Valery Syutkin now. Valery Syutkin: “Now Viola and I know that we have to fight for feelings


In the bygone era, there were several examples of groups and singers who became popular for their time not in status, but in public perception. Valery Syutkin I was lucky to be in this select cohort - those who successfully combine solo performances with concerts as part of a group. For almost four decades, the main intellectual of the stage and his team have earned the love of fans and now continue to delight them. The singer does not chase changing fashion and does not try to conform to trends. His warm voice with a trusting intonation became the key to the success of any of Syutkin’s projects, because he (as the famous song says) is what is needed.

Russian with Polish and Jewish roots

Now Valeria Syutkina rarely seen at noisy parties and show business get-togethers; much more often he goes to jazz concerts. His videos do not hit the ratings of music channels, and PR programs about the details of his personal life are not filmed on television. He doesn’t need such customized fame, after all, his viewer and listener is someone who thinks and understands real music.

Valery was born in 1958. A mixture of Polish-Jewish and Russian blood flows in Syutkin’s veins, since his grandmother on his mother’s side moved to Moscow from the Odessa region, and his father is from Perm. Mom Bronislava Andreevna worked at a closed military research institute, and dad Milad Aleksandrovich taught at the military engineering academy and was a prominent specialist in military underground construction. The young people met in a dance club, then a son was born into the newly formed family, whose childhood years were spent under the sensitive supervision of his grandmother - his parents had to work a lot.

Fateful TV show

Valery's conscious love for music arose at the age of 11 and this moment was clearly etched in the memory of young Syutkin. That day, he entered the room and saw a political review on TV, the screensaver for which was an image of the Brooklyn Bridge, and the musical accompaniment was a song by the legendary band. Of course, Valery didn’t know this then, but he told his parents that he would definitely learn to play this melody on the guitar. Since then, he began to diligently practice playing this instrument. Older friends from the yard dissuaded him from this choice and offered to join their group as a drummer to perform at dance evenings. Valery succumbed to persuasion and put the guitar aside for a while to learn to play the drums on his own. He practiced on cardboard hat boxes and empty metal coffee cans. This group of street boys turned out to be the first in his musical career.

His parents encouraged his passion for music, because in their area there were a lot of hooligan punks who engaged in thefts and other petty crimes. The elder Syutkins did not want their son to follow the same path. Mom knew that Valery would not come home with a broken nose, because no one dared to touch the musicians who played at the dance evenings. But Valera himself took up creativity for a completely different purpose - he wanted to please the girls. At that time, this was the surest way to win the heart of a beauty. It was easier to impress a girl when you played forbidden rock and roll on the guitar.

Valery Syutkin's saving hobby

At the age of 13, young Syutkin faced a heavy blow - Valery’s parents divorced. Favorite music helped the guy heal his mental trauma. He could no longer imagine his life without her. Now he realizes that it was creativity that helped him not to fall under the bad influence of the hooligan environment of the area. Although he himself was never a fan of fights and fist showdowns. All summer after 8th grade he worked in an electrical goods store, and although the law prohibited teenage labor, my mother’s friend persuaded the store director to hire a guy for the summer in her place while she went to the resort. In three months, Syutkin earned as much as 270 rubles and was able to buy himself a drum kit. Of course, we had to purchase used Czech drums from speculators, because finding new high-quality equipment in those years was very difficult. The instrument's strength was tested to the hits of Led Zeppelin.

Valery was completely captivated by his passion for music. It even became the reason for absenteeism from school, although before that Syutkin’s academic performance was at a very high level. The only thing that saved him was that he read a lot and could get by in humanities subjects, but problems began with the exact sciences. As a result, the matriculation certificate was decorated with four “C” grades.

Financial independence

With the acquisition of a drum set, Valery’s financial dependence on his parents ended. He played at dances in his area and even performed with other guys in neighboring ones. This provided the young man with a good income, although it was not a profession. Free poets, artists and musicians were then considered parasites. In order to get a work record and not be considered a slacker, Syutkin had to officially get a job. His work history includes many interesting professions: from a bartender and a janitor to a train conductor and an assistant cook.

"Flight" to "Fan-o-man"

In 1976 Valeria Syutkina drafted into the army. He served in the Far East as an aircraft mechanic. When the soldier was not busy at the airfield, he sang and played in the Polet ensemble.

