Abstract drawing winter fun. Summary of a drawing lesson for the preparatory group Topic: “Spring motives

Drawing on the theme “Winter fun”

Target: Create conditions for transmitting movement in the drawing. Developing the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to completion. Continue drawing using all known drawing techniques

Equipment: White paper, watercolor, brushes; musical work by V.A. Mozart "Sleigh Ride".

The teacher, together with the children, recalls winter fun (sledding, skating, skiing; playing snowballs; sculpting a snow woman, etc.). Reads short poems

offers to solve riddles.

Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

All face and hands

Snow covered me...

I'm in a snowdrift - woe,

And the guys - laughter!

I. Surikov


Runners on a walk

Same length

Through the meadow to the birch tree

Two stripes are drawn...

White, but not sugar, no legs, but walking.

What a ridiculous man

Snuck in at twenty

first century?

Carrot - nose, in hand -

Afraid of sun and heat.


I was hit with a shovel

They made me hunchbacked

They beat me and beat me.

Ice water poured over

And then they all rolled off

From my hump in droves.

(Snow slide.)


Today you will draw on compressed paper. To do this, you first need to crumple and compress the paper, then straighten the sheet and apply a design on it.

Children complete the task.

In the middle of the lesson, finger gymnastics is performed.

Finger gymnastics

“We went for a walk in the yard”

One, two, three, four, five, We went for a walk in the yard.

Bend your fingers one at a time. They “walk” along the table with their index and middle fingers.

They sculpted a snow woman,

“Make” a lump with two palms.

The birds were fed crumbs,

They “crumb the bread” with all their fingers.

Then we rode down the hill,

Run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left.

And they were also lying in the snow.

Place your palms on the table, first one side, then the other.

Everyone came home covered in snow, ate soup and went to bed.

They shake off their palms. Movements with an imaginary spoon, then hands under the cheek.

At the end of the GCD, children make a small splash to complete the drawing.

The drawings are then analyzed. Each picture is discussed: what is shown on it, what was shown, what needs improvement. At the end, the guys recite poems about winter and winter fun.

Fixing the material:

favorite sport».


Compiling stories from personal experience on the topic “My favorite sport” with children of the senior and preparatory subgroups. Goal: create conditions for

compiling a story based on a plan, include in the story a description of the appearance of the characters and their characteristics.

Encourage them to come up with different developmental episodes.

Didactic material: “Winter views sports", "Summer views sports».

Exhibition “Winter Fun” Doll Roma

I. Organizational moment (Motivation):

Guys, look what Roma brought us! This is a real medal and diploma that was awarded for participation in sports competitions

II. Main part (Implementation):

Tell me what types sports you know?

Children's answers. (hockey, football, figure skating, athletics).

You already know that all types sports can be divided into two categories. These are summer and winter species sports.

List the winter ones.

Children's answers.

Name the summer ones.

Children's answers.

Guys, each of you can receive the same medal and become a real athlete, if he studies sports, and first of all, he will do exercises every day.

2. Physical exercise.

Every athlete Before starting training, he does a warm-up. Kneads and warms up muscles. I suggest we also warm up.

Warm up.

"Step march"

Walking at a marching pace.

I hold my back correctly.

I'm good with physical education.

We're kicking stomp, stomp

We clap our hands, clap

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment

We shoulders chick, chick

One here, two here

(torso turns to the right, left)

Turn around yourself

Once we sat down, twice we stood up

They sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up.

And then they started galloping

(jumping in place)

Like my elastic ball.

One, two, one, two

(breathing exercise)

So the game is over.

Well done guys! You've had a good workout.

3. Conversation (drawing a story based on a plan, including in the story a description of the appearance of the characters, their characteristics)

Tell me what types sports we talked?

Children's answers.

What new did you learn today?

Children's answers...

Guys, let's look at your drawings. Tell us why this particular type sport you chose. Why do you like him?

Children's answers.

4. Low mobility game.

And now I suggest you relax a little and play your favorite game"The sea is agitated once..."

