Direct educational activities on modeling in the senior group. Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group on the topic: Spring flowers

Organization: MADOU d/s "Alenka"

Locality: Moscow region, Kotelniki



1. Formation of the concept of “spring”;

2. Clarification and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic: flowering branch


1. Develop the ability to depict a spring tree branch using plasticine; convey the characteristic features of a flowering branch.

2. Develop techniques for rolling, flattening, plasticine, dividing into parts using stacks;

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;


1. To cultivate aesthetic perception, love for nature, the desire to convey its beauty in one’s creativity

Material: spring twigs, cardboard, plasticine, stacks, hand napkin, cotton wool.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment.

Guessing the riddle:

I'm budding

In the spring leaves.

I water the trees

Full of movement

My name is......(spring)

Children: Spring.

Educator: Well done children, it’s immediately obvious that you are observant. What other signs of spring do you know?

Children: The snow is melting, the grass is growing, birds are returning from warmer climes, etc.

Educator: That’s right, everything around comes to life in the spring. Everything begins to grow and bloom. Everyone who hid for the winter in various cracks, under the bark of trees, underground, in holes - wakes up. All nature is in motion: animals after hibernation tidy up their caked fur, birds make nests. What happens to trees in spring?

Children: The buds are opening, the first leaves are appearing, the flowers are blooming. Everything begins to grow and bloom. Birds make nests.

Educator: Well done! I want to show you a branch of a blooming apple tree. We will draw it, but we will draw it with plasticine, which will give volume to our image. But before we get to work, let's carefully look at the branches. (Children together with the teacher look at the branch, color, shape)

Step-by-step work:

Educator: Now let's get down to our work. In front of you lies cardboard and plasticine. Roll out thin sausages from brown plasticine and apply, pressing lightly, to the cardboard (teacher demonstration).


Now we will sculpt flowers. First we will make the middle of the flower - for this you need to roll out yellow balls and place them on branches in different places.

Then we make the stamens: for this you need to roll out a thin yellow sausage, divide it into small pieces in a stack, roll small peas with your finger and fill the middle of the flower with them. Decorate all the middles in the same way.

The next stage is the petals. You must roll a thick white or pink sausage, divide the stack into 5 parts, roll out a ball from each part and make a petal out of it. (squeeze the ball between your fingers). Pinch a small fold at the bottom of the petal. Make all 5 petals and make a flower out of them near the finished centers, pressing lightly. We do all the other flowers in this way. Roll a sausage out of green plasticine, cut it in stacks into equal parts, flatten each one so that they become flat. Now flatten the tip of each leaf on one side, make it pointed, and pinch it with a fold on the other side. Determine the place of the leaf on the branch between the flowers.

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, your fingers are tired, you have done a lot of work. Let's stretch them a little.

Finger gymnastics.

For a long, long time we sculpted,

Our fingers are tired.

Let them rest a little

And they will start sculpting again.

Let's raise our hands together

And let's start sculpting again.

(Hands clasped, circular rotation.

Shaking your hands.

Stroking each finger.

Raising your arms to the sides.

Clap your hands.)

Educator: We rested a little, and now we can continue. You have already molded the branches, and now we will stick buds on the branches, and to make a willow, we will decorate the buds with cotton wool and we will get fluffy, beautiful lambs.

Teacher's demonstration.

Children complete the task.

Educator: Guys, you tried very hard, you got wonderful spring branches. Let's hang your works on the board and admire their beauty.

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 4 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Summary of continuous educational activities

educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"

modeling in the senior group

TOPIC: “Spring flowers”

Pedagogical technologies: Information and communication technologies,


Completed by the teacher

GBDOU kindergarten No. 4

Primorsky district of St. Petersburg

Morozova N.N.

Saint Petersburg

Target: strengthen children’s ability to sculpt objects; develop coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination, imitation.


Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development":

Teach children to sculpt spring flowers in a constructive way using three or four parts;

Introduce the possibilities of obtaining more expressive colors by mixing two original colors;

Focus on an independent search for ways to convey the appearance of different primroses;

Develop a sense of form, composition ability;

Educational field “Speech development”:

Develop the ability to clearly pronounce words and sentences;

Teach children to listen carefully to the teacher and answer questions asked;

Develop children's speech, thinking, attention and imagination;

Educational area "Cognitive development":

Form a holistic view of the world around you;

Help expand children's understanding of colors;

Cultivate an interest in nature.

Educational field "Physical development":

Development of fine motor skills of hands

Types of children's activities : gaming, constructive, productive, communication, cognitive and research.

Planned results: be able to convey the shape and structure of a flower in their work, express positive emotions while listening to E. Serov’s poem “Snowdrop”, listening to the audio recording “Spring” by A. Vivaldi and while watching the video “Primroses” from the cycle “Twelve Months”; be able to express your point of view. Actively and kindly interact with the teacher and peers in the process of solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Preliminary work:

Examination of images of various primroses (snowdrop, mother and stepmother, liverwort);

Watching the video “Primroses” from the series “Twelve Months”;

Learning poems about spring by E. Serov “Snowdrop”.

Drawing spring flowers

Stroke "Primroses"

Listening to the audio recording “Spring” by A. Vivaldi.

Materials, tools, equipment:

Letter from Uncle Au;

Presentation with the image of primroses (snowdrop, coltsfoot, liverwort, lily of the valley, corydalis, dandelion);

Projector, screen, laptop;

Cut-out pictures depicting flowers;

Plasticine of different colors;

Stacks, seeds, beads or seed beads for the center of the flower;

Colored paper to simulate a clearing;

Wet wipes.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Dear guys, we have received a letter from “Uncle Au”! Let's see what's there? He takes out a letter.

D eti: Yes!

Educator: (reads the letter)“To the children of the second senior group of kindergarten No. 4. Hello! Boys and girls, please help me, I can’t remember the names of my favorite flowers. I’m waiting for you to visit my favorite fairy forest.”

Educator: Shall we help? To do this we need to go into the forest. What can we ride?

Children : by car, by bus, by minibus.

Educator : Yes, indeed, you know a lot of types of transport. And this time it will be convenient for us to go by bus. First, let's select a driver. Nastya, help me choose a driver using the rhyme:

The bees flew into the field,
They buzzed, they buzzed,
The bees sat on the flowers,
We play - you drive!

(one child is selected according to the rhyme, puts on a cap, takes the steering wheel).
Passengers take their seats. Let's hit the road. A song is being performed

(Verse 1) “We are going, we are going, we are going...”

Educator : We rode very friendly and arrived at a fairytale forest. Come out. How beautiful it is here! So many flowers! Come on in and look at them. The teacher shows the presentation. What are they called?

Children : snowdrop, coltsfoot, liverwort, lily of the valley, corydalis, dandelion.

Educator: reads E. Serov’s poem “Snowdrop”.

Snowdrop peeked out
In the twilight of the forest -
Little scout
Sent in the spring;
Let it still be above the forest
The snows rule,
Let them lie under the snow
Sleepy meadows;
Let on the sleeping river
The ice is motionless -
Once a scout came,
And spring will come!

The teacher reminds the children of how they watched the first spring flowers while walking.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you watch a short video about how, after a long snowy winter, the first flowers appear in thawed patches. And try to remember the names of these primroses.

Watch the video “Primroses” from the “Twelve Months” series.

Educator: Guys, let's remember what the names of the flowers in the video were?

Children: coltsfoot, snowdrop , liverwort.

Educator: Why do you think they are called primroses?

Children: These are the first spring flowers that can be seen among the unmelted snow in thawed areas.

Educator: Let's remember and name the structure of flowers. Presentation. Flower structure.

Children: root, stem, leaves, inflorescence.

Educator: That's right guys - the first spring flowers. Now let's listen to the audio recording of “Spring” by A. Vivaldi. How does it make you feel? (children's answers).

