Biography of Ruslana. The meaning of the name Ruslan Active civic position

Short form of the name Ruslan. Rusya, Rusik, Ruslanka, Ruslanchik, Rustic, Rusya, Ruska.
Origin of the name Ruslan. The name Ruslan is Russian, Tatar, Kazakh.

The origin of the name Ruslan goes back to the heroic Iranian epic about Rustam, son of Zalazar (the poem “Shahname” by the Persian poet Ferdowsi). The Turkic peoples sang him already as Arslan Zalzar, and then in the 17th century among the Slavic peoples he already appears as the hero Eruslan Zalazarovich, or Lazarevich.

Translated from the Turkic language, Arslan means “lion”. Accordingly, Ruslan is the Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan. You can find a translation of the name Ruslan from Slavic as “blond”.

The name Ruslan is actively used among Kazakhs along with the name Rustam. Recently, the female form of this name has appeared and actively began to be used - Ruslana.

As a child, Ruslan manifests himself as a capricious child. He is characterized by increased emotionality and inconstancy of desires. He always needs to hear praise from others. If he does not feel this, he begins to be offended. Among his peers he always behaves easily, boldly and relaxedly. He can take rash risks without worrying at all about the possible consequences. In friendship he is ready to show selflessness. With age, Ruslan's character becomes explosive and selfish. He is often extremely categorical in his judgments. As for actions, the owner of this name is always directed only forward.

In fact, passions boil in him and he is a very passionate person. To achieve his goals, he is ready to resort to tricks, deception and intrigue. Although Ruslan avoids conflicts, on the way to the desired goal he can lose both friends and the respect of loved ones, and make himself an enormous number of enemies. Ruslan is vindictive and vindictive. He can carry a grudge for years and will definitely take the opportunity to take revenge. Despite these shortcomings, Ruslan has one undeniable advantage - he is a very purposeful person and will definitely achieve his goal, no matter how circumstances prevent him from achieving it. Ruslan is a fighter to the core. He often starts playing sports only for the purpose of learning not to give up and fight to the end. Most often, Ruslans are well physically developed and strong men.

Ruslan goes in for sports and strives to keep himself in good physical shape. In addition, he is handsome, which attracts the glances of the opposite sex. On top of that, he is a very narcissistic person striving for popularity. At the same time, he always behaves with dignity towards his elders. Remembers to show them due respect and reverence.

Ruslana is always surrounded by many women. He is able to achieve any of them without much difficulty. He is constantly surrounded by a huge number of loving fans who want to keep such a handsome man near them. Ruslan shows himself quite relaxed. He doesn't like monotony. Always strives for mutual pleasure. Shows patience in relationships with his partner.

As for a life partner, Ruslan’s wife must definitely arouse the envy of others with her appearance. We can say that marriage is another way for the owner of this name to assert himself. His soulmate must look great and have excellent appearance. At the same time, Ruslan is very jealous and excessive attention to his wife often makes him angry.

Most often, the owner of the name marries twice. Ruslan is always faithful to his wife. If he finds out about his wife’s infidelity, he will never be able to forgive her for this. It is worth noting that not every woman is able to arouse interest and desire in such a person. He should not feel any assertiveness from a representative of the opposite sex. Rather, on the contrary, Ruslan needs to conquer her himself.

He loves his children, but his feelings most often lack self-denial.

In life, Ruslan strives for fame. He is best able to realize his talents in politics. He knows how to find a common language with absolutely everyone and at the same time be persistent. He always strives to stand out from the crowd. He loves to be the center of attention, give interviews, and perform in crowded places.

