Why do you dream about a bat, a bat bite, or a lot of bats? Basic interpretations - why do you dream about a bat? Why do bats dream?

Seeing a bat in a dream means learning about the death of a loved one or about a serious illness in children.
Killing a bat in a dream means getting rid of a mortal enemy or being cured of a serious, dangerous illness.
To see a bat flying around the room in a dream means that you will rejoice at the misfortune of your sworn enemy.

A bat in flight, seen in a dream, symbolizes your enemies. Moreover, if you dream about it in daylight and you can clearly distinguish it, the danger threatening you is small; but if you dream of a bat flying at night, know that you are in serious danger. The bat warns young lovers about an insidious rival or rival who, with their intrigues, will hinder the union of the young couple for a long time.

Dreamed bat portends sorrows and suffering that will be caused to you by people unknown to you. If in a dream you marry a bat, the dream promises that you will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

The psychological meaning of a dream in which a bat dreamed:
Bats were considered by early Christians to be the "birds of the devil" due to their association with darkness and their resemblance to rats. They share the devil's sexual lust. In addition, a vampire bat in your dream may symbolize a person in your life who is energetically draining your self-confidence or your resources.
The mystical meaning of a dream in which a bat dreamed:
Seeing one of the bats in a dream means a universal feeling of disgust towards these harbingers of disaster. They are considered an omen of death and injury. Because of their blindness, they are also believed to warn of danger to the eyes. Fortunately, such superstitions also have an antidote to bad dreams: simply carry bat bones in your pocket and you will experience no harm. Additionally, in some parts of Europe it is believed that a bat's right eye, carried in a vest pocket, will make you invisible.

Dreaming of bats in a dream symbolizes uncleanliness, demons, and troubles. Additionally, bats represent rebirth and unrealized potential. You must let go of old habits. Your current path is not compatible with new growth and new goals. The dream may also indicate some unknown situations and in which you are blind. If you find yourself in such a situation or transaction, you must evaluate the facts more carefully.
Seeing a white bat in a dream means the death of one of the family members. Seeing a black bat in a dream means personal disaster.
Dreaming of a vampire bat warns that a certain person in your life may be draining your self-confidence and/or resources.
According to Chinese folklore, if you see five bats in your dream, it symbolizes good health, longevity, pace, wealth and happiness.

A bat in a dream symbolizes intuition. Some, such as the Australian aborigines, see in her the spirit of death. Its black color is often seen as evil, suggesting the unknown, or the unconscious.

Bats in real life are characterized by invisibility. They have a secret weapon or special gift. They have a high perspective and understanding. A dream about a bat can mean:

  • You have too many bat qualities, or that you could benefit from having less of them
  • You do not have the qualities inherent in volatiles and that you could gain by having more of them
  • Someone or something in your real life with whom or what you associate one of these qualities (events, situations, threats, etc.)
For more information, pay attention to what the animal did in your dream, or any specific characteristic that it stood out for.

If you dream that you are flying with bats, this dream suggests that you have touched danger somewhere or something that has an uncertain effect.
To dream that you have caught a bat means that you will achieve significant profits and overcome your fears.
To dream that you are afraid when you see a bat means that you should not trust even your friends.
To dream that you are not afraid of bats means that you have mysterious offers.

Popular Arabic interpretations of a dream in which a bat dreamed:
  • If you dreamed of a bat, it means that someone is trying to harm you - you must protect yourself.
  • If in a dream you defended yourself from a bat, it means that your self-defense is necessary.

The fate of the unfortunate man who dreamed of this ugly animal is terrible. Sorrows and disasters from the masters of evil work against you. The death of parents and friends, loss of limbs or vision, may follow a dream in which you saw these disgusting monsters. A white bat is almost a sure sign of death. Often the death of a child follows this dream.

The meaning of a dream about a bat depends on how you reacted to it. If you were afraid of a bat in a dream, it means that you should avoid immodest discussions of your affairs, but if you were not afraid of it, it means that you will receive a new offer that will be profitable.

