Musical geography: famous performers of Poland. Musical geography: famous performers of Poland Contemporary Polish singers

In August 1981, Kazimir Staszewski and Piotr Wieteska gave their only concert as part of the Novelty Poland group, and three months later they decided to form their own band. Thus, Kult began a long successful musical career, so that in the period from 1982 to 2013 they released 15 albums, replaced 16 musicians (only Kazimir remained from the original lineup) and became one of the most old-school Polish bands. Their highly social lyrics kept pace with the times - at first Kult opposed communism and the Catholic Church, and in the 90s the themes shifted to pseudo-democratic expansion and the rule of economic corporations. And all this is wrapped in a wrapper of ska, jazz, ballads, reggae, alternative rock and punk.


5 guys from Lodz got together in June 1998 and only 5 years later they signed a contract with the BMG Poland label, which gave them the opportunity to start recording their debut album. Prize-winning places at various rock festivals, competitions, as well as opening acts for Kult, T.Love, and Sweet Noise earned the group its first wave of popularity. Fame allowed them to perform with world stars at Polish festivals - Linkin Park, Pearl Jam, Tool, Dir en grey. Sometimes in Coma’s performances you can notice the intimate swinging of “Boombox” or the drive and fun of TNMK, but after that their music takes a leap again, and 4 grunge chords appear in place of acoustic lyrics.

Artur Rojek/Myslovitz

Artur Rojek is one of the main Polish musicians. He founded the group Myslovitz in 1992 (their producer, for a moment, was Ian Harris, who collaborated with Joy Division, New Order and The Exploited), and after 8 studio albums and 20 years of performances, he went into free-floating solo career. One-man orchestra: composer, vocalist, lyricist and songwriter, music award nominee, radio host, founder of the musical Off Festival. And if Myslovitz’s work can be compared with the early “Okean Elzy”, then Arthur Rojek’s cabaret is reminiscent of Keane - light and pleasant keyboard parts interspersed with electronics and guitar music.


Behemoth is the youthful love of friends for the music of Kiss, Metallica, Kat, BCT + a pinch of folklore and occult themes + a little “Santa Barbara” from the ever-changing lineup. In 1991, 14-year-old Adam Darski (vocals, guitar) and 15-year-old Adam Murashko (drums) began playing black metal in the basement of Gdańsk Gymnasium No. 12, taking the name Baphomet. A year later they changed their name to Behemoth, and in 1993 they recorded their first album on the label. Behemoth played a big role in the development of the metal scene in Poland, and over time their popularity spread beyond the country's borders. Mythology of the Middle East, occultism, Satanism, Aleister Crowley, black death metal and body paint.


Polish rappers with the pseudonyms Focus, Magik and Rahim were already known on the underground scene separately, but in 1998 they gathered into one hip-hop project called Paktofonika. Unfortunately, at the very beginning of their concert activity, a tragedy awaited them - Magik committed suicide 8 days after the release of his debut album Kinematografia (2000). Focus and Rahim released one more album before going their separate ways in 2003. In 2012, a documentary film Jestes Bogiem – “You Are God” – was released about the history of the group. A short sad story that has become legendary in the Polish hip-hop community.


From origins to modern times. Poland's popular rap scene is led by Adam Ostrowski, better known as O.S.T.R. It is often said about him that he is one of the few Polish rappers who received a musical education (cello class), but most likely, his work is more influenced by diligence and perseverance. Judge for yourself: from 2001 to 2010, he released a dozen albums, not counting singles, underground releases and two films. His popularity was also contributed by his ability to create excellent collaborations with colleagues on the scene: from the old school of American hip-hop to the modern Polish underground.

Zbigniew Preisner

A separate striking phenomenon in Poland are instrumental composers: Frederic Chopin, Krzysztof Penderecki, Henryk Górecki. Zbigniew Preisner is a modern star of classical music. You could hear his compositions in the films “The Secret Forest”, “The Double Life of Veronica”, “Play in the Fields of the Lord” - he was twice nominated for a Golden Globe, received two Cesar awards and a Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival. He writes not only musical accompaniment for films, but also individual works for orchestra and solo instruments.

Music has always been and remains the most popular art form. It reflects everything in itself: emotions, feelings, experiences... It is not without reason that they say that music is the soul of the people. Poles are no exception to the rule and also love to sing and dance.

In Poland there are many performers and musical groups that are popular not only in their homeland, but also beyond its borders. Thanks to the Internet, they become famous throughout the world, and their videos on YouTube gain millions of views.

By the way, the most popular style of music in Poland is (disco polo). This is a type of dance music that originated in Poland in the 1980s, during a period when almost the whole world was going crazy with disco. The apogee of disco polo's popularity was the years 1995-1997, after which there was a gradual decline in interest in such music. But since 2007, the disco polo genre has been revived again and now remains on the wave of popularity in Poland. Songs in this style are constantly heard on Polish radio waves, and video clips receive millions of views on YouTube.

