Daria, friend. Daria pynzar Daria house 2 new participant

We purchased real estate in Turkey. Since then, the TV blonde has been with her children - 7-year-old Artem and 2 year olds David- lives in Alanya, occasionally visiting Moscow, and the head of the family lives in the capital. Internet users often criticize Daria for leaving her husband alone. Moreover, in Turkey, the 32-year-old ex-participant of the reality show leads a carefree lifestyle. Daria decided to dot all the i’s and explained why her husband was not against this arrangement.

« What makes you think that your ideas about a happy life suit me and my family? I live the way I want and my husband gives me this opportunity! I want to live at sea and he works for this every day and tries to achieve greater and greater success every day! He makes my dreams come true! I dreamed of living by the sea, I live there, I don’t work hard, I don’t iron his shirts, I go to clubs with my girlfriends and he allows me all this because he loves me! Taking care of me, as soon as possible, immediately drops everything and flies to me, gives the best to the children and me! Even separation, I’ll tell you, is good for you, when we are together we always have passion and a feeling of “honeymoon”, you can live your measured life as much as you like, but I want to enjoy every day! Thanks to my husband for this!” - Pynzar wrote in her microblog on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.).

Sergey and Daria Pynzari

By the way, Daria and Sergei’s eldest son went to first grade this year. Artem will study Turkey. The choice of the spouses is due to the fact that they are more impressed by the Turkish education system. According to Pynzar, local teachers approach the educational process more responsibly. So, within six months Artem began to speak English confidently.

Sergei and Daria with their eldest son Artem

Daria Chernykh married Sergei Pynzar in 2010 and took his last name. In the fall of 2010, the couple announced that they were expecting a child, which caused an unprecedented stir among wide circles of fans of the TV show. To spite all her ill-wishers, Daria continued to wear miniskirts until the last months of pregnancy and did not gain a single extra kilogram. In addition, Dasha participated in the “Lady Grace” competition, where she competed in fitness art with other participants of “House-2” and took first place, receiving a cash prize of 300 thousand rubles.

On July 23, 2011, their first child, Artem, was born. Sergei was present at the birth and stated that there is no happier person in the world than him. A year after the birth of his son, Sergei began to ask his wife to give birth to a daughter, but Dasha was not ready. In 2015, the blonde delighted her husband with the news of her second pregnancy. After this, the most famous couple of “House-2” left the television set and prepared for a significant event outside the cameras. In May 2016, the Pynzaris had a second son, who was named David.

In the spring, the reality show “Dom-2” will turn 14 years old. During this time, about 2 thousand participants visited the project, 16 weddings took place and 10 children were born. Agree, not so much, for a TV show the main goal of which is to “build” love. But what Dom-2 certainly does well is turn provincial, unknown girls into real celebrities.

At Dom-2, people become not only more famous, but also more attractive. It's no secret that producers pay participants for stylists, makeup artists, dentists and even plastic surgeons. Thus, the longest-running reality show in the world gives ordinary girls a ticket to a beautiful life, turning them into socialites, businesswomen, TV presenters, bloggers and actresses.

We have collected, in our opinion, the brightest and most successful former participants of “House-2” from the provinces.

Valeria Frost

Valeria Demchenko is 24 years old, she comes from the city of Lugansk. On the project, the girl built a relationship with Zakhar Salenko. This explosive couple caused a lot of noise on the television set. After an endless series of quarrels, fights and separations and reunions, Valeria and Zakhar were forced to leave the perimeter after a vote at which it was decided to expel Valeria. Zakhar immediately followed his beloved.

In real life, the couple's relationship did not work out. Zakhar turned out to be not the most hardworking man. After the breakup, Frost told fans that Zakhar’s dreams of a jewelry business, a tailoring studio, and traveling around the world remained just his dreams and it is unlikely that they will ever come true. Valeria, on the contrary, works a lot, provides for herself and helps her mother. Frost has her own clothing boutique, and the enterprising beauty also sells off her old clothes and accessories via Instagram.

Nelly Ermolaeva

Nelly was born in the city of Novokuibyshevsk. The girl came to the TV project in 2009. There she met her first husband Nikita Kuznetsov. This passionate couple became one of the brightest on the television project. After two years of marriage, Nellie and Nikita divorced, citing domestic difficulties as the reason. Kuznetsov returned to Dom-2, and Ermolaeva began to implement her ideas and plans in real life.

The girl managed to build a career as a TV presenter and create her own clothing brand. Now Ermolaeva is married to the famous restaurateur Kirill Andreev. On February 9 of this year, she gave birth to her first child in Miami.

