How to open your own brand. Logo

In this issue we will talk abouthow to create a brandin 10 steps. It doesn’t matter whether you build a brand yourself or entrust this work to professionals, these 10 simple basicswill help you build a really cool brand that will bring good dividends over time.

Below we will look at how to create your brand in 10 steps. Everyone knows the saying “the devil is in the details”; this saying can be safely applied in this case. Sometimes details that seem insignificant at first glance play a key role in the success of a brand.

A successful brand must have everything perfect, from a well-defined company mission to beautiful branded packaging. We will try to go through the most important details in creating a brand that must be taken into account.

Step No. 1 " Marketing research"

It is very important to study the market you are planning to enter. Analyze all possible competitors. Survey the target audience.

Step No. 2 "

Brand positioning- this is an idea that will distinguish your brand from hundreds of others. Positioning is often called “the company’s mission.” Let's look at examples of brand positioning using the auto business as an example.

Examples of positioning famous car brands:

Mercedes– prestige;

Ferrari- speed;

Volvo- safety.

It is also worth understanding that these are not just beautiful mottos in order to stand out from the general background. These criteria are the main ones when creating cars for each of these companies. Accordingly, when a buyer chooses one of these companies, he knows in advance what he will receive upon purchase.

Step No. 3" Title development»

At first glance, it may show that there is nothing simpler than writing several dozen suitable options and choosing the best one. But not everything is so simple! You need to understand that the name must evoke the necessary emotions in the client, it must sound good (after all, it will be used in advertising slogans, etc.), and it must reflect the “mission” of the company. As in the example above with car brands.

Step No. 4 " Trade registration brand"

To register a trademark, you will need to contact the federal executive body for intellectual property, or rather, FIPS. After this, you will need to fill out all the necessary documents, fill out an application for trademark registration and send the necessary documents to the patent office (FIPS).

The registration amount can range from 12,000 to 16,0000 rubles, depending on the class of the ICGS. There are also companies that, for a fee, will help do most of the work for you, help you draw up paperwork, etc.

Step No. 5 “Logo development”

At this stage, you need to come up with a type of logo for your brand. Here you can go in 2 ways: 1) do everything yourself, 2) involve a third-party company or freelancer. If this is a serious company, of course you can’t do it without the help of a studio or a freelancer and a professional designer. When creating a brand from scratch, there is no need to rush, because the logo will be the face of the company and will be on all advertising brochures and other information related to the company.

The amount for logo development can be completely different. Sometimes on large forums you can see a thread with the task: “Develop a logo for a company,” naturally with a prize fund for the winner. And people send in their sketches on this topic, and at the end of the month the owner chooses the best option and makes it the logo for his new company. This is certainly not a standard approach to creating a logo, but many companies use this method.

Step No. 6 “Choosing a corporate identity”

Corporate style is needed to highlight the company’s features and highlight its individuality. Today, corporate symbols are an integral part of the image for a company of any level. A correctly chosen style helps a product or brand to be recognizable, inspires confidence in the buyer, etc., etc. But this is the essence of creating a brand.

Step No. 7 “Creating a Brand Character”

Everything here is ambiguous, many successful companies know their character, but there are hundreds of other companies that do not use them. It all depends on the company and its vision for marketing the company. Therefore, each company decides for itself whether to use characters in creating a brand or not.

Famous brand characters:

  • Nestle– a brown rabbit named Quickie;
  • Marlboro- cowboy.

In addition, each character has its own feature, for example, Marlboro cowboy (heroic character), Kwiki the rabbit (Nestle) friend character. This approach has worked quite well, because we know many brands precisely by their characters.

Step No. 8 “Creating packaging"

Each brand must have its own unique packaging with the brand logo, corporate colors and all other attributes.Many especially foreign brands manage to make such packaging that after purchasing the product, the box or packagingI don’t even want to cut it, they make it that good.

