Table play. Naughty table games for a group of adults at the table

Participants are divided into 2-3 teams. All participants have their hands tied behind them. There are pies at the same distance in front of each team. Each participant must run to the pie, take a bite and run back, pass the baton to the next participant and stand at the back of the team. The team that eats their pie the fastest and completes the pie race will be the winner.

Watch out for the egg

For this competition, guests are considered “first”, “second”. The first participants stand in one row at a certain distance from each other, and the second participants stand opposite the first (about 1-2 meters). The first participant is given an egg, supposedly fresh, but actually boiled. Both the first and second are one single team that must complete the task in a certain time, for example, 2 minutes. The first participant throws the egg to the second, the second to the first, and so on (obliquely). If the team does not complete the task within the allotted time, it starts all over again until the team manages to complete everything within the specified time. It will be interesting to watch the participants who will carefully and diligently toss the egg to each other, thinking that it is fresh.

And there is music in the hall

The presenter needs to prepare in advance melodies played by various instruments (there are plenty of them on the Internet). And in turn, a melody is played for each of the guests, and the guest must guess what kind of instrument it sounds. If you guessed correctly, he gives you a prize, and if not, he fulfills the wish of the birthday boy.

Journey through dreams

To conduct this competition you will need a map or a simple atlas and the dreams of the birthday boy. We select several participants. The birthday boy names, for example, 10 countries, islands, in general, points on the map where he would like to visit. And whichever participant can find all these places faster than the rest will receive a prize.

Coin to coin

Two participants sit opposite each other, with a flat surface in front of them, a chair or table, for example. Each participant has their own handful of coins. In turn, each of the participants puts a coin, as a result, a pyramid of coins is obtained, on which one of the participants the pyramid falls, he loses. And the winner will receive a prize for accuracy and attentiveness.

Everything for the birthday boy

In this competition, each of the guests is given the opportunity to become someone special from famous and outstanding personalities (can be from the past or a fictional world) and make some kind of discovery for him. For example, a guest stands up and says: I will become Yuri Gagarin for our birthday boy and conquer space for his sake and demonstrate flight into the sky, or I will become a unique alchemist for the birthday boy and invent a long-lasting recipe for happiness in life, and so on. The guest will receive a prize for the most interesting performance.

Nuts for the squirrel

Couples participate, preferably man-woman, boy-girl. Each couple's hands are tied. Nuts are poured into the hall. Each team has its own bag. At the command “start”, all pairs begin collecting nuts for the squirrel. When all the nuts have been collected, the host counts which pair has collected the most nuts and announces the winner.

Gather your team

Each guest pulls out his own forfeit, which contains a specific word. Based on these words, you need to assemble your team, for example, a carriage, rails, a conductor, tea, and so on - the DEPO team; tire, gasoline, clutch, steering wheel - Fleet team and so on. Whose team assembles the fastest will receive a prize.

Double phenomenon

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams, each team is given a piece of paper and a pen. And the task of the teams is to create a list of words with double meaning (one value must be a name) longer than the others. An example would be the following words: Margarita - name and cocktail, Napoleon - cake and commander, Antoshka - name and name of the soap, and so on. The team with the longest list will receive a prize.

Songs for the birthday boy

Each of the guests in turn remembers and names a song in which the name of the birthday person is present and sings a line from this song. If there are no such songs with a name, then the guest comes up with a light couplet or 4 lines with the name of the hero of the occasion and sings them beautifully.

  1. Jenga
    For the game you will need smooth and equal-sized wooden blocks; it is better to buy a ready-made Jenga set. A tower is erected from small blocks. Moreover, each next level is laid in a different direction. Then the participants in the game need to carefully pull out any block and place it on the upper level of the turret. This must be done carefully so that the structure does not fall apart.

    And the player whose awkwardness led to the destruction of the tower is considered the loser.

  2. Hat
    This game requires 10 pieces of paper, which each player must have. Participants write any words on all their pieces of paper. Then the pieces of paper with the words are put into a hat. Each participant, pulling a piece of paper out of a hat, must explain, show, or even draw the word he came across. And the rest must guess it.

    The one who turns out to be the most savvy at the end of the game receives some kind of prize. There are some wow words!

  3. Associations
    Everyone sits in a circle. A leader is selected who speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor. The person who receives this word must quickly communicate it to the player sitting next to him, but in the form of an association. For example, a home is a hearth. And he, in turn, passes on his version to the next participant.

    The game is considered successful if the leader’s word has nothing to do with the last association. You can play without even leaving the table.

  4. Get to know me
    This game will require several volunteers, who are seated in one row. The presenter is blindfolded and brought to the volunteers so that he can recognize each of them by touch. Any part of the body can be used for recognition.

  5. Crocodile
    The presenter makes a word for the participant, which he must show with gestures, facial expressions, but without pointing with a finger or drawing. The rest of the participants must guess this word. It’s very funny to watch someone squirm, trying to show some object or phenomenon.

