How tall is Lisa Madrid? New generation: what is the daughter of the head of the Russian Modern Pentathlon Federation, Liza Aminova, interested in? Blogging activities, YouTube

Elizaveta Madrid (Shabashova) is an extraordinary video blogger whose channel consists of videos that are completely different in topic and emotional coloring.

Frankness, excessive directness and kindness are the main qualities of Elizabeth Madrid, whose biography has many pitfalls, but more on that later.

Elizabeth of Madrid - biography

Elizaveta Shabashova was born on March 30, 1997 in Moscow. The girl grew up in a large family consisting of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunt and two sisters Anya and Nastya.

The head of the family was rarely at home because he worked in aviation, and the all-female team influenced Lisa’s future. When the girl and her sisters were sent to kindergarten, the girl literally ran away from there a few days later. This was the first attempt by the future blogger to show character.

As a child, Lisa was a very reserved and modest child. She liked to lock herself in a room and listen to rock music loudly.

Reading was another hobby, but even here Elizabeth preferred different literature than her peers. A favorite author for many years was Roy Bradberry.

Elizaveta Shabashova knows 5 languages ​​perfectly - Russian, English, German, French and Spanish.

Her mother noticed a penchant for learning foreign languages, so in 2006 the girl was sent to gymnasium 1448.

Lisa considers Anya Pyzhova to be her best school friend:

“We were completely different. I loved black, and she loved pink. I didn’t like noisy companies, but she didn’t miss a single discos.

I hated math, and she had 12 in the quarter. And, despite all this, we found a common language, and it was easy for us to get along with each other.”

- Lisa comments.

In 2012, due to problems with teachers and classmates, the girl had to change school in 2025. This also coincided with her parents moving to a separate apartment.

Lisa’s father was offered to create a profitable business, thanks to which the family still lives in abundance. Due to the fact that Lisa often buys expensive branded clothing, she is called a “major girl”.

Back in 6th grade (12 years old), Lisa created a channel on YouTube, which was signed by Elizaveta Madrid.

Regarding the name, he comments: “I don’t know why it was called Madrid. At the age of 12 I was very close-minded, and Madrid is a beautiful city!”

At first these were videos with strange content, and there was no meaning in them at all. It was a ridiculous laugh or just a bunch of strange remarks. Either adolescence had such an impact on Lisa, or perhaps her extraordinary perception of reality clearly manifested itself.

By the age of 14-15, the girl began to shoot them more consciously and efficiently. Lisa believes that at this age she began to think about self-realization in life.

“I understood that there were two more years and I would have to say goodbye to school. I had enough studying. I knew that I would not go to university. Even my parents did not try to persuade me for long, because they understood that it was useless. I spent all my free time on YouTube. At first it was just like a hobby, and by the age of 16 it became like a job,” says Elizaveta Shabashova.

After graduating from school, the girl met a guy named Maxim, with whom she has never left since then. He is a modest video blogger who captivated the girl with his shyness and charisma.

“It’s difficult to say why I fell in love with Maxim. He's probably just a semblance of me. Each time it reveals itself differently. We love the same music, but Maxim listens to it silently, and I sing and dance. He is ready to play Dota for hours, but I can’t sit still for a minute. Humor and love of life are what unites us. But, in general, we are very different, that’s why we are together.”

- says Lisa.

Now the couple lives together in a Moscow apartment, and are improving together in the blogging business.

The number of subscribers to Elizabeth Madrid's channel is growing every day. Now this figure is 320 thousand. Many of her subscribers are interested in the question of how much Elizabeth Madrid earns, but more on that a little later.

In one of her videos, Lisa announced that she was retiring as a blogger forever due to personal circumstances, which greatly upset her subscribers.

However, a few days later she made a video with an apology and promised not to mix one with the other anymore.

Fans attribute this girl’s behavior to a breakdown in her relationship with Maxim, but Lisa assures that this has nothing to do with him:

“My beloved and I have parted more than once, but we still made peace, so our quarrels could not have unsettled me so much. He loves me and I love him and that's enough. The video about saying goodbye to my blogging career was filmed for other reasons, which, unfortunately, I cannot voice.”

Probably every person dreams of receiving money without leaving home and without spending a lot of effort and time. YouTube provides all the possibilities for this.