We need to come up with something athlete engaged in a certain type of sports and guess the right type sports.

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two

The sea is worried three,

Sports figure freeze!

Guys, tell me why we need to study sports? Children's answers (to be healthy, improve health, etc.) What categories can the types be divided into? sports?(winter, summer)

What else did we do in class?

Fixing the material:

Organize an exhibition of paintings. "My favorite type of spot».

While walking, play the outdoor game “The sea is agitated once...”.

Exercise children in the ability to do pull-ups on a bench.

Game "Hit the Target".

Make a didactic lotto game “Types of sports».

Together with the children, make an album “Different Types of sports».

Summary of direct educational activities.

Group: senior
Type of activity: Drawing.
Theme: “Winter fun”
Goal: To familiarize children with conveying in a drawing their attitude towards winter and winter games.
Teach children to draw a snowman using the non-traditional drawing technique of “potato stamps”;
Learn to place the image correctly on a piece of paper;
Improve technical skills;
Develop artistic and creative abilities;
Foster a positive attitude towards nature.
Materials and equipment: toy monkey, blue tinted paper, gouache, squirrel brushes, potato stamps, jars of water.
Methods and techniques: Story, demonstration, questions to children, monitoring children’s activities.
Aesthetic attributes: napkins.
Structural stages of educational activities
Activities of the teacher
Children's activities

I. Introductory part.

a) creating an atmosphere of emotional and aesthetic perception of the subject for implementation;

I. Main part.

Showing the finished drawing

b) demonstration of technological techniques

c) qualitative analysis of the drawing;

III.Final part.

The sun warms the earth weakly, The frost crackles at night. In the snow woman's yard Has her carrot nose turned white?
- What time of year is the poem about? (about winter) - Why do you think so? (the sun hardly warms up, it’s cold outside, frost is crackling) - Guys, today we’ll talk about winter fun. I’ll tell you riddles about them, and you listen carefully:
We spent the whole summer waiting for winter. waited until the time was right, ran down the mountain (sled) Why do you think so? (In summer, sleds are not needed, because there is no snow) Do you like sledding?
Listen to the following riddle: Wooden horses gallop in the snow, but do not fall into the snow (skis). Why do you think so? (the skis glide on the snow). They hit me with a shovel, they made me hunchbacked, they beat me, beat me, and poured ice water on me. And then they all rolled off my hump in a bunch (slide) Why? (First they shovel the snow for the slide, then slam it down, then pour it with water and when it freezes, the children ride on it) Well done. That's right, listen to the next riddle.
What an absurd person made his way into the 20th century: a carrot nose, a broom in his hand. afraid of the sun and heat? (snowman) Shows pictures.
Why is a snowman afraid of the sun and heat? (He will melt.) In what weather are they making a snowman? Why is it not molded in severe frost? (In frosty weather, snow is not molded, the rays of snowflakes break.) Well done, guys! You solved the riddles well!
Guys, is someone knocking on our door? Look, a monkey has come to visit us. Is she just sad for some reason? Now I will find out what happened to her? It turns out that the monkey liked our winter, but in Africa, where he lives, there is never winter. She really wants to show her friends our Russian winter, how snowflakes fall, how the guys build a snowman. After all, this is not the case in Africa. She wanted to take the snow away, but you can’t bring it, it will melt. Think guys, how can we help the monkey? (We can draw winter.)Today you will draw a snowman.
To complete it, look at the steps. How many parts does it consist of? On what background? What color? How is it decorated? What surrounds him?
First you need to draw snowdrifts, snowy trees with white gouache, snowmen, falling snowflakes. Where do you think we should start? (From the snowdrifts.) That's right. Which brush would be more convenient to paint with? (fat.)
Fine. Look, let's take white gouache on a thick brush, and draw snowdrifts like this with smooth movements. Don't skimp on paint, use more brush. Well done! So, now we are starting to depict a snowman, potato stamps will help us. We will draw how we made a snowman. You can position the snowman in different ways - in the center, on the sides. And we will draw it using a stamp made from a potato. Look, in front of you are 3 potato seals of different sizes. Why? (A snowman is made from 3 snowballs of different sizes. The first is the largest, the second is smaller, and the third is the smallest.) That's right, guys, they make a snowman from snowballs of different sizes: from the largest, which lies on the ground, to the smallest, i.e. up to the head. So, we take the largest potato signet with our right hand, cut side down, carefully lower it into white gouache, “tramble” in it a little, then transfer it to the sheet. Next, we take smaller potatoes, place them tightly on a large lump, and then the smallest one. What a beautiful snowman we made! Our hands are frozen in the snow, let's warm up our fingers and play.
Finger gymnastics. “We went for a walk in the yard”
One, two, three, four, five. We went for a walk in the yard. (They bend their fingers one at a time. “They walk along the table with their index and middle fingers.” They sculpted a snow woman, (they “sculpted” a lump with two palms.) They fed the birds with crumbs, (“Crumble bread” with all their fingers.”) Then we rode down the hill, (Lead with the index with the finger of the right hand on the palm of the left.) And they were also lying in the snow. (They put their palms on the table, first on one side, then on the other) They all ate the soup in the snow and went to bed. .)
The paint has already dried, I suggest you finish painting the snowman using the colors of your choice. But first, tell me, what are your snowmen missing? (nose, hat, arms and legs) That's right, let's finish drawing. Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white. I suggest you draw snowflakes. Remember, a snowflake has 6 rays, it is very tiny. They should be painted small, with the tip of a thin brush.
Guys, let's arrange our drawings and the monkey will look at them.
The monkey glowed with joy: she really liked your drawings. Especially those where there is a lot of snow, she saw snowmen for the first time. She tells you “thank you” but doesn’t say goodbye. When the drawings are dry, we will put them in this beautiful folder and give them to her. She will show them to her friends and tell her everything she knows about our Russian winter.