It's a simple dance tune and exclusively Polish-language lyrics. This music is simple, cheerful and cheerful - in fact, like the Poles themselves.

However, disco polo is not the only popular style of music in Poland. People also listen to pop, dance, rock and others here.

We have selected top 10 Polish songs, which simply “blew up” the Internet and are mega-popular not only in Poland, but also abroad! You must hear this!

10th place

After Party - Nie daj życiu się

"After Party" is a Polish musical group founded in 2012. Performs music in the style of disco polo, folk, techno, electronic music and dance. The leader of the group is Patrick Pegtz. In 2014, the debut album "After Party" - "Nie daj życiu się" was released, and the video clip for the song of the same name collected more than 46 million views.

In total, since the beginning of their career, the group has released 2 albums, recorded 17 music videos, and 4 of their singles received platinum status. One of the group's biggest successes is 1st place at the music festival in Kobylnica (Poland), where their song "Tylko Ona Jedyna" was named "Hit of the Summer 2013". The "After Party" music videos have been viewed by more than 286 million people on the band's YouTube channel.

9th place
Enej - Kamień z napisem LOVE

The Polish rock band "Enej" was created back in 2002 in Olsztyn by brothers Piotr and Pavel Soloduch. The group performs songs in Polish and Ukrainian. It is interesting that the majority of the group has Ukrainian roots. It is no coincidence that the name of the group itself comes from the name of the main character of the poem “Aeneid” by the Ukrainian writer Ivan Kotlyarevsky.

The humorous song "Kamień z napisem LOVE" was released in 2015 and became very popular. This is a song you'll want to listen to more than once.

8th place
Donatan Cleo feat. Enej - Brać

The Polish-Ukrainian song jointly performed by Donatan Cleo and the group Enej "Brać", released in 2014, is a comic song about the uniqueness and kinship of the Slavic peoples, including Ukrainians and Poles.

Cleo (Joanna Klepko) is a Polish singer who took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 together with Donatan (Witold Chamara).

7th place
Piękni i Młodzi - Ona jest taka cudowna

The Polish musical group "Piękni i Młodzi" was created in 2012. The group performs songs in the style of disco polo, dance and pop rock and has already recorded 2 albums. The group members are Magda and David Naroznie and Daniel Wilczewski.

6th place
Masters - Żono moja

"Masters" is a Polish group performing music in the style of disco polo dance. The group was created in 2007 in the Polish city of Zambrów. The most famous song "Masters" was the hit "Żono moja" (2008), which gained wide popularity in Ukraine. Nowadays, not a single wedding is complete without this song, and even those who do not know Polish sing along to it, because it is impossible not to sing this song!

5th place
Andre - Ale Ale Aleksandra

Polish disco polo performer Andre first appeared on the big stage in 2010. Since then, his hits have been gaining widespread popularity, including on YouTube.

4th place
Sylwia Grzeszczak - Tamta dziewczyna

Sylwia Grzeszczak (Sylvia Grzeszczak) is a Polish singer, composer and lyricist. Her albums "Sen o przyszłości" and "Komponując" went platinum.

The song "Tamta dziewczyna" (2016) is the singer's first single after a three-year break, which immediately became a real hit. Sylvia Grzeszczak received three nominations at the Eska Music Awards: "Best Hit", "Best Singer" and "Best Video Clip" and won the award in the last two categories. In addition, she received the award "Radioprover RMF FM and Polsat", and the song itself "Tamta dziewczyna" took first place in the Airplay list as the most played song on Polish radio stations.

3rd place
Czadoman - Ruda tańczy jak szalona

Czadoman (Paweł Dudek) is a Polish disco polo and dance performer. He debuted under the pseudonym Chadoman in 2013. In 2015, at the Polsat SuperHit Music festival, his video for the song "Ruda tańczy jak szalona" took third place in the "Network Hits" category for the most views on YouTube.

2nd place
Weekend - Ona Tanczy Dla Mnie

"Weekend" is a Polish boy band created in 2000. The group performs songs in the style of disco polo, dance and electronic music. The frontman of the group is Radoslaw Liszewski.

Weekend's most famous song is the hit "Ona Tańczy Dla Mnie", recorded in 2012. According to the results of the voting "Disco Polo hit of all time" in 2013, the song "Ona Tańczy Dla Mnie" took second place. In April 2016, the song, thanks to millions of views on YouTube, was included in the list of the Top 100 best hits around the world.

1st place
Akcent - Przez Twe Oczy Zielone

The Polish musical group "Akcent" was created back in 1989. The name of the group comes from the names of the first groups of frontman Zenon Martyniuk - " Ak ord" and " Cent rum".

"Akcent" is the most popular group in Poland that performs songs in the disco polo genre, and their hits have been at the top of the Polish charts for many years. The group's most popular song is the hit "Przez twe oczy zielone", which received many Polish music awards.

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