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. I hope now Uncle Au remembers the names of his favorite flowers. And now it’s time for us to go to kindergarten. (The children get on the bus and leave for the group).

Educator: Look guys, you have pictures on your tables. But, unfortunately, they are cut. I ask you to help me assemble the familiar primrose from the cut pictures.

Didactic game “Collect a flower”

Educator: Well done, guys! Everyone completed the task. But this was a warm-up, and now let's try to create a beautiful clearing with the first spring flowers using colored paper and plasticine.

Teacher shows the technological map “Flowers” ​​on the screen. Slide No. 8 and No. 9. Clarifies the creative task: we sculpt flowers for our spring meadow according to the technological map. Educator suggests that flower inflorescences can have different colors, or you can mix several colors of plasticine in one lump. The centers of flowers can be decorated with beads, beads and seeds.

Software tasks:

Software tasks:

— consolidate children’s knowledge about the change of seasons, the names of the spring months;
— systematize the idea of ​​the changes that occur in early spring in nature;
— lay the foundations of environmental education;
— intensify observation;

- consolidate the skills of clear, correct expressive speech;

- practice intonation expressiveness of speech in poetry.

Vocabulary work:

Expand your vocabulary with words on the topic “Spring” (thawed patches, streams, icicles, rays, drops, snowdrops, ice drift).

Grammatical structure of speech:

Strengthen the skills of using comparative phrases in children's speech.

Activate adjectives and verbs in children’s speech. To develop the ability to choose the most accurate words when solving speech situations.

Development of coherent speech:

Continue to improve the monologue form of speech.

To train children in the ability to talk about the seasons (spring) using visual aids, in a logical sequence.

Improve your ability to write a short story on a given topic using supporting diagrams.
Integration of areas: NGO "Social and personal development", NGO
“Cognitive development, NGO “Speech development”, NGO “Physical development,
NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development".
Equipment: demonstration painting: “Early Spring”, game “Find Relatives”, children’s drawings on the theme “Snowdrops”; ball, mnemonic tables for each child, easel.

Preliminary work: observations on walks, working with the nature calendar, artistic and creative activities of children (drawing, modeling, appliqué) on the theme “Spring”, memorizing poems, getting to know signs.

Organizational moment

Educator: — Guys, before we start working, we need to stretch our tongues and do some gymnastics.

Articulation warm-up:

Spruce-spruce-spruce - the ringing drops are ringing.

Whose-whose-whose - streams run in the yard.

Pew-pew-pew - I'm making my own nest.

Wei-wei-wei - you are welcome, nightingale.

Educator: Today we will talk about that time of year, which is called "Morning of the Year" Have you guessed what time of year we will talk about? Children's answers (about spring).

Why is spring called that? ? (nature awakens)

— Please name the spring months? (March, April, May)

(Children read poems about the spring months)


What's happened? What's the matter?

The sky suddenly turned blue

And the evil colds rushed away...

There are drops and puddles in the yard...

Who is to blame for this?

Well, of course, the month of March!

APRIL (S. Marshak)

April, April! Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields, puddles on the roads.

The ants will soon emerge from the winter cold.

A bear makes his way through the dead wood,

The birds began to sing songs and the snowdrop began to bloom.

Educator: Guys, remember from our observations during walks what the very first signs of spring we noted. Children's answers (icicles)

— I offer you a game exercise “Find the relatives of the icicle” (author's development).

Target: highlighting the properties of objects, finding comparisons, expanding vocabulary (comparing icicles - with water, snow, popsicle, glass, carrots).

Motor pause "Icicles"

“The drops fell loudly (light jumps)

All the icicles were crying (shakes head)

Our icicles are hot ( wave their hands at their faces)

Water flows from us (tilt down)

We will melt forever ( straightened up).

Educator: - Name other signs of spring.

(On the easel there are pictures depicting the signs of spring; the children name the signs of spring).

