What to do if you don’t want anything at all? My husband doesn’t want to do anything - what’s the right thing to do? Apathy as a sign of schizophrenia and organic brain damage.

This morning, when I approached the car, I discovered that the front tire was flat. All business and trips had to be cancelled. Having gone home with the clear intention of finally cleaning up, the bummer happened again. The water was turned off. Then, I decided, I won’t do anything at all. Don't want!

Are you familiar? The end of January and February are traditionally considered the most depressive months. The holidays are over, the money spent has somehow returned in the form of a tasty barrel and a cute crease under the chin. It's cold, slippery and dreary outside. Valentine's Day no longer promises a pleasant surprise in the form of a trip to the Maldives or a gold bracelet. Why, there’s a cardboard scarlet heart, it’s not a fact that you’ll get it. And March 8th is a long way off.

What to do if you don't want to do anything

In short, melancholy! I don’t even want to want anything anymore. I'm tired of good alcohol, and discounts in stores don't excite me. Intense workouts are tiring. Cheerful companies are annoying. And uncertainty about the future is really annoying.

And it doesn’t matter at all how old you are. 40 plus or minus.

And how to live further? I want spring. Or not spring.

I just don't want anything!

And if I tell you that this is not despondency, but a natural state, will you believe it? I want to remind you, but we are all animals. Let them be more civilized and organized. Take, for example, a groundhog. So at this time he sleeps and does not worry. And the bear? He does not respond to calls - Get up and act! He is overgrown with fat, sleeps and is not interested in smoothies.

Do you know why? He is gaining strength. Even a good personal growth coach won’t get him there. It won’t tempt him even with the first consultation with a free barrel of honey in addition. And if he wakes up, he would rather eat his fitness trainer. And arguments like – get up, you furry ass and do some push-ups, it will be late tomorrow – will not work. Those who really have a good time are the cranes. They are in warm regions. But this is not our story.

Therefore, rest and gain strength. For those who are awake, this is an excellent chance to think about themselves in a relaxed state. Listen and understand what you like and what you don’t. What you want and what you no longer have. What to focus on and what to send away. And those who take advantage of this opportunity have an advantage over those who fuss and try to find a use for themselves in order to escape from melancholy.

And if you don’t want to do anything, then don’t do it! I think so.

You can't fool the body. When he wants to eat, he gives you signs. And when he wants to pee, he also gives it. And if he doesn’t want anything, then you will hear this signal.

At first glance, this may seem like science fiction, but believe me, there are real ways to make money without doing anything.

It is possible that the funds earned through these methods will not be able to compare with your main income. But keep in mind that you really don’t have to do anything, just sitting back and relaxing, you can also earn income.

Okay, let's move on directly to the analysis of the methods. So, here are the 7 best without doing anything.

Testing beds and mattresses

99.9% of the population have never thought about the fact that such a profession (or part-time job) exists. Only in 2006 did they learn about it publicly, thanks to an advertisement in one of the American bed manufacturing companies.

The text of the newspaper article reported that the company needed people to test 25 thousand beds. The fee for one sleep session was $2.

Just imagine - your sleep is paid for in monetary terms. By the way, you can test not only beds, but also, for example, food, cosmetics, and the like. Isn't it bliss?

Professional queuing

From the category of stupid, but quite working ways to make money without doing anything. Unfortunately, it doesn't work very well in our countries, but in the USA, China, etc. - that's it. We hope you understood the essence of the side hustle based on the name.

By the way, as an example, we can take kilometer-long queues at Apple brand stores. Thousands of people are lining up in a row to buy a brand new iPhone model as quickly as possible.

Earn money by downloading apps

We have already mentioned this type of receiving monetary rewards on our website, in an article about. A completely valid method that requires you to connect to the Internet via wi-fi and register on the Play Market.

Recipient of parcels

Your neighbor needs to be at work today, but only today should a courier arrive at his home with a package. A person cannot be present in two places at the same time. So what should we do?

You can come to the rescue. For a small fee, you can receive parcels at your home and deliver them to your neighbors in the evening.

Be a referrer for everyone

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet for making money that have a referral system. You just need to register once for the best of them and tell your friends about it. Then, if they are interested, send them your referral link via email or private message on social media.

Profit from YouTube

You can also earn money by simply recording videos and posting them online. At the same time, you can shoot videos of the processes that you engage in daily.

As an example, cooking. It won’t be too difficult for you to install a camera above the kitchen table and film the process of preparing a salad. Then upload the resulting video to your YouTube channel and monetize it (you can read more about making money on YouTube). A normal daily routine can also bring in good capital.

The state of not wanting to do anything is not uncommon. Many people live their lives “through not wanting”, without trying to change anything. They go to a job they don’t like, live with the wrong person, wear clothes they don’t like. And they are not going to fix anything. And sometimes you don’t even want to get up from the couch. In fact, there are always reasons for this.

