. Thanks to this, the landscape seems mysterious, unreal and a little magical. The combination of such a gloomy and heavy sky with a quiet and cozy sea is not accidental; the artist wanted to show that the calmness of the water surface is deceptive and ghostly, the elements can disperse in a matter of minutes and show their real raging character.

On the right side of the picture, the city embankment and residential buildings peek out a little from the darkness, there are no lamps burning in any of the windows, most likely it’s about three in the morning, all the residents are sleeping peacefully, but soon the city will begin to wake up, and behind it the serene sea will wake up. The artist was able to use oil paints on canvas to convey this short moment of serenity and calm of the sea elements, when everything around seemed to freeze in anticipation of something important. Soon the morning will come and the haze of mystery will disappear, a new day will come, but this will be a completely different story...

Today is Aivazovsky’s painting “Moonlit Night. Bath in Feodosia" is located in Taganrog in the city art gallery, its size is 94 by 143 cm.