Registered letter dti - what is it? How to find out where a registered letter is from by notification

Have you found a notification in your mailbox that a registered letter has arrived in the mail, but the name of the sender of the letter is not indicated? In this article we will figure out how you can recognize the addressee.

Find out who the registered letter is from by picking up the letter from the post office

The most common way to find out the sender of a registered letter is to go to the post office with the notification received and receive this letter. When the envelope with the letter is already in your hands, inspect it: it should indicate the sender's address.

Find out who the registered letter is from by notification

The notice contains a postal ID number under the barcode. To find out the addressee, just enter this number on the website For other postal organizations (DHL, UPS, etc.), the addressee can be found by following the link and also entering the postal ID number.

Another way to find out the addressee by notification: also find the postal ID number under the barcode, call the post office, dictate the number, your full name and place of residence and ask for information about the sender of the registered letter.

Find out who the registered letter is from by agreeing with the postman

The postman can deliver a registered letter to your home. Ask him to show the letter before you sign the notice (if necessary, show him your passport). Perhaps the postman will agree.

Find out who the registered letter is from using your deduction

If the sender's address is not indicated on the envelope of the letter, then you can find out the addressee by paying close attention. Pay attention to the envelope and stamps. There are envelopes and stamps that can only be purchased at certain post offices. This fact will indicate to you the area where the sender of the letter may live. Read the letter itself. Pay attention to the vocabulary. Some language structures are characteristic of residents of a particular city or country. Examine the text of the letter for literacy. Grammatical errors can indicate the age or nationality of the addressee. If the letter is written by hand, analyze the handwriting of the sender of the letter using special reference books. This will help to find out the character of the addressee. Once you have collected all this data, analyze it. It is quite possible that the author of the letter is someone you know.

And finally, a little trick in exposing the sender of the letter. If you guess that your friend is the secret addressee, tell him this to his face, providing all kinds of arguments confirming your rightness, and even those that mean nothing. The main thing is that during your speech, do not give your friend the opportunity to justify himself. Then he will give in and admit to sending the letter.

With the development of postal services on the Internet and accessible services from cellular operators, paper postcards and letters in envelopes are no longer sent as often as 10-15 years ago. But in some cases it is impossible to do without sending it in a regular postal envelope. How to send a letter via Russian Post so that the correspondence is guaranteed to reach the addressee?

What can you send in a postal envelope?

To begin with, it is worth determining what exactly can be sent in an envelope for letters, and for what you will need to use, for example, a parcel. What can you send by letter by Russian Post?

In addition to postcards and letters, you can put almost any paper or cardboard correspondence in the envelope: personal documents (passport, diploma, work book, certificates, etc.), paper (cardboard) crafts and products, photographs, etc. The main thing is that the weight of one letter did not exceed the established norm - 100 g (for letters to another country - no more than two kilograms). The exception to this rule is money and bank cards - postal workers themselves do not recommend putting them in envelopes.

The question often arises: is it possible to enclose small objects in a paper letter? For example, jewelry, keychains, flat magnets, badges? Postal employees answer this question in the negative. The reason is simple - when stamping an envelope or when sending/removing it through a mailbox, the envelope may tear due to the bulky item inside.

However, senders who have had some success sending small items in letters claim that such attachments can be transported as long as the items cannot be clearly felt in the envelope. This is achieved by simply wrapping the object in cardboard, several layers of tape or thick paper.

How to send a simple letter

Depending on the type of sending, letters can be registered, simple, express, letters with declared value or with notification. The step-by-step procedure for sending them is approximately the same, with the exception of some features. Using the example of a simple postal item, let's look at how to send a letter via Russian Post:

  • Any letter is sent from the nearest Russian Post office, the address of which can be found on the official website of this organization. A simple letter, in addition, can be dropped into a street mailbox.
  • To send, you need to purchase an envelope in accordance with the size of the attachment. The smallest is 114 x 162 mm or 110 x 220 mm (euro), the largest is 229 x 324 mm.

