Vorobyov and Alla Berger in the art studio. Alexey Vorobyov spoke about intimacy with the finalists of “The Bachelor”

Alexey Vorobyov could not choose his only one on the show “Bachelor”. The artist admits that he did not feel the love he was looking for from any of the project participants. That is why, after the end of the show, Alexey chose not to continue communicating with the finalists Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova, since they had already told each other everything on their last dates.

In several episodes of “The Bachelor,” Vorobiev retired with the girls at night and closed himself off from the channel’s cameramen. Many were worried about the question of whether the artist had intimacy with Alla Berger and Yana Anosova on the project or whether this was a cunning idea of ​​the film crew.

I “act” only in films, and on behalf of my heroes. Here I acted on my own behalf, and the main condition for my participation was complete freedom and the opportunity to remain myself, and not to portray the “romantic, cute bachelor” needed by the project. Therefore, in those moments when I was alone with the girls, what happened was what happens between a man and a woman who are left alone and experience mutual passion. Outside the project, at this moment everything would have been exactly the same with these girls,” admitted Alexey.

The singer does not regret taking part in the project. According to him, the show showed him that feelings must be mutual. Alexey believes that it was more important for the project participants to win than to experience real feelings for him. The artist notes that on the set of “The Bachelor” he experienced real experiences. “These three months have passed in such an emotional state that I still haven’t come to my senses... It seems to me that morally I recovered faster even after the stroke...” said Vorobiev.

Alexey understands that the audience hoped that the show would end with a wedding and everyone would be happy. However, for the artist, the project was real life, in which he could not deceive himself and the girls.

“I understand perfectly well that the audience wanted to see a fairy tale with a happy ending, but believe me, I wanted it much more than the millions of people who watched my life for 13 weeks. I'm just not one who throws words and promises to the wind. I cannot deceive anyone, and above all, myself. I know that falling in love is not easy, but this does not mean that there is no woman on this earth who will love me for who I am, with all my advantages and disadvantages. I just don’t want to love for two anymore, this happened in my life and it didn’t lead to anything good,” the artist noted.

Alexey initially went to the project because at one point he realized that he could not live only for his own goals, he needed a companion. However, at the finale of the show, the man did not present the ring to any of the finalists, as he was afraid of making a mistake. According to the artist, the girls on the project were obsessed with victory, and did not try to develop feelings for him. “The desire of all participants to become the winner of the Bachelor show was stronger than anything else. But “The Bachelor” with my participation is not a competition that can be won. “The Bachelor with me was about whether two people will be able to mutually feel what a man and a woman feel when they are united by a mutual vibration based not only on passion,” noted Alexey.

The artist does not lose heart and hopes that he will soon meet his chosen one. The singer believes that fate will present him with a girl with whom mutual feelings will flare up.

“After such a tough experiment on myself as The Bachelor, I am sure that everything will happen by itself. I'm waiting for a miracle, no matter how stupid and ridiculous it may sound. It doesn’t matter to me anymore how suitable we are for each other. It doesn't matter where she comes from, what she does or what she wants. It’s important that we become oxygen for each other,” Alexey said in an interview with Wday.ru.

The 4th season of the show “The Bachelor” has ended, but disputes continue over the finale and assumptions are made about the future fate of the most prominent participants in the project.

Alexey Vorobyov's refusal to choose from the two remaining girls(Natalia Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova) the bride caused a storm of indignation and a barrage of criticism from fans of the project. Perhaps only ardent admirers of the singer’s work were satisfied that their idol’s heart was still free.

For the first time, the audience was confused when, on the initiative of the bachelor, the brightest and most emotional participant, Alla Berger, who Alexey clearly liked, dropped out of the project. The twenty-year-old participant could not hide her your feelings for Vorobyov and used any methods to attract his attention.

Despite the fact that Alla admitted in an interview to her complexes and insecurities, which she allegedly tried to overcome by posing in nude style (the girl works as a model), she behaved confidently on the project and decisively sought victory over the participants.

Not only was she the first to receive a passionate kiss from a bachelor, but she stated that she was ready to undress in front of the camera and was not at all against intimate relationships on the project. Later she boasted to other girls that she spent the night with the singer. Alla not only provoked the participants, but (which is completely ugly) told Alexey what other contenders were saying about him.

