Why do you dream of a black cat, dream book of a black cat. Big black cat

Cats, then the answer will be clear. We all know that in the real world such a symbol is not a good sign. Could it be that this dream is interpreted somehow differently? Let's look into the dream books and find out the answer.

Perhaps they want to tarnish your reputation

Miller's dream book says that if you see a black cat in a dream, you should take a closer look at the people around you. It seems that not all of them wish you well, and some even want to “cast a shadow over the fence” in an attempt to tarnish your good name. By driving away this creature in a dream, you can avoid many troubles in reality. The same source, when asked why black cats dream, answers this way: “Someone will covet your property and try to take possession of it.” We are not talking about forceful taking away, but about cunning and insidious intrigues.

It’s not good if you dreamed of black cats meowing loudly and/or squealing. It is also not good to be scratched in a dream by the claws of this animal. Thanks to the efforts of ill-wishers, a deal that is profitable for you may fall through. Almost the same thing is said and Why do you dream of black cats scratching the dreamer? To bodily ailments and worries. It is noteworthy that the authors of dream books do not favor the symbol in question, regardless of color.

Trouble, betrayal, robbery

Why do we dream of black cats in the interpretation of the French dream book? Its authors, unfortunately, are also not encouraging. We are warned about female betrayal, betrayal of close friends, and even robbery. The latter interpretation refers to those dreams in which cats fight.

Don't pet cats in your sleep

From Grishina’s Dream Book you can learn that any kind of dream does not bode well for us. Even if she goes towards the dreamer, then you will meet an unkind, insincere person. A cat crossing the road warns of almost the same thing. Caressing this animal in your dreams means facing mistrust and doubts in real life. Tears and betrayal in connection with this sign are written about in the Old Russian and Persian dream books.

Send a petty thief to prison

The compilers of the Indian Dream Book are confident that the symbol warns of the possibility of minor losses due to theft. But a dreamer who beats a cat or even kills it in a dream will be able to catch the thief in reality and bring him to justice. A person who receives the skin of this animal in a dream will return everything that was stolen from him. This also applies to those who dreamed that they ate cat meat. The family dream book confirms that this symbol indicates the presence of enemies. It is clarified that we are talking about an unkind woman.

Every cloud has a silver lining - a new period in the dreamer’s life

However, the Family Dream Book also contains some clarifications. Why do you dream of black cats purring and fawning over you? the onset of a new life period. He will be peaceful and calm. It is interesting that the Modern Dream Book interprets a dream with cats as a sign of a profitable deal. The Dream Book of the 21st century also speaks of the fact that they bring profit in reality. And we wish you prosperity and good dreams!

The dream book considers a black cat that appears in a dream as a witchcraft symbol that has an impact on reality. The most vivid prophecies about what this sweet and insidious creature dreams about are collected in this review. Will you be lucky or not? Now you will know for sure.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: Fortitude and Freedom

A person, oppressed by circumstances, sees a black cat before important changes in life, difficult, but necessary. Moreover, everything will happen by itself - it’s not for nothing that she is friends with otherworldly forces. Affectionate and fluffy, she will protect comfort, peace and prosperity from outside encroachments.

If she suddenly appeared in a dream, but in reality she is not in the house, then the dreamer is subjected to humiliation and will need support - it seems to him so. He's actually strong. Remember, a cat has nine lives; it cannot be destroyed or broken.

Why does a woman dream about the beautiful curves of her pet’s graceful body? This is how her feminine essence reveals deeply hidden sexuality, desire, passion.

Vanga: what does dead or sick mean?

The plot, in which they saw a pet seriously ill, and even more so - they watched her die, raises questions about the strength of the relationship. If you dreamed that this was your spouse’s favorite, then you need to run away from the marriage. If he beat or even killed a beauty in a dream, it means he is planning a divorce - do not interfere with this.

The dead one represents envy and the desire to cause harm. Why do you dream of seeing her outside your apartment? Vanga's dream book prophesies that troubles will not enter the family, but will remain with those who wanted to cause them.

Why do you dream about being caressed and attacked?

Gustav Miller is very skeptical about the prospects of a person who saw a black cat in a dream. He finds bad signs both in the fact that she is affectionate and in the fact that she bullies.

In real life, failures can be avoided if you drive it away: for example, if a friend has been sick for a long time, he will get better. Why do you dream of a magical beauty according to Miller’s dream book?

  • Aggressive – embodies the image of the enemy.
  • Attacks - slander, fraud, theft.
  • If you dreamed about being scratched, you will lose income.
  • If she scratched her until she bled, her relatives would deprive her of her inheritance.
  • Warmed up in your arms - a threat to honor.
  • Rubbing on your legs - the ill-wisher is gaining trust.
  • Caresses - involvement in fraud.
  • Throws from above - fierce competition.

