Moral problems in A. Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden. A.S

Pushkin “The Station Agent” - an essay on the topic “The responsibility of parents and children to each other.”

In the story “The Station Warden,” A. Pushkin tells the story of a poor lower-class official, Samson Vyrin. The plot is based on the tragedy of the life of this “little” man, who, despite the difficult living conditions and humiliating work, is quite happy and does not complain about fate, because he is not used to receiving gifts from it. In this work, the writer raises the eternal universal problem of the relationship between parents and their children.

Vyrin is raising a fourteen-year-old daughter and works as a station attendant. The hero’s job is quite difficult, because all the complaints, grievances and abuse of passers-by fall on him. The travelers take out the anger accumulated on the road on Samson, sometimes beating him. The only joy in the caretaker's life is his beloved daughter. Dunya helps her father whenever possible, smoothing out conflicts with visitors. One day, a passing officer Minsky bursts into the caretaker’s measured life, who fell in love with Dunya and took her away secretly from her father.

The girl ends up in St. Petersburg, and at this time Vyrin cannot find a place for himself and falls ill. Longing for his daughter and the awareness of guilt in front of her haunts him. Samson feels that he did not save his daughter. Then he decides to find her and return her, but Minsky drives him away twice. Vyrin saw that Dunya was living in good conditions, but this only made him feel more pain for his daughter - he was sure that the hussar would sooner or later leave her, because they belong to different social classes. For Samson, a hussar’s love for a simple girl is not possible, so he sincerely feels sorry for his daughter, tormenting himself day after day. Vyrin becomes an alcoholic and soon dies. The writer does not condemn the hero for the narrowness of his views, but only tries to understand and explain the nature of his behavior.

A. Pushkin embodied in the image of a caretaker the life of “little people”, powerless and full of suffering. The story deeply reveals the motive for the guilt of the parent before the child and the child before the parent. The writer did not endow the main character with any specific vice, but naive Samson is entirely focused on his little happiness. He is selfish in his desire to avoid any conflicts, taking advantage of his daughter's attractiveness. He wants to live in comfort and tranquility, but the hero forgets about his responsibility to his daughter. Vyrin does not neglect the opportunity to use her charm to soften the anger of visitors. So Dunya gets used to lying, to being obliging to everyone whose social status is higher than her. Of course, this soon turns against the father. The simple-minded caretaker is waiting for the return of his daughter, he is ready to forgive her, because she is the whole meaning of his life. But the unhappy, offended father was left alone. Dunya's happy life with her children does not justify her behavior, and repentance comes to her belatedly - having decided to visit her father, she finds only his grave. For the rest of her life, her companion will be a feeling of guilt.

A. Pushkin raises the topic of gratitude and responsibility of children to their parents. Samson's touching love for his only daughter and her ungrateful behavior in response became a tragedy for the hero that destroyed him. Dunya loved her father and did not forget about him, but she still left, leaving him alone and never visiting him. The writer urges us to be humane, not to forget about our children and parents, because human duty is to take care of each other regardless of the circumstances.

Korolkova Elena Viktorovna
Educational institution: MBOU School No. 7 named after A.P. Berest
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2017-09-26 Moral problems in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden" Korolkova Elena Viktorovna To update the understanding and assessment of the previously studied works of A. S. Pushkin, to compare the story “The Station Agent” with them, to determine the originality of its content and problematics.

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Moral problems in the story by A.S. Pushkin "Station Warden"

Solvable educational problems:

goals for the teacher:

To update the understanding and assessment of the previously studied works of A. S. Pushkin, to compare the story “The Station Agent” with them, to determine the originality of its content and problematics. In the process of studying the text, lead students to identify the problems raised by the author in the story, comparing the problems of the story with the biblical parable of the Prodigal Son, and what determines a person’s behavior in solving difficult life situations.

Tasks for students:

Determine how the story “The Station Agent” differs from the biblical parable of the Prodigal Son, find out the peculiarities of the plot underlying the story, name the ways of creating and characterizing the images of the main characters, identify the problems of the work, find out what moral values ​​a person should have, how relationships develop between father and daughter and what should be the relationship between parents and children in the family, the author’s position in their disclosure, determine one’s position in assessing the choice of moral life principles of the heroes of the work, as well as in determining one’s own life principles.

The results of student learning in this lesson:


— improvement of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual;

— the ability to determine the moral values ​​of a work;

- the ability to reasonably choose one’s own life principles from the standpoint of their values ​​for people.


- the ability to understand the problem and the conflict within it;

— the ability to compare various sources of information in order to find a match between them;

— the ability to select arguments to confirm one’s own position;

— the ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships in determining findings and conclusions;

- the ability to analyze a source of information and use it in independent activities.


- understanding the connection between literary works and the era of their writing, identifying the timeless moral values ​​embedded in them and their modern meaning;

identifying the visual and expressive means of language in a work, understanding their role in revealing the ideological and artistic content of the work;

— the ability to analyze a literary work: understand and formulate a theme, an idea, characterize its characters, compare the characters of one or more works;

- understand the figurative nature of literature as a phenomenon of verbal art.

Lesson type: dialogical.

Technology: communicative-dialogue.

Form of organization of students' activities: analytical work with a literary text, conversation, work with tables.

The main activities of the teacher: organizing a search analytical conversation, developing logical thinking, oral and written speech.

Lesson equipment: the text of the story “The Station Warden”, an interactive board for organizing the work of students with filling out the table, dictionaries for familiarizing themselves with the meaning of some words from the text of the story.

Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long.


Pre-text fragment of the lesson.

1st stage. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The teacher informs students about the topic of the lesson, about the educational material that will be used in the lesson as a source of information, about the general goals and objectives of the lesson, about the use of an interactive whiteboard in the lesson, about the main types of student activities in the lesson (organizational point).

2nd stage. Preparing schoolchildren to perceive a new work.

Teacher: In previous years of studying creativity A. S. Pushkina we got acquainted with different works. Let's remember them.

Teacher:Read the words written on the board. This is the epigraph of our lesson. How do you understand these words?
What does it mean to honor your parents? (Love, respect, do not insult with words or deeds, help them, obey them, take care of them, and also pray to God for them).

The topic of our lesson today“Moral problems in the story by A.S. Pushkin “The Station Agent.” (Write down the topic of the lesson.)
What is the problem?

A problem is a complex issue that requires research and resolution.

What is morality?

Today in the lesson we will try to figure out which act we call moral and which immoral. First, let's look at what morality is.

Writing on the board: Morality

Teacher: What did the story make you think about?
Student: On the problem of the relationship between children and parents (Let's write it down in a notebook.)
Teacher: The work is called "The Station Agent".
— How do you understand the meaning of the name?
— What was a station in the time of Pushkin?

Student : A station is a place where travelers stopped to change horses.
Teacher:-Who were called caretakers?
Student: The caretaker is the head of the postal station.
. Today in the lesson we will try to figure out which act we call moral and which immoral. First, let's look at what morality is.

Moral – 1. A set of norms that determine human behavior // Human behavior based on such norms; 2. Moral qualities, that is, qualities that determine a person’s behavior, his actions, good or evil.

Teacher:— Read what the author says about this position?

Student:“A real 14th grade martyr, protected by his decorum only from beatings, and even then not always.”
Teacher: Why does the author call the stationmaster “a real martyr”?
Thus, the station superintendent is an official of the lowest class, whom anyone can offend and humiliate, there is no one to protect such a person, he is accustomed to humiliation and bullying. The main character is the station superintendent, Samson Vyrin, a small, powerless man, no one will listen to him or will hear.
I called Samson Vyrin a “little” man.
- In what meaning is this word used?
— What other problem does A.S. Pushkin raise in his work?
Student: The problem of relations between ranks, lower and higher, the problem of relations between the strong and the weak of this world, the problem of the “little” person. (write in a notebook)

Teacher:—Which of the heroes of the story is the culprit of Samson Vyrin’s suffering?

Student: Minsky

Teacher:— What do you think is the difference between the image of Dunya and the image of Minsky and what are their similarities? - What would I do if I were the caretaker? Why did Minsky do this to the caretaker, since Samson treated him very kindly? Why is he not afraid that the caretaker will complain about him and why doesn’t Samson complain?