It might seem like a trifle, but such things create additional sympathy for the brand. Of course, no one will buy your products just because of one box, but high-quality packaging will be a definite plus for the client’s relationship with the brand.

Step No. 9 “Brand Promotion”

In brand promotion or promotion, there is no ideal formula that would work in all cases. After all, each niche has its own most profitable ways of promotion. In addition, a lot depends on your financial capabilities, the level of competition, etc., etc.

Therefore, if you do not have skills in brand promotion, it is better to hire professionals who do this every day. They will draw up a rough promotion plan for you depending on your budget, give you useful advice, etc.

Step No. 10 “Development of an advertising concept”

This step is closely related to the previous one. Typically, an advertising concept is developed at the promotion stage or before it begins. For these purposes, again, you should turn to professionals who will do all the work for you.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating a brand

Brand development has both its pros and cons. Of course, there are many more advantages, but the disadvantages also need to be taken into account. Because it's easier said than done. And if a brand does not keep its word, such a brand will never be in demand among customers.



    The ability to attract new customers (by standing out from competitors);

    Increased cost of production;

    Customers for life (if the buyer likes your product, he will always prefer your products to those of your competitors).

    All products must be consistent with the brand image. Otherwise, it will have a very negative impact on the brand as a whole. If your motto is quality, all products should be of better quality than competitors, etc.

Now you know the basics of how to create a brand and what steps you need to take to do this. Remember that knowledge is worthless if it is not put into practice. Therefore, if you have long wanted to create a brand, but never dared to go for it, why not do it today.

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Every day, not even a year, but every day, the competition becomes stronger and stronger. Giant companies appear that bite off a large piece of the pie from the clients under the cream. Small competitors appear who also nibble off a piece of the market with a dessert spoon. In order not to lose in this race, there are more than 5000+ ways of marketing. But if you plan to go for a long time and steadily, then it’s time for you to deal not only with chips, but also with longer-term tasks. Namely, think about how to create a brand out of your company.

If you think that the word “brand” means the process of creating a logo or slogan, then you are mistaken. Everything is much more global than it seems. Also, if you think that a brand is pathos and great amount money for , I hasten to disappoint you. This is often the case with well-known companies that aggressively promote their brand to the masses.

In fact, the word brand hides much more: the company’s values, its recognition among consumers, etc.. All this is part of why the client decides to buy from you. And, as I already said, if you plan to do business “for the long haul,” then you can’t go anywhere without creating your own brand. Although at the beginning of my marketing journey I thought completely differently.

Do I need it?

Let's do it right away. If you don’t want to create your own brand, then either the market will force you to do it or throw you out of its orbit. Naturally, you can earn a little money from sales without a brand. This also happens. But if you look at the big players, you won’t find a single one among them that works without it.

You already have a company, a name and perhaps even a logo. If you have been working for a long time, then you have a corporate style, and maybe even a guideline. Right off the bat, we can say that you have a created brand. Well, let's check everything scientifically, not by eye.

Please answer the questions below right now to see which of us gets candy for being right in our thinking:

  1. Does your company have a mission? What is it?
  2. Do you know your clients? Who are they? How do they feel about your company?
  3. What advantages do your products and company have?
  4. What impression should clients have of you?

Stop! This raises the question: “Why is mission, values, customers, benefits, and experience mentioned when evaluating a brand?” All questions are some kind of philosophical, without specifics, this is true. Because the very concept of “brand” is often misinterpreted in the world. For most entrepreneurs, it's just a logo and slogan that is advertised everywhere. But in reality it is much broader.

A brand is associations, ideas, fantasies: and even emotions that arise in the consumer’s head when your company is mentioned. In fact, this is an abstraction that pops up in the head, which is precisely created by the logo, colors, slogans and other things.

We will discuss what is needed to develop a company brand in the next chapter. Still, the article should contain clear instructions, not fragmentary knowledge. But before that I want to warn you. Creating a company brand is only a small part of a larger task called branding.