Ruslan's name day

Ruslan does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people named Ruslan

  • Ruslan Lazarevich, Eruslan Lazarevich (hero, hero of numerous ancient Russian legends, with whose name legends associate many glorious exploits. The hero of an ancient Russian fairy tale, known already in manuscripts of the 17th century. The tale of Eruslan Lazarevich, telling about the numerous military and love adventures of the young and beautiful hero, was liked by ancient Russian readers for the variety of its content and, having switched to lubok, spread widely among the people. Its influence is noticeable even in some retellings of epics about Ilya Muromets.)
  • Ruslan Khasbulatov ((born 1942) Russian politician, scientist and publicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991))
  • Ruslan Aushev ((born 1954) famous Russian political and public figure, first president of the Republic of Ingushetia, since 1991 - chairman of the Committee for Internationalist Soldiers under the Council of Heads of Government of the CIS; Hero of the Soviet Union (1982))
  • Ruslan Kireev ((born 1941) Russian prose writer, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Head of the prose department in the magazine “New World”. Author of the books “Lessons of Love”, etc.)
  • Ruslan Ponomarev ((born 1983) Ukrainian chess player. Fourth FIDE world champion (2002-2003). Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. In 1998 he became the youngest grandmaster in the world. In 2002 he became the youngest world chess champion (according to FIDE) Champion of the XXXVI and XXXIX Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian national team. Vice-champion of Europe among men in 2001. In 2002 he took 2nd place at the international tournament in Linares. Two-time finalist of the FIDE World Cup 2005, 2009. Winner of the international tournament in Dortmund (2010). ).)
  • Ruslan Pimenov ((born 1981) football player who played for the Russian national team)
  • Ruslan Nigmatullin ((born 1974) Russian football player, goalkeeper. Former player of the Russian national football team. The best football player in Russia in 2001.)
  • Ruslan Chagaev ((born 1978) Uzbek professional boxer, Tatar by nationality. Former world heavyweight champion according to the World Boxing Association (WBA) (2007 - 2009). Asian and world amateur heavyweight champion (81-91 kg).)
  • Ruslan Salei ((1974 - 2011) Belarusian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2002))
  • Ruslan Nurtdinov ((born 1980) Russian hockey player, forward)
  • Ruslan Bodelan ((born 1942) Ukrainian politician)
  • Ruslan Muratov ((born 1960) Russian composer, laureate of the television competition “Song of the Year”)
  • Ruslan Zabransky ((born 1971) Ukrainian football player (forward))
  • Ruslan Goncharov ((born 1973) Ukrainian figure skater who performed in ice dancing together with Elena Grushina. With her they are bronze medalists of the Winter Olympics in Turin, bronze medalists of the 2005 World Championships, multiple medalists of the European Championships.)
  • Ruslan Tarpan ((born 1971) entrepreneur, philanthropist, deputy of the Odessa City Council (1994 - 2010))
  • Ruslan Elinin ((1963 – 2001) real name - Nurudinov; Russian poet, publisher, organizer of literary life)
  • Ruslan Khvastov ((born 1973) Ukrainian fashion designer, costume designer. Laureate of the 2003 Nika film award in the nomination for the best work of a costume designer for his work in the film “Chekhov’s Motifs” by Kira Muratova. Member of the National Union of Cinematographers of Ukraine and the Union Russian cinematographers.)
  • Ruslan Batsayev ((1962 - 2005) police lieutenant colonel, Hero of the Russian Federation (2006))
  • Ruslan Lysenko ((born 1976) Ukrainian biathlete, International Master of Sports)
  • Ruslan Eyvaz ogly Maharramli ((born 1985) Azerbaijani football player, also a futsal player)
  • Ruslan (Khalid) Yamadayev ((1961 - 2008) Russian politician. In the early 90s, he participated in bandit formations on the territory of the Chechen Republic, then, together with federal troops, he actively fought against Wahhabism. Deputy of the State Duma of the fourth convocation (2003-2007). )
  • Ruslan Batyrshin ((born 1975) professional hockey player, defenseman)
  • Ruslan Alekhno ((born 1981) Belarusian and Russian pop performer, winner of the People's Artist competition in 2004 on the Rossiya TV channel, participant in Eurovision 2008)
  • Ruslan Gulyaev ((born 1982) Russian statesman, political and public figure)
  • Ruslan Sasin ((born 1982) Russian actor)
  • Ruslan Grinberg ((born 1946) Russian economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2006), academician of the International Academy of Management, director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2005), editor-in-chief of the magazine “World of Changes”. Laureate of the N.D. Kondratiev gold medal 2007 year "for outstanding contribution to the development of social sciences.")
  • Ruslan Shuvalov ((born 1967) midfielder; Master of Sports of the USSR (1988) in bandy)
  • Ruslan Dzhigurda ((born 1969) chansonnier, pop artist, singer)
  • Ruslan Kartoev ((born 1988) Russian and Moldavian football player, midfielder)

