Dana Borisova latest about her. Dana Borisova: biography, personal life, latest news

Dana was born into the family of a policeman and a nurse in the city of Mozyr in Belarus, but did not live there for even a year. Soon after her birth, her parents decided to move to Norilsk. The icy northern city did not greet the girl cordially.

The fact is that Dana often had to be left alone. The parents disappeared at work, and the eldest daughter soon had to pay a lot of attention to her little sister Ksyusha - she was born three years after the move.

Dana didn’t make any friends at school. A modest and delicate girl with frightened eyes did not arouse interest among her peers.

In addition, the girl was interested in study, to which she devoted a lot of time and attention, and in music school. Dana was a typical excellent student.

But the girl was drawn to learn everything new, to try herself in different guises. Therefore, having one day seen an advertisement for the recruitment of presenters for the local State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, she decided to try - what if? Hand on heart, Dana didn’t really believe that a 16-year-old schoolgirl would be taken seriously by a reputable television company.

She was both happy and surprised when, after a complex multi-stage casting, in which more than a dozen girls participated, she managed to get this position. A beautiful girl with a leisurely, pleasant voice was first hired as the host of a youth program, then they added the work of an announcer. And finally, they entrusted a kind and touching program in which local residents congratulated their loved ones on the holidays.


After working for a year on television, the girl no longer doubted that she would be able to enter the journalism department, so after school she went to Moscow. An excellent student with experience working at State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company easily entered Moscow State University. The TV presenter does not hide: she was not sure that she wanted to become a journalist. But getting into one of the main universities in the country is the real dream of a girl from Norilsk.

However, studying at the capital's university was not as easy as at school. In Norilsk, the girl easily combined classes with work. Here, studying full-time and working on television at the same time was not easy. But Dana tried not to give up either her career or her studies.

Her first and immediately successful work on television was an entertainment program for conscripts, “Army Store.” The intelligent blonde in revealing outfits worked so subtly and witty that “The Store” soon became one of the highest-rated projects on TV.

Dana went to film reports in military units and even visited Chechnya several times - and this was during the period of hostilities in this territory! She quickly began to be recognized on the street and was literally bombarded with letters of declarations of love.

And, it would seem, the girl can be congratulated: as soon as she arrived in Moscow, she became a real star. But that was not the case. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, Borisova did not immediately become a socialite, able to afford her own apartment and travel by private transport.


After entering the university, the girl rented a room in Vnukovo, from where she traveled “only” 40 minutes to her place of study and work. And two years later her parents moved from the northern latitudes to Sergiev Posad. To save money, Dana began to live in her parents’ new apartment.

The TV presenter says that the journey now took a total of six hours. In order not to be late, we had to get up in the dark and return late in the evening. Tired and always dozing in the carriage, the girl was often robbed.

The difficult period continued with another trauma: her parents decided to divorce for the second time. For the first time, the girl experienced a breakup between her mother and father at the age of 14. But then, having lived separately, missed each other and forgiven the insults, the parents got back together and got married. And now their break was final.

Later, Dana admits that she was angry with her father for a long time, but, left with little Polina, who was barely 8 months old, she thought - why not invite dad? You can't refuse male support. And only then I realized that he still loves his daughters, and even masterfully manages the baby! But this was in the mid-2000s, and while the 90s were going on...


At some point, Dana had to choose between work, which was becoming more and more, and study. As a result, she never graduated from Moscow State University. But his career was going uphill. Having recognized the TV presenter as one of the most beautiful girls on television, the famous Playboy invited her to star in an erotic photo shoot.

She was the first TV personality to agree to be naked for a men's magazine. The blonde's photo shoot caused a stir, gossip, an internal investigation by the Ministry of Defense and dismissal.

Time has passed. In 1997, the girl was reinstated at work and - paradox! — they even presented me with a certificate from the Ministry of Defense. For his contribution to the patriotic education of the country's young population. But she didn’t stay long on the military TV show.

At the beginning of the 2000s, despite the fact that she was no longer on the air, Dana enjoyed wild popularity on the RuNet. According to polls, she was recognized as the most popular woman in the Russian segment of the Internet.


The media could not ignore this fact. The popular beauty was invited to the show “The Last Hero 3”. The TV presenter admits that life on a desert island was too hard for her. She was one of the first to leave the project and never regretted it.

But Dana’s appearance in reality again raised her already considerable ratings. TV channel producers remembered the blonde. Soon she began to accept invitations to host one program or another.

First, she became the co-host of “City of Cougars” on Channel One, and in 2005, along with some image changes, she appeared on NTV in “The Domino Principle.” There, the viewer, accustomed to the light and sweet Dana, saw another woman in her.

Cooler, more demanding and intellectual. The format of the program required this, and this is how Borisova now felt.

She remained on the channel even after the show closed. Now the friendly beauty opened the morning broadcast of NTV every day. She will work as a TV presenter for another two years.


Looking into the blue eyes of the charming blonde, it’s hard to call her vicious. However, gossipers often surround Dana’s name with rumors about her debauchery or alcoholism. Dana even wrote down an appeal on Instagram asking her not to bother her with gossip, but that was not the case.

A woman remains in demand among the stronger sex and is still just as naive and defenseless, demanding love and attention and ready to give female affection and warmth in return.

The girl’s first serious hobby was businessman Maxim Aksenov, whom Dana met in 2005. Having met him for some time, she became convinced that this man was created just for her. The girl called him the man of her dreams and pretty soon agreed to move in with her beloved. Two years later, the common-law spouses had a joint daughter, Polina.