Darina Markina

Yulia Salibekova

Yulia Salibekova was born and raised in Krasnodar, her maiden name is Kolisnichenko. She has a twin sister, Katya, with whom she came to the project together in 2010. On the project, Yulia found her love - the oriental handsome man Tigran Salibekov. But the relationship did not develop in the most rosy way; the couple either converged or diverged. Tigran doubted his feelings for the girl, and when he found out about her pregnancy, he refused to marry. In addition, the man’s parents were categorically against Yulia.

The Salibekov family managed to overcome all difficulties, Tigran realized his mistakes, and the couple finally got married. Now they are raising two sons together - Rolan and Eldar. The young couple performs at various events and has a successful karaoke club.

Alena Vodonoeva

Victoria Bonya

12 years ago, an unknown girl from the city of Krasnokamensk came to the Dom-2 project. On the project, Victoria Bonya built a relationship with Alena Vodonaeva’s ex-boyfriend, Stepan Menshchikov. The loud scandals of the couple had a beneficial effect on the ratings, so Victoria lived on the perimeter for almost a year.

After “House-2,” Bonya was in a civil marriage with the son of an Irish millionaire, Alexander Michael Smurfit, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, but last year the couple separated. Now Victoria is a nationally known TV presenter and socialite.

The ex-participant of “DOM-2” lives under the auspices of the star. After leaving the project, Dasha Druzyak began to gradually improve her life. She even managed to have an affair with a famous musician whom the whole country knows.

Dasha Druzyak
Photo: Anastasia Guryeva

Dasha Druzyak always stood out among the other participants. The girl often quarreled with her colleagues on the TV set, used foul language and even fought. The 29-year-old blonde never hid it - before joining the show, she dated men for money. Friends had influential sponsors who helped her financially. It seems that after leaving the perimeter of reality, the TV star decided not to change her behavior pattern. A nationally known artist became Daria's new patron.

“When I left the television project, I met singer Alexander Serov,” the ex-participant admitted to DOM-2 magazine. - We were introduced to each other by a friend. I always dreamed of communicating with the master in person. I remember listening to his songs as a child, standing in front of the mirror and imagining myself on the big stage.

All my life I wanted to sing and realize myself in the musical field. When I talked with Alexander Nikolaevich and told him about my difficult fate, the artist decided to help me. He invited me to visit the studio, gave some valuable advice, and shared his experience.”

A friend lives in one of Serov’s apartments
Photo: Social networks

Now Druzyak is constantly in touch with the performer of the hit “I love you to tears.” After leaving the show, the girl intrigued fans for some time and promised to talk about the joyful changes in life. Dasha repeatedly went on live broadcasts with subscribers and showed them the interiors of the luxurious apartment in which she now lives. As it turned out, the expensive living space was a generous gift from Serov himself.

“When Alexander found out that I had nowhere to live, he offered his help,” shares the “HOUSE-2” star. - He said that I could move into one of his available apartments. I was happy with this gift of fate and very grateful to the performer...

Participant name: Daria Druzyak

Age (birthday): 21.12.1988

City: Odessa, Belgorod

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TV viewers, who have been watching the construction of love on the famous reality show “Dom-2” for many years, are already accustomed to the fact that unusual and extraordinary people come to the project every now and then. At first it was impossible to say that the small girl Daria Druzhak was one of them, but time has shown that this fragile little body, at first glance, contains a very brave heart.

Childhood and adolescence

Daria Druzyak is from Ukraine. She was born in the hero city of Odessa on December 21, 1988. It was there that I first went to elementary school, and then to secondary school. Dasha was always the smallest in the class, so she had to prove that she was not the weakest in every possible way.

Firstly, Dasha Druzyak always studied very well and never brought home less than A’s and B’s. Parents were used to being proud of their daughter and enjoyed going to parent-teacher meetings.

In addition, the girl was active in public life. Dasha was involved in various clubs and never refused to take part in various competitions. She was also active in creative activities. She was distinguished by her diligence and diligence. It is not surprising that Daria Druzyak graduated from school with honors.

A little later, she and her family moved to Belgorod, where they still live.

She entered Belgorod and then graduated from an economics university with honors. True, I didn’t start working on the profession, but I became seriously interested in the foreign language and, having learned it almost perfectly, went to work as an English translator. The ambitious girl’s plans were to move to America to continue living there.

Dasha did not have serious relationships with young people and nothing really kept her here anymore. So the future participant of “House-2” would have left for distant lands, if not for the lucky chance that befell her!

