What is the difference between the residences of Putin and Medvedev? photo. On the other side of the six-meter fences Gorki 9 is the residence of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

"Gorki-9"- the largest of all residences of the President of the Russian Federation, located 15 kilometers from Moscow. “Gorki-9” is one of four official residences: the Kremlin, “Gorki-9”, “Bocharov Ruchey” (in Sochi) and “Long Beards” (aka “Valdai”, “Dinner”). The Gorki-9 residence was first a state dacha where V. M. Molotov lived. In the 1990s, the first president of Russia, B. N. Yeltsin, lived in Gorki-9.

Our company has been taking part in the design of various premises of the Gorki-9 complex since 2009, from parquet floors to a complex interior. Also, due to the high traffic volume of the premises of Gorki-9, we carry out work on the restoration of parquet floors in different rooms on an ongoing basis as needed.

Completed work

  • 2015: repair work on parquet floors;
  • 2013: wall panels, doors;
  • 2012: artistic parquet in the Reception House (250 sq. m);
  • 2011: massive board in the sports and recreation complex (400 sq. m);
  • 2009: artistic parquet in the Reception House (2500 sq. m).


In 2009, we carried out work on the development, production and installation of parquet flooring in the Gorki-9 Reception House: living room, bathhouse, office, first lady’s room, antechamber, reception room, library, dining room, press conference room, wide-ranging conversation room composition, relaxation room... (2500 sq. m).

Why did you choose our company when creating parquet flooring at the Gorki-9 Reception House?: “A fusion of extensive experience gained in days-long and painstaking research into floor structures in restored buildings, and knowledge of modern materials, production technologies and installation of wooden floor coverings, raised to the level of capabilities and multiplied by the boundless desire to be among the best” (Moscow Perspective, No. 45 , 04/29/08).

Designers and artists set to work with enthusiasm: they developed 4 options for flooring design projects. The design projects were made in the same style - late classicism, differing in artistic design.

The design project was selected and approved by architects from MOSPROEKT-2 IM. Posokhina M.V. State Unitary Enterprise for the Design of Public Buildings and Structures. Artists, designers and constructors of our company have gained invaluable experience working side by side with professionals of such a high level.

To implement parquet flooring in these premises, classic module designs were used as prototypes, for example, 6-184, 6-248. These modules are given a ceremonial appearance due to the color scheme thanks to well-chosen types of wood. Contrasting shades highlight some elements of the modules, giving a new twist to the classics. We also did a lot of work in the color laboratory at our production, achieving the ordered tones of the parquet floors. The developed rosette 5-574, decor 8-114 and border 7-589 were included in the product catalog.

Only a specialist in this room will recognize the drawing of module 6-006. The simple module 6-006 acquired such an original look due to the use of bright and contrasting woods: merbau, padauk and olive. Paduk and merbau are combined with the red walls of the antechamber, and olive adds gold to the expensive interior, emphasizing the expensive picture frames.

When creating design projects, national artistic values ​​and works of Russian art - exhibits from the State Hermitage - served as images. The parquet ensemble for the dining room was created based on the pattern that decorated the chairs from the dining room.

For our company, the implementation of this project is serious and interesting work, great responsibility and a reason for pride. A beautiful rosette created for the library has become a decoration of our product catalog: 5-573.

In the huge meeting room, which is decorated with large-format solid oak boards, an interesting solution was implemented - framing the main carpet with a border with large elements and a frieze.

Sketches of artistic design for parquet floors


We carried out work on the production and installation of solid wenge and oak boards in a sports and recreation complex. The total area of ​​parquet work was more than 400 square meters. m. The work was completed in 5 months.


We carried out work on the design, production and installation of artistic parquet floors in the Reception House with a total area of ​​250 sq. m. m. Initially, the task was to restore the parquet floors. But we offered our solution! The customer liked our design projects for artistic floors, were accepted and implemented.
Unfortunately, we have only one photo of our work in the office of the Reception House. So, first we present photographs and a design project based on them for an old parquet ensemble in the office. The parquet ensemble is designed in such a way that it zones the room.

