A cure for chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Video: “Chronic fatigue syndrome”

Lethargy and drowsiness lead to the fact that it becomes very difficult for a person to study, work and simply lead a normal life. As a rule, this problem indicates serious disorders in the body. But lethargy is also a characteristic sign of a lack of a number of substances important for normal life. And if you take vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness, the problem in most cases is eliminated.

It is very difficult to normalize the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body in the required quantities, even if you organize proper nutrition. These substances are not always completely absorbed with food. Therefore, additional vitamins are required for activity and vigor, which are more effective when consumed in the form of ready-made preparations.

What vitamins are needed for vigor?

Vitamins for vigor include a whole complex of biologically active substances that need to be taken together. It is necessary to try to determine by external signs which group is lacking and select a drug that maximally compensates for the deficiency.

So, if you are looking for what vitamins you need for fatigue and drowsiness, pay attention to the composition. There should be the following groups:

  1. Vitamin A. Retinol and substances similar in structure play an important protective role in the body. It prevents tissue damage from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. With its deficiency, diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, internal genital organs, etc. begin. Vitamin A indirectly affects the immune system; it is also involved in the synthesis of red blood cells.
  2. B vitamins. When you are tired and looking for missing vitamins, this usually leads to the discovery of a deficiency of substances from group B. This is an important group that ensures the health of the central nervous system, especially during times of stress and anxiety. The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness are B1, B2, B3, B12, folic acid, B6 and others. They normalize mental state and fight symptoms of depression. These substances come mainly from plant foods (with the exception of B12). These are legumes, citrus fruits, greens. But sometimes these vitamins are supplied in small quantities when you lose strength, so it is important to take them as part of multivitamin complexes.
  3. Vitamin D: If you feel sleepy, it is also important to take vitamin D, since this substance is responsible not only for the skeletal system, but also for the healthy growth of immune system cells. Very often, rapid fatigue and drowsiness are the causes of a lack of vitamins of this particular group (vitamin D is a complex of several substances similar in structure). A weakened body is less resistant to the action of viruses and bacteria, which leads to greater lethargy and drowsiness. If the cause of drowsiness is a lack of vitamin D, it is necessary to include red fish, dairy products, fortified cereals, meat in the diet and take additional vitamins for stress and fatigue.

Vitamin complexes for fatigue

So, what vitamins should you take for fatigue and drowsiness? All you have to do is go to any pharmacy and choose the vitamin complex you need. Ideally, you need to consult a doctor and together determine what is best for your body. When choosing vitamins for chronic fatigue, you should also consider the medications you take regularly. They can interact with each other, leading to unexpected effects.

In view of this, it is recommended that you first visit a doctor and find out the cause of fatigue. If it lies in ordinary vitamin deficiency, the therapist will prescribe the recommended complex of vitamins. Such an algorithm will help avoid serious adverse reactions and ineffective treatment.

When choosing vitamin complexes, you should give preference to more reliable and well-known manufacturers who use high-quality natural raw materials in production. Otherwise, the body may not absorb a large flow of substances that are beneficial to it, and they will gradually be eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed. So, let's look at the most popular and sought-after vitamin complexes.

Alphabet Energy

This is a vitamin complex that is created for people engaged in heavy mental or physical activity. The complex of substances is divided into three doses. In the morning the patient takes thiamine, folic acid, lemongrass and eleutherococcus extract. A group of these components enhances mental activity and eliminates drowsiness.

During the day, taking the drug leads to restoration of performance, accelerates metabolic processes, and allows you to withstand high loads. In the evening, the drug is necessary to strengthen the immune system and launch recovery processes in the body. The drug is often prescribed in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability.


The product contains vitamins B, E, D, C, as well as minerals that the body uses in various metabolic processes. Duovit is prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also indicated in the following cases:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits;
  • with increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • to strengthen the body of athletes, etc.


Another multivitamin complex containing 9 minerals and 13 vitamins. All components of the drug interact in a complex, which has a restorative effect during stress, increases endurance, and eliminates drowsiness and fatigue.

Doctors recommend drinking Selmevit in courses to strengthen the immune system and keep the body in an efficient and vigorous state. Regular intake of such vitamins makes the patient more resistant to adverse external conditions.

This product contains a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) - salbutiamine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, asthenia, chronic fatigue caused by physical or mental activity. The action of the product is quite fast - it is enough to take it for a week for the body’s condition to improve. Thanks to taking Enerion, attention and tissue endurance to oxygen starvation improves. The drug is prescribed for rapid recovery of the body after infectious diseases.

This biological supplement contains not vitamins, but microelements, which are no less important for improving the tone of the whole body. It includes ginseng and hop extract, selenium, iron, zinc. A complex of natural substances restores the body after stress, prevents loss of strength, improves cognitive functions of the brain, and reduces emotional stress.

