Read a fairy tale about someone who lives in a little house. Russian folk tale Teremok text with pictures

The Fly was flying through the forest, got tired, sat down on a branch to rest and suddenly saw: in the middle of the forest in the thick grass there was... a mansion!

A fly flew up to the tower, circled around it, looked inside and exclaimed:

That's how the tower is! Yes, there is no one here! I will live here.

Mucha began to live and live in that little house.

And then one day the Mouse was running and accidentally noticed the little mansion.

That's how the tower is! And who lives there in the mansion? - asked the Mouse.

A fly looked out of the window.

I live here - Fly-Goryukha. Who are you?

And I am Little Mouse. Let me into the little mansion.

The Fly thought and said:

Come in. Live in good health.

The two of them began to live together.

And then, as soon as the rain passed, out of nowhere Frog: splash! slap!

She galloped up to the tower and rang the bell flower: ding-ding!

Kva-kva, who lives and gets along in the little house?

A window opened.

I am the Burning Fly.

I am Little Mouse. Who are you?

I am the Frog-Frog. Let me into the little mansion.

The Fly and the Mouse looked at each other and said:

You are welcome!

Two is good, but three is even better. The three of them began to live, get along, and make good things.

The Rooster was walking through the forest and saw a little house, stopped, flapped his wings, stretched out his neck - he screamed:


And then even louder:

Who, who lives in the little house?

Then everyone who was in the little house came out to meet him and identified themselves:

I am the Burning Fly.

I am Little Mouse.

And I am the Frog-Frog.

And he was asked:

Who are you?

The rooster poised himself, shook his comb, jingled his spurs and shouted even louder:

I am the Cockerel - the Golden Comb! I want to live with you!

And everyone said in unison:


Now the four of us began to live together.

The Hare was running away from the Fox.

He galloped and circled through the forest, along the green grass, and accidentally ran into a little tower.

That's how the tower is! - the Hare marveled. - And who lives there in the little house?

And he started banging on the door with all his might.

And there, behind the door, everyone is standing, afraid to open...

The fly answered for everyone:

This is where we live. I am the Grieving Fly, also the Norushka Mouse and the Frog-Frog and the Golden Scallop Cockerel. Who are you?

Me?.. I am the Runaway Bunny, let me in quickly... The Fox is chasing me.

Then the door opened and everyone said at once:

Come in. There will be a place.

And now the five of us began to live together.

Then, unexpectedly, a storm broke out: it became dark all around, thunder roared, lightning flashed, and torrential rain began to pour down.

And in the worst possible weather, someone big came to the tower. How he growls throughout the forest:

Hey! Hey! Who lives in the little house there?

When he hit the door, he almost tore it off its hinges.

And this time the Fly was not afraid: she opened the window, looked out through the crack and squeaked:

We all live here: Fly-Fly, Mouse-Norushka, Frog-Frog, Cockerel - Golden Comb and Bunny-Runner. Who are you?

I am the Clubfoot Bear. I was wet and cold. Let me dry off, warm up...

“We would be glad,” said the Fly, “but there’s no way you can fit here.” We ask for forgiveness!

The Bear was upset: where should he go, where to dry himself and where to warm up?

So he climbed onto the roof, closer to the warm pipe...

Only the tower could not withstand the Bear and fell apart under him! It’s good - no one was crushed: everyone managed to run away.

When the rain passed and the sky cleared, everyone gathered at the ruins of the tower.

“There is no little house, and we have nowhere to live now,” said the Mouse and began to cry.

The Bear came up, bowed low to everyone and said:

Forgive me... Oh, it's my fault!..

We'll forgive you, they told him, if new teremok help me put it in. Managed to break, managed to build!

They began to build a new mansion. And the Bear tries the hardest, does the hardest work.

So they built a new tower-teremok, even better, and larger, and more beautiful than the previous one.

And everyone fit in there, and there was still room left for guests!

Now the six of us live and get along well!

There was a little house in the forest. A fly flew to him and knocked on the shutter:

Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
And no one responds from there. Then a fly flew into the window and began to live in it.

A flea galloped up to the mansion and knocked on the shutter.

- I am a fly, and who are you?
- And I'm a flea.
- Come live with me.
A flea jumped into the little mansion and they began to live together.

A mosquito flew to the tower and knocked on the shutter:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, and who are you?
- And I am a mosquito.
- Come live with us.
A mosquito flew into the mansion, and the three of them began to live together.

A mouse ran to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, and who are you?
- And I am a mouse.
- Come live with us.
A mouse ran into the little mansion, and the four of them began to live together.

A frog galloped up to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, and who are you?
- And I am a frog.
- Come live with us.
The frog jumped over the threshold into the little mansion, and the five of them began to live.

The bunny galloped up to the tower and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, and who are you?
- And I’m a bunny.
- Come live with us.
The bunny jumped over the threshold into the little house, and the six of them began to live.

A fox came running to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, and who are you?
- And I am a fox.
- Come live with us.
A little fox ran into the little mansion and they began to live together.

A wolf came to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, I am a fox, and who are you?
- And I am a wolf.
- Come live with us.
A wolf entered the mansion and the eight of them began to live.