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin will retain their former residences after the “castling.” Putin will remain in Novo-Ogarevo, Medvedev in Gorki-9. What are the mansions in which the highest officials of the state live?

On Wednesday, Russian Presidential Administrator Vladimir Kozhin said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper that after the inauguration, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev will retain the residences they currently use. “Everyone will remain in their places, no one is moving anywhere. Putin will be in Novo-Ogarevo, Medvedev will be in Gorki-9,” Kozhin said.

At the moment, the following have the status of presidential residence: the Kremlin, Gorki-9, Bocharov Ruchey in Sochi and Valdai in the Novgorod region.

Vladimir Putin has been using the Novo-Ogarevo residence since the beginning of his first presidential term, that is, since 2000. In 2008, when leaving office, he chose it for lifelong use - in accordance with the law “On guarantees for the President of the Russian Federation who has ceased to exercise his powers and members of his family.”

Dmitry Medvedev, taking office as head of state, chose Gorki-9, where Boris Yeltsin once lived, as his residence from a dozen possible sites.

What the mansions in which Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin live are like can be partially traced from media publications.


"Novo-Ogarevo" is a 19th-century estate. The main house was built in the English Gothic style. Located on the banks of the Moscow River, 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway near the village of Usovo, Odintsovo district, Moscow region.

The facility is protected by the FSO. Vladimir Putin not only lives there with his family, but also holds working meetings.

As Komsomolskaya Pravda previously reported, the estate was significantly rebuilt for Vladimir Putin. Now Novo-Ogarevo has a German-style stable, a swimming pool, a gym, a residential building and a house for official receptions, a guest house with a cinema hall, a temple, a helipad, greenhouses and a poultry house.


Dmitry Medvedev lives in Gorki with his wife Svetlana, son Ilya, the cat Dorofey, famous in the blogosphere, as well as dogs - two English setters Daniel and Jolie, a golden retriever Aldu and a Central Asian shepherd dog, whose name was not announced in the press.

In addition, as the president himself said in June 2011 in an interview with the Financial Times, his mother lives with him.

"Gorki-9" is the largest of all residences of the head of state. It is not marked on maps and is located, according to the Sobesednik newspaper, “behind the traffic police post somewhere beyond the 15th kilometer of the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway and before the village of Buzaevo.” The residence stretches over 80 hectares, fenced with a green iron fence taller than human height.

As the same “Interlocutor” writes, “Gorki” has living and working areas. The Reception House includes the President's Office, the First Lady's Room, the Antechamber, the Reception Room, the Library, the Dining Room, the Press Conference Room, the Large Meeting Room, the Recreation Room, and so on.

What is known about Medvedev’s office is that it has elegant furnishings. The interior was designed by the famous Italian designer Roberto Provasi, whose clients at various times included Madonna, George Clooney and Sylvester Stallone. The items for the office furnishings were personally chosen by Svetlana Medvedeva.

Already under Medvedev, a chapel appeared on the territory of “Gorok-9”, the service in it is led by the personal confessor of the Medvedev family, Vladimir Volgin.

And before Dmitry Anatolyevich took over the residence, a helipad appeared in it, just like Putin’s, they know"

Rimma Akhmirova

The “Interlocutor” became interested in the mysterious story with the deputy. prosecutor of the Moscow region Stanislav Buyansky, who, according to media reports, was forced to quit his job after he tried to illegally enter the territory of the Gorki-9 presidential residence and meet face to face with Dmitry Medvedev. This incident raised the question: is it possible to get so close to the first person?

Medvedev in Gorki

Dmitry Medvedev
"Gorki-9" is one of the official country residences of the President of Russia. Its most famous inhabitant is Boris Yeltsin. The second Russian president, Vladimir Putin, occupied a residence in Novo-Ogarevo (he remains there now). And his successor Dmitry Medvedev received the traditional Gorki-9.