Answer questions

Guessing riddles

Independent activities of children

Answer questions

Plan their activities

Analyze the drawing

Perform finger exercises
Exhibit their drawings

Lesson summary on the topic “Our winter fun”


Develop creative imagination.

Learn to use different techniques when drawing: spraying, drawing on compressed paper.

Develop a sense of color and composition.

Develop fine movements of fine motor skills of the hand.


White paper, watercolor, squirrel brushes; musical work by V.A. Mozart "Sleigh Ride".


Special paintings, reproductions, and book illustrations depicting winter games and children's fun are considered.

Methods: verbal (explanation, clarification), visual and effective (demonstration, illustration).

* * *

The teacher, together with the children, recalls winter fun (sledding, skating, skiing; playing snowballs; sculpting a snow woman, etc.). Reads short poems

offers to solve riddles.


Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

A. Barto

* * *

All face and hands

Snow covered me...

I'm in a snowdrift - woe,

And the guys - laughter!

I. Surikov


Runners on a walk

Same length

Through the meadow to the birch tree

Two stripes are drawn...


White, but not sugar, no legs, but walking.


What a ridiculous man

Snuck in at twenty

first century?

Carrot - nose, in hand -


Afraid of sun and heat.


I was hit with a shovel

They made me hunchbacked

They beat me and beat me.

Ice water poured over

And then they all rolled off

From my hump in droves.

(Snow slide.)


Today you will draw on compressed paper. To do this, you first need to crumple and compress the paper, then straighten the sheet and apply a design on it.

Children complete the task.

In the middle of the lesson, finger gymnastics is performed.

Finger gymnastics

“We went for a walk in the yard”

One, two, three, four, five, We went for a walk in the yard.

Bend your fingers one at a time. They “walk” along the table with their index and middle fingers.

They sculpted a snow woman,

“Make” a lump with two palms.

The birds were fed crumbs,

They “crumb the bread” with all their fingers.

Then we rode down the hill,

Run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left.

And they were also lying in the snow.

Place your palms on the table, first one side, then the other.

Everyone came home covered in snow, ate soup and went to bed.

They shake off their palms. Movements with an imaginary spoon, then hands under the cheek.