Student: It’s useless, since the caretaker is a minor official, no one will listen to him.
Teacher:– What did Pushkin show in the relationship between Vyrin and Minsky? (social inequality, the fate of a little person)
– But there is an episode in the text in which the author shows us that the “little man” Samson Vyrin is morally superior to Minsky. He is an honest worker, a loving father, a man who knows that not everything in this world can be bought and sold, he is a proud man.
– What episode are we talking about? (crumpled banknotes)
- Why does he still come back for money? (He's a little man)

A.S. Pushkin was the first in Russian literature to raise the problem of the “little” man, which was continued by N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky and other Russian writers. But A.S. Pushkin was the first to do this. His hero is an ordinary man, a low-class official who manages to evoke the reader's sympathy.

Writing on the board: A little man is a hero of a literary work who belongs to the middle or lower social order, but often has high mental and spiritual qualities.

Teacher: The narrator, a young man, Ivan Petrovich Belkin, on whose behalf the story is told, found himself at the postal station.

— How did he see Samson Vyrin?

student: This is a man of about fifty, fresh and cheerful, in a long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons.

Teacher:What qualities in Vyrin’s character would you note? How does this person make you feel? Support your answer with quotes from the text.

Students:Timid - “A real martyr of the fourteenth class, protected by his rank only from beatings, and even then not always..”

Kind - “What to do! the caretaker gave him his bed, and it was supposed, if the patient did not feel better, to send to S** for a doctor the next morning.”

Gullible - “What are you afraid of? “- her father said to her, “after all, his honor is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church.”

Vulnerable - “The old man could not bear his misfortune; he immediately went to bed in the same bed where the young deceiver had lain the day before.”

Loving - “And I, old fool, can’t get enough of it, sometimes I can’t get enough of it; I really didn’t love my Dunya, didn’t I cherish my child..."

— What has changed in this portrait? (

“It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how he has aged. While he was getting ready to rewrite my travel document, I looked at his gray hair, at the deep wrinkles of his long-unshaven face, at his hunched back - and could not marvel at how three or four years could turn a vigorous man into a frail old man."

What caused these changes? (All that the father had was his daughter Dunya. And when she left with the hussar, he could not understand and accept that the dearest person for whom he had lived all this time could do this to him. He was very it hurts and hurts, life became uninteresting and pointless. The whole meaning of life was in Duna.)

- But Vyrin himself let Dunya and Minsky go for a ride to the church. Why?

I could not imagine that good would be repaid with evil.

– Did Vyrin try to bring Dunya back?

Yes, Vyrin went on foot to St. Petersburg and found his daughter there.

– Why were his attempts unsuccessful?

He cannot fight Minsky. At the first meeting in St. Petersburg, Minsky tries to pay him off, and at the second he kicks him out the door with the words: “Why are you sneaking after me everywhere like a robber? Go away!"

– How do we imagine Vyrin at this moment?

A very unhappy person, humiliated.

– Why does Minsky think he has the right to tell a man twice his age, the father of his wife: “Get out!”?

Minsk is a rich man, an aristocrat, and Vyrin is a “low rank”, a poor caretaker of the postal station.

– Why didn’t Vyrin go to complain about Minsky?

He has no rights, no connections, he understood the pointlessness of such an attempt.

The sickness and decrepitude of the caretaker are further emphasized

one detail. Let’s compare, for the first time: “Here he began to rewrite my travel document.” That is, he immediately began to fulfill his official duty. On his second visit: “While I was getting ready to rewrite my travel document... I continued to read in a whisper...” What does this detail draw attention to?

The caretaker hesitates like an old man, with difficulty deciphering what is written,

He pronounces words out loud in an senile “whisper.”

Entries in notebooks, access to the concept - antithesis.

— In the story, the narrator visits the postal station three times. (The first and second visits have a lot in common. Almost everything is like the first visit? What do you think?)
No. There was no Dunya, there were no flowers on the windows, and everything around showed dilapidation and desolation.
- And the caretaker himself remained the same or changed? (He has aged. Gray hair, deep wrinkles on his long-unshaven face, a hunched back, a frail old man.)
- What is the reason for this change? Tell me what happened to Dunya?

Student: A young officer arrived at the station, who was in a hurry and angry that the horses had not been served for a long time, but when he saw Dunya, he softened and even stayed for dinner. When the horses arrived, the officer suddenly felt very unwell. The doctor who arrived found him to have a fever and prescribed complete rest. On the third day, the officer was already healthy and prepared to leave. It was Sunday, and he offered Duna to take her to church. The father allowed his daughter to go, not expecting anything bad, but he was still overcome by anxiety, and he ran to the church. Mass had already ended, the worshipers were leaving, and from the words of the sexton, the caretaker learned that Dunya was not in the church. The driver who was carrying the officer returned in the evening and reported that Dunya had gone with him to the next station. The caretaker realized that the officer’s illness was feigned, and he himself fell ill with a severe fever.
Teacher:— How does the caretaker begin to fight for his daughter?
Student:“Having barely recovered from his illness, the caretaker asked the postmaster for leave for two months and, without telling anyone a word about his intention, he set off on foot to fetch his daughter.”
Teacher:— What is happening in St. Petersburg?
Student: Dunya became a rich lady, but this made her father’s life even more miserable. My father was not even allowed on the threshold. The poor man not only remained poor, but his human dignity was insulted and trampled upon. He still remains in the camp of the powerless poor, and it is useless for him to compete with the powers that be.
Teacher:- Why is the caretaker so worried about Dunya, because she lives in luxury and wealth?
Things happen. Not her first, not her last, was lured away by a passing rake, but he held her there and abandoned her. There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, look, they are sweeping the street along with the tavern's nakedness. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, is disappearing right away, you will inevitably sin and wish for her grave...

Teacher: We talk about Samson Vyrin all the time, but the heroine of the story is Dunya. Make a portrait of Dunya . Tell us, what impression does the girl make on the guest? What words express this attitude?
Student: Belkin was struck by the beauty of a 14-year-old girl, he notices narcissism in her behavior, a desire to please the guest: he even calls her “a little coquette.” Dunya behaves with the guest without timidity and even allowed herself to be kissed goodbye.

Teacher: How does the caretaker treat his daughter?

Student: With love, he is proud of her. “So smart, so agile, like a dead mother”

Teacher: Undoubtedly, the narrator is a kind, sincere, attentive person. He pays attention to the decor of the room where these kind people live. What did he see?
Student: The guest is touched by the furnishings of this poor, but very nice, well-kept home, pots with balsam, a bed with a colorful curtain, and of course, pictures on the walls depicting the story of the prodigal son.
Teacher: Look at the footnote in the textbook. What is a parable?

Writing on the board: A parable is a small moralizing story, like a fable, but without morality, without direct teaching. Everyone must extract the moral from it themselves.

Teacher: Let's remember once again the content of the parable of the prodigal son (retelling)
- Let's think about why this parable received such a name. To answer this question, let us first turn to the lexical meaning of the word “prodigal.” This adjective is derived from the verb “to fornicate,” which has two meanings: 1. To prostitute. 2. Wander, wander.
— So, the word “prodigal” combines the direct meaning of the verb “to wander”—to wander, having lost one’s way—and the figurative meaning: to lose moral guidelines, to deviate from the correct path in life, that is, to make a mistake.
- Why do you think the narrator described in such detail the plot of these pictures about a restless young man who knew sadness and repentance and returned to his father after a long wandering?
These pictures seem to hint at the future story of the “prodigal daughter”, Dunya. And the “venerable old man in a cap and dressing gown” resembles the caretaker himself. Let's compare their path to repentance.


Dunya's story

1. The prodigal son voluntarily leaves his home with his father’s blessing.

1. The daughter, placing all responsibility on her friend, leaves secretly, accidentally, without the consent and blessing of her father.

2. Nobody is looking for him.

2. Doesn’t want to be found and doesn’t provide any information about herself

3. Leads a wild lifestyle.

3. Dunya lives in St. Petersburg in luxury and wealth, becomes a mother.

4. A joyful meeting between a son and his father.

4. He is afraid of the meeting, but then Dunya, already a rich lady, visits her native place, mourning the grave.

5. The son returned home poor and hungry. He repented of what he had done.

5. N 5 Avdotya Semyonovna did not return, but went in,

Driving by.