Anyone who wants to look at the presidential mansion will have to do some research. The fact is that the settlement “Gorki-9” is not indicated on the maps and can only be identified from advertisements of Rublyovsky developers - sellers of luxury real estate do not forget to mention in their materials about the proximity to a VIP object.

We are driving deep into the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway. Based on a tip from the locals, we are waiting for a traffic police post somewhere 15 kilometers away. The proximity of “Gorok-9” is felt by indirect signs - road signs with a prohibitive bias drive rotozei non-stop along the federal highway. Both parking and stopping are prohibited. Two lanes of traffic with virtually no shoulders. A traffic police booth behind the trees, which guards the entrance through the iron gates to the “holy of holies.” Here the picturesque surroundings on the starboard side of Rublyovka end, and a high iron fence begins - the main feature of any VIP facility. There are no visible guards, except for the imposing DPS soldiers who remained behind, but there is zero chance of getting inside without an invitation and a guide. You can't even park at the curb - the fence is practically adjacent to the only traffic lane.

Simple and not very neighbors

The village of Buzaevo begins immediately beyond the border of the residence. It has a unique social landscape: gates of cottage villages coexist with wooden fences, armed guards coexist with courtyard balls, palaces coexist with old dachas. Some of the fences are covered with “For Sale” notices. We stop to ask the price of Buzaev’s real estate next door to Medvedev’s.

They want 8 million for the plot,” a talkative neighbor who sells wildflowers told us the prices. The flower girl's name is Tatyana, she has lived here since childhood - for almost half a century. - Since the St. Petersburg ones appeared here, life has become more difficult. We feel like Indians on a reservation. We don’t have a forest - everything was built by “gentlemen”. The road to the Moscow River must be found along roundabout paths, between cottages. When this global cottage development just began - about 15 years ago, we, the old-timers, were gathered and told: sign that you don’t mind, then they will install running water and a telephone for you. Since then, a lot of power has changed, but we have neither one nor the other.

Have you tried complaining? - I ask. - Moreover, you only have to cross the road to the highest authority...

Of course, we know the way. But you can’t even get close there. When HE drives, traffic is blocked and a traffic jam builds up for several hours. You can't breathe from the exhaust fumes. Therefore, Rublyovka, despite its elite status, began to fall in price. No buyers will be found for the 8 million plot...

Residents of Buzaevo don’t know about historical figures from newspapers. “Gorki-9” was first a state dacha, and its first inhabitant, the Soviet People’s Commissar Molotov, did not hesitate to walk around the village on foot. Here, they say, Khrushchev later lived. He could easily be seen in the window of a company car. Long motorcades and flashing lights are an invention of Yeltsin's times. Locals counted 16 cars in Dmitry Medvedev's motorcade.

In general, there is a helipad on the territory of the residence, and sometimes we see helicopters circling,” another Buzaevka, Nadezhda, shared with us. But judging by the traffic jams, the president still prefers to travel by land.

After 10 p.m. and until 7 a.m. Rublyovka closes completely. The official reason is the repair of the roadway, which is already the smoothest in Russia. Of the construction work visible to the eye, there is only construction enclosed by the same green fence. Locals call it “Medvedev’s construction” and believe that the residence is expanding. But it is quite possible that the Gorki-10 residential complex advertised on the Internet is being built.

Behind the green wall

You can look behind the Gorok-9 fence only by special invitation. Protocol and informal meetings with the president take place here. Unlike the USA and Great Britain, our state residences are closed to public visits. It is known that on the territory of “Gorok-9”, already during the time of the new tenant, a chapel was erected, where on religious holidays the personal confessor of the Medvedev family, Vladimir Volgin, conducts services.

Part of the residence is familiar to many from television news footage. This is President Medvedev's office. It can be noted that Medvedev has an elegant environment. The famous Italian designer Roberto Provasi had a hand in creating the interior, and he spoke about it in an interview. The furnishings were chosen by the president's wife, Svetlana Medvedeva. Other clients of the furniture maestro include Madonna, George Clooney and Sylvester Stallone. All furniture is handmade by the best craftsmen.