- the snow has melted

- streams flowed

- thawed patches appeared

- icicles dripped

- the birds have arrived

— the buds on the trees swelled.

— the first flowers bloomed

— the trees bloomed.

(Working with reference diagrams) – writing a story about spring.

Sun, rain. (Weather in spring.)

Birch. (The appearance of the first buds.)

Thrift. ( Primroses on thawed patches.)

Pack. (Migratory birds.)

Jerzy. (Awakening animals from hibernation.)

Butterfly. ( The appearance of insects.)

Educator : — Look carefully at the diagram: what happened first? What then? Where will you start your story? (each child has support diagrams on the sole)

(Individual work: the teacher approaches each child and clarifies whether everything is clear to him).

Children take turns telling a short story, placing their sign on the easel.

“Spring is coming. The sun is shining brighter, the icicles from the roofs are “crying.” The snow is melting, and snowdrops appear in the first thawed patches. Migratory birds return in flocks from warm countries. They build nests and hatch chicks. Animals are awakened from hibernation. The first insects appear."

(After all the children have spoken, the teacher sums it up.)

Educator: - Well done, guys. Now let's rest a little and stretch our fingers.

Finger and articulation gymnastics:

water song - s-s-s;

mosquito song - z-z-z;

(while pronouncing sounds, children perform finger exercises: the thumbs alternately meet with other fingers).

- Now we will listen to a poem (read by a child) “Spring is coming to us.”

Spring is coming towards us with quick steps

And the snowdrifts melt under her feet.

Black thawed patches are visible in the fields,

You can see very warm feet in spring.

Educator: - Guys, what kind of warm feet does spring have? Children's answers - (sun, solar heat). - Right , Sun- the biggest and kindest miracle that helps Spring?

Educator: The sun began to rise higher, shine brighter and stronger. It warmed the earth, and the world bloomed with bright colors again.

The teacher offers game “Compare and name” during which he throws a ball to the child, begins a phrase, and the child must finish it. In case of difficulty, other guys complement

The sun is yellow like... (dandelion, chicken, lemon).

The sun is round like... (ball, orange, bun).

The sun is gentle, like... (grandmother, mother, breeze, warm sea).

The sun is cheerful, like... (song, clown).

The sun is warm like ...(stove, mittens, sweater)

The sun is bright like... (light bulb, lantern, star)

The sun is hot like... (fire, bonfire)

(After the game, the children sit on chairs)

Educator: — In the spring, when the snow has not yet melted, the first flowers bloom. What are they called? (snowdrop). Come out to the clearing quickly.

(children approach the exhibition of children's drawings made during a drawing lesson)

Breathing exercises. Educator: Let's breathe in the scent of snowdrops. (Take a deep breath through your nose; as you exhale, say “Oh, how wonderful the flower smells”). Children say the phrase while exhaling 2-3 times.

Educator:- I suggest you guys listen to what Spring will tell us about. (Poem “Conversation with Spring”(dialogue between two children))

- Well, Vesna, how are you?

- I have work.

- What do you need a broom for?

— Sweep the snow from the hillock.

-What do you need streams for?

— Wash away the trash from the paths.

-What do you need the rays for?

- For cleaning too.

I'll wash everything, dry it,

I will invite you to the holiday.

Lesson summary: exercise " Name it in one word"

The first harbingers of spring. – (Icicles)

Ice flows down the river. – ( Ice drift)

A piece of land on which the snow has melted. – ( Thawed patch)

The first spring flowers in thawed patches. – ( Snowdrops)

Educator: - Let's say together: “We love spring!”

Auto training: - Guys, let's hold hands, feel the spring warmth, close our eyes and imagine how the warmth spreads throughout the body. Now open your eyes and transfer warmth to each other by touching your palms and cheeks. And then, along with the warmth, the chain of kindness will be passed on to each other. Let spring warmth and kindness settle in our hearts!

