The best TED lectures about the brain in Russian. See what "TED (conference)" is in other dictionaries

Do you know what is the most profitable thing to change? Ideas. This makes them more numerous, which cannot be said about material things. The brightest ideas are shared through TED. In the video from this conference you can hear about the benefits of daily meditation and how a gecko runs across the ceiling. I would like to tell you why you should watch such videos every day.

Become part of the TED community or create your own

You can watch TED not only recorded, but also live. The TED conference is about spreading ideas. She does it just wonderfully. Therefore, it is not surprising that not only the ideas themselves are becoming popular, but also the format for their distribution. Thus, TEDxSadovoeRing took place in Moscow on July 2. In every major city there are people who want to do their own TEDx.

For example, I attended several TEDxDonetsk. One of them was a full conference, and the other two were meetings for two or three speakers. At any of these meetings it was interesting not only to listen, but also to meet people charged with the TED style of thinking. Who knows, maybe at one of the TEDx you will meet your future business partner or soulmate?

You can watch TED anywhere

I, like each of us, get annoyed by the wait. For example, today I had to wait a total of 40 minutes. But the day is not over yet. Spending time and nerves on this is an unaffordable luxury. There are lucky people who manage to concentrate on reading for five minutes and then switch to other things. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. So my choice is TED video. By saving a dozen new videos to your smartphone once a week, you can avoid wasting time in queues or other similar situations. Each platform has its own applications.

The only thing I'm missing from the iOS app I use is a playback speed control.

TED allows you to train English

I prefer to watch TED in the original with subtitles. I like to practice my English this way. This is not always easy: sometimes difficulties arise with specialized vocabulary.

If your level of English does not yet allow you to enjoy the jokes of the speakers, then try LinguaLeo. They just launched a section dedicated to TED videos. There are currently 128 of them, but additions are happening every day.

TED improves your speaking skills

There is such a thing as unconscious competence. We can be able to do or know something without even realizing it. For example, you have never stopped severe bleeding in your life - and thank God! Even without taking a first aid class, I imagine how to apply a tourniquet. Thanks to action movies: they showed the scene of applying a tourniquet so many times that the subconscious mind will tell you how to do it.

Let's go back to the TED speakers. They are all different. Each of them is an expert in their field and speaks with great passion. Whether you like it or not, your brain will remember their demeanor on stage, intonation, gestures and thousands of other little things that make up the skill of a successful speaker. Whether you practice so that this emerging unconscious competence becomes a confident skill is up to you. Moreover, TED will give you an example of not only how to speak, but also what to speak about.

While selecting pictures for this article, I discovered the book “TED Talk” by Jeremy Donovan. If you have read it, share your impressions.

TED expands your horizons

TED's mission is to spread unique and important ideas. Lifehacker is close to many of them. Therefore, every evening Irina Baranskaya selects one of the most interesting and topical videos. Of the latter, I liked ““ the most. There's a lot to think about. Coming soon to both Lifehacker and the TED channel. The main thing is, after watching it, think about the idea that the speaker wanted to convey to us.

What ideas and videos from TED resonated with you the most?

Good evening, dear readers of my blog, Denis Chernyatinsky is in touch with you. Today I will touch on an interesting topic, or rather, areas of self-education. The unique TED project will help us with this - it is a private non-profit foundation in the United States that has been holding annual conferences since 1984. The purpose of the conferences is to disseminate interesting and unique ideas, which you can find on the official website absolutely free of charge.

The directions of the lectures are very multifaceted and cover many points:
Technology, design, science, business, entertainment, politics, global issues, art, culture and much more.

Many famous people, Nobel laureates, presidents of countries, even the founder of the world encyclopedia “Wikipedia” took part as speakers. The permanent and permanent host of the conference and part-time curator is Chris Anderson.

TED Features

I think it’s time to move on to describing the opportunities that the TED conference, or rather their official website, gives us. The first time you visit the website, it becomes clear that it is aimed at an English-speaking audience, but do not rush to get upset and you will soon find out why.

Follow my recommendations, and you will quickly figure it out and find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. I don’t always make the selection that will be described below, since I can catch the English speech and understand the essence of what the conversation is about.

Setting up Russian language

Let's get down to some steps that will help those who are not good at English to do the necessary filtering according to certain criteria. Ultimately, you will be able to adequately perceive information in your native language. I give an example with a Russian, and you do the same with anyone else.

Being on the main page of the site, go to the “Participate - Participation” menu item, or rather, hover over it with the mouse and select “Translate - Translate / Bring TED to the non-English speaking world - Bring TED to the non-English speaking world.”

Next, from the left menu, select “Our languages” and get to a page with a selection of many languages ​​of the world. Next to the name of each language there is a number with the number of speeches supporting this language. Our task is to find the Russian language on the page. At the time of writing, our native language supports 1672 speeches. Let me note right away that the Russians will not receive the voice acting of the speech, but a high-quality translation of the subtitles for it.

Detailed page

After you have chosen the required language, you will see a page with short previews and descriptions of it in your native language. If you go to any speech, a more detailed description will open, and you can decide for yourself whether the topic of the speech is interesting to you, whether to watch it further or not.

The TED conference details page directs you to start watching the talk, but once you register, you can check "watch later." Convenient if you find something interesting, but don’t have time to watch it right now. There is an option to mark as favorite, thereby creating lists of your favorite performances.

Uploading videos

A very convenient option to download your favorite video. It is available without registration and allows you to select the subtitle language before downloading the presentation. It also supports downloading an audio file to mp3, which can be convenient in some cases. Naturally the mp3 will be in the original language.