The most famous inhabitant of Gorok-9 after the presidential couple is the Medvedevs’ pet cat Dorofei. His story deserves several separate lines. Breed - Neva Masquerade, typical Siberian: fluffy, blue-eyed, color - light gray.

Svetlana Medvedeva chose him when he himself walked into her arms, said breeders of Siberian cats from the Great Hunter company.

There is a story going around that one day Dorofei got into a fight with Mikhail Gorbachev's cat(who lived next door at the time), after which the presidential bully had to be treated with antibiotics. The Medvedev family decided to castrate Dorofey so that he would not become bullying. Eyewitnesses say that after the corresponding surgical operation, Dorofei softened his character.

Russia is separated from power by armor

Think about which petitioner “throws himself under the wheels” of the presidential motorcade with a petition, he also has no chance of being heard. Most often, Medvedev travels at high speed in a custom-made Mercedes 600 Pullman Guard. There is also a ZIL in the garage.

Moreover, ZIL for rulers was traditionally not inferior, and in some ways superior to Western models,” Alexander Zhoglo, director of the Molotov-Garage auto restoration workshop, told Interlocutor.

The thickness of the titanium roof on such cars is 12 cm. They say that a tank can drive over it without causing harm. The reinforced glass can withstand a grenade launcher. Inside there is a computer with the Internet, DVD, TV, refrigerator and special communications. There are curtains on the car windows. This is a tribute to Soviet tradition. Our leaders traditionally do not like to look out the window.

Only numbers

The President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain each have one country residence - in Camp David and Checkers, respectively. There are three official presidential residences in Russia (Gorki-9, Bocharov Ruchey in Sochi, Long Beards in Valdai) and several more state residences. Moreover, their number is constantly growing. According to some reports, they have already more than 10. "Interlocutor" has repeatedly written about new facilities under construction

Status residence officially assigned to the President of Russia at the end of 2008 - beginning of 2009, there were only four objects: the Kremlin, Gorki-9, Bocharov Ruchey in Sochi and Long Beards in Valdai.

Moscow Kremlin

The working residence of the President of the Russian Federation in the Kremlin is located in the Senate building (in the 19th century it was called the building of public places, in the 20th century - the building of the Council of Ministers of the USSR).

The Senate building was built in 1779 - 1787 by Russian architect Matvey Kazakov in the style of classicism. In 1995, the Senate Palace was restored.

The residence of the President of Russia in the Senate Palace consists of business and representative (front) parts. The business part includes the working and representative offices of the president, the offices of his closest aides, the meeting room of the Security Council, and the presidential library.

The president's office is located in the center of the business part of the residence.

The office is small and as comfortable as possible for work. The walls are covered with oak panels. Along the walls there are bookcases with unique books and reference publications.

In the center of the room is the president's desk. Above the table is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. To the right and left of the desktop are the flag of the Russian Federation and the standard of the president, respectively. Closer to the window is another table - for negotiations, business meetings and meetings with closest assistants.

The executive (front) office is decorated more solemnly than all other work areas. It is located in the Small Hall of the Senate Palace. Meetings between the Russian President and heads of foreign states, negotiations are held here, and high state awards are presented here. At the president’s desk there are symbols of the Russian state and attributes of presidential power: the coat of arms, the flag of Russia, the standard of the president. On the walls are portraits of Russian statesmen and military leaders who brought considerable glory to Russia.

In the 14th building of the Kremlin, next to the Spassky Gate, the second office of the president is equipped. The building contains reception halls, meetings, and state rooms. Adjacent to the working area of ​​the building is the Marble Hall, in which the president delivers his annual message to the Federal Assembly. Behind the façade area of ​​the 14th building there is an extensive work area where some of the divisions of the presidential administration are located, including directorates, the office, the reference office, the press service, assistants and advisers, and the Security Council secretary. The 14th building also houses units of the Federal Security Service and the commandant's office of the Moscow Kremlin.

