Beautiful Japanese female names and surnames. Secrets and mysteries of Japanese female names

Do you know Japanese names and their meanings? What names are popular in Japan today? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Japanese names these days typically include a family name (family name) followed by a personal name. This practice is common in East and Southeast Asia, including Korean, Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese and other cultures.

Name comparison

  • Akayo is a smart man;
  • Aki - bright, autumn;
  • Akio is a charmer;
  • Akira - clear, brilliant;
  • Akihiko is a colorful prince;
  • Akihiro - spectacular, scientist, smart;
  • Aretha is the newest;
  • Goro is the fifth son;
  • Jero is the tenth son;
  • June - obedient;
  • Daysuke is a great helper;
  • Izamu - daring, warrior;
  • Izao - merit, honor;
  • Iori - addiction;
  • Yoshieki - true glory, spectacular success;
  • Ichiro is the first heir;
  • Kayoshi - calm;
  • Ken is healthy and strong;
  • Kero - ninth son;
  • Kichiro is a lucky son;
  • Katsu - triumph;
  • Makoto - true;
  • Mitseru - full;
  • Memoru is a protector;
  • Naoki is an honest tree;
  • Nobu - faith;
  • Norayo is a man of principles;
  • Ozemu - autocrat;
  • Rio is magnificent;
  • Raiden - thunder and lightning;
  • Ryuu - dragon;
  • Seiji - warning, second (son);
  • Suzumu - progressive;
  • Takayuki - noble, filial happiness;
  • Teruo is a bright person;
  • Toshi - emergency;
  • Temotsu - protective, complete;
  • Tetsuo - dragon man;
  • Tetsuya is the dragon they transform into (and have his durability and wisdom);
  • Fumayo is an academic, literary child;
  • Hideo is a luxurious person;
  • Hizoka - preserved;
  • Hiroki - rich fun, strength;
  • Hechiro is the eighth son;
  • Shin - true;
  • Shoichi - correct;
  • Yukayo is a happy person;
  • Yuki - grace, snow;
  • Yudei is a great hero;
  • Yasuhiro - rich honesty;
  • Yasushi - honest, peaceful.

Beautiful names for Japanese men are usually divided into two types: single-component and multi-component. Names with one element include a verb, as a result of which the name has an ending - y, for example, Mamoru (protector). Or an adjective ending in -si, for example, Hiroshi (spacious).

Sometimes you can find names with one sign that have an onic reading. Names made up of a pair of hieroglyphs usually indicate masculinity. For example: son, warrior, man, husband, courageous and so on. Each of these indicators has its own ending.

The structure of such names usually contains a hieroglyph, which reveals how the name should be read. There are also names consisting of three elements. In this episode the indicator will be two-link. For example, “eldest son”, “younger son” and so on. It is rare to meet a person with a three-part name and a one-component indicator. It is not often that you come across names that have four components written in Japanese alphabet rather than in hieroglyphs.

Name Shizuka

The Japanese name meaning "dragon" is loved by locals and foreigners alike. What does the name Shizuka represent? Interpretation of this name: quiet. The meanings of the letters in this name are as follows:

  • Ш - developed intuition, impulsiveness, ambition, hard work, independence.
  • And - intelligence, emotionality, kindness, pessimism, uncertainty, creative inclinations.
  • Z - independence, developed intuition, intelligence, hard work, pessimism, secrecy.
  • U - kindness, developed intuition, sincerity, creative inclinations, spirituality, optimism.
  • K - developed intuition, ambition, impulsiveness, practicality, kindness, sincerity.
  • A - selfishness, activity, creative inclinations, impulsiveness, ambition, sincerity.

The number of the name Shizuka is 7. It conceals the ability to direct abilities into the world of philosophy or art, into religious activity, and the field of science. But the results of the activities of people with this name largely depend on a deep analysis of victories that have already been achieved and on true planning for their own future. By getting to know other people, they often develop into leaders and teachers of the highest caliber. But if they are engaged in commercial or financial affairs, then here they themselves will need someone’s help.

The planet named after Shizuka is Mercury, the element is cold dry air, the zodiac sign is Virgo and Gemini. The color of this name is changeable, variegated, mixed, day is Wednesday, metals - bismuth, mercury, semiconductors, minerals - agate, emerald, topaz, porphyry, rock crystal, glass, sardonyx, plants - parsley, basil, celery, walnut tree, valerian , animals - weasel, monkey, fox, parrot, stork, thrush, nightingale, ibis, lark, flying fish.

Composing a name for a resident of the Land of the Rising Sun is a whole science, primarily because the harmonious combination of first and last names, their meaning for a Japanese person, and especially a Japanese woman, is a paramount issue. There is a special set of names containing about two and a half thousand hieroglyphs. There are also specialists who are engaged in name creation. We must give them credit - they do their job with dignity. In Japan there is no concept of “namesake” - and girls are never repeated. They are made up of two parts - the surname of the clan, which comes first, and the personal name, which occupies second place.

