Circus! We select artists of the genre. What is a circus? Circus art

Such questions are asked in their letters by high school student in Irkutsk Galina Vysokikh, eighth-grader from Odessa Svetlana Zolotareva, Viktor Chernyshev from Lipetsk and others. We publish excerpts from the conditions of admission to GUTSEI. The school has the following departments: a) physical education and acrobatic training with a seven-year training period. It accepts girls and boys aged 11-12 years with a 4th grade education (Muscovites only); 6) physical education and acrobatic training with a four-year training period. It can be applied to boys and girls aged 15 to 20 years with an 8th grade education (Muscovites and non-Muscovites). These departments train acrobats, gymnasts, tightrope walkers, and jugglers; c) the department of clownery, speech and musical eccentric genres (daytime and evening) produces solo clowns, eccentrics, speech and original genre artists, and musical eccentrics. The duration of full-time study is 4 years, and 5 years in the evening department. Both departments accept boys and girls from 17 to 26 years old who have completed secondary education. Those entering the physical education and acrobatic department must have excellent health, normal physical development and good appearance.

All applicants undergo special selection. External and acting data, ear for music, rhythm, coordination of movements, acuity of reaction, etc. are checked. Those admitted by the medical commission and the professional selection commission then take exams in their specialty, which are held in three rounds. Examinations at the physical education and acrobatic department are designed to establish general physical development, the degree of training in acrobatics, apparatus gymnastics, etc. Those entering the department of clowning, speech and musical eccentric genres must demonstrate their acting abilities (reciting poetry by heart - rhenium, fables, prose passages, performance of stage sketches and comedy scenes). Rhythm, ear for music, vocal abilities are also checked, and for those who are going to specialize in musical eccentricity, musical training and mastery of musical instruments. All those who pass exams in their specialty take exams in general education subjects.

Those wishing to study at GUTSEI submit applications addressed to the director (parents submit applications on behalf of children 11-12 years old) and the documents necessary for admission to a secondary specialized educational institution, in addition, 3 photo cards measuring 3X4 cm and one photo card in full height in shorts or swimsuit. Applications and documents from children with a four-year education are accepted from May 10 to June 5. Admission exams for them are held from June 5 to June 9. Applications and documents from applicants to the physical education and acrobatic department with a four-year training period and to the department of clowning, speech and musical eccentric genres are accepted from May 10 to June 30. Exams are held from July 8 to July 20. Enrollment in the school begins on July 25. Hostel accommodation is provided only to those in dire need.

Details of admission to GUTSEI can be found at the school itself.

Soviet Circus Magazine. March 1964

Every child knows what a circus is - it's laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, magicians and clever acrobats. But rarely can any adult explain what the features of circus as an art form are. After all, we most often imagine it as a fascinating spectacle, a show. But in fact, circus performers spend their entire lives mastering not only skill, but also art - the ability to convey emotion and evoke aesthetic feelings in the audience.

The emergence of the circus

The name “circus” comes from the Roman oval grounds, where various folk festivals, competitions, and shows were held. In those days, the Romans loved to watch people compete in strength, dexterity, and various skills. This is how a special type of spectacle appeared, which today is called a circus. But it only became the way we know and love it in the 18th century. In Paris, a special round building was built to display the art of horse riding and acrobatic sketches. Later, the Italians picked up this idea and added numbers with animals and mimes to the performance program. What a circus is, people in Russia learned at the end of the 18th century. In 1764, an English rider visited Moscow on tour, and this show marked the beginning of the opening of several stationary circuses. By the mid-19th century, such sites were built in many Russian cities. Gradually, the scope of the show expanded, traditional programs were formed and circus professions emerged. The modern circus is a complex synthesis of the entertainment industry, art, management and technology.

Circus as an art form

Researchers see the origins of the circus in ancient competitions of strength and dexterity. It was formed as a way to demonstrate special skills that often had no practical application. Experts who characterize circus as an art primarily pay attention to the lack of any effectiveness in the actions of the artists. They do not compete to win prizes, but rather allow one to see a person’s capabilities and experience aesthetic pleasure. The main expressive means of circus art is a trick, it is designed to evoke emotions in the audience: laughter, surprise, fear, delight. All this makes the circus similar to other types of performing arts: theater, cinema. In the arena, a person shows nature’s ability to metamorphose, only the object of these transformations is not stone, clay or paint, but the person himself. He creates eccentricities according to the laws, demonstrating the highest The main principles of circus art are: reprise, trick, act, super task, eccentricity.

Circus structure

Special art requires a special space. The circus is not just a round building, but a complex structure with numerous possibilities. The circus arena is the heart of the site. Traditionally, it is round in shape, about 13 meters in diameter. The spectators' seats rise up from the stage like an amphitheater. In modern, stationary circuses, there are often several arenas for different types of performances: horseback, illusion, light, ice, water. But the arena is only the visible part of the circus. Behind the scenes there are many office spaces: dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, areas for keeping animals, costume rooms. Technical services also play a large role in the design of the theater: lighting, equipment mounting, scenery, curtain - all this serves to ensure that the viewer sees an unusual and complex performance.