The Grand Kremlin Palace, built by the famous architect Konstantin Ton in 1838-1849, plays the role of front residence head of state. Presidential inauguration ceremonies, presentation of state awards, credentials, and receptions on major public holidays are held here. Five ceremonial halls on the second floor of the palace - Andreevsky, Alexandrovsky, Georgievsky, Vladimirsky, Catherine - are dedicated to Russian orders, elements of which are included in the stucco decoration of each hall.

"Bocharov Stream"

The summer residence of the President of Russia "Bocharov Ruchei" is located in the forest park valley of the same name in the Central District of the city of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory.

The dacha got its name from a small river flowing nearby, which the locals called Bocharov Stream.

Construction of the Bocharov Ruchey dacha began on the initiative of the People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs Klement Voroshilov immediately after Stalin's death and was completed in 1955. Miron Merzhanov was appointed as the project architect. The landscaping of the area was done under the guidance of agronomist-decorator Sergei Venchagov.

Since 1960, the top leaders of the USSR vacationed here: Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Suslov.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Bocharov Ruchey became the only Russian government-level dacha on the Black Sea and acquired the status of the official residence of the President of Russia.

The main building here is considered to be a beautiful two-story building, made in the style of Stalinist classicism - with large windows and high ceilings. On the second floor there is a living room that can easily accommodate up to 20 people, an office for work, a bedroom for the head of state, and an apartment for guests. All furniture is made of valuable wood. Part of the interior has retained the style of the 1950s, the other part is more modern. On the ground floor there are security rooms and a small cinema hall.

In addition to the presidential apartments, there are several other buildings in Bocharov Ruchey: a hall for negotiations and receptions, a dacha for the head of the presidential administration and a cottage for the prime minister.

The presidential residence is equipped with a helipad, two swimming pools - with fresh and sea water, and a gym by the sea. On the beach there is a pier for the presidential boat "Caucasus".

At the gates of the residence there is a public reception room for the president.

Boris Yeltsin built an indoor tennis court on the territory of Bocharov Stream, and Vladimir Putin organized a press center.

According to the decree of President Putin “On guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, who has ceased to exercise his powers, and members of his family,” the residence remained with Boris Yeltsin. But later Yeltsin chose to move to Barvikha. After this, the Gorki-9 residence was not used.

After Russian President Dmitry Medvedev took office, Gorki-9 became his official residence. This is the largest of all residences of the head of state; it has both residential and work areas, and a special helipad is equipped.

"Long Beards"

The Long Beards residence is located 20 kilometers from the city of Valdai in the Novgorod region.

In Soviet times, it was intended for the recreation of senior government officials. According to archival data, Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Ryzhkov vacationed there, and already in post-Soviet times, ex-President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin liked to come there.

The village adjacent to the residence - Long Beards - received its name under Peter I. Allegedly, when the tsar imposed a tax on men wearing beards, the bearded men, dissatisfied with the innovation, hid here from the tsar’s tax collectors.

The dacha itself - a small two-story cottage - is located on a peninsula with an area of ​​52 hectares, located between lakes Valdayskoye and Uzhin.

The residences of former Russian presidents - the house of Boris Yeltsin in Barvikha and Vladimir Putin in Novo-Ogarevo - were given the status of state dachas, and they are no longer residences of the President of Russia.

The head of state can use various regions of Russia for work and leisure, and then his place of residence becomes the temporary residence of the president.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Odintsovo district is a favorite place of the rulers of our country. At various times, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev lived here. We bring to your attention a study by Odintsovo-INFO: a story about the most elite houses in the Moscow region.


One of the first leaders of the country of Soviets, who settled on the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway in the Odintsovo district, was Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, elected in 1922 as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Together with his family, he occupied the state dacha “Zubalovo-4”, consisting of two floors, 12 rooms and about 500 square meters of area.

According to the famous historian and Leninist Anatoly Latyshev, at one time Vladimir Lenin gave secret instructions to build personal dachas for him, as well as for other top leaders of the country, in Zubalovo, and “to put the state farm on its feet nearby” to supply the freshest products. Thus, by order of Ilyich, in the Odintsovo district, in conditions of severe famine in the country, the construction of luxurious personal dachas began.


