Russian male names and how to call them affectionately. The best name for a boy by meaning

Often, parents give their babies unusual and extravagant names, which do not always fit well into that social environment. For example, sending a boy named Zeus to kindergarten, where he will be among the usual Nastya, Mish and Olegs. Just imagine, Zeus Pavlovich. Yes, it stands out quite well, but is it really necessary and what will it be like for the child?

When choosing a name, you can and should resort to something original, the main thing is without fanaticism. The collection of Russian names is so extensive that it has quite a number of powerful meanings. Well, a sonorous name that contains a strong property gives a stunning, in a good way, effect.

For example, Arseny is courageous, a boy with this name will be a support for the family and a faithful comrade for close people, on whom you can always rely and trust. Giving an accurate answer to this question is quite difficult, because there are many aspects to consider, including your own attitude. But we can say with confidence - A person with a strong spirit has a wonderful, great future ahead of him. Of course, there will be obstacles, but thanks to your character traits they will not become global problems and will be successfully overcome.

Advantages and disadvantages

Absolutely any living creature and inanimate object has pros and cons, this does not bypass Russian names. When calling your future man a strong name, be prepared that the child will definitely have his own point of view on this or that situation, but in case of an incorrect outcome, he will calmly accept defeat and apologize if necessary.

Positive fundamental traits for strong names are steadfastness of opinion, perseverance, mental balance and determination, as well a sober assessment of one’s abilities becomes a pleasant property, but this does not come immediately.

Among the negative qualities, there is a share of selfishness, so do not consider that you have complete influence over the child. In adolescence, the guy will be highly susceptible to characteristic maximalism. Characteristic advocacy and disagreement with others will lead to numerous disputes and conflict situations.


  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • responsibility;
  • quick adaptation to changing conditions;
  • perseverance.


  • selfishness;
  • reassessment of one's own abilities;
  • often capable of becoming arrogant.

Do not limit your child's independence. If he makes a mistake, he will remember it for a long time, which will serve as a lesson for the future. But don't forget to control some processes. Follow the rules and avoid overprotection.

The coolest and most courageous - list

Remember that each name is full of its own energy, on which a person’s behavior and character depend. For example, Vadim sows confusion and discord, so we can conclude that the boy is not against misbehaving. And another name, Michael - equal to God, on the contrary, will be distinguished by a calm character and non-conflict. In order to simplify your search, we have compiled a detailed list of Russian names with favorable meanings that contribute to success in the life of a boy.


  • Alexander - human protection;
  • Alexey – protection;
  • Andrey - brave;
  • Anton - entering into battle;
  • Arseny - masculinity;
  • Artem/Artemy – healthy, unharmed.
  • Boris – fighting, not giving up;
  • Bogdan – given by God;
  • Bulat is strong.
  • Valentin – strong, healthy;
  • Valery – strong;
  • Victor is the winner;
  • Vitaly – vital;
  • Vladimir - owner of the world;
  • Vladislav - owns fame.
  • Georgy is a farmer;
  • German - native;
  • Gerasim - venerable, respected;
  • Gleb is big and tall.
  • Daniel/Danil/Danila – God’s judgment;
  • Demyan – conquering;
  • Denis - a surge of strength;
  • Dimitriy/Dmitriy – fertile;
  • Dobrynya is a good fellow;
  • Dorotheus is a gift from the Lord.


  • Eugene - nobility;
  • Elizar - God helps him;
  • Elisha - saved by the Lord, protected;
  • Efim - good honor;
  • Ephraim is prolific.

Zhdan – waiting.

Zakhar is the memory of God.

  • Elijah/Elijah – the fortress of God;
  • Innocent - innocent, not defaming;
  • Joseph is the reward of the Lord;
  • Irakli is glorified as a hero.
  • Kirill - ruler;
  • Clementius - gracious gentleman;
  • Konstantin - permanence.
  • Lavrenty - showered with laurels;
  • Lazarus - God's help;
  • Leo - lion's power;
  • Leonidas - son of a lion;
  • Luke is happiness.