Circus professions

When we hear the question “what is a circus,” we remember people of different professions. Each of them requires special skills and abilities from the artist and is a special art, with its own laws, secrets and traditions. The classical circus program includes performances by various artists; they can be classified according to the main means of expression and materials. So, there are people who work with animals - these are trainers, with the human body - jugglers, tightrope walkers, gymnasts, tightrope walkers. There are also special professions that are at the intersection of skill and technology - these are illusionists. The highest level in the circus professional hierarchy is occupied by clowns, who combine acting, pantomime, and buffoonery. But circus performers cannot work without theater servants, who take upon themselves the provision of various services and assistants.


As is already clear from the name of the profession, jugglers first appeared in France. This word literally means "amusement". Initially, people of this profession sang songs and danced in market squares and fairs. But juggling as an activity dates back to Ancient Egypt. Clever manipulations with many objects fascinated the audience, causing surprise and admiration. Today, a rare circus performance is complete without these artists; their performances have become an indispensable element of circus art. In their performances, jugglers surprise the audience by throwing many different objects into the air, and also use balancing act, comic and acrobatic elements to complicate the trick. Juggling can be paired or solo; performers not only throw and catch objects, they can simultaneously rotate them, alternate them rhythmically, throwing them to a partner. The rhythm of juggling forces the audience to keep an eye on the flying objects, and the artist’s dexterity evokes feelings of delight in them.


Another artist without whom it is impossible to imagine a circus performance is the tightrope walker. This genre of circus art is based on a person’s ability to maintain balance on unstable surfaces. Traditionally, tightrope walkers performed various movements on ropes, balls, and cylinders. Often the artist combines the ability to maintain balance with acrobatic, comic actions, as well as juggling. Even in ancient China, performances of tightrope walkers were very popular. In many cultures of the world, folk entertainments were often accompanied by performances by tightrope walkers. There are such variants of this genre as performances on a ball, on a wire, on reels, on ladders, on a trapeze (stein trap), on unicycles.


Magicians or illusionists are representatives of a profession that has glorified circus art. The basis of the genre was sleight of hand. Artists who knew how to perform magical manipulations with various objects, such as cards, were mandatory participants in medieval fairs. Modern illusionists, in addition to the ability to make amazing movements with their hands, use various technical tricks to mislead the audience. Among the magicians there are real world celebrities, whose names are passed down from generation to generation. Such illusionists include Harry Houdini, Alessandro Cagliostro, the Keogh family, Uri Geller,


Ask any child what a circus is, and you will get the answer: clowns. The masters working in this role have become a real symbol of the circus; without them, performances are impossible. The beginning of the profession was laid in the institute of buffoonery, because jesters were at the court of all royalty. Their task was not only to entertain, but also to ridicule vices, while the jester, the clown, could tell the truth to anyone. The art of a clown is often built not on humor, but on irony, buffoonery and grotesquery. The exaggerated manner of playing goes back to the traditions of farcical performances at fairs. The clown should not only make people laugh, but also mock, but at the same time his performance should not be cruel or offensive. Often clowns perform in pairs, where the roles are clearly distributed. In the Italian theater, these roles were assigned to Pierrot and Harlequin, in the Russian tradition they are the Red (cunning and rogue) and White (an important, prim gentleman) clowns. Conflicts constantly occur between them, which are funny scenes that fill the pauses in the performance. In the circus world, clowns are considered to be the artistic elite. They often include elements of juggling, acrobatics, training, and pantomime in their performances. Among them there are real, greatest actors. The most famous clowns are M. N. Rumyantsev (Pencil), V. Polunin, Yu. Nikulin and M. Shuidin, who worked in pairs, L. Engibarov, O. Popov. Any circus show can be saved by a clown who appears in the arena whenever there is a pause in the program.

If you don't go to the circus, he is ready to come to you. Performances by circus artists at events are far from uncommon. True, customers often limit themselves, choosing only clowns or magicians. There are many more circus performers. We will tell you not only about all the diversity of this genre, but also advise who to invite and to what event.

Illusionists, magicians

There have been practically no people indifferent to the illusion show since the days of the demonstration of numbers by David Copperfield, Uri Geller, Igor Kio, and Hmayak Akopyan on television. Illusionary performances attract people and capture their attention; they like to experience thrills, excitement, excitement and admiration. It is not surprising that illusionists are one of the most sought-after circus performers at any celebration. The repertoire of magical performances is more than diverse: large illusions (for example, teleportation, disappearance of objects, sawing a person), micromagic (manipulation with various small objects), mental experiments, stage magic and others.

Do you want original tricks, not banal tricks? He doesn’t just demonstrate tricks, he invents them, is the author of many illusions and the official inventor.