  • The envelope should be filled out in legible handwriting in any color of ink except red, yellow and green. Various crossing-outs, stains or corrections on the envelope are not allowed.
  • In the upper left corner, in a special field, fill in information about the sender:
    - in the line “From” the full name or name of the sending organization is indicated;
    - in the “From” lines, enter the sender’s address data in the following order:
  • street;
  • house number;
  • building number (if any);
  • apartment number (office or office number);
  • settlement (full geographical name);
  • district (if it is present in the address);
  • name of the region of the Russian Federation (region, territory, etc.);
  • name of the country of departure (only for sending abroad);

    In the lower window, fill in 6 digits corresponding to the sender's post office index.

  • In the same order, information about the recipient of the letter is entered into the lines of the field located in the lower right corner of the envelope.
  • In the field for the digital index (lower left corner), the recipient's post office index is entered along the contour.
  • After filling out all the required fields, an attachment (letter, postcard, etc.) is placed inside the envelope and the envelope is sealed.

A simple letter, the weight of which does not exceed 20 g, is sent in a postal envelope without additional payment or additional stamps. However, if the weight of the item is greater or the letter is expected to be delivered outside the country, then before sending the letter via Russian Post, you should contact the operator, who will weigh the letter and affix stamps in accordance with the price of the item.

How to send a registered letter

How does such a message differ from a simple letter? How to send a registered letter via Russian Post? The service for sending registered letters is intended for sending important documentation, official correspondence (requests, claims, notifications, complaints, etc.). Registered letters have a number of advantages compared to sending a simple message:

  • When sent, a registered letter is assigned an individual track number (indicated at the top of the check issued to the sender). Using it, it is possible to track the delivery of the message through the Internet service “Tracking of items” on the PR website.
  • This type of shipment is delivered personally to the addressee against signature after presentation of the passport. This is indisputable evidence that the sender sent the letter in a timely manner, and the recipient is familiar with the contents of the message.

Sending registered mail is a more reliable, but also more expensive way of delivering correspondence. How to send a letter via Russian Post if you need to use the “Registered Letter” service? After completing the steps described above, the sender must contact the postal operator, say that he needs to send a registered letter, and pay the cost of this service. The postal employee will weigh the envelope, register the letter with a tracking number, and attach a barcode and stamps in accordance with the cost of the item.

Notice: what is it for and how to fill it out correctly

Registered letters with notification are a service that allows the sender to find out the exact date of delivery of the letter to the recipient. This is an official document, which in some cases can also serve as proof of the fact that correspondence was sent on time. To use this service, you must fill out the form and inform the operator that a registered letter is sent with a notification.

It is filled out on a special postal form F-119. All information is on both sides in a field indicating: “Those circled with a bold line are filled in by the sender.” The filling procedure is as follows:

  1. In the field indicating “Notification must be returned to the address”, the data of the sender of the letter is entered in the same sequence as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letter” and “Registered” boxes.
  2. The recipient's information is entered into the field on the back of the form in the same order as on the envelope. Marks are placed in the “Letter” and “Registered” boxes.
  3. The notification is glued by the operator directly to the envelope, and after delivering the registered letter to the recipient, the form is removed by the postman and sent to the sender.

Letter with a description of the attachment

It is recommended to order a letter of value (also known as a letter of declared value) to send particularly valuable attachments: originals of personal documents, securities, real estate documentation, etc. This type of postal item is supplemented by a description of the attachment indicating the amount at which the sender estimates the contents of the envelope.

This type of forwarding is considered one of the most reliable, since a valuable letter is necessarily assigned a registration number, which means it can be tracked on its way to the addressee. In addition, if the letter is suddenly lost, the sender receives compensation from the post office in the amount of the declared value.