I dreamed of seeing other living creatures in a dream

What does a dream in which a black cat fights with a dog portend? If the dog retreats, you will become a victim of slander; if it wins, you will honestly defend your interests, but you will have to work long and hard.

Why do you dream that a little predator caught a rat? In the confrontation between intelligence and cunning, deception will prevail. If the rat dodged or punished the offender, the dream books are confident that good planning will bring success.

Fleas are an ambiguous symbol. If they do not cause concern, and the kitty reaches out to be petted, then you will suddenly become rich. If they suck until there are blood stains, then the relatives will have to endure disappointment. Catching fleas in a dream means creating problems for yourself.

Black cat as a planned accident

The classic plot, in which the living embodiment of bad luck runs across the road, prophesies the main failure of the coming day: failing an exam, a car accident, a sewer break - whatever. It’s only worse if this miracle suddenly turns around and goes towards you.

In a cat walking towards you, dream books see a challenge: the enemy will disguise himself, but the true intentions must be recognized in time.

The pregnant woman promises protection from slander, but you yourself need to keep your eyes open, as the enemy is trying to become a friend. If you meowed in a dream, a good friend will let you down.

Why did you see the secret symbol?

Islamic interpreters find special signs in the dream of a black cat. It symbolizes a book with secret knowledge. To notice white marks on it means riddles, uncertainty, confusion in matters.

For a man, the Muslim dream book prophesies disrespect for his wife and children. He can also be deceived or robbed. Feeding her means attracting flatterers to you.

People have been interpreting dreams since ancient times. Unusual objects, animals, or strange circumstances can have very different meanings and predict different events. To interpret such visions, special books are used - dream books. Moreover, different publications can interpret different visions in completely different ways.

So, if this is your pet, then there is nothing special about it. If you see a completely unfamiliar black cat, then there are several options for interpreting such a dream. According to the interpretation of modern dream books, it can be a harbinger of an imminent quarrel or even a fight. If in a dream an animal moves towards you, it means that you should expect an ill-wisher to appear in your life in the near future.

If in a dream a black cat caresses you, it means that you will soon experience misfortune. The loud meowing of this animal indicates that your partner's love for you is insincere. The question of why a black cat dreams can be most fully answered by the French dream book. According to his interpretation, the appearance of this animal in a dream may mean betrayal. The French also believe that if cats and one of them are black, the person will face trials in the form of a night robbery.

The Italians can also tell us why a black cat dreams. In their opinion, this means bondage. Moreover, they interpret such a dream not only as a harbinger of imprisonment, but also as a warning about what will soon appear in life, that is, being captured by feelings.

However, the interpretation of what a black cat means in a dream is not always negative. According to the Assyrian dream book, such a vision can mean the fulfillment of all secret desires and hopes. In addition, the appearance of this animal in a dream may mean that soon someone powerful from among the powers that be will begin to provide assistance to a person.

However, in most cases with cats, and not only black ones, they usually mean the approach of events that will upset the dreamer. Only visions in which the sleeper manages to drive this animal away, kill it, or otherwise avoid its attack are not negative. These dreams can be classified as favorable. Such visions foretell a quick deliverance from enemies.

If you see a white cat in a dream, this may mean that in reality you will not immediately see the misfortunes approaching you, and therefore will not be able to prepare for them accordingly. If a cat of any color manages to scratch you, it means that your enemies will soon be able to deprive you of part of your income. An emaciated cat may portend bad news from relatives or friends. Most likely, an accident happened to one of them. A dream involving a cat of any color or type can also portend the destruction of various kinds of commercial endeavors.

The secret of your dreams can be revealed by using any dream book. In different countries, dreams involving these cute pets are interpreted differently. Which interpretation to choose depends only on the personal preferences of the dreamer.

In life, many problems and superstitions are associated with it, although in a dream it rarely brings evil and turns into bad luck. The dream book writes a lot about why a black cat dreams and what will follow.

A dream with her indicates that some mystical force will very soon penetrate your life, but how exactly this will manifest itself depends on the situation and various details of the dream. Very often they are indicated by the place of meeting with her and the dreamer’s lifestyle.

Because a black cat in a dream is not only a symbol of the external manifestation of dark forces, but also the internal, unknown side of the dreamer himself. Pay attention to the time of day and the environment in which she appeared in your dream, and then everything will become clear to you.

In women's and girls' dreams

Seeing it for a woman or a completely young person means unexpectedly encountering the dark side of reality, especially if it attacks you. If you meet her during the day, such a dream means a quarrel, anger, envy and manifestation of aggression and ill will on the part of others.

