Review of V. Oseeva’s story “Good. Story by V.A. Oseeva “Good”

And again look at the board very carefully and try to guess what is written on the board


What kind of word did you come up with?

Who is Oseeva?

IN early years I dreamed of becoming an actress and even entered the acting department.

She devoted sixteen years to raising street children and juvenile delinquents.

Working as a teacher in children's institutions, in her spare time Oseeva composed fairy tales for the children, wrote plays herself and staged them with the children.

She loved to invent games, being as interested in them as the children themselves.

Oseeva wrote a lot for children - poems, fairy tales, short stories.

In 1952 she received the State Prize for her work “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades.”

In one of the books, Valentina Alexandrovna addressed her readers with the following words:

“Dear guys! When I was like you, I loved reading short stories. I loved them because I could read without the help of adults. One day my mother asked:

– Did you like the story?

I answered:

- Don't know. I didn't think about him.

Mom was very upset.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about good and bad deeds girls and boys, and sometimes about their own. So, how it helped me in life, I wrote short stories for you to make it easier for youlearn to read and think."

What work will we get acquainted with in class today?

Can you guess what this story might be talking about?

What does the word "good" mean? (“Good” - how’s that?)

In what cases do we use the word “good”?

P Yuri grew up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right here:

Take a walk with me, Yura!

1 stop

Go away, don't stop me from thinking!

My sister was offended and walked away.

And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

2nd stop

Do you think Yura will fulfill the nanny's request? Why?

Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!”

3 stop

Do you think Yura gave Trezorka something to drink?

Go away! Don't bother thinking!

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

What good thing could I do?

Mom stroked Yura’s head:

4 stop

- What do you think Yura’s mother answered?

Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.

In this lesson you will get acquainted with the stories of Valentina Oseeva “Good” and “Just an Old Lady”, analyze them; talk about kindness and good deeds.

She studied at the drama department of the Kyiv Institute of Arts (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Kyiv Institute of Arts ()

In 1923, the Oseev family moved to Moscow.

Since 1937, Oseeva began publishing her books. Her poems, fairy tales, short stories for children were included in the collections “Red Cat”, “ Magic word"(Fig. 3), "Father's jacket."

Rice. 3. Cover of the collection “The Magic Word” ()

Young Oseeva worked as a teacher in children's colonies for street children (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Valentina Oseeva at work ()

She worked as a teacher for sixteen years, helping children return joy and become worthy citizens of the country.

Valentina Alexandrovna’s services to the younger generation did not go unnoticed. In 1951 she received Stalin Prize for the story “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades” (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Stalin Prize Medal ()

“Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades” - a trilogy. Trilogy- these are three works that have the same author. They are also united by design, and their plot is distinguished by continuity.

Based on the second part, a film was created called “Trubachev’s detachment is fighting” (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Cover of the book “Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades” ()

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva lived to be 67 years old

Read the story “Good,” which was published in the collection “Stories for Children.”


Yurik woke up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right here:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don’t stop me from thinking!

Rice. 7. Illustration for the story “Good” ()

My little sister was offended and walked away. And Yura thinks: “If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

And Trezorka is right there. Tail wags:

“Give me a drink, Yura!”

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

- What could I do that’s so good?

Mom stroked Yura’s head:

- Take a walk with your sister, help the nanny put away the dishes, give Trezor some water.

In the story we see good dreams, good wishes boy, but his actions are not very good. He dreamed of accomplishing a feat, of helping his loved ones, but in reality he sat and did nothing, and when they asked him for something, he answered rudely.

Such a boy can be called a dreamer - he only dreams, but in reality does nothing. But to accomplish a feat or help your loved ones, you don’t have to wait special occasion, we need to act.

What proverbs fit this story:

  • It is better to act well than to speak well.
  • Business before pleasure.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • A kind person teaches good things.
  • If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Answer: first proverb ( It's better to do well than to talk well).

Characters of the story “Good”:

  • Author
  • Sister

Read excerpts from the story expressively:

And Yura thinks: “If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

(Fig. 9) right here. Tail wags:

“Give me a drink, Yura!”

- Go away! Don't bother thinking!

The boy’s words addressed to his sister, nanny and dog should be read roughly and sharply.

And little sister(Fig. 10) right here:

- Take a walk with me, Yura!

- Go away, don’t stop me from thinking!

Rice. 10. Boy's sister ()

And the nanny(Fig. 11) right here:

- Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

- Clean it yourself - I have no time!

Rice. 11. Boy's nanny ()

Read Valentina Oseeva’s story “Just an Old Lady”

Just an old lady

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. And ahead of them was an old woman. It was very slippery. The old lady slipped and fell.

- Hold my books! - the boy shouted, handed his bag to the girl and rushed to help the old woman.

When he returned, the girl asked him:

- Is this your grandmother?

“No,” answered the boy.

- Mother? - the girlfriend was surprised.

- No!

- Well, aunt? Or a friend?

- No, no, no! - the boy answered her. - It's just an old lady!

Rice. 12. Illustration for the story “Just an Old Lady” ()

The boy did this because he saw that the old woman needed help. And the girl asked questions because she couldn’t understand why he rushed to help the stranger’s old woman. The boy did the right thing, because you should always help older people without finding out whether the person you know is familiar or not.

Oseeva’s stories make you think about such qualities as kindness, attention, responsiveness, and the fact that you need to do good deeds not in words, but in deeds.

Everyone can do good deeds every day: play with the younger ones, put away the dishes, put away the toys and absolutely not expect a reward for it. And the reward will be smiles and good words your loved ones.

GoodIt’s not at all easy to be.

Kindness does not depend on height.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Both adults and children rejoice.

Kindness can be compared to the sun, and its rays are good deeds.


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 2, part 2. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Guidelines for textbooks of grades 2, 3, 4 (with electronic supplement). - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.
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  1. Read expressively the story “Good” with parents in roles.
  2. Choose 2-3 proverbs for the stories “Good” and “Just an Old Lady”.
  3. Remember which good deeds you did, tell about them.

The main character of V. Oseeva’s story “Good” is the boy Yura. One fine morning he wanted to do a good deed. At first he dreamed of saving his sister if she suddenly began to drown. But at this time the little sister herself came up and asked to go for a walk with Yura. The boy waved his sister aside - she was stopping him from dreaming.

Then he imagined how he would save the nanny from the wolves, but at the same time he refused the nanny’s request to put away the dishes. Then there was the dog Trezorka, whom Yura dreamed of pulling out of the well, but did not pay any attention to the fact that the dog was very thirsty.

Yura never came up with anything, but he really wanted to do a good job. In the end, he went to his mother for advice. But mom didn’t think for a long time and advised Yura to go for a walk with her sister, help the nanny with cleaning the dishes and give the dog some water.

That's how it is summary story.

The main meaning of the story “Good” is that the best, kindest deed is helping everyone around. There is no need to invent any special good deeds, you just need to look around carefully and understand who needs what kind of help. The story teaches you to be attentive to people and help those who need help. Dreaming is not harmful, but it is better to take a closer look at what is happening in real life.

In the story “Good” I liked Yura’s mother, who gave him absolutely good advice about what good deeds the boy needs to do.

What proverbs fit V. Oseeva’s story “Good”?

You shouldn't live in dreams.
Help is not a burden to a kind person.
Mom is the best adviser.