Another dietary supplement that includes, in addition to ginseng extract and microelements, vitamins. It is prescribed for pathologies of the endocrine and nervous system, as well as to combat fatigue, stress, loss of performance, drowsiness, and problems with sexual function. The drug is useful during recovery after surgery, during periods of widespread incidence of colds and flu.

A powerful multivitamin complex containing 12 types of microelements and vitamins. The drug is designed more to strengthen the cardiovascular system, but can also eliminate drowsiness. The drug is indicated for the treatment of apathy, loss of performance, and emotional depression.

Vitrum Centuri restores the performance of the entire body, eliminates the consequences of experienced stress. The drug is also prescribed to improve immunity, for elderly people, and as a preventive measure against vitamin deficiency. Vitrum Centuri is also included in the treatment regimen for atherosclerosis.


A vitamin complex containing nicotinamide, vitamins B and vitamin E. It is taken to restore working condition after heavy exertion, restore a healthy emotional state, eliminate drowsiness and fatigue. The drug is useful to drink in winter and spring as a prevention of vitamin deficiency. Athletes often use this remedy for quick recovery after training or competition. Indicated for pregnant and lactating women.

A special aromatic elixir with vitamins, plant tinctures, minerals and essential oils. In total it contains about 30 components that bring the body into a state of vigor. The elixir is indicated for the treatment of the following conditions:

  • anemia;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • drowsiness, fatigue, loss of performance;
  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • general deterioration of health.

The tablet form contains vitamins, ginseng extract, various amino acids, and minerals. All of them together have the following effect:

  • reducing the likelihood of depression;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of energy processes in tissues;
  • improving memory and other cognitive abilities;
  • increased performance.

The dietary supplement is especially effective for older people and people who have undergone surgery.

When women complain of drowsiness and a feeling of endless fatigue, they are talking about a reluctance to do anything due to a lack of energy. These sensations are not the same, and they arise for different reasons. If fatigue is associated with lack of sleep, then there is nothing terrible. After a good rest, strength is quickly restored. But if constant fatigue along with drowsiness persists for a long time, you should sound the alarm. Changes may signal a serious health problem.

Why does your health worsen?

There are many reasons for fatigue and drowsiness, and the main one is considered to be (CFS). This problem is familiar to many. Weakness, pain in the joints, discomfort in the throat, deterioration in concentration, insomnia and soreness of the lymph nodes are companions of the syndrome. There are no medications against it, and all recommendations from experts boil down to instructing patients to change their lifestyle.

In turn, chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by:

  • Apnea– a condition in which a person does not receive the required amount of air due to short pauses in breathing during sleep. At such moments, the body awakens, but consciousness remains asleep. As a result, a person feels tired, overwhelmed, and complains of apathy.
  • Anemia. The state of health worsens due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Oxygen deficiency affects metabolic processes, the defective course of which leads to problems in the functioning of the body. Anemia indicates immune disorders, cancer, bone marrow pathologies, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Waiting for a baby. When carrying a pregnancy at different stages, periodic influxes of poor health can be associated with hypotension, increased progesterone levels, oxygen starvation of the body and diseases of the internal organs.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. A diseased heart cannot transport oxygenated blood to all tissues, so a person constantly feels tired.
  • Avitaminosis. A lack of vitamins depresses the immune system, causes anemia, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and depletes the body. The combination of changes becomes the cause of CFS.

What to do with persistent lethargy and weakness, how to get rid of fatigue and drowsiness? If the sensations are associated with increased stress on the brain, doctors advise taking Modafinil. The drug increases the body's endurance and relieves symptoms of hypersomnia during daylight hours.

Longdaisin is another drug that helps with exhaustion. Its name translates as “day extender.” The product is useful for people who get tired from frequent travel and jet lag. Anyone who is used to working almost around the clock can be convinced of its effectiveness. The tablets also eliminate drowsiness associated with diseases.

Pantocrine will help you quickly overcome CFS and lethargy. The healing effects of tablets and drops are explained by their composition. Pharmacists obtain the active substance for the preparation of the product from the soft antlers of deer, wapiti and sika deer. The component improves the activity of the heart and digestive tract, calms the nervous system.

We banish exhaustion without medications

Folk remedies developed by healers for fatigue and drowsiness can compete with medicines and “revive” a person. To do this, you will need to drink grape juice every day. Only 2 tbsp. l. A drink a day returns you to a healthy state and gives you good health. If there is no juice, it is replaced with a small bunch of berries.

A useful composition against drowsiness and anti-fatigue is prepared from honey, lemon and walnuts:

  1. pure lemon is grated with a grater along with the zest;
  2. a glass of peeled kernels is crushed and combined with citrus pulp;
  3. a glass of liquid honey is added to the mixture;
  4. the components are mixed, but not infused;
  5. take the composition 2 - 3 p. 1 large spoon per day.

An invigorating drink to relieve feelings of fatigue is obtained from chamomile. 1 tsp. phytoraw materials are poured into an enamel bowl and poured with a glass of cow's milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, switch the oven to low heat and boil the product for about 15 minutes. Then it is cooled and 1 tbsp is added. l. natural honey. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, drink the entire mass half an hour before bedtime.

