Daughter of Eduard Khil. Son of Eduard Khil: there were many strange circumstances in the death of his father

Eduard Khil was a great friend of Komsomolskaya Pravda. We often called him for one reason or another and always heard a cheerful, cheerful voice on the phone. The artist lightened the mood with his jokes and jokes and told stories from his life. A little over two years ago he passed away. He did not live until his 78th birthday exactly three months.

There were many strange circumstances that came together in dad’s death, recalls his son Dmitry. - It’s not that dad foresaw or had a presentiment of something, nothing like that happened. I may be exaggerating, but my father did several things that were out of character for him.

Strange circumstance No. 1

Shortly before Eduard Khil's illness, he was invited to Baden-Baden in the company of several other Russian artists. After the wordless vocalization “Trololo” became popular all over the world, the singer was vying with everyone to invite him on tour. Khil categorically refused such offers - he avoided traveling on an airplane due to pressure changes harmful to his health. At the age of 75, a hypertensive crisis occurred. Doctors discovered a weak heart valve - a possible consequence of a hungry childhood. The artist refused the operation, but began to take the prescribed medication and canceled all flights, although the trips were very tempting, for example, to Tahiti. And he suddenly agreed to go to Baden-Baden. And the wife, who also opposed long-distance tours, supported her husband. They even bought a bow tie together for the performance.

Strange circumstance No. 2

Eduard Khil unexpectedly presented his wife with an antique lamp for her birthday. Son Dmitry said that his father had never made spontaneous purchases before. And then he gave me a gift, as if for the last time. Then he refused to take the very medicine prescribed by the doctor, which he should have taken for the rest of his life without interruption. Said, “I feel great.”

There were several more unusual actions that I don’t want to talk about,” says Dmitry Khil. - They line up in a certain logical chain.

It all ended with a severe stroke. The artist was bedridden, tied to IVs, unable to breathe on his own... He remained conscious, but did not speak. Sometimes the condition of such patients improves, but not in this case.

At some point, I very clearly felt that the point of no return had been passed,” the artist’s son admitted. - It’s hard to explain... Mom hoped until the last moment that he would open his eyes and say something.


Many said that after the vocalization “Trololo” became super popular, Eduard Khil did not spare himself. He worked from morning until late at night. Concerts, corporate events, interviews - not every young person can withstand such a pace. So I overworked myself, and as a result I had a stroke.

“This is complete nonsense,” son Dmitry is sure. - He worked and continued to work. He was always often invited to corporate events, and he chose.


“Everything is like with dad”

The artist’s son wrote a book about him.

There is already a park named after Eduard Khil in St. Petersburg. The singer loved to walk here. On the eightieth anniversary of his birth, a monument will be erected on the grave at the Smolensk cemetery: a heart with a portrait engraved on it. And his son Dmitry is preparing a book about his dad. It will include notes from Eduard Anatolyevich.

“Papa is the history of our country, our music, both Soviet and Russian,” says Dmitry. - His fame after “Trololo” reached worldwide proportions. But no amount of monuments, concerts, books or street names can bring a person back. Nothing has changed in our house, on purpose. We try to make everything as it was under dad.

Grandson Eduard Khil Jr. is very similar to his grandfather. On September 1, the guy started his senior year, is going to enter the conservatory, and is now studying at a music school. In any case, his life will be connected with music. Edik has a good voice and knows his grandfather's songs by heart. And in his easy, humorous attitude towards life, the young man is very reminiscent of Eduard Khil Sr.


Opposite us, in the courtyard, lived the once famous ballet artist and director of the Kirov Theater Mikhail Sergeevich Georgievsky with his wife Galina Dmitrievna. They were both already about seventy years old. But, despite his age, Georgievsky held on and looked very good. He was tall, lean, stately, and not some hunched old man.<...>

Dad always talked to him when they both walked the dogs. We had a big dog Gray, and Mikhail Sergeevich had a small dog Lisa.

Mikhail Sergeevich once, while walking, put a postcard in our mailbox with poems addressed to dad. These were lines that Georgievsky composed in passing. I’m holding this postcard in my hands now, it’s a kind of greeting from the distant 80s. This is what is written by the hand of M. I. Georgievsky:

When the leaves fall from the poplar -

The oval window of Gil is visible.

