How to get more done in a day and what “time thieves” are. How to keep up with everything: the beginning! Important point for work efficiency

Hello everyone, this is Dmitry Pelin, author of the blog “On the Edge”! I can give very simple advice to those people who are puzzled by the problem of how much to accomplish in a day. Today's article will be about time management, although I am not a big proponent of strict time planning. I believe that in life there should be a place for improvisation and some spontaneity. But if you want to know how you can get more things done in a day, read the article below.

But first, I’ll tell you my little story.

How to get more done in a day? This question worries many!

Once upon a time, a long time ago, I conducted a small experiment - for a week I painstakingly wrote down where my time was going. That is, I was interested in resolving the issue “how to get more done in a day?” and I decided to approach his decision pragmatically.

That is, I got up in the morning and did exercises - wrote it down, had breakfast - wrote it down, wrote an article for the website - wrote it down. And so on, with all stops for seven days. After the week was over, I sat down and took stock. Overall, I was pleased with the use of my time, except for two things: I spent a lot of time on social networks, and it took me a long time to collect my thoughts when answering emails.

After such analytics were carried out, I slightly rethought my approach to work processes.

And I came to some conclusions, which will be discussed in this article.

Currently, in the morning I try to do the most important things of the day, and leave work with (social networks and answering emails) for the second half of the day.

When you get up in the morning, your brain is fresh and alert, which means it can solve your most important problems in the most creative and effective way. If you “merge” this amazing efficiency of the morning hours into the generally useless sitting in contact or Facebook, then in the second half of the working day you will have to say to yourself for a long time phrases like “get yourself together, you rag” and hit yourself on the cheeks with flippers. Why do you need it?

Be sure to make a to-do list for tomorrow from the evening of the previous day!

Make it a rule

from the evening of the previous day, make a to-do list for tomorrow, highlighting the most important thing on this list. Let it be one, but one that, having completed it, you will tell yourself that the day was not lived in vain.

And the next day, getting up in the morning, get down to this task. Having completed it, you will feel that the joy of life and energy fills you, you are great, and you can do everything. In a word, this is simple advice -

PS There is also a possibility that your work is related to social media. networks and email, and you need to start your day with just this - this also has its own subtleties, we’ll talk about this later.

I hope this short article on the issue helped you “How much can you accomplish in a day?”.

The text is rationalized (c)

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Surely many people are familiar with the problem of how to get more done, and more than once the dream has arisen to increase the length of the day by at least a few hours.

Usually it appears when there is sorely not enough time to redo a bunch of things. Or maybe you shouldn’t extend the length of the day, but it’s better to just learn how to manage to do a lot of things through proper time planning.

After all, there are people who manage to redo a lot of things planned in advance, without getting too tired. And for sure, this can be learned, you just need to strictly follow the recommendations that help you clearly manage your own time. read this article.

It is no secret that very often time pressure at home and at work occurs due to a sudden onset of a cold or viral disease. Is it possible to prevent such cases? Of course you can.

As a preventive measure, it is enough to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, not to neglect physical exercise and walks in the fresh air. But if you still feel suddenly unwell, then it is worth using modern remedies against colds and flu, which will allow you to quickly defeat the disease.

Recommendation two: set yourself no more than 3-5 important tasks per day.

It’s worth getting into the habit of setting out 3-5 important tasks for yourself every morning at breakfast. Of course, if you manage to exceed your plan, it will be great, but the main thing is to try to fulfill your plan.

Thanks to this, you will stop leaving things to the last minute, rush jobs in your work will disappear, household chores will be completed in stages, without forcing you to overexert yourself.

Recommendation three: do exercises at least 30 minutes a day

I hope everyone has heard the phrase: “I’m fine, thanks to exercise!” Therefore, you should not be lazy and please devote 30 minutes a day to physical exercise. Or, as they say now, fitness. If you can’t do it in the morning, do them at any convenient time.

Agree, such regular exercise not only promotes health, but is also beneficial for mental clarity. Information is absorbed faster, everything is remembered much easier, non-standard solutions to emerging problems are found, even stressful situations appear much less.

Recommendation four: it is better to plan the load according to the biological clock

For night owls, whose productivity is maximum in the afternoon, you should not plan important events and urgent matters in the morning. It is unlikely that the feeling of being overwhelmed will help in performing them.