  6. Cucumber
    Excellent game for a large company, because here we will need as many people as possible. One is chosen as the leader, and the rest stand in a tight circle and put their hands behind their backs. Each of those standing in the circle, unnoticed by the leader, must pass a cucumber (or any other suitable vegetable) behind their back to their neighbor. At the same time, you need to discreetly take a bite from the vegetable.

    The leader's goal is to catch the player with the cucumber. The caught participant himself becomes the leader.

  7. Danetki
    This is a kind of detective story. The presenter introduces the game participants to the puzzle that they have to unravel. To do this, players can ask a variety of questions. But the presenter can only answer them “yes,” “no,” or “it doesn’t matter.”

  8. There is contact!
    Someone comes up with a word, but only tells the other players its first letter. For example, the party is the first V. Each of the participants comes up with their own word starting with V and tries to explain it to others. It is forbidden to say the word. As soon as one of the players guesses what is being said, he needs to shout out: “There is contact!”

    Then both players - the one who guessed the word and the one who guessed it - report their versions of this word. If they are the same, the game continues. To do this, the presenter sounds out the next letter from his word “party”. Now players will have to come up with words using the first two letters - B and E.

  9. Dirty dancing
    The company is divided into pairs. A sheet of paper is laid out on the floor, one for each pair of dancers. The music turns on and you need to dance on the sheet so as not to touch the floor with your foot. If one of the pair goes beyond the paper, then any participant from this pair must remove some thing. The one with the most clothes left at the end of the dance wins. The game is quite spicy.

  10. Fanta
    The leader takes one item from each participant and puts them in a bag. Next, a player is selected who will assign forfeits. He is blindfolded, asked to take any object out of the bag and give a task to its owner.

  11. Fairy tales with a modern twist
    Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? It's very simple. Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the content of well-known fairy tales in professional language.

    Just imagine a fairy tale written in the style of a police report or medical history. The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

A large company can gather for any reason. This could be an event like a birthday or housewarming. In any case, for the event to be successful, the organizer, and there is always one, needs to be well prepared.

Organization of competitions and quizzes for birthdays

To make the holiday a success, it is worth paying attention not only to issues regarding the menu, table setting and musical accompaniment.

All this is, of course, important, but to achieve the most pleasant effect, you should take care of competitions and games. And it doesn’t matter that the company consists of adults - they also don’t mind having fun and fooling around.

Difficulties may arise in the fact that not the entire company will consist of well-known people; it is quite likely that the presence of those whom you have seen only a couple of times or do not know at all. In this case, it is important that communication is equally easy for all participants, and no one feels “out of place.”

Here, birthday games and competitions at the table are very useful, as they help defuse the situation. Also in the company there may be people of different genders and ages. This also needs to be taken into account and strive to ensure that the program contains entertainment that is interesting to all categories of people.

For example, older people will appreciate quizzes, while younger people will appreciate funny pranks. Here are some competition options that your friends and family will enjoy and will turn a banal feast into a truly unforgettable holiday.

Fun competitions for a large group of adults

Funny table competition “Who thinks about what”

You need to be well prepared for this competition. Choose songs that have funny lines that could pass for someone else's thoughts.

The main thing is that there is nothing offensive in them, and make a cut from these lines. For example, lines such as: “I want to get married, I want to get married”, “Natural blond, there’s only one like him in the whole country” are suitable. Find a hat, the funnier it is, the better.

During the feast, the chosen host announces that he has a mind-reading hat. After which he puts it on the heads of all the guests in turn. As soon as the hat touches the person's head, the assistant plays a selection of music with the desired line. The main thing here is that the words of the song are suitable specifically for this guest.

Competition with glove and water “Glorious milk yield”

Stock up on medical gloves, one per guest. Make a tiny hole in each of the fingers (at the very end) with a thin needle. Now all that remains is to conveniently secure the gloves on the chair and pour water into them.

The guests' task is to try to milk their glove as quickly as possible. It’s especially fun if the guests are completely unfamiliar with village life.

Laughter and joy are guaranteed for everyone, the main thing is to overcome embarrassment. And if the participants have already tasted a little alcohol, then watching their efforts is a pleasure.

A funny competition with photos “Can you guess?”

You need to find photographs of celebrities on the Internet or in a magazine. The host (better if it is you) selects any guest and asks him to turn away. He further explains the rules: “I will now show the guests a photo of an animal, your task is to ask quality questions and guess who is in the photo.” Guests can only answer “yes” or “no”.

Now the presenter shows a photo of the star, and the player, believing that the photograph is an animal, asks ridiculous questions: “Does the animal have a tail?”, “Does it eat grass?” etc. The audience (and the player after the end of the competition, when he understands what’s going on) will have fun in full.

Competition for those who love movement

Guests are divided into teams of the same number of people. The larger the team, the better. Each team chooses a color, and the participants tie a ball of the corresponding color to their leg. You need to tie it with a thread so that the ball lies on the floor (it doesn’t matter how far from the leg).