6. There was reconciliation with the father and repentance of the prodigal son.

6. Repentance and reconciliation are impossible due to the death of the father.

Teacher: — Are these stories similar?

Student: Yes and no.

Teacher: The life of the Vyrins is a mirror inverted image of the gospel story.) Who turned out to be happier: the prodigal son in rags or Dunya, dressed up and rich?
The prodigal son came to his senses in time, realized his sin, repented and returned to his father, but Dunya did not have time to ask forgiveness from her loved one. Now she will have to live with guilt before her father all her life. Dunya repented late, could not hold back her tears in the cemetery, “called the priest,” the kind young lady presented “the red-haired and crooked boy with a silver penny.” She has compassion, kindness, and the ability to repent and admit her mistakes.

— What other problem does A.S. Pushkin raise in his story?

Student: The problem of responsibility for one's actions. If a person realizes his guilt. He must be gladly forgiven, and anyone who feels that he is wrong or guilty must definitely admit his guilt and repent.

Teacher: — Is this topic really relevant today? What examples from life can we confirm this?


Teacher: — Separation of children and parents is inevitable. It's difficult to change anything here. But betrayal of children has nothing to do with ordinary separation.

So, what moral problems does the author raise in his work?



Conclusions are written on the board:

5) about happiness and love...

It is very important to tell our parents in time that we love them. We must bring them not only troubles, but love and at least a little happiness. Think about it.

Student: If a person realizes his guilt. He must be gladly forgiven, and anyone who feels that he is wrong or guilty must definitely admit his guilt and repent.

Teacher: Is this topic still relevant today? What examples from life can we confirm this?

There are many lonely elderly people, forgotten and abandoned by their children.

— The separation of children and parents is inevitable. It's difficult to change anything here. But betrayal of children has nothing to do with ordinary separation.
The destruction of ties with the father's house and the destruction of the house itself is the destruction of a person's roots, his origins, and therefore himself. Any of us can find ourselves in the role of a prodigal son or daughter. What needs to be done to prevent this from happening to us?
It is important to be able to tell and show our parents that we love them. It is important to ask them for forgiveness in time for the offenses caused to them, because the opportunity to say: “Forgive me” may no longer present itself. Remember how you treat your parents, whether you tell them that you love them, or ask for forgiveness.



– What moral problems are in the story by A.S. We talked about Pushkin in class?

Conclusions are written on the board:

1) about the problem of the “little man”;

2) about the relationship between fathers and children;

3) about responsibility for one’s actions;

4) about the pangs of conscience, which indicate that the person did not die...;

5) about happiness and love...

– Does the story “The Station Agent” teach you to respect and love a person?

Student:This story is very humane, it teaches you to respect and love a person. The story of the story “The Station Agent” is colored with sadness and compassion.

Teacher:- Guys, what conclusion should you draw from our lesson? How should you treat your parents?

Student : It is very important to tell our parents in time that we love them. We should bring them not only troubles, but love and happiness.


Distribution of tasks into groups.

-Now you will work in groups. Each of you will try to analyze the story from different points of view.

1. Theorists.

- What events happened in this story? Name the heroes.

2. Critics.

— What bad, tragic thing happened for the heroes of the story? Why did everything happen like this? What turned out to be unclear and incomprehensible to you in this whole story?

3. Optimists.

- What positive, bright sides do you see in what happened to Dunya and her father? Do they even exist? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Creators.

— What feelings did you experience while reading different episodes of the story? Give your reasons.

5. Thinkers.

—Are the heroes of the story guilty of each other? And if so, in what way? What do you think Duna should have done so that her father would not feel abandoned? Give reasons for your answer.

Homework: 1) Write a lesson for peers “How should you treat your parents?”
2) Write a story - guess “How did Dunya’s future life turn out?”
3) Write an essay “An action that I regret.”

Homework: 1) Write a lesson for peers “How should you treat your parents?” . .

The history of the creation of Pushkin’s work “The Station Agent”

Boldino autumn in the works of A.S. Pushkin became truly “golden”, since it was at this time that he created many of his works. Among them are “Belkin’s Tales”. In a letter to his friend P. Pletnev, Pushkin wrote: “... I wrote 5 stories in prose, from which Baratynsky laughs and fights.” The chronology of the creation of these stories is as follows: “The Undertaker” was completed on September 9, “The Station Agent” was completed on September 14, “The Young Lady-Peasant” was completed on September 20, after an almost month-long break, the last two stories were written: “The Shot” - October 14 and “Blizzard” " - The 20th of October. The cycle of Belkin's Tales was Pushkin's first completed prose creation. The five stories were united by the fictitious person of the author, whom the “publisher” spoke about in the preface. We learn that I.P. Belkin was born “of honest and noble parents in 1798 in the village of Goryukhino.” “He was of average height, had gray eyes, brown hair, a straight nose; his face was white and thin.” “He led a very moderate life, avoided all kinds of excesses; It never happened... to see him drunk..., he had a great inclination towards the female sex, but the modesty in him was truly girlish.” In the autumn of 1828, this sympathetic character “succumbed to a cold fever, which turned into a fever, and died...”.
At the end of October 1831, “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin” were published. The preface ended with the words: “Considering it to be our duty to respect the will of our venerable friend the author, we offer him our deepest gratitude for the news he has brought us and we hope that the public will appreciate their sincerity and good nature. A.P.” The epigraph to all the stories, taken from Fonvizin’s “Minor” (Ms. Prostakova: “Then, my father, he is still a hunter of stories.” Skotinin: “Mitrofan for me”), speaks of the nationality and simplicity of Ivan Petrovich. He collected these “simple” stories, and wrote them down from different narrators (“The Caretaker” was told to him by titular adviser A.G.N., “The Shot” by Lieutenant Colonel I.P., “The Undertaker” by clerk B.V., “Blizzard” " and "Young Lady" by the girl K.I.), processing them according to her own skill and discretion. Thus, Pushkin, as a real author of stories, hides behind a double chain of simple-minded narrators, and this gives him great freedom of narration, creates considerable opportunities for comedy, satire and parody and at the same time allows him to express his attitude to these stories.
With the full name of the real author, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, they were published in 1834. Creating in this cycle an unforgettable gallery of images living and acting in the Russian province, Pushkin talks about modern Russia with a kind smile and humor. While working on “Belkin’s Tales,” Pushkin outlined one of his main tasks: “We need to give our language more freedom (of course, in accordance with its spirit).” And when the author of the stories was asked who this Belkin was, Pushkin replied: “Whoever he is, stories must be written this way: simply, briefly and clearly.”
The analysis of the work shows that the story “The Station Agent” occupies a significant place in the work of A.S. Pushkin and is of great importance for all Russian literature. Almost for the first time, it depicts life’s hardships, pain and suffering of what is called the “little man.” This is where the theme of “the humiliated and insulted” begins in Russian literature, which will introduce you to kind, quiet, suffering heroes and allow you to see not only meekness, but also the greatness of their souls and hearts. The epigraph is taken from PA Vyazemsky’s poem “Station” (“Collegiate registrar, / Postal station dictator”). Pushkin changed the quote, calling the stationmaster a “collegiate registrar” (the lowest civilian rank in pre-revolutionary Russia), and not a “provincial registrar”, as it was in the original, since this one is of a higher rank.