The meaning of Japanese names was determined in ancient times. Once upon a time, girls of noble blood acquired the “hime” component in their name. Translated, “hime” sounds like “princess”. But there were many aristocratic girls, and there were a limited number of true princesses. Therefore, “hime” is somewhat larger in its semantic meaning - it means the presence of blue blood. When the presence of blue blood, due to strict moral principles, excluded worldly life and required monastic conditions, the particle “in” was added to the name of the nun. This concerned monks equally.

Samurai wives were marked by the presence of the “gozen” component in their names. However, a name with such a component was almost never used in everyday life. Usually the wife of a samurai was called by her husband's surname or his rank.

Japanese female names ending in "ko" or "mi" have the following meaning: "ko" - child, "mi" - beauty. For example, Yoko, Yuko, Yoshiko, Fujiko, Minami. Feminine and soft words present in the name do not always suit modern Japanese women. It’s not surprising - technological progress requires toughness from women, and playful parts of names, hinting at the defenselessness of their owners, do not encourage this toughness. Therefore, some business women omit these parts, calling themselves more succinctly and thereby trying to create for themselves the image necessary for modern times.

Meaning of female Japanese names.

Ai - Love
Aiko - Favorite child
Akako - Red
Akane - Sparkling Red
Akemi - Dazzlingly beautiful
Aki - Born in autumn
Akiko - Autumn Child
Akina - Spring flower
Amaya - Night Rain
Ami - Friend
Anda - Met in the field
Aneko - Older Sister
Anzu - Apricot
Arisu - Japanese form of the name Alice
Asuka - Scent of Tomorrow
Ayame - Iris
Azarni - Thistle flower

Chika - Wisdom
Chikako - Child of Wisdom
Chinatsu - Thousand Years
Chiyo - Eternity
Chizu - Thousand Storks (implies longevity)
Cho - Butterfly

Etsu - Delightful, charming
Etsuko - Delightful Child

Gin - Silver

Hana - Flower
Hanako - Flower Child
Haruka - Distant
Haruko - Spring
Hide - Fertile
Hiroko - Generous
Hitomi - Doubly beautiful
Hoshi - Star
Hotaru - Firefly

Ima - Gift
Ishi - Stone
Izanami - Attractive
Izumi - Fountain

Junko - Pure Child

Kaede - Maple Leaf
Kagami - Mirror
Kameko - Turtle Child (symbol of longevity)
Kasumi - Fog
Kazuko - Cheerful child
Kei - Respectful
Keiko - Adored
Kichi - Lucky
Kiku - Chrysanthemum
Kimiko - Child of Noble Blood
Kioko - Happy child
Kita - North
Kiyoko - Cleanliness
Kohana - Small flower
Koko - Stork
Koto - Japanese musical instrument "koto"
Kotone - The sound of koto
Kumiko - Forever Beautiful
Kuri - Chestnut
Kyoko - Mirror

Leiko - Arrogant

Machi - Ten thousand years
Machiko - Lucky Child
Maeko - Honest Child
Maemi - Sincere smile
Mai - Bright
Mamiko - Baby Mami
Manami - The beauty of love
Mariko - Child of Truth
Marise - Infinite
Matsu - Pine
Mayako - Child Maya
Mayoko - Baby Mayo
Mayuko - Child Mayu
Michi - Fair
Michie - Gracefully hanging flower
Michiko - Beautiful and wise
Midori - Green
Mihoko - Child Miho
Mika - New Moon
Mina - South
Minako - Beautiful child
Mine - Brave Defender
Misaki - The Bloom of Beauty
Mitsuko - Child of Light
Miya - Three Arrows
Miyako - Beautiful Child of March
Mizuki - Beautiful Moon
Momoko - Child Peach
Moriko - Child of the Forest
Mura - Country
Mutsuko - Child Mutsu

Nahoko - Child Naho
Nami - Wave
Namiko - Child of the Waves
Nana - Apple
Naoko - Obedient Child
Naomi - “Beauty First”
Nara - Oak
Nariko - Sissy
Natsuko - Summer Child
Natsumi - Wonderful summer
Nayoko - Baby Nayo
Nori - Law
Noriko - Child of the Law
Nozomi - Hope
Nyoko - Gemstone

Oki - Middle of the Ocean
Orino - Peasant meadow

Rai - Truth
Ran - Water lily
Rei - Gratitude
Reiko - Gratitude
Ren - Water Lily
Riko - Child of Jasmine
Rin - Unfriendly
Rini - Little Bunny
Risako - Child Risa
Ritsuko - Child Ritsu
Rumiko - Child Rumi
Ruri - Emerald
Ryoko - Child Ryo

Sachi - Happiness
Sachiko - Child of Happiness
Saki - Cape (geographic)
Sakura - Cherry blossoms
Sanako - Child Sana
Sango - Coral
Satu - Sugar
Sayuri - Little lily
Shika - Deer
Shina - Decent
Shizuka - Quiet
Sora - Sky
Sorano - Heavenly
Suki - Favorite
Suma - Questioner
Sumi - Purified (religious)
Suzu - Bell (bell)
Suzume - Sparrow