A warm bath will help you relax and unwind in the comfort of your own home. It is recommended to add sea salt, essential oil or pine or cedar extract to the water. Baths are taken in the evenings. Additionally, drink unsweetened rosehip tea (sweetened with honey).

Simple exercises will help reinforce the effectiveness of baths:

  1. when lying on the floor, keep your legs straight and place your arms along your body;
  2. the body is relaxed so that a significant part of the spine touches the floor;
  3. “freeze” in the pose for 10 minutes, then stretch your arms forward and raise your torso while keeping your shoulders on the floor (do this 8 times);
  4. stand on their tiptoes and raise their arms, as if grasping an imaginary bar. The body is turned left and right 15 times.

Exercise invigorates the body and strengthens the muscles. In combination with squats, it effectively relieves fatigue.

Fatigue is also known as fatigue, lethargy, exhaustion and apathy. This is a physical or mental state of exhaustion and weakness. Physical fatigue is different from mental fatigue, but they usually coexist. A person who is physically exhausted for a long time also becomes mentally tired. Almost everyone has experienced fatigue due to excessive workload. This is temporary fatigue that can be cured using traditional methods.

Chronic fatigue lasts longer and affects your emotional and psychological state. Although fatigue and drowsiness are not the same thing, fatigue is always accompanied by a desire to sleep and an unwillingness to do any work. Fatigue can be the result of your habits, routines, or a symptom of health problems.

Causes of fatigue

Fatigue is caused by:

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Excessive physical activity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor nutrition
  • Some medications

Fatigue can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Anemia
  • Liver failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Heart disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Obesity

Fatigue is provoked by some mental states:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Yearning

Symptoms of fatigue

The main symptoms of fatigue include:

  • Exhaustion after physical or mental activity
  • Lack of energy even after sleep or rest
  • Fatigue negatively affects a person's daily activities
  • Muscle pain or inflammation
  • Dizziness
  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Headache

Simple folk remedies for fatigue

1. Milk with honey and licorice

One of the effective ways to get rid of fatigue is to drink a glass of milk with honey and licorice.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of licorice powder to a glass of warm milk.
  • Mix well and drink this miracle milk twice a day: morning and evening.
  • Fatigue will disappear as if by hand.

2. Indian gooseberry

Gooseberries have healing properties and are the best folk remedy against fatigue.

  • Remove seeds from 5-6 gooseberries.
  • Crush the berries to a pulp and add 300 ml of hot water.
  • Cook the mixture for 20 minutes and then let it cool.
  • Strain the liquid and drink three times a day.
  • If the resulting juice seems too sour, you can add a little honey.

3. Drink water and other liquids

It is very important to hydrate your body throughout the day to reduce the symptoms of fatigue.

  • Ideally, a person should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to avoid fatigue.
  • You can replace 1-2 glasses of water with milk, fruit juice, refreshing green tea or a healthy smoothie.

4. Eggs

A balanced diet is an important point in the fight against fatigue. Today, many people neglect breakfast.

  • Never skip breakfast.
  • It would be great if you added 1 egg to your breakfast every day. It will give you energy for the whole day.
  • Eggs are loaded with iron, protein, vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B3.
  • You can cook eggs in a variety of ways every day: boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, soft-boiled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, etc.
  • Remember that eggs should only be consumed in the morning for breakfast.

5. Skim milk

As we have already said, a balanced diet is a powerful weapon against fatigue. You need to supplement your carbohydrate intake with plenty of protein, which comes from skim milk.

  • Proteins in milk, together with a carbohydrate diet, will relieve fatigue and drowsiness and increase energy.
  • It will be great if you start your day with oatmeal soaked in skim milk.

6. Coffee

  • Drink one or two cups of coffee every day to restore and energize your body.
  • Caffeine gives you a boost of energy, but you need to drink coffee in moderation so as not to provoke insomnia and irritability.
  • Prefer black coffee or coffee with skim milk.

7. Asian ginseng

Since ancient times, ginseng has been known for its ability to restore energy. For centuries, its roots have been used to treat emaciated and weakened bodies.

  • Make sure to use Asian ginseng to combat fatigue.
  • You should resort to ginseng if you are really exhausted.
  • Take 2 grams of ground ginseng every day for six weeks.
  • Soon you will feel a surge of strength and energy.

8. Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle and office work are what lead many people to fatigue and tiredness. To counteract this, you need to periodically force your body to move. This is an ideal solution for people who are overweight and obese.

  • Make sure you exercise regularly: 30 minutes 4-5 times a week.
  • This way you will warm up and feel much better.
  • Walking, jogging, swimming, playing tennis, cycling will help deliver endorphins to the brain, which in turn will charge you with energy and strength.

9. Proper nutrition

  • Not only breakfast, but also all meals throughout the day should be balanced and healthy. Eat little and often. This way you will maintain normal blood sugar levels and will not feel exhausted and apathetic.
  • It is very important to eat no more than 300 kcal for each meal.