Genre, genre, creative method

“The Stories of the Late Ivan Petrovich Belkin” consists of 5 stories: “The Shot”, “The Blizzard”, “The Undertaker”, “The Station Warden”, “The Young Lady-Peasant”. Each of Belkin's Tales is so small in size that one could call it a story. Pushkin calls them stories. For a realist writer reproducing life, the forms of the story and novel in prose were especially suitable. They attracted Pushkin because of their intelligibility to the widest circles of readers, which was much greater than poetry. “Stories and novels are read by everyone, everywhere,” he noted. Belkin's stories" are, in essence, the beginning of Russian highly artistic realistic prose.
Pushkin took the most typical romantic plots for the story, which may well be repeated in our time. His characters initially find themselves in situations where the word “love” is present. They are already in love or just long for this feeling, but this is where the unfolding and escalation of the plot begins. "Belkin's Tales" were conceived by the author as a parody of the genre of romantic literature. In the story “The Shot” the main character Silvio came from the bygone era of romanticism. This is a handsome, strong, brave man with a solid, passionate character and an exotic non-Russian name, reminiscent of the mysterious and fatal heroes of Byron’s romantic poems. In "Blizzard" French novels and romantic ballads of Zhukovsky are parodied. At the end of the story, a comic confusion with the suitors leads the heroine of the story to a new, hard-won happiness. In the story “The Undertaker,” in which Adrian Prokhorov invites the dead to visit him, Mozart’s opera and the terrible stories of the romantics are parodied. “The Peasant Young Lady” is a small, elegant sitcom with cross-dressing in the French style, set in a Russian noble estate. But she kindly, funny and witty parodies the famous tragedy - Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
In the cycle of “Belkin’s Tales” the center and peak is “The Station Agent”. The story lays the foundations of realism in Russian literature. In essence, in terms of its plot, expressiveness, complex, capacious theme and ingenious composition, in terms of the characters themselves, this is already a small, condensed novel that influenced subsequent Russian prose and gave birth to Gogol’s story “The Overcoat.” The people here are depicted as simple, and their story itself would be simple if various everyday circumstances had not interfered with it.

Theme of the work “The Station Agent”

In "Belkin's Tales", along with traditional romantic themes from the life of the nobility and estate, Pushkin reveals the theme of human happiness in its broadest sense. Worldly wisdom, rules of everyday behavior, generally accepted morality are enshrined in catechisms and prescriptions, but following them does not always lead to success. It is necessary for fate to give a person happiness, for circumstances to come together successfully. “Belkin's Tales” shows that there are no hopeless situations, one must fight for happiness, and it will be, even if it is impossible.
The story “The Station Agent” is the saddest and most complex work in the cycle. This is a story about the sad fate of Vyrin and the happy fate of his daughter. From the very beginning, the author connects the modest story of Samson Vyrin with the philosophical meaning of the entire cycle. After all, the stationmaster, who does not read books at all, has his own scheme for perceiving life. It is reflected in the pictures “with decent German poetry” that are hung on the walls of his “humble but neat abode.” The narrator describes in detail these pictures depicting the biblical legend of the prodigal son. Samson Vyrin looks at everything that happened to him and his daughter through the prism of these pictures. His life experience suggests that misfortune will happen to his daughter, she will be deceived and abandoned. He is a toy, a little man in the hands of the powerful, who have turned money into the main measure.
Pushkin stated one of the main themes of Russian literature of the 19th century - the theme of the “little man”. The significance of this theme for Pushkin lay not in exposing the downtroddenness of his hero, but in the discovery in the “little man” of a compassionate and sensitive soul, endowed with the gift of responding to someone else’s misfortune and someone else’s pain.
From now on, the theme of the “little man” will be heard constantly in Russian classical literature.

Idea of ​​the work

“There is no idea in any of Belkin’s Tales. You read - sweetly, smoothly, smoothly; when you read - everything is forgotten, there is nothing in your memory except adventures. “Belkin’s Tales” are easy to read, because they do not make you think” (“Northern Bee”, 1834, No. 192, August 27).
“True, these stories are entertaining, they cannot be read without pleasure: this comes from the charming style, from the art of storytelling, but they are not artistic creations, but simply fairy tales and fables” (V.G. Belinsky).
“How long has it been since you re-read Pushkin’s prose? Make me a friend - read all of Belkin's Tales first. They need to be studied and studied by every writer. I did this the other day and I cannot convey to you the beneficial influence that this reading had on me” (from L.N. Tolstoy’s letter to PD Golokhvastov).
Such an ambiguous perception of Pushkin’s cycle suggests that there is some kind of secret in Belkin’s Tales. In “The Station Agent” it is contained in a small artistic detail - wall paintings telling about the prodigal son, which were in the 20-40s. a frequent part of the station environment. The description of those pictures takes the narrative from a social and everyday level to a philosophical one, allows us to comprehend its content in relation to human experience, and interprets the “eternal plot” about the prodigal son. The story is imbued with the pathos of compassion.

Nature of the conflict

An analysis of the work shows that in the story “The Station Warden” there is a humiliated and sad hero, the ending is equally mournful and happy: the death of the station warden, on the one hand, and the happy life of his daughter, on the other. The story is distinguished by the special nature of the conflict: there are no negative characters here who would be negative in everything; there is no direct evil - and at the same time, the grief of a simple person, a stationmaster, does not become any less.
A new type of hero and conflict entailed a different narrative system, the figure of the narrator - the titular adviser A.G.N. He tells a story heard from others, from Vyrin himself and from the “red-haired and crooked” boy. The removal of Dunya Vyrina by a hussar is the beginning of the drama, followed by a chain of events. From the postal station the action moves to St. Petersburg, from the caretaker’s house to a grave outside the outskirts. The caretaker is unable to influence the course of events, but before bowing to fate, he tries to turn history back, to save Dunya from what seems to the poor father to be the death of his “child”. The hero comprehends what happened and, moreover, goes to his grave from the powerless consciousness of his own guilt and the irreparability of the misfortune.
“Little man” is not only a low rank, lack of high social status, but also loss in life, fear of it, loss of interest and purpose. Pushkin was the first to draw the attention of readers to the fact that, despite his low origins, a person still remains a person and he has all the same feelings and passions as people of high society. The story “The Station Warden” teaches you to respect and love a person, teaches you the ability to sympathize, and makes you think that the world in which the station guards live is not structured in the best way.

The main characters of the analyzed work

The author-narrator speaks sympathetically about the “real martyrs of the fourteenth class,” stationmasters accused by travelers of all sins. In fact, their life is real hard labor: “The traveler takes out all the frustration accumulated during a boring ride on the caretaker. The weather is unbearable, the road is bad, the driver is stubborn, the horses are not moving - and the caretaker is to blame... You can easily guess that I have friends from the venerable class of caretakers.” This story was written in memory of one of them.
The main character in the story “The Station Agent” is Samson Vyrin, a man about 50 years old. The caretaker was born around 1766, into a peasant family. The end of the 18th century, when Vyrin was 20-25 years old, was the time of Suvorov’s wars and campaigns. As is known from history, Suvorov developed initiative among his subordinates, encouraged soldiers and non-commissioned officers, promoting them in their careers, cultivating camaraderie in them, and demanding literacy and intelligence. A peasant man under the command of Suvorov could rise to the rank of non-commissioned officer, receiving this rank for faithful service and personal bravery. Samson Vyrin could have been just such a person and most likely served in the Izmailovsky regiment. The text says that, having arrived in St. Petersburg in search of his daughter, he stops at the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of a retired non-commissioned officer, his old colleague.
It can be assumed that around 1880 he retired and received the position of stationmaster and the rank of collegiate registrar. This position provided a small but constant salary. He got married and soon had a daughter. But the wife died, and the daughter was joy and consolation to the father.
Since childhood, she had to shoulder all women's work on her fragile shoulders. Vyrin himself, as he is presented at the beginning of the story, is “fresh and cheerful,” sociable and not embittered, despite the fact that undeserved insults rained down on his head. Just a few years later, driving along the same road, the author, stopping for the night with Samson Vyrin, did not recognize him: from “fresh and vigorous” he turned into an abandoned, flabby old man, whose only consolation was a bottle. And it’s all about the daughter: without asking for parental consent, Dunya - his life and hope, for whose benefit he lived and worked - ran away with a passing hussar. The act of his daughter broke Samson; he could not bear the fact that his dear child, his Dunya, whom he protected as best he could from all dangers, could do this to him and, what is even worse, to herself - she became not a wife, but a mistress.
Pushkin sympathizes with his hero and deeply respects him: a man of the lower class, who grew up in poverty and hard work, has not forgotten what decency, conscience and honor are. Moreover, he places these qualities above material wealth. Poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of his soul. It is not for nothing that the author introduces such a detail into the story as pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son on the wall in Vyrin’s house. Like the father of the prodigal son, Samson was ready to forgive. But Dunya did not return. My father’s suffering was aggravated by the fact that he knew very well how such stories often end: “There are a lot of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in satin and velvet, and tomorrow, you’ll see, sweeping the street along with the tavern’s nakedness. When you sometimes think that Dunya, perhaps, is disappearing right away, you will inevitably sin and wish for her grave...” An attempt to find her daughter in huge St. Petersburg ended in nothing. This is where the stationmaster gave up - he completely drank and died some time later, without waiting for his daughter. Pushkin created in his Samson Vyrin an amazingly capacious, truthful image of a simple, small man and showed all his rights to the title and dignity of a person.
Dunya in the story is shown as a jack of all trades. No one could cook dinner better than her, clean the house, or serve a passer-by. And her father, looking at her agility and beauty, could not get enough of it. At the same time, this is a young coquette who knows her strength, entering into conversation with a visitor without timidity, “like a girl who has seen the light.” Belkin sees Dunya for the first time in the story when she is fourteen years old - an age at which it is too early to think about fate. Dunya knows nothing about this intention of the visiting hussar Minsky. But, breaking away from her father, she chooses her female happiness, even if it may be short-lived. She chooses another world, unknown, dangerous, but at least she will live in it. It’s hard to blame her for choosing life over vegetation; she took a risk and won. Dunya comes to her father only when everything she could only dream of has come true, although Pushkin does not say a word about her marriage. But six horses, three children, and a nurse indicate a successful ending to the story. Of course, Dunya herself considers herself to blame for her father’s death, but the reader will probably forgive her, just as Ivan Petrovich Belkin forgives.
Dunya and Minsky, the internal motives of their actions, thoughts and experiences, are described throughout the entire story by the narrator, the coachman, the father, and the red-haired boy from the outside. Maybe that’s why the images of Dunya and Minsky are given somewhat schematically. Minsky is noble and rich, he served in the Caucasus, the rank of captain is not small, and if he is in the guard, then he is already high, equal to an army lieutenant colonel. The kind and cheerful hussar fell in love with the simple-minded caretaker.
Many of the actions of the heroes of the story are incomprehensible today, but for Pushkin’s contemporaries they were natural. So, Minsky, having fallen in love with Dunya, did not marry her. He could do this not only because he was a rake and a frivolous person, but also for a number of objective reasons. Firstly, in order to get married, an officer needed permission from his commander; marriage often meant resignation. Secondly, Minsky could depend on his parents, who would hardly have liked a marriage with a dowry-free and non-noblewoman Dunya. It takes time to resolve at least these two problems. Although in the final Minsky was able to do it.