In a dream, we may see various pictures, meetings with various people and animals. Why do you dream about a bat? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about a bat - basic interpretation

A bat dreams of troubles and troubles, illnesses and losses. It is worth paying special attention to the remaining details of the dream and interpreting it in its entirety:

Where did the bat come from in your dream;

Were there several bats?

Have you been bitten by a bat?

Have you been attacked by a bat?

Who else participated in your dream;

Did the bat talk to you?

What emotions visited you during and after sleep.

So, a bat that unexpectedly appears in your house means that you are expecting a meeting with uninvited guests. An unpleasant visit may await you, which will end in a quarrel. If you see that a bat is rushing around your house and cannot find a way out, such a dream means that troubles will wash over you, and you will also look for a way out of a difficult situation.

The dream book advises to approach the problem wisely and not to rush things. You will not be able to radically change anything, since you need all the difficulties for further development. If you see that a bat has landed on your bed, expect trouble in your personal life. A difficult conversation with your other half awaits you. You will not be able to find a common language with your lover for a long time. Try to spend more time with him now. If you act wisely, you will be able to avoid conflicts.

If you dream that someone outside is releasing a bat into your house, you should beware of lies and betrayal. The one who calls himself your friend is actually your enemy. You should not trust strangers so unconditionally, otherwise you will have to pay dearly for it.

If you dream that a bat lands on your shoulder, look for the cause of your troubles and troubles within yourself. You are too demanding of others and forgive yourself a lot. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your shortcomings and eliminate them.

Were you bitten by a bat in a dream? You should be wary of health problems. Such a dream can also warn you against thoughtless spending and unexpected expenses. If you see that you feel very bad after a bat bite, or you even die from it, you should seriously take care of your health in reality.

The troubles and problems that overcome you will affect your health. If you see a bat attacking someone else and not touching you, you will witness someone else's defeat. In reality, you can help this person and make a true friend.

If a bat speaks to you in a dream, remember what exactly it wants to tell you. This may be information that is quite important for you, which you do not have enough to make a strong-willed decision.

If in a dream you are attacked by a huge number of bats, try not to take everything too seriously in reality. Yes, troubles and defeats await you, but if you ask for support and help in time, you can avoid terrible consequences.

If in a dream it seems to you that you yourself will turn into a bat, you yourself will begin to create problems for other people. Try to stop looking down on them. You, just like them, make mistakes. Don’t be too harsh with your loved ones - you may quarrel with them for a long time and seriously.

If you dream that you turned into a bat after being bitten, you will begin to live differently after the negative influence of another person on you. Perhaps someone is already making you angry and provoking you to negative emotions. Limit your interactions with this person and try to maintain self-confidence.

If you dream that a bat woke up during the day and is flying outside, you will have to radically change your plans. Be prepared for such changes. Think about how to protect yourself from unexpected negative consequences.

A bat that falls dead to the ground in a dream means your victory over your enemy in reality. You will learn to make the right decisions in a stressful situation and become more confident. Finally, you will find a goal worth pursuing. The dream book foretells you only positive changes after such a dream.

Why do you dream about a bat according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says why a bat dreams. Such a dream portends losses and disappointments in your personal life. You will not be able to establish a relationship with your significant other for a long time after a dream in which a bat bites you.

Someone will plan to put you and your lover at odds, to introduce hostility into your relationship. The dream book advises you to trust not rumors, but your intuition and your partner. Otherwise, you can really lose the relationship.

If in a dream you see your beloved turning into a bat, such a dream could mean betrayal on her part. Perhaps you already have a rival who is trying to destroy your relationship.

If a woman dreams that a bat bites her, in reality she already has an insidious rival. She has destroyed more than one relationship. The dream book advises a woman to try with all her might to maintain the relationship and prevent a breakup. Otherwise, she will not be able to recover from this loss for a long time.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a bat, she should take care of her health; perhaps it may deteriorate. She shouldn't date unpleasant people anytime soon. Such meetings can lead to stress.