How to send a registered letter via Russian Post if it needs to be supplemented with an inventory of the attachment with a declared value? In addition to purchasing and filling out the envelope (there is no need to seal the letter), the sender will need to contact the post office operator to make an inventory:

  • It is filled out by the sender in duplicate on special forms f-107. The inventory must contain a detailed list of all papers sent in the letter, indicating their estimated value.
  • The mail operator checks the contents of the attachment with the compiled list.
  • Each copy is signed by the operator who accepted it and the sender.
  • One copy is handed over to the sender, the second is placed in an envelope along with the papers being sent.

How much does it cost to send a letter via Russian Post if it is a letter with declared value? In addition to the cost of sending a registered letter, the sender will need to pay insurance fees in the amount of 4% of the amount of its declared value. It is worth noting that in the event of its loss, the paid insurance fee will not be reimbursed to the sender.

Cost of a letter

Mailing is the cheapest method of postal delivery. Today, the client has the opportunity to find out in advance how much it costs to send a letter via Russian Post. This can be done through the official website of Russian Post, using the Postal Calculator service.

For example, to find out how much it costs to send a registered letter by Russian Post, you need to enter information about the sender’s and recipient’s settlements into the interactive fields of the calculator, indicate the weight of the letter, the delivery method, and also check the box next to “Registered” in the “Additional Services” section. . After this, the service will automatically calculate the cost of sending.

The letter can use dialectisms, special language constructions, and much more. For example, the construction “at my mother’s” instead of “at my mother’s” indicates a native inhabitant of the Western Urals, and the use of apostrophes instead of hard or soft signs indicates a resident of a Ukrainian-speaking region such as the Stavropol Territory. 4 Check the text for literacy. Typical grammatical errors can tell about the age, social status and nationality of the author of the message. Remember that an illiterate person writes as he hears, which means he copies his own dialect, accent or accent. Thus, an illiterate Buryat will never write the word “orange”. 5 If the message is not printed on a printer, armed with any reference book on handwriting (not to be confused with graphology!), you can conduct a preventive analysis of the text, noting the characteristic features of handwriting.

Is it possible to find out the sender by the number of the postal notification?

Instructions 1 Study the postal notice. Find the barcode at the top of the notice and the 14 numbers below it. These numbers are exactly what we will need for further work. This is the so-called mail ID number. Most often, such notices come from government services, for example from the prosecutor's office or Roskomnadzor.
2 Go to the Russian Post website and find the section for tracking letters and items. It is this section that contains a function that will allow us to determine information about the sender by the ID number, as well as get acquainted with the details of the shipment. 3 At the moment, the section of the Russian Post website that allows you to use the desired function is located at In the window that opens, enter 14 digits from the notice and click the search button (indicated by a lens).

How to find out by notification who sent you a registered letter

The resulting result will indicate:

  • place of departure;
  • the post office where the item was received;
  • sender's name (last name or name of the organization who sent it).

to contents Instructions for searching For parcels or registered letters sent not using Russian Post, but through international postal operators (DHL, Fedex, UPS, EMS, etc.), the search for the sender should not be carried out on the Russian Post website, and on the international website To do this, on the main page of the site, you must select the appropriate company, the name of which should be indicated on the postal notice, and in the required field enter the postal identifier number, which is also indicated in the notice.

How to find out who sent a registered letter by notification?

Notices that notify the recipient that there is a registered letter awaiting him at the post office are encoded in a similar way. Instead of information about the sender of this letter, a number is usually indicated, and in the worst case, there is no information at all. As for other data available in the notice, there is an address where you can receive the mentioned registered letter, digital and bar codes, as well as several service symbols.

As a rule, such registered letters with ZK notification are sent by various state and municipal authorities. For example, this could be the Pension Fund, courts of various instances, the tax service, the bailiff service and other government agencies. Also, in some cases, the sender of ZK letters can be legal entities - banks, insurance companies and other commercial organizations.

How to find out the sender by notification number?

