The new soloist of the Leningrad group boasted luxurious breasts. The new soloists of “Leningrad” do not compete with each other Grouping Leningrad composition fat woman who is she

"Leningrad" is a Russian group with a long history and scandalous fame. Provocative texts with an abundance of obscenities, non-standard shows on the verge of public morality at concerts, and powerful rotation on radio and television - it’s impossible not to notice this band, even if you don’t like the style of music they perform. At a time when the attention to the group from journalists had somewhat diminished, a new song appeared... about the male genital organ. The composition, despite its rudeness and abundance of profanity, instantly became popular, and Yulia Kogan, the soloist of Leningrad at that time, one day woke up famous throughout the country. However, very soon the band began performing with another girl, entrusting her with all the female vocal parts.

Group "Leningrad": soloist Alisa Vox-Burmistrova

In 2012, I decided to become a mother and went on maternity leave. It is worth noting that the vocalist worked in the group along with its permanent leader Sergei Shnurov. Recent albums have had more than enough songs featuring male and female vocals, or even more female vocals. Accordingly, performing without a soloist for the group at that moment meant giving up half of the updated repertoire. The team did not dare to take such a step, and then the search for a new vocalist began. She became Alisa Vox-Burmistrova. The girl cannot be fully considered the “discovery of Leningrad”. Before joining the group, she was quite well known as a resident of many St. Petersburg clubs, in particular, D’12. The new soloist of “Leningrad” was also popular as a presenter. Initially, it was assumed that Alisa would only replace Yulia during her maternity leave, but as a result, the girl remained in the group.

Who fired Yulia Kogan?

Very soon after the birth of the child, the ex-vocalist began appearing in public, giving interviews and appearing on talk shows. At this time, the Leningrad group went on a tour, and in many cities the audience was waiting to see the group in the old familiar lineup. The fans' expectations were not met; a new girl, Alisa, invariably appeared on the stage. And very soon there were reports of Yulia’s official and final dismissal. According to some sources, this decision was made by him who wanted the lead singer of the Leningrad group, Yulia Kogan, to leave the group forever. The official version boils down to a divergence of creative interests. Shnurov has previously said in interviews that it is sometimes difficult for him to work with Yulia. It is worth noting that Kogan’s total experience in the group is about 5 years; she came to Leningrad in 2007.

The new soloist is no worse than the old one!

For some time after personnel changes in their favorite group, the most devoted fans tried to discuss and compare Alice with Julia. The conclusions were different; some initially did not like the new composition. However, over time, Alisa proved that she can sing and perfectly senses all the moods of the group. Today she is already known as the main vocalist and is eagerly awaited at concerts. The new soloist of “Leningrad” was also noticed in typical scandals for the group, for example, once she and Sergei Shnurov undressed in public in protest against the law prohibiting swearing.

Is there life after Leningrad?

Many fans are interested in what happened to Yulia Kogan after her dismissal from the group? In her interviews, this bright and, undoubtedly, talented girl emphasizes that although the news of her resignation surprised her, it did not upset her too much. Today, the ex-soloist of “Leningrad” works as a TV presenter on the channel for girls “U”, and also has a solo musical project. Julia claims that she liked working in the group, but this was only a certain stage in her creative career. Dismissal from the team only stimulated her to work and develop further.

A new vocalist in a group is like a new wife in a family; relatives (in this case, the audience) do not immediately accept her.

Florida: People really react painfully to everything new. We were basically ready. When did you go to your first concert?, none of the 8 thousand spectators were aware that there were new girls in the group,. By the way, we felt quite comfortable back then, as if this was how it should be, everything was taking its course. And then I started reading comments on social networks, a lot of shit was thrown at us: they say, bring back Vox, these girls are no good, mediocre karaochists, no voices... At first I was upset. And the next morning I discovered that several hundred people had signed up for me at once, who wrote words of support in direct messages and were happy for us. You just need to get used to everything new. Alisa Vox herself also worked in karaoke; she and I started together at the Plywood bar about seven years ago.It was immediately clear from her that she would make it through, very stubborn and purposeful.

Vasilisa: We will never sing like Vox, and Vox will never sing like us. It’s stupid to say “Leningrad is not the same,” because no one forces us to adapt to the performance style of Alisa or Yulia Kogan and present songs in such a way that fans would not seem to notice the substitution. No, Sergei introduced us to the public, and now new material is being written. We already have quite hit songs: I have “Sobchachki Glasses”, Florida has “Kolshchik”. In general, the main thing is that there is Sergei Shnurov in the group, female vocals add some chic, but changing girls does not make Leningrad any worse.