At the end of the lesson, children do a small spray to complete the drawing.

The drawings are then analyzed. Each picture is discussed: what is shown on it, what was shown, what needs improvement. At the end of the lesson, the children recite poems about winter and winter fun.


This lesson develops creative imagination and abstract thinking. An image on compressed paper opens up new possibilities; by drawing along the folds of paper, the child discovers new images and forms, using his imagination to the fullest. Drawings on the theme of winter using this technique are voluminous.

Gribanova N.G.

Drawing on the theme “Winter fun”

Target : Create conditions for transmitting movement in the drawing. Developing the ability to conceive the content of your drawing and bring the idea to completion. Continue drawing using all known drawing techniques

Equipment: White paper, watercolor, brushes; musical work by V.A. Mozart "Sleigh Ride".

The teacher, together with the children, recalls winter fun (sledding, skating, skiing; playing snowballs; sculpting a snow woman, etc.). Reads short poems

offers to solve riddles.

Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

All face and hands

Snow covered me...

I'm in a snowdrift - woe,

And the guys - laughter!

I. Surikov


Runners on a walk

Same length

Through the meadow to the birch tree

Two stripes are drawn...

White, but not sugar, no legs, but walking.

What a ridiculous man

Snuck in at twenty

first century?

Carrot - nose, in hand -

Afraid of sun and heat.


I was hit with a shovel

They made me hunchbacked

They beat me and beat me.

Ice water poured over

And then they all rolled off

From my hump in droves.

(Snow slide.)


Today you will draw on compressed paper. To do this, you first need to crumple and compress the paper, then straighten the sheet and apply a design on it.

Children complete the task.

In the middle of the lesson, finger gymnastics is performed.

Finger gymnastics

“We went for a walk in the yard”

One, two, three, four, five, We went for a walk in the yard.

Bend your fingers one at a time. They “walk” along the table with their index and middle fingers.

They sculpted a snow woman,

“Make” a lump with two palms.

The birds were fed crumbs,

They “crumb the bread” with all their fingers.

Then we rode down the hill,

Run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left.

And they were also lying in the snow.

Place your palms on the table, first one side, then the other.

Everyone came home covered in snow, ate soup and went to bed.

They shake off their palms. Movements with an imaginary spoon, then hands under the cheek.

At the end of the GCD, children make a small splash to complete the drawing.

The drawings are then analyzed. Each picture is discussed: what is shown on it, what was shown, what needs improvement. At the end, the guys recite poems about winter and winter fun.

Fixing the material:

Organize an exhibition of paintings. "My favorite sport » .

Short-term child-parent project of direct educational activities in the preparatory group

Relevance of the project: attract the attention of parents to a healthy active lifestyle and joint activities with children.

Goals and objectives: expand knowledge about winter sports, consolidate the ability to convey in a drawing your attitude towards winter games; develop imagination, speech, thinking, motor activity, cultivate a sense of joy from winter fun, and collectivism.

Integration of educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, artistic creativity, reading fiction, physical education, safety, music, physical education

Methods and techniques: Practical; visual; verbal: conversations, artistic expression; problem-search questions;
surprise moment.

Forms of organizing joint activities

Working with children

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Outdoor game “We are funny guys”, physical education exercise “Exercise”


Outdoor game “Two Frosts”, “Entertainers”, “Hit the target”, “Whose team will score more goals”

Didactic game “Echo”, “What time of year”, “Name the name of the sport correctly”,


Construction of snow fortresses and slides on the kindergarten site.

Cognitive - research

  1. Cognition. "Winter fun and sports"

  2. Cognition. FEMP. "Clock, counting"
Conversation with viewing of a presentation using computer technology

“For children about winter games”


  1. Speech development. “Winter fun” with memorizing poems.

  2. Reading. Vladimir Odoevsky. Fairy tale. "Moroz Ivanovich"

  3. Creative storytelling based on plot pictures “How the children went for a walk in winter...”

Musical and artistic

  1. Commented drawing. Collective work “Our winter fun”.

  2. Drawing “My favorite sport.”

  3. Commented drawing. Group work “We went for a ride on a hill...”

  4. Modeling. "Skiers"


  1. Watch video presentations made by parents. Topic: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.”
Leisure. Guessing riddles about sports and athletes.