The plot and composition of the analyzed work

Russian writers have repeatedly turned to the compositional structure of Belkin's Tales, consisting of five separate stories. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote about his idea to write a novel with a similar composition in one of his letters: “The stories are completely separate from one another, so they can even be sold separately. I believe Pushkin was thinking about a similar form of the novel: five stories (the number of "Belkin's Tales"), sold separately. Pushkin’s stories are indeed separate in all respects: there is no cross-cutting character (in contrast to the five stories of Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time”); no general content. But there is a general method of mystery, “detective”, that lies at the basis of each story. Pushkin's stories are united, firstly, by the figure of the narrator - Belkin; secondly, by the fact that they are all told. The storytelling was, I suppose, the artistic device for which the entire text was conceived. The narration as common to all stories simultaneously allowed them to be read (and sold) separately. Pushkin thought about a work that, being whole as a whole, would be whole in every part. I call this form, using the experience of subsequent Russian prose, a cycle novel.”
The stories were written by Pushkin in the same chronological order, but he arranged them not according to the time of writing, but based on compositional calculation, alternating stories with “unfavorable” and “prosperous” endings. This composition imparted to the entire cycle, despite the presence of deeply dramatic provisions in it, a general optimistic orientation.
Pushkin builds the story “The Station Agent” on the development of two destinies and characters - father and daughter. Station warden Samson Vyrin is an old, honored (three medals on faded ribbons) retired soldier, a kind and honest person, but rude and simple-minded, located at the very bottom of the table of ranks, on the lowest rung of the social ladder. He is not only a simple, but a small man, whom every passing nobleman can insult, shout, or hit, although his lower rank of 14th class still gave him the right to personal nobility. But all the guests were met, calmed down and given tea by his beautiful and lively daughter Dunya. But this family idyll could not last forever and at first glance ended badly, because the caretaker and his daughter had different destinies. A passing young handsome hussar, Minsky, fell in love with Dunya, cleverly feigned illness, achieved mutual feelings and, as befits a hussar, took away a crying but not resisting girl in a troika to St. Petersburg.
The little man of the 14th grade did not reconcile himself with such insult and loss; he went to St. Petersburg to save his daughter, whom, as Vyrin, not without reason, believed, the insidious seducer would soon abandon and drive out into the street. And his very reproachful appearance was important for the further development of this story, for the fate of his Dunya. But it turned out that the story is more complicated than the caretaker imagined. The captain fell in love with his daughter and, moreover, turned out to be a conscientious, honest man; he blushed with shame at the unexpected appearance of the father he had deceived. And the beautiful Dunya responded to the kidnapper with a strong, sincere feeling. The old man gradually drank himself to death from grief, melancholy and loneliness, and despite the moralizing pictures about the prodigal son, the daughter never came to visit him, disappeared, and was not at her father’s funeral. The rural cemetery was visited by a beautiful lady with three little dogs and a black pug in a luxurious carriage. She silently lay down on her father’s grave and “lay there for a long time.” This is a folk custom of the last farewell and remembrance, the last “farewell.” This is the greatness of human suffering and repentance.

Artistic originality

In "Belkin's Tales" all the features of the poetics and stylistics of Pushkin's fiction were clearly revealed. Pushkin appears in them as an excellent short story writer, to whom a touching story, a short story with a sharp plot and twists and turns, and a realistic sketch of morals and everyday life are equally accessible. The artistic requirements for prose, which were formulated by Pushkin in the early 20s, he now implements in his own creative practice. Nothing unnecessary, only one thing necessary in the narrative, accuracy in definitions, conciseness and conciseness of style.
"Belkin's Tales" are distinguished by their extreme economy of artistic means. From the very first lines, Pushkin introduces the reader to his heroes and introduces him to the circle of events. The depiction of the characters’ characters is just as sparse and no less expressive. The author hardly gives an external portrait of the heroes, and almost does not dwell on their emotional experiences. At the same time, the appearance of each of the characters emerges with remarkable relief and clarity from his actions and speeches. “A writer must continually study this treasure,” Leo Tolstoy said about “Belkin’s Tales” to a literary friend.

Meaning of the work

In the development of Russian artistic prose, a huge role belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Here he had almost no predecessors. Prose literary language was also at a much lower level compared to poetry. Therefore, Pushkin was faced with a particularly important and very difficult task of processing the very material of this area of ​​​​verbal art. Among Belkin's Tales, The Station Warden was of exceptional importance for the further development of Russian literature. A very truthful image of a caretaker, warmed by the author’s sympathy, opens the gallery of “poor people” created by subsequent Russian writers, humiliated and insulted by the social relations of the then reality, which were most difficult for the common man.
The first writer who opened the world of “little people” to the reader was N.M. Karamzin. Karamzin’s word echoes Pushkin and Lermontov. Karamzin's story "Poor Liza" had the greatest influence on subsequent literature. The author laid the foundation for a huge series of works about “little people” and took the first step into this previously unknown topic. It was he who opened the way for such writers of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others. A.S. Pushkin was the next writer whose sphere of creative attention began to include the whole of vast Russia, its open spaces, the life of villages, St. Petersburg and Moscow opened up not only from a luxurious entrance, but also through the narrow doors of poor houses. For the first time, Russian literature so poignantly and clearly showed the distortion of personality by an environment hostile to it. Pushkin's artistic discovery was aimed at the future; it paved the way for Russian literature into the still unknown.