Following the rules of the project, Berger did not share unnecessary information, but made subtle hints about the existence of a special relationship with a bachelor. So, Alla posted photographs on her page in which she either posed in a lace wedding dress or showed off a diamond ring on her ring finger. Some fans were even upset that the girl revealed the intrigue prematurely. However, Alla left the project without becoming the chosen one of the potential groom.

True, fans of the show could not believe that Alexey broke up with his girlfriend. Vague explanations that she was too young for a serious relationship, he liked chaste girls did not convince them. It was even suggested that everything had already been decided and agreed upon between the couple. Her premature departure from the project was allegedly planned so as not to further traumatize the girl.

When the two finalists were left without the coveted ring, rumors persisted that Berger and Vorobiev are now together, although Alla wished Alexey happiness online, and no more messages followed.

In a recent interview, the former participant spoke about her impressions of the project and plans for the future. She believes that the show emotionally exhausted her: too many experiences, nerves, tears. And although there are positive aspects (she has become more confident, wise, restrained), it is unlikely that the girl will agree to participate in such projects again.
She hasn't come to her senses yet to plan anything. But the show really changed her perspective on many things. For example, Alla promised on the project that she would no longer act naked, and firmly decided to refuse this work. And those photos that are now appearing online were taken a year ago.

Alexey Vorobyov disappointed many fans of the show “Bachelor” by the fact that didn't choose a bride. Perhaps this is what the creators of the project intended to diversify the scenario, which is being repeated for the fourth time, especially since none of the previous couples ever started a family.

It is likely that this decision was made by the bachelor himself. If we assume that the framework of the script does not limit the improvisation of the participants, then such an act is a confirmation of the complex character of the singer and actor, who is prone to excessive introspection, loves to philosophize and, to be honest, knows his own worth. The star participant even thought of giving 11 tips to win his heart. There is an assumption that he agreed to participate in the project solely for PR reasons.

The inconsistency (intentional or unintentional) of Alexey’s words and actions in the show “The Bachelor” sometimes intrigued and sometimes caused bewilderment among viewers. Before the project, he stated that he wanted to find a girl on the show who would become his life partner. And at the end of the show he said that he had no goal of meeting a worthy girl, but wanted to “feel.”

In the first episodes of the show, the star assured that he made his choice as soon as he saw the participants. He knew which girl he would propose to and allegedly told her this at every meeting, but the ending never turned into a happy ending to the fairy tale.

Just before the finale, the singer presented a new video, in which he presented the development of events after choosing a bride (the video shows a happy bride and groom). However, he later claimed that it was a "dream visualization".

As a result, Natalya Gorozhanova admitted that she did not love a bachelor, and Yana Anosova pushed her groom away with symbolic heart made from a piece of ice, hinting at Alexei's indifference. He decided that the girl did not understand him at all.

Fans of the show believe, and not without reason, that Natalya hoped to provoke the opposite reaction from Vorobiev with her words. However, he did not understand or did not want to understand the girl’s feelings.

But even after the show she does not lose hope of continuing the relationship. Journalists have more than once noticed Natalya’s presence at events where Alexey attends. But he doesn’t notice her or pretends not to notice her.
Most likely, after the show, each of the participants will go their own way.

On June 4, fans of the show “The Bachelor” were able to watch the finale of the famous television project, which airs on the TNT channel. The ending of this show this year was unexpected. Many believed that Alexey Vorobyov decided everything for himself, which means that Natalya Gorozhanova will become the winner of the project this year. This is exactly what most viewers of this show thought. They had certain reasons to think so, since from the very beginning of the project Alexey showed sympathy for this girl. Natalya's main competitors left the project at the very end of the season. They were considered Alla Berger and Natalya Tkalina. As a result, in the final Gorozhanova had to compete with Yana Anosova. However, the audience did not see Yana as a worthy competitor for Gorozhanova. But the hero of the project thought differently. Of the two girls in the final, he did not choose anyone and, as a result, remained a bachelor.

The reaction to the denouement of the final episode of the show from the audience followed immediately and was very different. However, it can be argued that none of the fans of this project expected such a turn of events. In the finals, Alexey did something that no one had ever done before.