Seeing a lot of little bats means troubles and worries. If bats fly around you in a dream and make an unpleasant sound, your reputation will suffer. You won't be able to restore it.

To see only a bat bite on your hand in a dream means an old relationship will make itself felt. But the dream book does not advise you to get involved in this adventure. Nothing good will come of resuming your relationship.

Why do you dream about a bat according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that a bat dreams of health problems and even death. If you dream of a dead bat, your troubles and losses will soon end. Relief will await you after a protracted illness.

If you dream that you yourself have turned into a bat, negative thoughts will overcome you. You will become angry and resentful of life. The dream book advises you to monitor your emotions and not give in to despondency, otherwise you risk losing important connections and contacts.

If you dream that someone you know has turned into a bat, expect betrayal and unpleasant surprises from this person. To lose your health, you have a dream in which a bat bites you. It will be a sudden illness.

If you hand feed a bat in a dream, you can quickly find a solution to your problem. You yourself will find a way out of a difficult situation. The dream book does not advise panicking in reality; it advises looking for a way out of the situation on your own.

If in a dream you happened to talk to a bat, in reality you will have an unpleasant conversation with a person who is wiser than you and more confident in himself. This person will play an important role in your development. Try to remember what exactly is being discussed in your conversation. Perhaps you will receive an important hint on how you should live further.

Why do you dream about a bat according to other dream books?

Miller’s dream book says that if you see a lot of bats in a dream, misfortune and loss await you. The dream book advises you to take care of the health of your loved ones if you see bats attacking you. Such a dream may also warn you against placing too much faith in others. You are too open and tell a lot to strangers. It's time to keep everything a secret.

If you dream of a white bat, this is a very sad sign. There will be losses in your family, someone will get very sick. You can still change the situation if you provide timely help to someone in need of protection and support.

The Home Dream Book says that if you dream of a bat hanging upside down, try to look at the situation differently, perhaps you do not want to see the logical way to resolve it. It is worth restraining emotions and avoiding quarrels and scandals. There is no need to zealously defend your rights; it is enough to explain your position. No matter how negative the dream may seem, no matter what events it foreshadows, you yourself build your reality. Dreams only suggest and warn.

Bats, as a rule, do not appear in our dreams as often as other animals and birds. However, such a dream is always remembered, because there is something magical and mysterious about a winged animal.

Brief meaning of a dream about a bat according to various dream books (Miller, Maya, etc.)

According to various dream books, bats do not always portend danger. Sometimes it's just a sign to think about it. Actions - the animal's or your own - are also of great importance.

A dream about a bat can warn of danger

  • Gypsy dream book. Gypsies interpret the bat as a good omen. It means that all everyday troubles and troubles will resolve themselves without causing you harm. But a mouse hanging upside down is already a warning that a small problem can “inflate” into major troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation by D. Lynn. According to Denise Lynn's dream book, a bat seen in a dream can mean: fears of something unknown; liking a specific idea; your grumpy behavior. For a person who is at a crossroads and cannot decide on a choice in life, seeing the night “flyer” is a favorable sign, calling for complete reliance on intuition. Answers to questions can be found by listening to yourself. Another interpretation of a bat is an indication of strange, unpredictable and incomprehensible behavior for others.
  • Dream book of the Mayan Indians. According to the ancient interpretation of the Mayan tribe, which remains relevant to this day, a bat seen in a dream can be both a good and a bad sign. A flying mouse promises a quick journey. A dead animal means illness. Indians consider the appearance of a mouse in dreams a sign of internal rebirth, increased vitality and increased insight.
  • Miller's dream book interprets the bat as a negative symbol, predicting: numerous troubles and sorrows; illness of a person from your close circle; serious injury in the near future. It also signifies your fear of the unknown.
  • Dream book of E. Tsvetkova. According to the esoteric dream book, a winged creature is a sign of death or a symbol of unexpected major troubles. Such a dream indicates depression; loss of spirit; imminent nervous breakdown; impending depression.
  • According to Nina Grishina’s interpretations, a winged mouse is a symbol of evil spirits embodied in a dream. He brings with him misfortunes or sorrows, sometimes bad news or severe disappointment.
  • Jung's Dream Book. Dreams with one bat or a flock symbolize a series of negative events and various troubles in real life. They should be expected in the near future.
  • According to the interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, the dream foreshadows disasters and numerous sorrows. The imminent death of someone close to you is possible.
  • The transcript of Simon the Canaanite says that after such a dream, miraculous abilities will be revealed and you will be able to sense hidden natural forces. If a mouse falls into your hands, expect life changes.
  • According to Fedorovskaya, the dream speaks of a fire breaking out among your neighbors. If a mouse flew into your room in a dream, expect a difficult conversation with your superiors.