After this, in many cases you will receive information about the sender, and then you will act according to the situation. Use the specified digital code to identify the sender. In the case of international mail, you can also use the sites (mail DHL, UPS, TNT, Fedex),, and other analogous resources;

  • Call the post office. Call the relevant post office and ask the operator to provide you with information about the sender of the letter.

    If you're lucky, you'll get all the information you need;

  • Visit to the post office. Go to the post office in person and ask for the letter in your hand. Remember that you can only receive it if you have a passport and a signature on delivery.

403 - access denied

It will give you the opportunity to enjoy a number of advantages: track the location of your shipment, receive faster service, and manage your personal account. 3 Fill out the required information on the envelope. You can do this yourself, or with the help of a company operator. You will need: the exact address and postal code of the recipient, as well as the recipient's first and last name.

In case of urgent delivery, you must also indicate the recipient's mobile phone number. 4 Select the tariff that is most convenient for you. It depends not only on the weight of the letter and destination, but also on the speed of delivery. When planning your shipments, keep in mind that DHL's services are among the most expensive in this market.

But at the same time, the company has a flexible tariff system, as well as a “payment by addressee” service.

What does the zk notification of a registered letter mean and who is it from?


If you use DHL services regularly, download the DHL Web Shipping application to your computer. This program will help you receive all the necessary information online, notify the recipient about sending correspondence, maintain a database of recipients, and pay for services. Useful advice When sending a letter, you can use the courier call service by filling out an application on the company’s website or by phone.

To do this, you need to enter detailed information about the letter in advance and select a payment method. Sources:

  • DHL official website

Probably everyone has encountered the fact that sometimes a notice is placed in the mailbox stating that the post office has received a letter addressed to you. Of course, I want to quickly find out who sent the letter.

But, unfortunately, the notice does not contain any useful information other than the weight of the letter. It turns out that this can be done without much difficulty.

How to find out where a registered letter is from by notification

At the same time, do not rush to sign for receipt under the pretext of making sure of the integrity and safety of postal correspondence. When examining the appearance of the letter, identify the sender, and if he is unwanted, leave the letter in the office and leave. Visit a Russian post office What to do if you do not want to receive a ZK letter A ZK letter usually remains at the post office for 7 or 30 days and is then returned to the sender.

Registered letters from the court are kept for seven days (according to the appendix to FSUE Order No. 114-p), and all other letters are kept for 30 days. At the same time, the court, having received its registered letter back, may consider that the recipient of the letter was still properly notified, and therefore may begin (continue) legal proceedings without you. In some cases, Russian Post postmen completely ignore the existing rules, throwing the reserve into the recipient’s mailbox without any signature.

Postal notifications are sent daily to many people in all regions of the country. Parcels, registered letters and many other postal shipments are accompanied by such a letter to the addressee. The notice itself contains little information, but using it wisely you can find out much more than is indicated in the document itself.


We will tell our readers how to find out the sender by the notification number, and what other information about the parcel can be found out from the information specified in the letter. Some correspondence is stored in post offices for a short time, which can complicate the process of receiving a parcel or registered letter. Contents of the article:

  • When the need arises
  • Is it possible to find out
  • How to find out: instructions
  • On the Russian Post website
  • At

When the need arises Every resident of Russia can find a notice in their mailbox.

How to determine the sender of a registered letter by notification number

How to find out: instructions Information You can find out the sender of a registered letter via the Internet using the notification number. The tracking number is located at the top of the notice under the barcode. It allows you to track a letter and identify the sender, if the information is used correctly.

On the Russian Post website In order to find out the sender by the notification number on the official website of the Russian Post, you need to enter the identification code in a special field by clicking on the following link here. The following information will be available to you:

  • Departure date;
  • The address of the post office from where the letter was sent.

It is important to note that you can recognize a specific sender by track number only in cases where his data is indicated on the parcel or letter. If you ignore the notification, it will simply be returned to the sender's post office.