At first, Maxim’s kind and patient wife was a real goddess. But it’s not easy for a girl to remain an inaccessible cold beauty in life - she wants comfort and warmth, soft slippers and a break from Olympus. And when a woman ceases to be a goddess, a man changes his attitude.


In one of her interviews, Borisova will say that she can endure a lot, but there is a limit to everything. There also came a point in her relationship with Maxim when she decided to separate.

The man did not provide for little Polina. Only through the court was Dana able to get his attention for her daughter. However, the couple later managed to make peace.

Severe depression from endless problems did not have the best effect on the blonde beauty. He gained a lot of weight and, according to rumors, began to drink. She was able to pull herself together only for the sake of the child.

A new beautiful and athletic body, a change of wardrobe and an even stronger personality of Dana provoked a number of new proposals. First, she sorted out professional issues and became the host of a morning program on the RBC TV channel, then a new husband appeared in her life - Andrei Tereshchenko.

Tough 2016

In 2015, they went to the registry office without wedding suits - they simply signed their names and became husband and wife. A celebration with friends and gifts was held only two months later. The TV presenter claims that at that time the lovers had already lived together for three years.

But the marriage lasted only 8 months. The couple filed for divorce.

Soon Dana began to appear in society with her old friend, hockey player Alexander Morozov. But this romance quickly came to an end. A jealous former boyfriend sent the man an intimate video with Dana, convincing Alexander that it was made when he was already dating the TV presenter.

Denis Kozlovich, a participant in the Dom-2 show, turned out to be a vengeful “unknown”. Borisova denies any connection with him, and her daughter confirms that her mother did not go anywhere during this period.

The TV star’s troubles did not end with this incident. At the end of 2016, Polina’s dad took her to visit and “forgot” to tell Borisova where he had taken the child. Later, Dana, who did not understand anything, began to call “his people” demanding that she abandon her daughter in favor of her father. Only with the help of the police did Borisova manage to find Polina and bring her back.

Now she hopes that the misadventures are over, she works for her own pleasure and devotes a lot of time to her daughter.


Dana Borisova is a TV presenter who became famous in the 90s thanks to the program “Army Store,” an actress, and the author of a book about helping people addicted to alcohol and drugs, which is scheduled for release in the spring of 2020. A regular participant in popular talk shows, in which she talks about the most unpleasant details about her life.

The scandals surrounding the odious blonde either subside or flare up again. In one of these shows, she admitted that she has problems with illegal substances, but wants to cope with the addiction. She calls herself “Lady Perfection,” despite all life’s ups and downs and trials.

Childhood and youth: Mozyr – Norilsk – Moscow

When in the summer of 1976 a daughter was born into the Borisov family from the Belarusian Mozyr, consisting of police officer Alexander and ambulance paramedic Ekaterina, she was named with the rare name “Dana”. A few months after the birth of their first child, the family decided to move to Norilsk, where their second daughter, Ksenia, was born. Subsequently, Dana Borisova's younger sister became a flight attendant.

Years later, Dana’s parents divorced, her father had a new wife, and Dana had a half-sister, Valeria, 23 years younger than the TV presenter. She practically does not communicate with Ksenia and Valeria.

From early childhood, Dana spent most of her time at home. Because of the cold weather, she was not allowed to play outside with other children. She stayed with her younger sister, and while her parents worked all day long, she fed her the sweets that her dad constantly brought, feeling guilty for rarely communicating with his girls.

The angular and thin girl did not know how to establish relationships with her peers, who considered her a boring nerd and teased her as a “badger.” Nevertheless, they actively copied her homework, and the most notorious poor students were assigned to Borisova’s team leader. She was required to “pull up” her academic performance. As Dana said in one of her interviews:

Until about the age of fourteen, I was not at all successful with boys. They often assigned all sorts of lagging students to me... for several months I even replaced the chairman of the school’s squad council. In general, she was such an excellent student activist and did not have feminine attractiveness.

Parents, trying to make amends for the fact that they pay little attention to their daughters, constantly assigned them to a variety of clubs, and Dana was also enrolled in a music school. A responsible and diligent girl, she diligently learned scales and studied solfeggio lessons for two hours a day. She wanted to become a great pianist, until one day the girl saw an advertisement that the Norilsk television and radio company was conducting an experimental enrollment in a television journalism class.

She dared to go through a competitive selection and in her senior year became the host of the Norilsk youth program “Zebra”, and also hosted the radio program “Congratulations”. Soon the girl was entrusted with the position of announcer on television.

Borisova was captivated by the work, and after graduating from school with a silver medal, she went straight to the admissions committee of the Moscow State University Faculty of Journalism and successfully passed the entrance exams.

"Army Store"

Dana never graduated from University. The thing was that already in her first year, Borisova, having won the selection for the vacancy of a TV presenter, became the face of the new TV show “Army Store”. The show that replaced the program “Serving the Soviet Union!” was created under the control of the Russian Ministry of Defense and was supposed to cover the activities of the Russian military from a positive point of view.

Missing classes and ultimately failing exams left the girl with a choice: study or work. Dana chose the job and was the permanent host of the “Army Store” for 10 years: from 1993 to 2002. The rating of the program, thanks to the attractive blonde, went off scale. Almost all the soldiers who served in the Russian army were in love with the thin, seductive blonde. The girl joked that when she came to the units, the privates were shy and embarrassed when they saw her, so she flirted with the junior officers. Letters to the editor addressed to Dana Borisova were brought in bags.