Taka - Noble
Takako - Tall Kid
Takara - Treasure
Tamiko - Child of Abundance
Tani - From the valley (child)
Taura - Many lakes; many rivers
Tomiko - Child of Wealth
Tora - Tigress
Toshi - Mirror Image
Tsukiko - Moon Child
Tsuyu - Morning Dew

Ume - F - Plum blossom
Umeko - F - Plum Blossom Child
Usagi - F - Rabbit

Yachi - F - Eight thousand
Yasu - F - Calm
Yayoi - F - March
Yoko - F - Child of the Sun
Yori - F - Trustworthy
Yoshi - F - Perfection
Yoshiko - F - Perfect Child
Yukiko - F - Snow Child
Yuko - F - Kind child
Yumako - F - Child Yuma
Yumi - F - Bow-like (weapon)
Yumiko - F - Child of the Arrow
Yuri - F - Lily
Yuriko - F - Lily's Child

Japan is a unique country. What is behind these words? Special, unlike anything else nature, culture, religion, philosophy, art, way of life, fashion, cuisine, harmonious coexistence of high technology and ancient traditions, as well as the Japanese language itself - as difficult to learn as it is fascinating. One of the most important parts of the language is given names and surnames. They always carry a piece of history, and Japanese ones are doubly curious.

Decipher the name

Why do we, foreigners, need to know all this? Firstly, because it is informative and interesting, because Japanese culture has penetrated into many areas of our modern life. It is very interesting to decipher the surnames of famous people: for example, the animator Miyazaki - “temple, palace” + “cape”, and the writer Murakami - “village” + “top”. Secondly, all this has long and firmly become part of the youth subculture.

Fans of comics (manga) and animation (anime) simply love to take various Japanese names and surnames as pseudonyms. Samp and other online games also actively use such pseudonyms for player characters. And it’s not surprising: such a nickname sounds beautiful, exotic and memorable.

These mysterious Japanese first and last names

The Land of the Rising Sun will always find something to surprise an ignorant foreigner. It is noteworthy that when recording or officially introducing a person, his last name comes first, and then his first name, for example: Sato Aiko, Tanaka Yukio. This sounds unusual to the Russian ear, and therefore it can be quite difficult for us to distinguish Japanese names and surnames from each other. The Japanese themselves, in order to avoid confusion when communicating with foreigners, often write their surname in capital letters. And it really makes the task easier. Fortunately, it is customary for the Japanese to have only one first name and one surname. And this people does not have such a form as patronymic (patronymic).

Another unusual feature of Japanese communication is the active use of prefixes. Moreover, these prefixes are most often added to the surname. European psychologists say that there is nothing more pleasant for a person than the sound of his name - but the Japanese apparently think differently. Therefore, names are used only in situations of very close and personal communication.

What attachments are available in

  • (last name) + san - universal polite address;
  • (surname) + sama - address to government members, company directors, clergy; also used in stable combinations;
  • (surname) + sensei - an appeal to martial arts masters, doctors, as well as professionals in any field;
  • (last name) + kun - addressing teenagers and young men, as well as senior to junior or superior to subordinate (for example, boss to subordinate);
  • (name) + chan (or chan) - appeal to children and among children under 10 years old; parents' appeal to their offspring of any age; in an informal setting - to lovers and close friends.

How common are Japanese first and last names? It's surprising, but even family members rarely call each other by name. Instead, special words are used meaning "mom", "dad", "daughter", "son", "elder sister", "little sister", "elder brother", "little brother", etc. To these words The prefixes “chan (chan)” are also added.

Female names

Girls in Japan are most often called names that mean something abstract, but at the same time beautiful, pleasant and feminine: “flower”, “crane”, “bamboo”, “water lily”, “chrysanthemum”, “moon”, etc. similar. Simplicity and harmony are what distinguish Japanese names and surnames.

Female names in many cases contain the syllables (hieroglyphs) “mi” - beauty (for example: Harumi, Ayumi, Kazumi, Mie, Fumiko, Miyuki) or “ko” - child (for example: Maiko, Naoko, Haruko, Yumiko, Yoshiko, Hanako , Takako, Asako).

Interestingly, some girls in modern Japan consider the ending “ko” unfashionable and omit it. So, for example, the name "Yumiko" turns into the everyday used "Yumi". And her friends call this girl “Yumi-chan.”

All of the above are quite common Japanese female names these days. And the girls’ surnames are also strikingly poetic, especially if you translate the exotic combination of sounds into Russian. Most often they convey the image of a typical Japanese village landscape. For example: Yamamoto - “the base of the mountain”, Watanabe - “to cross the surrounding area”, Iwasaki - “rocky cape”, Kobayashi - “small forest”.

Japanese names and surnames open up a whole poetic world. Women's ones are especially similar to works in the haiku style, surprising with their beautiful sound and harmonious meaning.