Singer Ruslana (Ruslana Lyzhychko) - Ukrainian singer, composer, pianist, conductor, People's Artist of Ukraine (2004), better known as simply Ruslana.The genre of songs performed is not uniform, but mainly ethno-pop.
Ruslana was born in 1973 in Lvov, Ukrainian SSR. As a child, I studied at a music school. She graduated from the conservatory with a degree in symphony orchestra conductor.
Since the 1990s he has been involved in pop music. In the mid-90s, he received several prizes at pop music festivals, including the Grand Prix of the Slavic Bazaar festival in 1996. At this time, Alexander Ksenofontov, whom the singer married in 1995, became her producer and songwriter.In 1998, the debut album was released. The song “Svitanok” from this album received the “Golden Firebird 98” prize in the “Best Song of the Year” nomination. A video clip was shot for it. Ruslana takes part in Christmas television projects.In 2003, the album “Wild Dances” was released, followed by its English version Wild Dances. Ruslana used Hutsul motifs in her arrangements. A video clip was shot for the song “I Know”. In 2004, Ruslana took part together in the Eurovision Song Contest, which was held in Istanbul. Ruslana took 2nd place in the semi-finals of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004, and on May 16, 2004 in the final she took first place with a score of 280 points. All countries awarded Ruslana points, with the exception of Switzerland.As the winner of the previous Eurovision, Ruslana opened the competition in 2005 with the song “Heart on Fire”, and also performed the song “The Same Star” as an invited guest. Also in 2006, the song "Wild Dances" was recognized by German television as the "Best Eurovision Song". In 2008, Ruslana opened the national selection for Eurovision in Azerbaijan, which participated in the competition for the first time. In 2008, the singer released the album “Amazon”. In May 2011, she took part in the musical show project “Voice of the Country”, Ukrainian channel “1+1”, as a star coach. The project started on May 22, Ruslana, together with Diana Arbenina, Stas Piekha and Alexander Ponomarev, each selected 14 participants from among professional vocalists for their team. The “trick” of this project was the selection of participants itself - blindly, relying only on hearing, since the coaches sit in special chairs with their backs to the stage.Organizing Ruslana’s concerts and ordering corporate performances for the singer. On the page of the official website of the vipartist you can read Ruslana’s biography, see photos and videos, and using the contact numbers indicated on the website, you can invite singer Ruslana with a concert program or order a performance by singer Ruslana for your event.

Ruslana's family

Ruslana Stepanovna Lyzhichko was born in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The mother of the future singer, Nina Arkadyevna, worked at the Lvov Petrochemical Institute. But after her daughter’s musical career took off, she changed her field of activity. Now my mother works as a chief media manager at her daughter’s production center, which is called “Studio Luxen”.

Ruslana's father, Stepan Ivanovich, is now engaged in business. Previously, he and the mother of the future singer worked as a heating engineer at a petrochemical institute. True, the singer’s parents have not lived in this place for a long time - they have been divorced since 1981.

Ruslana Lyzhichko has a sister, Anna.

Ruslana's studies and first laurels

Little Ruslana’s mother sent her to music school. Childhood can be considered the time when the career of the famous singer began. Even then, Ruslana participated as a vocalist in the groups “Horizon” and “Orion”, and sang in the children’s ensemble “Smile”.

The girl received her general education at the 52nd secondary school in the city of Lvov. After graduating from school, Lyzhichko entered the conservatory, from which she graduated in 1995 with specializations in symphony orchestra conductor and pianist.