A bear came to the mansion and knocked on the door:
- Knock-knock! Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?
- I am a fly, I am a flea, I am a mosquito, I am a mouse, I am a frog, I am a bunny, I am a fox, I am a wolf, and who are you?
- And I am a bear, I want to live with you.
The bear wanted to come through the door, but it didn’t fit through. Then the clubfoot climbed onto the roof. The mansion crackled from the weight, its residents fled from the windows and doors. different sides. Only the bear settled on the roof, and the tower - bam! - and fell apart.

The child did not fall asleep?

Russian folk tale“Teremok” is over, if the child does not fall asleep, we recommend reading a few more fairy tales.

A man was driving with pots and lost one pot.

A fly fly flew in and asked:

He sees that there is no one. She flew into the pot and began to live and live there.

A squeaking mosquito flew in and asked:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly. Who are you?

- I am a squeaking mosquito.

- Come live with me.

So they began to live together.

A gnawing mouse came running and asked:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito. Who are you?

- I'm a chewing mouse.

- Come live with us.

The three of them began to live together.

A frog-frog jumped up and asked:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito.

- I, a chewing mouse. Who are you?

- I'm a frog frog.

- Come live with us.

The four of them began to live together.

The bunny runs and asks:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito.

- I, a chewing mouse.

- I, frog-frog. Who are you?

“I’m a bandy-legged bunny, I can jump uphill.”

- Come live with us.

The five of them began to live.

A fox ran past and asked:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito.

- I, a chewing mouse.

- I, frog-frog.

- I, the bandy-legged bunny, am hopping up the hill. Who are you?

- I am a fox - beautiful in conversation.

- Come live with us.

The six of them began to live.

The wolf came running:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito.

- I, a chewing mouse.

- I, frog-frog.

- I, the bandy-legged bunny, am hopping up the hill.

- I, the fox, am beautiful in conversation. Who are you?

- I am a wolf-wolf - I grab from behind a bush.

- Come live with us.

So the seven of them live together - and there is little grief.

The bear came and knocked:

– Whose house-teremok? Who lives in the mansion?

- I, a grief fly.

- I, the squeaking mosquito.

There is a tower in a field. A small mouse runs past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live there.

A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Me, little mouse! Who are you?

And I'm a frog.

Come live with me! The frog jumped into the tower. The two of them began to live together.

A runaway bunny runs past. He stopped and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

Me, little mouse!

I, frog frog!

Who are you?

And I'm a runaway bunny.

Come live with us! The hare hops into the tower! The three of them began to live together.

A little fox-sister walks by. She knocked on the window and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Who are you?

And I am a fox-sister.

Come live with us! The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together.

A gray barrel top came running, looked in the door and asked:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

Who are you?

And I am a top-gray barrel.

Come live with us!

The wolf climbed into the mansion. The five of them began to live together. Here they live in a little house, sing songs.

Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks by. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:

Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

I, little mouse.

I, frog frog.

I'm a runaway bunny.

Me, little fox-sister.

I, the top-gray barrel.

Who are you?

And I'm a clumsy bear.

Come live with us!

The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and said:

I’d rather live on your roof.

Yes, you will crush us.

No, I won't crush it.

Well then, climb up! The bear climbed onto the roof and just sat down - fuck! - the tower collapsed.

There was a tower in the field. A small mouse ran past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one? Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it.

A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:
-Some live in a little house, some live in a low one.

-I’m a little mouse, and who are you?
-And I'm a frog.
-Come live with me!
The frog jumped into the tower. They began to live together.

A runaway bunny ran past. He stopped and asked:

-I, little mouse.
-I, frog-frog, and who are you?
-And I'm a runaway bunny.
-Come live with us!
The hare hops into the tower. The three of them began to live together.

The little fox-sister is coming. She knocked on the window and asked:
-Who lives in a little house, who lives in a small one?

-I, little mouse.
-I, frog-frog.
-I, runaway bunny, and who are you?
-And I am a fox-sister.
-Come live with us!
The fox climbed into the mansion. The four of them began to live together.

A gray barrel top came running and asked:
-Who lives in a little house, who lives in a small one?

-I, little mouse.
-I, frog-frog.
-I, runaway bunny.
-I, little fox-sister, and who are you?
-And I am a top-gray barrel.
-Come live with us!
The wolf climbed into the mansion. The five of them began to live together. Here they all live in the mansion, singing songs.

Suddenly a clubfoot bear walks past. I saw the little house, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of my lungs:
-Who lives in a little house, who lives in a small one?
-I, little mouse.
-I, frog-frog.
-I, runaway bunny.
-I, little fox-sister.
-I am a gray top, and who are you?
-And I’m a clumsy bear.
-Come live with us!

The bear climbed into the tower. He climbed, climbed, climbed, couldn’t get in and said:
-I’d rather live on your roof.
-You'll crush us!
-No, I won’t crush you.
-Well, climb up!
The bear climbed onto the roof and had just sat down when the tower crackled, fell on its side and fell apart.

We barely had time to jump out of it: a small mouse, a frog, a runaway bunny, a little fox-sister, and a gray barrel top - all safe and sound. They began to carry logs, saw boards, and build a new tower. They built it better than before!