After demobilization, Valery organized a new musical group and called it “Telephone”. For several years the group had to perform underground, until in 1982 one of the philharmonic societies took it under its wing. Feuilleton songs in the style of reggae, twist and rock and roll have become the calling card of the musicians. From the stage they ridiculed everyday problems and troubles of ordinary Soviet citizens. They even managed to release several records. After that The team came under increased control from the artistic councils of the Ministry of Culture. There were no songs by Soviet composers in the group's repertoire, they did not use keyboard instruments, and the composition was more than suspicious - only 4 musicians. At the next mandatory tariff meeting, the Telefon group, without a keyboard player, performed the song “If only the boys of the whole Earth” in reggae style. Such self-will cost them dearly. Members of the commission advised young people to quickly find employment in other ensembles.

Very useful in 1985 Valery Syutkin An invitation arrived from the group “Architects” from Yuri Loza. At that time, this group was one of the five most popular groups in the USSR. Valery performed as a member of Zodchikh until 1989, then created a project called Fan-o-Man, but something did not work out, and his new group did not gain much success with the public. But ahead Valeria Syutkina great popularity awaited...

Valery Syutkin's finest hour

The leader of the famous group “Bravo” Evgeniy Khavtan was just looking for a vocalist for the group. At one of the group’s concerts, the musicians’ seats were nearby and Khavtan invited Syutkin to join his team. On the first During rehearsals, Evgeniy told Valery that the group needed a song about a dude. Before this, Syutkin wrote compositions, but did not consider himself a poet at all. In the process of creative brainstorming, the famous song “Vasya” was born, which gave impetus to a new wave of popularity of “Bravo”. True, from the very first days Syutkin and Khavtan had disagreements over the mop of hair on Valery’s head. This hairstyle went against the image of the dudes, and after much wrangling it had to be corrected. At the same rehearsal, another hit was born - “Girl of 16 Years”. With two new compositions and the remade “Yellow Shoes” (before this word was sung by Zhanna Aguzarova from a female perspective), Syutkin suggested that Khavtan go on tour to “test out” the new composition of the group on the audience. The idea shocked Eugene at first, but he took this risk. On August 25, 1990, the “renewed” group “Bravo” came to the city of Sumy for a concert. The public success was overwhelming. In order to thoroughly integrate into the theme and feel the musical style chosen by the group, I bought a bunch of rock and roll records from the 1950s and 60s and carefully studied them in just a month. Following “Vasya”, other musical compositions appeared, which quickly became famous - “I’m what you need”, “King Orange Summer”, “Good evening, Moscow!”, “Star Shake”. These and other songs formed the basis of the Bravo group’s disc “Hipsters from Moscow.”

The resounding popularity of the new band was explained by the romantic image of the dudes: spacious jackets and wide trousers, sunglasses, many multi-colored badges and, of course, an orange tie, to which the musicians dedicated an entire song.

In 1993, the group’s new disc, “Moscow Beat,” saw the light of day. The elegance and lightness of the slow compositions “That’s All”, “Lunatic” and “What a Pity” competed with the fiery dance songs “Space Rock and Roll” and “Polar Twist”.

Not all

A couple of years later I made a difficult decision and left the Bravo group. He already had a solo album ready, and it wasn’t very popular to the founder of the group, Evgeniy Khavtan. Valery named the new team “Syutkin and Co.” The musicians have four albums to their credit: “What You Need”, “Radio of Night Roads”, “Not All” and “004”. Later, the artist updated and expanded the composition of musicians and named the group “Syutkin rock and roll band.” Over the course of his many years of career, the artist has received more than one professional award, and his songs have more than once been recognized as hits at the end of the year, although Valery admits that now he is not trying to regain his former glory, because every creative period has its own charm.

Family "violism"

A cheerful, good-natured and easy-going character helps Valery look young and not burden his face with dull features. If he has free time from performing, he and his beloved wife Viola go on a trip. By the way, create a real happy family Valery Syutkin I succeeded only on the third try. However, he himself says that this is his first and only family, and calls his previous marriages the result of Soviet stereotypes of society, when after a month of dating a decent guy was obliged to marry a girl. From a previous relationship, Valery has a daughter, Elena, and a son, Maxim, and in his marriage to Viola, they had a daughter, who was named after her mother, Viola, so complete “violism” reigns in the Syutkin family.


Communication on the Internet does not recognize and uses the achievements of progress only to view news and order vacation tickets. He still reads a lot, among his favorite authors highlights Patrick Suskind, Kurt Vonnegut, Paulo Coelho, Victor Pelevin, Mikhail Bulgakov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Ilf and Petrov.

