Lee cry. Strong men cry

Many young girls cry often. Moreover, this is not caused by hard work or a bad life. For many ladies, “shedding a tear” is considered fashionable. This way they see themselves as more feminine, relieve stress and gain satisfaction. After all, after such a shock, the brain produces a large amount of the hormone of joy. But what happens if you often cry and get nervous during pregnancy or just like that? What do doctors and psychologists say about this view?

What happens if you cry a lot and get nervous?

From a medical point of view, tears are useful only for a single cry, when it is simply impossible to restrain emotions. But with periodic tearing you can get:

  1. Headache;
  2. Swelling under the eyes;
  3. High blood pressure;
  4. Pain in the eyes.
  5. Deterioration of vision.

Tears are a fairly toxic liquid. And they can be bad for your skin. Although, some myths say the opposite.

It is important to remember that crying is not a natural state of the body. Therefore, you are ruining your health with this habit. And this can lead to bad consequences.

What happens if you cry during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an important stage in a girl’s life. At this time, the body will experience stress. And such stress must be dealt with. After all, if you cry, the child may get:

  • Nerve problems;
  • Congenital insomnia;
  • Violation of organ development;
  • Lung problems;
  • Mental retardation.

With the mother's constant crying, the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. Also, it is subject to mechanical stress. After all, your whole body is shaking from sobbing.

Therefore, it is much better to have a normal pregnancy, and not to ruin yourself and those around you. And all the myths about hormones, etc. - this is empty talk. After all, everything depends on ourselves. And you can always control your crying.

Psychology and constant crying

In addition to physical problems, you can be susceptible to psychological diseases. Eternal crying is a direct path to depression and suicide. At the same time, you may begin to be afraid of people, experience persecution mania, and generally behave inappropriately.

Remember that the more you cry, the more tears you produce. As a result, you end up in a “tear addiction.” This means you shouldn’t cry when there is no good reason for it.

In addition, the more reasons for frustration you find, the more they appear. After all, a crying girl thinks negatively. She doesn't pay attention to anything good. This makes her even more depressed.

Society and girls' cry

Don't think that a lady who cries all the time looks feminine. This is a simple myth. In fact, the always upset girl annoys and angers everyone. After all, each of us has our own problems. But few people sit and cry all day long.

The worst thing for such persons is in a long-term relationship with a guy. Over time, the young man stops feeling sorry for the crybaby and begins to scold her. The relationship collapses and she is left with nothing.

Some mental disorders involve constant crying. Don't be ashamed of your problems. If you cannot cope with this problem, then consult a doctor. You can try and take sedatives yourself. Just do not buy strong drugs and do not resort to alcohol. You won't help yourself that way.

Tears are the liquid secreted by the lacrimal gland. They are almost completely (up to 99%) composed of water. The rest is inorganic substances: sodium chloride (this is the basis of table salt - hence the salty taste of tears), calcium sulfate and phosphate, sodium and magnesium carbonate.

Tears also contain lysozyme, an enzyme due to which they have antibacterial properties, and oleamide, which forms the basis of an oily layer that does not allow moisture to evaporate.

Why are tears needed at all?

They perform several important functions. Tears supply the cornea of ​​the eye, which has no blood vessels, with all the necessary nutrients, clean the surface of the eyeball from foreign particles and maintain the normal functioning of the organ of vision.

Tears secreted to moisturize and protect the eyes are called reflex or physiological. And those that are associated with any experiences are considered emotional. Scientists have long established a neural connection between the tear glands and the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotions.

So crying is part of what makes us human.

Do animals cry?

Animals definitely produce physiological tears. It is believed that our smaller brothers cannot experience emotions close to human ones. This means they don’t cry from worry. But the more scientists study this topic, the more they become convinced that not everything is so simple.

For example, University of Colorado Professor Emeritus Marc Bekoff mentioned Do Elephants Weep as an Emotional Response? about scientific research that confirms that elephants and other animals may cry in response to emotional distress. In his opinion, this issue requires deeper study.

What about crocodile tears?

Crocodiles actually cry while they eat. But not because they supposedly feel sorry for the victim. Tears are secreted due to excess salts in the body of alligators. And the process of eating food mechanically activates their release.

Turtles, iguanas, and sea snakes cry in the same way.

Is it true that there are different types of tears?

American biochemist William Frey found that emotional tears differ in chemical composition from physiological tears caused by irritation from the caustic fumes of onions. It turned out that the former contain more proteins. Frey suggested that in this way the body gets rid of chemicals, the release of which was provoked.