Rating system

I really liked the rating system for each video - this is the very last icon under the download option, which is called “Rate”. Having opened the rating, you can put your own or see how people reacted to this speech and draw some conclusions for yourself.

You can also note the filtering system, which I did not mention right away, it is located in the section with many video previews. Here is a direct link to the Russian page. The filter allows you to select video performances based on the following criteria:

  • Direction - categories that interest you
  • By events for a certain period of time
  • By supported languages
  • According to many rating options
  • By new and most frequently viewed speeches

Let's sum it up

I recommend this site, project, service to everyone without exception. In it you will find a lot of things that you didn’t even know about. I use the TED program on the iPad, it’s even more convenient than on the website, the functionality is simply great, all the videos are of high quality, I recommend it to everyone who has an IOS device. There is also a version for the Android mobile platform.

That's all for me, if you started using or are already using TED, describe a few suggestions from your experience in the comments below. I hope the article was very useful for you, I wish you all good luck in exploring new horizons, bye!

TED talks are a new step in our education. This is the type of learning that is interesting, useful and practical. From the 15-minute video you can learn huge amount useful information. And, of course, there won’t be much benefit from just listening to this video and doing nothing. You need to apply the acquired knowledge in life. I watched dozens of TED videos and decided to make a list of the talks that stood out to me the most.

Sir Ken Robinson on why schools kill creativity

I think this was the first TED video I watched. Ken Robinson is a born speaker. He explained his topic wonderfully, proving that schools in their current understanding kill creativity in children. It seems to me that. By the way, this is the most popular and viewed video in the history of TED.

Susan Cain on the power of introverts

Find out whether you are an introvert or not. It's more important to understand that being an introvert is not bad at all. We are used to thinking that extroverts are the ones who rule this world. People who know how to negotiate with other people communicate a lot and know how to make connections. But introverts also have their advantages, which Susan Cain will talk about in this video.

Michael Stevens on why we ask questions

Michael Stevens - creator of the YouTube channel Vsauce. On his channel, he answers unusual and interesting questions, the answers to which we would hardly be able to find on our own. For example, what would happen if everyone on Earth jumped at the same time? Or what is it like to travel in a black hole? I highly recommend subscribing to his channel. In his talk, Stephen talked about the importance of being curious and why we should never stop asking questions.

Tony Robbins on why we do what we do

The incredibly charismatic Tony Robbins talks about why it's so important to do what we love and how to build a life around it.

Amy Cuddy on the power of body language

Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist. In her presentation, she gave a lot of interesting and useful facts about body language. For example, a confident posture affects the release of testosterone and cortisol and makes us more confident, even if you were embarrassed before. According to Cuddy, body language is what we first pay attention to when communicating with a person, without even noticing it.

Steve Jobs on how to live your life so as not to regret it in old age

Steve Jobs' speech to Stanford graduates was dissected into dozens of quotes. Jobs talked about the importance of living and not just existing. He supported this with three stories from his life, which prove that you need to follow your dreams and not miss opportunities.

Elon Musk on how Tesla, Space X and SolarCity were created

Elon Musk can be considered one of the greatest innovators of our time. He popularized electric cars, created a power plant that runs on solar energy, and the SpaceX company, which produces shuttles that conquer the vastness of space. We have material about, but I advise you to watch his presentation, where he himself talks about his achievements.

Dan Gilbert on happiness from a scientific point of view

We are used to thinking that happiness is something that cannot be felt or explained. But we are wrong. Happiness can be explained scientifically, and Gilbert will do so in his talk. It's a fascinating journey into the reasons behind what truly makes us happy.

Bran Brown on the power of vulnerability

Bran Brown has been studying human relationships for a long time. Our ability to empathize, love and each person's need to be loved. In her short and funny talk, she will talk about why we are afraid to appear vulnerable and what to do about it.

Chris Lonsdale on how to learn any language in six months

Learning a new language from scratch is a very long and difficult task. Or not? Chris Lonsdale has developed a method by which anyone can learn any language in just six months. In his presentation, he talks in detail about what will be required of you during the process.

TED is watched by millions of people around the world, and the 10 presentations above are just part of a huge whole. Tell us about your favorite presentations and why they stood out to you!

- (full name Technology Entertainment Design) is an annual conference held since 1984 in Monterey (California), USA (since 2009 held in Long Beach (California), USA). The mission of the conference is to disseminate unique ideas (ideas worth... ... Wikipedia

TEDx is a program in the spirit of "Ideas Worth Spreading" that allows educational institutions, businesses, libraries or just groups of friends in different cities and countries to enjoy TED-style experiences through events... Wikipedia

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Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Anderson. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Anderson, Chris. Chris Anderson Chris Anderson is the curator of the annual TED conference. Born in Pakistan in... ... Wikipedia

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reCAPTCHA logo. reCAPTCHA system developed at Carnegie Mellon University to protect websites from Internet bots, and at the same time help in digitizing book texts. Is a continuation of the project... Wikipedia

Describing the life of Jesus Christ in accordance with the New Testament, and in general from a Christian point of view, has been a frequent theme in cinema almost since its inception. Be that as it may, Jesus Christ is one of the most popular... ... Wikipedia

Amish ... Wikipedia

Project SETI- In 1960, Cornell University astronomer Frank Drake began monitoring radio signals coming from the stars Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani, which were considered the most likely candidates for the presence of Earth-like planets.… … Encyclopedia of Newsmakers


  • TED style presentations. 9 Techniques for the World's Best Performances by Carmine Gallo. Quote `TED conferences today are the main platform for all the brightest, most interesting and useful speeches of our time. TED speakers are setting a new bar for art right before our eyes...