10. Reduce your intake of fatty foods

Pay attention to the amount of fatty foods you consume. It must be reduced to the necessary minimum. Excessive amounts of fatty foods inevitably lead to obesity, and excess weight leads to increased fatigue.

  • Ideally, you should ensure that the amount of saturated fat you consume does not exceed 10% of your daily diet. This is quite enough to speed up your metabolism.

11. Potatoes

  • Cut medium unpeeled potatoes into slices and soak them overnight in water.
  • Drink this water in the morning. It will be rich in potassium.
  • This will help the body transmit nerve impulses and improve muscle function.
  • This natural medicine will quickly cure fatigue and fatigue.

12. Spinach

Add spinach to your daily diet. The vitamins it contains will fill your body with energy.

  • Boiled spinach is no less useful as one of the salad ingredients.
  • You can also make a soup out of spinach and include it in your diet every day.

13. Sleep and dozing

  • You need to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends. Make sure you always go to sleep and wake up at the same time, thus maintaining your biological clock.
  • If you want to take a nap during the day, try not to extend this pleasure for more than half an hour.
  • If you feel like you need more sleep, go to bed earlier than usual. But remember to get up at the same time every morning.

14. Pillows under the feet

  • Sleeping with pillows under your feet is very beneficial.
  • It is best to sleep on your back, with your legs slightly higher than your head.
  • This will promote blood flow to the head and therefore increase your activity and alertness.

15. Apples

Apples should definitely be included in your daily diet as they help restore energy.

  • Eat two or three apples every day.
  • Apples are healthy and nutritious. They lower cholesterol and are a great source of energy, helping you stay energized all day long.

16. Apple cider vinegar

  • Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of lukewarm water and stir well.
  • Drink this mixture every morning to fill your body with strength.

17. Carrot juice

  • Take two or three carrots, peel and squeeze out the juice using a juicer.
  • Drink a glass of carrot juice every day during breakfast. Then you will feel full of energy all day.

18. Great sex

  • Good sex in the evening is the key to a good night's sleep.
  • In the morning you will wake up fresh and full of energy.

Feeling tired in the middle of the day? Do you feel like your energy is literally evaporating even though you had a good lunch? You are likely a victim of fatigue and exhaustion. You can use any of the above folk methods to get rid of fatigue and fill the body with vitality.

Doctors refer to the state of drowsiness as a sleep disorder. Complete apathy, fatigue and the desire to lie down during a period of time that is not intended for rest. There are quite a few reasons that provoke this condition. Therefore, before rushing to the pharmacy to buy pills for drowsiness, it is advisable to determine the source of the problem. This is the only way to talk about effective relief of a pathological deviation.

Indications for the use of anti-drowsiness tablets

A decrease in the general tone of the body, rapid fatigue, a constant desire to lie down and sleep - this condition can be a symptom of many pathological diseases and physiological disruptions in the body. Therefore, if this is the result of overwork, which goes away after proper rest, then you should not worry, but if such a condition haunts a person for a long time, then you should not tempt fate. It is better to seek advice from a qualified specialist and undergo an examination. The doctor will help determine the source of the problem and prescribe medications that are most suitable for relieving the problem.

The main indications for the use of anti-drowsiness tablets are as follows:

  • The patient feels completely overwhelmed.
  • Poor night's sleep or insomnia.
  • Throughout the day there is a persistent desire to lie down and take a nap.
  • Depressive state.
  • Fatigue.

These symptoms can be the result of various diseases:

  • Taking certain antihistamines and other pharmacological groups.
  • Tendency to alcoholism.
  • Apnea syndrome is an episodic cessation of nasal-oral breathing lasting at least 10 seconds.
  • Catalepsy is a pathologically long-term preservation of the adopted posture.
  • Arterial hypotension and hypotension.
  • Anemia. Vitamin deficiency syndrome.
  • Many infectious diseases. For example, flu, tuberculosis...
  • Neurasthenia and various neuroses.
  • Diseases affecting the respiratory organs.
  • Asthenia.
  • Malfunction of the digestive tract.
  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Narcolepsy is the result of a disorder in the REM sleep phase.
  • Age-related memory decline.
  • The reason for this condition may be a sharp change in climatic zones and unfavorable environmental living conditions.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular or endocrine system.
  • Hard physical labor.
  • Mental fatigue. Multiple sclerosis.
  • Kleine-Lewin syndrome.
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Release form

This group of medicines is represented on the shelves of pharmacies in a fairly large variety. The form of release is also different, giving the prescribing physician and his patient the right to choose.

You can purchase the drug in tablet form. People who prefer herbal tinctures can use a liquid alcohol extract. Pharmacological companies produce drugs in this group in the form of injection solutions or in the form of drops.