This is interesting

In the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region in the village of Vyra there is a literary and memorial museum of the stationmaster. The museum was created based on the story “The Station Warden” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and archival documents in 1972 in the preserved building of the Vyr postal station. It is the first museum of a literary hero in Russia. The postal station was opened in 1800 on the Belarusian postal route, it was the third
according to the station from St. Petersburg. In Pushkin’s time, the Belarusian large postal route passed here, which went from St. Petersburg to the western provinces of Russia. Vyra was the third station from the capital, where travelers changed horses. It was a typical postal station, which had two buildings: northern and southern, plastered and painted pink. The houses faced the road and were connected to each other by a brick fence with large gates. Through them, carriages, carriages, carts, and chaises of travelers drove into the wide paved courtyard. Inside the yard there were stables with hay barns, a barn, a shed, a fire tower, hitching posts, and in the middle of the yard there was a well.
Along the edges of the paved courtyard of the post station there were two wooden stables, sheds, a forge, and a barn, forming a closed square into which the access road led from the highway. The courtyard was in full swing with life: troikas were driving in and out, coachmen were bustling about, grooms were leading away lathered horses and bringing out fresh ones. The northern building served as the caretaker's dwelling. It retained the name “Station Master's House”.
According to legend, Samson Vyrin, one of the main characters of Pushkin’s “Tales of Belkin,” got his surname from the name of this village. It was at the modest postal station Vyra A.S. Pushkin, who traveled here from St. Petersburg to the village of Mikhailovskoye more than once (according to some sources, 13 times), heard a sad story about a little official and his daughter and wrote the story “The Station Warden.”
In these places, folk legends arose that claim that it was here that the hero of Pushkin’s story lived, from here a passing hussar took away the beautiful Dunya, and Samson Vyrin was buried in the local cemetery. Archival research also showed that a caretaker who had a daughter served at the Vyrskaya station for many years.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin traveled a lot. The path he traveled across Russia was 34 thousand kilometers. In the story “The Station Warden,” Pushkin says through the lips of his hero: “For twenty years in a row, I traveled Russia in all directions; I know almost all postal routes; I know several generations of coachmen; I didn’t know a rare caretaker by sight, I didn’t deal with a rare one.”
Slow travel along postal routes, with long “sitting” at stations, became a real event for Pushkin’s contemporaries and, of course, was reflected in literature. The theme of the road can be found in the works of P.A. Vyazemsky, F.N. Glinka, A.N. Radishcheva, N.M. Karamzina, A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov.
The museum was opened on October 15, 1972, the exhibition consisted of 72 items. Subsequently, their number increased to 3,500. The museum recreates the atmosphere typical of postal stations of Pushkin's time. The museum consists of two stone buildings, a stable, a barn with a tower, a well, a saddlery and a forge. There are 3 rooms in the main building: the caretaker's room, the daughter's room and the coachman's room.

Gukovsky GL. Pushkin and Russian romantics. - M., 1996.
BlagoyDD. The creative path of Pushkin (1826-1830). - M., 1967.
Lotman Yu.M. Pushkin. - St. Petersburg, 1987. Petrunina N.N. Pushkin's prose: paths of evolution. - L., 1987.
Shklovsky V.B. Notes on the prose of Russian classics. M., 1955.

Topic: Moral problems of the story “The Station Agent”.

1.Challenge Stage

Teacher's word.

Today in class we will continue to get acquainted with the prose works of A.S. Pushkin. Listen carefully to the passage and remember where these lines are taken from, note the features mentioned in this passage. (Slide 2)

“In addition to the stories, which you would like to mention in your letter, Ivan Petrovich left many manuscripts, some of which are in my possession, some of which were used by his housekeeper for various household needs. Thus, last winter, all the windows of her outbuilding were sealed, it seems, his first experience. They, as Ivan Petrovich said, are for the most part fair and he heard from different people, however, the names in them were almost all invented by him, and the names of villages and hamlets were borrowed from our area, which is why my village is mentioned somewhere, This did not happen from any evil intention, but solely from a lack of imagination.”

We noted that this cycle consists of 5 stories, list them?

Note the features of this work.
Collective creation of a cluster. (Slide 3)

Fictional narrator - Ivan Petrovich Belkin

A.S. Pushkin

Heard from different people


Fictitious names



Names borrowed


"The Station Agent"

"Peasant Young Lady"

-Today we will study in detail another story.

-Listen to the excerpt and tell me what kind of work it is?

(The music of Mussorgsky’s “Tear” sounds) (Slide 4)

In the village of Vyra there is a milepost with the inscription: “239 versts to Pskov. 69 versts to St. Petersburg.” These pillars were erected in the 18th - early 19th centuries. on postal routes.
Here was the third postal station from St. Petersburg, where travelers changed horses, warmed up, settled down for the night, and marked the road.
A.S. Pushkin drove along this road at least thirteen times. His last route also lay through Vyra. On the night of February 3-4, 1837, the body of the great Russian poet was transported along the highway from St. Petersburg to the Pskov province to the burial place in the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The “Station Master's House” in the village of Vyra is the first museum of a literary hero in our country.

In Vyra, perhaps, A.S. Pushkin saw the heroes of his works. It is no coincidence that the main character of the story “The Station Agent” is Samson Vyrin.
The museum recreates the atmosphere typical of postal stations of Pushkin's time. In the red corner is the caretaker's desk. On it there is a bronze candlestick, an inkwell with a quill pen, and a book for registering travelers.

In Dunyasha’s room (behind the “partition”) a girl’s room has been recreated: a sofa, a chest of drawers, a table for needlework with a hoop, a dress, portraits of Minsky, Dunya, and the caretaker.

Of all Belkin’s stories, the story “The Station Agent” always evokes the strongest emotional excitement. Every time I am overcome with a feeling of pity for Samson Vyrin, pain for him, for his rejected fatherly love. Fatherly feeling elevates this story above time.

- Guys, what associations do you have when you hear the word “love”?



-Try to form phrases with the word love.(Faithful, gentle, all-consuming, etc.)

Can you and I understand the word love in the same way? Of course not. It means something different to each of us. But from early childhood we are faced with the love of our family and friends. Why is parental love precious? Like a lighthouse, it guides children as parents worry that their children will not go astray. A thousand years ago, parents loved their children just as much as they do now. Despite all the troubles of history, parental love remains unchanged.

What was the basis of all the actions of the stationmaster, the main character of the story?(The basis of all Samson Vyrin’s actions was love for his daughter.)


- Read the epigraph to the story. What does it help to clarify and find out? (Slide 5)

For his story, A.S. Pushkin took the epigraph from P.A. Vyazemsky’s poem “The Station,” but changed the quote, calling the stationmaster a “college registrar,” and this is the lowest civilian rank in pre-revolutionary Russia.

- How do you understand the word “dictator”? Does it match the character of the main character? Why?(A dictator-ruler who enjoys unlimited power. Vyrin is a weak, timid person, he cannot stand up for himself, passersby shout at him and sometimes “are ready to beat him up”).

-There is irony in the name of the hero: “small”, a powerless person is called

named after the biblical hero!

Samson is a valiant hero of the ancient world.

Our Samson Vyrin is the embodiment of powerlessness.

What qualities in Vyrin’s character would you note? How does this person make you feel? Support your answer with quotes from the text. (Slides 6-11)

Timid- “A real martyr of the fourteenth class, protected by his rank only from beatings, and even then not always..”

Kind-“What to do! the caretaker gave him his bed, and it was supposed, if the patient did not feel better, to send to S** for a doctor the next morning.”

Confiding- “What are you afraid of? “- her father said to her, “after all, his honor is not a wolf and will not eat you: take a ride to the church.”

Vulnerable- “The old man could not bear his misfortune; he immediately went to bed in the same bed where the young deceiver had lain the day before.”

Loving- “But I, old fool, can’t get enough of it, sometimes I couldn’t get enough of it; I really didn’t love my Dunya, didn’t I cherish my child …»

-Throughout the story, the image of the caretaker changes. (Slide 12)

-How did we see him for the first time?(“I see, like now, the owner himself, a man of about fifty, fresh and vigorous, and his long green frock coat with three medals on faded ribbons”).

- Find another portrait of this hero in the story. What has changed in this portrait?(“It was definitely Samson Vyrin; but how he had aged. While he was getting ready to rewrite my travel document, I looked at his gray hair, at the deep wrinkles of his long-unshaven face, at his hunched back - and could not marvel at how three or four years could transform a vigorous a man into a frail old man").