We live opposite. Then you'll see

Then I look lovingly and tenderly.

Of course, these are outdated words,

But still true from time to time...

There are good rumors about Khila -

They honor a good singer and person!

We should marry Gray and Lisa.

But this, alas, cannot be...

We probably need to remember the janitor Masha from the distant 80s. Masha was a small, short, village woman of some unknown age. She tied a colored scarf, put on her threadbare robe, quickly shuffled with a broom and picked up garbage into a huge iron dustpan. Masha lived on the first floor in the middle courtyard. She spoke funny, in a rustic way, but was kind in nature. Her duties included maintaining cleanliness not only in the yard, but also on our “back staircase”.

Why did I remember her? Because dad often stopped and talked to her on the street. He probably liked something so “folk” about her. And they both, each other - each in their own way - had fun in the conversation. And dad laughed heartily, and Masha smiled.

So, one day my dad met that same Masha with a broom at the ready in the yard on the eve of his “anniversary concert.” She said hello and asked:

And they often say that there will be such a lover? FAQ is this?

Dad tried to explain that this was a special concert - a round date, a performance where there would be many artists. And Masha answers him and says:

I didn’t understand... what it was! But I’ll wash the stairs for you twice!

Dad loved to tell this funny story about the janitor. He laughed kindly every time he imitated Masha.

Dad had another female friend in the first yard who constantly amused him. Her name was Klara Zinovievna. She was already old, slightly overweight, and her health was already, one might say, far from ideal<...>She spoke with a characteristic “Odessa” accent, always very loudly, one might say, “barking.” Perhaps there was something wrong with her hearing - I can’t say.

Once I witnessed an anecdotal situation. One day dad was walking through our yard, people were walking around. Klara Zinovievna saw him and shouted in her loud voice, so much so that even on Rubinstein Street it was probably heard:

Edinka! Come here quickly! I'll tell you a new political joke! Only you - be quiet! Don't tell anyone...

And Klara Zinovievna loudly began to tell some joke to the whole yard!

Political joke! Can you imagine? In Soviet times, when the pope was elected to the people's deputies - what kind of jokes on political topics are there! He didn’t know where to go - there were people all around, everyone was looking at him, and Klara Zinovievna, one might say, was “yelling” to the whole yard. Probably, involuntarily, dad remembered his relatives, who, for their humor and love of jokes on political topics, once went to build the White Sea-Baltic Canal named after Stalin. But everything worked out, after all, it was already the 80s.

We moved into this house when things were a little different here. In the central courtyard there was a fountain that worked in the summer. Boys and girls frolicked and ran around him. The yard provided space for children to play and ride a bicycle. No cars for you. In the summer, the yards were empty - all the cars were in the country. Except that in the last yard there was one car parked broken down, apparently some kind of Muscovite. Confirmation of my words can be seen in one of my dad’s video clips. This is the song “Country of Childhood” by Yakov Dubravin with lyrics by Igor Talkov, it was filmed in our yard in the early 80s...

The son of singer Eduard Khil told the site why he ended up in an orphanage as a child and how he lived his last days.

On June 4, 2012, People's Artist of Russia, opera and pop singer Eduard Anatolyevich Khil passed away. His famous hits “Winter”, “The Sailor Came Ashore”, “Lumberjacks” and many others sounded from almost every window. Not a single concert was complete without this artist. His voice, constant smile and easy performance could not be confused with anyone else. He sincerely worried about his fatherland, about the people, but tried to perceive all adversities with irony. the site talked to the singer’s son Dmitry Eduardovich and found out why his famous father ended up in an orphanage, how he survived the war and how he spent his last days...

Khil, according to official sources, was born on September 4, 1934 in Smolensk. However, according to his mother, he was born a year earlier. Mom Elena Pavlovna worked as an accountant. The father of the future singer Anatoly Vasilyevich was a mechanic.

“When dad was still very young, Elena Pavlovna separated from Anatoly Vasilyevich and got married a second time,” the son of the People’s Artist Dmitry Khil, who, like dad, became a musician, initiates us into the family nuances.

A difficult childhood hardened Eduard Anatolyevich. From an early age he learned what humanity is / family archive

Eduard Anatolyevich's childhood occurred during the Great Patriotic War.

– When the bombing of Smolensk began in the summer of 1941, kindergartens were evacuated very quickly. My father ended up in an orphanage in the village of Raevka near Ufa, where the wounded were brought. All the children from the orphanage came to the infirmaries and sang for them. Two years later, when the city of Smolensk was liberated from the German occupation, dad was found by his stepfather, and then his mother took him. When my grandmother saw him, she was stunned: he was so thin that he couldn’t even walk.

In one of the programs, Eduard Anatolyevich himself said: “When my mother came to me, she brought a lot of delicious things: chocolate, cookies, candies, and I asked: “Do you have bread?” The guys and I divided a small piece among ourselves. I have never eaten anything tastier than this bread.”

Dad, as a 7-year-old boy, tried to escape to the front with his friend Misha Khaikin. But they were caught and returned back. It so happened that at one of the programs many decades later he met Misha. This touched my dad so much that I saw tears in his eyes.

Dmitry Khil / family archive

Since childhood, Eduard Anatolyevich had good hearing and artistic abilities, so he took part in dramatic productions.

– In a school play at the orphanage, dad was forced to play the role of Hitler. He refused and cried, wondering: why exactly did he get this character? In the school magazine where he was graded, next to his last name it was written: “Hil is a German.” This magazine is still kept in the local school museum in the village of Raevka. Soon I will publish a book with memories of my father; rare photographs, including those from the war period, will be published there.

When the time to get an education was approaching, his mother sent 15-year-old Eduard to his brother in Leningrad.

– The fact is that my stepfather liked to drink. He had frequent disagreements with Elena Pavlovna; dad didn’t like it all. He always tried to protect his mother and hated his stepfather. I even wanted to watch for him with a knife and sort it out, so to prevent anything from happening, Elena Pavlovna sent him to Uncle Shura.

“He lived in Leningrad with his grandmother’s brother and his family,” continues Dmitry. – One day, my father’s relative, Aunt Manya, gave me a single duvet for my father and mother’s wedding. A month later, Aunt Manya hurried to visit the newlyweds: “How’s the blanket? Are you using it? Dad answered in the affirmative, and she: “Look, if you don’t like it, I’ll take it away.” So several times a week Aunt Manya came and asked about the blanket. In general, my mother could not stand it and returned the gift (laughs). So my dad’s relatives were cheerful.

Eduard Khil was fond of painting, won a competition for young artists in Smolensk, and wanted to enter the famous Mukhinsky School.

“He sent the drawings to his uncle, who showed them to an artist he knew. They decided to let him go to Mukhinka, but it turned out that he had to study there for seven years. Uncle Shura said that “Edik won’t last that long,” that is, he won’t be able to support him, and advised him to enter the Leningrad Printing College.

Eduard Khil received from the hands of Dmitry Medvedev the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree / Global Look Press

After graduation, Khil got a job at an offset factory. He began studying vocals in the studio of the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov, I realized that he has a voice. One day one of his peers asked: “Could you go to the conservatory?”, Dad replied: “Yes, it’s easy!” And so it happened.

After graduating from the Leningrad Conservatory and working for many years in the opera studio, Eduard Khil began performing as a soloist at the Lenconcert, where he worked for over 50 years. At the end of the eighties, the country was going through troubled times, more than half of the artists were laid off. Some journalists wrote that Eduard Khil went to work in Paris and that with the money he earned he allegedly bought an apartment in the center of Moscow and another one on the Champs Elysees.

– For some reason, the media formed the opinion that my father did not have a job in the 90s. This is wrong! He was always in great demand, with his level of popularity and rich repertoire it could not be otherwise. Dad loved Paris very much, but he never dreamed of staying in France forever; his homeland was everything to him. You know, you can write refutations that no one needs and prove something, or you can smile back - this is, in fact, what my father did. He always said: “Dima, don’t you understand what country you live in?!”

Zoya Alexandrovna still feels the presence of her husband / Zamir Usmanov / Global Look Press

The singer's son Dmitry often went on tour with his father.

– One day, dad met a man near the concert hall. Either he was a little drunk, or he was out of his mind. In general, he was delighted with his father: “Oh, and you’re what’s his name, Eduard Khil!” And dad decided to joke: “No, it’s not me.” The man insisted: “It’s definitely you. I see.” He even tried to grab dad by the nose: “Here, you have a mark on your nose.” My father pulled away a little, and I almost rushed at the man. Dad actually had a mark on his nose. When he was little, he knocked over a hot pan on himself. In general, this is what left him with a scar, but it can only be seen in large photographs. After such meetings with fans, dad always made a stupid face, portraying another tipsy admirer. You know, now everyone is used to the fact that artists have a lot of security guards, they drive cool cars, make unimaginable demands in the so-called rider, such as “papaya-scented toilet paper and exotic shark fin soup” and stuff like that. My father never asked for anything special for himself.

Eduard Khil treated his audience with reverence and respect, but sometimes among his fans there were people with oddities.

“One lady from the attic of a neighboring house was aiming straight at her parents’ bedroom. It was lucky that the bullet got stuck in the frame and didn't hit the bed. It’s good that the lady had a homemade gun in her hands. It is necessary to mention the letters that dad’s fans wrote. As soon as they called Khil in letters: “Edyulya! Edwardissimo! Dikushko! or “Oh my Edelweiss!” One woman wrote that she wanted to meet him at the cemetery at night. You can’t imagine how many flowers they gave him! After each concert in Crimea there was a full bath of bouquets. Dad joked, they say, let’s take it to the market now and earn some money.

Eduard Khil Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather / PhotoXpress

In 2010, an American student posted on the Internet a shortened version of Eduard Khil’s performance, where he performed “I’m very glad, because I’m finally returning home.” The video received a record number of views in one day. Popularly, the name of the song was shortened to “Ololo-trololo”, and the singer was nicknamed “Mr. Trololo”.

“After this incident, the phone in the apartment did not stop talking. They called from different parts of the world. Dad was incredibly in demand and loved. They began to invite him everywhere. He treated the video with humor. I thought that such promotion on the Internet was necessary only for beginning artists, but he had already proven everything with his songs.

“In general, dad was sometimes a very strange person,” continues Dmitry, “he might not go to a well-paid concert, but perform at a charity one.” He had fun and joked around at important government concerts, for example at the Palace of Congresses. And before minor performances at small venues, he could get nervous and spend a long time preparing for the performance.

You know, sometimes it’s puzzling that my father is known as the man who sang “Trololo”, “Ice Ceiling...” and “Waddle Sailor...”. He performed classics, arias, and romances. Dad was always in favor of the singer having a special musical education. Yes, there are self-taught people with beautiful voices, they are like diamonds without facets, which are incredibly difficult to turn into a diamond. You know what should be in a real teacher - he does not just train the student, but tries to pull out from the depths of human nature something characteristic and peculiar only to this student, directing him on the true path that reveals the unique features of individuality.

Dmitry complains that real artists are passing away, and they are being replaced by a generation brought up on mass media, those who have neither a voice, nor deep knowledge, nor taste.

Thousands of people came to say goodbye to their favorite artist /

– Sorry, but there are absolutely no songs or music right now. Many young artists don’t know how to sing; now they don’t have the foundation to go out to people and appear on the stage. Previously, proven people appeared on stage, who did not win various competitions for money or through acquaintances, but went through a strict selection process. And now almost anyone can come out. Moreover, everyone sings to a soundtrack, and dad was always against this. Nowadays, artists care about how they look, not how or what they sing. I am a supporter of the artist singing on stage without decorations and smoke that obscure the song, against a gray curtain. After all, the singer will need to attract the viewer’s gaze only through his efforts. Then it will be clear what the performer is capable of.

Despite his passion for work, Eduard Khil’s family was at the forefront. He tried to devote as much time as possible to his family. Usually behind a successful and accomplished man there is a strong woman. The singer was married to his wife Zoya Alexandrovna for 53 years.

– My parents met at the Opera Studio in 1958: dad was a singer, and mom was a ballerina. They performed in plays. We communicated like ordinary colleagues. But on tour in Kursk everything changed. It was summer then, dad came to the beach, saw mom and kissed her. She did not expect such a turn of events, she was indignant, and so they began a whirlwind romance.

On June 2, 1963, son Dmitry was born. He graduated from the choir school. M.I. Glinka, Leningrad Conservatory, worked as a musician at the Petersburg Concert, composed music for performances, songs and romances. Dmitry has a 19-year-old son, Edward, he also graduated from the choir school. M.I. Glinka and the Conservatory, now actively performs at concerts.

The grave of the legendary singer / Global Look Press

Eduard Anatolyevich gave many concerts, despite his age. He had a pension of 11,000 rubles, he needed to live on something. He never complained about anything and was a man of incredible kindness. Many people were drawn to him. It was as if he had the sun inside him. He was faithful to music until his last days. In 2010, his heart began to bother him and hypertension developed. On April 8, 2012, everyone’s favorite artist was hospitalized in one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg.

– Dad went to the hairdresser before his trip to Germany. There he felt bad. He had a stroke. In the hospital he was completely entangled in tubes and could not speak. We constantly showed him something and told him something. Every day we came to see him in the intensive care unit, the feeling of helplessness did not leave us. Due to improper functioning of the brain, organs began to function poorly. My father understood perfectly well what was happening. I remember him lying in bed, looking at the green trees in the window, and tears dripping from his eyes. On May 15, I already realized that there was no turning back. One day I played him the song “I’m Going to the Stars,” and he suddenly opened his eyes. It is very painful to see a person who can neither continue to live nor die. He passed away on June 4th.

We can talk about Eduard Khil for a long time. After all, he was a man and an artist with a capital “A”; he sincerely cared about his country, about the music to which he devoted his whole life. Unfortunately, there are very few artists on our stage who would be extremely honest with the audience, like Eduard Anatolyevich. In one of his last television interviews, he said partingly: “The greatest pleasure is not taking, but giving! Bring your feelings, give people everything that is good in you.”

Divide into 15 parts” - that’s how many guys were in their group. He remembered about others, although he himself already had dystrophy. The mother had to carry her son in her arms - he did not even have the strength to walk.

It happened that another journalist carefully looked at my father’s face and asked the question: “Eduard Anatolyevich, do you still have a mark on your nose from the war?” “And then! The bullets were whistling in front of him!” - Khil readily agreed. In fact, this was a trace from another childhood trauma: Edik had not yet reached the table when he reached for borscht and knocked over the hot pan on himself. Almost died from burns... But don’t disappoint the reporters!

- How did Eduard Anatolyevich get to Leningrad? After all, that’s where your parents met?

Dad had a vivid imagination - he also drew beautifully. I compare: my son Edik, whom we named after his grandfather, is now 15 years old. And my father left Smolensk at this age and went to enter the Mukhinsky School. I wanted to become an artist. But he’s still just a child! Uncle Shura lived with him in Leningrad. He accepted his nephew, but when he heard that he needed to study for 7 years, he objected: “I won’t take you that long - go to a printing college!”

Judging by the concert programs that dad kept, in Leningrad he led a rich cultural life: theater, opera, ballet... “I looked with all my eyes and ears and imagined myself in the place of a baritone, and sometimes even a bass,” Eduard Anatolyevich said about that period . At home, of course, I was already rehearsing - to Chaliapin's records. So after technical school I entered the preparatory department of the conservatory.

Here he studied for two years and then was transferred to the first year of the Leningrad Conservatory without exams.

Shortly before this, he went to the Smolensk cemetery - he knew that there was a dilapidated chapel with an icon of the Blessed Xenia. “I asked Ksenyushka for admission, because the competition was huge. It turns out that she responded,” said the father.

“Without love, there are no songs or children,” Dad derived a formula for himself. And try to disagree with him: more than half a century on stage - and all these years next to his beloved wife!

In the opera Black Domino, dad played the role of old Lord Elfort - the student's shaggy beard and bald head added to his age.

On stage is a ball where his future wife shone. The young ballerina Zoya Pravdina was given the task: to grab Gil by the ear and lead him around so that he would feel dizzy. “He took it, twisted it, and didn’t let go for the rest of his life,” Dad laughed later.

So my parents’ first contact took place in the opera studio, where conservatory students were practicing. Then they went on tour to Kursk, and in their free time both ended up on the city beach. Mom sat on a pebble, turning her face to the sun and closing her eyes in pleasure. And she woke up from a kiss - it was dad who plucked up courage and pressed his lips to hers. As a decent girl, my mother immediately exclaimed: “What are you allowing yourself to do!” However, just six months later they got married.

Dad lived in a student dormitory, he was from a simple family - his mother was an accountant, he did not know his father and was raised by his stepfather. And Zoya turned out to be from a generation of St. Petersburg intellectuals: her mother’s grandfather was the manager of the Imperial Nikolaev Railway, and her dad had his own theater studio. Before the revolution, my grandmother lived on an estate in Velsk, where they had servants, tutors, gardeners, nannies... “Bring me some ragged student,” she predicted to her daughter. And one day he comes home, and a student is sitting on the bed with a suitcase, the things in which are a towel and three books.

Mom remembers well how she picked up my father from the dormitory. In the boys' room there was a huge saucepan on the windowsill. I looked in: there was some kind of incomprehensible mess in it. There are cereals, potatoes, and peas...

There's an aluminum spoon sticking out in the middle - you can't turn it around. “Are you eating this?” “If you warm it up, it’s even delicious,” Edik was embarrassed.

The once family apartment on Stremyannaya Street had already turned into a communal apartment by that time - my mother’s family had only two rooms left after the war. My parents bought a bed frame to put the mattress on. There weren't even legs - dad had to cut out the buns and nail them on. They rented a piano for practicing... But for the dear ones, it’s heaven in a communal apartment!

There was also no money for the wedding, so the parents signed up on December 1, 1958, then saved money for a month - and only went out for the New Year. The registry office was an absurd sight: in the middle of the empty hall there was a table on which lay three huge piles of papers - separately divorces, funerals and weddings.

Anastasia Yampol, who declared herself the illegitimate daughter of Eduard Khil, took a DNA test to establish paternity in the “Live Broadcast” program.

A girl named Anastasia Yampol considers herself the illegitimate daughter of a famous Soviet and Russian singer. She came to the Live broadcast studio to tell her story and take a DNA test - Nastya wants to get an answer to the question that worries her, is she really the daughter of a star?

Her mother Lyuba was married to another man and according to her passport, Nastya herself is Vyacheslavovna. However, in her youth, Lyubov Yampol, according to her stories, had an affair with Eduard Khil. She told her daughters about this when she was still alive.

Anastasia's mother was also a singer in the past - she sang in the State Academic Russian Choir. A.V. Sveshnikova. There I met the singer.

According to Anastasia’s stories, her father suspected her mother of cheating and made scandals about it. And Nastya’s grandmother said that her father did not want her mother to give birth to her - obviously, he did not believe that the child was his.

The studio played an excerpt from an interview with Gil’s wife, who did not exclude the possibility that he might have had connections on the side.

The mother kept a lock of the hair of Eduard Khil, whom she loved all her life. It was on the basis of this strand of the singer’s hair that they tried to do a DNA test.

Anastasia Yampol - illegitimate daughter of Eduard Khil?

It is worth noting that the initiator of the test was Nastya’s cousin, Ekaterina Zhdanova. She is sure that Anastasia Yampol is the daughter of Eduard Khil. And not only because she is similar in appearance, but also in view of the stories of relatives about Nastya’s mother’s affair with the singer.

Ekaterina Zhdanova - cousin of Anastasia Yampol

A special envelope for biological samples, and in it a strand of hair from the Soviet legend Eduard Khil for DNA analysis. For several decades, this lock of hair was very carefully kept by a woman who loved Khil all her life, in order to prove in due time that her daughter Nastya was the daughter of Eduard Khil.

And then the test results were revealed on “Live”. Alas, the hair turned out to be old and the singer’s genetic material could not be isolated from it.

Therefore, the question remains open - is Anastasia the illegitimate daughter of Eduard Khil. Another test is needed, for example, the singer’s son could provide the genetic material.

A lock of Mr. Trololo's hair: DNA test for Eduard Gil's illegitimate daughter. Live broadcast

Eduard Khil - Soviet and Russian pop singer (baritone), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1974). In 2010, Gil experienced another surge in popularity. On the Internet, Khil’s video clip for A. Ostrovsky’s vocalization “I’m very glad, because I’m finally returning home” aroused great interest; Khil became known to the broad masses of American listeners. He received offers to go on a world tour. And badges and T-shirts with his image were almost the most popular product in British online stores. Eduard Khil participated in concerts until his illness in April 2012, from which he never recovered. On June 4, 2012, Eduard Khil died at the age of 77.

Zlata Razdolina began dating the legendary baritone when she was not even 16

Three years ago in St. Petersburg, at the age of 77, the singer of the hit “Icy ceiling, creaky door” and many other popular songs, Eduard Khil, known throughout the world as Mr. Trololo, passed away. We managed to find the person who made the last video filming of the legendary singer, where, as if anticipating his imminent departure, he performed “Farewell Romance” to the poems of Nikolai GUMILEV. This person is the singer and composer Zlata RAZDOLINA, who has lived in Israel since 1990. Which, as it turned out, had a very close relationship with Eduard Anatolyevich for many years.

I met Khil in Leningrad in the mid-70s, when he was already a recognized singer, People’s Artist of Russia, and I was about 15 years old,” said Zlata Abramovna. - I then wrote the first large cycle of songs, “Not a Line about War,” based on poems by Vadim Shefner. I wanted Khil to sing these songs. And I came to see him backstage after the concert in the Oktyabrsky Hall. More precisely, my dad, a former naval doctor, brought me by the hand. I myself was afraid to approach the great artist. Eduard Anatolyevich received me without any “I’m busy” or “I’m tired” and immediately offered to sit down at the instrument. I played several songs. “You sing so well! - he said. - Why do you need us? You have to sing yourself." I was terribly upset. “He probably didn’t like my work,” I thought. “And he decided to give me a nice kick in this way.” Nevertheless, Gil left his home phone number and expressed a desire to continue getting to know me. And after a while I recorded my war cycle based on Shefner’s poems for Leningrad radio. I started visiting his house on Fontanka. She suggested new songs for performance. So gradually we developed warm and friendly relations.

Eduard Anatolyevich greatly helped my development as a singer. Before meeting him, I considered myself only a composer. And with his authority he convinced me that I could sing. And I started performing for Lenconcert as a singer-songwriter. At first, like all beginners, I received 7 rubles per concert. But after a few years I was given the right to a solo branch and the rate was significantly increased. The Lenconcert soloists who performed my songs were paid from 7 to 16 rubles. And I'm 26!
Many people were jealous of my success back then. In the early 80s, I was supposed to have a large author’s concert at the Leningrad Academic Chapel with the participation of Khil and many other artists. The whole city was covered with posters. Tickets sold brilliantly. But two days before the concert, at the request of the Leningrad Union of Composers, it was canceled without explanation. Then the editor-in-chief of Lenkontsert told how the composers shook my bones at a party meeting. “I would like to draw attention to the unworthy behavior of our colleague, Komsomol member Zlata Razdolina,” the singer Maria Pakhomenko’s husband, Alexander Kolker, was indignant. - She dared to plan her concert on the holy stage of the Leningrad Chapel. Even many of our luminaries have not received such an honor.” - “Well, why are you attached to this concert? - someone objected. “It was cancelled.” - “Yes, they canceled it. But there was a poster,” Alexander Naumovich did not let up.

Hello mom

Since 1987, Zlata began writing romances based on poems by Anna Akhmatova, Nikolai Gumilev and other poets of the Silver Age. Gil really liked them. But they didn’t have time to write them down then.
“It so happened that in 1989, my “Requiem” for Akhmatova’s poems was awarded at two competitions and selected by the commission to celebrate Anna Andreevna’s 100th birthday for performance at the anniversary evening in the Hall of Columns,” Razdolina continues. “After that, I started receiving threatening calls from the Memory society: “If you touch our Akhmatova again, we will kill you and your family. Go to your Israel!” They were especially outraged that I took the surname Razdolin, although I am Rosenfeld by birth. They wanted to cleanse Leningrad from such “disguised” Jews.
The horror was that I already had three children. There was also a husband - theater critic Alexander Laskin, son of the writer Semyon Laskin. I didn’t dare turn to Gil for help. He himself was mistakenly considered by many to be a Jew. And I didn’t want to involve him in all this. She told only one person about the threats - the poet Mikhail Dudin. "Don't worry! - he said. - They also tell me that I am a shady Jew. I’ll go to Moscow soon and put things in order there.” And then my eldest son, who was 9 years old, was brutally beaten in the yard by some grown guys. Moreover, they told him: “Say hello to mom!” I was very scared. At that time, a terrible story was heard that happened in Moscow with a successful Jewish lawyer. She also received similar threats from “Memory” and sent them to a well-known address. As a result, this lawyer was burned in her house along with her mother and daughter. I realized that I needed to give up everything and run away from Leningrad, which I adored.
And just at that moment I was invited to go on tour to Finland. I decided to take advantage of this to escape to Israel. She divorced her husband, who did not want to leave the Soviet Union. I took my children and my parents with me. The customs officer at the border was alarmed that I was traveling with my whole family and a large amount of luggage, half of which were notes. It definitely didn't feel like a tour. She wanted to search me. And our Soviet passports were hidden under my dress. If they were found, I could go straight to jail. Fortunately, everything worked out and we were allowed to cross the border safely.
But the problems didn't end there. In Helsinki, I went to the Israeli embassy and asked for asylum in their country. “Go back to Leningrad and fill out your exit documents properly! - they unexpectedly answered me. - We are waiting for a large official repatriation from the USSR. And we don’t want to spoil relations with the Soviet authorities because of you.” Here my friend, a journalist from Radio Helsinki, intervened. “If you don’t help Razdolina and her family, we will make a noise throughout Europe because you refuse to save a Jewish woman who fled persecution by anti-Semites,” she threatened the embassy staff. And within two days they gave us Israeli documents.

Part of the soul

For several years, until the collapse of the USSR, Razdolina, as a defector, could not come to her homeland. Because of this, her communication with Gil was interrupted. Only in the late 90s did Eduard Anatolyevich come on tour to Israel. She, of course, came to the concert.
- And we began to communicate again. By that time I had managed to get married in Israel. And Gil constantly joked about how lucky my husband was. Moreover, he made jokes on this topic not only in private, but also from the stage at concerts,” Zlata smiles embarrassedly. - In 2003, for the first time after a long break, I visited Leningrad, which again became St. Petersburg. And the first thing I did was invite Khil to speak with me at the House of Architects. The concert was for charity. And Eduard Anatolyevich was distinguished by his exceptional selflessness and sang for free without any questions. We then gave another free concert with him at the Akhmatova Museum. I remember that after some speech, an old woman from the siege approached him. She started talking about all her troubles. Anyone else wouldn't listen to her. And Khil talked with this old woman for half an hour! He was always ready to support others and give good advice. I myself constantly felt his attention and care. When my youngest son fell ill, Gil was the first to come to the rescue and found a very good doctor for his son, who cured him.
The last time I came was at the very beginning of April 2012. This was literally a few days before his stroke. “Eduard Anatolyevich, let’s finally make a normal recording! - I told him. “It seems to me that you are already ready.” “You know, now I have doctors or something else,” Khil suddenly began to refuse. “Maybe it’ll be better next time?” But I insisted that it needed to be done now. I agreed on video shooting in the House of Architects. We recorded several romances, some of which he performed solo, some in duets with me. In addition, we also filmed a short interview with Eduard Anatolyevich. He spoke very well about me in front of the camera: “Why do we love Zlata Razdolina? For her soul. Because she never cheated on St. Petersburg.”
As it turned out later, this was his last lifetime photograph. The next day I returned to Israel. And a couple of weeks later I received the terrible news that Eduard Anatolyevich was lying in a coma and his condition was hopeless. Despite all the efforts of doctors, he died on June 4, 2012. It was a big blow for me. I lost a very close person - not just the performer of my songs, but a part of my life, a part of my soul.