What the Chinese say about the Year of the Dragon. Year of the Dragon: what year of birth according to the eastern calendar

The Dragon ranks fifth in the Chinese Zodiac and is considered to represent innovation, creativity, pride, courage, passion and temper.

Dragons are freedom-loving creatures, submission is a curse for them. Norms and rules are created for other people, they believe. The dragon is a beautiful and energetic creature, confident and fearless.

People born in the year of the Dragon have certain properties. Below are some of them according to Chinese astrology:

Metal Dragon (born 1940 or 2000)

The metal dragon is powerful, truthful and courageous. Metal dragons succeed. They can influence others with their strong personality. They strive for action, and can show their innate qualities best when they stand up for thoughts or beliefs in which they fully believe. Metal dragons are leaders. They don't like to compromise.

Water Dragon (born 1952 or 2012)

Water has a calming effect on the dragon's fearless nature. Unlike other dragons, these dragons can take a step back and assess the situation. Thus, they make smart decisions and are able to talk to people face to face. However, their efforts may not be successful if they don't do their homework or start another without finishing one project.

Wood Dragon (born 1904 or 1964)

The Wood Dragon enjoys talking about original ideas and is open to other points of view. The wood element has a modifying influence and brings creativity to this sign. Wooden dragons are innovators, creative, practical, and appreciate art in all its manifestations. As a rule, the Wood Dragon is less pretentious than other dragons and knows how to get along with others. He has a need to create a prosperous and happy life for himself. The Wood Dragon is outspoken, a little assertive, and can be overwhelming.

Fire Dragon (born 1916 or 1976)

Fire dragons are energetic and powerful, but can go from a calm and collected state to an emotional outburst. In a sense, the Fire Dragon is its own enemy. They also suffer from recklessness and lack of self-control. However, when they can keep their composure and emotions under control, they can be excellent commanders and leaders.

Earth Dragon (born 1928 or 1988)

Earth dragons can be good leaders because they are practical, balanced, and have organizational skills. They need others to admire them, but they are friendly and know how to support in difficult times. The earth element adds a lot of self-control, and generally the Earth Dragon deserves the respect he or she desires. These people will work diligently to achieve their goals in life. They take their life and romantic responsibilities quite seriously.

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Dragon - male yang principle, 1st triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), element of earth.

An exotic, capricious sign, gravitating towards mysticism. This sign is associated with good luck, gaining power, wealth and freedom. The Eastern Dragon is the only mythical animal of the zodiac that does not carry an evil meaning, on the contrary, it represents the harmony of Heaven and Earth.

In life, the Dragon is prone to making quick decisions, impulsive, and often quick-tempered. He likes to take risks, play, and is attracted to the world of pleasures and entertainment. The unpredictability of actions makes it difficult in a long-term partnership. In addition, the Dragon loves to criticize others, sometimes he is too intrusive in communication, harsh in his expressions, and too demanding of others and himself. He loves to be the center of attention, so that his loved ones fully share his interests and do not bother him with everyday trifles. Bright acting abilities, as well as talent in other areas, help the Dragon achieve fame and success in any field. You can rely on him in any matter.

Positive qualities of the sign

Generosity towards all living things pushes the Dragon to noble deeds. Directness and passion compensate for some harshness in communication. He is prone to innovative searches, strives to improve the world, and is demanding of himself. Artistic talent coexists with intellectual baggage. In love he is somewhat eccentric, but loyal and generous. Foresight and insight help achieve goals.

Negative qualities of the sign

The dragon may make excessive demands on a partner and close circle. He is intolerant of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. The main disadvantage is rudeness and impulsiveness of decisions, selfishness.

In the year of the Dragon Many signs will be able to realize their ambitions, and their ambitious plans will come true. It’s good to show enterprise, ingenuity, and find different points of view on familiar problems. This is a positive period for the Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Tiger and Rooster. Active year for the Dog. Positive period for the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Pig, Horse and Sheep (Goat).

Celebrities of this sign

Afanasy Fet, Immanuel Kant, Francois Mitterrand, Ernesto Che Guevara, Deng Xiaoping, Alexander Blok, Joan of Arc, Svyatoslav Roerich, Friedrich Engels, Andrei Bely, Salvador Dali, Placido Domingo, Frank Sinatra, John Lennon. Actors: Yuri Yakovlev, Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe, Monica Bellucci, Nicolas Cage, Clive Owen, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Farrell, Reese Witherspoon, Sasha Grey, Agniya Ditkovskite.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Dragon

The Water Dragon will more often show its authority and demandingness in close relationships. Appreciates loyalty and signs of attention and devotion. It will demonstrate superior intellect more subtly than other elements of this sign; it can imperceptibly win the enemy over to its side and reconcile the warring parties. Reliable in marriage and partnership. Successful in society.

Green Wood Dragon

Open in communication, the Wood Dragon generously shares his feelings, which makes him different from Dragons of other elements. He does not look for simple solutions, is original in thinking, and an individualist by nature. A passionate lover, the Wood Dragon will not completely subjugate himself to passion; he always has other interests to which he devotes a lot of time.