Florida: It's funny when they start making things up about us. My mother sent me an article that said that our names are actually Angela and Snezhana, and that we were seen in some bathhouse, where we danced a striptease on a pole.

Vasilisa: I practiced on the pole for some time as a sports activity. Yes, I’ve been to the bathhouse too,detox, that's all. Noh neithersimultaneously(laughs).

Florida: And by the way, Florida is my real name. In her youth, my mother went on a cruise on a ship and heard some woman calling her daughter that name. So, no pseudonyms.

How did your parents react to the fact that you are now swearing on stage?

Vasilisa: It's normal, this is creativity. In my life I don’t swear. Besides, I don't drink or smoke.My mom has always supported me. True, I was upset when I left the conservatory, but there was clearly no place for me there: everyone was such a classical, academic opera singer, and I came either with a green bouffant on my head or with a pink hayer. Local freak. My mother and I agreed a long time ago that I would bring her a diploma of education, at least some kind, and calmly engage in creativity, make music. As a result, I am a pastry chef by training, and I can bake buns. And now I’m also a member of the coolest Russian group.

Florida: I also adhere to a healthy lifestyle. After the castingI introduced my mother to the group’s work; at first she didn’t understand, but then she got into it. On March 30, on my birthday, my mother came to a concert in Chelyabinsk,when the performance ended, sheShe said she was proud of me. I cried.

Have you met Matilda, Sergei's wife?

Florida: Yes, even at the first rehearsal. She treated us very kindly and gave us style recommendations.

Vasilisa: For the first concert, Sergei and I went to DLT to choose costumes, it was wildly fun.

Florida: We also visited, and it was very tasty. The only thing I didn’t like was black caviar, I tried it for the first time. Sergei said that we need to get used to it.

What was it like to wake up famous?

F lorida: This did not happen overnight, but recent events are indeed developing rapidly. We had six concerts, and while I still catch flashbacks every time: here I am standing on stage inJelsominoand I sing along to the uneven, drunken “I can’t live without her, I’ll scream: “This is mine!”, But here I am already on stage, in front of me is a thousand-strong audience. And it seems like the lines are the same, but everything is completely different.

On the evening of March 24, instead of the pretty and sweet-voiced Alisa Vox, two new vocalists appeared on the stage of the Moscow Stadium Live during the Leningrad concert: Vasilisa and Florida. The petite blonde, who worked in the team for three and a half years, wrote on her Instagram that. Sergei Shnurov's wife confirmed to the press that Vasilisa and Florida are not session singers, but new members of the group.

“Lady Mail.Ru” tells who will now perform everyone’s favorite song and shows what the Leningrad soloists who replaced Alisa Vox look like in real life.

Vasilisa Starshova

As stated on Vasilisa's Instagram profile, she is a singer, songwriter, composer, actress and dancer. Impressive list of talents!

As Life78 reports, in 2011 Starshova was a member of the Flash Mob group, which was formed at the casting of the Factor A project.

In 2013, the singer became a semi-finalist of the New Wave.

Vasilisa learned to sing and play the piano from early childhood, but she never graduated from the vocal department of a music college: she decided to try to learn all the subtleties of the skill while working.

Florida Chanturia

The same Life78 found out that Florida (they write on the Internet that this is indeed her real name) graduated from the pop and jazz department of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts and has solid experience in the music field. The girl’s personal blog, however, looks somewhat less bright than the social network page of her newly-made colleague Vasilisa.

The elegant brunette spends a lot of time with her family and her beloved dog, often works at corporate events and hosts various events.

Florida loves to relax by the sea and plays sports (for example, on her blog you can see pictures in which she makes stands against the wall). Another girl, like Vasilisa, rides a snowboard - in general, she leads an active life.

Alice Vox

Although it became known that Shnurov and Vox separated quite peacefully, rumors appeared in the media that in fact Alisa had quarreled with. She, however, denied this. “Alice herself announced her resignation, I have absolutely nothing to do with this. I wish Alice good luck on her creative path, I am very sorry and happy at the same time. Sergei is no longer related to Alice Vox. As for the new girls who were taken to Leningrad, their names are Vasilisa and Florida, these are new soloists, because they sing well and they are beautiful,” said Matilda.