He believes that his family union with Viola was destined in heaven, and the innate inaccessibility and certain categoricalness of his wife only stimulates his long-term interest in her. In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that he first fell in love with the girl’s dignity, because at the first meeting she “blowed off” the king of Russian rock and roll of the 1990s.

Updated: April 7, 2019 by: Elena

Valery Syutkin

Zodiac sign:

Place of birth:


76 kg

187 cm

Biography of Valery Syutkin

Childhood. The beginning of Valery Syutkin's creativity

Valery Miladovich Syutkin was born in the center of Moscow, on the street separating Yauzsky and Pokrovsky boulevards and now called Vorontsovo Pole. In those years, the street bore the name of Dr. V. Obukh, who was in charge of Moscow healthcare institutions during the formation of Soviet power. Valery's father, Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin, is an engineer originally from Perm, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after. Kuibysheva, specialist in underground military construction. The mother of the future musician, Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya, was a junior researcher at a closed military research institute. Bronislava Andreevna’s ancestors were Polish Jews who subsequently moved from Poland to the city of Balta, Odessa region. Valery's parents met at a dance class.

Valery Syutkin in his youth

The surname Syutkin is quite widespread in Mordovia and the Urals. The origin of the surname is associated with the well-known colloquial variant of the name Ksenia in the Urals - Syuta, Syutka (diminutive of Aksyuta). All of Milad Alexandrovich's ancestors were lawyers.

When Valery was 13 years old, his parents divorced. Around this time, Syutkin began to become seriously interested in the art of music. Valery played in several amateur groups, school ensembles, and amateur groups, usually on bass guitar or drums. Since school, Syutkin was inspired by the work of the rock groups “The Beatles”, “Led Zeppelin”, “Deep Purple”, “Smokie” and performed their songs in amateur bands.


After graduating from school and a short period of working as an assistant cook at the Ukraina restaurant, Syutkin went into the army. Valery fell to serve in the Far East, where he ended up in the military ensemble “Polyot”. At various times, many subsequently famous musicians passed through this group while serving in the army, for example, Alexey Glyzin. Participating in “Flight” as a musician, Valery once replaced a sick vocalist. The replacement turned out to be successful, and Syutkin became the vocalist of Polet.

Valery Syutkin - 7 thousand above the ground

After returning from the army, Valery got a job as a loader and worked at the Belorussky railway station. Later, Syutkin became a conductor of international communications, where he worked for a year and a half. He admits that he carried guitars.
In parallel with his work, Valery does not stop his musical activities. In 1982, Syutkin met members of the then little-known group “Telephone”, who soon invited him to join the team. Later, Telefon becomes a professional touring ensemble. Together with the musicians of VIA Telefon, Valery is recording the album “Ka-Ka”, all the songs in which are connected by a single storyline - folk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade.

At the beginning of 1985, VIA Telefon released its second album, Twist Cascade. Syutkin's name is mentioned for the first time on the cover of the release. After some time, the group broke up.

Architects" and "Fan-O-Man"

After the collapse of Telefon, Syutkin moved to Yuri Davydov’s rock group Zodchie, where he was invited by Yuri Loza, who had previously transferred from Interval. The songs of Loza and Syutkin brought the previously unknown group all-Union popularity - Valery’s hits “Bus 86”, “Sleep, Baby”, “Time of Love” were included in radio and television rotation, and the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” named “Zodchikh” in its top five the most popular groups of the Soviet Union.

In 1987, a crisis sets in at Zodchikh. After a tour of the Ukrainian SSR, Yuri Loza left the group in the fall, and the group performed extremely unsuccessfully at Rock Panorama-87. In 1988, the keyboard player left the band. The recording of the new album “Garbage from the Hut” is carried out sluggishly, and it is released only in 1989, but remains practically unnoticed by the audience. Against the backdrop of all this, Valery decides to end his cooperation with Zodchimi.
The group practically ceased to exist after this, releasing its sixth and last album, “Pour”, in 1991 with vocals by Alexander Martynov.

Valery Syutkin started singing early

After leaving the “Architects”, Syutkin founded his own musical project - the trio “Fan-O-Man”, which existed for two years and was part of Mikhail Boyarsky’s troupe. The discography of “Fan-O-Man” turned out to be meager - the only album “Grained Caviar” was released in 1989. The trio won the audience award at the international music television competition “Step to Parnassus”.