Sometimes a black cat, like a cat of this color, shows the dark side of life, which can be different. The cat embodies feminine qualities such as envy, equality, aggression and vindictiveness. Sometimes - black witchcraft and using it to achieve your personal goal. A cat of the darkest shade means a seducer, secrecy, vindictiveness, treachery or a magician.

Seeing him fawning over you is a sign of a dubious or dangerous acquaintance, which in some cases can turn out to be fatal. If a scary cat attacks you in a dream, this means that you will be subject to aggression or you will suffer from the actions of a brunette or a person with an oriental appearance. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a secret admirer who will seduce and pursue her or take revenge for the insults inflicted and barbs spoken against him. He can simply woo the lady of his heart, even if she did not give preference to him or got married. Blackmail from a former lover is also possible.

If a girl dreams of a black cat, then the dream foretells her a meeting with an unpleasant person, a scandal or a quarrel. If she has a secret affair with a married admirer, then the wife will find out about it and begin to sort things out. But in some cases, a black cat dreams of a mystical meeting. It is possible that the girl will turn to a fortune teller or ask a witch to cast a love spell on her and clarify the situation on the personal front.

If the black cat does not attack you, then the conflict is excluded. This means that there will be no aggression towards you, but some mystical force will penetrate your life. This may simply be the awakening and sharpening of intuition, and sometimes a departure from the path of obedience to parents.

If a black cat appears in the dark and beckons you into the sea of ​​​​night entertainment and lights, then the girl will very soon plunge into the whirlpool of a forbidden life of pleasures under the cover of darkness. Clubs and fans will become her best friends, where she will feel like the queen of dreams. Wandering on the roof at night with black cats means showing the shadow side of your nature, curiosity and the desire to step over a ban or touch some secret.

Why do you dream of black cats with whom a girl or woman goes into the night, walks on rooftops or hears their screams? The dream book writes that soon you will lose the appearance of a good, exemplary girl or woman and decide to plunge into the sea of ​​night lights and entertainment. Seeing a cat that will follow you to the roof and go with it to the roof, but at the same time be subjected to aggression, is a dangerous situation.

The dream book writes that an insidious and vicious person will try to use you for his own purpose and may harm you. If a black cat that gave birth to kittens attacks you, the dream book writes that the dreamer will suffer from the actions of her boyfriend’s mother, who does not want you to meet, or from the mother-in-law, who suspects her daughter-in-law of bad intentions. Going into the night with a fluffy and beautiful cat means the appearance of a bright and very seductive friend, who will have an almost hypnotic effect on the dreamer. Such dreams are often experienced by teenagers and young, inexperienced people who were raised by strict mothers and grandmothers.

In men's dreams

If you often dream about these representatives of the cat world, it means that you will soon meet a charming brunette, especially if the cat is fluffy and well-groomed. Seeing a real little panther under your window is a sign of secret love or a sharpening of your own intuition and desire to understand women. For some guys, the dream book interprets this dream as the emergence of mystical abilities, the development of the gift of foresight, or the unexpected discovery of depravity and desire for nightlife and club life.

Usually black cats dream of revealing some secret or a new mystical discovery. A dream in which you yourself followed a black cat into the night means love and the appearance of a brunette mistress, whom you will visit at night or party at a club. Although in some cases the dream book writes that the dreamer will soon start working in the dark or turn to a professional fortune teller to resolve his questions about the future.

Seeing a cat of this color during the day that is aggressive and attacks is a sign of trouble.

Often such a dream predicts long-term quarrels, blackmail and persecution, especially if your previous passion was a brunette. Sometimes the dream book writes that such dreams occur due to a black magical influence - damage or a love spell aimed at you or your significant other.

Especially if you had to see them several times in different versions. As soon as the source of the negativity is localized, such dreams no longer occur. This is the case when you should turn to a magician.

To see a dream in which a black cat crossed the road means changes in life. Sometimes such visions mean that you will soon stop visiting a certain place. But in some books on dreams it predicts an unexpected death, which will force the dreamer to change his life plans. At the same time, after sad news, black cats usually no longer appear in dreams.

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The black cat is the most widespread superstition in the world. Prejudices regarding a harmless animal sometimes reach insane proportions. Of course, we have all heard that we should avoid a black cat on our way. If she crossed the road, expect failure. Such things are laid down since childhood. Subconsciously, when we see a black cat, the brain of most of us is already programmed for unpleasant events.

Particularly superstitious people even try to change the route or catch up with the unfortunate cat and pass by its face in order to prevent the fact that it crossed the road after all.