Alla Berger, who was among the participants in the television project in season 4, also expressed her opinion about the outcome in the finale. Note that it was her who was considered by a certain part of the show’s fans as the main contender for victory this year. At moments it seemed that she was a little ahead of her main rival Natasha Gorozhanova, with whom she became friends. Alexey's dates with this girl were the most passionate. However, the bachelor surprised the audience once again when, in one of the episodes, he decided to drive Alla home.

On her page, Berger wrote that in the final episode she was worried about Natalya, but added that Yana was also worthy of victory. She also published a photo of the trio.

When the final episode ended, she left her opinion about the ending on her Instagram page. The girl wrote that she did not expect such a result. In addition, she said that she did not believe that everything was over and there would be no continuation later.

It should be noted that filming of this project ended in winter. Thus, even then the girls knew that the actor and singer had not chosen anyone. However, nevertheless, on Instagram on the pages of Alexei and Natasha, hints often appeared that they would soon become a real family, and later become parents. Fans therefore believed that these two formed a new unit of society. However, since they starred in a reality show, the show itself should come first, and the relationship should come second. Therefore, the possibility cannot be ruled out that now that the project has ended, they will continue to meet.

Alla Berger was born in Tver at the end of January 1995. Relatives and friends predicted a modeling career for the petite and beautiful girl. And Alla justified these predictions. As she said in one of her interviews, she took her first steps along the modeling path at the age of 15. But she consciously began working in this business when she was 17 years old. The girl forever remembered her first filming. It was a snowy and frosty winter outside. She had to film in the forest, right in a snowdrift. At the same time, she was wearing only a bodysuit. But Alla really liked the result.

This is not to say that Alla Berger likes absolutely everything about being a model. For example, a girl has to ignore the attention and obscene offers of overly intrusive fans. And with competitions in which female models participate, not everything is so simple. It's no secret that places here are often bought and sold. There are many lies and falsehoods that you need to learn to distinguish. But, according to Alla Berger, there are undoubtedly more advantages. That's why she chose this path.

After graduating from secondary school, the girl entered the Industrial and Economic College in her native Tver. Alla Berger has a specialty: she is a sales manager. But the girl is not ready to work in this field yet. The 20-year-old beauty moved to Moscow, where she continued her modeling career.

Alla shoots in nude style and, as colleagues and photographers say, she does it well. But at the same time, the young beauty claims that she has to struggle with low self-esteem: Berger does not consider herself beautiful. The girl prefers to overcome her own complexes with the help of literature on psychology.

Alla Berger considers the capital the most beautiful and amazing city. She calls Moscow “the city of life,” in which “there is always something to start with.” As for Alla’s modeling work, she prefers filming to participating in competitions. She believes that competitions do not give the opportunity to open up. But the filming process allows you to “try on” different images and experience many emotions. And this is also working with a large team of pleasant and creative people, among whom Alla made real friends and girlfriends.

Looking through photographs of the model from Tver, social network users noticed that Alla Berger has very expressive eyes. In addition, a girl, experimenting with makeup, can transform herself beyond recognition and try on a variety of looks. This speaks volumes about her artistry and creative side.

TV show

The 4th season of the popular television show “The Bachelor,” released on the TNT channel, again gathered many fans of the project near the screens. This season, the “main bachelor” was a singer, actor and handsome man with many high-profile romances behind him.

20-year-old Alla Berger has every chance of success. Her witchy eyes and charisma immediately marked a fan of the project. The girl has already celebrated her first victory, remaining among the 16 contestants.

Alla Berger says that she came to the project in search of her soul mate. She has long been striving to find true love, but so far it hasn’t worked out. Although at such a young age the beauty has everything ahead of her.

Alla shared that she dreams of meeting an adult and confident man. An indispensable condition is that he must accept her as she is and not try to change or “snatch” her from the profession. It seems that Alexey Vorobyov is exactly like that. He immediately, upon hearing what Alla Berger was doing, admitted that he had nothing against the profession of a model who is filmed in nude style. Moreover, the “bachelor” said that “there is nothing more beautiful than a woman’s body.”

Alla Berger was one of the first to receive a rose from Vorobyov. She has every chance to stay in the project for a long time and reach the finals. The girl is very petite, her height is 166 centimeters, and her weight is only 40 kilograms. The audience has already nicknamed her Thumbelina with beautiful eyes.

Personal life

Alla Berger's main hobby is the photography industry. In addition, the girl dances wonderfully. In her early youth, she devoted 7 years to dancing, but then left this activity. I returned to it not so long ago, having become interested in go-go dancing.