What is the reason for apathy and unwillingness to do anything?

Conduct an analysis of the quality of your life. How do you spend your time, with whom? What do you eat? Maybe you spend your nights playing computer games or useless communication on social networks? And during the day, you simply have no energy left for anything. Or maybe you are a night owl and have to get up for work at 5 am? An incorrect daily routine and a violation of the biological clock will sooner or later lead to psychological and physical problems.

Perhaps there are people around you who never tire of complaining about their lives, shifting their endless worries onto you. Who often expose you to stress with their news, accomplishments, and behavior. This could be the parents with whom you live (the most common case), or problems at school/work. To cope with stress, the body has to expend large reserves of energy. And when such people are constantly around, you reach emotional burnout.

Think about what you eat? Healthy food promotes health and increased energy levels. Harmful - slows down metabolism, causes diseases, takes away energy, disfigures the body. You ate hamburgers, washed it down with cola, lay down on the sofa and wondered - why don’t I want to do anything? Because all the body’s forces were directed to fight junk food and digest it. Therefore, when you once again want to eat delicious food in fast food, show willpower and come up with something else.

Or maybe the reason is that you are not doing what you want? A person is designed in such a way that he moves towards a goal rapidly, and only if he really needs the goal. It is to him, and not to the boss, parents, society, etc. Only if this goal evokes those feelings for which he is ready to move forward - joy, pride, satisfaction, etc. It happens that self-doubt, probably past failures or mistakes, prevents you from moving towards your desired goals. Such an experience puts a burden on the shoulders and the person becomes despondent and gives up.

Banal laziness is also inherent in people. For some this is a temporary feeling, for others it is a chronic condition. It is justified by a lack of incentive, emotional fatigue, and lifestyle. And the question often arises - I don’t want to do anything at all, I rest all the time, but why do I feel tired? The fact is that at these moments you experience a lot of feelings - guilt, shame, anger that time was wasted. But they could do so many useful things. Experiencing all these thoughts and feelings takes a lot of energy, hence the fatigue. To get rid of this stream of thoughts, you can practice stopping the internal dialogue, which the famous esotericist E. Tolle describes in his books.

Lack of exercise slows down the circulation of chemicals in the body. The longer a person spends time in a passive state, the less energy is produced in him. Therefore, a passive lifestyle also leads to apathy. Go to workouts at least twice a week to keep yourself in shape, and after a few months you will notice not only physical, but also mental results.

What exactly should you do if you don’t feel like doing anything?

Try for a while to stop struggling with the state when you don’t want anything in life, and especially think about how to live if you have lost interest in everything that is happening. Just imagine what your body would like. Where, how or with whom you can feel pleasant emotions, something that will awaken your energy and bring pleasure. What can inspire you? Often the reason lies in emotional exhaustion. Tired of a monotonous life... Sometimes it’s enough to just relax in nature. Forest, sea, picnic on the grass in the park - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is not to think about anything and just enjoy the gifts of nature.

The state of not wanting anything can also be seasonal blues. In this case, meeting with friends (of course, if you have them) helps a lot. This is a great way to shake yourself up. Think about who you would really like to spend time with and, most importantly, how.

Release the negativity. Stay alone with yourself and “digest” your emotions, attitude towards yourself and others. Think about why exactly this feeling arose, when did it arise? What could influence this to resolve the situation? By immersing yourself in your true feelings, you can get rid of resentment and anger. Having cleared yourself of negative emotions, interest in life will find its way back.

Apathy that arises in a situation where a person has to do something he doesn’t like will come back again until you either change your job or realize that this is actually an interesting activity and you don’t want to give it up at all. This happens when you start telling your interlocutor about your activities, you realize that in fact everything is not so bad, the work is interesting, the income is good and the schedule is convenient. And disadvantages will be present in any job, this cannot be avoided.

Engage in a noble cause - this could be helping orphans or elderly people in nursing homes. When you share kindness and care, in return you receive a charge of positive emotions and energy recharge.

Banal laziness can sometimes be overcome by acting “through I don’t want to.” Gritting your teeth, using force, you “scrape” off the couch and start working. Just as appetite arises during eating, inspiration strikes during moments of activity. Plan your day, go in for sports, or at least start with exercise. I promise that you will enjoy the fact that you can overcome your laziness.

My husband doesn’t want to do anything - what’s the right thing to do?

If your husband plainly states, “I don’t want to achieve anything in life,” try to talk and find out the reason for the apathy. What could have influenced this? If a man does not need anything, only he himself or the advice of a psychologist can help himself. Still, achievements for a man are the basis of his activities.
In a family with a lack of initiative husband who does nothing for the family, all worries are automatically transferred to the woman. Think it might be worth contacting a specialist? Indeed, in such a situation, help is needed not only for him, but also for you. Perhaps a change in your behavior will affect his condition.