Male names

Men's names are the most difficult to read and translate. Some of them are formed from nouns. For example: Moku (“carpenter”), Akio (“handsome”), Katsu (“victory”), Makoto (“truth”). Others are formed from adjectives or verbs, for example: Satoshi (“smart”), Mamoru (“protect”), Takashi (“tall”), Tsutomu (“try”).

Very often, Japanese male names and surnames include hieroglyphs indicating gender: “man”, “husband”, “hero”, “helper”, “tree”, etc.

Often used This tradition originated in the Middle Ages, when families had many children. For example, the name Ichiro means “first son”, Jiro means “second son”, Saburo means “third son”, and so on until Juro, which means “tenth son”.

Japanese boys' names and surnames can be created simply on the basis of the hieroglyphs available in the language. During the imperial dynasties, great importance was attached to what to call oneself and one’s children, but in modern Japan, preference is given simply to what one liked in sound and meaning. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that children from the same family bear names with a common hieroglyph, as was traditionally practiced in the imperial dynasties of the past.

All Japanese male names and surnames have two characteristics in common: semantic echoes of the Middle Ages and difficulty in reading, especially for a foreigner.

Common Japanese surnames

Surnames are distinguished by their large number and diversity: according to linguists, there are more than 100,000 surnames in the Japanese language. For comparison: there are 300-400 thousand Russian surnames.

The most common Japanese surnames today are: Sato, Suzuki, Takahashi, Tanaka, Yamamoto, Watanabe, Saito, Kudo, Sasaki, Kato, Kobayashi, Murakami, Ito, Nakamura, Oonishi, Yamaguchi, Kuroki, Higa.

Fun fact: Japanese first and last names vary in popularity depending on the area. For example, in Okinawa (the country's southernmost prefecture), the surnames Chinen, Higa and Shimabukuro are very common, while in the rest of Japan very few people have them. Experts attribute this to differences in dialects and culture. Thanks to these differences, the Japanese can tell just by the surname of their interlocutor where he is from.

Such different names and surnames

European culture is characterized by certain traditional names, from which parents choose the most suitable one for their baby. Fashion trends often change, and one or the other becomes popular, but rarely does anyone come up with a unique name on purpose. In Japanese culture, things are different: there are many more isolated or rarely encountered names. Therefore, there is no traditional list. Japanese names (and surnames too) are often formed from some beautiful words or phrases.

Poetry of the name

First of all, female names are distinguished by a clearly expressed poetic meaning. For example:

  • Yuri - "Water Lily".
  • Hotaru - "Firefly"
  • Izumi - "Fountain".
  • Namiko - "Child of the Waves".
  • Aika - “Love Song”.
  • Natsumi - "Summer Beauty".
  • Chiyo - "Eternity".
  • Nozomi - "Hope".
  • Ima - "Gift".
  • Rico - "Child of Jasmine"
  • Kiku - "Chrysanthemum".

However, among male names you can find beautiful meanings:

  • Keitaro - "Blessed One".
  • Toshiro - "Talented".
  • Yuki - “Snow”;.
  • Yuzuki - "Crescent".
  • Takehiko - "Bamboo Prince".
  • Rhydon - "God of Thunder".
  • Toru - "Sea".

Poetry of a surname

It's not just names that are found. And last names can be very poetic. For example:

  • Arai - "Wild Well".
  • Aoki - "Young (green) tree."
  • Yoshikawa - "Happy River".
  • Ito - "Wisteria".
  • Kikuchi - “Chrysanthemum Pond.”
  • Komatsu - "Little Pine".
  • Matsuura - "Pine Bay".
  • Nagai - "Eternal Well".
  • Ozawa - "Little Swamp".
  • Oohashi - "Big Bridge".
  • Shimizu - “Clean Water”.
  • Chiba - "A Thousand Leaves".
  • Furukawa - "Old River".
  • Yano - "Arrow on the Plain".

Makes you smile

Sometimes there are funny Japanese names and surnames, or rather, ones that sound funny to the Russian ear.

Among these are male names: Banka, Tikhaya (emphasis on the “a”), Useo, Joban, Soshi (emphasis on the “o”). Among the female ones, the following sounds funny for a Russian speaker: Hey, Osa, Ori, Cho, Ruka, Rana, Yura. But such funny examples are extremely rare, given the rich variety of Japanese names.

As for surnames, here you are more likely to find a strange and difficult to pronounce combination of sounds than a funny one. However, this is easily compensated for by numerous funny parodies of Japanese names and surnames. Of course, they were all invented by Russian-speaking jokers, but there is still some phonetic similarity with the originals. For example, this parody: Japanese racer Toyama Tokanawa; or Tohripo Tovisgo. Behind all these “names” a phrase in Russian is easily guessed.

Interesting facts about Japanese names and surnames

In Japan, there is still a law, preserved from the Middle Ages, according to which husband and wife must have the same surname. This is almost always the husband's surname, but there are exceptions - for example, if the wife is from a noble, famous family. However, it is still not the case in Japan that spouses have a double surname or each their own.