In Western culture, the black cat is considered a favorite and assistant of witches. In the Middle Ages, in many countries, people saw evil in animals and simply killed the unfortunate ones, believing that they brought misfortune.

It is not surprising that after so many prejudices, the image of a black animal in a dream evokes in an ordinary person fear and horror. It seems that this, without options, is a symbol of something bad that we may dream about and then happen in everyday life. Nevertheless, according to the dream book, there is no obvious negative message from a black cat. You need to understand that, first of all, this is an animal, and only then a bunch of superstitions and prejudices, which are very rarely confirmed by serious facts.

A curious story, in particular, occurred in the Middle Ages. In Europe, people began to exterminate black cats and soon paid for their madness. The population of rats and other rodents has increased. As a result, many people became victims of the bubonic plague, although if there were more animals, the disease would not have been so widespread.

Why do you dream about black cats?

You should immediately limit situations in which the dream book will not help you at all. It concerns dreams where there is a black cat doesn't have any deep meaning, but is only a product of recent emotions. There is absolutely no need to think about the meaning of a dream when you yourself:

Here you should not think about what you might have dreamed. In dreams, such images are often associated with recently experienced moments and accentuate only recent emotions. There is no need to invent dreams. Many dreams have meaning, but this is not the case.

Dream books agree that a black cat in most cases means interaction with a woman. Many dream books have different interpretations of the animal, but on average it does not carry much negative connotation. In a dream, the meaning can be very contradictory. You will also dream about a cat in cases when you have great luck ahead, but the main thing is to correctly decipher your dream.

Black cat in a dream. Good value

If you dreamed about a black cat, don’t rush to lose heart. According to the dream book, a very important factor in deciphering the meaning of a dream is your personal relationship with these animals. Even if you were scratched or bitten in a dream, but in life you love cats, then forget it - nothing bad will happen. In general, people who often interact with animals should not take even the most terrible images in this situation seriously.

The positive meaning of a cat is for profit. Modern dream books advise counting animals in a dream. If their number cannot be counted, then get ready for big expenses - the money for them will appear soon.

When an animal meows in a dream, you don’t need to research dream books to understand that someone very close needs your help. At the same time, he can hide his own problems from you in every possible way, so you yourself must guess and help the person experiencing difficulties, otherwise this image will visit you more than once during your dreams.

If you dream about a cat for Saturday night, then get ready for good luck in business. Don't get hung up on its color. An animal on this day is for good.

And also pay attention to the grooming of the animal. Homemade musk bears a complete energy balance. You definitely don’t need to worry if you see a collar on an animal. There is no deep meaning here. Rather, it is a sign that everything in this life is working out as you originally intended.

Seeing a black cat in a dream. Not good

Now let's look at a number of situations where you may have a negative message for you. Such dreams usually immediately make it clear to a person that he has recently changed his life and made the wrong choice in an important area of ​​​​life. For example, a person who has chosen an unsuitable companion or an unloved job will dream of something similar.

The worst option is when the cat starts dreaming on Monday night. Evidence of many troubles - from health problems to conflicts with best friends. A bite from this animal, according to the dream book, is a harbinger of a serious illness. True, you still have time to defend yourself. Usually this can happen in dreams during global epidemics. Take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

A black cat is a symbol of an unfriendly woman. For representatives of the fairer sex, it foreshadows a strong competitor in the fight for their loved one. Men, on the other hand, make poor choices in their personal lives. Take another look at your chosen one. Perhaps she is not at all who you imagine her to be?

The standard case when an animal crosses the road has many different interpretation options according to the dream book. The most common one is noisy quarrel in the family or at work. Another option is a meeting with an unpleasant person, which, unfortunately, cannot be avoided. You need to think about how to behave, thinking through ways to deal with it.

A black cat, if you don’t like animals, is an unpleasant sign. This is a kind of collapse of your plans. Business failures and financial ruin for the family. Another unpleasant meaning is the cat as a symbol of the main enemy. Be careful if you have ill-wishers. They are planning something serious against you, but only you and no one else are under threat.

Dream Interpretation black cat

As we see, an animal, exhausted by the oppression of stereotypes, can appear in our dreams in a whole bunch of different situations and testify about exactly the opposite things:

  • Profits
  • Making the right life choice
  • Quarrel
  • Meeting the enemy

Do not rush to panic when you dream of a black cat. Superstitions that have been established for years often do not make any sense according to dream books. For the most part, she is an ordinary animal. Of course, this symbol, according to dream books, cannot be called bringing joy. However, there is no need to talk about grief. Be attentive to the small details of the dream. Pay attention to the animal’s collar and well-groomed appearance, and most importantly, separate prejudices from the real meaning, and then it will become easier to figure out what this image is about in your dreams.