  • May – warm heart;
  • Maxim – great;
  • Mark – hammer;
  • Matvey is a man of God;
  • Miron - kindness;
  • Michael is equal to the Lord.
  • Nazar – connected with God;
  • Nikita - he wins;
  • Nikolai is a people's victory.
  • Oleg is a saint;
  • Oscar is a spear to God;
  • Ostap is persistent.
  • Pankrat - omnipotent;
  • Peter is a stone, a rock.
  • Radomir - rejoices at the world;
  • Ratmir - world protector;
  • Ruslan - lion power;
  • Rodion - a song to the ruler.

When a baby is born, the first thing parents think about is what to name him. It happens that the child is given a name while the mother is pregnant. How to choose a name for a boy so that it brings him happiness? Now it is very fashionable to name children with foreign notes, and simple Russian names have also become very popular. Such as, for example, Ivan, Peter, Dmitry.

In this article we will look at all the beautiful names for boys, including all Russian, foreign and the most interesting.

Whatever the parents name the child, they must consider the following:

Boy's name by season

There is an opinion what time of year When a child was born plays an important role in his future fate.

A must when choosing a name for a boy you need to try to choose one that will go perfectly with his middle name and last name. There should not be too many consonants and it is advisable that the name have the same consonants as the surname and patronymic. For example, Sergey Viktorovich Petrov, Igor Viktorovich Gorbov, Dmitry Alekseevich Nikolenkov, etc.

If it fits well with the last name and patronymic and is easy to pronounce, then it will make it easier for your child to communicate in the future.

Parents who keep an eye on trendy names will certainly want to name their child some trendy name. The list of fashion names changes every year.

In 2017, the most fashionable names for boys are:

Matvey - when translated means Gifted by the Lord. This child truly is a gift. He is very calm, does not act up at all without reason, and is always clean and tidy. He always listens to his parents. These boys grow up to be very fair, well-mannered men.

Artem - Unharmed. This is a very smart boy who constantly wants to learn something new. He is very friendly and kind.

Maxim - Great. A very multifaceted child. He either reads books or runs with friends on the street. He is very interested in sports and loves collecting collections. He has many friends and is very sympathetic.

Alexander – translated as Defender. The most popular name that will never go out of style. Alexander is a very good student, always tries to be honest and obey his parents.

Timothy - Worshiper of the Lord. A very gentle child. It’s very easy to offend him; he doesn’t like criticism. At the same time, he is an excellent conversationalist who listens carefully and is always ready to help. This child is very obedient, studies well and does not cause much trouble to his parents.

Now it is very fashionable to call boys with Old Russian names, such as Zakhar, Khariton, Bogdan, Nazar. Anyway, parents need to think about whether it will be very difficult for a child or strange for others.

Names for boys by name day

Previously, children were named after the day of the Angel in the church calendar. And it is still believed that this is correct and a child named after his name will have a strong guardian angel and will be healthy and happy.

The only downside to this method of choosing a name is that the church calendar has a fairly small list from which to choose. In this case, you can name the child with the name that is closest to the birthday.

The mystery of the name

It's no secret that what was the child's name?, determines the character of a person after birth. Each of them has its own meaning and translation from ancient languages.

Adam is a man

Alexey – defender

Anatoly - sunrise

Andrey – courageous

Anton – fight

Arseny - courageous

Artem – dedicated to the goddess of hunting Artemis

Bogdan – given by God

Valentin is healthy

Valery - be strong

Vasily - royal

Benedict - blessed

Vladimir - reign

Victor is the winner

Georgy - farmer

Gleb - God's Favorite

Gennady - noble

David - beloved

Danil - God is my judge

Dmitry - belongs to Dimetra

Denis - inspirational

Dobrynya - dexterous

Evgeniy – noble

Egor - farmer

Zakhar - life

Ivan - favored by God

Ilya - fortress

Kirill is the owner

Konstantin – permanent

Lion is the king of the animals

Michael - like God

Maxim is great

Nikita is the winner

Nikolai - winner of nations

Oleg is a saint

Pavel is small

Peter - stone

Roman - resident of Rome

Ruslan - lion

Svyatoslav - holy glory

Stanislav - nice

Sergey – highly respected

Timothy - God Worshiper

Timur - iron

Fedor - given by God

Philip – loves horses

Edward - wants to be rich

Yuri - farmer

Yaroslav - strong

Important conditions for choosing a name for a boy

Country where the child lives. This also includes the nationality of the child. So that there are no contradictions between parents and the child integrates normally into the team, you need to take this feature into account and name the child so that it only helps the child in later life.