"Bravo" and Valery Syutkin

In 1990, in August, Valery Syutkin stopped working on the Fan-O-Man project and joined the Bravo team at the invitation of the group leader, Evgeniy Khavtan. The new vocalist broke the disappointing long series of changes in frontmen in Bravo after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova.

Valery Syutkin moved to the Bravo group in 1990

The first time working in the team was marked by a debate about Syutkin’s hairstyle. At that time, Valery had a significant amount of hair, which absolutely did not fit with the “stylish” image of the group. The controversy over Syutkin's hairstyle did not subside for quite some time, and in the end the frontman was forced to give in and bring his hair in line with rock and roll standards.

On August 25, 1990, the group debuted with a new lineup on the TV project “Morning Mail”. The debut was successful. Work has begun on recording the album “Hipsters from Moscow.”

The album turned out to be quite varied. Some of the songs included in it were recorded earlier with other vocalists and were firmly part of the group’s repertoire - “I’m sad and easy”, “King Orange Summer”, “Good evening, Moscow!”, “Fast train”, “Star Shake” . For these songs, Syutkin only recorded vocal parts that were overdubbed onto the finished material. Other songs were new and were already written by Syutkin and Khavtan - “Vasya”, “Hold on, dude”, “Girl of sixteen years old”. In addition, Valery offered the group a song of his own composition - “I am what you need”, which later became one of the group’s hits. The album was released in 1990 and instantly sold out across the country.

Valery Syutkin is still popular

The band begins work on the next album and simultaneously tours extensively. With the arrival of Syutkin to the team, “Bravo” is regaining popularity. The group's image, built entirely on the attributes of the dudes subculture, suddenly provides the group with nationwide popularity. Ties became the key fetish of the Bravo group of that period; soon the song “Stylish Orange Tie” was released, which became a kind of anthem of Russian dudes.

The peak of the ensemble's popularity was in 1993-1994. “Bravo” celebrates its tenth anniversary with grandiose anniversary concerts. Throughout the former USSR, the team gathers stadiums and crowded halls.
The period devoted to working with the Bravo group becomes the period when Syutkin developed his own original style, which the performer adheres to to this day.

"Syutkin and Co"

In 1995, Valery Syutkin ends his collaboration with Bravo and creates his own group, Syutkin and Co., in which he continues to work to this day. In the same year, the hit “7000 above the ground” from the band’s debut album “What You Need” became the best hit of the year. In 2009 and 2012, the songs of the Marshrutka and Moscow-Neva collectives received the Golden Gramophone.

Valery Syutkin What a pity, but you are not with me today

In addition to musical activities, Syutkin begins working on television. In 2001, the musical television game “Two Pianos” appeared on the RTR channel, the host of which was Valery. On Channel One, Syutkin took part in the TV show “Stars on Ice”, starred in one of the parts of the popular New Year’s TV musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing” and in the Quartet I project “Election Day” as himself.

In March 2008 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was married three times. Valery's daughter from his first marriage, Elena, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, and his son Maxim from his second marriage graduated from the Faculty of Economics. Now he works in the tourism business. Since 1994, Valery has been in his third marriage. Syutkin’s third wife, Violetta, worked as a costume designer in the Bravo team. In 1996, their daughter Viola was born.

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The Soviet era knows several examples of soloists and groups that became popular for their time. Valery Miladovich Syutkin has become one of those singers who successfully combines a solo career and performing as part of a group. Over the years, he and his team have not only earned the recognition of fans, but continue to delight them to this day.

A star is born

The musician's biography contains many interesting facts. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow, Valery Syutkin, it seems, knew from childhood what he would do in life. He could follow in the footsteps of his father, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy. But from his school years he realized that his main passion was music, despite the fact that none of his relatives had anything to do with it.

The first lessons in the early 70s led to several amateur groups, in which Valery Syutkin participated as a drummer or guitarist. The rock direction and its representatives such as Smokie, The Beatles and Deep Purple, designated a genre affiliation that he would adhere to throughout his creative career. Before being sent to the army, he worked as an assistant cook in one of the restaurants, and while serving in the Far East, he performed in the Polet ensemble, where Alexey Glyzin also made his mark at one time.