But for early risers, the morning load will be quite manageable, and for the second half of the day it is better to plan fewer and simpler things to do. “Pigeons” are the best in this regard; they can handle almost any work schedule, the main thing is not to forget to include periodic rest and an even load.

In a number European countries A system is used to automatically turn off office equipment and computers at the end of the working day. This is done specifically to perform work in
during working hours without staying overtime. How to get more done at work?

Everything is very simple. Don't let work take away from your working time. If you leave work on time, you can devote your evening time to your family, friends, going to the theater or cinema, or your hobby. Such a change of activity restores strength faster.

Recommendation six: when planning work, try to set realistic deadlines

Do not set a time limit for completing work that is longer than necessary. Remember that any task will manage to take up all the time you have available to complete it. Whatever deadline you set for yourself, stick to it. That’s why you shouldn’t prolong the pleasure.

But the main thing here is not to overdo it and choose a realistic deadline. Because you may not meet the greatly reduced deadline, thereby letting down your clients or colleagues.

This is the famous Pareto principle: 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort expended. In short, you shouldn’t scatter your efforts; you need to be able to concentrate them on an important and complex stage of work, then you will see the result faster. And it will no longer be a secret for you how to get a lot done when there is little time.

Management experts believe that trying to Several tasks at the same time do not contribute to increased productivity. Julius Caesar in this case is an exception to the rule. But in fact, multitasking reduces productivity, taking away more energy and strength.

If you try to do two things at the same time, then you do each half-heartedly, making mistakes. It is better to complete tasks gradually, starting with the most relevant and proceeding to the next only after completing the first.

Recommendation Nine: Don’t spend a lot of time surfing the Internet

The main advice for modern time management: do not hang out for a long time on social networks, email, blogs, magazines, newspapers. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV. This all drags on and takes up a lot of scarce time.

Try to pamper yourself with breaks during which you can walk, meditate, drink tea, etc. Just be with yourself for a while. This will not only help you gain fresh strength, but will also add a lot of interesting ideas for solving existing problems.

There is a joke: “I am often asked to reveal the secret of how I manage to do so many things. There is no secret - because I don’t have time to do anything!”

But if you are really interested in how to still get more done, but at the same time spend less effort, then here are seven techniques that I personally tested.

1. Focus on your talents

Admit it, how many hours do you spend doing what you do best? Most likely, a maximum of a couple of hours out of the total working time.

What if every minute you did exactly what you were talented at? Can you imagine how much you would “grow”?

Here's an example of how focusing on talent helps you be successful over time. The Rolling Stones still sell out stadiums on their world tours. Although the group members are already well over sixty. How did they manage not to get blown away? The thing is that they do only one thing - record music and play. They are not organizing the concert. They don't plan the tour route. All this is done by other people. The Stones focus on the essentials.

And this is very important. When you focus on your talents and devote a lot of time to what you love, only then can you achieve significant success.

2. Prioritize

You've probably heard about the Pareto rule: 20% of effort produces 80% of the result, and the remaining 80% of effort produces only 20% of the result.

Our daily to-do list may consist of dozens of tasks, but only a few of them are truly important - those that move us forward towards achieving our goal.

Every day I select the three highest priority tasks from the entire list. And I try to solve these problems in the morning, while my energy and creativity are at a high level. And I postpone all meetings and routine tasks to the afternoon.

Perhaps your peak activity occurs at a different time and in the morning you most want to sleep, and not develop a plan to take over the world. Knowing your activity schedule is helpful, so try to track what times of the day you are most productive.

3. Free yourself from unnecessary things

If you are so busy that you can’t even take a break during the day, I recommend using the 4D formula. All cases can be divided into several groups. The formula will tell you how to get rid of unnecessary things correctly and without losses.

Stop wasting your time on useless things. If there is no result from these things, then there is no point in doing them on your list. Don’t be afraid to say “No” to meetings you don’t want to go to, to other people’s requests that only waste your time. Cross out all unnecessary things.

2. Delegate

This will include all the tasks that you can delegate to another person without loss. Don’t try to take control of absolutely all processes. You simply overload yourself with things that other people can do.

3. Until better times

If the matter can be postponed until better times, then calmly postpone it. Just don't forget to note when you plan to implement it.

This includes matters that cannot be delayed. If you need to do it now, go ahead and do it.