The affectionate form of the name is also very important. Parents need to think about what they will name their baby. This form of the name doesn't have to be funny or complicated.

If the city in which the child lives is not very populous, then very exotic names are unlikely to be understood by others. Life is much easier for the Alfreds and Emmanuels in huge, densely populated cities.

By month of birth

Beautiful Russian names for boys: list.

Aksentiy Adam Alexander Andrey Anton Aristarkh Arkady Arseny Artyom Arthur Afanasy Bogdan Boris Budimir Bulat Vadim Valentin Valery Vasily Victor Vitaly Vlad Vladimir Vladislav Gabriel Gennady Georgy German Gleb Gregory David Damir Daniil Denis Dmitry Evgeny Egor Zakhar Ivan Ignat Igor Kirill Kuzma Leonid Makar Maxim Miron Oslav Mikhail Modest Nazar Oscar Pavel Peter Svyatoslav Sergey Stanislav Taras Fedor Philip Eduard Yuri Yaroslav Alexey Alfred Anatoly.

Beautiful foreign names for boys:

Renal Leonard Raphael Marcus Spiridon Arthur Daniel Javid Michael Richard Ewald Grant Levon Reval Sanjar Andrian John Martin Samson Akram Dominic Modest Sebastian Benedict Donat Nikon Theodore Wildan Justin Omar Thomas Wiley Witold Iskander Osman Tony Voldemar Irakli Hovhannes Fidan Vissarion Karl Patrick Franz.


For that, so that the child is not ashamed of his name, and wore it with pride and self-confidence, you need to take its choice seriously. The list of names is quite long, but sometimes they say you just need to look at your baby after birth and you will immediately understand his name, your heart will tell you.

Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. However, many Russian names by their origin they are not originally Russian. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with the Christian religion. Before this, Russians had names that reflected the various characteristics and qualities of people, their physical disabilities, and names that reflected the order of birth of children in the family. There were common names such as Wolf, Cat, Sparrow, Birch, First, Tretyak, Bolshoi, Menshoi, Zhdan. A reflection of these names is observed in modern Russian surnames Tretyakov, Nezhdanov, Menshov, etc.

With the introduction of Christianity in Rus', all the old Russian names were gradually replaced by church names that came to Rus' from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to the actual Greek names, there were ancient Roman, Hebrew, Syrian, Egyptian names, each of which in its native language reflected a certain meaning, but when borrowed it was used only as a proper name, and not as a word denoting something.

By the 18th-19th centuries, Old Russian names were already completely forgotten, and Christian names largely changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation. Thus, the name Diomede was transformed into the name Demid, Jeremiah - Eremey, etc.

After the October Socialist Revolution, names associated with the new ideology became widespread: Revmira (peace revolution), Diamara (dialectical materialism); names reflecting the first stages of industrialization: Electrina, Elevator, Diesel, Ram (revolution, electrification, mechanization); names read in foreign novels: Alfred, Rudolf, Arnold; names based on the names of flowers: Lily, Rose, Aster.

Since the 1930s, such familiar ones have become widespread again. Russian names like Masha, Vladimir, Seryozha, i.e. the names closest to the Russian people are used. But this return to the old names does not at all mean a return to all the names of the church calendar, most of which remained unaccepted by the Russian nation.

On this page there are not only old (Russian calendar, Old Russian and Common Slavic), but also new male names.