In general, in the Middle Ages, only Japanese emperors, aristocrats and samurai had surnames, and ordinary people were content with nicknames, which were often attached to their names. For example, the place of residence, or even the name of the father, was often used as a nickname.

Japanese women often also did not have surnames: it was believed that they had no need, because they were not heirs. The names of girls from aristocratic families often ended in "hime" (meaning "princess"). Samurai wives had names ending in "gozen". They were often addressed by their husband's surname and title. But personal names, both then and now, are used only in close communication. Japanese monks and nuns from the noble classes bore names ending in “in.”

After death, every Japanese person acquires a new name (it is called “kaimyo”). It is written on a sacred wooden tablet called "ihai". A nameplate with a posthumous name is used in burial and memorial rituals, as it is considered to be the embodiment of the spirit of the deceased person. People often acquire kaimyo and ihai u during their lifetime. In the Japanese view, death is not something tragic, but rather one of the stages on the path of the immortal soul.

By learning more about Japanese names and surnames, you can not only learn the basics of the language in a unique way, but also gain a deeper understanding of the philosophy of this people.

Many of us are familiar with Japanese names from anime plots, literary and artistic characters, and famous Japanese actors and singers. But what do these sometimes beautiful and sweet, and sometimes completely dissonant Japanese names and surnames mean to our ears? What is the most popular Japanese name? How can you translate Russian names into Japanese? What is the meaning of the characters in a Japanese name? What Japanese names are rare? I will try to tell you about this and much more, based on my personal experience of living in the Land of the Rising Sun. Since this topic is very extensive, I will divide it into three parts: the first will talk about Japanese names and surnames in general, and the last will talk about beautiful female names and their meanings.

A Japanese name consists of a surname and a given name. Sometimes a nickname is inserted between them, for example Nakamura Nue Satoshi (here Nue is a nickname), but, naturally, it is not in the passport. Moreover, during roll call and in the list of authors of documents, the order will be exactly this: first the last name, then the first name. For example, Yosuke's Honda, not Yosuke's Honda.

In Russia, as a rule, it’s the other way around. Compare for yourself, which is more familiar: Anastasia Sidorova or Anastasia Sidorova? Russian names and surnames in general differ from Japanese ones in that we have many people with the same names. Depending on the generation, at one time or another among our classmates or classmates there were three Natashas, ​​four Alexanders, or all Irinas. The Japanese, on the contrary, have the same surnames.

According to the site version myoji-yurai Japanese “Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov” are:

  1. Satō (佐藤 – helper + wisteria, 1 million 877 thousand people),
  2. Suzuki (鈴木 - bell + tree, 1 million 806 thousand people) and
  3. Takahashi (高橋 – high bridge, 1 million 421 thousand people).

The same names (not only in sound, but also with the same hieroglyphs) are very rare.

How do Japanese parents come up with names for their children? The most reliable answer can be obtained by looking at one of the typical Japanese name aggregator sites (yes, such exist!) bi-name.

  • First, the parents' surname is specified (women do not always change their surname when married, but children have their father's surname), for example, Nakamura 中村, then their names (for example, Masao and Michiyo - 雅夫 and 美千代) and the gender of the child (boy). The surname is specified in order to select names that go with it. This is no different from Russia. The parents' names are needed in order to use one of the hieroglyphs from the father's name (in the case of a boy) or from the mother's hieroglyphs (in the case of a girl) in the child's name. This is how continuity is maintained.
  • Next, select the number of hieroglyphs in the name. Most often there are two: 奈菜 - Nana, less often one: 忍 - Shinobu or three: 亜由美 - Ayumi, and in exceptional cases four: 秋左衛門 - Akisaemon.
  • The next parameter is the type of characters that the desired name should consist of: these will be only hieroglyphs: 和香 - Waka, or hiragana for those who want to quickly write the name: さくら - Sakura, or katakana used to write foreign words: サヨリ - Sayori. Also, the name can use a mixture of hieroglyphs and katakana, hieroglyphs and hiragana.

When selecting hieroglyphs, it is taken into account how many features it consists of: favorable and unfavorable quantities are distinguished. There is a formed group of hieroglyphs that are suitable for composing names.

So, the first result of my hypothetical query is Nakamura Aiki 中村 合希 (the meaning of the hieroglyphs is the one who realizes dreams). This is just one among hundreds of options.

Hieroglyphs can also be selected by sound. This is where the main difficulty arises in comparing Russian and Japanese names. What if names have similar sounds but different meanings? This issue is resolved in different ways. For example, my sons’ names are Ryuga and Taiga, but Russian grandparents call them Yurik and Tolyan, and it’s more convenient for me to call them Ryugasha and Taigusha.

The Chinese, who use hieroglyphs exclusively, simply write down Russian names according to their sounds, selecting hieroglyphs with more or less good meanings. In my opinion, the most consistent translation of Russian names into Japanese should be based on their meanings. The most popular example of the implementation of this principle is the name Alexander, that is, protector, which in Japanese sounds like Mamoru, means the same thing and is written with the same hieroglyph 守.