In 1996, Ruslana won the Slavic Bazaar festival. The same year also brought Ruslana Stepanovna a nomination for the title of Singer of the Year in Ukraine, in addition, and the video for her song “Dzvinkiy Vіter” was awarded a nomination for “Best Video”. By that time, the singer’s husband (married since December 1995), Alexander Ksenofontov, began producing the “Ruslana” project and writing songs for it.

In Lvov, in 1997, Ruslana began working on the television project “Christmas with Ruslana,” which became the first Christmas television program from this city.

Musical career of Ruslana Lyzhichko

In 1998, Ruslana released her debut album entitled “Dzvinkiy Viter” (“Sounding Wind”). Critics responded positively to this album. One of the songs from this disc - “Svitanok” - became “Best Song of the Year” at the “Golden Firebird” music festival in 1998.

Ruslana - Wild dancing

In 1999, the singer released a disc of Christmas songs “Ostannie Rizdvo 90-x” (“the last Christmas of the 90s”), the track list of which included folk and original Christmas works in original instrumental arrangements. Ruslana continued the same theme in her next studio work in 2003 - “Dobriy Vechir Tobi...” (“Good Evening to You...”).

Ruslana, remembering her Hutsul (paternal) origin, began to actively combine in her music the motifs of Hutsul melodies, saturated with the sound of Ukrainian folk instruments, with the current dance sound and rhythms. Her experiments in this area culminated in the release in 2003 of a record called “Wild Dances”, which became platinum in Ukraine 5 times. This record sold 500 thousand copies.

In 2004, the singer released the English version of the disc called “Wild Dances” with an eye on European listeners. Romanians highly appreciated the Ukrainian artist’s work and awarded her an award for “Best Foreign Album” in 2004. The album was also nominated for an award of this type in Hungary.

2004 was one of the most eventful years in the biography of Ruslana Lyzhychko; this year she took part in the Eurovision song contest, representing Ukraine with the song “Wild Dances”. Ruslana reached the semi-finals of the competition with the second result, and in the final, which took place on May 16, 2004, the singer won this competition. All European countries, excluding Switzerland, gave Ruslana a total of 280 points. Interestingly, the video filmed for this song, after being shown on the MTV Russia channel, was recognized by critics in the TV show “12 Evil Spectators” as the worst of the week.

For her victory in Eurovision, the singer was awarded the title “People’s Artist of Ukraine” in 2004.

In 2005, Ruslana opened the competition with the song “Heart on Fire” as the winner of the previous Eurovision. Also, being an invited guest at the competition, Lyzhychko sang another new song called “The Same Star”.

Ruslana Lyzhichko. "Visiting Dmitry Gordon"

The victory at Eurovision responded to the singer in 2006 - German TV recognized her song “Wild Dances” as the best in the history of the competition. When Azerbaijan held its national selection for this championship in 2008, Ruslana participated in its opening.

In 2008, the singer’s new studio work, “Amazon,” went on sale.

In the same 2008, Ruslana’s English-language album “Wild Energy” went on sale worldwide, which included tracks recorded together with such world-class stars as Missy Elliott and T-Pain.

Non-musical activities and personal life of Ruslana

In addition to performing, Ruslana also tried herself in the political field, supporting the candidacy of Viktor Yushchenko in his election campaign. In 2006, Ruslana Lyzhychko became a People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the lists of the Our Ukraine party. But the political squabbles did not please the singer, and she refused her deputy mandate.

In 2011, in May, Ruslana was a “star coach” in the singing show “Voice of the Country” on the Ukrainian channel “1+1”, on which she, together with artists Stas Piekha and D. Arbenina, selected 14 each for their team participants who intend to compete for victory in this project.

In addition, Ruslana voiced the DJ on the radio station that plays in the computer game “Grand Theft Auto IV”, the game was released in April 2008. The radio station (Vladivostok FM) also plays the song “Wild Dances” in the Ukrainian version.

The singer also voiced some characters in the Ukrainian dubbing for the animated film “Alice’s Birthday,” which was released in 2009.