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August (old) - summer

Augustine (old) - summer

Avenir (old) - from the French. avenir - coming, future

Auxentius (old) - alien "xenos"

Auror / Aurorius (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adam (old) - “from red clay”

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil

Alexander (old) - protector of people

Alexey (old) - defender

Albert (new) - wise

Albin (new) - "white"

Alfred (new) - good advisor

Anastasius (old) - resurrected

Anatoly (old) - eastern

Andrey (old) - man and protector

Anise / Anisy (old) - sweet-smelling

Anton/Antony (old) - entering into battle

Antonin (old) - kind

Antoine (new) - foreign language reading of Anton

Apollinaris (old) - son of the sun

Apollo (old) - sun god

Argent (new) - from French. argent - silver

Aristarchus (old) - head of the best

Arkady (old) - shepherd or "Inhabitant of Arcadia"

Arsen (new) - courageous

Arseny (old) - courageous

Artyom / Artemy (old) - unharmed

Arthur (new) - big like a bear

Atheist (new) - not a believer

Afanasy (old) - immortal

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen (Old Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Bogdan (glorified) - given by God

Boeslav (glory) - famous in battle

Boleslav (slav.) - more glorious

Borimir (slav.) - fighting for peace

Boris (old) - "fighter"

Borislav (slav.) - fighting for glory

Bronislav (slav.) - glorious defender

Budimir (Old Russian) - peace-loving

Bulat (new) - “strong”

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim (old) - sowing confusion

Valentin (old) - healthy

Valery (old) - strong

Walter (new) - people manager

Vasily (old) - royal

Vasilko (folk from Vasily) - prince

Velimir (slav.) - lord of the world

Velislav (slav.) - illustrious

Velor / Velory (new) - wealthy

Benedict (old) - another reading of Benedict

Benjamin (old) - Hebrew. "Jr"

Victor (old) - winner

Vilen (new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Vitaly (old) - vital

Witold (slav.) - forest ruler

Vlad (slav.) - owning

Vladilen (new) - similar to VLADImir LENIN

Vladimir (old, famous) - owner of the world

Vladislav (old, famous) - owner of glory

Vladlen (new) - similar to VLADIMIR LENIN

Warrior (Old Russian) - "warrior"

Voislav (slav.) - “famous in war”

Volodar (Staroslav.) - “lord”

Voldemar / Valdemar (new) - famous ruler

Volmir / Volemir (slav.) - lord of the world

Vsevolod (old, old Russian) - ruler of all the people

Vsemil (slav.) - dear to everyone

Vyacheslav (old, famous) - more than once famous

Russian male names starting with the letter G:

Gabriel / Gavrila / Gavrilo / Gavril (old) - divine warrior

Galaktion (old) - starry

Harry / Harry (new) - tolerant

Helian / Helium (new) - solar

Genius (new) - "genius"

Gennady (old) - well-born

Georgy (old) - farmer

Herman (old) - native

Gertrud (new) - HERO OF LABOR

Gleb (old, old Russian) - big, tall

Gordey / Gordiy (slav.) - proud

Gorimir (slav.) - “bright world”

Gorislav (slav.) - “bright glory”

Granite (new) - “hard”

Gregory (old) - not sleeping

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

Davyd / David (old) - beloved

Damir (new) - peace-loving

Dan (old) - god of the moon

Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (old) - "God's judgment"

Dar (new) - "gift"

December (new) - winter

Denis (folk from the old Dionysius) - god of the vital forces of nature

Gerald (new) - another reading of Harald

Joseph (new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip

John (new) - another reading of Ivan

Dionysius / Dionysus (old) - god of vegetation

Dmitry / Dimitri (old) - god of fertility

Dobrynya (Old Russian) - good fellow

Donalt (old) - ruler of the world

Donat (old) - strong

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Evgeniy (old) - noble

Evdokim (old) - well-known

Egor (folk from Georgiy, Egorii) - farmer

Eruslan (Old Russian) - “lion”

Efim (old) - pious

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhdan (Old Russian) - waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar (old) - "God's memory"

Zinovy ​​(old) - "Zeus' power"

Zoriy (new) - morning

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim (new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom

Ivan (popular from John) - “God’s gift”

Ignatius / Ignat (old) - unknown

Igor (old, old Russian) - protector of God

Isidore / Sidor (old) - patron of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Casimir (slav.) - announcing peace

Karl (new) - brave

Kasyan (folk from the old Cassian) - empty

Kim (new) - Communist Peace International.