Another way to find out where the letter came from is to call all government companies that have any claims against you. In particular, these organizations are engaged in sending registered letters. Important! If you are looking for a way to find out the sender of a letter by notification number, but you do not have complete information, you can use the auxiliary index (ADI). They are assigned letters with checks for payment of various administrative penalties, notices to the military registration and enlistment office or court, as well as messages from the tax office. In some cases, these are statements of various dividends from shares. Based on all of the above, the most reliable method of finding out who sent a letter by notification is to use the services of a post office or the appropriate Internet resource and receive the coveted envelope.

Find out the sender of a registered letter by notification number

It is best to send a valuable item with the help of a proven and reliable company that is guaranteed to deliver it to your addressee. One such company is DHL. You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - Internet;
  • - money.

Instructions 1 Find out about the tariffs for DHL postal services. You can find out the full cost of your shipment by calling the nearest company office in your city or by calling the toll-free hotline 8-800-100-30-85.

In addition, on the official website of the company there is an online “calculator” with which you can plan your expenses in advance. 2 If you intend to send more than just one letter using DHL, it is advisable to conclude a client agreement.

Sometimes some people receive notifications in their mailboxes to receive registered letters, the envelopes of which do not have a return address, surname and first name of the sender, but have a postscript with the abbreviation DTI.

DTI registered letter what does this mean? You shouldn’t panic and think about the bad when you receive such a letter, you just need to try to calmly figure it out. DTI stands for the concept of supplementary technology index. Official registered letters with such a postscript are sent by government services of the Russian Federation to their citizens. Very often it is used by the traffic police, bailiffs, and tax inspectors.

What is contained in a registered letter from DTI

If you receive a notification to a letter with a postscript DTI, this means that some government service of the Russian Federation is transmitting information in this way. When receiving a registered letter at the post office, no one will be able to recognize the sender by the envelope. Only after opening it can you discover who wants to communicate with the addressee.

Typically, these letters marked DTI without indicating the sender include:

  • fines from traffic police inspectors, which include photographs with video recorder data on traffic violations;
  • a notice from the tax office reminding you to pay taxes;
  • penalties and administrative measures;
  • letters sent by bailiffs.

Some envelopes with letters indicate the abbreviation ASC-DTI. This means that registered mail, before reaching the addressee, passed through the automated sorting center in Moscow, through which one fourth of all letters in the country passes. This organization of correspondence sorting unloads a huge amount of mail into regular post offices.

To receive such a letter, the addressee must go to the local post office, taking with him an identity document. Before making a visit there, you can act in this way: conduct a preliminary check of information about DTI on the website by entering the additional index indicated on the envelope.

There are cases when notices of fines from the traffic police arrive to a person who does not own a car. Or tax inspectors sent a receipt with a reminder to pay tax for the use of land to a person who does not own a plot of land. In such cases, you must act according to the circumstances by writing a statement of disagreement.

If the addressee does not agree with the contents of the registered letter, it is recommended to write a complaint to the service that sent the notice. Along with the complaint, you should send a copy of the envelope with the date it was received stamped.

If you want to find out what a DTI registered letter is, the Russian Post has a toll-free hotline number 8-800-2005-888. You can get more accurate information from this number. It is impossible to refuse such letters, as they may contain information valuable to the addressee, not just notification of fines.

The federal authorities of the Russian Federation use the additional technological index to send registered letters or parcels to citizens. These indexes have no legal addresses, no personnel or office phone numbers, DTI is virtual.

This system was developed to relieve the main flows of correspondence passing through post offices. There are more than 800 virtual additional technological indices in the capital, which, despite their virtuality, can significantly reduce the time it takes to deliver correspondence to recipients.

Who hasn't received a mail notification at least once in their life? This has probably happened more than once. But it’s impossible to find out who such a letter came from until you show up at the post office and exchange the notice for the letter itself.

Few people know, but you can get all the information you need about the sender before visiting the post office.

No, calling the post office is unlikely to give the desired result. Postal service employees do not have the right to disclose this information over the phone.