Alla Berger has tattoos on her body. The girl claims that her mother is the “sponsor” of her tattoo. On Alla's left leg there is a tattoo in the form of a garter. The red color in the design denotes sexuality. On the right thigh there is a tattoo in the form of a bouquet of roses. A portrait in her favorite colors is tattooed on the beauty’s left hand.

Alla Berger's personal life was not marked by success. As the girl says, she has never met a man with whom she would like to forever connect her life and start a family.

The most scandalous participant in the project gave a frank interview to teleprogramma

The most scandalous participant in the project gave a frank interview to the site

The main character of the “Bachelor” project, Alexei Vorobyov, will soon have to decide on his chosen one. Therefore, he took decisive action. In the next episode of the show, he will go on 2 dates at once. Alexey will meet Natalya Gorozhanova on the ship; they will decide to swim in the sea during a storm and almost drown. But everything will end well.

But the most interesting thing will happen later. Alla Berger, secretly from the other participants, persuaded Lesha to run away with her on a date. In the morning, the girls realized that Berger had not spent the night at the villa. “Let them think what they want. What happened will remain only between me and Lesha,” Berger commented on her action.

Especially for the site, the most scandalous participant in the TV project “The Bachelor,” Alla Berger, answered several questions over the phone.

— Alla, fans of “The Bachelor” are still discussing the situation when you “exposed” Maria Guryeva by telling Alexey that she has a beloved man. But Maria got out of it. Did you believe her?

- Of course not. Lesha also made his own conclusions. This excuse was so far-fetched that Stanislavsky would have said: “I don’t believe it!” I don’t understand why you should come to a project in which lonely girls want to find their happiness if everything in your life is already arranged. Well, take a cooking class, it will be healthier.

—Aren’t you afraid to provoke, to expose? Isn’t it scary that girls will turn against you and come up with something very unpleasant?

“I’m not in the business of exposing them.” I just don’t like deceitful and insincere people. And I don’t want anyone to deceive Lesha. And he cannot see everything that happens in the villa in his absence. And I’m not afraid that someone will turn against someone else. Girls who have moral principles will support me, and I don’t care much about the opinions of others.

— You are called the brightest and at the same time the most provocative participant. Agree?

— I will call myself the most sincere participant. It’s not for me to judge the brightness, but if someone calls me that, then I’m only glad. And I don’t agree about the fact that I’m the most provocative participant. I didn't provoke anyone.

- Don’t you think that for a serious relationship for more than one night, Alexey will choose a modest girl? You worked as a fashion model, photographed nude...

“I immediately said who I am and what I do.” I'm not proud of it, as many people thought. I just voiced it so that later there would be no surprises for Lyosha on my part. And it seems to me that Lesha is a very active man who needs drive and passion. He will become bored with a modest girl in about 5 minutes. She will not be able to light a flame in him.

— Do you feel confident?

- From case to case. Before the rose ceremony, confidence always disappears, but after Lyosha calls my name, it returns with renewed vigor. This is quite difficult mentally, but for Lesha’s sake we can endure it.

— What is the main thing on “The Bachelor”?

— The most important thing is how we feel when left alone with Lesha. And there’s at least a flood...

— What is the most difficult thing for you on the project now?

- Stay calm. And endure difficult hours of waiting for appointments and ceremonies. Otherwise, the conditions here are good - they feed us, sing, and clothe us. We are in the land of eternal summer with the charismatic Alexey. What more could you want? Unless it's just the two of us here...

— What lengths are you willing to go to win Lesha?

- Remain yourself. This is the main thing. Now I could talk for a long time and figure out what is acceptable and what is not, but there is no point in that. Because if love comes, it will mix up all the cards and a person will become capable of anything. But even more important is what Alexey is capable of to conquer a girl...

— Do you often notice expressions of sympathy on the part of Alexey?

- Yes, sure. I see that he is interested and attractive. I catch his glance all the time...

— Tell me the truth about your work as a nude model...

- What truth? I don't have any skeletons in my closet. I am open and sincere. If someone doesn’t understand such filming, that’s their problem. The main thing is that Alexey believes me. And I don’t have to make excuses for my life’s work.

Watch the show "The Bachelor" on Saturday at 21.30