Teenage child wants nothing

One of the most common reasons why mothers turn to a psychologist is when a child or adult son/daughter does not want to do anything. The mother suggests or even enrolls on her own initiative in clubs, sports sections, educational courses - the child does not show the slightest interest.

Analyze the situation. When did this start, did your child show desires at 7 years old? What did he want at age 8? Children are not born without an interest in the world. But often they don’t want what their mother dreamed of. A child is enrolled in a music school, loaded with learning languages, and he wants to play the drums, for example. Of course, mom is horrified by the sound in the house, the topic is closed.

Often the reason why a child does not want to do anything is precisely because the mother is too proactive and involved. It happens that a 10-year-old child simply does not have enough time to want something; he is busy with things that his mother has occupied him with.

Also, the reason for lack of interest comes from permissiveness. The child wanted something, asked, and it was immediately provided to him. He doesn't have time to live this dream, this anticipation. Accordingly, getting what he wants instantly, he cannot experience vivid emotions and quickly loses interest in it. And gradually there is no need to become anything anymore.

I don't want to do anything around the house. Conversations about the eternal.

The sight of the same walls and furniture becomes boring, and you no longer want to do anything around the house. Try updating your environment. This is not something global; you don’t need to immediately tear off the wallpaper and dismantle the floors. Sometimes it’s enough just to move the sofa to another corner or hang a new shelf, change the tablecloth or curtain in the bathroom. And now, the house is already different, playing with new colors. Changing the environment in your home greatly changes your thinking. Tested by experience.

The desire to do household chores disappears due to constant stay in it. Being a homebody is a lifestyle that many people enjoy. And there's nothing wrong with that if it's fun. And if not, it’s time to get out of the den. Think, maybe it’s high time to visit friends, parents, the theater or the dentist? Plan a week of travel, and you won’t notice how much you miss your home. And the question “why don’t I want to clean the apartment” will disappear on its own.

So, Let's sum it up. Prolonged apathy turns into depression. This is a dangerous condition, which is a complete loss of interest in everything that is happening. Physiologically, this is manifested by intestinal upset and headache. Only an experienced specialist can prescribe adequate treatment for such a diagnosis. Inaction is dangerous with serious illnesses and suicide. Therefore, we recommend that you recapitulate your life and your habits, and if it is difficult for you to do this, contact a specialist. Today, the problem of laziness is being solved quite confidently.

The reason is not procrastination
When you don’t want to do anything and are too lazy to do everything, most likely there is some (old) belief from the subconscious that controls your actions. Something like this: “this business is a pointless undertaking” or “one repair - two fires” or “I don’t like starting new projects.” The second reason may be some suppressed emotion that was not paid due attention in time. For example, something like this: “I can’t cope with this problem, it makes me anxious” or “I can’t afford to renovate my apartment.”

Most likely, you understand with your mind: it is much better for you to get the job done and find internal resources. But there is an underlying reluctance to do something. There is no point in ashaming yourself for it, forcing yourself to work under pressure, or getting carried away by watching videos on “how to overcome procrastination.” It is much more effective to give the right to vote to those who have been “pushed” into the far corner - your emotions, beliefs, assessments - they need to be listened to carefully (nothing dangerous usually happens from this). If these are fears, acknowledge them and look for resources. If the assessments are unfavorable, objectively consider all the facts “for” and “against”.

Activity is the best cure for depression
Why don't you want to do anything?- A long absence of sun and cloudy skies affect our mood. We expect that when the sun appears, our mood will improve - and we will immediately begin to be active. That's true. But the opposite is also true: if you force yourself to start activity right now, your mood will also improve. That’s why various methods of increasing activity are widely used to treat depression: new things to do and constant busyness immediately distract from sad thoughts. But How to motivate yourself to do something when you’re all lazy and don’t want to do anything?

Start testing reality
Sometimes it happens that we do nothing because we are waiting for some sign, a favorable circumstance, or “that very Right Decision.” After all, it probably exists, why shouldn’t it come. However, in practice, insights rarely occur. And passively waiting for changes works much worse than the so-called “reality testing”: when you take a small step and check what it led to. If necessary, adjust the next step.

Bet on finding a remedy
How to motivate yourself to do something?- This trick works: instead of setting goals, replace them with means to achieve results. For example, you want to make repairs. For what? To feel better in your home, update your furnishings. What other means are there to get what you want, besides radical ones? Rearranging furniture, redecorating, buying a few emotional accessories.