Cyprian (old) - native of Cyprus or copper

Cyrus (old) - lord

Kirill (old) - lord

Claudius (old) - lame or from the Claudian family

Clement (old) - merciful

Clement / Klim (old) - indulgent

Clementy / Clementy (nar. from Clement) - meek

Columbia (new) - "dove"

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old. Kosma) - decorated

Kupriyan (folk from Cyprian) - native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names starting with the letter L:

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazarus (old) - "God's help"

Larion (folk from Hilarion) - joyful

Leo (old) - "lion"

Leonard (new) - strong

Leonid (old) - son of a lion

Leonty (old) - lion

Luke (old) - “happiness”

Lukyan/Lukian (old) - happy

We love (Old Russian) - handsome

Lyubomir (famous) - favorite of the world

Luxen / Lucian (new) - light

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius (old) - black

May (new) - warm heart

Maislav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May

Makar / Macarius (old) - happy

Max (new) - majestic

Maxim (old) - stately

Maximilian / Maximilian (old) - stately

Mily (old) - cute

Miloneg (slav.) - cute

Miloslav (slav.) - glory is sweet

Mir (new) - "peace"

Miron (old) - kind

Miroslav (slav.) - winner

Michael / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God

Modest (old) - modest

Moses (old) - drawn from the water

Monolith (new) - unshakable

Russian male names starting with the letter N:

Nazar/Nazarius (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - bestowed

Nahum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shiny

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned to his homeland

Nikander (old) - winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid (old) - savior

Odysseus (new) - angry

Octavian (old) - (Roman) - eighth

Oktyabrin (new) - autumn

October (new) - autumn

Oleg (old, old Russian) - saint

Orestes (old) - savage

Osip (folk from Joseph) - multiplied

Oscar (old) - "God's Spear"

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Pavel (old) - small

Palladium (old) - dedicated to Pallas Athena

Panteleimon / Panteley (old)

Panfil (old) - loving everyone

Peresvet (Old Russian) - light

Peter (old) - “rock” or “stone”

Prokhor (old) - choir director

Russian male names starting with the letter R:

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (slav.) - native

Radislav (glory) - glad for the glory

Radomir (slav.) - glad to peace

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Svet (new) - "light"

Svetlana (slav.) - light

Svetozar (slav.) - bright as dawn

Svetoslav (slav.) - “glory is bright”

Svyatogor (Old Russian) - “holy mountain”

Svyatopolk (Old Russian) - “holy regiment”

Svyatoslav (slav.) - “glory is holy”

North (old) - "north"

Severin (old) - cold

Severyan / Severian (old) - northern

Severyan (new) - northern

Semyon (popularly from the old Simeon) - heard by God in prayer

Seraphim (old) - fiery

Sergey (old) - highly respected

Sigismund (new) - ...

Steel / Steel (new) - hard

Stanislav (glorious) - will become glorious

Stepan / Stefan (old) - "wreath"

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras (old) - restless

Teimuraz (new) - analogue to Timur

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Thaddeus / Thaddeus (old) - “praise”

Fevralin (new) - winter

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Fedor (old) - God's gift

Felix (old) - successful

Philemon (old) - beloved

Philip (old) - lover of horses

Phlegont (old) - ...

Florenty (old) - blooming

Florenc (new) - blooming

Florin (new) - blooming

Frol (folk from the old Flor) - blooming

Russian male names starting with the letter X:

Khariton (old) - benefactor

Brave (Old Russian) - brave

Christophe (old) - (Christopher) - bearer of Christ

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Edward (new) - caring for property

Electron (new) - amber

Elbrus (new) - “mountain”

Energy (new) - energetic

Ernest / Ernst (new) - serious

Juvenaly (old from Juvenaly) - young

Eugene (new) - noble

Julian (old from Julian) - curly

Julius (old from Iuliy) - fluffy

Jupiter (new) - "jupiter"