As it turned out, Daria Druzyak, at 29 years old, has already tried five times to get on the TV project Dom 2, but for various objective and subjective reasons, the authorities never selected her. Well, the purposeful girl never managed to fulfill her dream and get on the famous TV show. And then suddenly - an invitation! And Dasha, without hesitation, canceled her trip to America, choosing a television project.

Daria Druzyak is a perfectionist by nature. In everything and always she strives for perfection. All her hobbies, both creative and sports, were just an easy test for her, which she overcame. Despite her short height, which is only 160 and weighs 45 kilograms, the girl even participated in several fashion shows.

But not a single direction seriously captured her, so She set her goal to participate in the reality show “Dom-2”, where, in her opinion, a person’s character and ability to cope with problems in front of the whole country are tested. And most importantly – where there is no “comfort zone”. It was there that she decided to find her true love and, in her own words, finally settle down.

Participation and accommodation at Dom-2

Daria Druzyak’s arrival at Dom-2 took place on March 5, 2018. Once again, we remind you, the fifth, Daria expressed and expressed sympathy for not the most attractive participant in the television set. And Daria came up with an extraordinary task for the young man in her own style: to find all five hearts drawn on her body.

And right on the execution site, the elderly Ilya, already in a relationship with his sister, carried out the task of the new participant with undisguised interest, to the laughter and encouragement of the crowd.

It must be said that Daria Druzyak not only remained on the project, but moreover, quickly ended up in the Seychelles, where she was clearly forced into an irresistible “love” for the cheeky one. Here is someone, but they are not made for each other!

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However, either the organizers suggested it, or, which is also quite possible, Dasha herself decided so, but it was she who tried to “concoct” a relationship with an inadequate, hairy guy in all places, clearly mocking all the girls and provoking the men.

The viewer will see what comes of this, but for now it’s a showdown with assault, throwing the girl’s things into the pool, forgetting her in the forest.

One thing is a huge plus for her. Dasha is not used to giving up! She also gives a worthy rebuff to a group of girls who swoop down on her alone in a flock. She gives a weak, but still, rebuff to Soroka. Although the forces in the latter case are clearly not equal.

Moreover, it is completely incomprehensible why at this time the leader of the islands was inflamed with sympathy for the provocateur of the Seychelles, Soroka? It’s noticeable on the air how clearly he’s playing along with the swindler in his dirty insinuations.

And, to be honest, with regards to Friends, Dasha is practically no actress. Well, it’s clearly clear that she doesn’t like this six-foot tall, red-haired moral monster. Perhaps you and I still don’t know Dasha well. Most likely, she plans to occupy the niche of the brawler Gozias.

Photo of Daria

Daria Pynzar is known to many TV viewers as one of the most prominent participants in the reality show “House 2”. While in the perimeter of the project, she got married and gave birth to two children.

Daria was born near Donetsk, in the small town of Yenakievo. Pretty soon she and her family moved to the Saratov region. The girl spent her childhood and adolescence in a settlement called Balakovo. At a young age, the girl experienced a terrible tragedy: Dasha was left without parents very early. Her older sister Natalya, who replaced her mother, was involved in her upbringing.

After graduating from high school, Daria Pynzar, at that time still Chernykh (Dasha’s maiden name), entered the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture, where she chose the design department. Studying was easy for the girl, but when she was in her third year, the idea came to her to take part in the country's highest-rated television show. She went through a series of castings, after which she ended up on the set of “House 2,” which managed to change her entire future life. It was with the scandalous project that Dasha’s biography in show business began.

Personal life at “House 2”

Daria Chernykh appeared on the set of “House 2” almost at the very end of 2007, on the eve of the New Year holidays, and immediately attracted the attention of participants and spectators with her frank confession of innocence. She made such a statement in order to emphasize that she intends to build a relationship only with a serious man. Quite quickly, Dasha found a common language with, who was more than 10 years older than her. But due to minor domestic quarrels, the couple fled.

Later, the young girl built a relationship with the main womanizer of the project, but she also soon broke up with him. Only when an athlete appeared on the project and began to look after the beauty, one of the strongest couples was formed in “House 2”. True, their mutual understanding did not always remain at its best: sometimes there were troubles and even scandals. But when Sergei proposed marriage to his beloved, their union grew even stronger.

Daria Chernykh married Sergei Pynzar in 2010 and took his last name. During the wedding, an unusual and romantic incident occurred. Even before the wedding, Sergei promised his bride that he would carry her to the doors of the registry office in his arms, but when Daria's future husband had already approached the doors, it turned out that the main entrance of the Wedding Palace was closed. The athlete did not lose his head and, without letting go of the bride, walked around the building. So the groom not only fulfilled his promise to bring Daria to this important building, but also symbolically walked around the registry office with her.