Drugs in this group were developed so that their pharmacodynamics have adaptogenic properties. Medicines have a stimulating effect on the receptors of the central nervous system, activate the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system. Biostimulants of natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic origin have a tonic effect on the entire body, showing general strengthening characteristics.

Under the influence of the active components of drugs, in case of arterial hypertension, blood pressure normalizes. For example, the chemical compounds that form the basis of pantocrine are very close in their biostructure, biodynamics and biokinetics to microelements of the human body, which gives it the opportunity to be more effectively absorbed into tissues without causing any significant negative effects.

The amino acids present in them have a positive effect on the normalization of carbohydrate and protein metabolism, which has been disrupted after a stressful situation or pathological changes caused by any disease. Activate the total nonspecific resistance of the human body systems, improve intestinal motility.

Phospholipid structural formations make it possible to restore the norm of transmembrane ion exchange, leading to balance in the function of the biomembrane. Drugs in this group work specifically to stimulate the course of enzymatic reactions, adequately affecting the neurological status of the patient.

The drugs in this group increase the overall tone of the skeletal muscle tissue and are classified as psychostimulant drugs that activate the patient’s psychomotor characteristics.


The pharmacokinetics of psychostimulant drugs also show good results.

Medical workers note a fairly high rate of adsorption. The maximum amount of active substances in the blood serum is observed from 1 hour 50 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes. Such parameters, for example, show armodafinil and modafinil, respectively. In this case, the quantitative component of these chemical compounds corresponds to: armodafinil – 5.44 mg/ml (+/- 1.64), modafinil – 4.61 mg/ml (+/- 0.73).

The half-life (T1/2) of the drugs discussed in this article is on average determined by a time period of 13 to 15 hours. The half-life (T1/2) of specific substances is sufficiently spaced over time. For example, the R-isomer of modafinil leaves the patient’s body with urine after 15 hours, while the S-isomer of modafinil leaves the patient’s body in four to five hours.

The therapeutic effectiveness of the medicine taken usually lasts for two days from the moment of administration.

Using anti-sleep pills during pregnancy

Based on the high level and speed of penetration of the drugs in question into all tissues and fluids of the human body, the use of anti-drowsiness tablets during pregnancy and lactation is undesirable. After all, the fetus or newborn child, along with breast milk, also receives high concentrations of the active components of the administered drug. This fact can negatively affect the health and development of the child. In case of vital necessity, the question of the use of drugs of the group of drugs in question can only be decided by the attending physician. If administration of the drug is clinically necessary, it should be administered cautiously in reduced dosages. At the time of completing the treatment course, it is better to stop breastfeeding and transfer the baby to artificial nutrition.

Contraindications to the use of anti-drowsiness tablets

But no matter how modern and safe the prescribed drug is, it still has active biophysical characteristics that can, while positively affecting some body systems, cause harm to others that have some kind of defect. Therefore, there are contraindications to the use of anti-drowsiness tablets.

Doctors include a number of changes in the patient’s body as such prohibitions:

  • In case of individual intolerance to one or more components present in the drug.
  • Increased tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Severe form of atherosclerosis.
  • Acute stage of nephritis.
  • A chronic condition represented by high blood pressure.
  • Presence of symptoms of diarrhea.
  • Chronic cardiac dysfunction. Including organic disorders, angina pectoris and others.
  • Hypercoagulation - increased blood clotting.
  • The patient has a history of malignant neoplasms.
  • It is advisable not to use such drugs in treatment protocols for children under ten years of age.
  • Particular caution should be used in the course of therapy in pregnant women or those who are feeding a newborn with breast milk.

Side effects of anti-drowsiness pills

Mostly pharmacological agents that effectively solve the problem under consideration are well accepted by the human body. But in some cases, you can still observe side effects of anti-drowsiness pills, which manifest themselves with certain symptoms. These could be:

  • An allergic reaction to one of the components of the drug, expressed as:
    • Skin itching.
    • Rashes.
    • Hyperemia of the epidermis.
    • And other manifestations of allergies.
  • In rare cases, pain in the head area is noted.
  • Blood pressure may increase.

Tablets for fatigue and drowsiness

From the point of view of modern medicine, the pathology in question can be of a trivial temporary physiological nature: mental or physical fatigue, and so on. But it can also signal a fairly severe pathology present in the patient’s body. Therefore, before swallowing tablets, it is necessary to establish the cause of the ailment, and if this is one of the diseases that can cause drowsiness, then the treatment protocol should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Self-medication is sometimes not only futile, but also dangerous.

If the cause of the ailment is one of the diseases, the doctor will prescribe special medications and techniques, or recommend something without knowing the source - this is simply not professional.

If the cause is the medication you are taking, you should inform your doctor about the side effects, who, based on the pathology picture, will adjust the dosage and replace the drug with another one that has similar effects. If the symptoms are not so pronounced and the treatment is short-lived, then the patient will simply have to be patient. After the course of therapy, the pathological ailment will disappear on its own.