Yuri (old, popularly from Georgy) - farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Jacob (old from Jacob) - imitating God

Yang (new) - "Sun God"

Januarius (old from Iannuarius) - January

Jaromir (old, famous) - “sunny world”

Yaropolk (old, famous) - “sunny”

Yaroslav (old, slav.) - “burning glory” or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god

Below is a list of Russian male names:

Russian male names starting with the letter A:

August- majestic, great, sacred
Augustine(old) – summer
Avdey- servant of the god Yahweh, priest
Avenir(old) – from French. avenir – coming, future
Averky- taking flight
Averyan- putting to flight, invincible
Avksentiy(old) – alien “xenos”, growing
Auror/Aurory(new) – son of the morning dawn
Autonomous- independent, a law unto itself
Agape- Darling
Agathon- virtuous, noble
Haggai- solemn, festive, having fun
Adam- created from the dust of the earth
Adonis(old) – lord
Adrian- strong, mature
Azary- God's help
Akim- statement, Resurrection of the Lord
Alevtin(new) – alien to evil
Alexander(old) – protector of people
Alexei(old) – defender
Albert(new) – wise
Albin(new) – “white”
Alfred(new) – good advisor
Ambrose- belonging to immortals, divine
Amos- loaded, carrying a burden
Ananias- marked by the grace of God
Anastasy(old) – resurrected
Anatoly(old) – eastern
Andrey- courageous, courageous
Andrian- courageous, courageous
Andron- courageous, courageous
Andronik- winner of husbands
Anikey- historically established name
Anikita- invincible
Anise/ Anisiy(old) – sweet-smelling
Anisim- execution, completion
Antip- opponent
Anton/ Anthony (old) – entering into battle
Antonin(old) – kind
Antoine(new) – foreign language reading of Anton
Apollinaris(old) – son of the sun
Apollo(old) – sun god
Argent(new) – from French. argent – ​​silver
Arefiy- vital
Aristarch(old) – head of the best
Arkady(old) – shepherd or “Inhabitant of Arcadia”
Arsen(new) – courageous
Arseny- courageous, sublime
Artem- perfect health
Artyom/ Artemy(old) – unharmed
Artemy- unharmed, healthy
Arthur(new) – big like a bear
Arkhip- chief of horses
Askold- golden voice
Atheist(new) – not a believer
Afanasy(old) – immortal
Afinogen- descendant of Athena

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Bazhen- desired, beloved
Benedict(old) – blessed
Bogdan(glory) – given by God
Boeslav(glory) - famous in battle
Boleslav- great fame
Borimir(glory) – fighting for peace
Boris- fighter, warrior
Borislav(glory) – fighting for glory
Boyan- fighter, violent
Bronislaw(glory) - glorious protector
Budimir(Old Russian) – peace-loving
Bulat(new) – “strong”

Russian male names starting with the letter B:

Vadim(old) – sowing confusion
Valentine- strong, healthy
Valery- be strong, healthy
Valerian- be strong, healthy
Walter(new) – manager of people
Bartholomew- son of Tolmay
Basil(old) – royal
Vasilko(folk from Vasily) – prince
Vaclav- great fame
Velimir(glory) – ruler of the world
Velislav(glorious) - illustrious
Velor/ Velorius (new) – wealthy
Venedikt- blessed
Benjamin- son of the right hand (right hand), beloved son
Vikenty- winner
Victor(old) – winner
Victorin- winner.
Vilen(new) - abbreviation for V.I. LENIN
Vissarion(old) – forest man
Vitaly(old) – vital
Witold(slav.) – forest ruler
Vlad(slav.) – owning
Vladilen(new) – similar to VLADImir LENIN
Vladimir(old, famous) – owner of the world
Vladislav(old, famous) – possessing glory
Vladlen(new) – similar to VLADIMIR LENIN
Vlas- lethargic, clumsy
Warrior(Old Russian) – “warrior”
Vojislav(glory) – “famous in war”
Volodar(staroslav.) – “lord”
Voldemar/ Valdemar (new) – famous ruler
Volmir/ Volemir (slav.) – lord of the world
Vsevolod(old, old Russian) – ruler of all the people
Vsemil(slav.) - dear to everyone
Vyacheslav(old, famous) - more than once famous