Final event

Design of the photo newspaper “Sport makes us healthier...”

Working with parents

Joint work - building a snow slide.

Participation in collecting information for the photo newspaper “Sport makes us healthier...”

Design of video presentations “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family”

  1. Educational area of ​​activity "Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world."
Subject: “Winter fun and sports”

Integration: communication, socialization, physical education.

Activities of the teacher

Pupils' activities


Riddles about various fun and sports.

Guessing riddles while looking at demonstration material.


Introduction to the dictionary of new sports terms:

Children remember words and their meaning: “snowboarding,” “freestyle,” “skating.” “skaters”, “pairs figure skating”, “bobsled”, “curling”.


Physical education lesson “We are athletes”

Children imitate the movements of athletes.


Didactic game “Name it correctly”

Reinforce the meaning of new sports terms in speech.

Curling- a team sports game on an ice rink. Participants of two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“house”). There are four players from each team.

Snowboard (snowboarding)- an Olympic sport that involves descending from snow-covered slopes and mountains on a special equipment - a snowboard. Initially a winter sport, although some extreme sports enthusiasts have mastered it even in the summer, snowboarding on sandy slopes (

Freestyle - alpine skiing all-around. It includes ski ballet, ski acrobatics

  1. Cognition. FEMP Theme: "Watch. Check"

Activities of a teacher

Pupils' activities


The teacher offers demonstration material “Winter Fun” and handouts with numbers from 1 to 20.

Look at the illustrations. Count the number of children, skiers, figure skaters... Lay out a row from 1 to 20. Repeat the ordinal count.


Clarifies children's knowledge about the seasons. month, day of week, day.

Children mark the date on the calendar. They answer questions about what day it was yesterday and what day it will be tomorrow.


The teacher shows several different watches (wristwatches, alarm clocks, sand clocks, electronic ones) and offers to compare them.

Children look at watches and compare them. Discuss how watches are used in everyday life. Do I need to set a time for physical exercise, gymnastics, or sports?

Determine the time using a demonstration mechanical clock.


Didactic game "Echo".

Educator: We are in the mountains. I shout a word to you, and you answer me.

They answer the teacher’s question loudly and drawlingly:

Today is Monday... (No-del-nick)

And tomorrow... (Tuesday-Tuesday...)

Conversation while viewing a presentation on a laptop“For children about winter games”

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge about winter sports acquired earlier.

  1. Communication. Speech development. “Winter fun” with memorizing poems.
Integration: communication, socialization, physical education.

Activities of the teacher

Pupils' activities

The teacher reads poems by A. Fet “Mom, look from the window...”, Sasha Cherny “On Skates2

Answer the questions: Why do guys like to walk outside in winter7 Who knows how to skate?

Children imitate the movements of speed skaters in the rhythm of the poem.

Reads I. Surikov’s poems “Childhood”

Children memorize an excerpt from the poem:
This is my village;
This is my home;
Here I am sledding
The mountain is steep;

Here the sled has rolled up,

And I'm on my side - bang!
I'm rolling head over heels
Downhill, into a snowdrift.

And boy friends

Standing above me
They laugh merrily
Over my misfortune.

Whole face and hands

Snow covered me...
I'm in grief in a snowdrift,
And the guys laugh!

Discussion, morality.

When did the events take place? Why were the children laughing? What funny incidents of winter fun happened to children7

Literature: Developmental activities for children 6-7 years old. Edited by L.A. Paramonova, Moscow, 2011.

  1. Reading a fairy tale and retelling a fairy tale by Vladimir Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

  2. Communication. Creative storytelling using story pictures“How the children went for a walk in winter...”
Target: compose a short coherent story based on the plot pictures (author Novikova V.P.). Develop monologue, dialogic and coherent speech. Activate your vocabulary on the topic “Winter”.

