What women say about men. What do men say about fat women? This is the essence of a man’s calling - to be a breadwinner and provider.

All women dream of becoming men at least for a minute in order to find out what men say about women. This interest is mutual, because we want to know all the keys to building a happy relationship or to owning an adored object.

But as they say, you can’t get into your head, and everything else is our speculation or the opinions of psychologists. However, statistics and reviews of women who have worked among men for a very long time confirm that men love to gossip about women.

Fortunately, today there are a lot of forums and the stronger sex does not hesitate to discuss topics that concern us, women. Probably, it is for our good that we do not step on the common rake.

It is not typical for men to discuss a woman’s appearance, except if it greatly irritates them or causes desires below the belt. Crazy fashion trends, such as pants with swearing lowered to the knees, are not welcomed by our Adams at all. But a cheeky form of clothing may be condemned for a public place, but it will not cause obvious rejection for obvious reasons.

Men are irritated by women's chatter without an address. Sometimes it turns out that we just want to talk it out and don’t expect advice, only sympathy. If this tirade drags on, then not every man, even a loving one, is ready to be an excellent vest. Although we sometimes have to endure it when a man talks a lot.

The dream of a woman's habitat for many men corresponds to the German proverb: kitchen, church, children . However, this is the dream of insecure owners who are afraid of losing their property.

To this end, at first they strenuously beg us to have dinner with them for company, and when we gain ten extra pounds, they complain about our domesticated appearance. Dear ladies, our husbands discuss our excess weight very correctly, but someone else’s curvy lady will simply be called a cow.

Men are annoyed by women who pay excessive attention to their appearance, but completely forget about the cleanliness of the kitchen and the freshness of their husband’s shirts.

Again, our fashion for extending nails and eyelashes (we’ll bypass breasts - none of the men will refuse a chic neckline) sincerely surprises the stronger sex. One friend called his “extended” wife a cyborg. Men like neat, neat, moderately made-up ladies.

Hercules sincerely fears and avoids women who try to appear stronger than them. Masculine, adopting male habits, swearing and smoking in a crowded place, like real grooms (may the representatives of this honest profession forgive me) - this is an exaggerated image.

Even a small part of such a picture does not guarantee that tender words will be poured into her address.

Oh, girls, don't force your companions to call you a pussy or a bunny. It's one thing when a man calls you affectionately on his own initiative. It’s worse when your request is discussed at bachelor parties, causes nausea and is compensated in communication with a woman who does not need it.

A loving Apollo will never tell his wife or companion that he doesn’t like something about her for fear of losing the jewel. But if he is sincerely irritated by some trait, it is not surprising that everyone around him will know about it.

It was blatantly stolen by me, I won’t say where. In short, this is what women wrote on one forum about the bad habits of their men. If anyone has anything to add - welcome

Mine also sneezes loudly and horribly! But at the same time he also screams and stomps his feet :) Those around him get very scared and jump away from him. How many times have I made comments to him, but he damn well likes it. He also sits on the toilet for 40 minutes. He takes a laptop with him and you can’t get enough of it. I'm already dancing under the toilet door. And he somehow fell asleep in the toilet!!! Can you imagine the picture? I was very tired at work, and then I drank a little. I woke up in the middle of the night - he was gone! I went through all the rooms - no! I was even scared. And then I hear snoring from the toilet :) What a joke :)

And he keeps toilet paper everywhere, as if there is a shortage in the city, in the car, and in the pocket of his down jacket. I don't have time to shop!

And I taught mine not to pick its nose, you know how. When I saw that he was doing this, I pretended that I was also poking around, and then I wiped it on his sweater :)))) Of course, I didn’t actually wipe anything, it’s a joke of course, but it helped :)))) Because he started screaming, fuuuuu, what are you doing :)))

And I once met a guy (28 years old), we came to a restaurant, made an order and he started talking, he spoke like a man possessed, it even seemed to me that he didn’t have time to get air into his lungs :) And when the food was brought, he interrupted the story and began to eat without raising his head (as if I wasn’t there at all :)) and diligently stuffed everything into both cheeks and shook his head like crazy. I watched this picture and, in order to control myself from laughing, I crawled under the table, gritting my teeth. Although he probably wouldn’t have noticed :)) I also remember how he burst into laughter because of my joke, and it was a bear’s laugh, smoothly flowing into silence, i.e. я вижу его перед собой с открытом ртом и закатывающимися глазами но звуков уже не слышно, только нечто переодически похожее на еле уловимое "гыыыыыааа-а-а-а":)))