The host gives a signal, after which each team tries to burst the opponent’s balloon. The one whose ball failed leaves the game. The team whose player keeps his ball until the end of the competition wins. To make it more difficult, each team can choose several colors, but then you need to remember your team exactly so that in the heat of battle you don’t burst your team’s balloon.

The game is good for warming up between delicious dishes. It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

A fun competition for lovers of delicious drinks

It is required to prepare ten disposable glasses and drinks. A different drink is poured into each glass in front of the guests. They can be poured either regular or seasoned with salt, pepper or other spices (so that the taste deteriorates, but does not cause harm to health).

The glasses are placed in a dense pile. Those who wish are given a table tennis ball, and everyone throws it into a glass. Whichever glass the ball lands in, the player must drink.

These fun birthday table competitions will make your celebration even more fun!

Funny games for birthday guests

Blindfold competition “Make a wish come true”

Each person present puts one item in a bag. A presenter is selected and blindfolded.

His task is to pull one thing out of the bag and say what its owner should do. Here everything depends only on the imagination of the presenter. He may offer to sing, crow and much more.

The main thing is that the task must be humiliating for the guest, and also contain difficulties in completion.

Competition for art lovers “Modern Storytellers”

Each participant in the event has the skills of a certain profession. But the more a person works in a certain field, the more relevant terminology appears in his vocabulary. It can easily be used not only for business, but also for fun. Each player should be given paper and pen.

The task is that the player chooses any fairy tale for himself and tries to write its analogue, but only in professional language, for example, turn the fairy tale into a police report or a medical report. After the specified time has elapsed, all fairy tales are read out and a winner is chosen by general vote. The one whose fairy tale is the funniest becomes the winner.

An interesting competition for guests “Guess what’s in the picture”

It is necessary to find some interesting image and prepare an opaque sheet of much larger size. A hole is made in the sheet with a diameter of no more than three centimeters. The image and the sheet covering it are installed in a place convenient for all participants. The presenter must move the sheet with the hole over the mysterious image so that the participants see small pieces of what is drawn.

The winner is the one who guesses faster than others what kind of drawing is hidden behind the sheet.

Entertaining game “Writing a funny story”

Participants sit in a circle. Everyone is provided with a pen and paper. The presenter asks his first question: “Who?” Participants write on a piece of paper the character they have chosen for their story, then bend the piece of paper so that the word is hidden and pass it to the person on the right.

The presenter asks the next question. For example: “Where is it going?” Again, everyone answers (you need to answer in a detailed sentence, not a few words), folds the sheet and passes it on. And so on until the presenter runs out of questions.

There are no restrictions on the questions, but they must be asked in such an order that the answers add up to a coherent story.

As a result, when the story is written, the entire work is read out loud.

Incendiary competitions for adult parties

A fun game with catchy dancing and a scarf

For this game you just need nothing: a small scarf and good music. The music should be cheerful so that guests can perform unimaginable pirouettes with pleasure.

You need to stand in a large circle and choose the first player. For fun, you can do this using lots.

The one who gets to dance sits in the center of the circle, a scarf is tied around his neck, and everyone begins to dance. The central dancer, after a certain number of movements, must give his handkerchief to any other person. To do this, without stopping the dance, he takes it off and ties it in a knot on the neck of the chosen guest, after which he kisses him.

The dancing continues until the leader turns off the music. When everything is quiet, the one who is in the circle at that moment should shout something funny, for example, crow.

Funny competition to dress up a friend and be quick

Participants are selected and randomly divided into pairs. Depending on the number of pairs, you need to collect bags with a variety of clothes in advance. The quantity and difficulty of putting on all sets should be as similar as possible. Everyone playing is blindfolded. Within the couple there is a choice about who will dress and who will be put on.

At a signal, the first participant begins to take clothes out of the bag and tries to put them on the second participant. Only a minute is given. Victory goes to those who wear more clothes and do it more correctly. You don’t have to limit the time, then those who put on all the things from the bag faster win. It's especially funny when a pair of two men has to wear exclusively women's clothes.

Hit the target in the “Brave Hunters” competition

Two or three teams of three people are formed. They will be hunters. One of the participants will play the role of a boar. Each hunter receives tightly rolled pieces of paper - they will be a kind of cartridges. Hunters strive to hit a wild boar, but not just a wild boar, but a special target.

The target is drawn in advance on a cardboard circle.

At the beginning of the game, this target is attached to the boar's clothing, approximately on the lower back. At a signal, the boar tries to run quickly and dodge, and the hunters aim with all their might at the target. The space for hunting is limited in advance, and the time is clearly defined. You need to engage in such entertainment while you are still sober. Also, hunters should not hold a boar by force.

A funny game for greedy people with balloons

Buy and inflate a sufficient number of multi-colored balloons in advance. Before the game, scatter them on the floor. Participants are selected and, as soon as the go-ahead is given and cheerful musical accompaniment is turned on, everyone begins to try to catch and hold the maximum number of balls.

Cool games and competitions for a group of drunk guests

Competition with a bakery product “Guess the poem”

The chosen participant puts so much of the baked goods in his mouth that it becomes very, very difficult to talk.