Branding is the work of creating and “promoting” a brand to form a positive image and associations in the minds of consumers.

If you manage to do everything according to Feng Shui, the result will make you the king of the copper mountain. The risk will be justified by the list of advantages that you will receive after completing this extensive work. Here are some of them:

  • Correct perception of your company;
  • Increased recognition among competitors;
  • Reducing drawdowns during a crisis;
  • Increase in the number of loyal customers;
  • Increased employee loyalty.

All this leads not to mythical benefits, but to quite measurable ones, which will be reflected in the company’s personal account. Therefore, the creation process must begin now, although no, it should have started yesterday. And the reason for all this is one.

The road is life-long

Bad news. Branding involves a fairly long sequence of actions to develop a company. No one knows exactly what it takes to create a strong brand that will last forever. This is a job with blurred boundaries. The only thing we know is that it occurs in 5 directions:

All these stages of creating a brand should be, at each of them you solve the required tasks. If we look at them from a special angle, we can see duplication. If it’s easier for you, you can divide the brand into: product, place, price and promotion. This is quite rude.

What should I do?

It is important to understand the specific creation algorithm, the sequence of steps and actions that will bring you closer to a strong brand. We have looked at the directions that generally describe the situation. Now let's look at each one under a microscope. And we will define 11 steps (all books boil down to them), each of which is responsible for one of the previously studied areas.

Big idea

What the brand is created for and what image the company will promote with its help. This can also be called the key message that you will convey to your customers in all your communications. In our case, “only an integrated approach (marketing, sales and personnel) will lead the company to stable and predictable sales.”

Example 1: The shoe company “Geox” conveys the idea of ​​​​healthy shoes. In addition to the fact that it is made from high-quality materials, it is made taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person. They convey this through “Shoes that breathe.”

Example 2: The MasterCard payment system conveys the idea that not everything is measured in money, there are things that are priceless. And I’ll tell you this is a very good move to shift the focus from money to emotions.


My favorite is held here to find out the situation on the market, about the company itself, competitors and so on. Everything you need to rely on to create and develop the brand as a whole. Many people skip this step with the words: “I already know everything.” But we are not one of this group and are guided by the thought: “It’s better to lose a month on deep analysis than to spend your whole life in the wrong business.”

Example: Having studied people's preferences in global fashion brands, Nike realized its position and began to place great emphasis on fashion trends, displaying them in its sportswear.


The second name for this step is casting. The best ideas are selected here. They are studied in depth and viewed through the prism of long-term. That's right, at the first stage you need to generate not one idea, but dozens, so that based on research you can then identify one suitable one.

Example: The 7-11 (seven-eleven) company initially had the idea of ​​​​selling bread, milk and eggs near the house. Their concept has evolved to include essential goods. That is, initially the depth was much less.


What your brand will be called. Ideally, it should include the idea that you created in the first step. You will be surprised, but even our agency name “In-scale” has a certain meaning and message.


You need to do the same. And don't forget to check for a clone company.

Example: The PEPSI company was named after a digestive enzyme called pepsin. Here is an example of brand development starting with naming. Everything is simple and easy.


Design of your future brand. Brand design should be interconnected with the idea, naming and even the “tone” of communication with your customers. We need to work very hard on this, because in Russia we meet people based on their clothes.

Example: When creating packaging for a new brand of milk, our company relied on transparent glass containers, as it wanted to convey the main message “straight from the village.” Alas, we cannot show our development yet, but we are showing the concept.


Focus group testing of both consumers and company employees. Receiving feedback and improvements from them. This action is not a fact of the viability of the idea, but shows weaknesses.

Example: Our client from the field of teaching children, before introducing new ideas, calls his clients and asks, using a special script, how they feel about his future actions. This really helps to improve the whole idea or even abandon it.


Creation of a brand guide, containing all instructions, explanations and answers to questions. It also includes a brand book, guideline, company mission and other developments, after reading which there will be no more questions about your company.