-What caused these changes?(All that the father had was his daughter Dunya. And when she left with the hussar, he could not understand and accept that the dearest person for whom he had lived all this time could do this to him. He was very it hurts and hurts, life became uninteresting and pointless. The whole meaning of life was in Duna.)

-The sickness and decrepitude of the caretaker are further emphasized

one detail.
Let’s compare, for the first time: “Here he began to rewrite my travel document.” That is, he immediately began to fulfill his official duty. On his second visit: “While I was getting ready to rewrite my travel document... I continued to read in a whisper...” What does this detail draw attention to?

The caretaker hesitates like an old man, with difficulty deciphering what is written,

pronounces the words out loud - in an senile “whisper”.

Entries in notebooks, access to the concept - antithesis.

“We talk all the time about Samson Vyrin’s feelings, but Dunya is also the heroine of the story. When she left, she was already in love with the hussar Minsky, and she was also driven by her love for the young man. And she left of her own free will.

- Make a portrait of Dunya. (The traveler was struck by the beauty of this four-

eleven-year-old girl, the narrator notices self-

admiration, the desire to please the guest; he calls the girl “little”

what a coquette.” Dunya behaves with the guest “without any timidity” and even

she allowed him to kiss her goodbye in the hallway. The narrator draws

attention to her big blue eyes.)

- How does the caretaker treat his daughter?

He treats Dunya with great love and is proud of his daughter.

- In what words is this attitude expressed?

“Is this your daughter,” I asked. Daughter - s, he answered with a look satisfied

pride, - Yes so intelligent, so agile, like a dead mother».

- Why did the guest like the caretaker and his daughter so much?

These were kind, hospitable people who sensed the guest’s interest in

him. They have something to talk about, it’s not for nothing that they talk for a long time over tea, “how

It’s like we’ve known each other for centuries.”

- Undoubtedly, the narrator is a kind, sincere person,

attentive. He pays attention to the decor of the room, where

these good people live. Find this description in the text.

The guest is touched by the furnishings of this poor, but very nice, well-kept home, pots with balsam, a bed with a colorful curtain and, of course, pictures on the walls depicting the story of the prodigal son.

-In the story, the narrator visits the postal station three times. First and

The second visits have a lot in common. The narrator sees everything

the same post house. The caretaker copies the visitor's travel information into his book. Then follows a tea party, the narrator offers Samson Vyrin punch... Almost everything is like on the first visit? How do you think?
- Let’s make a comparative description of the caretaker’s life, his way of life

before Dunya's departure and after. Let's fill out the table (slide 13):

What did the narrator focus on when describing the room? (In pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son).

- Do Dunya and Samson Vyrin pay attention to the pictures?

- Did Dunya learn a lesson from this parable?

-Does Dunya leave her parents’ home with ease or pain?(The fact that Dunya did not leave her parents’ home with a light heart is indicated by only one meager phrase: “The coachman... said that Dunya cried all the way, although it seemed that she was driving of her own accord.”)

-What do you think Dunya was crying about?

- Samson Vyrin is a kind and trusting person. He is convinced of decent

Minsky’s identity, and involuntarily lets go of his daughter, “Why

Are you afraid?, because his nobility is not a wolf and will not eat you.”


-Watch a video clip from the film. Pass on the fortune of the poor

caretaker after Dunya’s departure with the hussar (slide 15).

- With what feeling does the narrator speak about Vyrin’s illness?

“The poor man fell ill with a severe fever.” There is no longer a shadow in the narrator's tone

irony when he says that the unfortunate old man “fell into the very bed


- The father, being sure that his daughter is abandoned, is unhappy and afraid

to return to his father, he himself goes in search of her.

Is there an episode in the story in which the “little man” Samson Vyrin is morally superior to Minsky? What episode is this?

(Analysis of the scene “Vyrin with Minsky in a hotel room”).(Scene reading).

- How does Minsky behave? (Flushes up, apologizes, gives money, swears allegiance to Duna).

- What arguments does each person give, explaining why Dunya should belong to him?

Find a passage characterizing Vyrin’s state after meeting Minsky. Find key words in the text, what do they emphasize?

(“...For a long time he stood motionless, finally he saw a bundle of papers behind the cuff of his sleeve; he took them out and unfolded several five and ten ruble crumpled banknotes. Tears welled up in his eyes again, tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers into a ball, threw them to the ground, stamped with his heel and went... Having gone a few steps, he stopped, thought... and came back... but there were no banknotes anymore") (slide16).

What do we see from this episode?(the indignation of a minor official (“trampled with his heel”), his moral superiority, but the verbs “thought”, “turned back” disappoint the reader, reminding that Samson Vyrin remained a “little man”, not yet ripe for a big rebellion).

The author shows not only the powerless position of the “little man”, but also allows us to observe the invisible fight between Minsky and the stationmaster. Please note: the participle “crumpled” is not before the numerals “five”, “ten”, but before the noun “banknotes”, that is, the humiliating position of the 14th class official is emphasized not so much by the amount that the nobleman assessed the feelings of the unfortunate father, but by the carelessness of the state of the money, given with the same carelessness by Minsky. In response to this, Samson Vyrin “squeezed” the pieces of paper into a ball (slide 17). Linguistic analysis:

  • crumpled - squeezed;

  • banknotes - pieces of paper.
- How could the ending of the story have changed if Minsky had acted differently towards Dunya’s father?

- Samson Vyrin decides to see his daughter at all costs. The opportunity presented itself quickly.

How did the father see his daughter? What does this mean? Has Vyrin thought about this? Why exactly at this moment does the author call him “poor”?

“Dunya, dressed in all the luxury of fashion, sat on the arm of his chair, like

rider on her English saddle. She looked at her with tenderness

Minsky, wrapping his black curls around his sparkling fingers. Poor

caretaker! Never had his daughter seemed so beautiful to him; he willy-nilly

admired her."

Perhaps Samson Vyrin could admire not only Dunechka’s beauty, but also her position, her life in luxury. This is where conflicting feelings come into conflict: the father’s love and jealousy. After all, “his friend advised him to complain; but the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat " The phraseological unit “waved his hand” is very important for understanding the true cause of the hero’s tragedy, involuntarily reminiscent of the fatigue of modern parents who fought against the pranks of their children. In his heart, the old man understood that Dunechka deserved a different life, but he entered into a universal conflict: why does the daughter’s happiness come at the price of the father’s happiness?

How does Minsky behave in this situation? Watch a video clip of this scene. (Watch a video clip from the film) Why does he do this? (slide 18-19):

-Dunya became a rich lady, but this made her father’s life even more miserable. The narrator again confirms the vitality of the “general convenience” of “honor the rank of rank”: the poor man did not just remain a poor man - his human dignity was insulted and trampled on. He still remains in the camp of the powerless poor; it is useless for him to compete with the powers that be. Any, even the most fabulous transformation of Dunya into a “beautiful lady” will in no way change the life of Samson Vyrin (slide 20).

- But is Dunya so insensitive? Notice she fell in

fainting at the sight of his father. Why?

The reason for fainting is also a hidden feeling of guilt in front of her old, lonely father who had abandoned her.

- The story ends sadly. Years have passed, and our good storyteller

visits these places for the third time, remembering the poor caretaker. Which

Does the cemetery impress him?

It was a bare place, there was not even a fence, only wooden crosses rose above the graves - it was clear that the poor were buried there. The narrator notices that there was neither a bush nor a tree on the graves, not to mention flowers. All this made a depressing impression on him.

rich “beautiful lady” who arrived one day in a carriage “at six

horses", with three little barchats and a nurse, and a black


When will we meet Dunya for the last time? How do we see Dunya at her father’s grave? (Work with text).

Watch the video clip of the film. What questions would you ask Avdotya Samsonovna, crying at her father’s grave? (slide21)

-What do you think makes Dunya come to her father?

Dunya repented later.

- Let's return to the parable of the prodigal son. Let's listen to the retelling of this parable

(during a retelling prepared by an individual student, on the screen

illustrations for the parable appear) and pay attention to the similarities and

differences between the parable and the story we analyzed. (slide 22-23):


Dunya's story

1. The prodigal son voluntarily leaves his home with his father’s blessing.

1. The daughter, placing all responsibility on her friend, leaves secretly, accidentally, without the consent and blessing of her father.