4. Set a timer

Another tip is to use the Pomodoro technique. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is very effective. Take breaks of 5 minutes every half hour and you will soon see for yourself that you have started to do much more. This is logical: if you take frequent breaks, it is easier to maintain concentration.

I use the Forest app often. The point is that when I turn on the timer in the application, a tree grows on the screen. If you minimize the application, the tree will die. This is a great motivation to focus on work and be less distracted by pop-up notifications on your gadget.

5. Solve problems sequentially

To be productive, do things one at a time. The Russian proverb about chasing two birds with one stone did not appear out of nowhere. Trying to do multiple things at once actually often fails.

Even your computer slows down if you try to run a bunch of programs on it at once. Therefore, try to solve each problem separately. Then the level of concentration will be maximum and things will go faster.

6. Ask yourself, “What am I not doing right now?”

We are used to procrastinating and putting off important things until later. Sometimes we deliberately fill our entire day with small and useless tasks, so that at the end of the day we justify our inaction with a lament: “There wasn’t enough time again.” Think about it: are you avoiding important matters? To stay mindful throughout the day, I ask myself, “What am I not doing right now?” The answer to the question is usually the very important thing that I am trying to avoid and that needs to be addressed first.

7. Use the Rule of 90

Another technique that I spied in the book “Essentialism” is the “Rule of 90”.

It’s easier to make any choice if you give each option a score from 0 to 100. If an option does not score above 90 points, it can be crossed out. When making a choice, choose the best, not just the good.

If I had started applying this rule earlier, I would not have bought all those things that then hung in my closet without a chance to be worn. Most likely, your wardrobe is full of such things. This rule can be used when cleaning. If you rate something 60-70 points, it’s better to throw it away. Don't settle for compromises.

Hello friends! The issue of personal efficiency and organization of one’s time is now very relevant for many. Everyone is familiar with the situation when there is not enough time, and we do not know what to do about it. Let's figure out how to get more done in a day and spend your time more efficiently.

Think about it, does it often happen that you don’t have enough time for yourself, your family or your hobbies and interests? Or maybe you don’t even have time to complete your planned tasks?

I will share with you my methods that help me organize my time effectively and always manage to accomplish everything I have in mind.

How to get more done in a day - 5 working ways

  1. Charge yourself with energy in the morning

Morning exercises will help you with this, even better yoga, it perfectly fills you with energy, as well as a contrast shower - I already wrote about its benefits in the article “How to recharge your batteries for the whole day.”

  1. Make a plan for the coming day in the evening

Plan just a few tasks for the next day that you know you will complete. It’s better to do less than to have grandiose plans that will not be implemented. Be sure to write them down in your diary.

  1. Focus on the goal

Throughout the day, always keep your goal in mind. If you haven't installed it yet, now is the time to do it. Read more about this in the article “How to set a goal correctly.”

All your actions during the day should be dedicated to your goal. Whatever you do, remember her. The goal should serve as your background. Always ask yourself: “What am I doing now – is it bringing me closer to my goal or is it just moving me further away from it?”

This does not mean that you cannot, for example, rest. Rest also brings you closer to your goal, as it restores strength and energizes you. But if you deprive yourself of the opportunity to rest, you can drive your body to the point of illness, and this is precisely what will distance you from your goal.

  1. Don't waste your time

Nothing should distract you from your planned activities, and, therefore, from your goal. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from accomplishing your plans. Even, for example, when going online, think about the goal and the actions that will bring you closer to it. So, instead of looking at pictures on social networks for hours, it is better to find useful and important information on the issue that interests you.

  1. Do more than you planned

If you suddenly have a few free minutes, it’s better to spend them on completing one more, albeit small, additional task that will help achieve your goal. This is exactly what I often do. If I have already done everything that was planned for the day, I don’t think that I can calm down on this. And in the free 15-20 minutes I try to do something else.

By putting all these five methods into practice, you will definitely be able to get more done in a day and learn how to use your time more effectively.

Perhaps you have your own secrets that help you get more done every day. Please share them in the comments.

Take just 10 minutes of time for self-development and find out how to keep up with everything and be on top!

It has the amazing ability to stop in place when we are doing something boring and unloved, and literally the next day fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things... unfortunately...

Few people would not want to acquire such a valuable ally and learn.