This is why emotional tears are more viscous and are more visible on the skin. They may also contain stress hormones and other substances found in excess in the body, such as manganese.

So it's good to cry?

Research shows that people with stomach ulcers and colitis (common stress-related illnesses) tend to cry less often than people without such disorders.

Ad Vingerhoets, a professor at Tilburg University, concluded after extensive research that many people feel worse immediately after crying. But after an hour and a half, their emotional state stabilizes. And then it gets better than it was before they started crying.

Lauren M. Bylsma from the University of Pittsburgh found out When is crying cathartic?: An international study. that people are more likely to feel better after crying that was caused by positive emotions, or if the tears helped to understand and realize something.

If the tears are caused by suffering or the person is ashamed of crying, he will feel worse.

Also, the condition will depend on the witnesses to the crying. Those who shed tears alone or in front of one person (especially if it was a supportive loved one) felt better than those who cried in front of two or more people.

Why do we cry not only from grief, but also from joy?

Crying is a protective reaction of the body in response to stress. And it can be caused by both negative and positive emotions. It doesn't matter what feelings caused the crying. Tears help the body recover faster from stress.

What is the reason that women cry more often than men?

Mainly with the common stereotype that crying is a sign of weakness. That’s why they simply try not to show tears in public. Surveys show that they actually cry much more often than they think. Just no witnesses.

The lack of restrictions associated with tears in the fairer sex may be one of the reasons that women, on average, live longer than men. More crying means less stress.

Scientists suggest that hormones influence the frequency of crying. Testosterone can suppress crying, and the female hormone prolactin most likely provokes it.

And one more important nuance. Dianne Van Hemert, Ph.D., a senior researcher at the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, found that people in more affluent countries may cry more often because it is not socially frowned upon.

Are there people who don't cry?

The lacrimal glands of a healthy person usually produce from 0.5 to 1 milliliter of tears per day (an average of half a glass per year). Stress increases their number, and some diseases reduce it.

For example, dry eye is characteristic of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease. Scientists have found that such patients suffer not only from discomfort associated with the eyes. It is often more difficult for them to understand and express their feelings and emotions, resolve conflicts, and establish connections with others. This once again proves the importance of tears and crying.

What if you can’t cry, but really want to?

  • Try to control your breathing. Take several deep breaths through your nose and slowly exhale through your mouth.
  • To hold back tears, you can blink quickly.
  • Try to force a smile while looking at yourself in the mirror.
  • Take a few sips of cold water, wash your face, and apply ice to your temples or forehead.
  • Try to switch your attention to something neutral, start looking at some object, remember the multiplication table or the alphabet.
  • Pinch yourself, bite your lip, but without fanaticism, so as not to cry from pain.
  • Do a little exercise: wave your arms, turn your head, squat or do push-ups several times, stand for a couple of minutes.
  • If tears are choking you, try screaming. Usually after this the emotional tension quickly subsides.

If possible, it is better not to hold back your tears. Don't rub your eyes, don't cry with your face into the pillow, apply a cold compress to your eyelids. All this will help you quickly get yourself in order.

Joy, sadness and even impotence are sometimes the cause of tears. Did you know that crying is useful, especially if there is a lot of stress in your soul. Throw out everything you are holding in through tears and cleanse yourself. According to Charles Darwin, tears released through laughter are a feature of the human body. In any case, crying is useful, because... This is a physiological natural process. Of course, if this doesn't happen all the time.

It is believed that women cry 2 to 7 times more often than men, but this does not mean that men do not cry. A little tears never hurt anyone, and even brought benefit or relief. Today we will tell you why crying is good for a person.

Why is crying good for you?

Sometimes it is human nature to feel sad, especially life circumstances, some films, situations make us shed tears. Tears and crying relieve tension and protect the eyes. Tears can appear in various cases, for example, during severe pain, or when watching a comedy.

A 1985 study found that crying was a sedative for 85% of women and 73% of men. Thus, tears help relieve tension. Therefore, crying is good for our health.

Tears destroy bacteria: Tears are a natural antibacterial and disinfectant against bacteria. They contain the substance lysozyme, which can destroy up to 95% of bacteria in 10 minutes.

Cleansing: It is believed that tears from melancholy or grief allow the body to cleanse itself. When we cry, toxins that are caused by stress are removed from the body along with tears. This can be called treatment.

Stress reliever: Tears have been proven to reduce stress because... this releases endorphins, enkephalin and prolactin, which protect the body from stress.