The celebration continued on the set of “House-2”, where the young family listened to many warm congratulations, and then Daria and Sergei released white doves, a symbol of love and peace. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Cuba. The trip became a wedding gift from Daria's sister.

Already in the fall of the same year, the public learned that there would be another child in “House 2”. Soon, despite the fact that Dasha was pregnant and the pregnancy was quite noticeable, Daria Pynzar became the winner of the “Lady Grace” competition as part of the project.

Pynzar Jr., whom it was decided to name Artem, was born on July 23, 2011. His father was present at his birth.

After the wedding and the birth of the child, Pynzari actually stopped participating in the project in the classical sense of the word. They moved from the site to a city apartment, and began appearing in “House-2” several times a week, playing the role of co-hosts rather than participants. The fact that the family hardly appears in front of cameras, but lives in living space paid for by the TV channel and receives a salary, outraged many fans.

Two years after the birth of their first child, the couple underwent a wedding ceremony, now in church confirming their decision to live their whole lives together.

In 2015, the management of “House 2” decided to close the city apartments, but the Pynzaris did not return to their housing on the site, which, moreover, was already occupied by new participants. Now the family lives in a three-room apartment. Daria is involved in the family business and takes part in various shows.

In May 2016, Daria Pynzar gave birth to her second baby, whom she named David. As with her first pregnancy, Dasha remained active - traveling, playing sports, taking care of herself.

That same year, when David grew up a little and Daria weaned him, Pynzar, her husband and eldest son, took a vacation to the UAE. Little David stayed at home. Daria explained this by saying that it is not advisable for children under one year to be exposed to sudden climate changes. A wave of criticism immediately hit Daria. Daria responded to her ill-wishers, saying that happy children grow up only with happy parents, which means that family members sometimes need to rest and devote time to each other and to themselves, and not just to the small child.

The couple have their own business - an online clothing store, for which the owners themselves advertise. In 2012, the couple opened their own boutique, and in honor of this, Pynzari organized a real celebration. The presentation of the new boutique was prepared and conducted by Daria herself.

Conflict with the Gusevs

In 2013, fans were upset by a rumor that Daria had fallen out with her best friend. Daria’s faithful friend on the perimeter of the reality show “House 2” for a long time was another famous TV personality -. After each got married, the girls continued to be friends with their families. Daria became the godmother of Evgenia's son Daniel.

The relationship between the girls began to deteriorate after Zhenya left the reality show. The discord between the girls began on New Year's Eve. Dasha and Zhenya wanted to celebrate the holiday together - two families - in the Gusevs' rented house on Rublyovka. The management of the TV channel intervened in the plans of the girlfriends, and Pynzari was forced to remain on the perimeter. Evgenia did not support her friend and went with her husband to celebrate the New Year with wealthy friends.

Evgenia shared her opinion about what was happening with the press. According to her, Daria herself stopped maintaining a relationship with her friend who left the project and paying attention to her godson. In 2015, the conflict reached its peak. Anton Gusev asked subscribers how to change a child’s godmother. At this point, the resonance around the situation subsided, but warm relations between the families never resumed.

Daria Pynzar - godmother of the Gusevs' son

Fans of the project believe that the real reason for the disagreement between the friends is business. Both the Gusevs and the Pynzaris were engaged in the clothing trade and were competitors.


Being pregnant for the second time, Dasha Pynzar, together with the daughter of a famous fashion designer, as well as with the director, appeared in another television project - the second season of the show “Pregnant”, which airs on the Domashny channel.

In November 2016, Pynzari became guests of the show “Wedding Size,” hosted by. Compared to the usual participants in the program, the people from “House 2” looked slim, but the spouses expressed a strong desire to lose weight. In the end, they passed the diet test together and with honor.

Plastic surgery

Note that Dasha Pynzar openly discussed the issue of breast surgery with her friends on the Dom-2 set, and later spoke about it in several interviews. The girl is not ashamed of the fact of plastic surgery, saying that she always wants to be beautiful for her husband, and breastfeeding has changed her ideal shape.

Daria Pynzar now

Now Daria is already making plans for her third child. In an interview, Pynzari admitted to the press that they now want a girl, the couple are determined and are planning the birth of a child, most likely, in 2018. The TV personality always wanted sons and was very happy about both her first-born and her second child, but now she dreams that a girl will finally be born.

To make her dream of a daughter come true, Daria contacted the perinatal center in advance, where, after a genetic study, she would be prescribed special nutrition or medications.

Pynzar loves shopping and traveling to exotic, warm countries. Recently, Dasha has visited Thailand, the Maldives, Cuba and other tropical resorts.