Depending on the gender of the dreamer

For men, seeing their own marriage with a bat in a dream means getting a real beauty as their wife. But for women, according to the Eastern dream book, a dream about a bat is a good omen, promising happiness.

Just a note. For a couple in love, such a dream speaks of insidious intrigues on the part of an opponent (or rival) aimed at destroying the relationship.

Depending on the number: if you dream of one or several, a flock

One animal with wings symbolizes the dubiousness and unreliability of the business you have started. It can result in loss of reputation, large debts or problems with the law. Another dream like this means suffering from a person unknown to you.

One mouse in a sleeping state speaks of the development of the subconscious, as well as a favorable and quick solution to a complex issue.

Important to know. Seeing a bat in a dream shortly before changing housing is not good. This promises troubles on the road when moving or a short stay in a new place.

A huge flock of mice hovering in the distance - to the favorable completion of affairs hidden from others.

Bat color: white and black

A bat in your hands in a dream speaks of your helplessness in the face of events unfolding in life.

  • Usually bats are seen in their usual appearance - dark gray, almost black. However, if the mouse appeared in a dream not like that, but white, this means a serious warning. Those who do not become persistent and prudent are in danger, even death. According to modern interpretations, this is a symbol of spiritual death, not physical. Perhaps spiritual reincarnation and the beginning of a new life path await you.
  • A black animal means darkness in thoughts and soul; Perhaps you are very offended by someone or are jealous, obsessed with revenge or planning a bad deed.
  • Gray winged creatures in a dream bring troubles, misfortunes, and promise injury or wounds - both for you and for your loved ones.
  • According to the French dream book, for parents a white rodent means the loss or death of a child.
  • For a lonely person, a white mouse means the appearance of bad premonitions. Although they do not come true, they interfere with sober thinking.

Actions with a bat: attacks, bites, etc.

  • Watching the flight of bats means the emergence of prophetic abilities; it may be worth relying on intuition in real life to predict upcoming events.
  • If a rodent chases you, tries to dive, or bumps into you by accident, this is a symbol that you are afraid of the world around you. A flock attacking from different sides - to numerous complaints from colleagues, superiors and household members. A flock chasing you on your heels means an unreasonable fear of persecution.
  • Defeating an aggressive animal in battle is a symbol of your readiness to face life's troubles, and the advantage will be on your side. If you failed to win, and you suffered bites or abrasions, this bodes ill.
  • Catching a mouse with your hands that is desperately resisting and trying to escape means future great successes: completing complex projects, receiving huge benefits, and getting a promotion.
  • If you dreamed of a mouse looking into your window, expect mystical events related to the other world to appear in your life.
  • A mouse walking across your body is a sign that you are a vampire (energy) or are moving in the wrong direction in life, promising collapse.
  • An animal flying around your room in a dream is a sign of sudden departure; sometimes this is interpreted as bad changes in life and the search for income abroad. If a mouse circles under the ceiling, a long journey to a distant country awaits you.
  • If the bat you dreamed of appears and then disappears in a cave, this means fear of yourself.