On Instagram, the ex-soloist of the group Matilda, however, left a provocative comment: “Alice, it’s surprising that there was no “thank you” either for “Ice”, where 12 thousand spectators watched you, or for the Moscow concerts with a full house. Most of your subscribers here are fans of the Leningrad group. The scandal has not yet continued.

Alisa Vox is a Russian singer who received recognition from a multi-million audience as the lead singer of the Leningrad group. No, this is not an exaggeration. Just look at the song “Exhibit”, the video for which was viewed on the Internet by more than 60 million people! And all mainly thanks to the unsurpassed vocals of Alisa Vox. The girl’s biography can be called rich and interesting, but first things first.

Childhood and youth

Alisa Mikhailovna Vox (Kondratieva is her real name) was born in Leningrad. This happened on June 30, 1987. Now giving an interview and talking about her biography, Alisa Vox says that as a child she was looking for an opportune moment to climb onto a chair and sing a song or recite a poem.

The girl’s mother, who dreamed of her child’s career on stage, enrolled the little girl at the age of 4 in a ballet studio and put her on a strict diet. About a year later, it became clear to everyone that, unfortunately, the girl was not making much progress in this field. But Alice’s mother did not give up and enrolled her in the Music Hall children’s studio, where teachers soon appreciated the vocals of the young talent.

It's time to go to school. Alice, passionate about plays and music, did not have enough time for lessons. The parents considered that studying was more important, so they insisted on their daughter leaving Music Hall, allowing her to practice vocals in the school club.

After graduating from school, Alisa entered SPbGATI without any difficulties, and a year later she moved to the capital of Russia and transferred to GITIS. When the girl turned 20, she was forced to return to her hometown (due to financial problems) and continue her studies at the University of Culture and Arts.

Biography of Alice Vox: beginning of a career

After graduating from university, the girl worked part-time as a presenter at weddings and many other celebrations, and was a vocalist at the NEP restaurant. But the first success came immediately after Alice began collaborating with the Duhless club. She skillfully improvised on stage, singing popular tunes to the electronic beat of the DJ. Very soon the public appreciated this direction, and a girl named MC Lady Alice began to be invited to perform in prestigious nightclubs. But a sharp turn in the biography of Alisa Vox-Burmistrova (this is her last name after marriage, but about the singer’s personal life a little later) occurred in 2012, when she successfully passed the audition and was accepted into the Leningrad group.

Finest hour

At first, the girl took part only in the studio recordings of “Leningrad”, replacing which she went on maternity leave, but promised to return. But already in 2013, Alisa, who pleasantly surprised everyone with her serious vocal abilities, charisma and self-confidence, became a full member of the group and appeared on stage. She herself sang all the female parts in the group’s compositions, and together she staged such provocative, incendiary and frank shows on stage that some people’s hair literally stood on end.

It is interesting that the leader of the group and the soloist allowed themselves such behavior only on stage, but behind the scenes Alisa called him by name and patronymic for a long time, even lowering her eyes when talking with Sergei Shnurov.

“Patriot”, “Exhibit”, “Fire and Ice”, “Bag” - these and many other songs became real hits. Alice's vocals, so sonorous and multifaceted, could not help but attract attention and interest.

Having gone through such an interesting, fun and scandal-filled path together, Shnurov and Vox decided to end their cooperation in 2016. As the singer says, she simply wanted to end the scandalous stage of her biography and pursue a solo career. According to some sources, the initiator of the breakup was Shnurov himself, but the singer does not give any specific comments on this issue.

Personal life

Many fans of the singer are also interested in this page from the biography of Alisa Vox-Burmistrova. For how many years she appeared in public in revealing outfits, behaved on stage sometimes playfully, sometimes defiantly, gave interviews on a variety of topics, but all these years she preferred not to talk about her personal life. It is only known that even before participating in “Leningrad” she married a famous photographer and lover of club life. Alisa always respected her husband, took his opinion into account, and spoke only positively about him. The girl has repeatedly said that this is a wise man who understands the need for her such piquant behavior on stage that he perfectly sees the difference between show and reality.

But already at the end of 2015, she began to be noticed without a wedding ring, at the same time she deleted all joint photos with her husband from social networks. Dmitry and Alisa finally broke off their relationship at the very beginning of 2016.


Today the girl creates solo compositions and records albums. It cannot be said that the public rated her new songs very highly. Perhaps fans are simply accustomed to perceiving Alisa as an indispensable member of the Leningrad group, seeing her constantly next to the charismatic Shnurov. Most likely, fans will need time to get used to Alice's new image. We wish the girl success in this difficult period for her and look forward to new hits.