Our heroine was born on May 24, 1973 in the city of Lvov (Ukraine). Ruslana Lyzhichko is her real name.

In what family was the future Ukrainian pop star raised? Her parents have nothing to do with music. Ruslana's mother, Nina Arkadyevna, taught at the Petrochemical Institute for many years. She never wanted to leave her native Lvov. Father, Stepan Ivanovich, initially worked as a heating engineer at the same petrochemical university. And recently the man has been doing business. Ruslana has a sister named Anna.

The singer's parents separated in 1981. For the sake of their common children, they were able to maintain friendly relations.

Study and creativity

In 1980, Ruslana went to first grade. The girl always strived for knowledge. Her favorite subjects were music, drawing and literature. Teachers predicted a brilliant future for Ruse.

The girl attended music school several times a week. She always listened carefully to her teachers and did her homework diligently. Soon our heroine enrolled in a vocal studio. Rusya performed as part of such children's groups as “Orion”, “Smile” and “Horizon”.


After graduating from secondary school No. 52, singer Ruslana entered the conservatory located in Lvov. She was considered one of the best students. In 1995, Ruslana Lyzhichko was awarded a university diploma. She received two specialties - pianist and symphony orchestra conductor.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1996, Ruslana went to the Slavic Bazaar competition. The bright and energetic girl managed to outperform her competitors. In the end, she was declared the winner. After this, Lyzhichko seriously began developing her musical career.

In 1998, Ruslana’s debut album, “Ringing Wind,” went on sale. The work of the young singer was highly appreciated even by avid critics. A year later, Ruslana pleased her fans with her second album, which was called “Last Christmas of the 90s.” It included folk and original songs on a New Year theme.

In 2003, her third disc, “Wild Dances,” was released. The entire circulation (500,000 pieces) was sold out by fans in a few days.

World famous

In 2004, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Istanbul, where singer Ruslana represented her native Ukraine. The long-haired beauty performed the song Wild Dances. She easily managed to make it to the semi-finals of the competition.

On May 16, 2004, Ruslana Lyzhichko was recognized as the winner of Eurovision. After this, our heroine’s career took off. She began to receive offers of cooperation from producers and directors living in different countries.

In 2006, singer Ruslana decided to leave the stage for a while and engage in political activities. She became a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Our Ukraine party. However, the girl soon realized that politics was not her calling.

For several months, Ruslana “disappeared” in the recording studio. In 2008, she presented two records to listeners - “Amazon” and Wild Energy.

Personal life

In 1995, singer Ruslana married producer Alexander Ksenofontov. The couple have been happily married for more than 20 years. They dream of children - a boy and a girl. But for now God does not give them the opportunity to feel like parents.

Present tense

Singer Ruslana (see photo above) has always considered herself a patriot. Therefore, she perceived the civil war in Ukraine as a personal tragedy. The artist provides financial assistance to the children of ATO volunteers.

Lyzhichko Ruslana (aka Ukrainian singer Ruslana) became famous throughout the world after winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2004. Her biography, creativity and marital status are still of interest to thousands of people today. You too? Then we recommend reading our article.

Family and childhood

Lyzhichko Ruslana Stepanovna was born in 1973 (May 24). Its homeland is the Ukrainian city of Lviv. She and her sister Anna were raised in an ordinary family. Their father worked as a heating engineer at a petrochemical institute. Now he is a successful businessman.

Our heroine’s mother, Nina Arkadyevna, worked for many years at the same petrochemical institute. And recently he has been holding the position of media manager at the production center Studio Luxen, owned by Ruslana and her husband.

In 1981, the singer's parents divorced. Ruslana and her sister stayed to live with their mother. And they saw their father several times a month. The man provided his daughters with material and moral support.

Education and first creative successes

Even at the age of 6, my mother brought Rusya to music school. The teachers immediately noted her perfect pitch and sense of rhythm. The girl not only learned to play the piano, but also studied vocals. Soon she began performing as a vocalist in the groups “Orion” and “Horizon”, and was a member of the children’s ensemble “Smile”.