And mine loves to look into the microwave, especially when the grill is cooking and the food is spinning :) It’s funny, he takes a stool, sits down and without stopping looking out the microwave window, like they’re showing a movie there :))

And mine, just don’t laugh too much, only pees at home while sitting (so as not to pee the toilet), and then wipes its penis with a piece of paper, as if “squeezing” it out, like a tube of paste)))))))))) )) We've been together for 3 years, but I still find it funny))))))))))))))

And mine also wakes up every night at exactly 1.30 and goes to terrorize the refrigerator. And he doesn’t even turn on the light, he eats everything that comes to hand and doesn’t even cut off anything if it’s a large piece (a stick of sausage or a piece of cheese or a piece of meat), and in the morning I open the refrigerator, and there are only nibbles... And yet he doesn’t remember anything, eats everything with his eyes closed, as if in a dream...

Hello everyone! Mine has a whole problem! It’s just awful that it’s placed on tights, he constantly asks me to wear them, during sex he only lowers them to the knee, while constantly touching them and sometimes even forgive me for wearing them I was sleeping! this is normal, please help! :))

and mine only sleeps with a hat on.

I remembered that even before I start cooking, I try raw meat, maybe eat half a kilo, then there’s nothing to cook from, as in the joke - Today we have pilaf without meat... and without rice). I used to eat raw dumplings , but I don’t do them now, I wrote about this before.

Help!!! My husband never throws anything away! I started to conduct an audit, threw out a lot of things, and then found a box with transport tickets for the past three years. I wanted to throw it away, but he was offended: he said that these were all the tickets he used to go on dates with me and he would keep them forever! He even kept the empty box from the cake we ate two years ago as a sign of reconciliation after a fight! That's how romantic I am. I love him very, very much, but where should I put all these boxes and pieces of paper???

) And in the evening when I’m relaxing while drinking beer... The degree of intoxication is visible - Show me your pussy! Well, show me...oooooh! He walks by, takes off his panties and shakes him - “If you want, I’ll show you my pussy!!” And so the whole evening..past me in the toilet, pissing beer...and every time he shows his pussy to me..In the morning - “OH, I’m sick with a hangover!!! Did I show you my pussy yesterday? YES? IT MEANS I EATED IT AGAIN!!! " And in the closet every morning like a sheep! looks at things.. and asks - “Where are my trousers..? Have you shifted them again???” same for a box of socks! Doesn't see!

And I have one young single man, who is still a man, who invented a funny way to wash socks. Hot water and a couple of spoons of powder are poured into a water bottle (6 liters), and then the closed bottle is thrown into the trunk and he rides with it during the day. He says that all that remains is to rinse...

Gentlemen, I wonder what men think about women?

Men about women

A woman in a man’s life is the number one question. Not work, not football, not beer, not music - namely a woman. Men's magazines convince us of this. On each of their pages, the same hot topic “Me and Her” is presented under different sauces.

Representatives of the stronger sex peer at women very carefully and in detail, sometimes so meticulously that you begin to feel like a ciliate-slipper under a microscope. Men, for example, teach each other how to “bring us to clean water.”

There are even diagrams called “How to distinguish real from artificial laughter.” It turns out that we react to a joke if so-called “rays of laughter” appear around the eyes, swelling appears under the eyes, and the pupils dilate. And “fixed eyebrows, smooth skin of the eyelids and narrow pupils signal - stop! You, friend, are being deceived like a boy.”

Reading these lines, I couldn’t help but laugh - and rushed to the mirror: how is the swelling under the eyes - is it revealing enough?

Smell of a woman

They (that is, men) don’t really trust our perfumes either. They encourage each other to sniff to see if there are any dangerous notes in the attractive aroma, because “women have all the power of modern chemistry at their disposal.”

Especially when cunning hunters of men prefer “dangerous perfumes” with substances similar in action to female pheromone. And then, man, be doubly careful! I quote: “The smell draws in our brother, leaving no opportunity to calmly figure out what is happening. You won’t even notice how you fall into a trap.”