We choose a popular and unique topic (or create a video better than competitors in an existing niche), use ingenuity and charisma, do high-quality video processing and voila - the first step to success has been taken.

It is important to remember that a blogging career is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Unlike TV viewers, subscribers will comment on the video and not always in a positive way.

You need to learn to accept criticism, because this is an indicator of the professionalism of any blogger.

Elizabeth Madrid learned to do this only at the age of 15-16, although the channel had already existed for more than 3 years at that time.

Only after the girl’s mistakes were taken into account, the number of subscribers began to increase rapidly, which could not but please Lisa:

“I screamed for about half an hour when the number of subscribers on the channel reached 100 thousand. It was in those seconds that I realized how much I value my work.”

Today, judging by statistics from the SocialBlade service, Elizabeth Madrid earns between $500 and $2,500 per month. The girl believes that only a person who sincerely loves his job can achieve success.

(18) – daughter Head of the Federation of Modern Pentathlon of Russia Vyacheslav Aminova, student British Higher School of Design and simply an it-girl, whose style is admired by about 23 thousand people (at least that’s how many people follow her on Instagram). She knows a lot about art, fashion and the most beautiful places on the planet because she travels regularly. Lisa is an artist and definitely a creative person, so she always takes a tiny blue one with her on trips around the world.” Polaroid", takes pictures of all the sights, friends and local residents. Lisa shared her photos with us and talked about Madrid– the most beautiful Spanish city, from which I returned a couple of weeks ago.

Every year, when some significant exhibitions are held in different cities of the world, our university sends its students to them. The international exhibition Arco was held in Madrid - a large-scale project in all the museums of the city, representing all types of contemporary art.


We lived in a hotel Urso, where we stopped (20), Cameron Dallas(22) and Taylor Hill(21) – they starred in commercials Carolina Herrera in Madrid. Their fans stood under our windows for days, actually crying when they saw them. It was very funny, they looked at us with insane envy.


Taxis in Madrid are incredibly cheap and convenient, the drivers are pleasant and know the city well.

Museums and exhibitions

Anka and I (student) are in Madrid BVShD and Lisa's best friend Anka Akhalaya (18), - Note ed.) flew together, and for the first three days, before the rest of the British students arrived, they walked around the city and explored it. We tried to visit at least 2 museums every day. I would mention museums Reina Sofia (Reina Sofia Center for the Arts), CA2M and one of the largest and most important museums of European fine art Museo Nacional del Prado– there is, of course, an incredible collection, but on the 500th painting Anka and I gave up ( Laughs.) There is also a park in the very heart of the city Buen Retiro. There are also beautiful galleries and a small but very beautiful glass castle.

Food and restaurants

I have always loved Italian cuisine, but Spanish was also able to conquer me - I just had to try it! True, since almost all of our company does not eat meat, we ate about 2 kg of local Pan Con Tomate- this is toasted bread, tomatoes and artichokes, and anchovies really became my best friends after Madrid ( Laughs.)
In general, in Europe, all the restaurants and cafes are very tasty and beautiful, but everything is quite typical, but here... Every establishment we visited has its own history and soul. I cannot single out just one restaurant; I consider it my duty to list all these wonderful places: Amazonico, Luzi Bonbon, Canibal, Tatel and Bosco de Lobos. And not far from our hotel we found a tiny restaurant Taberna La Carmencita. It was opened in 1850, its owners work there as waiters, pass on the business by inheritance and tell guests the history of their establishment.


In Madrid I discovered Pisco sour– Peruvian alcoholic cocktail made from grape vodka, protein and lemon juice. This is a very drunk and very cheerful drink that urgently needs to be brought to Moscow. A real must drink!


Lisa Madrid (Elizaveta Shabashova) is a Russian video blogger who, thanks to her originality and creation of varied content, has become popular on YouTube and Instagram. In this environment, competition is extremely high. What exactly was Elizabeth Madrid able to surprise?

Biography of Lisa Madrid

Lisa was born on March 30, 1997, she is a native Muscovite. Lisa grew up in a huge family (mom, dad, sisters Nastya and Anya, grandfather, grandmother and aunt). The father spent little time with his daughters because he worked in the aviation industry.