But it is still possible to improve the patient's condition. Modern pharmaceutical companies produce special tablets for fatigue and drowsiness, the pharmacodynamics of which are aimed at eliminating this particular problem. Usually they have not only an invigorating, but also a calming effect.

Quite often there are cases when drugs of this group exhibit a negative effect on the function of a particular organ or process. In this case, the drug is discontinued and its analogue is prescribed. Thus, a drug is selected that shows the greatest effectiveness in obtaining the expected result, while having minimal negative impact on the patient’s body.

Today, one of the most innovative developments is the pharmacological drug modafinil. The prerequisites for its creation were founded back in the 70s in the USA, but it appeared on pharmacy shelves only in the late 90s. The main concept of modafinil is its ability to affect areas of the cerebral cortex. By stimulating them to work, it allows you to get rid of drowsiness and fatigue in a short period of time. A positive characteristic is that it does not disturb night sleep. On the contrary, sleep becomes more productive, allowing a person to have a great rest for the allotted period of time and feel cheerful and healthy in the morning.

The tablet contains the active chemical compound benzhydrylsulfinylacetamide, which has a psychostimulating effect on the body of the recipient, while increasing his psychomotor activity. This “work” of the drug not only relieves the patient from drowsiness and fatigue, but also improves memory and mobilizes the logical and intellectual capabilities of the brain. Studies have shown that this drug even helps increase physical endurance. Another good feature is that this drug does not belong to the category of narcotic drugs, and, therefore, does not lead to addiction.

They are simply a godsend for those people who, due to various circumstances, are forced to make do with short sleep, while still feeling alert and productive.

Clinical trials of the drug confirmed its high pharmacological safety.

This drug is already widely used in the army, in aviation and in other areas of human life. Where high performance, the ability to concentrate for a long time, think quickly and make decisions are required.

But no matter how wonderful the drug is, it is still a pharmacological unit that should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

The modern market is ready to offer medicines developed based on herbal ingredients.

Names of tablets for drowsiness

Natural-based medications are quite effective in combating the problem discussed in this article. They help the person taking them to feel more cheerful and increase their performance. Taking drugs of this pharmacological group activates the central nervous system. Often the names of tablets for drowsiness are consonant with the medicinal plant, which formed the basis of the drug. These are Echinacea purpurea, Schisandra chinensis, Rhodiola rosea, rose hips, Eleutherococcus, ginseng root.

Quite often, tablets are prescribed, the basic component of which is Royal jelly, mumiyo or propolis– excellent natural stimulants.

You can voice some of them. This is the modafinil already mentioned above, and you can also call it pantocrine, longdaisine and others.

In any case, you should once again warn that any medications should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor.

Systematic work in this area allowed scientists to create a unique product - longdaisin, which, when taken adequately, allows you to shift, bringing to normal, a person’s biological rhythms. Thus, it turns out to achieve a positive result in the fight against drowsiness at moments when the mind should be clear and the body alert. Longdaisin got its name for a reason. Its name can be translated as “day extender.”

Doctors believe that this drug will be especially useful for people who travel a lot, and therefore have to periodically change time zones, and with them climate zones. It will also come to the aid of those whose professional activities require shift work, including at night.

But special attention should be paid to a medicinal product developed and produced on the basis of deer, wapiti or sika deer antlers that have not yet received hardness (the antlers are just starting to grow and have not yet ossified). This drug is called pantocrine.

Thanks to this development of scientists, it has a positive effect on the organs of the digestive tract, receptors of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, and increases the level of performance, while simultaneously eliminating fatigue and the desire to sleep.

Let's consider another gift from nature. This medicine is made on the basis of Chinese lemongrass. Schisandra tincture, prepared from an extract of the seeds of this plant, has an alcohol base. Once in the patient’s body, the active ingredients begin to affect the heart rate, activating blood flow, which stimulates brain cells to work, increasing mental and physical activity. The work of the optic nerve is also toned. All his actions are aimed at eliminating signs of drowsiness, apathy and fatigue.

Directions for use and doses

When prescribing any medicine, the attending physician must describe the method of use and dosage of the drug. If such advice is not received, you should adhere to the recommendations that are necessarily indicated in any instructions attached to the medicine.

For example, to obtain lasting therapeutic effectiveness, the natural biostimulator pantocrine is recommended to be administered into the patient’s body 30–40 minutes before meals. The dosage of the drug throughout the day is one tablet (or a dosage analogue in the form of an alcohol extract), administered two to three times. The duration of treatment is usually two to three weeks.

You can conduct preventive courses for seven to ten days, several times throughout the day.

If the attending physician believes that injections will be more effective, then a solution of the drugs in question is injected into the patient’s body under the skin or inside a vein in a daily dosage of 1 - 2 ml. The duration of treatment in this case is 20 days. If a medical need arises, the doctor may prescribe two to three courses, leaving a gap of ten days between them.

If the drug is chosen in the form of drops, then the active substance enters the patient’s body orally, 20 to 40 drops, which were diluted with a small volume of liquid before administration. This form of the drug is most effective when taken half an hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal. The drug is taken two to three times throughout the day. To prevent insomnia, pantocrine can be taken no later than four hours before you are supposed to go to bed.