After this, he is given a sheet of paper with a verse (the main thing is that no one knows this verse).

The second player listens carefully and writes down what he understands, after which he reads it. The resulting text is compared with what was actually in the task. You can use not only poetry, but also prose.

Funny competition with chairs and rope “Obstacle”

Two couples are selected (a guy and a girl are required). Two chairs are placed in an empty space, with a tight rope stretched between them. Each guy must take the girl in his arms and step over the rope. Under no circumstances should you touch the rope.

The task is performed one by one. After reaching the first height, the rope rises higher and everything is repeated until someone can handle the height.

Paired accuracy competition “Cigarettes and potatoes”

Two participants are selected. A rope is tied to everyone's belt, with a large potato hanging from the tail. You also need to stock up on two packs of cigarettes, already empty.

The players' task is to push their pack faster than their opponent, using tied potatoes, until it reaches the intended finish.

Free your opponent from clothespins and win

Couples are called to a large free space in the room. 14-20 clothespins are attached to the participants (of course, on their clothes). After which the players are blindfolded and, while upbeat music is playing, they must find and remove the maximum number of clothespins from their opponents.

Competition with fins and binoculars “Diving races”

Participants are selected who put on fins and, looking through binoculars, but only from the opposite side, must reach the finish line.

Memory and attentiveness game “Come up with associations”

Those who wish sit down or stand in a row so that the beginning and end can be tracked. The first player comes up with several completely unrelated words. The one who follows him must connect them and tell a story with them, which could well be in reality. Then he says a new word. The third one adds text with this word to the voiced situation.

Example: the first two words are “telephone” and “birch”. The situation with them is as follows: “The wife was tired of her husband talking on the phone all the time, and he began to live with him on the birch tree.” The new word could be “sofa,” and then you can add to the situation: “Sleeping in the nest was not as good as sleeping on the sofa.” And this continues as long as there is imagination.

To make it more difficult, the presenter can at any time ask one of the players to repeat everything said earlier. The one who fails is eliminated.

Competition for a group of people “How to find application”

Five to ten people are selected. Any object is placed in front of them. Their task is to voice the use of this item in turn. Moreover, the options should be possibly applicable. The one who doesn’t invent anything is out. The one who survives until the end wins.

It would be a good idea to supplement competitions with prizes. You don't need anything expensive. Small trinkets, such as keychains or figurines, are perfect. If the event is on the occasion of the New Year, then prizes can be chosen based on the theme of the symbol of the year or Christmas tree decorations. Also, on any holiday you can use chocolate bars, sweets, and non-fragile fruits as prizes.

Prizes will add enthusiasm to the guests and the desire to win, thus the comic competition will become even more interesting and lively.

Funny birthday competitions at the table will turn your name day into an unforgettable celebration. Moreover, any competition can be complicated or more creative elements can be introduced into it. And, most importantly, they can be held not only on holidays. Give a good mood to yourself and your loved ones at any time. After all, all you need is a little imagination.

How to make sure that guests at the anniversary do not cluster together according to their interests, and do not forget where they ended up. How to fill an anniversary with dynamics, how to intrigue and surprise guests? Hold cool competitions for your anniversary.

Competition "By touch".
8-10 small items are placed in a dark bag made of material: scissors, bottle cap, pen, button, spoon, thread, thimble, meat grinder knife, etc. You have to guess by touch what is there. The fabric should not be too rough or thin.

Contest "Couples in reverse".
Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms free). These couples must dance a waltz, tango, lady dance and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese licks.

Competition "Whose ball is bigger".
The competition is simple: participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts is out. The one with the largest ball in terms of volume wins.

Competition "Match-Spear".
Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

Competition "Dancers".
Hold a dance competition with objects to the tunes “Yablochko”, “Cossack”, “Kalinka”, etc.
Let the participants dance: 1) with an apple (ball, ball); 2) with chairs and stools; 3) with a glass of wine

Competition "Ode to the Birthday Boy".
This is the familiar game “Burime”, when ready-made rhymes are offered, and you need to compose a verse based on them. “Ode to the Birthday Boy” can be composed with the following rhymes:

- fire,
- gift,
- schoolboy,
- painter,
- hit,
- case,
- radar.

Prize for the winner: a bottle of champagne and a medal "Best Poet"

Competition of ditties.