Lesson: Modeling “Lark”


1. Introduce children to the folk tradition of welcoming spring


2. Learn to make a lark from dough.

3. Develop fine motor skills and dough handling skills.

4. Foster love and memory for ancient Russian traditions.

Correction: memory, imagination.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: flour, dough, raisins, knife for cutting dough, napkins for hands, cutting board.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys!

Do you know what time of year is approaching now? (spring).

So today we have an unusual lesson, you and I will learn to welcome spring according to ancient Russian traditions. We will learn how to sculpt birds - larks.

Winter is receding and we are waiting for spring - red. Guys, why is spring called spring - red? But because this is the approach of something joyful, long-awaited.

The Russian people celebrated the arrival of spring every year.

According to the folk calendar, spring is celebrated three times.

The first meeting of spring falls on March 15 - this is Candlemas. “At Candlemas, winter meets spring” - this is what people say.

The first month of spring is March. They say about March that March is not spring, but spring. March – winter forest, thawed grass, rookery. Let's explain these words together.

People say: “In March, it drips from the roof, but it clings to your nose.”

“Don’t rush to take off your fur coat, otherwise March will put it on.”

The floors in the house were washed with melted March water, the walls were doused with the same water - “snowflake”, flowers were watered, and the sick were wiped. Everything in the house began to breathe in spring. The water of this day was considered a special spring value.

Well, March 22 comes - the second meeting of spring - the day of the vernal equinox, i.e. day becomes equal to night and real spring begins. In Rus' this day is called “Magpies” or “Forty forties - forty martyrs.” Veneration of the forty saints. People believe that forty forty birds sneak into Rus' to help people in business.

And the first of them is a lark. In Rus', people used to say: “Forty forty – larks fly, carrying spring on their wings.” Birds have one secret - magical golden keys. Every autumn, the evil old woman winter locks the beautiful spring in a dark dungeon, and the larks, returning from the south, open this dungeon and free spring. People tried to help birds bring spring on their wings. For this purpose, they specially sang unusual songs - chants. Listen to some of them here:

Oh, waders, larks,

Come to us from a foreign side

A sandpiper flew from across the sea

The sandpiper brought nine locks,

Kulik, Kulik, close the winter

Unlock the spring, it's warm summer



Come and visit us

Clear spring, red spring

Bring it to us!

Lark - lark

Fly to us from across the sea

Bring red spring

With the warm sun

With wheat grain

Lark, lark

Take your winter

Give us spring

Get yourself a sleigh

Give us the cart.

Physical education minute:

Let's stomp our feet (stomp)

Let's clap our hands (clap)

Our fingers are like little chicks (moving our fingers up and down)

Our hands are like birds

Sparrows - titmouses (make diverging lanterns)

They flew towards Matryosha and made flying movements with their hands)

They sat down at Matryosha’s (sit down)

They ate the grains and “pecked” them on the knees)

They sang a song


According to tradition, at the beginning of this holiday, mothers and grandmothers made small birds - “larks” - out of dough. The dough was left to rise in the sun so that God would enter into it. A flax seed was hidden inside each lark (for a good harvest). The birds should be appetizing with a crispy crust. Then they distributed the larks to the children with the words “The larks flew in and sat on their heads,” thereby blessing them.

Do you want to make such a lark from dough? (we look at the example of a lark with the children).

Guys, do you want to fly like larks?

Then imagine that you are a morning person, and the table you are sitting at is a nest. Each nest has its own color (green, yellow, red, blue). On command you fly out of the nest, while you are flying, I change your colors, and you must find your nest (i.e. your color). So, they flew, they flew... they sat down in their places. We sat down. Well done. Now let's get down to business.

Practical part:

Educator: First we need to dip our hands in flour so that the dough does not stick to them. Let's take a piece of dough in our hands. What is it like? (soft, stretchy). What is the dough made from? (flour, water, eggs, salt, sugar). We already have a ready-made flatbread for the lark. We need to make 4 cuts according to the pattern using a knife. The upper tip is the lark's head, and the lower tip is the tail. The side parts are wings. Fold the loose strips on the back in the form of a cross. Using a knife, shape the wings and tail of the lark. Our larks' eyes can be made from raisins. (Children make larks). Educator: Well done guys! What beautiful larks you have made.