A mouse flew into the house in a dream - in reality a sudden departure

  • Catching a flying mouse means rising above unfavorable circumstances; the support of friends and relatives is not excluded.
  • Seeing an animal in its usual position, hanging upside down, is a sign that you should look at important issues from a different angle. Sometimes this can be interpreted as a recommendation to completely change your life, turn it upside down.
  • Seeing many sleeping animals is a sign of heightened intuition and successful resolution of difficult situations with the help of subconscious sensations.
  • Watching countless animals soaring in the air (when you get the feeling that they are everywhere) is a sign of awakening vague clairvoyance.
  • A night guard tangled in your hair or sitting on your head means the possible death of a close relative or negative changes in your life. It can also mean a strong negative influence of an older woman on your life.
  • Marrying a bat is a good sign; This is for a friendly and happy family life.
  • Throw a stone at a mouse - witness a fire.
  • A mouse biting you means the emergence of primitive fears, dark thoughts, and withdrawal into oneself.
  • Killing a winged animal in a dream is one of the most favorable signs, bringing relief to the soul, inner peace and harmony with oneself. It also means victory over your inner fears, elimination of problems, disappearance of troubles.
  • Seeing a mouse dead means a serious illness.

Interesting to know. If you dreamed of a mouse in daylight, it is clearly visible - the dream is favorable. Then all negative interpretations are reduced to a minimum, and there is no real danger for you. Things are much worse when mice dream of under the cover of darkness.

To decipher dreams about bats as accurately as possible, do not forget to pay attention to their actions and surroundings. Perhaps it contains a hint on how to correct a negative situation.

For many people, bats are a mystical symbol that brings danger, anxiety and fear. Few people want to meet a nocturnal animal in reality. What does a dream in which a bat portends?

Meaning of a dream about a bat

Bats appear in dreams when a person is facing change or is afraid of the unknown.

  • If you see a bat in your house, expect uninvited guests in your house. The dream book warns that the meeting may end in a quarrel.
  • The animal flies around the room and cannot find a way out of the room - the dreamer will face difficulties from which he will try to find the right way out.
  • A bat on your bed promises an unpleasant conversation and a difficult relationship with your partner.
  • A dream in which someone from your circle launches a bat into your house foreshadows betrayal and lies on the part of this person.
  • A dream in which an animal sits on your shoulder has a negative meaning. Most likely, you yourself are the source of your troubles and problems, since you place too high demands on those around you and your family. You should look at yourself from the outside and begin to fight your shortcomings.
  • An alarming dream in which the dreamer was bitten by a flying animal warns of a deterioration in his health and is a warning against unplanned expenses. Extra expenses will negatively affect your financial situation in the future.
  • To see how an animal attacks but does not touch you - friends or relatives need your help.
  • A talking bat dreams of imminent changes and promises an important decision in reality. What she says in a dream is important information that you should listen to.
  • A flock of bats attacking the dreamer symbolizes disappointment and minor troubles. Help from those closest to you will help you overcome problems.
  • Seeing a nocturnal animal in the daytime foreshadows dramatic changes in the professional and personal sphere.
  • If a bat flies and then suddenly falls to the ground dead, the dreamer will experience success and victory in a difficult life situation.

Freud's Dream Book

  • According to Freud's dream book, a person who dreams of a bat will be disappointed in his partner. It’s worse if she bites you, such a dream promises a quarrel and conflict with your lover. This is due to rumors, slander and slander. You should trust your partner so as not to lose him.
  • Seeing your chosen one transform into a bat means betrayal or warns of the appearance of a rival.
  • For a woman, a dream in which an animal bites her means a rival who dreams of destroying her family.
  • For a pregnant woman, sleep can be a warning about deterioration in health. She should be more attentive to her health and avoid stress so as not to harm the baby.
  • A bat making unpleasant piercing sounds means your reputation may be shaken. Beware of slander and gossip.
  • Seeing an animal bite on the body means the return of a former lover. The Dream Interpretation does not advise entering into this relationship again, as it will not have a successful continuation.