A competition of funny, mischievous ditties is one of the most memorable moments of the anniversary, especially if there is an accordion player in your company. To ensure that the competition is organized, the presenter passes a special stick around in a circle, which the guests pass to each other to the music. As soon as the music dies down, a member of the company who has a stick in his hands performs a ditty. If you know that guests practically do not know ditties, you can write the texts on cards and distribute them to the invitees in advance.
Winner: the guest whose ditty caused the biggest burst of laughter
Prize for the winner: medal "The most cheerful guest" and a kiss from the birthday boy

Dance competition.
The presenter seats the competition participants on chairs so that they are clearly visible to all guests, then turns on the recording. Dance melodies familiar to everyone sound - waltz, gypsy, tango, letka-enka, Russian, twist, shake, rock and roll, lezginka, etc., 15-20 seconds each. Guests show their art without leaving their chairs. The applause of the audience is a reward for the participants of the dance competition, and the most temperamental one receives the medal “Best Dancer” and a gift - a hug from the hero of the day.
Winner: guest who received great applause from the audience
Prize for the winner: medal "Best Dancer" and a hug from the hero of the day

Competition "Portrait of the hero of the day"
The host invites all guests to find out how the birthday boy’s wife really represents him. To do this, she is blindfolded, and she draws a “Portrait of the hero of the day” on a large sheet of paper. The host shows it to all guests and gives it to the hero of the occasion as a souvenir. The wife is awarded the “most attentive wife” medal to applause.

Competition "Attentive hero of the day"
The host offers to check how attentive the hero of the day is. To do this, invite several women. The birthday boy must, blindfolded, stroke the woman's hand and identify his wife's hand. To prevent the hero of the day from getting into an awkward position after being blindfolded, the presenter replaces the women invited to participate in the competition with men. We hope that the hero of the day will be able to distinguish a woman’s hand from a man’s. The host awards the hero of the occasion the “Most Attentive Husband” medal for participating in the competition.

Competition "The Warmest Heart"
All participants are given the same piece of ice, which needs to be melted. You can do this with your hands, or rub it on your chest.
Winner: melted the ice first
Prize for the winner: medal "Hottest Man" and a glass of cold wine as a cooling prize.

Competition "The most dexterous man"
A stick with apples tied to it with elastic bands is placed high above the heads of the competition participants. You need to jump up and bite off an apple without using your hands.
Winner: the first to bite into the apple.
Prize for the winner: apple

Competition "The most persistent man"
Balloons are tied to the seats of the chairs. You need to sit on the ball and crush it. This is not as simple as it seems at first glance, and causes a lot of laughter among both participants and spectators of the competition.
Prize for the winner: balloons

Game "Confession"
The owner of the house holds two sets of cards in two colors; Questions are written on dark-colored cards, answers are written on light-colored cards. Guests are invited to choose a question for themselves, read it, then choose a card with the answer for themselves and also read it out loud to everyone present. The point of the game is that any answer is suitable for any question, the only important thing is that the number of questions matches the number of answers.

Sample questions for cards.
1. Does your loved one torment you with jealousy?
2. When do you have to smile forcibly?
3. Do you compliment your boss?
4. Are you afraid of prison?
5. Do you often put wine on the table?
6. How often do you sort things out with your fists?
7. Do you respect alcoholic drinks?
8. Are you ever delighted with erotica?
9. Do you remember those who previously loved you?
10. Do you dream of winning a car?
11. How often do you step on others’ toes?
12. How often do you quarrel with friends?
13. Are you jealous of your other half?
14. Is your character sometimes intolerable to others?
15. Do you like to enjoy food?
16. Do you like playing the fool?
17. How often do you remember your loved one?
18. Do you spend your honestly earned money on trifles?
19. Do you want to go to America?
20. Do you hide your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
21. Do you use obscene words in conversation?
22. Do you believe in love at first sight?
23. Do you feel tired from work?
24. Do you criticize our government?
25. Are you capable of noble deeds?
26. Are you moderately patient and well-mannered?

Sample answers.
1. It never happened and never will.
2. Let's talk about this without witnesses.
3. It’s a shame to ask such questions, knowing my character.
4. This is the most pleasant thing for me.
5. Only when you are in a bad mood.
6. Of course, and more than once.
7. It happens, but only at night.
8. Every day, and more than once.
9. Whenever I go to bed.
10. I had to suffer from this.
11. Only half asleep and in slippers.
12. Exclusively in a restaurant.
13. I won’t tell you under torture.
14. This is my hobby.
15. I allow myself this pleasure once a day.
16. It happened once.
17. When there are guests in the house.
18. Of course, otherwise it would be uninteresting to live.
19. Not without this.
20. This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.
21. If there is no other half nearby.
22. When kicked out of the house.
23. This topic is unpleasant to me.
24. When my loved ones don’t see me.
25. At night under the blanket.
26. Only in thoughts.

Competition "Fishing"
All men of the celebration are invited. The host offers to play fishing. “Let’s take imaginary fishing rods, throw them into the imaginary sea and start fishing, but then suddenly the imaginary water begins to wet our feet and the presenter suggests rolling up our pants to the knees, then higher and higher.” The funny thing is that when everyone’s trousers are already pulled up to the limit The presenter stops fishing and announces a competition for the hairiest legs.

Test "Tell me about yourself"
This comic test is designed for married couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles), are married men who are present - of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same. The person conducting the test asks the married couple to look at the side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column. And so, he, the husband, -
Affectionate as...
Strong like...
Sociable as...
Authoritative as...
Independent like...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Amorous as...
Brave as...
Beautiful as...

Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are named. So, "Your Wife":
In transport like...
With relatives like...
With work colleagues like...
In the store it's like...
At home it's like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...
With the boss how...
In a friendly company like...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office it's like...