Not only a solo magician, but also a duo performing a costume transformation show masterfully captures the attention of any audience. In a split second, 11 costume changes are a vibrant performance accompanied by fiery music, which combines the expression of dance and the mystery of circus art.

Where appropriate:

  • Corporate events of any scale;
  • Private events (wedding, anniversary, etc.);
  • Presentations;
  • Children's parties (subject to the availability of a special program for children);
  • Promotions.

Stilt walkers

They can see everything and everyone from a height of inhuman height. It is difficult for these artists to go unnoticed; guests will definitely pay attention to them - which means they will have something to remember. Invite dressed up giants in a themed look - jumpers or stilt walkers. If the former are mobile, demonstrate tricks and are involved in the show program, then the latter are static and can greet guests and juggle on the spot.

Not a single invitee will pass by the stilt walkers indifferently. They are not only professional acrobats, but also part-time clowns. An explosive mixture of acrobatics and clownery leaves no chance for the holiday to pass boringly and unnoticed.

Where appropriate:

  • Welcome zones;
  • Open days and presentations;
  • Corporate events;
  • Children's mass holidays.

Acrobats and gymnasts

Both children and adults enjoy watching the performances of acrobats and gymnasts. It’s not surprising, because the breathtaking acrobatic stunts will impress any viewer. Moreover, professional artists who not only demonstrate classical programs, but also look for original ideas for their shows. How do you like the idea of ​​a trapeze gymnast lowering a gift for the birthday boy or a wedding cake from above?

There are many options for acrobatic and gymnastic performances. For example, artists combine acrobatic stunts and extreme sports in their performances, generously adding chemical special effects and aesthetic elements. When there are two participants in this show on stage, no one remains indifferent - neither women nor men.

Acrobatic surprises the audience no less. The professionalism and capabilities demonstrated by the participants, complex acrobatic elements, beauty and grace, bright costumes and appropriate music - the ICE duet organically combines all this.

Where appropriate:

  • Corporate events;
  • Children's public events;
  • Presentations and promotions;
  • Private events;
  • City celebrations;
  • Sports holidays.

Animal and bird trainers

Inviting a circus performer with an animal is an excellent alternative to animators and clowns at children's events, as well as an opportunity to add a fresh twist to any event where an adult audience gathers. Cats, dogs, parrots, snakes, pigeons, bears... - the list of those who participate in the trainer show is quite diverse. Fauna lovers will certainly find a suitable animal for themselves. The appearance of a python or crocodile will be truly exotic. The only thing you need to be sure is that animals do not cause negative emotions among the heroes of the occasion (especially if they are children). Trained animals, symbols of the year, look especially harmonious on the eve of New Year's corporate events. Photo sessions with a rooster, goat, monkey, rabbit - such fun will bring a lot of pleasure.

Anyone can immerse themselves in the atmosphere of France accompanied by beautiful music and admire the extraordinary tricks performed by trained pigeons if they invite the artist of the show “” with her feathered partners to the holiday. The program includes not only tricks, but also a photo session with pigeons for everyone.

Where appropriate:

  • Corporate events;
  • Children's public and private events;
  • Presentations;
  • Private events.


These are the artists about whom you can say that they do several things at once - and do them well. They stand in a seemingly unstable position, maintaining their balance, and demonstrate all sorts of tricks. Equilibrium on reels, hands, pedestal, numbers with hula hoops - the choice of programs is varied. Equilibrists have amazing control of their bodies and demonstrate colorful performances - that is why they are welcome guests at any holiday.

And so he won not only Russian but also foreign audiences with his virtuoso tricks with hula hoops. The way he masterfully twists them, few can replicate.

Where appropriate:

  • Corporate events;
  • Children holidays;
  • Welcome zones;
  • Private events;
  • City holidays;
  • Presentations.


Whose hands are not for boredom like those of jugglers. Any thing that ends up in the hands of these artists becomes a prop - balls, plates, rings, clubs and much more. Some even juggle burning objects. This process fascinates not only children, but also adults. Juggling is an intriguing, mesmerizing spectacle for any event.

Where appropriate:

  • Children holidays;
  • Corporate events;
  • Welcome zones;
  • Private events;
  • City holidays;
  • Presentations and promotions.


A clown for a children's party is a classic of the genre. And it doesn’t matter where the event takes place - in kindergarten, school or at home. The result will be the same - sonorous children's laughter, fun and joy. Do not write off clowns for events where adult audiences gather. The repertoire of experienced artists includes many programs for her.

At the performances of the main artists of the clown theater “Sasha” and “Castle”, not only children, but also adults can play pranks. Their kind humor creates a friendly atmosphere and brings people together. Do you want to do some mischief? Call "Khokhmachi".

Where appropriate:

  • Children's private and public parties;
  • Corporate events;
  • City holidays;
  • Promotions.

A review of circus artists was compiled by Valeria Nezhinskaya