“Army Store” with Dana Borisova (1998)

But the TV presenter herself later in an interview called this time difficult for her. The family moved to Sergiev Posad, she had to travel three hours to work by train, where she was robbed several times. In addition, the parents separated, the mother came to visit her daughter in Moscow, and the father left for his homeland in Belarus. During filming, Dana often went on business trips to military units, border outposts, and visited aircraft carriers.

Many years later, the TV presenter will reveal a big secret: she had no idea that she was going to the casting of a program for the military. She was told that the program was musical and related to show business. But when they called and said that it was approved, it was stupid to refuse; they promised a good salary. For three years, Borisova was the most popular blonde on television, but in 1997 an internal investigation followed, initiated by Defense Minister Igor Rodionov.

The reason for this attention from the Ministry of Defense was Borisova’s photo shoot for Playboy magazine. The Ministry of Defense was unhappy with the candid photographs. Dana left the Army Store, but soon fans saw their favorite TV presenter on the TV screen again - without her, the ratings began to fall.

To level out the unpleasant aftertaste, the girl was awarded a certificate “For success in patriotic propaganda.” But she no longer wanted to remain the host of the program for the military and left completely, soon to conquer the still young and unspoiled Russian-language Internet, where she was declared the most popular girl of 2002.

Further career

From this moment on, Borisova’s television career resembles a sine wave. In 2003, television viewers saw her in the reality show “The Last Hero-3,” which turned into Danya’s benefit performance, especially after her main competitor Elena Kondulainen was eliminated in the first episode.

Dana Borisova in "The Last Hero"

In the second episode, Dana threw a scandal when she met representatives of the neighboring tribe - Chris Kelmi and Alexander Pashutin. The audience was outraged that a girl, little known outside the Army Store, was being rude to established and respected artists. The cameramen tried to catch the girl’s delicious butt through the lens. Borisova was remembered and never forgotten.

Dana reinforced the effect of the second episode by filming without clothes in the third episode. On the other side of the lens stood Vladimir Presnyakov. “He persuaded me for a long time. I categorically disagreed: there are a lot of unfamiliar men around. More precisely, only four, but at least two looked at me with loving eyes,” Borisova flirted.

The fourth episode of “The Last Hero” was Dana’s last. At the two-tribe rowing competition, she sat idly by, despite the protests of her teammates, trying to get the best shot possible. For inaction, she was kicked out of the tribe, but Borisova achieved her goal. In terms of the number of requests on the Internet, her name has overtaken more famous reality participants, including Vladimir Presnyakov and Elena Proklova.

Dana Borisova on the morning show

After leaving the project, in the more familiar conditions of the metropolis, Dana became one of the hosts of the new program “City of Cougars.” Then Borisova replaced Elena Starostina, the partner of the permanent presenter Elena Khanga on the NTV channel's "Domino Principle" show. After ten years at First, Borisova received an invitation personally from NTV general producer Alexander Levin.

My parting with Channel One was amicable. As I understand it, they let me go to work on a project that interests me. I’m interested in “The Domino Principle”, Elena Hanga is pretty. I want to work and develop, so I agreed. Besides, I am not the kind of person that people usually imagine me to be. I'm tired of talking about the "blonde" image.

Dana's style has changed, becoming tougher and more confident, as required by the project. But the creative staff of the channel were shocked by the producer’s choice of a co-host for the “program for housewives,” believing that Borisov was more interested in a male audience than in traditional TV viewers of a “dinner” talk show. Be that as it may, for almost a year before the program was completely closed, Dana and Elena regularly appeared in the studio. The experience gained on the project was useful to Borisova when she was entrusted with opening the daily broadcast “This Morning” on NTV. She worked in this program until 2008.

Then the TV presenter disappeared from TV screens for almost four years, except for her appearance on the Ukrainian STS in 2010 as a jury member in the “Battle of Psychics.” In the fall of 2012, Borisova began working as a presenter again, but this time on “Business Morning” on the RBC channel, where she stayed for about a year.

Dana Borisova in the “Battle of Psychics”

At the beginning of 2016, Dana announced that she had decided to change her profession and was working as a PR manager in an elite cosmetology clinic in Moscow. But very soon the Russians learned the real reason for her disappearance.

Addiction, “Let them talk”, treatment

In the spring of 2017, the program “Let Them Talk” was aired, in which Dana’s mother, Ekaterina Borisova, publicly stated that her daughter needed urgent help. Dana’s daughter Polina called her grandmother and told her that her mother was behaving strangely, that there were bags of powder, straws and cards scattered around the house, and that it was not her mother who was picking up the girl from school, but her stylist.

It turned out that the beauty and pride of the “Army Store” became dependent on illegal drugs. The woman claimed that even earlier, for several years, she had been treating Dana for alcohol addiction, and when she found out that she was “swallowing pills,” she decided to seek help from Andrei Malakhov’s program.

The TV presenter understood the seriousness of the problem and encouraged Borisova to go to the Samui rehabilitation and health center in Thailand. He cunningly convinced Dana to go to Thailand, promising her a job as a presenter on a new reality show. She herself did not recognize the problem and did not agree to call herself an addict.