What to do in a seemingly hopeless situation? There is an answer: “If you want to preserve the will of choice, you will have to keep your nose to the wind. Or you can insert cotton wool tampons into your nostrils or go hunting tigers.”

Hunting vocabulary is generously used in most publications about relationships between men and women. Only the subjects of the hunt are constantly changing places - either they are chasing us, or we are rushing after them.

Favorite topic

The topic “about women” repeatedly smoothly turns into a favorite one that never gets boring – sex. Men support each other in a brotherly manner on this basis. There is more than enough advice from “experienced” people here. Stress and sex, men absolutely rightly believe, are incompatible concepts.

“So let her do a lot of things at home and at work, and in the evening ask her to give you a relaxing massage. Even if she doesn’t know how, her touching helplessness will help you get in the right mood.”

Or: “Don’t be afraid of pathos. Set up a home. Place candles everywhere and turn on light music - the sound of a saxophone. Even if she treats all this ironically, she will most likely mentally note your efforts.” And so on.

About health

Another super popular topic is health. In every second case, it also comes down to a sexual direction. But there are also distracting problems. Men are more free from conventions and boldly discuss the most delicate issues - excessive sweating, hemorrhoids and laser hair removal...

A little romance

Although much less than physiology, men are still very noticeably interested in the psychology of relationships with the opposite sex. They try hard to become more romantic (remember the advice about lighting candles) because romanticism, according to the publications, appeals to women.

Learning to be romantic turns out to be quite easy. A non-romantic, seeing a long “arrow” on a friend’s stocking, will say reproachfully: “Lucy! You just bought tights yesterday!” And the romantic will be delightedly surprised: “Look how beautiful it is! Like a lunar path...”

About gifts

Lyrical readers exchange interesting observations regarding gifts. Any trinket, if it symbolizes something, ceases to be a trinket. All you have to do is say, handing a soft toy to a woman: “This pony has sad eyes like yours!”

It is advised to find out the name from the seller or come up with it yourself, since women react to sound more than to color. “Anemones” sound very beautiful. An additional “plus” is because few people know what they look like.

And if the flower turns out to be pale, then the one for whom it is intended will probably find a connection between “anemone” and “anemic.” She will immediately feel affection for the flower and its giver.

What if a woman says: “These are not anemones”? Then, following the advice of experienced flower givers, you should answer with a mysterious phrase: “I know. But for me they are always anemones.” It will work flawlessly. I speak as a representative of the other camp.

They say that men do not tolerate tips, instructions and morality. Stupidity. This is not tolerated from us. And their men's magazines are entirely built on tips and advice. For example:

  • With women, never giggle, don’t rub your hands, don’t say slyly “Oooh?!” when a girl invites you to “come in for a cup of coffee.”
  • Don't wear a low-cut T-shirt or a T-shirt that you won by sending several hundred empty instant coffee packets to the company.
  • Take out the trash without fail and endure her three-hour preparations for her grand entrance to the grocery store.
  • Take off your socks first, and then everything else, because wearing only socks will make you look ridiculous.

And women's intuition will tell you why all the advice revolves around certain situations. Because men are most afraid of looking funny or being slaves of something or someone.

Where there is freedom, there is happiness

A man can live without a high salary, without hot lunches and without renovations in his apartment for a long time. But he won't last long without it.

Therefore, our women’s task is not to let this feeling fade away, or at least to help them, to maintain the appearance of complete freedom. After all, where there is freedom, there is happiness. And in order to be happy, you don’t need to do anything special!

More information in this video in this video

Men have become weak

Women simply take on too much extra. We relax men ourselves. We take most of life’s challenges upon ourselves and don’t even allow them to help us, so women are also partly to blame for the weakness of men. Equality is good, but women shouldn’t pull the blanket over themselves.

Wallet size matters

The size of a man's wallet matters if he has nothing else to boast about.
I think a real woman needs something more from a man than money. Often such a man expects that a woman, having married him, will immediately bear him children and will sit at home until the time has passed during which she could have made, perhaps, a fantastically fast career.
And there are also men who, because of their complexes, marry “creatures” who only look into their mouths. Compared to the background of a primitive woman, they feel more comfortable; they think that in this situation they look significant.