Now regarding the use of names in everyday life. In Japan, just like in America, surnames are used in formal communication: Mr. Tanaka 田中さん, Mrs. Yamada 山田さん. Female friends call each other by name + suffix -san: Keiko-san, Masako-san.

In families, when family members address each other, their family status is used, not their name. For example, a husband and wife do not call each other by name, they call each other "supurug" and "wife": danna-san 旦那さん and oku-san 奥さん.

It's the same with grandparents, brothers and sisters. The emotional coloring and this or that status of a household member is emphasized by the well-known suffixes -kun, -chan, -sama. For example, “granny” is baa-chan ばあちゃん, a wife as beautiful as a princess is “oku-sama” 奥様. That rare case when a man can call his girlfriend or wife by name is in a fit of passion, when he can no longer control himself. It is permissible for women to address themselves as “anta” - あなた or “dear”.

Only children are called by name, and not only their own. Suffixes are also used, the eldest daughter, for example, is Mana-san, the youngest son is Sa-chan. At the same time, the real name “Saiki” is shortened to “Sa”. It's cute from a Japanese point of view. Boys from infancy to adulthood are called na-kun, for example: Naoto-kun.

In Japan, as well as in Russia, there are strange and even vulgar names. Often such names are given by short-sighted parents who want to somehow distinguish their child from the crowd. Such names are called in Japanese “kira-kira-nemu” キラキラネーム (from Japanese “kira-kira” - a sound conveying shine and from English name), that is, “brilliant name”. They enjoy some popularity, but like all controversial things, there are good and bad examples of using such names.

A scandalous incident that was widely discussed in the Japanese press was when a son was given a name that literally means “demon” - Japanese. Akuma 悪魔. This name, as well as the use of similar hieroglyphs in the name, was banned after this incident. Another example is Pikachu (this is not a joke!!!) Japanese. ピカチュウ named after the anime character.

Speaking about successful “kira-kira-nemu”, one cannot fail to mention the female name Rose, which is written with the hieroglyph “rose” - 薔薇 in Japanese. "bara", but pronounced in a European manner. I also have one of my Japanese nieces (because I have 7 of them!!!) with a brilliant name. Her name is pronounced June. If you write it in Latin, then June, that is, “June”. She was born in June. And the name is written 樹音 - literally “sound of wood”.

To summarize the story about such different and unusual Japanese names, I will give tables of popular Japanese names for girls and boys for 2017. These tables are compiled every year based on statistics. Often, it is these tables that become the last argument for Japanese parents choosing a name for their child. Perhaps the Japanese really like to be like everyone else. These tables display the ranking of names by hieroglyphs. There is also a similar rating based on the sound of the name. It is less popular because choosing characters is always a very difficult task for a Japanese parent.

Place in ranking 2017 Hieroglyphs Pronunciation Meaning Frequency of occurrence in 2017
1 RenLotus261
2 悠真 Yuma / YūmaCalm and truthful204
3 MinatoSafe Harbor198
4 大翔 HirotoBig spread wings193
5 優人 Yuto / YūtoGentle man182
6 陽翔 HarutoSunny and free177
7 陽太 YōtaSunny and courageous168
8 ItskiStately like a tree156
9 奏太 SōtaHarmonious and courageous153
10 悠斗 Yuto / YūtoCalm and eternal like the starry sky135
11 大和 YamatoGreat and Reconciling, ancient name of Japan133
12 朝陽 Asahimorning sun131
13 Green meadow128
14 Yu / YūCalm124
15 悠翔 Yuto / YūtoCalm and free121
16 結翔 Yuto/YūtoUnifying and free121
17 颯真 SōmaFresh wind, truthful119
18 陽向 HinataSunny and purposeful114
19 ArataUpdated112
20 陽斗 HarutoEternal like the sun and stars112
Place in the ranking 2017 Hieroglyphs Pronunciation Meaning Frequency of occurrence in 2017
1 結衣 Yui / YūiWarming with her hugs240
2 陽葵 HimariFlower facing the sun234
3 RinTempered, bright229
4 咲良 SakuraCharming smile217
5 結菜 YunaCaptivating like a spring flower215
6 AoiDelicate and elegant, the trefoil from the coat of arms of the Tokugawa family214
7 陽菜 HinaSunny, spring192
8 莉子 RicoSoothing, like the scent of jasmine181
9 芽依 MaiIndependent, with great life potential180
10 結愛 Yua / YūaUniting people, awakening love180
11 RinMajestic170
12 さくら SakuraSakura170
13 結月 YuzukiPossessing charm151
14 あかり AkariLight145
15 KaedeBright as an autumn maple140
16 TsumugiSturdy and durable as a sheet139
17 美月 MitskiBeautiful as the moon133
18 AnApricot, fertile130
19 MioA waterway that brings tranquility119
20 心春 MiharuWarms people's hearts116

What Japanese names did you like?