The course of treatment lasted several months. Evgeny Osin and Chris Kelmi, who were trying to get rid of alcoholism, became Borisova’s neighbors. Both are no longer alive. The first steps were not easy for Dana. She smuggled drugs into Thailand, despite the fact that the country has the death penalty for such crimes. Upon arrival, the substances were confiscated, and she was deprived of the Internet and mobile communications. For the first few days, Borisova couldn’t eat and fell into depression, but by the morning of the fourth day things were looking up.

Dana Borisova is recovering

While she was undergoing treatment, information spread in the Russian media that her parental rights were limited. Upon returning to Russia, the first thing Dana did was try to improve her relationship with her daughter, and also decided that she was obliged to provide all possible help to other dependent people.

Returning from rehabilitation, Borisova starred in films for the second time. Her first try was a role in Valery Nikolaev’s directorial debut “Bear Hunt,” which was released in 2007. In the joint Russian-American film “Maximum Impact,” Dana played the administrator of a hotel where FSB and CIA agents arrive to conduct a joint operation to once again save the world.

Personal life of Dana Borisova

At the beginning of her career, the blond beauty began an affair with the popular singer Danko. Dana starred in his very frank video for the song “Let”. Neither she nor the performer himself was embarrassed by the fact that he had an official girlfriend. The union of the TV presenter and the brutal singer broke up when his “legitimate” girlfriend gave birth to a child.

In 2005, Borisova began dating businessman Maxim Aksenov, who at that time held a serious position in an oil company. After some time, the TV presenter moved with him to a luxurious apartment in the center of Moscow, and in the summer of 2007 she gave birth to a daughter, whom they named Polina.

Less than a year after the birth of the girl, Dana and Maxim separated. At that moment, the young woman was overcome by a long-term depression, during which she began to seek solace in alcohol. The common-law husband practically did not visit his daughter and did not give money for her maintenance. Having gathered her strength, in 2009 Borisova went to court, which she won. According to the TV presenter, Aksenov then offered her a large sum so that she would give up her daughter and give the girl to him. Dana, of course, refused.

Amid all the troubles in her personal life, Borisova became a participant in the talk show “Let’s Get Married,” where she chose German businessman Alexei Pankov as her prospective husband. The TV presenter was not embarrassed at that time by the fact that her chosen one was in the process of divorce and division of property; she wanted to get to know him better.

A close acquaintance turned into mutual accusations: the TV presenter claimed that Pankov borrowed 300 thousand dollars from her and did not return it, and Alexey, in turn, called her a mercantile lady and allegedly even threatened Dana with physical harm.

In 2015, Borisova officially married for the first time - to Andrei Troshchenko, a businessman originally from Lugansk. Before the wedding, they dated for three years. The couple came to the registry office without wedding dresses, and the festive ceremony took place only two months later.

They didn't live together for even a year. The parting was not pleasant: while Dana and her daughter were vacationing in the Maldives, Andrei left home, and with his departure two cars belonging to Borisova disappeared. The TV star filed a statement with the police, and then took it back, explaining that it was a reaction to her husband’s SMS:

...during my vacation with my daughter in the Maldives Andrey<...>sent me a message that he would no longer live with me. As for the cars, they are all in place now. I can honestly say that the decision to break up with my husband brought me relief. There will be no way back to reconciliation on my part<...>I got married, I don’t want to go there anymore.

After the divorce was finalized, the TV presenter began to appear in public with her new boyfriend, hockey player Alexander Morozov. The romance broke out in the summer of 2016, and by the fall a real bonfire of passions flared up: the boyfriend accused Dana of infidelity. The scandal was provoked by the ex-participant of the show “Dom-2” Denis Kozlovich, who allegedly sent Morozov an intimate video of himself and Borisova, and then told the yellow press that the presenter spent three days with him, not remembering his daughter at all. Accusations rained down on Dana, despite the fact that little Polina stated on camera that her mother was always with her and never left.

Dana Borisova now

In the spring of 2019, Borisova celebrated two years of a new, sober life in the company of her daughter Polina and her friends. And soon she announced on Instagram that she had passed an interview and got a permanent job as a presenter. After that, Dana visited Kyiv to film the fourth season of “Tomboys,” a reality show on the “Friday!” TV channel, in which rude and completely unfeminine girls are turned into elegant, well-mannered ladies.

The most difficult thing in life for Borisova is her relationship with her daughter, who every now and then published provocative posts on Instagram about her mother’s “cunning and inadequacy” and that “she left home after packing her things.” Dana urged subscribers not to believe the girl who was offended by her mother - for educational purposes, the TV presenter forbade the girl to use the Internet at home, and also cut the amount of pocket expenses from a thousand rubles to two hundred a day. Polina, according to her, ran away to her grandfather after she hit her mother “from the foot to the sternum.” After some time, mother and daughter made peace.

But in December 2019, a new public scandal broke out: the girl announced that her mother “had old and new problems.” Polina once again ran to her father, taking with her Michelle, Dana’s beloved dog, worried that the dog would be poisoned by “mother’s pills” lying on the floor. The woman was especially offended by this circumstance. She sees the reason in jealousy on the part of her daughter, and believes that the relationship became tense due to the fact that she herself was totally busy writing a book about her life, part of which was written down in a notebook, which her daughter first filled with water and then threw away completely. and then she cut up Dana’s very expensive blouse.