Male infidelity is already a tradition

Male infidelity is a challenge to your relationship, but nothing more.
Of course, we often screw ourselves up out of jealousy, but sometimes betrayal still takes place. You're jealous because he's having fun and you're not. Actually, why not? If he gets pleasure from other women, then I am free too. When we don’t hold relationships by the throat, when we don’t have the desire to “own,” then they will be natural, lasting, simple and real. Actually, this is a test of what is “yours.” I don't know if I'm capable of cheating. But I am convinced that a wife’s betrayal is much worse than a husband’s betrayal. A woman will very rarely go to bed just for physical pleasure. In almost 90% of cases, it will be psychological betrayal, which in itself can destroy family relationships over time.

About disappointment in men

Disappointment is a word that is used as a synonym for men with whom you want to end your relationship.
You just don't need to be fascinated, and you won't feel the need to be disappointed. I always hope for the best, but I don’t load my precious brain with fantastic thoughts and illusions.
It is much more difficult to learn to retain happy emotions when something you never even dreamed of comes true. I frankly admit that I recently thought: at 23 years old I would like to have that understanding, that moderation that appears in women after 30. Sometimes I lack this prudence, and I make mistakes, although then I draw the appropriate conclusions, and then wisdom appears. Therefore, disappointment is not synonymous with men with whom relationships are broken, it is much more. This is an internal state of emptiness that has appeared where feelings once were.

Be a housewife or businesswoman

Men love care and home comfort, not a wife making a career in some show business.
And this sometimes makes me sad, but I believe that “your person” will love you for who you are. With pros, cons and “your” show business.

Men have their own love, women have theirs

They say: “men have their own love, women have theirs,” so if two loves intersect, then you will be happy!
Love exists, but, of course, it does not come to everyone. However, I don't believe in halves that make a whole. The tablet has half, but I am absolutely whole. I believe in love, but I don’t believe in such a concept as “one love for a lifetime,” although I don’t deny it completely - it depends on life itself.

I'm starting to look for a husband

They don’t look for real men, they find you themselves and don’t let you go.
I often hear the phrase from women: “I’m starting to look for a husband.” I don't know what "find" means. I don't sell myself or rent myself out. I don't belong to anyone even when I'm with someone.
Therefore, I will also never be a “belonger” to someone. I belong only to myself. I think that only a stupid woman holds a man by the throat, but a brilliant woman does not hold him at all. I am absolutely convinced of this.

Man is a polygamous creature

Men are polygamous creatures by nature. This is what they say themselves. Meanwhile, women are indignant and say something like: “men always need only one thing...”. Therefore, the question is: is male polygamy nature or a tribute to the free present?

Is the discussion of the topic of polygamy even relevant today? After all, it makes no sense to prove loyalty to someone. Any man will say with one hundred percent certainty that polygamy is in their blood, but if he is well informed on this topic, he will cite as an example certain historical moments that will prove the existence of various relationships at different stages of history. And no matter how much women beat themselves in the chest and prove that this is unfair, because they are monogamous creatures, it will not change anything.

Based on natural sources, men are indeed polygamous. More precisely, it is not even characteristic, it is simply woven into them by roots from the very beginning of existence. A man doesn't even think about how many women are acceptable. He feels masculine strength and the ability to give healthy offspring (after all, each person considers his genes to be unique), and nothing stops him in achieving reciprocity and fulfilling his natural needs.

Thoughts about the subconscious

But is healthy offspring a driving force for the modern man?
Of course not. Today, men, on the contrary, do not worry about this until the last moment and worry only about how to live life for their own pleasure.
One of my friends says this: “It’s common for women to fall in love and be with one person, but we do the opposite. We need to spread out."
A man, no matter how much he loves, can sooner or later betray.
And the vast majority of men will support this idea.
“If you went “left”, it doesn’t mean that you stopped loving, or that the woman became unnecessary. It's not even about finding the best one. It’s us women who constantly want to find an “ideal” that essentially doesn’t exist. But this is not what men need. They want to prove, at least to themselves, that they are conquerors and hunters. And to do this, men need to find other women and reach new territories.
This happens on a subconscious level for them. “We don’t even have to draw plans, but simply follow the call of nature,” says another representative of the stronger sex.
Men have a program set up on a subconscious level: to spread their genes and their influence to as many worthy, from his point of view, women as he has the power and opportunity to reach.
So to speak, you can’t escape nature...

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The strength of every representative of the fairer sex lies in her ability to always be a real woman. Only with a true woman can a man behave like a real man.

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