Even in ancient times, the meanings of Japanese female names were determined. All female Japanese names, in most cases, are easy to read in kun, and they also sound clearly in pronunciation and have a clear meaning. Girls of noble blood acquired the component “hime” in their name, in other words “princess”.

But there were a huge number of aristocratic girls, but there were very few real princesses. Therefore, the word “hime” became a little larger and also meant the presence of blue blood. It also happened that those with blue blood became a nun, so the particle “in” was automatically added to her name. This also applied to the male half of humanity.
But the “gozen” component was added to those women who were wives of samurai. But in everyday life, a name with such a component was practically not used. Most often, a samurai's wife was called by his rank or surname.
Most Japanese girl names end in "mi" - beauty or "ko" - child. For example, Minami, Yoshiko, Yuko, Yoko, Fujiko. But today, modern Japanese women are not satisfied with the soft and feminine words that are present in the name. And this is not at all surprising, because technological progress requires toughness from women, which is not present in soft, feminine and playful names. That is why women, especially if they are businesswomen, remove these parts so that their name sounds more concise. Thus, they create an image of modernity for themselves.

Meaning of Japanese female names.

Azumi – protects from danger;
Azemi - flower of the tartar, prickly burdock;
Ai – love;
Ayano - color of silk fabric;
Akemi is a radiant, sparkling beauty;
Aki – extraordinary, brilliant, flashy;
Akiko is a wise, sensible girl;
Akira - clear and bright sunrise;
Akane (old Japanese) – shining, scarlet;
Amaterezu - shining in the sky;
Ameya - evening rain;
Aoi – the color of a clear sky;
Arizu – highly moral, generous, noble;
Asuka - pleasant smell, fragrance;
Asemi – beauty that occurs in the morning;
Atsuko – hard-working, heated, hot;
Aya is a colorful, bright, expressive color of silk material;
Ayaka – pleasant-smelling summer, characteristic flower;
Ayako is a theoretical kid;
Ayam – the shell of the rainbow;
Banquo is a well-read and educated child;
Janko is a pure, chaste, innocent baby;
June – submissive;
Zhina – shiny gray color;
Izumi - fountain;
Izenemi – a calling, alluring woman;
Yoko is an unbending, persistent, sea woman;
Yoshi - a pleasant-smelling twig, a beautiful estuary;
Yoshiko – fragrant, fragrant, highly moral, interesting;
Yoshshi - pretty;
Kam – to live for a long time;
Kayao – growing generation, charming;
Keiko is a prosperous, contented child, polite;
Kay is a polite girl;
Kyoko is a neat and tidy baby;
Kiku – chrysanthemum;
Kimi is a shortening of long names that begin with “Kimi...”;
Kimiko is a historically beautiful baby, a precious, beloved, sweet child;
Kin - golden girl;
Kyoko – baby of the Motherland;
Kotoun is the sound from a multi-stringed plucked harp instrument;
Koheku – lemon, honey, orange;
Kumiko is a long-lived baby;
Kaed – maple;
Kezu - prosperous, happy, joyful, branch, euphonious;
Kezuko is a child full of harmony;
Kazumi is a harmonious beauty;
Cameo is a long-liver;
Kemeko - a turtle - a long-living woman;
Keori – pleasant smell;
Keoru – good-smelling;
Katsumi is a stunning beauty;
Marie - beloved girl;
Megumi – worthy, blessed;
Miwa – harmonious, beautiful;
Midori – green;
Mizuki is a beautiful moon;
Mizeki is a beautiful flower;
Miyoko is a third generation child, a beautiful baby;
Mika – fragrant, beautiful;
Miki - three beautiful trees standing next to each other;
Miko is a prosperous child;
Minori is a lovely village and harbour;
Mineko - treasure;
Mitsuko is a chubby child who was born into a blessed family;
Miho is a beautiful bay;
Michi - path, path;
Michiko - walking the right path, a thousand times more beautiful than the other children;
Miyuki – happy, beautiful;
Miyako – the March baby will be very beautiful;
Mommo – peach;
Momo - many rivers and blessings;
Momoko - baby peach;
Moriko – child of the forest;
Madoka is a peaceful, serene, motionless maiden;
Mezumi - crowned with beauty, true innocence, virginity;
Maseko is a controlled and obedient child;
Mazami is a graceful, beautiful woman;
May – dancing;
Meiko – dancing child;
Meyumi – truly beautiful, submissive;
Mackie – genuine, unadulterated report;
Mena - correct, faithful, undoubted;
Menami - beautiful love;
Mariko is the right child;
Mesa is an abbreviation of long names that begin with “Masa...”;
Nana is the seventh;
Naoki – sincere, faithful, direct;
Naomi – beautiful;
Nobuko is a faithful baby;
Nori is a shortened name for a long name.
Noriko is the child of a postulate, a doctrine;
Neo – sincere, faithful, worthy;
Neoko – direct, fair;
Natsuko – child of summer;
Natsumi – the beauty of summer;
Ran – water lily;
Reiko – kind, respectful, beautiful;
Rey is a well-mannered girl;
Ren – egg capsule;
Rika is a fragrant, peculiar smell;
Rico - baby jasmine;
Ryoko is a kind, pretty, handsome baby;
Sake – peninsula, ledge;
Setsuko is a modest, simple, unpretentious woman;
Sora – heavenly;
Suzu – ringing;
Suzumu – developing, moving forward;
Suzyum - sparrow;
Sumiko – innocent, virginal, bright, understandable, obvious;
Sayeri - a small yellow water lily;
Sekera - cherry sunrise;
Sekiko is an early, blooming baby;
Sengo - skeleton of sea animals;
Sechiko – pleasing others;
Teruko is a light-colored child;
Tomiko – who has preserved her beauty;
Tomoko – friendly, friendly, wise;
Toshi – emergency;
Toshiko is a valuable and long-awaited child;
Tsukiko – child of the moon;
Tekeko – highly moral, aristocratic, noble;
Tekera – jewel, treasure;
Tamiko – abundant, generous;
Uzeji – rabbit;
Umeko – plum blossom;
Ume-elv – plum flowers;
Fuji is a tree-like climbing subtropical plant;
Fumiko – who has preserved her beauty;
Hideko – chic, magnificent;
Hizeko – living for a long time;
Hikeri – radiant, brilliant;
Hikeru – outstanding, extraordinary, bright;
Hiro – frequently encountered;
Hiroko – abundant, generous, rich;
Hiromi – with beautiful appearance;
Hitomi - this name is given to those girls who have beautiful eyes;
Hoteru – lightning bug, firefly;
Hoshi – celestial star;
Hena is a favorite;
Heneko is a quitter;
Haruka - far away;
Heruki – spring tree;
Haruko is a spring child;
Harumi is a wonderful spring time;
Chi – complex, intricate, blessed;
Chiyo - many generations;
Chiyoko is a child of many generations;
Chika - folk wisdom;
Chico – blessed, intricate;
Chikeko – child of wisdom;
Chinatsu - one is 1000 years old;
Chiharu - 1000 springs in a row;
Chiesa – morning child;
Cho – butterfly;
Shayori – accompanying mark;
Shig is the short name for women whose names begin with “Shij...”;
Shijeko – numerous, rich, generous;
Shizuka – modest, silent, quiet, calm, unhurried;
Shizuko - pacify the baby;
Shika is an affectionate fawn;
Shinju is a pearl;
Eiko – magnificent, chic, durable;
Eika - a song about love;
Eiko is a child born of love;
Aimee - beautiful youth;
Eyumi – promenade, movement;
Amy - joyful expression;
Emiko is a child who smiles;
Eri – satisfied;
Etsuko – joy;
Yuka is a sweet-smelling, friendly child;
Yuki – snow happiness;
Yukiko is a joyful, contented, snowy child;
Yuko – suitable, beneficial; excellent;
Yumi – friendly, helpful;
Yumiko - beautiful, suitable, necessary;
Yuri – yellow water lily;
Yuriko is a baby egg, a priceless baby;
Yaioi – spring;
Yasu - peaceful, calm, reserved, quiet, humble;
Yasuko - sincere, fair, worthy;