6. Commented drawing in the preparatory group.

Group work "Our winter fun"

Conducted by teacher Vlasova Irina Timofeevna

Goals and objectives: consolidate the ability to convey in a drawing your attitude towards winter games; develop imagination, sensitivity to what is happening, cultivate a sense of openness, collectivism, and cooperation.

Material s: audio cassette: P. Tchaikovsky's "Seasons", illustrations depicting winter sports, album sheet, various visual materials, brushes, jars, napkins, stands of two different sizes.

Preliminary work: watching children play on purposeful and daily walks, reading poems, stories about winter fun.

Work progress:

Introductory part. Looking at illustrations depicting winter games. Children, accompanied by B. Dvarionas' "Prelude", are invited to look at reproductions of the painting and illustrations depicting winter games.

Word game "Give me a word"

White snow covered the fields and villages, the trees and houses were covered in silver. I'm rolling down the mountain so happy! Hello beauty. (Winter)

I painted a bouquet of roses on the glass all day... (Frost)

The calendar begins with a month with the name.... (January)

- What time of year are we talking about?

Preparing children for work. Where did you and I go last week? Who do you like to play with? What is your mood during the game?

Children doing work. The teacher invites the children to draw their favorite winter activity. The theme sounds: "Winter" from the album P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".

Physical education lesson “Like snow, snow on a hill” (accompany speech with movements).

Like on a hill - snow, snow

Raise your hands up to the words snow, snow

And under the hill - snow, snow,

They put their hands down.

And on the tree there is snow, snow,

Connect your palms above your head in a “house”.

And under the tree there is snow, snow.

Put your hands down.

And a bear sleeps under the tree.

Place your palm under your cheek and close your eyes.

hush, hush. Don't make any noise!

Wag your finger. (I. Tokmakova)

During independent activities, the teacher approaches each child and observes the work. In case of difficulties, he advises and helps, for example, he notes different ways of depicting children in motion, colors, snow decoration.

The final part. Children write stories about their favorite winter activities with friends.

For example: “I like to play on walks in winter with Vika. If the snow is wet, we build a snowman, slide dolls down the hill on a sled. We feed the birds. Winter is my favorite time of the year.”

“I was skiing in the park with my friends. My parents organized a cross-country skiing competition.”

The stories highlight the consistency of presentation, the use of expressive means, the ability to begin and end a story, and the manifestation of creativity in drawing and storytelling.

Educator: From your stories it is clear what sports you do in the winter. By playing sports, you will grow up to be brave, strong, dexterous, resilient, not afraid of the difficulties of life!

  1. Artistic creativity. Drawing. Subject:"My favorite sport"
Target: reflect your knowledge about sports and impressions from observations in a drawing, consolidate the skills of drawing a person in motion, develop hearing, speech, hand movements, cultivate a desire to work with friends in a team.

  1. Commented drawing in the preparatory group
Collective work “We rode on the hill with moms and dads...”
Conducted by teacher Vlasova Irina Timofeevna

GBOU D/S No. 2526

Goals and objectives: consolidate the ability to convey in a drawing your impressions of a joint holiday with moms and dads on New Year’s holidays, develop thinking, hand motor skills, cultivate the desire to convey the mood in team work.

Materials: Snowman costume, Whatman paper, markers, pencils, paper snowflakes.

Preliminary work: conversation about active recreation in winter, riding a slide, learning winter poems.

Work progress:

  1. Organizational part.
Educator: (Looks at illustrations with winter fun), reads poetry:

On the sports hill

We invite everyone now.

Celebration of sports and health

It starts with us!

Be healthy children!

Don't be lazy to study

Ride on a sled

We all know sports and health,

Sports are games and entertainment.

Our best friends

Clean air and nature!

Now let’s reinforce our words with a speech.

Preschoolers (repeat the poem):

We are preschool children,

We love to play sports

We are not afraid of frost,

We're all riding in the morning!