Borisova believes that the book is sincere and good, about how to cope with drug addiction, how to accept outside help and much more. And Polina’s action, as well as the fact that her ex-husband called the police to her house and accused her of losing her temper again and not taking care of her daughter, brought her to tears. Information immediately appeared in the media that an ambulance came to Borisova to help her cope with withdrawal symptoms. Dana responded in her own style:

I was so tired of the nonsense about myself that I called the emergency room at night. Consequences of drug withdrawal, etc. In short, with the doctor we go to the center to donate urine, venous blood and a super test for the hair on the head, which shows drug use! I won’t remain silent, like Natalya Bochkareva. I passed the tests and I’m calm.

Borisova did just that, subsequently publishing the result of the absence of prohibited substances in the blood. And she went to Thailand to celebrate 2020 with her friends and prepare to sign a multimillion-dollar contract. From there, Dana broadcast her cheerful mood, shared with subscribers that she had a thread lift and bought a skirt and cool gifts for her daughter.

Returning to Moscow, Borisova happily announced that the book, because of which she again had to go through problems with Polina, had been sent for proofreading and a “very dramatic cover” had been approved for it. Andrei Malakhov even offered to write a foreword for it, and two chapters in the book were written by her mother and doctor. The publication is scheduled for release in March. In addition, Dana has made peace with her daughter and is trying to spend as much time as possible with both her and her beloved Spitz.

After several months of living in Thailand, where Dana Borisova, who abused illegal drugs and alcohol, underwent rehabilitation, the TV presenter returned to Moscow. She lives in a two-room apartment, which Andrei Malakhov kindly rented for her.


Dana explained that she did not want to return to the apartment or things because they reminded her of her old life of addiction. “I changed my apartment, and put all my things out of use. I hate them! I gave everything away, took one unfortunate frying pan and one cup. I use this. But I didn’t take anything from that apartment and that life, so it’s completely natural that I have nothing to wear,” she told reporters of the program “You Won’t Believe It!” TV presenter.

At the same time, Borisova admitted that her financial situation leaves much to be desired. “Yes, I’m in poverty and without a salary now. At 41 years old...” Dana said. In order to rectify the situation, Borisova put up for sale the most expensive thing she has - an apartment in an elite residential complex.

The blonde praised her previous place of residence: “I want about 30 million for an apartment, but I’ll give it for 25 million. The stars live there - you’ll just rock! Elena Vorobey, the Presnyakovs with the whole family. Timati lives above me, Garik Martirosyan - in the tenth section, Yulia Nachalova - in the eighth. Zoo, swimming pool, forest river, lake, swans, llamas, Tajik sheep. Take the apartment - you won’t regret it!

Dana Borisova is an actress, journalist and TV presenter. A blonde star of the Russian media sphere, who destroys existing stereotypes about blondes. Sparkling and bright Dana did not cease to attract the attention of the press, even when she began to appear less in public.

Dana owes her success not only to her attractive appearance, but also to her determination and ability to overcome life’s troubles, reacting to problems with irony and a smile. The biography of Dana Borisova is the story of a bright and courageous personality, whose life is far from being like a fairy tale.

Dana Aleksandrovna Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in the small Belarusian Mozyr, but does not remember her hometown - when the girl was only a few months old, the family moved to Norilsk. The girl owes her self-discipline and strictness to herself to her parents. Alexander Borisov, Dana's father, served in the police. Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova, the mother of the future TV star, worked as a nurse.

As a child, the girl often had to stay at home alone, because her parents were constantly working and her relationships with her peers did not go well. Being thin and inconspicuous, the boys did not like Dana, and her peers could not forgive her activities in clubs and sections, as well as good grades in all subjects. Dana was partial to music and played the piano.

My younger sister, who was born 3 years after the Borisovs moved to Norilsk, became an outlet for solitude. Dana recalled more than once that she read books to her sister and always shared the candies that her father brought, feeling guilty for not spending enough time with the children.

As a teenager, Dana Borisova once saw an advertisement for enrollment in a television journalism class, which was organized by the Norilsk television and radio company. “What if?”, Dana decided and went to try her hand. Borisova herself was surprised when she managed to pass the strictest competitive selection. The girl did not have a very high opinion of her abilities, so the results of the selection were pleasantly surprising. This is how Borisova’s career in journalism began.

Projects and popularity

Dana first appeared on television at a young age - at 16 years old. Borisova liked the media sphere. While studying in high school, Dana hosted a program for young people called “Zebra” and established herself as an announcer on the Norilsk TV channel. Later, Dana became the host of the TV show “Congratulations.” Convinced of her own talent, the girl decided to try her luck in the capital and immediately after graduating from school she moved to Moscow.

Dana Borisova in the TV show "Army Store"

Since 1993, Dana Borisova studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But, unlike admission, the student could not call her studies there successful due to absences caused by filming in a TV show for conscripts called “Army Store”, where the girl ended up at the same time, in 1993. Of course, combining study and the job was not easy, and Dana preferred career growth.

After the “Army Store” program, the media started talking about the bright blonde. This is where Borisova’s success as a TV presenter began. Even in her youth, the girl began to be recognized on the streets of the city, and among the soldiers for whom the program was intended, Dana became an idol - every day the TV presenter received a lot of letters with declarations of love.

And although such a life looked wonderful and problem-free, Dana had a different opinion: for her this period turned out to be difficult. The star’s family just moved to Sergiev Posad. Therefore, after filming, the girl ran to the last train, where she repeatedly became a victim of theft. And not all was well in the family - the parents separated, the TV presenter’s mother moved to Moscow, and her father moved to Belarus.