From an early age, the girl began to show a rebellious character. For example, she didn’t like it in kindergarten and ran away. As a teenager, Lisa was an introvert and preferred to sit by herself in a room with rock songs playing loudly. I loved reading Ray Bradbury.

At the age of 9, Lisa’s mother, discovering her penchant for learning languages, sent the girl to a specialized school. Here the girl met her best friend Anya Pyzhova. But Lisa did not last long at this study; frequent misunderstandings with peers and teachers forced her to change schools.

On Lisa’s VK page there is information that she is studying at RUDN University; in 2018, there were rumors circulating online that she was expelled. Shabashova is a real polyglot: she studied English, German, Spanish and French. Lisa dyes her hair light, but is naturally blonde. He loves Ukraine and Kyiv, and periodically goes there to visit his friends.

He is friends with the twins Anya and Olya Granovsky, Roma Mikhailov. She loves anime, she was fond of Naruto, Kabuto and others.

Lisa Madrid and one of her tattoos

Lisa considers Lil Peep to be her favorite artist (probably, the girl named her gray cat Pip in honor of this rapper). She says that she loves him more than some of her friends, since it was with his work that the blogger went through the most difficult stage in her life (the period of adolescence).

Blogging activities, YouTube

Lisa created her YouTube channel at the age of 12. The prefix “Madrid” was invented “out of the blue”; it does not carry a certain meaning. A beautiful city, that's all. The girl already has more than 600 thousand subscribers. She rejoiced at the first hundred thousand like a baby.

On YouTube, Lisa shows room tours, makes vlogs from different countries, shows off her tattoos, talks about her experience of plant-based nutrition, shares about purchases in online stores, and also gives recommendations on choosing cosmetics, clothing, and shoes.

The young star’s channel is as unique as she herself. Madrid prefers youth hip-hop style: sneakers, sneakers, chunky boots, sweatshirts, leather jackets, torn jeans and chains. She doesn’t refuse tops or short skirts either.

In the girl’s wardrobe there are things of bright, acidic colors. She loves all sorts of shiny things, she likes to put artificial tattoos on her body (and this is despite the fact that the girl has real ones). Gives herself a distinctive manicure and make-up.

In general, the image of Lisa Madrid is unique, she is an original girl, she does not plagiarize anyone. The girl is not a conflicted person, but she, like many other bloggers, had a skirmish with the scandalous Instasam.

In 2019, Lisa informed followers about a change in diet. Looking at her friends who adhere to vegetarianism, veganism, and in whom everything in their body was normal (amazing skin, hair, nails, etc.), she decided to switch to plant-based foods and gave up animal products.

Lisa assures that with the change in diet she seems to have achieved spiritual harmony and feels great. Among her foods, she loves avocado and loves matcha tea. I stopped consuming lactose and replaced regular milk with oat and rice milk.

On Instagram, Lisa’s number of followers has exceeded 300 thousand, which also allows her to earn a lot.

Lisa Madrid Tattoos

Elizabeth's body is covered with many tattoos. The girl herself does not know the exact number of drawings, 11 or 12. These are: a cat on her left hand (in honor of her cat Dolka), a whale, characters from the anime (Kuriyama Mirai) and others.

Six tattoos were given to her by artist Christina Casey Chris. The first drawing is a geometric figure in the shape of a bold black cross on the right hand. Lisa says that fans are at a loss as to what it is: the place where the treasure is buried; where to shoot or a special mark. In fact, Madrid was a fan of Ruslan Tushentsov, which prompted her to get the cross.

She believes that looking for meaning in tattoos is the lot of people with clouded minds. You can just do what makes you happy and not look for an explanation for it. Lisa enjoys minimalist tattoos.

Personal life

According to media reports, Lisa previously had an affair with Igor Potapov, a Ukrainian rapper who committed suicide in January 2019. The suicide may have been drug related.

Now the blogger is dating a guy named Maxim (also a blogger). His charisma, combined with slight shyness, did not leave Lisa indifferent. The guys have common interests, musical preferences, and views on life.

Lisa Madrid with her boyfriend Maxim

They differ in temperament, but as we know, opposites attract. They constantly joke, laugh and make each other happy.