A drug that has a “tonic” effect on the central nervous system - modiodal - is recommended to be taken in a daily dosage of two to four tablets. This pharmacological agent is taken in the morning and lunchtime. A few hours before bedtime, its input stops.

If the patient has a history of disorders affecting liver function, the quantitative component of the drug is reduced and ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 g per day.

If the dosage schedule corresponds to 0.2 g, which is administered once in the morning, no deviations in night sleep are observed. If the drug is taken at 0.1 g in the morning and at lunchtime, doctors note an increase in the duration of night sleep. Taking it in the evening is unacceptable - this can only aggravate the situation, leading to sleep disturbance.

Biostimulant - tincture of Chinese lemongrass (Tinctura schizandrae) is taken orally, 20 - 25 drops twice - three times a day. The duration of an effective drug course is from 20 to 25 days.

Interactions with other drugs

In order to prevent unwanted reactions of the body, the manifestation of complications, or unregulated enhancement or inhibition of the pharmacological effects of drugs included in the treatment protocol, the specialist must present the pharmacodynamics of the administered drug and the result of its interaction with other drugs.

Drugs in this group should not be prescribed together with drugs that contain calcium salts. Their tandem administration with drugs, the use of which leads to an increase in blood clotting rates, is not recommended.

Biostimulants enhance the effect of piracetam, as well as other drugs belonging to the group of nootropic drugs.

You should not include biostimulants and drugs that activate intestinal function and the contractile activity of smooth muscle fibers of the small and large intestines (for example, with domperidone) into one therapeutic protocol.

  • The room must be dry.
  • Keep access away from children.
  • The temperature at which the medicine is stored should not be higher than 25 ºС.
  • Best before date

    The period of effective use of this group of drugs is somewhat different and ranges from two years (24 months) to three years (36 months). In this case, the release date and deadline for sale must be indicated on the packaging. If the shelf life of the drug has expired, further use of the drug is not recommended.

    If you are overtaken by apathy, feel increased fatigue and constantly feel sleepy, you should not ignore these symptoms. A consultation with a qualified doctor will “dot all the i’s.” It may be enough to just take a vacation and go out into nature, but the main thing in such a situation is not to miss the development of a more serious pathological disease, the symptoms of which are these manifestations. You should not self-medicate by prescribing yourself pills for drowsiness - this should only be done by a doctor. Otherwise, instead of relief, you can get a worsening of the situation with the appearance of a number of complications, the elimination of which will take much more effort, time and money.

    People who suffer from fatigue often describe it as a feeling of inner exhaustion and lack of energy. Fatigue is different from sleepiness, but taken together, these symptoms can indicate health problems. Drowsiness is a feeling of the need to sleep, but fatigue may not be associated with drowsiness, since this feeling is only an accompanying symptom. Fatigue can be caused by simple overexertion or stress, and can also be a “beacon” indicating the presence of a serious illness that can be life-threatening.

    Why doesn't fatigue go away? What are the causes of constant sleepiness?

    Oncological diseases

    According to the National Cancer Institute, 96% of all people with cancer experience fatigue. This is especially true for those who are already undergoing treatment for cancer. Cancer can cause fatigue in many different ways, causing anemia or producing toxic chemicals and directly affecting cellular function. Many people initially seek treatment for fatigue only to find out they have cancer. Therefore, chronic fatigue can be a serious signal and requires careful examination by a specialist.


    Anemia is characterized by too low hemoglobin levels and therefore not enough oxygen being delivered to the body's tissues, which also causes fatigue and drowsiness. Due to a lack of oxygen, metabolic processes cannot continue to the extent necessary for full functioning. Anemia can be a symptom of serious illnesses such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, bone marrow disease, blood loss, or immune problems.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, between 1 and 4 million people in our country suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue is a disease that is accompanied by other symptoms such as joint pain, short-term memory loss, sore throat, tender lymph nodes and sleep disturbances. Currently, there are no prescription drugs that have been developed to treat chronic fatigue, and all efforts to get rid of this ailment revolve around trying to make lifestyle changes.

    Heart disease

    In many patients with cardiovascular disease, the heart cannot efficiently transport enough oxygen-rich blood to the tissues, resulting in fatigue. In many cases, patients with congestive heart failure and birth defects may experience severe fatigue and drowsiness.

    Sleep apnea

    People with sleep apnea cannot get enough rest, even if they spend large number time in bed. Sleep apnea is a condition in which the patient is unable to obtain adequate airflow through the airways, causing them to periodically wake up.

    A lack of vitamins can also cause a constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. This condition is especially often observed in the winter and spring months, when a person is not able to receive a sufficient amount of natural vitamins. That is why experts recommend, in order to avoid the manifestation of such symptoms of vitamin deficiency, taking special vitamin-mineral complexes enriched with vitamins and minerals in a dosage that is optimal for a depleted human body.