Example: In a sales department setting, such a bible for salespeople is called “. It contains part of the knowledge from the brand bible and part of the processes of communication with the client.



There's no place easier

Difficult? Agree! A theory is just that: a theory. She tells you how to do it right. Although I am sure that strong brands are created only through the sequence of these 11 steps. But what to do if you don’t have time for all this, and besides, you have an already operating company that is well known?

To do this, I have prepared 7 steps that will help micro, small and medium-sized businesses understand how to create their brand from scratch in a short time and make it recognizable.

  1. Create the packaging. Your company needs to be different from others at first glance. You need your own corporate style and logo that will appeal not only to management, but also to customers. And from now on, brand everything, even pets. Kidding! Everything in moderation.
  2. Create your values. The stated mission of the company will help you with this. Each employee must understand what the company stands for, how it positions itself and what words will fully describe its activities.
  3. Create brand voices. Or rather, the “tone” of communication. How will you address customers: formally or friendly. On YOU or on YOU. Will you use emoticons in communication or not? Decide, but always address the buyer with a capital letter (I don’t care about the rules of the Russian language), this is an indicator of your attitude.
  4. Create a slogan.“Red Bull gives you wings”, “Take everything from life”, “Eat, drink, chew Orbit” - those are the famous, memorable slogans that every entrepreneur wants to create. Here I congratulate you, now creating a slogan has become mandatory for you too.
  5. Be true to your words. I'm talking about your values ​​and slogan. If you promise something, then be consistent in it, even at the cost of returning products and losing money. For a small business, this is all very difficult, since every penny counts, but if you want great achievements, then you need to act seriously.
  6. Be patient. I think the founder of the McDonald's franchise more than once wanted to change everything, change the design, radically change the approach, but it was consistency and patience that allowed him to become one of the most adored in the world. This will happen to you too. But don’t forget about the analysis, otherwise you will be working idle.
  7. Move forward. In order for your company to settle in the minds of consumers, you need to contact them. You need to focus on two indicators: frequency and quality. That is, you must touch the client as often as possible and do it with maximum contact density.

As you follow these 7 simple steps, always keep the thought in your head: “I don’t need to be the best company for everyone, I need to be the best company for my own.” Don't lose focus on your target audience. And you will see that billion-dollar budgets are not needed to create a successful image, since your market volume is not as huge as you think.

Briefly about the main thing

“But I already have a logo, slogan and corporate identity, what should I do?” If you created it using the steps described in the article, leave it. But if all of this is not built around one general idea (and the likelihood of this is very high), then it is better to rebrand. Yes, it will require financial and time expenditure, but it is worth it. We have already begun our journey towards this.

In conclusion. Lately, you can't get far on new clients alone. We have to work on attraction, and on customer focus, and on... And in this struggle, a properly created brand becomes quite a good help and weapon, which, albeit in the long term, will still provide the company with growth and consumer loyalty.

Do you want your brand to become as recognizable as GeniusMarketing?

I think there is no point in talking a lot about what a brand is and how important it is for business. After all, from the very first lines of the word “brand”, each of you had your own chain of associations, and the names of famous companies immediately came to mind.

I bet if you made a list and we compared it to the others, we'd find more than one match. This is the power of brand telepathy, isn’t it?! Legendary brand!

Let's figure out how to create just such a brand for your business.

The main ingredients for creating a legendary brand

So where to start creating ? Perhaps the most important one. You need to clearly understand what their needs are and how they perceive your company. Depending on how much a company upholds its values ​​and beliefs and how honest it is in its actions, employees and customers will have positive or negative feelings about it.

Can customers think of your company as something tangible, personal and real? If you act openly, you attract people like you. And then you can build friendly relationships with clients.

Logo is an important element of the brand, but it is not a brand yet. It's your presence, your language, your connection to something that everyone understands and uses. Don't think that your work is over once your logo is approved.