The actress’s personal life was not easy, but her career, on the contrary, was in for a meteoric rise. In 1996, Borisova did something that none of the TV presenters of the former Soviet Union had dared to do before her - she appeared almost naked in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. This led to an official investigation, but every cloud has a silver lining - the girl’s popularity flared up even brighter. Dana left the Army Store in 1997, but later returned to the TV show.

In 2002, Dana was recognized as the most popular girl on the Runet, thanks to which the blonde was invited to the reality show “The Last Hero 3: Staying Alive.” This show clearly demonstrated to the tender blonde that the harsh life on a desert island is not for her. After leaving the show, the girl came to another television program - she became one of the hosts of the “City of Cougars” program. This work somewhat changed Dana’s usual role, and already in the TV show “The Domino Principle” the blonde appeared before the audience in a new image - now Borisova became colder and sharper, which corresponded to the format of this program.

Dana Borisova in the program "Domino Principle"

Then Dana Alexandrovna began to try herself as an actress. The film “Bear Hunt,” however, became Borisova’s only acting work.

Until 2012, Borisova disappeared from the screens, and then there was a triumphant return - the TV presenter appeared in the popular Ukrainian TV show “Battle of Psychics”, and then in the Channel One show “Vyshka”. In 2014, on the Perets Borisova channel, she began hosting the TV show “Machine” together with. These programs eventually became popular.

In 2014, Dana Borisova and the singer attended the TV show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The celebrities managed to answer the TV presenter's questions, winning 800,000 thousand rubles.

Drug addiction

In April 2017, a scandal broke out in Dana’s life again. On the air of the “Let Them Talk” program, Dana Borisova’s mother said that her daughter is a drug addict. The woman publicly reported her star daughter’s drug addiction, asking the studio for help. Ekaterina Borisova decided to take this step because, according to her, Dana had reached a dead end.

Ekaterina Ivanovna stated that Dana’s moral and physical condition causes concern among her family and friends. The woman said that she personally saw narcotic substances in her daughter’s house, although the TV star had previously undergone treatment in a special clinic. The fact that Dana has a severe addiction to illegal drugs was confirmed by some of the TV presenter’s friends.

According to Ekaterina Ivanovna, her daughter could have been hooked on drugs by her producer Tim Brik, who died of a heart attack in February 2016. Such assumptions will come soon. Dana Borisova herself denied the existence of a problem, refused to communicate with her mother, declaring that she was an absolutely healthy person.

Having learned about the celebrity’s drug addiction, Andrei Malakhov promised to influence the situation and turned to Dana right in the studio, asking her forgiveness for the fact that he could not do otherwise - the TV presenter insisted on compulsory treatment for Dana Borisova.

In the second part of the program, which came out a little later, the studio tried to find out about Dana’s health. It turned out that the celebrity was undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand, on the island of Koh Samui. Also in the studio appeared stylist Ray Samedov, whom Borisova’s mother called the main culprit of Dana’s drug addiction.

Personal life

The TV presenter was credited with many novels. It is known that Dana lived with the singer for several months. Borisova herself told reporters about this novel. Dana knew that the musician had a girlfriend who was pregnant with Danko’s child, but preferred not to think about it. The relationship broke up when the singer became a happy father and returned to his family.

In 2005, Dana Borisova met a businessman who became the common-law husband of a TV star. After some time, the couple began to live together in Maxim’s apartment, which is located in the center of Moscow. In August 2007, Borisova and Aksenov had a daughter, Polina, and less than a year later, Maxim left the family.

Then followed a difficult period for Dana Borisova, depression set in. Former lovers resolved financial issues through the courts. However, subsequently Dana and Maxim established friendly relations.

After this unpleasant period, Borisova began to actively take care of herself and lost weight. The girl did not hesitate to say that she had a good attitude towards plastic surgery, which led to new rumors about a possible facelift, as well as attempts by fans to analyze photographs before and after plastic surgery, which may never have happened.

Soon the TV presenter’s personal life improved again, and the celebrity got married to Andrei Troshchenko, her new lover. According to Dana, at that time they had known each other for 3 years, lived together, and their relationship was just great. Dana got married on June 22, 2015. The actress and her future husband simply came to the registry office without beautiful suits and guests and formalized their relationship. The ceremony took place only 2 months after this.

Journalists and fans liked the couple; the press began vying with each other to write that Dana had given birth to a second child. But neither a new addition to the family nor a strong union happened. 8 months after the wedding, it became known that Dana had filed for marriage, although, as journalists later found out, Andrei himself made the decision to leave.

Soon after the divorce, Dana Borisova went out with a new boyfriend. The hockey player became the chosen one of the TV presenter. The affair began in June 2016, but by the fall of that year it turned into a scandal. According to press reports, Dana was invited to the USA to film, but Alexander was against it, forcing him to choose between him and his career. And Dana Borisova chose the second.

There is another version of the star quarrel. In one of the TV shows, the hockey player claimed that he left Dana because of her infidelity. An unknown person, introducing himself as Borisova’s lover, sent Alexander an intimate video with a girl. Later, the “unknown person” turned out to be Denis Kozlovich, a former participant in the show “House 2,” who told reporters that Borisova lived with him for several days, forgetting about her own child.