Having become the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin settled in Gorki-9, located in the Odintsovo district, 15 kilometers west of Moscow. However, he did not stay here long. Having managed to build a tennis court in Gorki, on which, according to some sources, he never played due to illness, the head of state moved to his state dacha in Barvikha.

According to some reports, in 1995, the residence in Gorki-9 was allocated to Yeltsin by the head of the Odintsovo district administration. After Boris Nikolayevich resigned, the Yeltsin family tried to acquire ownership of Gorki. Reports have already begun to appear in the press that the residence will be given to the former head of state for indefinite use, but in the end, “Gorki” was transferred to the Administration of the President of the country (UDP), the legal successor of the property complex of the CPSU Central Committee.

Vladimir Putin and Boris Yeltsin are residents of the Odintsovo district

Having become the head of the presidential administration, Dmitry Medvedev also became our fellow countryman

Since Yeltsin's departure, Gorki was not used. Until Dmitry Medvedev took office.

With the coming of the newly elected president to power, large-scale renovation work began in Gorki-9. The special communication lines that were removed after Yeltsin moved to Barvikha were restored as soon as possible - literally in a few weeks. By special order of Medvedev, a helipad appeared in Gorki.

While the renovation was underway, Dmitry Anatolyevich lived at the Kalchuga state dacha in the Odintsovo district, which he had occupied since the time he became head of the presidential administration. (Medvedev was appointed to this post instead of Alexander Voloshin, who resigned on October 30, 2003. However, some sources claim that Medvedev occupied the Kalchuga state dacha only since 2006).


The former presidential estate in Barvikha (the so-called object “B-4”) was built in the late 1980s especially for Secretary General Gorbachev, and for his shock work the architect and construction manager received the Order of Lenin from his hands. However, with the collapse of the USSR, Gorbachev was forced to cede Barvikha to the new head of state, who occupied the estate until his death.

The facility includes a number of buildings on an area of ​​66 hectares. For the convenience of residents, a channel of the Moscow River is allocated to the site, where there is a private beach. During Yeltsin’s second “five-year plan,” the main house underwent a radical restructuring, and all sketches were personally approved by Yeltsin’s daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko. (From 1996 to 1999 she was an adviser to her father, working on the image of the President). She also selected new furniture for the state dacha in Barvikha.

After the resignation of Boris Nikolaevich, the dacha was assigned to the Yeltsins for lifelong use. It is unclear whether Naina Yeltsin’s widow still lives there or whether she was evicted.


Another place in the Odintsovo district, beloved by the authorities. The estate, where Vladimir Putin lived most of his presidential term, and where Nikita Khrushchev and Konstantin Chernenko previously lived, is located ten kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway near Usovo. (By the way, Brezhnev’s dacha was located in Usovo, but there is no reliable description of Leonid Ilyich’s country house in available sources. Also, according to some sources, Yuri Andropov lived in the Odintsovo district.)

According to the real estate portal 100m2, experts and various kinds of officials who visited Novo-Ogaryovo believe that this is an ideal place for relaxation and work. The residence is located in the forest and surrounded by a six-meter wall.

Doctors and environmentalists have determined that this part of the Moscow region has the cleanest air. A large area was set aside for walks in the forest, including in the floodplain of the Moscow River. For security purposes, a fire station was erected next to the residence, which became part of a large utility complex serving the president and his family.

The farm’s territory includes greenhouses, a poultry house, a swimming pool, several residential buildings and a helipad. On the left side of the central house there was a stable with walls decorated with stepped columns.

English journalists who visited Putin spoke about the large reception area with a wide-screen plasma TV and home theater audio system, about comfortable sofas and armchairs. But at the same time they noted that, despite the stucco molding, the meeting table inlaid with valuable types of wood, and the malachite desk set, the room did not leave them with the impression of imperial luxury.