To create a successful brand you need 3 main ingredients:

  • Understanding your customers
  • Friendly attitude towards customers
  • Honest (open) positioning

Impact people's lives. Remember that everything you do is for them, not for yourself. Give them benefit, faith and hope that they can become even better. This creates experiences, which in turn creates memories.

Mistakes to avoid when creating a brand

Remember the brands from the 60s. How did they manage to stand the test of time? You need to strive to create a brand that will make people want to stick your logo on their car bumper or get it tattooed on their body.

Make sure you ask the right questions about your company and clients. Your goal is to align the company's mission, beliefs, and values ​​with the brand you are building. This will help avoid misunderstandings and also ensure that your company's image is supported.

Develop 2-3 versions of the brand concept. This way you won’t limit yourself to just one option. This will allow you to choose the best one, which you will refine and improve.

Choosing your brand color

Answering questions about your company will help you make the right color choice. Find out what colors are used in your industry, including your competitors. Start with them.

The color and its meaning should support your interpretation of the logo and future brand principles.

IN You have already read the article and should know that each color corresponds to a certain type of emotion, feeling and memory. Take this into account.

Logo. General trends

Logos can be divided into 3 types:

  • Symbol/drawing
  • Letter inscription
  • Combination of drawing and inscription

Recently, symbols (emblems) have begun to be used more often on the Internet to present a brand. And this movement is just beginning to grow, although this approach has been used in the automotive industry for quite some time. The company logo is placed on the front and rear of the car, and the combined logo (sign + inscription) is used for documentation.

The logo must be unique, to gain recognition while also reflecting a deeper interpretation of the brand that evokes certain emotions and memories.

Many logo symbols that we see today have gone through more than one reincarnation. A striking example of how an emblem becomes as or even more recognizable than a logo in the form of an inscription or a combination of both are Apple, Starbucks and Twitter.

Which type of logo will work best for you depends on several factors: type of production, target audience, company mission and its beliefs.

Combined logos, where the inscription and symbol appear together, are a universal solution. Over time, when the brand becomes sufficiently recognizable, you can leave only the logo. You can also separate logo elements and use these parts separately for different occasions to improve the flexibility of your brand.

Now let’s get down to practice and consider the 6 stages of creating a legendary brand:

  1. Preparation

Write down what your company promises to customers as a brand and how they perceive it.

Most likely, you will see those sides of the company that may not have been obvious before, those key differences that make it unique. This will help you correctly draw up a design brief, look deeper into the brand and make informed decisions at every stage of branding, including when creating a logo.

  1. Study

Create a mind map of keywords that describe your company and its name. This will help you visualize any associated words that will be useful for creating a logo.

Create a board of sketches. It will give you a unique, insightful and meditative perspective on the branding process. The pictures, shapes, colors and textures that you collect on this board will allow you to quickly and effortlessly create a wide variety of combinations, see and touch them live.

  1. Logo sketch

Sketch the logo.

Don't think about whether you can draw or not. It doesn't matter now. Express all your thoughts and ideas on paper. The essence of the process is to extract from the subconscious a maximum of options, which will then be selected and improved.

  1. Formalization

At this stage, some worthwhile ideas should already appear. Do you prefer any sketch? What constantly grabs your attention?

  • Does this meet the design specifications?
  • Will this be a powerful impetus for the development of the company?
  • Does it evoke positive feelings and emotions?
  • Will it be memorable?

At the stage of formalizing your concept, the entire process can slow down dramatically. The questions written above will help you move forward in the right direction.

After all this work, you should make sure that the logo looks harmonious in different designs, colors and proportions of the drawing details. It should be equally good in any size.

  1. Polishing

Start playing with color, image, and placement. Your preliminary research should suggest the best way to do this. What colors can evoke feelings and memories that are closely associated with your company?

  1. Presentation

All your research, preparation process, deep thoughts and interpretation of your logo and brand can now be presented to your team. This is an exciting part of the process for everyone, including your clients.