After graduating from Lviv secondary school No. 52, Ruslana successfully entered the local conservatory. In 1995, the girl received a diploma in two specialties: pianist and conductor.

Music career

When did Ruslana Lyzhichko perform for the first time before the general public? The biography indicates that this happened in 1996. The girl went to the Slavic Bazaar festival. She captivated the professional jury with her vocal abilities and ability to move on stage. As a result, Ruslana was recognized as the winner of the festival.

In 1998, her debut album, “Ringing Wind,” was released. This album pleased both listeners and critics. Soon our heroine recorded a disc of Christmas songs. The track list includes Ruslana's original compositions, as well as folk works.

In 2003, the Ukrainian singer released two albums. The disc, entitled “Wild Dances,” immediately received platinum status. The entire circulation (500,000 copies) was sold out in a few weeks.

Ruslana Lyzhichko: Eurovision 2004

In her native Ukraine, the singer has already become a superstar. She wanted to make herself known to the whole world. And soon Ruslana had such an opportunity. She successfully passed the qualifying tests for the Eurovision Song Contest.

Lyzhychko Ruslana went to Istanbul as a representative of Ukraine. "Garnaya Maiden" performed the song Wild Dances. She was confident on stage. Her frantic energy was transmitted to every person in the hall. The Ukrainian performer paid special attention to the selection of costume and dance. And the efforts were not in vain. The representative of Ukraine reached the semi-finals with the second result. She was glad about this. But she understood that she was dealing with strong competitors.

In May 2004, the Eurovision final took place. With a score of 280 points, Ruslana was declared the winner. Upon returning to her homeland, the singer immediately received the title “People’s Artist of Ukraine”.

Eurovision 2005 took place in Kyiv. Ruslana opened the competition by performing the song Heart on Fire. The audience received her performance well. That evening she pleased fans with another song - The Same Star.

Other projects and achievements

In 2008, Ruslana’s new album, “Amazon,” went on sale. The singer decided not to limit herself to this. In the same year, she presented the English-language album Wild Energy. Some tracks were recorded together with world stars such as T-Pain and Missy Elliott.

In May 2011, singer Ruslana Lyzhichko became a “star coach” in the Ukrainian TV show “The Voice of the Country.” She, together with Diana Arbenina and Stas Piekha, chose the brightest and most talented performers (each with 14 participants).

Our heroine was also noticed in political activities. The winner of Eurovision 2004 participated in the election campaign of V. Yushchenko. And in 2006, Ruslana took a seat in the Verkhovna Rada, representing the Our Ukraine party. That's not all. In 2014, she openly supported Euromaidan.

Personal life

Lyzhichko Ruslana cannot boast of numerous love stories and dizzying novels. After all, for more than 20 years her heart and thoughts have been occupied by one man. We are talking about producer Alexander Ksenofontov. In 1995, the couple officially registered their marriage.

For a long time, the couple postponed the birth of common children. The growth of the family was hampered by Ruslana's rapidly developing career. She didn't want to leave the stage at the peak of her popularity. And now the singer is already over 40 years old. But she does not lose hope that she will be able to give birth to healthy and beautiful children.

Ruslana participated in the dubbing of the cartoon "Alice's Birthday". Mama Bolo spoke in her voice.

Since childhood, she has been afraid to be alone in the apartment.

Ukrainian science fiction writers Sergei and Marina Dyachenko created the novel “Wild Energy. Lana,” which was dedicated to our beloved singer Ruslana.

In 2005, the singer’s image appeared on a postage stamp issued on the occasion of Eurovision in Kyiv.

Lyzhichko Ruslana became the prototype of the character in the computer game GTA IV. This is a girl DJ at one of the Vladivostok FM radio stations. The game also features the Ukrainian version of the song “Wild Dances”.

In 2013, Forbes magazine included Ruslana in the top ten most popular women. This was influenced by her active political activities (participation in Euromaidan).


The biography, career and personal life of Ruslana Lyzhichko were reviewed in detail by us. What can you wish for this talented and attractive artist? Financial and family well-being!