Competition "Light Dance"
Couples who wish to take part in the competition are invited.
Condition: Before the start of the dance, all couples light sparklers.
Music is playing. Couples are dancing.
Winner: The couple who can keep their sparkler burning the longest.

Game "Rocket Flight"
Guests are divided into 2 rooms (2 halves of the table). The presenter gives the guests two rocket models.
Flight rules: at the presenter’s signal, the first participant loudly says: “Happy anniversary!” and hands the rocket to his neighbor. The second one says: “Congratulations!”, the third one: “Happy anniversary!” etc. until the rocket goes around each guest at its half of the table.
Winner: the team whose rocket reaches the birthday girl faster.

Competition "Encryption"
Find kind words addressed to our hero of the day by deciphering the card you have chosen. Guests are given cards attached to a soft toy. Guests must decipher the abbreviation and name what they got.

For example: OVD - we adore Valera for a long time.

Attention! I have things that belong to the hero of the day. He asked me to sell them to guests at a reasonable price. However, guests will have to pay not with coins, but with kind words spoken to our respected birthday boy. So, I consider the auction open!
Lot No. 1. This faded cloth is a diaper in which the parents wrapped our hero of the day when he was a few days old. Today, looking at such a small diaper and such a respectable birthday boy, it is difficult to even imagine that he once fit into an envelope folded from such fabric. How many kind words will this diaper be sold for?
There is a “sale” of the hero of the day’s diaper. The winner and its owner is considered to be the one of the guests who said the most kind words to the birthday boy. Further, other things that at different times belonged to the hero of the day can be “sold” in the same way: a toy that he never parted with, shoelaces in which he went to first grade, a school diary for fifth grade, his first tie, etc.
After all items are “sold”, the winner of the competition is announced. He has the right to make a congratulatory speech. Then you can invite guests to drink a glass of wine for the health of the birthday person. And the winner of the auction, who said the largest number of epithets, is awarded a prize, which can be used as a medal made of paper “For eloquence and strong friendship.”

Outdoor games for the anniversary (“fun” relay race).
Participants - 2 teams, with an odd number of people.
Props for competitions:
8 glasses (plastic can be used), 2 books (not too heavy);
2 brooms, 2 balls, 2 tablespoons, 2 chairs, 2 bottles of alcohol, snack.
Anniversary competition 1
Participants compete in one-legged jumps while holding glasses of water. In this case, it is desirable that the glasses are full at the finish line.
Anniversary competition 2
Running with a ball on your head, holding it with one hand. Although this can hardly be called running.
Anniversary competition 3
Quickly walk a certain distance with a book on your head, holding a full glass of water in one hand, a broom in the other, and sweeping the road in front of you.
Anniversary competition 4
One player from each team runs, while he holds 2 glasses in his hands: one with water, the other empty. During the race, participants pour water from a full glass into an empty glass, and at the finish line they determine who spilled the least amount of water. In addition, the speed of the players is taken into account, that is, who came first.
Anniversary competition 5
Using tablespoons, fill the glass by transferring water from one glass to another.
Anniversary competition 6
One player runs and at the same time holds the other by the legs, and the latter moves on his hands, holding a glass with his teeth.
Or the participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands and run to the designated place and return as well
Competition for the 7th anniversary
Stand in a circle, close your eyes, stretch your arms forward and try to catch the hands of another participant. According to the principle of the game “Mom, unravel the thread,” they must unravel without breaking their hands
Anniversary competition 8
"The Journey of a Ball - a Ball."
Give the participants a ball. First, you need to pass it with your hands from above to the back (to the tail of the train), and back - from below between the legs. Play three times. You can make it more difficult by alternating the ball above your head, under your feet, etc. The last one who has the ball runs forward and passes the ball again.
Anniversary competition 9
“I poured it, drank it, ate it.” The competition involves an odd number of participants. The first player runs to a chair on which there is a bottle of vodka (wine, beer), a glass (glass), a snack, pours the contents of the bottle into the glass, and returns to the team. The second player runs up to a chair, drinks, and returns to the team. The third player runs up to the chair, has a snack, and returns. The fourth pours, the fifth drinks, the sixth has a snack. And so on until the liquid in the bottle runs out. If you don’t want the relay to drag on, place an incomplete bottle.

Anniversary competition "What to do if..."
The presenter calls three to five volunteers. Participants are encouraged to find an original way out of non-standard situations. Based on their answers, viewers choose a winner who receives the main prize. The remaining participants receive incentive prizes.
Examples of non-standard situations:
What to do if you accidentally sit on a birthday cake?
What should you do if you were bringing a porcelain vase to a friend as a gift and accidentally broke it?
What to do if your loved one and your best friend celebrate their birthday on the same day?
What to do if you remembered that it’s your birthday only 10 minutes before the guests arrive?
What to do if several guests (by an amazing coincidence) gave you the same gifts?
What should you do if the day after your birthday you wake up in an unfamiliar place?
What should you do if a wizard flew to your birthday party in a blue helicopter and gave you 500 popsicles?
What to do if you received a live crocodile for your birthday?
What to do if this crocodile accidentally ate the one who gave it to you, and now there is no one to return the crocodile?
What to do the day after your birthday?