With the help of tears, people can sometimes become closer to each other and fully express their feelings and emotions. They expel accumulated unnecessary “substances” from the body so that they cannot cause harm to the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

We all know, of course, that after crying a lot, we feel much calmer. Crying also regulates heart rate.

Tears improve your mood: Tears contain large amounts of manganese. This trace element prevents symptoms of anxiety, fear and depression. Manganese, “released” along with tears, significantly improves mood.

Various studies have shown that women cry mainly due to depression, sadness, fatigue, and aggression. Men sometimes cry to suppress their feelings, but do so less often than women. One of the main reasons that women cry more often than men is PMS hormones. Spontaneous tears relieve our condition and we feel healthier. Our defense mechanisms do everything to save us from a depressed state. Crying really has a beneficial effect on our health.

Crying is a manifestation of strong emotions

Crying is a natural phenomenon that often occurs from certain emotions, especially grief. Crying is an outward manifestation of strong emotions. A person may also cry due to pain, feelings of weakness, despair or joy. In any case, the process itself is very important, because... it supports the integrity of physical and mental health.

In addition, tears can appear not only from any emotions, but also from a speck of dust that gets into the eye. In this way they protect and wash the eyes and remove dirt. The tear glands secrete a small amount of tears all the time to protect and moisten the eyes. During times of tension and negativity, they help us cope with stress. If tears appear from joy, then this is also a kind of relief for the body. Those. they can be called emotional release.

Feelings, emotions, compassion, crying - all this applies only to humans. We are all human beings who sometimes cry. In some cases, crying is a means of communication, and this applies to children.

In cases where crying suppresses strong emotions, the body experiences relief. During stress, substances are produced that can weaken the immune system, etc., but tears help remove them from the body, and they are also eliminated through sweat.

If you are experiencing strong emotions or stress, then in this case you cannot keep negativity inside yourself. Emotional stress must be thrown out through tears in order to relieve yourself of psychological pressure and improve your health.

Only after this you need to calm down, and the situation will be resolved. Tears contain endorphin, which helps soothe pain and therefore helps calm crying. It has a calming effect on the body and mind.

Women cry more often than men, probably because they are more sensitive to emotions. This is also due to the hormone prolactin, which women have more of. Be that as it may, every person has the right to cry and should not be ashamed of tears.

As a rule, most people who cry are showing their emotional weaknesses. Some use this principle to obtain a desired result or the need for a certain action. Let's find out in detail Why can't you cry a lot?

Because too much crying is bad for your health. After prolonged sobbing, the body of any person will become exhausted. The nervous system will be radically disrupted. People who often cry quickly age, their cells become depleted, and they go from youth to old age in appearance. Yes, we don’t argue that crying is sometimes even useful, but everything should be in moderation.

And yet, why can’t you cry a lot?

  • health problems occur
  • sleep is disturbed
  • the nervous system is exhausted and tense


Every person has a health indicator factor. For some it is stable and normal, for others it is quite weak. Poor health can be caused by crying a lot. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a reason or not. We will try to describe it in as much detail as possible. Let's say the reason for endless tears is the loss or loss of loved ones. A good reason. Yes, but if you don’t stop in time, then the result can be the same: your health will be compromised. And this will become a serious problem if frequent tears are not helped to get out of this situation.

Touchy people are prone to frequent tears. My eyes are almost wet. There is only one piece of advice: do not create such provocative situations for yourself or others. Better take care of your precious health.


  • if your eyesight is poor:

A tear itself is a salty secretion of fluid from the eyes. On the one hand, a kind of protection from external factors, natural phenomena, etc., and on the other hand, a rapid loss of vision tenfold. The mucous membrane of the eyes is constantly irritated by your own secreted liquid salt. And if this happens regularly, then it’s a fact. Vision deteriorates. Blueness appears under the eyes and swelling of the face. Drowsiness and laziness appear.

  • in a stressful situation:

Tears will help you quickly relieve stress, but preferably not protracted and not for a long time. Because due to stress plus lingering tears, people are capable of incredibly stupid things that they have to pay for throughout their lives.

  • depression

Depression does not go away on its own. We need a real push. Then the brains will fall into place and the tears will stop. But unfortunately, not everyone succeeds and depression can last for years. It’s scary to imagine that these are not days, weeks, months, but whole long years. An alternative option may help. The main thing is not to get hung up. Everything will gradually fall into place. Frequent tears will be replaced by joy and laughter.