Borisova denied having a relationship with Kozlovich, and her little daughter said on camera that her mother did not go anywhere and did not leave the girl alone, but the TV presenter was still bombarded with accusations of treason and irresponsibility. Detractors stated that the TV presenter often appears drunk in public because she suffers from alcoholism. In response to the bullying, Dana recorded a video, which she posted on Instagram, asking him to leave her alone.

In parallel with one scandal, another erupted. According to media reports, Borisova’s email was hacked by hackers, and photos of the TV presenter posing topless were posted online. Slander and threats crippled the celebrity from all sides; Dana began to fear for her life and the life of her daughter and even left a suicide note on social networks.

But the TV presenter’s misfortunes did not end there. As journalists found out, Polina went on holiday with her dad during the New Year holidays and disappeared. Dana tried to contact her ex-husband to no avail, and later received a message from him that her daughter liked living with her father and the child would not return to the woman. In January 2017, Borisova was able to return her daughter with the help of the police.

Dana Borisova now

In April 2016, the press was informed that the car driven by Dana Borisova was in the north-west of Moscow. According to the publication L!FE! , the TV presenter’s car was cut off by a BMW at the intersection of Halabyan and Sorge streets. No one was injured as a result of the road incident. Law enforcement officials soon began to establish the circumstances of the accident.

In 2017, information appeared in the Russian media that Dana Borisova was deprived of parental rights. The daughter of a TV presenter has been living with her father in Moscow for a long time.

Borisova confirmed that the court announced the deprivation of her parental rights, while she cannot return to Russia, fearing to lose the progress made in treatment. Now the star will be able to see her daughter only in the presence of her father for an hour.

“I think this decision is unfair. I will not interrupt my recovery. I want to recover myself and help other addicted people,” Borisova noted.

In June 2017, Dana Borisova announced on Instagram that she would interrupt treatment in Thailand for one day. Soon the girl published a photo from a Moscow hotel, confirming her stay in Russia.

“I’m happy that my example inspires millions of people who are now “in trouble,” and that I can simply tell you what a powerful thing rehabilitation is. All the details will be in the next issue of “Let Them Talk,” Borisova said on Instagram.

Having visited the “Let Them Talk” program, Dana talked about her experiences and the progress of treatment, shared her plans for the future, saying that everything has changed for the better. Borisova noted that she has already recovered and will never use drugs again. According to the TV presenter, she plans to open her own rehabilitation center to help people who not only suffer from drug addiction, but also find themselves in difficult life situations.

TV projects

  • Army store
  • The Last Hero 3: Stay Alive
  • City of Women
  • The Last Hero 5: Super Game
  • Domino principle
  • This morning
  • Business morning

Dana Borisova is a well-known personality both in Russia and in other Russian-speaking countries. Many people know her as an actress, model, journalist and TV presenter. She confidently destroys all the stereotypes that relate to blondes. Bright, standing out from the crowd, Dana immediately became a favorite of directors and the public.

Borisova owes her success not only to her attractive appearance. Many can envy her determination, steadfastly withstanding the blows and “trips” of fate, reacting to everything with a smile and unshakable calm. Dana Borisova is a person with an interesting story and a rich biography.


Dana Alexandrovna Borisova was born June 13, 1976. Not in Russia, as many believe, but in the small town of Mozyr, which is located in Belarus. But she lived there for only a few months, then the whole family moved to Norilsk. Dana's father served in the police, and his mother was a nurse. It is to Alexander Borisov and Ekaterina Ivanovna that the current star is grateful for the instilled discipline and severity towards herself.

Her parents were away at work around the clock, so Dana often had to stay at home alone for a long time. She had few friends, and because of her thinness and inconspicuous appearance at that time, the girl was not particularly popular with the guys. In addition, she studied well at school and took part in various activities, attended clubs and sections. And as we all know, children do not like such “nerds.” From childhood, Diana showed an interest in music. She could play the piano for hours.

The only person who became close to Dana in childhood was her sister, who was born three years after the Borisovs moved to Norilsk. In her interviews, Dana says that she loved her very much, read fairy tales to the girl and happily shared the gifts that her father brought for them from work. The man couldn’t help but feel guilty for spending too little time with his children.

As a teenager, returning from school one day, Dana saw advertisement for enrollment in a television journalism class. The girl decided to try her luck and went to the casting. Imagine her surprise when she beat all her competitors and passed a very tough selection. Dana herself always had a low opinion of her abilities and suffered from low self-esteem. Therefore, I was pleasantly surprised when she was accepted for the course. At this moment, the star’s career as a journalist began.

Projects and popularity

Dana was shown on TV for the first time when she turned 16 years old. At that moment she was in high school and hosted a TV show "Zebra". She distinguished herself as a TV announcer in Norilsk. Then Dana became the host of the program "Congratulations". As soon as the girl was convinced that her talents as a television journalist had strengthened, she decided to try her luck in Moscow. As soon as the future star graduated from school, immediately moved to the capital.

Dana Borisova in the TV show “Army Store”

In 1993, Dana Borisova entered the Lomonosov Institute. She entered quite successfully, but the training itself “didn’t work out.” At that time, she was busy filming the “Army Store” program, so Dana appeared at lectures extremely rarely. Choosing between study and career, the girl chose the latter.

Filming the program made its presence felt. Dana became popular and was talked about in the media. She became successful as a TV presenter. Passers-by on the city streets began to recognize Dana and ask for autographs. But it began to enjoy the greatest popularity among soldier, for whom she hosted the program. Every day Borisova received hundreds of letters where young guys confessed their love to her.