2. Nobody is looking for him.

2. Doesn’t want to be found and doesn’t provide any information about herself

3. Leads a wild lifestyle.

3. Dunya lives in St. Petersburg in luxury and wealth, becomes a mother...

4. A joyful meeting between a son and his father.

4. He is afraid of the meeting, but then Dunya, already a rich lady, visits her native place, mourning the grave.

5. The son returned home poor and hungry. He repented of what he had done.

5. N 5. Avdotya Semyonovna did not return, but went in,
came in while passing by.

6. There was reconciliation with the father and repentance of the prodigal son.

6. Repentance and reconciliation are impossible due to the death of the father.

What does her fate make you think about? (Dunya violated one of the main commandments: “Honor your father and mother,” and she suffers greatly from this. The girl’s fate makes her think about her responsibility for her actions to her loved ones).


Distribution of tasks into groups.

Now you will work in groups. Each of you will try to analyze the story from different points of view.

1. Theorists.

What events happened in this story? Name the heroes.

2. Critics.

What bad, tragic thing happened for the heroes of the story? Why did everything happen like this? What turned out to be unclear and incomprehensible to you in this whole story?

3. Optimists.

What positive, bright sides do you see in what happened to Dunya and her father? Do they even exist? Give reasons for your answer.

4. Creators.

What feelings did you experience while reading different episodes of the story? Give your reasons.

5. Thinkers.

Are the heroes of the story guilty of each other? And if so, in what way? What do you think Duna should have done so that her father would not feel abandoned? Give reasons for your answer.

-Did Dunya do the right thing by leaving with the hussar? (slide24)

- Do you think the seed of moral insight has arisen in Dunya’s soul?

Dunya repented, she came to her father with her children, the grandchildren of Samson Vyrin. Having learned about the death of a loved one, she could not hold back her tears at the cemetery, “she called the priest,” the kind young lady presented the “red-haired and crooked boy with a silver penny.” No, Duna has compassion, kindness, and the ability to repent and admit her mistakes.

-Is Dunya happy? Why?

It is impossible to be happy at the cost of the well-being of dear, close people.


Separation of children and parents is inevitable. It's difficult to change anything here. But betrayal of children has nothing to do with ordinary separation.

The destruction of ties with the father's house and the destruction of the house itself is the destruction of a person's roots, his origins, and therefore himself. Any of us can find ourselves in the role of a prodigal son or daughter. What needs to be done to prevent this from happening to us?

4. Lesson summary.


Bright, forgiving
Pleases, forgives, smiles
A feeling that lasts a lifetime

-What will you take with you from class today? What did you learn? What are you thinking about?

It is a kind, humane attitude towards people, regardless of their situation, that A.S. preaches. Pushkin. He doesn’t just talk about the fate of his heroes, but as if he looks into their souls and makes us live their lives and feelings, and warns us about possible mistakes.

Which of the two statements: “I know no other signs of superiority except kindness” (R. Rolland) and “As you want people to do to you, so do you to them” (from the “Bible”) - would you finish today's lesson and why?

5. Homework:

Writing a miniature essay on one of the topics:

1. Do you find anything in common in the fate of Dunya (“Station Warden”) and Marya Gavrilovna (“Blizzard”); 2. Do I always act according to my conscience?

In the famous Boldino autumn of 1830, A.S. In 11 days, Pushkin wrote an amazing work - “Belkin's Tales” - which included five independent stories told to one person (his name is in the title). In them, the author managed to create a gallery of provincial images, truthfully and without embellishment to show life in modern Russia for the writer.

The story “The Station Agent” occupies a special place in the cycle. It was she who laid the foundations for the development of the theme of the “little man” in Russian literature of the 19th century.

Meet the heroes

The story of the station superintendent Samson Vyrin was told to Belkin by a certain I.L.P., a titular councilor. His bitter thoughts about the attitude towards people of this rank set the reader up in a not very cheerful mood from the very beginning. Anyone stopping at the station is ready to curse them. Either the horses are bad, or the weather and road are bad, or even the mood is not going well - and the stationmaster is to blame for everything. The main idea of ​​the story is to show the plight of a common man without a high rank and rank.

All the demands of those passing by were calmly endured by Samson Vyrin, a retired soldier, a widower who raised his fourteen-year-old daughter Dunechka. He was a fresh and cheerful man of about fifty, sociable and sensitive. This is how the titular councilor saw him at their first meeting.

The house was clean and cozy, balsams grew on the windows. And Dunya, who learned how to manage a house early on, gave everyone who stopped tea tea from a samovar. She, with her meek appearance and smile, humbled the anger of all those who were dissatisfied. In the company of Vyrin and the “little coquette,” time flew by for the adviser. The guest said goodbye to the hosts as if they were old acquaintances: their company seemed so pleasant to him.

How Vyrin has changed...

The story “The Station Agent” continues with a description of the second meeting of the narrator with the main character. A few years later, fate again threw him into those parts. He drove up to the station with anxious thoughts: anything could happen during this time. The premonition, in fact, did not deceive: instead of a vigorous and cheerful man, a gray-haired, long-unshaven, hunched old man appeared before him. It was still the same Vyrin, only now very taciturn and gloomy. However, a glass of punch did its job, and soon the narrator learned Dunya's story.

About three years ago a young hussar passed by. He liked the girl, and he pretended to be sick for several days. And when he achieved mutual feelings from her, he took her secretly, without blessing, from her father. Thus, the misfortune that befell changed the long-established life of the family. The heroes of “The Station Agent,” father and daughter, will never meet again. The old man's attempt to return Dunya ended in nothing. He reached St. Petersburg and was even able to see her, richly dressed and happy. But the girl, looking at her father, fell unconscious, and he was simply kicked out. Now Samson lived in melancholy and loneliness, and his main companion was the bottle.

The story of the prodigal son

Even when he first arrived, the narrator noticed pictures on the walls with captions in German. They depicted the biblical story of the prodigal son who took his share of the inheritance and squandered it. In the last picture, the humble youth returned to his home to the parent who had forgiven him.

This legend is very reminiscent of what happened to Vyrin and Dunya, which is why it is no coincidence that it is included in the story “The Station Agent”. The main idea of ​​the work is connected with the idea of ​​helplessness and defenselessness of ordinary people. Vyrin, well familiar with the foundations of high society, could not believe that his daughter could be happy. The scene seen in St. Petersburg was not convincing either - everything can still change. He waited for Dunya's return until the end of his life, but their meeting and forgiveness never took place. Perhaps Dunya simply did not dare to appear before her father for a long time.

Return of the daughter

On his third visit, the narrator learns of the death of an old acquaintance. And the boy who accompanied him to the cemetery will tell him about the lady who came after the station superintendent died. The content of their conversation makes it clear that everything turned out well for Dunya. She arrived in a carriage with six horses, accompanied by a nurse and three barchats. But Dunya no longer found her father alive, and therefore the repentance of the “lost” daughter became impossible. The lady lay on the grave for a long time - this is how, according to tradition, they asked forgiveness from a deceased person and said goodbye to him forever - and then she left.

Why did the daughter’s happiness bring unbearable mental suffering to her father?

Samson Vyrin always believed that life without blessings and as a mistress is a sin. And the fault of Dunya and Minsky, probably, first of all, is that both their departure (the caretaker himself convinced his daughter to accompany the hussar to the church) and the misunderstanding at the meeting in St. Petersburg only strengthened him in this conviction, which, in the end, will bring the hero to the grave . There is another important point - what happened undermined my father’s faith. He sincerely loved his daughter, who was the meaning of his existence. And suddenly such ingratitude: in all the years Dunya never made herself known. It was as if she had erased her father from her life.

Portraying a poor man of the lowest rank, but with a high and sensitive soul, A.S. Pushkin drew the attention of his contemporaries to the position of people who were at the lowest rung of the social ladder. The inability to protest and resignation to fate make them defenseless in the face of life's circumstances. This turns out to be the stationmaster.

The main idea that the author wants to convey to the reader is that it is necessary to be sensitive and attentive towards every person, regardless of his character, and only this will help change the indifference and bitterness reigning in the world of people.