Japanese female names are divided into several types, it all depends on which component name. There are names that denote abstract meaning. In Japanese female names, the components most often used are “ma” - “truth”, “ai” - “love”, “yu” - “affection, sentimentality”, “ti” - “smart”, “an” - “order, serenity” ", "mi" - "splendor". Owners of such names want to have such qualities in the future; this can be achieved thanks to precisely such components. Even less common Japanese female names with plant or animal components. In the past, it was very common for girls to be given a name with an animal component associated with a four-legged animal, for example, fawn, tiger, lion. Such names brought health to its owner. Today, in the modern world, they are not called by such names, because they have already gone out of fashion, which is why they began to use other names. The exception is the “crane” component. Today, names with plant meanings are popular in Japan. For example, hana – “flower”, take – “bamboo”, ine – “risk”, yanagi – “willow”, kiku – “chrysanthemum”, momo – “peach”, etc.

Japanese female names have quite a few different origins. Some of the names were borrowed from other countries. This is why you can meet women in Japan who have foreign names. For example: Scandinavian (Bianca, Donna, Mia...), Aramaic (Bartholomew, Martha, Thomas...), Muslim (Amber, Ali, Mohammed...), French (Alison, Bruce, Olivia...), English (Brian, Dylan, Kermit, Tara...), Persian (Esther, Jasmine, Roxanne...), Latin (Cordelia, Diana, Patrick, Victoria...), Greek (Angel, Christopher, George, Selina. ..), Italian (Brenda, Dustin, Eric...), Hebrew (Adam, David, John, Michelle...), German (Charles, Leonard, Richard, William...), Spanish (Dolores, Linda, Rio...), Slavic (Boris, Nadia, Vera...), Indian (Beryl, Opal, Uma...) and others.