Take small steps
Sometimes it feels like “you can’t do it” simply because the steps to achieving your goal seem too general or unclear. TO How to motivate yourself to work?- Break each step into a series of super-mini-steps, each of which will be extremely clear to you and not too risky. For example, in order to begin renovations and redevelopment of an apartment, you can read about similar redevelopments: learn about the difficulties that their owners solved. Steps 2 and 3 - evaluate the possibilities of your apartment and understand the style that is pleasant to you personally. You can overcome laziness - you just need to motivate yourself better.

Two heads are better
For those who find it difficult to share problems, I advise you to keep in mind that you are doing this not because you yourself are not able to cope, and not because you want to completely shift responsibility to another person. You are taking advantage of a great opportunity called “one head is good, but two are better” - it is very profitable. You can start with a question on ours.

Postpone the task
But sometimes, forcing yourself to work is not the best way out of the situation. Sometimes you need your intuition to work, but it really needs time to digest the information and produce a result. Then it's better for now do nothing. This method works for those who tend to rush to the first (rash) solution in a situation of anxiety.

Say yes
Just agree to the first spontaneous decision that comes to mind - just “because”, without any compelling reasons. This method of overcoming laziness is for those who, on the contrary, tend to think about a decision for too long, asking everyone around and collecting opinions on the Internet, but none of this helps him make a decision. It will be therapeutically beneficial for you to make a spontaneous decision in some relatively safe situation.

Do you know ways to force yourself to work when you don’t feel like doing anything? How to motivate to achieve a goal? Share your recipes for getting out of the state“Everything is lazy.”

Complete indifference, detachment and indifference, lack of passion, will or energy. Weakening of motives, interests, indifference to events, emotional passivity - all this is a state of apathy.

What should you do if you don’t want to do anything?

“All the food seemed bland. There was no strength to get dressed. What I had enough for was browsing the Internet and social networks. It seemed to me that these people were living, but for some reason I couldn’t live,” this is how writer Kristina Kutsishvili describes the state of apathy of the heroine of the novel “Triumph”

A description of, say, a not very happy person who doesn’t want to fix anything. And the worst thing is that apathy is one of the symptoms of incipient depression. And this is a more threatening and deep state, with complete detachment from reality, and sometimes thoughts of suicide.

Why do laziness and apathy arise? Why don't you want to do anything?

The reasons may vary. Apathy can be a reaction to stress. Apathy occurs both after strong emotional shocks and before them. Apathy as self-defense of the psyche and the whole organism as a whole. Apathy as a defense against stress and excessive emotions

Apathy can also be a signal of exhaustion of the body. In this case, apathy may be medical in nature. If your apathy is of this kind, then you will feel drowsiness, weakness, dizziness, and loss of appetite.

What to do if you don’t want anything and your apathy is of this nature? Turn on “energy saving” mode. This is a call to rest, to stop at least for a while.

Laziness and apathy. How else to recognize apathy?

What to do if you don’t want to do anything, you feel melancholy and despondency, a depressed mood, you experience a feeling of powerlessness, fear or anxious thoughts, dizziness and muscle weakness both in the morning and in the evening. At the same time, you refuse to perform everyday activities due to general weakness, even activities that bring pleasure.

“...The easiest thing is to exist in captivity of immobility, monotony and boredom and not make any efforts to return to normal life” - an excerpt from the book “Eva Luna”

The impotence that occurs with apathy is falsely mistaken for laziness.Apathy and laziness are different psychological problems, and they should not be confused.

Psychological characteristics of laziness and apathy

When we talk about laziness, everyone has their own meaning. Everyone has their own laziness and their own symptoms. Here are some of them:

  1. A low level of motivation for anything is also a sign of laziness.
  2. Laziness as a lack of willpower
  3. For some people, laziness is a way of life
  4. Sometimes laziness acts as a fear of responsibility
  5. Constructive laziness occurs.
  6. And as they say, feel the difference: with apathy, a person loses a sense of reality, there is no interest in what is happening, and a desire for loneliness arises; lack of will and unwillingness to perform the most basic actions; The external manifestation of apathy is inhibition of all reactions. V. G. Belinsky said “Apathy and laziness are the true freezing of the soul and body.” Apparently he's right

How to overcome laziness and apathy, and what to do if you don’t want to do anything?

  • To begin with, just try to START! Any inaction breeds inaction. Do anything any way you want.
  • When you need to do something very important, and you are overcome by apathy and laziness, this may mean that you really don’t want to do it enough. How to overcome laziness? You will have to analyze the reasons for your reluctance, and then change your plan of action.
  • It happens that there is not enough willpower to make a decision and complete any tasks. Then it's not your laziness, but your indecision. And a sufficient level of self-education will help you develop this quality in yourself.
  • Another popular excuse is the phrase: “Laziness is the engine of progress.” Not just laziness, but constructive laziness is the engine of progress. It won't be there if you hang off the sofa. Try not to put off today’s and urgent matters until tomorrow, and then laziness will not make its way into your life.