So, how do you find out where a registered letter came from? Very simple, by notification number.

A registered letter is sent when the sender wants to make sure that the addressee has received the shipment.

Most often, letters from government organizations are sent this way. This method is also common among some private organizations.

There are situations when the recipient would like to ignore some items without receiving them. For example, advertising brochures from commercial organizations or offers from banks.

A trip to the post office for such correspondence will result in an unwanted loss of time, disappointment, and maybe even irritation.

But it also happens that failure to show up on time to receive a registered letter can result in trouble.

For example, registered letters of a judicial nature, including subpoenas summoning you to a court hearing, are stored at the post office for only 7 days. If you do not receive it within this time, the letter will be sent back.

The court may consider such a return as your unwillingness to take part in the hearing.. As a result, a meeting on a matter important to you may take place without your participation.

It is extremely important to determine the value of the registered letter waiting for you at the post office based on the notification.

On the one hand, this will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations from not receiving important letters. On the other hand, it will save time from standing idle in postal queues for advertising brochures.

For 2019, the storage period for most correspondence is a month. This period can be doubled if the recipient writes a corresponding application.

But this applies to court letters and notices. The post office will send them back within seven days.

The postal notice contains very scant information about the shipment, but you can find out something from it.

The notice must include:

  • type of correspondence (registered letter, parcel post, small package, parcels, etc.);
  • package weight;
  • country of departure;
  • date of arrival at the post office.

Sometimes the notice says “Judicial”. In this case, there is no doubt that this message came from the judicial authority. Ignoring this is more expensive for yourself.

Most often, such letters inform about the date and time of the court hearing. By law, such a shipment must arrive at the post office no later than 15 days before the hearing.

Failure to receive the letter within a week will mean that the person was notified of the date, time and place of the hearing, but ignored this information for personal reasons. At the same time, a fine for failure to appear in court for failure to appear in court without a good reason cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, as soon as you receive such a notice, immediately go to the indicated post office and receive a letter. Don't forget to take your passport. Without it, no one will give you anything.

Alternatively, you can try calling the post office and try to find out this information from the operators. But most likely this will do nothing.

According to the rules, employees do not have the right to disclose such information to third parties. And it is impossible to find out that the legitimate recipient of the letter is calling by phone.

But there are other ways. They are simpler and definitely work. So, how can you find out from the notification who the registered letter came from?

The fact is that the information the recipient is interested in is contained in the notification itself, or more precisely, in a special code, also called a track number. It is located under the barcode. This code consists of 14 digits.

Find the “Track” section and go to it. We enter the tracking number indicated on the notice into a special window. It is important not to confuse the numbers and enter everything correctly, otherwise you will not be able to find out anything.

In the window that opens you will receive all the information about the shipment:

  • date of sending the letter;
  • place of departure;
  • the post office that accepted the letter;
  • and, of course, the sender's name.

But the Russian Post website is useful only if the letter came through this organization.

But if the intermediary in receiving the letter was another correspondence delivery service, this method will not help to find out by notification who sent the registered letter.

If your registered mail arrived through international postal operators (EMS, Fedex, UPS, DHL and others), you can find out the name of the sender through the website You can find the sender's name using the specified barcode.

First of all, in the list of companies you should select the one through which your letter came. In the window that opens, enter the track number and click on search.

If the number was entered correctly, the server will provide all the information about your shipment. The sender's full name will appear here.

Is it always necessary to receive registered letters?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Registered letters should always be received.

Refusal to receive the shipment does not ultimately solve anything, but it may well complicate life.

If a registered letter has been received in your name and you have found out its value to you using the tracking number, it is better not to delay receiving the correspondence.

If for some compelling reason you cannot check your mailbox at least once a week, it is better to play it safe and write to the post office an application to extend the storage period of correspondence received in your name twice.

But keep in mind that this statement will not affect the retention period of court letters.