So imagine that there are people who have tamed the clock and no longer need to worry about how to manage everything.

Well, how can you learn to keep up with everything?!

I once had a former work colleague, Nastya.

Smart, active, efficient - a good girl, in general.

But she has one huge drawback that hinders both her and her entire team: lack of punctuality in doing things.

Zapara is actually her middle name, and neuroses from piled-up tasks are constant companions.

At the same time, it cannot be said that she is simply lazy and does not want to do anything; this would explain Nastya’s situation.

She is constantly busy with something and seems to be trying to do everything, but something is always missing to get everything done!

I believe that my colleague's main problems are due to the fact that she:

  1. Doesn't know how to plan his time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. Unable to concentrate on one thing.
  4. Doesn't know how to keep a personal success diary.
  5. Takes on more than he can handle.

How to keep up with everything: the beginning!

Learning to complete all tasks on time is as simple as programming your life for success.

People don’t even realize that they create most of the problems and obstacles in their lives themselves.

All you have to do is put in a little effort and everything will turn out even better than you expected.

Of course, lazy people who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to manage everything, and will continue to flounder among unfulfilled tasks without hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: “You can win any battle only by choosing the right weapon!”

So, you need to start taming your time by buying a beautiful notebook, pen and watch.

The expense is small, but the benefits from this acquisition will be enormous.

“To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need.”

But the most important thing is that you must understand that a person who feels tired and unhealthy will, in principle, not be able to work productively.

Therefore, make it a rule:

    Get enough sleep:

    The cherished rule about 7-8 hours of necessary sleep was not invented by fools.

    Eat properly:

    not only because it is tasty, but also because it is healthy.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits should be regular guests on your table.


    physical activity not only improves immunity, but also gives a boost of energy.

    To-do lists are your everything!

    I hope you have already bought a nice notebook and pen to keep your success diary?

    So: make it a habit in the evening or in the morning to write to-do lists that you plan to complete during the day.

    Moreover, do not write them out of the blue, but next to each item indicate the time required to complete it.

    Did you get the job done?

    Cross it off the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or a year.

    Before you finish work, resist the urge to go on Facebook or the UNIAN website, reject a phone call from a friend, refuse a mug of coffee.

    All this can be done during a break.

    Don't pile on more responsibilities than you can handle!

    Every person has a limit to his capabilities: for some it is very small, for others it is very impressive.

    Your task is to determine yours!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in a day, but you can only write 3, no matter how hard you try?

    Then you shouldn’t beg your boss for 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, not have time, get nervous and get a scolding the next day.

    Better complete your three tasks on time and efficiently!

    Keep your workplace tidy!

    Even if your workplace is your own apartment, there is no need to turn it into a dump.

    Firstly, unnecessary items are distracting, secondly, you waste time trying to find something you need in this rubble, thirdly, the clutter dampens you and prevents you from getting into a working mood.

    Optimize your workflow.

    Every task, including homework, can be simplified and the time it takes to complete it reduced if you show a little ingenuity.

    For example, the files that I need for work on a daily basis are copied to a separate folder, although I store all electronic documents in thematic and chronological folders.

    Use modern gadgets.

    When preparing dinner, you probably enjoy using a food processor, multicooker, electric meat grinder, etc., rather than doing everything by hand, wasting energy and time.

    The same principle must be followed in any business!

    Reward yourself for success.

    We did one thing quickly and efficiently - drink tea with a delicious cake, another - look at the news feed on Facebook, a third - go for a walk, etc.

    Don't mark time in one place.

    People can drive themselves into hysterics in search of perfection that only they understand.

    Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

    You shouldn't get hung up on some stupid ideals if it slows down your progress.

    Don't accumulate unfinished tasks.

    Forget about the phrase: “I’ll do it tomorrow!”

    Today is today, and you must finish everything planned before midnight.

    If you put something off every day, sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes, due to pride (or stupidity?), we are afraid to turn to even the closest people for help.

    If you don’t have time, then ask your mother to cook dinner, your husband to pick up the child from kindergarten, a friend-colleague to answer a call from a client, etc.

from the famous video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

“How to keep up with everything and manage many projects at the same time?”

You can try them all and choose the most optimal ones for yourself, you can combine these tips, or you can come up with something of your own.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just moan every day: “ How to keep up with everything?!».

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