First serious performances and frivolous work

The desire to try myself as a singer appeared by chance. We had to replace the sick soloist, which Valery Syutkin did excellently. The first touring group was the Telefon group, which has a cycle of folk songs and several albums in its repertoire, including one concert album, recorded in Vladivostok. In his free time, the singer lived on additional earnings - first he was a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then a conductor.

Having existed for a short time, “Telephone” disbanded, and it was replaced by “Zodchie”, in which Yuri Loza already worked. In 1989, the trio “Fan-o-man” followed, recording the only album “Grained Caviar”. Failures also plagued this group, from which Syutkin went straight to Mikhail Boyarsky’s team, and from there, at the invitation of composer Evgeniy Khavtan, he ended up in “Bravo”, replacing Zhanna Aguzarova.

Perhaps this is the most famous group in which Syutkin performed until 1995. During this period, Valery is looking closely at creating his own unique style, in which he will begin to work solo. The singer was one of the first to introduce the slang “hipsters” to the public, taking American music of the 50s as a model. The debut album “Bravo” was called “Hipsters from Moscow”.

Other hobbies

And again Syutkin leaves the group. In 1995, Valery organized a new band, “Syutkin and Co,” where he became its leader. He still performs with the group now. The composition “7000 above the ground” from the first album is awarded as the best hit of the year.

“Syutkin and Co” releases 8 albums, the last one, “Kiss Slowly,” dates back to 2012. In 2008, for his services in the field of art, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Valery Syutkin, whose biography also includes other incarnations, is not limited to music alone. So, he accepts an offer from Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov and becomes a professor in the vocal department. In addition, the singer participated in the humorous program “Mask Show” and the television game “Russian Roulette”, was the host of the musical television projects “Two Pianos” and “With a Light Genre!”, as an actor he performed in “Old Songs about the Main Thing-2” and “Election Day”, in which he appeared as a soloist of the ensemble “Oliver Twist”. Together with the figure skater, he participated in the “Stars on Ice” show, and was also a member of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition. In 2014, he became an ambassador for the Winter Olympics in Sochi.

For his many years of dedication to music and his unique style, Valery Syutkin did not go without awards. In his piggy bank there is a “Golden Gramophone”, received in 2009 and 2012.

Personal happiness

Syutkin was married three times. He and his wife Violetta have been together for more than 20 years. The girl worked as a costume designer in a group and at first refused the persistent musician. According to the singer, he always tried to look after him beautifully in order to leave the right impression of himself. From previous marriages, Syutkin has children Elena and Maxim, and from his marriage to Viola, he has a daughter, also named Violetta.

Honored Artist of Russia Valery Syutkin.

Biography of Valery Syutkin

Born in Moscow in the family of a teacher at the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy Milada Syutkina.

Early 70's Valery Syutkin started studying music, playing bass guitar and drums. Mainly performed rock and roll. He worked as a cook's apprentice, then joined the army and served in the Far East. After the army, he worked at the Belorussky railway station as a loader and train conductor.

Creative activity of Valery Syutkin

Since 1982, Valery Syutkin began singing in a group "Telephone". Afterwards he went to the group “Zodchie”, where he performed a duet with Yuri Loza. Later, Valery Syutkin created his own group “Fen-o-man”, recorded a single album and went to work in the group of Mikhail Boyarsky.

In 1990, Syutkin joined the Bravo group, in which he sang until 1995. After leaving Valery creates his own group "Syutkin and Co".

In 2001, Syutkin hosted the program "Two Pianos" on the Rossiya channel. In 2006, he participated in the Stars on Ice project, performing in pairs with figure skater Irina Lobacheva. Twice Valery Syutkin was a guest of the program “While everyone is at home.”

In 1996, Valery tried himself as an actor, playing in the New Year's musical film “Old songs about the main thing 2”. He later appeared on the popular show Thank God You Came! "and the comedy "Quartet I" "Election Day", where famous Russian musicians and actors became his filming partners.

Became an ambassador for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. In 2017, he became one of the participants in the “Music in the Metro” project.

In November 2018, the singer took part in the program “Margulis’ Apartment” on the NTV channel. Evgeny Margulis told the audience about how he lived for many years next door to the Syutkin family. The musicians remembered Valery’s most famous hits and the funny, amusing and sometimes dangerous situations they found themselves in when they were young. Syutkin talked about how he once played football with the legendary British musician Rob Stewart.

Valery Syutkin was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia” in 2008.