The logo presentation explains the process and why the decisions were made. This way you guide the imagination and focus people's attention on correctly interpreting and understanding your brand.

This is possible, even with a small budget!

The amazing story behind the Nike logo is that it was created by college student Carolyn Davidson for just $35. The decision to keep the logo simple allowed the brand to evolve and adapt around it. This is perhaps one of the main reasons why we are so familiar with this brand.

If you're on a tight budget, you'll want to take a more thorough approach to the research phase. The answers to the questions and the project assignment will give you enough impetus to develop some really good ideas.


Creating an iconic brand is not easy, but if you follow these guidelines, everything will work out. Just keep in mind, you won't necessarily get the results you want just by spending more money on branding. It's best to go the extra mile to double-check that your brand truly reflects your company's core values.

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Is there still time? Use it to your advantage - Read the following article now:

Brand for your product, you need to know what other similar products are on the market and which one has the strongest brand. He will become your competitor. Your task is to position your product as the same, but with some advantage. For example, your shampoo for oily hair not only rinses the hair well, but also acts on the scalp in such a way that the hair does not become oily for a long time, because the scalp is “to blame” for excessive oily hair.

A brand always carries a message that is positive for a certain circle of people. For someone who drives a Nissan Teana, such a positive message can be the elegance and solidity of the car combined with its reliability. For someone who drinks Klinskoye - relaxedness, fun, freedom from obligations, the opportunity to “get away”.

A brand is made up of little things. Every detail can be either key or a failure. You can extol the durability of a car - a very important quality for it, but have a low level, because people who are ready to buy this particular car are more important than its style, ability to drive at high speed, etc.

Sound (Nokia);

Brand development is carried out based on the goals of positioning products in the market. It contains the main iconic elements of the industry or company. As a rule, before registration, brands are tested in front of buyers to determine their suitability for the company. This analysis is often conducted through focus groups. All brands have two characteristics. They always have a distinctive ability and should not mislead the consumer.

The most expensive brands today include Coca-Cola, Apple, IBM, Google, Microsoft, GE, McDonald.

The main reason why companies develop and register their own trademarks is the need to individualize their own goods and services. Using original designations is one of the most effective ways of marketing promotion.

A recognizable trademark allows consumers to identify a product. Buyers are often willing to pay more for a well-known brand. The presence of a brand is a kind of guarantee of quality for buyers.

Stages of brand registration

In Russia, the registration of brands is carried out by Rospatent. It receives thousands of registration applications every year. Before registration, an examination of the declared brand is carried out. To avoid being denied registration, you must first check the brand against the database of previously registered marks. To do this, a search is carried out in the Rospatent database to identify similar designations. If necessary, trademarks are revised.

The procedure for registering a brand is strictly regulated by law and includes a number of stages. Initially, an application for registration of a brand is formed, as well as. The list of additional documents is prescribed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Next, Rospatent carries out an examination of the submitted application. As part of the formal examination, specialists check the compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements of Russian legislation. Based on the results, the applicant is refused consideration or his application is accepted for processing.

Illegal use of a company's trademark entails civil, administrative and criminal liability.
At the next stage, the applied designation is examined for its originality and lack of similarity with other elements.

After successful completion of state registration, the applicant is issued a brand certificate. It confirms the company's exclusive rights to intellectual property in the form of a trademark. All that remains is to put it on as an intangible asset of the enterprise. You can register a brand yourself, or through intermediaries, for example, legal and solicitor companies.

Do you have a desire to communicate with stars who often appear on the pages of magazines, with famous models, and also to sit in the front row at fashion shows?

Or maybe you want to have your own store in a popular shopping center? If, in addition to specialized education and the makings of a designer, you have the desire to make this world more beautiful, then you should take a closer look at the following question: “How to create your own clothing brand?”