Competition for the anniversary "Princess Nesmeyana"
The players are divided into two teams. The members of the first team - “Princess Nesmeyana” - sit on chairs and take on the most serious or sad look possible. The task of the players of the other team is to take turns or all together to make the “non-laughers” laugh. Every smiling “non-laugher” joins the team of mixers. If, within a certain period of time, it is possible to make all the “non-laughers” laugh, the team of mixers is declared the winner; if not, the “non-laughers” team is declared the winner. After this, the teams can switch roles.
To make the “non-funny people” laugh, players can show pantomime, tell jokes, make faces, but they are not allowed to touch the “non-funny people”.

Anniversary competition "Balloon Battle"
Each player has a balloon tied to his right leg (ankle). After the starting signal, all participants try to pierce other players’ balloons and protect their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

Anniversary competition "Crocodile"
The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but you can count points for guessed words.
You can guess individual words, phrases from famous songs and poems, proverbs and sayings, catchphrases, fairy tales, names of famous (real or fictitious) people.
The numbers of additional games suitable for this holiday are given in the entertainment index.
In addition, participants can play sports games: football, mini-football, volleyball.

Fun Questions Quiz
For entertainment, you can conduct a fun quiz. The most active participant who answers the most questions receives a prize.
Examples of questions:
- When is a person in a room without a head? (When he sticks it out the window)
- How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
- What needs to be done so that four guys remain in one boot? (Take off each person's boot)
- The crow is flying, and the dog is sitting on its tail. Could it be? (The dog sits on its own tail)
- In which month does the chatty Mashenka speak the least? (In February, it is the shortest)
- When a horse is bought, what kind of horse is it? (Wet)
- A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is this? (Letter “o)
- What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name)
- In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap year)
- Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
- What stones are not in the sea? (Dry)
- What disease on earth has no one been sick with? (Nautical)
- What can you cook, but cannot eat? (Lessons)
- Which hand is better to stir tea? (It is better to stir the tea with a spoon)
-What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6)

Birthdays don't have to be boring. It is often spent outdoors with barbecue or at the dacha - there is always a lot of entertainment there. But what if it’s a children’s party or for various reasons it’s not possible to go somewhere, for example, autumn and rain? You can diversify the celebration by using competitions that are held right at the table.

For adults

When offering some kind of competition to an adult company, you must always adhere to several rules so as not to end up with quarrels instead of cheerful laughter.

  • Firstly, no one should be forced or persuaded to participate.
  • Secondly, all competition rules must be explained very clearly.
  • Thirdly, any competition involves prizes, so it’s worth preparing something small, symbolic in advance.

Magic leaf

Requires virtually no preparation. The presenter (the birthday boy or someone who helped prepare) has several pictures that no one but him can see. Each of them will need to be shown to those gathered, having previously covered it with a large “magic sheet” in which two or three small holes have been made. By swiping across the picture several times in different directions, the presenter gives you the opportunity to see part of the picture and invites you to guess what the magic leaf is hiding. The winner is considered to be the one with the biggest eyes, the one who names the image first.

Spinal intuition

Can only be carried out in a company where they drink alcohol. Props:

  • vodka,
  • pure water,
  • three stacks.

When a competition is announced, it is better to immediately decide on the participants, since not everyone can drink vodka. Everyone takes turns playing. When the player turns away, three piles are placed on the table in front of him. One of them will be with water, and the remaining two will be with vodka. It is advisable to pour the same amount, exactly half. The participant, turning around, must drink one glass and wash it down with another, without choosing. The first shot is supposed to contain alcohol, and the next shot contains water to wash it down. The person with the most developed intuition wins, the one who has never made a mistake.

Sphinx Excerpt

It is better if the table is rectangular. Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs according to the “opposite each other” principle. One of the pair will be the sphinx, and the other will experience his famous equanimity. The sphinxes are given a pencil or a regular thin ballpoint pen in turn. This item must be placed on the upper lip. The troublemaker sitting opposite must make the sphinx drop her pencil. In this case, you are not allowed to make any sudden movements or make very loud sounds. The sphinx is supposed to be embarrassed by quiet conversation.


It is good to spend time at a table that is not too large during a change of dishes. Props:

  • clay bowl;
  • many different coins;
  • saucers and Chinese chopsticks according to the number of participants;
  • stopwatch or watch with a second hand.

The competition is held on time. Choose from 30 seconds, a minute or two. During this time, each participant must drag as many coins as possible onto their saucer using Chinese chopsticks. The winner - the greedy one - is the one who has the largest amount.