Yellow Earth Dragon

The least mobile and active among the Dragons, the Earth Dragon is still faster than many signs of the eastern zodiac. Thoughtful and thorough, the Dragon of the earth element is less impulsive, thinks more carefully about the consequences of his actions, and is very reliable in business and family life. The basis of a long-term union will be the love passion and deep affection of the partners for each other. He especially appreciates the coziness and comfort of the family hearth, carefully protects and creates a special homely atmosphere.

White Metal Dragon

Energetic, easy to communicate, the Dragon of the metal element prefers material well-being. A rational, practical mind does not need an intellectual stock of knowledge, is well versed in the flow of energy, and is rarely poor. He loves it when people obey him unquestioningly, accepting his beliefs and rightness on faith. A true fighter, a skilled competitor, a successful entrepreneur.

Red Fire Dragon

Tends to dominate in his environment, loves to compete, especially in love and intellectual competitions. A good athlete and a brilliant actor, the Fire Dragon easily achieves success and fame. His passion is explosive, his behavior is unpredictable, his decisions are extraordinary. Fire Dragon is a great adventure in life, not for the faint of heart, but for eternal young souls.

People born between the dates of February 13, 1964 and February 1, 1965 belong to the Wood Dragon sign according to the Eastern Calendar. The dragon signifies determination, quick temper and the makings of a leader. In turn, the color of this year is blue-green, and this year is symbolized by a tree, which, on the contrary, means calm, wisdom and prudence. The wards of this variety of Dragon are quite different from their brothers in the sign. They understand people much better, are not so straightforward, and are much more delicate.

Year of the Wood Dragon

People born in 1964 according to the Eastern calendar have an excellent sense of humor and a sharp mind. They are very inquisitive, they are interested in everything new, and pay a lot of attention to details. Wood Dragons are creative, they are often the initiators of interesting ideas, and great ideas often come to their minds. By the way, the matter is not limited to theories; Wooden Dragons immediately begin to implement each of their ideas with their characteristic enthusiasm. Communicating with the Wood Dragon is much more pleasant and easier than with other varieties of this sign, because you don’t need to be afraid of a flash of fiery rage or rudeness, even if unintentional.

The dragon is a symbol of heavenly power and good luck in China. Therefore, representatives of this sign are distinguished by extraordinary nobility, generosity and mercy, and strength of character and the greatest willpower help to overcome any obstacles. Possessing extreme magnetism, they are also very insightful and can always give practical advice. However, the Wooden Blue Dragon's strict demands, often turning into ruthlessness, prevent him from making real friends.

1964 year of the Wood Dragon animal gives people the ability to handle money, thanks to which he has a good chance of becoming successful in this field. People born under this sign look the most attractive compared to all their relatives due to their personal qualities. Dragons are smart, ambitious, and cannot tolerate deviating from their goals.

Despite their extreme sentimentality, these people almost never manage to build a strong family unit. The most suitable occupation that allows them to fully reveal the Wood Dragon’s inherent extraordinary abilities is any type of leadership activity. Whatever path they choose - a political career or business - they will certainly achieve the highest results and occupy the highest position in society.

Snag to snag, branch to branch - it’s hard to believe that such a gorgeous dragon was created exactly like a puzzle, carefully selecting every part, every detail and finding the right place for it. A mythical wyvern, tumbling hares, horses racing in the coastal waves - all of them were created by a talented sculptor from the Philippine Islands.

Create sculptures James Doran-Webb(James Doran-Webb) started as a child, when he was still making them from papier-mâché, but already at that time he realized how important it was to know the body structure of all those animals that he wanted to create from paper. James was not interested in making a simply standing animal; he wanted movement, a plot in his works. And later, when Doran-Webb began working with wood, the man remembered his childhood hobby and decided to try to create animals from driftwood - just like in the papier-mâché technique, adding piece to piece, layer to layer, until a full-fledged figure is obtained .

In the early 2000s, James began working with wooden furniture. Back then, “wood crafts” were just a hobby. Now the sculptor has completely switched to working with his favorite thing. In his workshop, in addition to James himself, there is also a small team that helps him sort and clean the driftwood. To make wooden sculptures more stable, the sculptor uses a metal frame - this ensures not only the durability of the structure, but also strength.

James Doran-Webb's latest works were two dragons - wyverns (this type of mythological animal has only hind legs, and the front ones are represented by powerful wings). One of the sculptures is called " Wyvern in the baobab trees" (The Wyvern in the Baobabs) - a winged dragon has landed on a dead tree and is terrorizing the residents of the surrounding area. The second - " Wyvern's Quirk"(Wyvern's Folly). This dragon sits on a gazebo made from recycled plastic and looks around curiously.

, Metal Dragon, Water Dragon.