Doctors believe that you can cry no more than once a week. Well, if it’s more, then it’s harmful.


Probably many of you have observed such a situation when a drunk person begins to cry and sob. There is a surge of emotions, a need to speak out. As they say, cry into your vest. But if there is a regular drunken state, then tears are a frequent occurrence. These people have a nervous system that is shaken to the limit. This is evidenced by proven statistics and examples from the lives of people who have experienced this or are struggling with this illness.


In infants, frequent crying can cause an umbilical or inguinal hernia. The voice breaks down and the baby eats poorly and stops sleeping completely. Although small infants need to sleep a lot. A child should not be allowed to cry frequently to avoid health problems.

Cleansing and moisturizing the eyes

When some foreign body (dust, specks, soap suds, plant pollen, etc.) gets into the eyes, tears appear reflexively. This is a protective mechanism inherent in nature that protects the delicate mucous membrane of the eyeball and adjacent tissues from any traumatic factors. Natural moisture pushes out of the area any foreign bodies that could scratch the eye and cause blindness.

The body also needs to maintain a sufficient degree of hydration of the organ of vision. After working at the computer for a long time and being forced to blink rarely, the mucous membranes of the eyeballs begin to dry out. There is a feeling of sand in the eyes, burning, severe dryness. Special drops with a composition similar to human tears can help. They ideally relieve all negative symptoms and restore the natural water balance of eye tissue.

Bactericidal properties of tears

Human tears contain a special protein, lysozyme. This enzyme destroys the cell walls of bacteria, which provokes their death. Due to lysozyme, tear fluid has antibacterial properties. It protects the cornea, eyelids, nasolacrimal ducts and all adjacent internal cavities from many pathogens of dangerous diseases. This substance and the unique ability of tears associated with it were discovered by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming.

In addition to lysozyme, tears contain a whole set of substances that protect eye health: retinol, endothelin-1, etc. They heal microcracks that sometimes form on the cornea due to injuries and foreign objects getting into the eyes. Our ancestors knew about the bactericidal properties of tears. In Russian fairy tales, they often act as “living” water that resurrects the dead. After crying over her beloved for 3 days and 3 nights, the beauty from the fairy tale easily brings him back to life.

When blinking, the eyelids evenly distribute 3 layers over the surface of the eyeball: aqueous, mucous and lipid. They are called the tear film. This important component is responsible not only for eye health, but also for visual acuity. The eyes of older people, who usually suffer from visual defects, lose the ability to be sufficiently moisturized.

Tears make a person smarter

American scientists who, as part of the BRAIN project, studied the influence of various factors on brain activity, established an interesting fact: tears make people smarter and open up their creative potential. Physiologists are not yet entirely clear how the ability to cry is related to brain activity. But practical research has already confirmed that only people who can cry heartily can think broadly and generate fresh ideas. Those who hold back tears more often use cliches and ready-made (that is, alien) thought forms.

Stress management

Another important point concerns the ability of tears to remove the stress hormone cortisol from the body. When its level in the blood exceeds all permissible norms, a person begins to cry or even sob angrily. Moisture pushes through the tear ducts all that chemical “cocktail of pain” that forces a person to suffer. Having cried to his heart's content, the latter feels light and calm.

Psychologists say that the ability to cry in moments of sadness, rage or despair is a unique self-preservation mechanism. It protects the human psyche from “burnout.” That is why sympathizers always advise people experiencing bereavement to cry. Together with tears, the chemical component of suffering - stress hormones - will be released from the body.

Tears always bring relief and therefore are a powerful therapeutic tool. If the body maintains too high levels of cortisol for a long time, a person begins to get sick. The amount of cholesterol in the blood increases, and the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. Tears cannot be kept to yourself, otherwise the overload of stress hormones will lead to illness.

Social significance

It is interesting that over many centuries of evolution, the human psyche has adapted to this amazing mechanism. If someone cries, a stranger automatically begins to feel pity and sympathy for him. This is how the empathy mechanism works: a person intuitively feels that the level of stress hormone in the crying person’s body has exceeded its threshold. As a result, this outsider begins to feel pity for him.

The same mechanism reduces men's sexual attraction to crying women. The sobbing girl evokes nothing but sympathy. A mentally healthy man, not prone to sadism, is simply not capable of experiencing sexual attraction to her. So tears are a whole range of benefits. They protect vision, psyche and other body systems, protect against sexual and any other aggression of others, and even help to unleash creative potential.