Such a life for an aspiring TV star may seem cloudless, but it’s not at all like that. In her interviews, Dana says that these times were one of the most difficult in her life. At that time her family moved in Sergiev Posad. The girl had to rush headlong to the last train after filming in order to make it home in time. On public transport, she more than once became a victim of robbers. Not all was well in the family either. Parents separated over time Mom moved to Moscow, and dad returned to Belarus.

Dana Borisova - photo shoot in Playboy

Things weren’t going well on the “personal front,” but in my career, on the contrary, success followed success. IN 1996 year, Dana Borisova took a desperate step, which all TV presenters were afraid to take at that moment. She posed nude for a magazine Playboy. This act led to an official investigation, but it even benefited Dana. Her popularity flared up even brighter. She left the project "Army Store", but in 1997 again came back.

According to the vote in 2002, Dana Borisova became the most popular girl in Runet. Thanks to this, she was invited to appear in the show "The Last Hero 3". In this reality, the girl realized that living in wild conditions without the comfort and benefits of civilizations was not for her. After this filming, Dana begins working on the project "Cougar City". After him she goes into gear "The Domino Principle", in which she appeared in a new role. Dana became sharper and colder, as the format of the show required it.

Dana Borisova in the Domino Principle program

At the same time, Dana starred in her first film (it also became her last) "Bear Hunt".

Then until 2012, the TV presenter disappears from blue screens, and then triumphantly appears in the mega-popular Ukrainian television project "Battle of Psychics". Then there was the show "Tower" which he filmed Channel One.In 2014, paired with Viktor Loginov, who is known to everyone for his leading role in the series "Happy Together", starts transmitting "Car" on the TV channel "Pepper". All these programs have become popular and loved by TV viewers.

In 2014, Dana Borisova took part in the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?" along with Stanislav Kostyushkin. The stars managed to answer most of the presenter's questions Dmitry Dibrov, winning 800 thousand rubles

Drug addiction

In April 2017, another outbreak erupted around Dana Borisova. scandal. Her mother is on the show "Let them talk" stated that the star is addicted to drugs. According to Ekaterina Ivanovna, Dana has reached a dead end, so she publicly I asked Andrei Malakhov for help.

The woman said that she and her friends had repeatedly seen Dana in possession of various drugs. She suggested that her producer could have gotten her hooked on drugs. Tima Brik, who died of a heart attack in 2016. The star herself denied problems with drugs and refused to communicate with her mother.

Andrei Malakhov directly addressed Dana with a question about drug addiction on air, and also insisted on a course of compulsory treatment. In the next broadcast it became known that Dana is undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand Yes, and the culprit of the star’s addiction appeared in the studio - the stylist Ray Samedov.

Personal life

There are many rumors and gossip around Borisova’s heart. Some of them were confirmed, others were not.

The media managed to find out that the star had an affair with the singer Danko, which lasted about two months. At that time he had a girlfriend who was pregnant. As soon as Danko became a father, he immediately returned to the family.

The TV presenter was credited with many novels. It is known that Dana lived with singer Danko for several months. Borisova herself told reporters about this novel. Dana knew that the musician had a girlfriend who was pregnant with Danko’s child, but preferred not to think about it. The relationship broke down when the singer became a happy father and returned to his family.

In 2005, Dana met her future civilian husband - Maxim Aksenov. Two years later, in August, they daughter Polina was born. A year later the man left the family. For Dana, this ended in prolonged depression and litigation.

Then Borisova lost weight, took care of herself, and soon got married to Andrei Troshchenko. They got married on June 22, 2015, and held the celebration 2 months later.

Unfortunately, eight months later the press announced that Dana filed for divorce. Later it became known that Andrei himself did this.

The next fan of the star was the famous hockey player Alexander Morozov. The affair began in June, but already in the fall a huge scandal erupted. Dana was invited to America to film, but her boyfriend was against it. The girl chose a career, and the couple broke up.

There is another version of the separation. In one of his interviews, Morozov spoke about Dana's infidelity. Posing as the girl’s lover, the “unknown” gave the hockey player an intimate video. Later it turned out to be Dinis Kozlovich, show participant "House 2". He told reporters that Dana left her daughter alone at home and lived with him for several days at a time.

Borisova denied all this, as did her little daughter. At the same time, “evil tongues” said that they saw the star drunk in public several times. Dana Borisova denied this too, recording a video asking her to leave her alone. She posted it on her page in Instagram.

Then Borisova's email was hacked by hackers, and nude photos of TV presenter. Dana was so imbued with slander and attacks that she even left a suicide note on social networks.

The misfortunes did not end there. Dana let her daughter Polina go on holiday with her father for the New Year holidays. Then the girl is missing. The star tried in vain to contact her ex-husband, but soon received a text message from him saying that Polina no longer wanted to live with her mother and would not return. In January 2017 With the help of the court and the police, Borisova was able to get her daughter back.

Then in the same year information was leaked to the media that the star was deprived of parental rights, and Polina lives with her father. At the same time, the TV presenter was in Thailand for treatment for addiction. She didn't interrupt him.

In the summer of 2017, Dana Borisova attended a TV show "Let them talk", where she talked about her treatment for drug addiction and the emotions she experienced. She said she plans her future, sets goals and is ready to achieve them. There are no more addictions to alcohol or drugs in her life. Moreover, the star plans to open a rehabilitation center to help people who are in the same trouble.