Force assessment

How to make your own clothing brand? You don't have to be a designer by profession to do this. Passion for fashion and a sense of beauty are important. Some experience in this field will be required. An undoubted advantage is familiarity with the activities of a garment factory or with the work of a retail outlet that sells clothes. Experience working in a large atelier, in a clothing supply company, or in a fashion magazine will come in handy.

In the absence of such opportunities, it is worth getting a job as an intern at a large company. One or two years of work will allow you to gain a certain amount of knowledge. An important factor will be the accumulation of certain capital. Working for a company will provide more than just experience. You will acquire the necessary connections that will help you develop your own business.

Concept Definition

There are a huge variety of clothing brands on the modern market. To gain recognition, your line must certainly stand out in some way.

How to create your own clothing brand? To do this, you will need to develop exclusive collections, in which there will be a large percentage of handmade or inexpensive youth outfits. First of all, you need to have an idea of ​​your potential buyers and the requirements that they will put forward when choosing models. All these questions require answers before starting your own business.

It’s easiest if you really know the target audience. Even better if you are one of its representatives. For example, avid clubgoers have no problem answering the question about the outfits that are in demand at parties.

Likewise, athletes will always identify those models that are best suited for physical exercise. If you do not have such knowledge, then you should wander around shopping centers and get acquainted with the concepts that popular manufacturers offer.

How to create your own clothing brand if there is no bright idea that you are confident in yet? In this case, there is no need to rush into opening a brand. It will take some time to accumulate experience, which can be gained by organizing, for example, your own franchise store.

Drawing up a strategy

How to create your own clothing brand if the concept of your own business has already been formed? All details of the upcoming project must be described in the business plan being drawn up. This document will become a definite guide to action. In addition, an ideally developed business plan will become a powerful argument in the eyes of the investor for making a decision in your favor. When developing a project strategy, it is important to consider the following:

The general concept of the brand and the uniqueness of its offerings;
- description of the main models and directions;
- plan for the development of the collection and its further production;
- niches available in the market, target audience and main competitors;
- a plan for promoting the created brand, including the possibility of wholesale sales and opening your own store;
- the prospect of developing the line with access to the international market or selling a franchise.

Cost calculation

Work on a brand name – from ten dollars to three thousand. Specialized companies also offer to test the options under consideration on ordinary customers. Such a service will cost 1-10 thousand dollars.

Development of a corporate logo – from $150 to $2500.

Final tests on potential consumers and trademark registration – $300-1000.

On average, you will have to spend 3-3.5 thousand dollars to create your own brand.

Search for an investor

How to create a clothing brand? To begin with, you will need funds that can be provided by the investor. Where can I find it? The search for an investor must be carried out among successful businessmen, attending thematic conferences and specialized exhibitions.

It should be borne in mind that an offer with a ready-made business plan, in which a thorough calculation of initial costs has already been made, will be attractive. The document must contain photographs of finished samples. A bright idea, considerable professional experience, or the possibility of implementing a franchise to open stores selling clothing of your brand will be attractive to investors.

First stage

Even before writing a business plan, you will need to come up with a name for your own brand. It should be memorable and bright, easily perceived by ear and written in letters of the Latin alphabet. If your own imagination is not enough, then you can consult with friends, relatives or acquaintances from social networks, promising a discount on the purchase of future models as a prize for the invented name. After this, you should create your own page on the Internet. It is worth remembering that only brand promotion on the World Wide Web will allow new models to break into the consumer market.

How to create a clothing line if a full-scale business is not yet ready to launch? It’s worth sewing a few samples yourself or ordering them from a studio. At the same time, the quality of the models must be impeccable. In this case, it will be easier to find an investor for your project.


Creating your own brand from scratch is never easy. The main difficulty lies in the selection of highly qualified personnel. The main assistant to the designer, especially on initial stage, is the constructor. This specialist transfers all the sketches onto the fabric. The quality of the designer’s work determines how well the outfit will fit on different body types, as well as the choice of fabric for a particular dress.