  1. Practical work. Drawing.
– Children, how did you relax with your parents during the New Year holidays? Who went on the slide? What other winter fun do you know? (Children's answers.)

Let's draw an active holiday in winter.

Children draw collective work with felt-tip pens and pencils.

Physical education minute. Game "Pick up snowflakes"

(Who will collect the most paper snowflakes?)

Look all the guys

Like on our hill,

Snowflakes fell at night!

Not simple - multi-colored,

Patterned, all beautiful,

Fabulous and fragile!

Let's collect snowflakes together!

The Snowman (a child of the pre-school group) appears unnoticed and asks what is going on here? Why are all the adults and children so noisy? The children answer. They tell what they depict in the picture. As a token of gratitude, the Snowman invites you to visit him. Children get acquainted with his huge property, which is built of ice (paper).

Children say goodbye to the Snowman.

  1. Artistic creativity. Topic: "Skier"
Goals and objectives: continue to teach how to convey various human movements (walking, standing, running) in modeling from plasticine, consolidate the method of modeling from a cylinder (roller) cut at both ends, develop the ability to shape, cultivate the desire to convey simple relationships between the characters in work.

Materials: illustrations with skiers, plasticine, stack, board for modeling.

Integration: Observation while walking with family, talking about sports competitions. Analysis of the structural features of a person, correlation in size and proportion of parts of the figure.

Interaction with family. Talk with parents about the importance of exercise, active recreation for children’s health and the development of family relationships.

Literature: Lykova I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Moscow, “Sphere”, 2011.

  1. Leisure. Use of computer technology. Watch video presentations made by parents. Subject:“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”
During the conversation, the children talked about how they play sports. The family of Egor Fedorenko, Sasha Ryabov, and Misha Inyukhin love skiing. Nastya Polagina, Dasha Novikova, Dima Goncharov and their parents prefer skiing. Philodor Sophia - figure skating.

Walk outside. Observation. Outdoor games. Sports exercises. Creation of snow buildings.


Game “TWO FROSTS” On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. 2 drivers are selected, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children - these are Frost - Red Nose and Frost - Blue Nose. At the teacher’s signal “Start!” both frosts speak words. After the words, all the players run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them. The frozen children stop where Frost captured them and stand there until the end of the run.

Game "ENTERTAINERS". One of the players is chosen as an entertainer and stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children walk in a circle, holding hands. They say: “In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step, stand still, let’s do this together.” The players stop, lowering their hands. The entertainer shows some movement. All children must repeat this movement.

"SNOW HOUSE".Compact the mountain of snow, make a depression at the foot, painting them inside with colored water. Children throw pucks into these recesses from a distance of 2-3 m; goalkeepers can participate in this.

"NEEDLE AND THREAD» Walking in a column in different directions behind the leader, holding hands. The leader chooses the pace of movement, leads the column “through the formation,” crawling under the arms or stepping over them, trying “not to break the thread.”

“WHICH TEAM WILL SCORD THE MOST PUSHES.” Children are divided into two teams. Two gates are installed. Each child has a puck. Children shoot pucks into the goal in any way. At the end of the game, the number of goals is counted.

"HIT THE TARGET» Children take turns throwing snowballs, trying to get into the basket. At the end the results are summed up.


During Week 2 “Winter Fun”, as part of the educational process, such forms of work were carried out with children as reading works of art, organizing active winter games on the street and in a group, looking at illustrations about winter and winter sports; viewing presentations on a laptop; writing stories about winter and winter fun; drawing, modeling, applique on a winter theme; construction and decoration of snow buildings on the site.

Children began to have an idea of ​​possible dangerous situations in winter and developed a model of behavior in extreme situations when practicing winter sports. Children gained new knowledge about winter fun and sports with the help of visual materials and computer technology. Parents gladly participated in the creation of the photo newspaper “Sport adds to our health...” and the video presentation “Dad, Mom, I - a sports family.” Conditions were created for children and their parents to be motivated to lead an active, healthy lifestyle.


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Zimonina V.N. Winter games and fun for preschoolers. M., 2004

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