What did they do with these birds? Children raised larks above their heads and invited spring.

Today we, as before in Rus', will call birds:


Fly into our sky

Light up our land

All the kids in the world

Warm up, improve your health.

For the third time, spring was called on the Annunciation (April 7) - this is one of the big spring holidays. They looked forward to spring with great impatience and believed that birds could speed up its arrival. Therefore, there was a beautiful custom - to release birds into the wild, so that together with the birds nature would gain complete freedom from winter.

Well, we won’t release our larks into the sky, but will place them at our exhibition.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development; cognitive development; speech development; physical development.


Continue to introduce your child to plasticine and its properties

Develop an interest in working with plasticine

Develop fine motor skills

Main tasks:

Educational: - Form elementary ideas about natural phenomena (the appearance of leaves on trees);

Continue teaching children to pinch off pieces of plasticine;

Learn to work in a given space;

Reinforce your knowledge of primary colors.

Educational:- Develop children’s ability to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece, roll out a lump of plasticine: with circular movements of the palms, attach the “ball” to the workpiece, slightly pressing it (leaves).

Develop visual, auditory perception, attention;

Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, eye control;

Develop creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception of the environment.

Educational:- To develop the skills of careful work with plasticine;

Cultivate an interest in nature and conveying one’s impressions in visual arts.

Speech:- Enrichment and activation of children's vocabulary (the sun is bright, radiant, warm);

Learn to answer leading questions.

Preliminary work: conversations about the signs of early spring; during a walk, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that buds and the first leaves on the trees are beginning to appear.

Materials: picture “Sun”, picture of emerging leaves, green plasticine, modeling boards, picture of a tree without leaves (on cardboard) for each child, napkins.


(Children with a teacher enter the group, stand facing the guests)

Educator: Guys, look, we have guests. Let's say hello to them.

(Children greet guests)

Educator: - Now, children, sit down at the tables, close your eyes, someone will come to visit us! (a picture of the sun appears).

Guys, open your eyes and look who came to visit us! (this is the sun)

That's right, what is it? (yellow, round, warm, radiant, bright, etc.)

The sun asks, what time of year is it now? (spring).

That's right, what appears on the trees with the onset of spring? (the first leaves).. the teacher shows a picture with the first leaves.

Well done, of course these are leaves. The leaves bloom from buds that grow on the branches, and what color are the leaves? (green)

On the mighty poplar

Together the buds burst,

And from each kidney

The leaves came out -

Unrolled the tubes

Skirts fluffed up

Looked back and smiled

And they said - “We woke up!”

Guys, look out the window... spring has already come, but there are still no leaves on our trees, let's help both spring and the sun and make green leaves for our trees.

Look carefully at how we will sculpt the leaves. You have plasticine on the tables, take a large piece and pinch off a small piece and roll the ball in a circular motion. We attach the resulting ball to a tree branch using pressure - we get a leaf. Then again we take a large piece of plasticine, pinch off a small piece and roll the ball again. We attach the resulting ball to a branch - one more leaf is ready, and so you need to make many leaves.

But before we start sculpting, let's warm up!

Physical education minute:

The wind is blowing in our faces. (Children wave their hands at themselves)

The tree swayed. (Children do bends)

Wind, quieter, quieter, quieter... (Children crouch)

The tree is getting higher, higher!.. (Children stand on their toes, stretch up)

Now let’s sit down at the tables and start making our leaves.

Summing up.

Educator: Well done, guys, you turned out wonderful leaves! Sunny, look how the guys tried and helped you, all the trees turned green!

All the guys, it's time for the sun to leave, let's say GOODBYE to him!

Let's say goodbye to the guests, guys. Let's say to the guests: “Goodbye! Come visit us again!”

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