Miller's Dream Book

  • According to Miller’s dream book, bats promise the dreamer trouble, sadness, and trouble. Possible loss of a loved one, mental trauma.
  • If you dream of a white bat, the dream warns of danger. Your loved ones are in trouble. They need help or support from you.
  • A bat bite in a dream means financial ruin.

Interpretation of sleep according to other popular dream books

  • Vanga's dream book advises the dreamer who dreamed of a nocturnal animal to cleanse his aura. A person himself attracts negativity and troubles.
  • Tsvetkov's dream book warns of impending trouble. If you dreamed about a bat sleeping, you will be able to avoid difficult problems.
  • The esoteric dream book claims that bats in a dream are a symbol of success and improved well-being in all areas of life. But if they dreamed of being dead, it foreshadows illness or loss of vitality.

No matter what unpleasant events the dream foretells, you should not completely trust the dream book. Dreams only tell us what to do in a given situation, warn us about danger and make us think about our lives.

Be on guard, sadness, distress, possible death of someone close, loss of vision or limb;
a white bat is almost always a harbinger of death, which most often happens to children.
Also see Mouse.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a Bat in a dream

The bat foretells sorrows and suffering that will be caused to you by people unknown to you. If in a dream you marry a bat, the dream promises that you will marry the most beautiful woman in the world.

Interpretation of dreams from the French dream book

Meaning of the dream Bat

This is a harbinger of serious troubles for which you may not be ready. Usually such a dream is a sign of an extremely depressed state of mind, which can result in illness, nervous breakdowns and severe psychological trauma. Often the image of a bat is also a reflection of your vague premonitions about the approach of some kind of trouble.

In general, after such a dream, it will be useful for you to stock up on courage, and even better, try to look at life from the bright side.

After all, bats in a dream: this is primarily a consequence of the darkness that lurks in the depths of your soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Interpretation of the dream Bat

To dream that a bat is flying around the room means a sudden departure.

Bats in any other conditions are a symbol of disasters, troubles, and worries.

Injury or death of one of your loved ones is possible.

A white bat is a sign of death.

But this dream is a warning: you must be careful and show resistance to troubles.

Not everything is so scary: an old dream book from 1900 promises night orgies for those who saw bats in their dreams.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does a Bat predict in a dream?

Bat - sadness, bad news, misfortune / to participate in a night orgy.

To watch their flight in the darkness, to feel as if everything around you is filled with them - a vague clairvoyance awakens in you.

Bats chase you, they stumble upon you in the dark - a symbol of your fear of the world of reality, which prevents you from living.

Seeing sleeping bats is an image of the power of darkness and evil force / bad time.

Seeing a lot of different bats outside the window looking in means touching with your thoughts the kingdom of primordial chaos / the invasion of phenomena of an alien world into your life.

Seeing bats walking around your body means being possessed by a demon, going to the abyss / feeling your own vampirism.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

What does it mean to see a bat in a dream?

If she flies, then small problems may arise.

If it hangs upside down, problems will develop into something more.

A bat floating in the air - all minor troubles will quickly and easily disappear.

If the bat hangs upside down, this means that minor troubles can turn into big problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

Interpretation of the dream Bat

If you dreamed that a bat was flying somewhere, then very soon you will have to travel. To make your trip enjoyable, eat some exotic fruits before bed.

If you dreamed of a dead bat, the gods have deprived you of their protection and it is easier than ever for you to catch some kind of disease. To protect your immunity, drink half a glass of warm milk before bed.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

Dream prediction Bat

closely connected with evil spirits.

Ukrainians consider her a friend of the devil, Poles - an evil spirit, the soul of a sleeping witch and a vampire, Belarusians - the soul of a deceased sorcerer, Lusatians - a vampire, Russians - a kikimora.

Interpretation of dreams from
For American Indians, the bat was a symbol of shamanic intuition and rebirth.

The bat disappears into the darkness of a womb-like cave and reappears from there: this sign may appear to you before you decide to explore the deepest fears and the unknown that lives within you.

After symbolic death, you will experience the joy of rebirth and renewal.

Interpretation of dreams from