In 2009 and 2012 the group "Syutkin and Co" was awarded the Golden Gramophone.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was married three times. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Elena, and from his second, a son, Maxim, who now works in the tourism business. The musician’s third wife was his former costume designer Violetta, whom Valery met during a tour in Riga.

Name: Valeriy Syutkin

Age: 60 years old

Place of birth: Moscow

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 76 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, songwriter

Marital status: married

Valery Syutkin - biography

As in the famous song “Well, who doesn’t know him?” Valery Syutkin became an idol for his fans in the nineties. He has the intelligent temperament of a man from the Soviet period.

Childhood, family

Valery was born in the late fifties in Moscow. But its roots go deep into the lands of the Urals. Syutkin’s ancestors were not very rich, but they easily talked with the Russian industrialist Demidov and received gratitude from Peter the Great. Valery's father had a beautiful and unusual name Milad. He graduated from a military engineering university, built a cosmodrome at Baikonur, studied at the capital's academy and taught there. The singer’s mother has Polish and Jewish roots in her family tree. At the academy where the elder Syutkin worked, the parents of the future star met.

After the parents' wedding, a boy was born who studied well. Then Valery began to get seriously involved in rock and roll. The parents supported their son in every possible way. The boy's biography was written by him himself the way he wanted, without pressure from adults. At the age of thirteen, the boy experienced a turning point in his destiny. His loving mother and father divorced. It was difficult for him to understand his parents then.


Valery discovered his first serious attraction to music at the age of 11, when he heard the music of the Beatles. This melody was played during the intro before the news. The boy played the music he heard on his guitar. The drummers were cans, and in high school real drums appeared, Syutkin earned money on them himself. The first vocal and instrumental ensemble in which Valery played was called “Excited Reality”. In addition to the drum kit, the guy learned to play the bass guitar.

The guys’ repertoire included the compositions “Smoky” and “Deep Purple”. His musical biography continued after graduation. The young man managed to get a job as an assistant cook at the Ukraine restaurant. Then military service began in the Far East. The duties of an auto mechanic did not in any way prevent the serviceman from improving musically. The Polet group, which Syutkin joined, was popular in the area.

In the group, the young soldier demonstrated fluency in drums and vocal abilities. The guy became the main soloist in VIA. The army gave good training to the future stage star. But after demobilization, music temporarily moved away from Syutkin. He became a porter at the station, a train conductor, but could not get a job in a Moscow musical group for a year and a half. Valery never received a professional musical education; he told everyone about correspondence training to become a choral conductor.

Necessary acquaintance

The Telefon group was not familiar to many, but with the arrival of Valery Syutkin, the group became a real group with its own tours and albums. It took three years to make the group popular. But the group was quickly closed due to the fact that the musicians sang only their own songs; there were only four guys in the group, which was too few according to the laws of the Soviet ensemble. Another team, “Zodchie,” was formed, in which Yuri Loza worked.

The group leader skillfully avoided all bureaucratic obstacles, and the compositions of “The Architects” began to gain popularity. After another tour, Loza left the group, then Syutkin left the group. Valery tried to create another group; the guys were part of the troupe of artist Mikhail Boyarsky.

Syutkin's musical career

One day, Evgeniy Khavtan invited Syutkin to join the Bravo group, from which she had just left. With this team, Valery gained real fame. Now his creative biography has completely changed: from his appearance to his repertoire. Compositions appeared that became the calling cards of the group, and in addition, the audience began to recognize the stylish orange tie.

Concerts, tours, videos, work seven days a week, discs and albums became the reason that pop star Valery Syutkin decided to leave the team. The singer often performs in duets with many famous performers. Laima Vaikule and Andrei Makarevich kept him company on the song stage. The musician became a participant in the television project “Stars on Ice”, in musicals for the New Year.

Valery Syutkin - biography of personal life, children

Officially, Syutkin married three times. Three unions turned out to be short-lived; they fell apart due to the betrayals of the head of the family, of which there were a lot. None of the three wives wanted to share Valery with others, and filed for divorce. The first marriage lasted two years, from this relationship a daughter, Elena, was born.

The second marriage turned out to be almost the same in duration; from this union a son, Maxim, was born. The singer's third wife was a fashion model from the Fashion House in Riga. Violetta got a job as a costume designer in the Bravo team. The girl was getting married, she was preparing for the wedding, and Syutkin at that time was already a married man. The lovers broke off all existing relationships, rented a one-room apartment and got married.