    What vitamins will relieve fatigue?

    Proper nutrition is the foundation of optimal health and certain vitamins play an important role in combating stress, fatigue, drowsiness and mood swings. The right vitamins can boost your immune system, thereby increasing your body's health levels. Vitamins can also promote the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body, which also helps release energy from cells and increase vitality levels.

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for protecting the body from damage from viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergies, which individually and collectively can contribute to feelings of fatigue. This vitamin maintains the optimal condition of the mucous membranes of the mouth, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, bladder and cervix, making it much more difficult for toxins to penetrate tissue and damage body systems. Vitamin A also improves immunity by increasing T-cell activity, which is essential in the fight against infectious diseases. Vitamin A is also vital for the production of red blood cells, which maintain healthy iron levels, preventing iron deficiency or anemia.

    Vitamin B (complex)

    Vitamin B complex helps support a healthy nervous system during times of increased stress and anxiety, thereby reducing the likelihood of feeling tired. Various B vitamins, including B1 or thiamine, B2 or riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B3, vitamin B12, vitamin B5, vitamin B6 and vitamin B7, are effective in reducing symptoms of irritability, fatigue and stress. One of the B vitamins, folic acid (vitamin B9), in sufficient quantities, normalizes the psychological state, preventing depression. Food sources of folic acid include citrus fruits, dried beans and green leafy vegetables.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D promotes the healthy growth of cells that regulate the immune system. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to fatigue and low energy levels, especially during times of increased stress, leading to sleep problems. Insufficient vitamin D intake can put the body's immune system at risk, making it weaker and more susceptible to viruses and bacteria. The result is a higher incidence of illness, severe mood swings and the body's inability to cope with stress as it should. Food sources of vitamin D include salmon, mackerel, trout and tuna, meat, mushrooms, natural dairy products and fortified cereals.

    A person is in a state of drowsiness if there is a deficiency of B vitamins. In particular, this applies to vitamin B12, the deficiency of which can provoke the manifestation of various types of nervous disorders. As a rule, this vitamin is administered in the form of injections as prescribed by a doctor.

    Fatigue and drowsiness are affected by a lack of vitamin C in the body. In people living in a metropolis, this vitamin is very quickly destroyed under the influence of negative external factors. The consequence is a severe weakening of the immune system, which leads to fatigue and a feeling of constant desire to sleep.

    Sources of vitamin C are lemons, grapefruits, oranges and apricots, and white cabbage.

    Drowsiness can be caused by a lack of iron in the body. Preparations containing iron can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, since if there is an excess of it, irreversible changes in the functioning of the body can occur.


    Modafinil contains substances that help activate brain activity, which eliminates the feeling of fatigue and relieves drowsiness in the morning and lunch hours. In addition, the active ingredient of the drug increases physical endurance and intellectual abilities.


    Translated, the name of this drug means “day extender.” If you believe the words of the specialists who developed the drug, Longdaisin can provide invaluable assistance to people who spend a lot of time on long trips, which involves frequent changes of time zones. The drug will also be useful for those people who work or have diseases that cause drowsiness.


    Pantocrine is a unique drug that allows you to overcome ailments such as chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Pantocrine is created on the basis of non-ossified antlers (horns) of sika deer, wapiti and deer. The active substance of the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stomach and heart, which increases the level of performance and eliminates symptoms such as fatigue and drowsiness. The product is available in the form of tablets and drops.

    Traditional recipes for fatigue

    Not only medications will help you get rid of chronic fatigue, but also gentler folk remedies, the preparation of which can be done by anyone.
    Below are several folk recipes that allow you not only to overcome problems associated with chronic feelings of fatigue, but also to return to a full life.

    1st recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: lemon, honey and some walnuts

    You need to take a small glass of peeled walnuts, pre-chopped, and mix them with lemon, which also needs to be grated in advance along with the skin. Pour a glass of honey into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. There is no need to insist on the remedy. Take a tablespoon two to three times a day.

    2nd recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: grape juice

    Fresh grape juice, up to two tablespoons per day, also helps eliminate symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness. If you can’t make natural juice, you can eat one small bunch of grapes every day.

    3rd recipe for getting rid of drowsiness and fatigue: healing composition

    Buy a collection of Chamomile at the pharmacy, pour one teaspoon into an enamel container and pour a glass of natural (not powder) milk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil and keep the broth over low heat for about 15 minutes. After that, remove from the heat and let cool. Add a tablespoon of natural honey, stir and drink half an hour before bed.

    4th recipe for getting rid of fatigue and drowsiness: sleep, rest and fresh air

    The simplest recipe for returning to a normal rhythm of life is to follow three simple rules: get enough sleep, give your body physical and mental rest, and be in the fresh air as often as possible. At the same time, try to consume alcoholic beverages, strong black tea and natural coffee as little as possible, as they cause only a short-term surge of strength, followed by depression of the nervous system.