This Dragon is endlessly curious. He wants to know everything in the world, finds the time and energy to get to the bottom of the answer to the most difficult question. An excellent performer, a jack of all trades: he can make something, invent something, or simply compose something. An interesting storyteller and listener, he has the gift of presenting his knowledge in the form of literary works. Good-natured and correct, the Wooden Dragon deservedly enjoys universal love.

A creative and generous Dragon, bringing wonderful, new, revolutionary ideas. The element of Wood gives him the ability to put ideas into words and bring them to life. He works well with other people, although he can be a little arrogant at times. While not as vindictive and self-centered as the Dragons of other elements, he, like them, is frank, proud and fearless in the face of trials.

The inquisitive Wood Dragon tries to find out the reasons for everything; in every action he is guided by common sense. However, he tends to dig too deeply into a problem, and when faced with resistance, he starts endless arguments. He is a natural teacher and can be a very erudite person.

The Wood Dragon is generous, tries to follow the middle path, not offend anyone and achieve its goal gently and gradually. The influence of the Tree calms his impulsiveness and changeability; if it is in his interests, the Dragon is ready to compromise. And yet he is a Dragon, who correlates everything in the world with his exorbitant pride and agrees to change only when he knows for sure that it is beneficial to him personally.

Wood Dragon according to Chinese Horoscope

The Chinese horoscope indicates that people born under the auspices of the tree dragon have an innate sense of style and look very elegant and well-groomed throughout their entire life cycle, which does not go unnoticed by people around them. These representatives of the zodiac sign gravitate toward beauty and love all areas of art that symbolize and reveal their nature. Dragons born under the auspices of a tree begin to value and use their external and internal world in a very productive way, starting from a certain stage of their existence in the world. At the same time, they are able to achieve the highest goals and remain the king of the situation with the skillful use of talent.

A distinctive feature of representatives of the zodiac sign is their courtesy and friendliness towards others. They are not wasteful and know how to value existing things, since one of their character traits is frugality. Such people make excellent researchers and scientists who strive to learn new things and discover the unknown.

They overcome failures in the overwhelming majority of cases. Because it is in their nature to bring what they start to its logical conclusion, and therefore, with the skillful use of the qualities of the natural plane, they turn out to be great masters of their craft, no matter what profile they are engaged in.

The perfect time of year for tree dragons is spring, they love dynamics in everything, and the weather is no exception, as they gravitate towards windy days, feeling very comfortable in such situations. In addition to the positive aspects, there is a vulnerable organ, which is the liver and the urinary tract system. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid situations that could provoke a deterioration in the general condition, which should not be allowed provided that there is a desire to take an active position throughout the entire cycle.

The nervous system also needs close attention, and in order to maintain it in a proper calm state, you should use methods of mental relief that will help avoid the occurrence of severe stress, which may not have the best effect on representatives of the zodiac sign.

Wooden Dragon Man

This noble man will not stoop to squabbles and intrigues. In any situation he behaves with great dignity, carefully looks after himself, and is always dressed to the nines. Behaves politely and tactfully, shows attention and respect to his interlocutor. Those around him agree: he is a real gentleman. At the same time, the Wood Dragon man is quite mischievous and loves to have fun. He has a wonderful sense of humor and enjoys communication. At work he is a wise mentor and leader, but in his free time he is a good friend. Colleagues are drawn to him, turn to him with any request, and really appreciate his help. The Wood Dragon is especially respected by his superiors for his high professionalism.

He shows his best qualities towards women, tries to be polite and helpful. The Wood Dragon is a prominent man and enjoys success with the opposite sex. It doesn’t take him long to achieve reciprocity; women themselves throw themselves at his neck. Although upon closer acquaintance it may turn out that this is a rather demanding partner, he is not so easy to please. In family life, he sometimes gives vent to his feelings and begins to act up over trifles. However, such behavior is just a desire to attract attention. The Wood Dragon is a good husband and a wonderful father, a true friend and protector. He devotes a lot of time to raising children and is intensely involved in their development.

Wooden Dragon Woman

In the life of Wood Dragons, everything happens: ups and downs, successes and failures. However, women of this sign steadfastly accept any news and never lose their presence of mind. They try to overcome obstacles, do not give up, and fate rewards them for their courage and perseverance. Wood Dragon women are lucky, they get out of difficult situations easily and quickly. They can make talented managers or entrepreneurs, they do business so successfully. Although these are creatively gifted people, they can succeed as designers and actresses. They are especially good at raising and teaching children. In any task they show ingenuity and restraint, therefore they enjoy the honor and respect of their colleagues.

Wooden Dragon is a tactful and well-mannered woman. It is impossible to catch her in a bad mood, she controls her feelings and emotions so well. At the same time, a rather temperamental person can reveal unexpected sides in a love relationship. A woman of this sign is aware of her merits and knows her worth. Therefore, she will not date an ill-mannered, poor man. Looking for an equal partner with whom there is something to talk about. The financial component plays an important role; he will not live in uncomfortable conditions. The Wooden Dragon is a thrifty woman who loves to cleanliness and order. He is not a big spender, but he won’t skimp on the essentials either.