Three liter jar

No props needed at all. The more people take part, the merrier. The competition is held when it is no longer possible to move, everyone is full and nodding off. Choose an arbitrary letter of the alphabet, preferably one with which many words begin. Each person will take turns naming some material object, maybe even something animate, starting with this letter. The main condition is that the item must fit into a hypothetical three-liter jar. You can't repeat yourself. The answer is given no more than 30 seconds. If there is no answer, the participant is eliminated. The laurels of the winner belong to the most savvy - the last one remaining.

bearded man

The competition is held in the company of those who love jokes. Props: cotton wool and thin tape. Presenter: the best expert on jokes. He begins to tell an old “bearded” joke. After the first or second phrase he falls silent, and someone at the table needs to continue the story. After a successful continuation, a small piece of cotton wool is glued to the narrator’s chin. The one with the longest (or widest) beard wins.

Chocolate for the birthday boy

Props: chocolate. You can use a banana, then we change the name of the competition. Only two teams are participating. One half of the table is the guests sitting on the right hand of the birthday person, the second is on the left. If chocolate is used, then the bar is broken in half lengthwise. If banana, then one peeled fruit per team. The team that congratulates the birthday boy faster than others will win.

It’s better to congratulate in unison! To get to the actual greetings and congratulations, you need to collectively eat the offered treat.

The starter will be the one sitting at the far end of the table. You need to bite off a piece and pass it to the next person without your hands.

Whose congratulations are better?

All those present will have to make a toast in honor of the birthday boy or simply congratulate him. Toasts should not be too long. The unusualness of the situation is that you need to speak completely without the usual words. The speaker will replace all words with something unintelligible, for example: “Ta-pamram-par-pad-pam padum-pa-dam, taram-taram-pam!” or “Shurum-barim, shur-shuram shurta-there!” or something similar. Speech must be supplemented with expressive gestures, facial expressions, and be sure to change intonation so that it immediately becomes clear to everyone that the person is making a toast! The winner is chosen collectively.


Props: pre-prepared cards with tongue twisters written in large letters. Recommended when guests are already a little tipsy. This is a kind of “table” sobriety test. The presenter shows one of the cards. The tongue twister is read slowly at first, then a little faster, while remembering it. After everyone has memorized the written words, they begin to pronounce them one by one. The participant who was unable to quickly pronounce the proposed phrase three times without missing a beat is eliminated. Then the rest learn a new tongue twister. The announcer is the participant who has never made a mistake.

Children's competitions

Children's parties, especially birthdays, cannot be imagined without games and competitions. Moreover, some of them are necessarily carried out right at the table.

The role of the presenter is most often assigned to one of the adults, less often - to the birthday boy himself. In no case should you forget about the prizes for the winners at a children's party.

The best ABC expert

They spend it with children who are already in school and know the alphabet (2nd-3rd grade is best). This way you can combine a pleasant and fun activity with repetition of school knowledge. Each child in turn must congratulate the birthday boy. This is not easy to do, because Be sure to start your congratulations with the next letter of the alphabet. The presenter can start with the letter “A”. And then the children themselves must remember the next letter and come up with a congratulation starting with it.

Eat an apple

Couples will take part in this competition and, accordingly, will also win. The leader must divide all the children into twos. Props:

  • ropes or threads;
  • approximately the same size apples with small tails according to the number of participants. They use not only apples, but also other fruits that can be hung on a string.

Each couple is given two fruits. One of the players holds the fruit suspended by a string, and the second must eat it without using your hands. Then the children change places and perform the same operation. The couple that finishes the “treat” the fastest wins.

Cheerful pencil


  • paper,
  • colour pencils.

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pencil. Without using your hands (you can only hold a pencil with your teeth!) everyone must draw what else he (she) would like to give to the birthday boy. The drawings come out very funny! The “giver” should not admit what he drew, but the birthday boy will guess. In this competition it is usually difficult to determine the winner. You can choose the one whose drawing turned out to be the most understandable.



  • cocktail straws according to the number of people;
  • two glasses each. One of the glasses should be filled with plain water.

At the leader’s signal, all participants try to pour the liquid from one glass to another. In this case, you cannot use your hands - only a straw: they collect as much water as possible into the tube, blow it into an empty glass, and do this until all the water has been transferred. The winner of the competition will be the child who performs this complex operation first.

Hidden Treasures

The competition requires careful preparation. We need to make quite a lot so that there is enough colored figured ice for everyone. It's better to have some stock left. Each piece of ice is a chest in which a treasure is hidden. A treasure can be any small object frozen in ice: a bead, candy (the ideal option is a caramel in a wrapper), etc. Children are given envelopes made of colored paper, each of them contains a piece of ice-chest. The essence of the competition is to be the fastest to warm up a treasure using only your breath.


Another competition using fruits. Suitable for a small children's group at the table. Props:

  • fairly wide and deep containers with clean water, you can use ordinary, not too large pans;
  • approximately the same fruit.

For each container it will be enough to take 2-3 apples and the same number of pears. Fruits must be washed well. At the leader’s signal, children must remove the fruit from the water without using their hands, using only their mouth and teeth. The most dexterous and fastest wins.

In conclusion, another interesting table competition awaits you, the rules of which can be found in the following video: