Hostel from apartment necessary documents and actions. What are the risks of the idea of ​​opening a hostel? Features of the room arrangement process

In 1912, in his Altena Castle, the German Richard Shearman opened the world's first Hostel "Jugendherberge" - a hostel for youth tourism. Now hostels have become widespread as the cheapest place to stay for the night away from home. Many poor entrepreneurs have the opportunity to start their own business by investing very little money. And time shows that this way of earning money is reliable - especially for small businesses. The idea interests every second young businessman.

Hostels: what they are and who uses them

Without any doubt, the hotel format in the form of a small budget hostel has not only caught on, but has also become popular in vast Russia. At the same time, hostels differ from each other in a number of ways.

Type of establishment


Rooms and their characteristics

"no stars"

Guest workers, internal migrants and even homeless people

The total number of places is 100 or more. The rooms can accommodate up to 15 beds.

"no stars"

Students, groups of organized tourists

The total number of places is 50 or more. The rooms can accommodate up to 8 beds.


"no stars"

Business travelers, part-time students, poor tourists, fans of sports teams

The total number of beds is up to 15. The rooms can have 2-4 beds.

1 star*

Business travelers, poor family tourists, travelers

The total number of places is any. The rooms can have 1-4 beds. Shower and toilet on the floor. The room does not have air conditioning, refrigerator or TV.

2 star*

Business travelers, poor family tourists, travelers

The total number of places is any. The rooms can have 1-3 beds. At least one room in the hostel must have a shower and toilet inside the room.

It is known that in connection with the preparations for the FIFA World Cup, on July 1, 2015, the Law on the mandatory classification and awarding of stars was adopted. Special classifications have been adopted for hostels: “no stars”, 1 and 2 stars. According to hosteliers, about 30-35% of all hostels meet the “one star” and “two star” standards.

What are the requirements for hostels?

The activities of the hostel are regulated by GOST 56184-2014. This document obliges hosteliers not to use rooms on the ground floors and basements, as well as rooms without windows, as rooms. In the semi-basements it is allowed to create showers, toilets, laundries for self-washing, a buffet, a store and luggage storage rooms. There are no mandatory requirements for the mandatory equipment of kitchens, but a place for communication can be made in the open air.

As for the area, hostels are allowed to allocate 4 square meters. meters per bed, no matter which one: single-tier or two-tier, and the space occupied by the bed is also taken into account. That is, to provide accommodation for 10 people, you need a living space with an area of ​​20 square meters. meters with bunk beds. At the same time, there should be at least 75 cm to the ceiling from the top of the bed.

GOST does not prohibit the organization of mixed dormitories for women and men. However, guests must be notified about this in advance. By the way, there are no special requirements for mandatory kitchen equipment, although there must be a place for preparing food. In any case, even before checking in, clients should be notified about the features of their establishment.

Fire safety requirements require posting an evacuation plan in case of an emergency.

Is it possible to organize a hostel in an apartment?

Paragraph 5.7.18 of GOST 56184-2014 states that the law does not prohibit making a hostel out of your apartment. To do this you need to undergo legal registration. Well, then the hostelier is obliged to comply with “hygienic standards for noise, sound, vibration, electromagnetic radiation and rules for living in residential buildings.” That is, complaints from neighbors can become grounds for stopping a business.

How much does it cost to open your own hostel: drawing up a spending plan

When drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate potential expenses at the start and during the formation period. The amount of starting investment depends on what area the businessman will use:

  • use of your own home;
  • renting premises to house a budget hotel;
  • purchase of non-residential premises and its refurbishment..

The best option is to rent out the beds of your home, for example, a second apartment, in order to pay off a mortgage loan. Hotel business experts advise setting aside a room on the ground floor with a separate entrance for this business. In this case, when creating a business plan, you need to take into account the following expenses:

  • registration and “paperwork” - from 15 thousand rubles (depending on the city);
  • expenses under the rental agreement, if someone else’s premises are rented (prices vary significantly, should be taken into account separately);
  • repairs costing 10 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter of area;
  • organization of one sleeping place at the rate of 15 thousand rubles, including household appliances;
  • 3-month payroll for 4 people: approximately 423 thousand rubles, including taxes;
  • organizing an advertising campaign worth at least 50 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses, which usually amount to 20% of the estimate.

To organize a hostel in a 2-room apartment with a living area of ​​32 sq. meters and 48 sq. meters of total area for 14 guests will need:

Plus unforeseen expenses in the amount of 20% of the amount of 1,178,000 rubles, i.e. 235,000 rubles. The total investment according to the business plan will amount to 1 million 413 thousand rubles.

If you rent someone else’s premises, for example, an apartment, then the cost of starting increases by the amount of six-month rent, which depends on the city and region. A more careful calculation of the plan will be needed when purchasing a premises.

Required equipment

For the normal functioning of the hostel you will need a minimum set of furniture and household appliances:

  • single, double and bunk beds;
  • bedside tables with locks;
  • dining tables and chairs;
  • sofa for guests;
  • TV;
  • coffee table;
  • individual lockers (preferably metal) for clothes with locks;
  • reception desk;
  • individual night lighting;
  • individual electrical outlet;
  • shared refrigerator;
  • electric kettles;
  • microwave;
  • router for wireless Internet.

The cost of the necessary furniture and equipment to open a hostel from scratch depends on the entrepreneur’s ability to choose the best option in terms of price and quality.


Experience in using hostels with 15-20 beds shows that there should be an administrator in the hotel around the clock (or a security guard in the evening and at night).

You will also need a cleaning lady. Hosteliers usually recruit “young” pensioners who are happy to earn any additional income for the positions of security guards and cleaners. Let’s calculate personnel costs for a hostel business plan (calculations are relevant for Moscow):

Premises expenses

If the hosteler uses his own premises, then the costs of its maintenance are associated with maintaining the functionality and safety of water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, exhaust ventilation, doors and windows. Taking into account the high traffic of visitors and sometimes careless handling of hotel property, expenses for maintaining a small (15-20 beds) hostel reach from 3 to 7 thousand rubles per month, said the owner of the mini-hotel Sergei Koromyslov. Other businessmen gave approximately the same figures.

Promotion: effective methods and cost

Hostel promotion, of course, requires consistency from the entrepreneur and, most importantly, an understanding of the importance of this event for the success of the business. As reviews from most clients show, they chose this or that hotel using Yandex or Google. Therefore, in this matter you should not neglect the SEO promotion of the hotel website. Many hosteliers called this the most important and effective PR mechanism. Businessmen also advised to devote time to contextual advertising and active promotion through social networks.

Such promotion events cost 30-50 thousand rubles, but they are completely worth it.

Does the hostel as a business bring in a lot of money?

By drawing up a business plan with calculations, entrepreneurs calculate income from future business activities. To do this, simple steps are applied, including monitoring of similar hotels. Simply put, hosteliers, under the guise of clients, call competitors and then try to develop their own price list.

“Give or take a day in a hostel today is estimated at 600 - 700 rubles in regional centers,” says hotel market expert Arthur Mukhin. “In medium-sized cities the price is slightly lower.”

Thus, a hostel with 20 beds and 75 percent occupancy will bring the hostelier a monthly income in the amount of:

20 places × 75% × 700 rubles × 30 days = 315,000 rubles.

If you subtract the costs of salaries, housing maintenance, utilities and unforeseen expenses, you get a profit of 100 - 150 thousand rubles. Thus, profitability does not exceed 30%, and the break-even point can be passed in about a year.

Step-by-step plan for opening a hostel from scratch

Hostels are becoming a very fashionable business. In the first 2 months of this year, search engines recorded an increase in requests for a hostel business plan with estimates of 30-45%. People are also interested in what steps they need to go through to open their own mini-hotel. To become a hostel you need to do the following:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or as the owner of a limited liability company;
  • rent suitable premises if you do not have your own apartment;
  • draw up contracts for garbage removal and deratization and disinfestation;
  • obtain permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, the local Fire Service and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • develop a business plan for the hostel with a list of repairs;
  • draw up a detailed investment estimate, setting aside 20% for unforeseen expenses;
  • carry out repairs with an emphasis on vandal-proof performance;
  • purchase furniture and equipment;
  • hire staff;
  • develop a website and carry out its SEO promotion.

After this you can already accept clients.

OPF and documents

You need to choose a business form. If you read articles on the Internet, the conclusion suggests itself that it is best for a hostelier to be an individual entrepreneur. Then taxes are paid according to a simplified system (6% of revenue) and it is easier to do your own accounting. However, experienced businessmen register the hotel as an LLC with a minimum authorized capital. Moreover, the premises are leased to the hotel. It is clear that ownership is removed from the risk of raiding or bankruptcy.

After a businessman chooses a legal entity, he is faced with the question of what documents are needed to open a business. Note that today it is easy to create a package of required papers - fortunately, specialized online services have appeared. The same applies to accounting, which can be outsourced inexpensively.

Is it worth using a franchise?

It is not so important for a poor traveler who owns the inn - the main thing is that for a little money they are allowed to spend the night, travelers wrote back in the Middle Ages. Today the situation has not changed.

“Franchises are good when the brand and technology are important,” says Arthur Mukhin. - But in hostels both profitability is low and service is minimalist. It is unlikely that under these conditions it would be reasonable to give royalties to someone.”

In any case, the choice remains with the businessman.

Is hostel a risky business?

Realists advise underestimating the possible risks of entrepreneurship, especially for those who are “bewitched” by the hostel business idea. It’s one thing when a group of tourists who have known each other for a long time move in, or if the clients are quiet retired travelers. It’s a different matter when we are talking about the most diverse public, in which there are malicious violators of internal regulations.

“My wife dreamed of opening a quiet family business and thought of clients as guest relatives who also paid extra for their overnight stay,” writes a forum member with the nickname wehrtan#. “In reality, she got a headache in the form of restless guest workers.”

Common problems include vandalism, conflicts between clients, and problems in relationships with residents of the building where the hostel is located.

As a business project, a hostel is rightly considered a reliable and profitable business. Moreover, this is the 21st dynamic century with growing tourist flows from year to year, rapid labor migration and increasing business contacts. There are more people in need of inexpensive daily accommodation every day.

However, in order not to make mistakes, you need to carefully work out the hostel business plan. This is what experienced entrepreneurs advise.

Today, many experts consider the real estate market to be one of the most promising options for investment. On the one hand, against the backdrop of currency devaluation, the rise in prices for purchasing apartments stopped for a while. On the other hand, the rental price is only increasing, since in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, students, young families, workers from other cities and countries, and business travelers need temporary shelter. The optimal solution is to open a hostel from scratch.

The process of organizing a business is not complicated, but in addition to the initial investment, it requires a thorough analysis of the real estate market and knowledge of the main trends in its development.

Portrait of a modern hostel

Hostel is a fairly new concept for Russian tourism infrastructure. In Europe, similar establishments have existed for more than 100 years. Hostels differ from hotels in their concept and target orientation. It can be called a “youth hotel” - the rooms are located in a block or corridor system. It also contains a kitchen where each guest can prepare their own food.

Some of the hostels can be called truly student hostels - they are not designed for university students, but for active young people who love to travel, discover new horizons and at the same time do not pursue “bourgeois conditions”.

Description of the modern hostel:

  • new furniture;
  • modern technology;
  • Wi-Fi;
  • clean rooms.

In other words, this is practicality, space saving, but you will not find any similarity with breeding grounds for bedbugs, armored beds and other attributes of Soviet dormitories.

Potential clients of hostels include progressive young people who love communication, travelers, as well as successful adults with their own unique philosophy - downshifting (a lifestyle that does not accept workaholism, corporate ethics and many other social norms).

What do you need to open a hostel?

There are two options for opening a hostel: purchasing a premises that is ready for occupancy (perhaps an existing business) or organizing your own business from scratch. Each of these options has its pros and cons. Before making a choice, an investor needs to weigh everything and analyze other options, for example. You can also open such a mini-hotel as a franchise, but be prepared to pay.

Selecting a location

The owners of this business say that the hardest part of the opening process is finding a good location. It should be a comfortable building with rooms, a corridor, and amenities. Large hostels have a foyer, a reception desk, and some even have an elevator. Therefore, opening a hostel in a non-residential building is a very expensive and not always profitable option. The amount of repairs will be many times greater than the cost of the building itself and will pay for itself for a long time. You will also need to prepare a lot of permitting documentation (for example), which will take a lot of time.

You can open a hostel in an apartment with several rooms. But in this case, you shouldn’t count on a big income. Larger projects start from 150 m². There are several spacious rooms, a common living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. The decoration of the room should be in a single, carefully thought-out style.

On the scale of a large city, finding and opening a premises in which you can organize a hostel is not easy. And if you choose an inconvenient location or a place that does not meet all standards, you may never recoup the investment.


Since 2015, special GOSTs have appeared in the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulate the work and opening of hostels.

The main ones include:

  • ceiling height – from 2.5 meters;
  • One sleeping place should have at least 4 m²;
  • for 15 beds it is necessary to equip one shower and one toilet;
  • the bathroom should be located outside the rooms;
  • Every hostel should have places for guests to communicate;
  • availability of a kettle and drinking water;
  • the presence of a kitchen is not a mandatory requirement if there is a place for a snack nearby.

Advice: Since 2015, it has been officially allowed to convert ordinary apartments into hostels. To do this, the property is converted into non-residential premises, after which commercial activities can be conducted in it.

In this case, guests should not disturb the peace and living conditions of the neighbors of this house. You cannot open a hostel on the ground floor or in the basement.

Opening a hostel in an apartment is much cheaper and easier (the cost of renting housing is lower, the cost of equipment is also relatively low). In this case, disagreements with neighbors may arise.

Room equipment

The cost of equipment depends on the region and is constantly changing. On average, the following investments will be required to open a hostel from scratch:

To a multi-bed room:

  • bunk bed – 12-30 thousand rubles. per piece;
  • bedside table - 1500 rubles per piece;
  • Microwave oven – 3-6 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator – 15-30 thousand rubles;
  • kettle - 800-1500 rubles;
  • kitchen set – 20-30 thousand rubles;
  • washing machine – 15-25 thousand rubles.

Equipment for meeting places for guests:

  • Wi-Fi router – 1-3 thousand rubles;
  • Table, chairs – 12-20 thousand rubles.


  • shower stall - 12-28 thousand rubles;
  • dryers - 600-1000 rubles;
  • toilet - 4-7 thousand rubles;
  • hair dryer – 1-3 thousand rubles.


The number and qualifications of employees depend on the scale of the project. If you are planning to open and organize a hostel in an apartment, you can perform all the duties yourself or hire one assistant who would greet guests and ensure cleanliness and order.

To organize a hostel with an area of ​​150-200 m², you need to hire the following personnel:

  • administrator - receiving calls, accommodating guests, providing them with everything they need, monitoring cleanliness;
  • maid - carrying out regular wet cleaning, laundry, washing kitchen equipment;
  • accountant - reporting (they often use the services of third-party companies (outsourcing), which charge for the amount of work performed, since it is not practical to hire a specialist on a full-time basis).

If this option seems too expensive to you, consider.

Business registration

In order to open a hostel from scratch (as when purchasing), you need to complete a considerable package of documents. A hostel is an object of tourist infrastructure, so for its operation it is necessary to prepare a legal framework. First, you need to choose a legal form (individual entrepreneur or LLC) and register with the tax office. To open a mini-hotel, you need:

  1. a document confirming ownership of real estate or a lease agreement;
  2. registration certificate;
  3. extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  4. confirmation of tax payment;
  5. work permit from the sanitary-epidemiological service;
  6. fire inspection permit;
  7. agreement for the removal of household waste, recycling of fluorescent lamps.

Depending on the specifics of the business and the choice of direction, other documents may be needed, for example, at the time of opening.


The success of opening a project from scratch depends on the number of guests. The brightest and most inexpensive establishments, while providing comfortable accommodation, are faced with a lack of clients at the start. In order for an establishment to gain popularity, it is necessary to take radical actions:

  1. inform students about your services, offering additional discounts (10% upon presentation of a student ID), try to interest them as much as possible - the more people in the group, the cheaper the rooms will be;
  2. spread the word online. Since the Internet is the main source of information among young people, it is necessary to promote the establishment in this area. Create groups on social networks, order advertising on city forums, open the establishment’s website, posting on it as many photos as possible, descriptions of conditions, advantages, features, etc.;
  3. carry out targeting of potential clients (establishing target priorities and benchmarks) and work with a group of interest, for example, a volleyball or football team, a dance school, etc. (you can agree with the leaders of such classes and, when choosing your institution for accommodation, give a small part of the proceeds to them);
  4. cooperate with travel agencies, which often include the cost of accommodation in the package;
  5. make it possible to make direct bookings through web resources;
  6. create an excellent reputation - these are reviews on city forums, impressions after a visit to a hostel that was opened from scratch. Good recommendations optimize the most effective way of promotion – word of mouth.

How to open a hostel in Moscow?

Moscow is a city of great opportunities. This well-established statement is also relevant for entrepreneurs who want to open a hostel. By organizing this business from scratch in Moscow, you can be sure of a constant flow of clients in any season. The main task is to provide comfortable living conditions and actively promote your services. But it is in Moscow that there are a number of pitfalls that should be taken into account.

Firstly, there is a lot of competition. According to the Interregional Association of the Hostel Industry, today there are more than 5,000 hostels and mini-hotels operating in the Russian Federation. More than half of them are open in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This indicates a high level of competition, which is difficult for beginners to fight against.

Secondly, the cost of real estate (both purchasing and renting) is high. But this is not even the main problem. The most difficult thing is to find a suitable object, since tourists or business travelers will not waste time searching and traveling to the most remote places of Moscow, but in the center and nearby areas everything suitable can be occupied.

Advice: when choosing real estate in Moscow, do not agree to the first offer you come across if it does not completely suit you. This aspect plays a key role in the success of a business, so start your search early and take your choice very seriously.

If insurmountable difficulties arise during organization, analyze other options for starting a business, for example, where to start.

The dynamically developing market of Moscow's tourism infrastructure is making its own adjustments to organizing a business to open a hostel from scratch. But if you organize the key points correctly, you can get a stable flow of clients and a quick return on business.

Organizing a hostel from scratch is a new format that has grown into an actively developing direction for Moscow and large cities of Russia. This trend is understandable - you can become a hostel for little money. Perhaps this is the most budget-friendly method of entering the hotel market. To open it, investments from 400 thousand rubles are required, although depending on the development path and the scale of the project, this amount can rise to 5-6 million.

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You can open a hostel only if you comply with all legal requirements and regulations. In addition, in future work, be prepared to work a lot. Even after hiring all the necessary personnel, they will still have to be monitored and constantly support the chosen development concept.

Hostel as a type of hotel business is gaining increasing popularity. Especially in cities with a large flow of tourists: in Moscow and St. Petersburg, hostel owners are provided with a stable profit all year round.

From the article you will learn what documents a hostel needs when opening, where to start, what organizational and legal form is best to choose and which authorities to notify.

Documents are important, but first we are looking for premises

Resolve the issue of premises before registering as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. This will save you a lot of money.

The fact is that after registration it is necessary to regularly pay insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. And this does not depend on whether you have already started your activity or are still deciding organizational issues. Therefore, start with choosing a room, so that after registration you can open a hostel as quickly as possible and not pay all social contributions from your own pocket.

When choosing a room, you should remember that hostels cannot be located in basements or basements. No exceptions. This requirement is put forward by the Sanitary Rules and Standards. The building must also meet fire safety requirements.

Don’t forget that a good hostel should register its visitors with migration records. Make sure that the owners of the premises (provided that you are renting it) give their consent to this.

Recently, the scandal surrounding the law banning the placement of hostels in residential buildings has not subsided. If the consideration of the law is not postponed once again, its fate will be decided before the end of this year. It is not yet known whether the law will be adopted, since the government has both supporters and opponents of this ban. But just in case, take a closer look at non-residential premises.

Found the ideal premises? Wonderful. If you own it, then immediately move on to the next point and deal with the regulatory documents for your hostel. If you are going to rent property for a hostel, then it’s time to sign a lease agreement. Make sure that all the nuances are spelled out in the text of the contract and that you have the right to provide guest accommodation services in the rented area. Sign the contract for the longest possible period or discuss with the tenant the possibility of extending the contract in the future.

A lease agreement or documentary evidence of property rights should always be at hand to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies.

Choosing a legal form

The optimal choice for a hostel owner would be to register an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. Let's look at the main differences.

The best option is to register as an individual entrepreneur. Firstly, this is relevant for those who are planning to open one hostel. Registration of a legal entity is required for a network of hostels.

Secondly, the tax and administrative burden on individual entrepreneurs is much lower. Thus, a patent taxation system is available to individual entrepreneurs. In this case, the entrepreneur simply buys a patent for a certain type of activity, which exempts him from paying personal income tax and VAT. But keep in mind that this only applies to entrepreneurs who own hostels. That is, those who rent premises for a hostel do not have access to a patent.

In addition, the individual entrepreneur is freed from the need to keep accounting records, register the charter and contribute the authorized capital. And, of course, an individual entrepreneur, provided that he works alone, is “deprived of the pleasure” of regularly reporting to the pension fund and social insurance fund.

Also, registering as an individual entrepreneur is ideal for those who plan to open a hostel in a city other than their own, since an individual entrepreneur is registered at his place of residence, and an LLC at the actual location of the organization.

In the end, registering an individual entrepreneur is simply a faster and more economical procedure.

But an LLC should be chosen by those who plan to open a hostel not alone, but together with business partners, since this form provides for the possibility of co-founding.

OKVED codes for hostels - 55.23.3 “Renting out furnished rooms for temporary accommodation.”

So, have you decided on the organizational and legal form of the hostel and collected a full package of necessary documents? Now submit them to the tax authority or multifunctional center, wait for documentary confirmation of your registration and proceed to the next stage.

We get the go-ahead from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station

The fire inspection puts forward the same requirements for hostels as for hotels and hostels, that is, this is a functional fire hazard class of 1.2. in the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”.

As for sanitary standards, you should familiarize yourself with the Sanitary Rules and Standards for Small Hotels and Hostels. So, from them it follows that for each bed (including bunk beds) in the room there should be at least 4 square meters, in the hostel itself (even the largest) there should be no more than 120 guests, and wet cleaning must be carried out at least once per day.

Bring your premises into full compliance with all requirements. Approach this responsibly, do not allow negligence, because the lives of many people depend on your actions.

Solving the waste issue

The law obliges hostel owners to independently remove and dispose of waste.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with a solid waste removal company. It is important to remember that garbage removal must be carried out daily. Be sure to reflect this aspect in your contract.

Last stage: Rospotrebnadzor

Now the only thing left to do is to inform Rospotrebnadzor. Notification of the start of the hostel's activities can be sent by mail (registered letter with an inventory and receipt of receipt) or electronically with the electronic signature of the applicant.

After successfully completing all the above procedures, you can open your own hostel and place guests in it.

Ready-made hostel as an alternative solution

Opening a hostel from scratch is quite a troublesome task. A clear algorithm of actions is always interfered with by some circumstances that slow down the process. And even after going through all the circles of bureaucratic hell, there is no guarantee that the hostel will receive all the permits and be able to operate. It is often more useful for the budget and nervous system, which is already a functioning business. In this case, you receive a fully equipped premises, all permitting documentation, established business processes and an establishment that has already created a positive reputation for itself and earned the trust of visitors.

We have collected all the articles about hostels that will be useful to you.

A hostel is an analogue of an inexpensive hotel, where guests are offered a comfortable place to spend the night. The market for such establishments is actively developing, so novice entrepreneurs can invest money in this particular business, having previously assessed all the risks and profitability of such a business.

Market analysis

To assess the prospects of opening a hostel in a particular region, it is worth taking into account the demand for such a service among potential clients, which are:

  • students, youth (about 65% of all visitors);
  • tourists and travelers who want to save money on an overnight stay (the number of such clients grows by 2% every year);
  • people who came to the city for work.

Additionally, it is worth analyzing the level of tourist attendance in the city and the map of large-scale interesting events that should take place in the city. These could be various sporting events, concerts of popular artists, exhibitions, seasonal festivals, etc. In this case, you need to consider how many hostels are already open, what services they provide, and how you can beat your competitors.

Business registration

The type of registration depends on where the hostel is planned to open:

  • In the apartment. In this case, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur. This is a fast and affordable procedure.
  • In non-residential premises(like a mini-hotel). In this case, you already need to register as an LLC. This procedure requires more paperwork and will cost slightly more than registering an individual entrepreneur. He will tell you in more detail about how an individual entrepreneur differs from an LLC, and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

When opening a business, a hostel can be assigned the following:

  • 23 – activities of other places of residence;
  • 23.5 – activities of other places of temporary residence that are not included in other groups;
  • 20 – activities to provide places for short-term accommodation.

You also need to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office. Beginning entrepreneurs at the initial stage of doing business are recommended to choose (STS), which involves paying 15% of the organization or 6% of the total cash turnover per year.

You definitely need to get a bank account to make it easier for clients to make payments, and get a stamp.

GOST requirements for a hostel

To understand how to organize a hostel from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework. In 2015, GOST 56184-2014 “General requirements for hostels” was adopted, according to which a budget hotel establishment must be equipped according to the following rules:

  • For one bed you need to allocate at least 4 square meters. m.;
  • the ceiling height of the room must be at least 2.5 m;
  • beds must be at least 80x190 cm in size, and the distance between them must be from 75 cm;
  • the room must be equipped with a fire extinguisher and a special log must be kept to ensure fire safety;
  • for 15 seats it is required to equip 1 shower cabin, and the bathroom must be located outside the residential premises;
  • equip 1 toilet for 12 places;
  • equip 1 sink for 6 places;
  • provide guests with access to drinking water and a kettle;
  • equip a room for communication between guests, for example, a living room;
  • if there is a place to eat near the hostel, it is not necessary to equip a kitchen in the hostel itself;
  • prescribe rules of conduct for hostel staff and guests, their rights, duties and responsibilities that will follow in the event of their violation.

Additionally, you need to take into account clause 5.7.3 of GOST R 56184-2014, according to which ground floors and basements cannot be equipped for a hostel.

To make it easier to understand the requirements of GOST, it is worth taking into account the following examples:

  • A hostel for 10 people must be equipped with 1 bathroom, 1 shower and 2 sinks, and the sleeping area must be at least 50 square meters. m.
  • A hostel with 50 beds must have at least 6 rooms, each of which can accommodate 8 people. Requires 4 bathrooms. In addition to the rest room, it is worth equipping a snack room - a full-fledged dining room or a mini-bar. You will also need a utility room for storing bed linen, equipment, consumables, etc. It is worth setting up a utility room so that you can wash and dry clothes, linen, etc. in it.
  • When opening a hostel with 100 beds, you need to choose a room in which you can build several blocks with separate bathrooms, a kitchen, a lounge, etc. In this case, you can buy several apartments, which can then be redeveloped into one mini-hotel. If things go well, it will be possible to expand or.

As for the location, it is recommended to rent space for a hostel in the city center. In this case, you can proceed from the location of interesting tourist places, good transport links, and the presence of nearby metro stations and train stations.

It is worth noting that entrepreneurs open mini-hotels more often in apartments than in non-residential premises, since their arrangement requires significantly less financial investment. As for the disadvantages, we can highlight possible conflict situations with neighbors. To avoid them, you should take the discipline of both hostel workers and guests seriously.

A specialist will tell you in the video how to make the correct layout of a hostel:

Just a few years ago, hostels in the country were not popular at all, having a reputation as housing for the poor, which lacked normal living conditions and had a low level of hygiene. Today, this type of sleeping place has become many times more popular among tourists and travelers, since the cost of such an overnight stay is quite affordable. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are starting to think about how to open a hostel and what it will take.

Where to start

To make your dream come true, you first need to do the preparatory work:

  1. Analyze the market situation in your region;
  2. Find the optimal location for the hostel;
  3. Create a detailed business plan in which to calculate approximate payback periods and indicate the main sources of financing;
  4. Obtain permits to conduct activities from regulatory authorities;
  5. Correctly identify your target audience and provide competent advertising.

To open a hostel from scratch in 2019, you do not need to obtain special licenses. It is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, then register with the tax office and the Pension Fund. All that remains is to open a current account to be able to accept payments.

What are the requirements for hostels in Russia today?

GOST from 2015 says that a hostel is a budget place with rooms of different sizes, intended for tourism. Each such establishment must have a hall for free communication of guests; the presence of a kitchen is not necessary, but if the entrepreneur wishes, he can equip a separate place for preparing food.

The requirements for the size of the rooms are quite strict: at least 4 square meters are allocated for one sleeping place, the height of the ceilings in the room must be at least 2.5 meters. There must be one shower and at least one toilet per 15 visitors.

What documents will you need to prepare for opening?

To begin with A certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur is sufficient. If you plan to expand your business and organize several hostels at once, it makes sense to register a legal entity. Next, you will definitely need to conclude a rental agreement for the premises.
Next stage– register with the tax service, where you can obtain a tax payer’s certificate. The easiest and most profitable way is to choose a simplified taxation system, within which a businessman will not make large contributions, and keeping records is much easier.

To open, you will need to pass an inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Also, the selected premises must meet the requirements of the fire service. Next, you will need to enter into a waste disposal agreement with a specialized company.

Requirements for hostel premises

The first and most important question of interest to a future businessman is: is it possible to open a hostel in an apartment? In January 2015, a law was passed according to which this can be done, but only if a number of requirements are met.
Before the adoption of the law, rooms in an apartment first had to be transferred to non-residential use, and only after that the entrepreneur received the right to place a hostel there. Now, on the basis of Article 4, Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, if the use of a residential premises does not violate the interests and rights of other residents, and fire and sanitary standards are met, it is allowed to place a hostel in a residential building.
Another thing is that if you set up a hostel in a two or three-room apartment, you won’t be able to accommodate many residents here, which means you can’t count on a constant profit. Therefore, when choosing suitable premises for a hostel, it is better to consider areas of 150 square meters or more. In this case, you will be able to freely create rooms for vacationers, make stylish renovations, which will attract young travelers.

It is mandatory to comply with the following rules regarding the placement of residents:

  • It is not allowed to accommodate people in basements and rooms without windows;
  • At least 4 square meters must be allocated for each bed, regardless of whether the hostel is located in Moscow or any other city in the Russian Federation;
  • Similar standards apply to bunk beds, with at least 75 cm remaining to the ceiling;
  • A shower stall, washbasin and toilet are installed at the rate of 1 unit per 15 residents.

If you want to convert non-residential premises into a hostel, the main thing is that it meets SanPin and Fire Supervision standards.

The best option is to rent a separate building or 1-2 floors.

The average rental cost reaches 15 thousand rubles per year, depending on the region. If you carry out renovations in the room with redevelopment, this is another plus of 8-10 thousand rubles per square meter. For comparison, purchasing a similar premises can cost 5 million or more. Therefore, the choice is entirely up to the owner.

Criteria for choosing premises for a hostel

To find the optimal location for the hostel, you need to carefully analyze:

  1. Transport infrastructure;
  2. Are there any other hostels nearby and are there apartments for daily rent?
  3. What is the pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the selected location?

It’s best to start doing preparatory work in early spring, so by summer you can open and start accepting your first clients.

  • There should be interesting places and attractions nearby;
  • It is important for guests to have good transport links nearby;
  • Be sure to post a bright, visible sign and, if necessary, provide directional signs to help potential customers find their way.

It is also necessary to understand that the Internet is a key channel for promoting a hostel, so it is necessary create your own website. Focus on your target audience - young people who spend a lot of time on social networks and prefer to book rooms online.

Features of the room arrangement process

Before you start, you need to select the appropriate format:

  • Large hostel, capable of accommodating up to 100 guests. It is not advisable to open such an establishment, since a large amount of investment will be required and there are risks that the place simply will not be popular. And the less workload, the lower the profit;
  • Average hostel for 50 guests. The simplest and most popular option, for the organization of which it is enough to have 2-3 apartments on the same floor, which are then combined. There will be about 6 sleeping places, plus two bathrooms and a kitchen;
  • Mini-format hostel for 10 guests. Suitable for beginner entrepreneurs, as it requires a minimum amount of investment. Payback may take longer due to a small flow of clients, but the cost of a bed can be raised by 10-15% compared to competitors. Travelers who want comfort and a cozy home environment are happy to pay for it.

Regardless of the chosen format of the establishment, it is necessary to carry out repairs to the premises. The hostel should be bright and clean. Today, travelers are not satisfied with just one bed; they want to stay in a comfortable place, with a unique and inimitable style.

Therefore, bright decoration and creative design solutions when decorating a hostel are only welcome.

When checking in for the night, a potential client wants to receive not only a bed, but also at least minimal service:

  1. Possibility to take a hot shower without queues;
  2. If necessary, wash and dry things;
  3. Use the kitchen or have the opportunity to purchase personal hygiene products, drinks or snacks on site;
  4. Connect to free internet.

All these services will set you apart from your competitors. If your budget allows, you can place a TV or console in the guest lounge and offer guests a small assortment of board games so that they can have an interesting time.

Personnel selection is half the success

A hostel needs the right selection of staff, because they are the face of the establishment. First of all, you need to hire an administrator (at the initial stage, his functions can be performed by the owner of the establishment himself).

Key responsibilities of an administrator include:

  1. Receiving phone calls and making room reservations;
  2. Greeting guests and assistance with accommodation;
  3. Acceptance of payment;
  4. Resolving possible problem situations.

A person with competent speech and good appearance should be hired for this position; speaking English will be an excellent bonus for the applicant. To clean the premises, you need to hire several cleaners to work in shifts or outsource this to a cleaning service. To submit monthly reports, pay employees wages and maintain documentation, you will definitely need to hire accountant.
Even before the hostel opens, you will need to invest funds for an advertising campaign. To do this, you will need to hire a specialist to develop the site (about $300), and another about $200 must be poured into the resource every month to promote it in the search engine. Next, you need to create hostel pages on popular social networks, where you can hold various kinds of promotions in order to attract the attention of potential customers. All this will have a positive impact on the hostel’s occupancy, and, therefore, on profit.

What equipment will you need to purchase?

First of all you need buy beds based on the planned number of beds plus a couple of spare ones. It's better to give preference wooden furniture: sliding wardrobes for the hallway, shelves for shoes, bedside tables for bedrooms, the rest room needs armchairs and soft sofas - these are basic interior items.
Please note that the beds must meet the established requirements: be at least 80x190 cm for a single bed and 140x190 cm for a double bed. It is prohibited to place them closer than 75 cm from each other. On average, the purchase of furniture will cost from 100 thousand rubles.

The list of required equipment may vary depending on the services provided. IN The minimum set can be included: TV in the hall, iron, a couple of washing machines, refrigerator, microwave, and Wi-Fi router. You will also need plumbing: toilets, washbasins and showers - approximately 150 thousand rubles to purchase.

Residents will say special thanks for mini safes, in which you can store valuables. This will require another 90 thousand rubles.
Remember that each guest must be provided bedding: at least 1 set of bed linen (preferably 2), you can also offer them towels and disposable slippers. Let’s assume you need to spend 80-100 thousand rubles on this. And although the hostel differs from other similar establishments in its minimalism, it is better if you provide clients with the opportunity not only to spend the night. You want to return to a cozy place, which is made in its own unique and inimitable style, again and again.

Find unusual bookshelves, interesting lamps and table lamps - in this regard, you can safely show your imagination.

Current expenses and approximate profit from operating activities

To create a hostel you will need minimum initial capital of 500 thousand rubles for a medium-sized establishment. It includes: the cost of purchasing beds and furniture, renting premises, equipping a bathroom and a small recreation area. If you plan to make a mini-kitchen, you will add about 100 thousand more to purchase a coffee maker, kitchen set, microwave and refrigerator.
The initial budget depends entirely on the number of rooms planned. Plus, we must not forget about the need to register and pay state fees. On average, the funds spent will be returned in a year or two, provided that the establishment’s occupancy remains stable at 40%.