Russian male names starting with the letter G:

Gabriel/ Gavrila/ Gavrilo/ Gavril(old) – divine warrior
Gavrila- divine warrior
Galaktion(old) – star
Harry/ Harry(new) – tolerant
Gideon- warrior
Helian/ Helium(new) – sunny
Genius(new) – “genius”
Gennady(old) – well-born
Georgiy(old) – farmer
Gerasim- venerable
Hermann(old) – native
Gertrude(new) – HERO OF LABOR
Gleb(old, old Russian) – big, tall
Gorimir(slav.) – “bright world”
Gorislav(glory) – “bright glory”
Granite(new) – “solid”
Gregory(old) – not sleeping
Gury- lion cub

Russian male names starting with the letter D:

David- Darling
Davyd/ David(old) – favorite
Damir(new) – peace-loving
Dan(old) – god of the moon
Daniel/ Danila/ Danilo/ Danil(old) – “God’s judgment”
Danila- my judge is God
Gift(new) – “gift”
December(new) – winter
Dementy- taming, pacifying
Demid- thought of Zeus
Demyan- captivating
Denis(vernacular from old Dionysius) – god of the vital forces of nature
Gerald(new) – another reading of Harald
Joseph(new) - another reading of Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John(new) - another reading of Ivan
Dionysius/ Dionysus (old) – god of vegetation
Dmitriy/ Demetrius (old) – god of fertility
Dobrynya(Old Russian) – good fellow
Donalt(old) – ruler of the world
Donat(old) – strong
Dorofey- God's gift

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Eugene(old) – noble
Evgraf- well-written, well-written
Evdokim(old) - well-known
Evlampius- radiant
Evsey- pious
Eustathius- stable
Evstigney- a good sign
Elizar- God helped
Elisha- saved by God
Emelyan- flattering
Epifan- prominent, noble
Eremey- exalted by God
Ermil- forest
Ermolai- people and Hermes
Erofey- sanctified by God
Eruslan(Old Russian) – “lion”
Efim(old) – pious
Ephraim- prolific

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhdan(Old Russian) – waiting

Russian male names starting with the letter Z:

Zakhar(old) – “God’s memory”
Zinovy(old) – “Zeus’s power”
Zoriy(new) – morning
Zosima- going on a journey

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Ibrahim(new) - another reading of Abram, Abraham, Avrom
Ignatius/ Ignat (old) – unknown
Igor(old, old Russian) – protector of God
Ishmael- God will hear
Izot- life-giving, life-giving
Izyaslav- gained fame
Hilarion- cheerful, joyful
Ilya- the fortress of the Lord
Innocent- innocent, immaculate
Joseph- God's reward
Ipat- Supreme
Hypaty- Supreme
Hippolytus- unharnessing a horse
Irakli- glorified hero
Isaiah- the rescue
Isidore/ Sidor(old) – patron of fertility
July(new) – summer

Russian male names starting with the letter K:

Callistratus- a wonderful warrior
Kapiton- head
Carp- fruit
Kasyan(vernacular from old Cassian) – empty
Cyprian(old) – native of Cyprus or copper
Cyrus(old) – sir
Kirill(old) – lord
Claudius(old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clement(old) – merciful
Clementius- sir, lord
Klim- vine
Clement/ Klim (old) – indulgent
Clementius/ Clementius(adv. from Clement) – meek
Columbia(new) – “dove”
Kondrat- quadrangular
Kondraty- warrior carrying a spear
Konstantin- persistent, permanent
Roots- dogwood horn or berry
Cornil- horn
Cornelius- dogwood berry
Kuzma/ Kozma(vernacular from old Kosma) – decorated
Kupriyan(folk from Cyprian) – native of Cyprus or copper

Russian male names starting with the letter L:

Laurel(old) – famous
Lavrentiy(old) – crowned with laurels
Ladislav- good fame
Lazarus(old) – “God’s help”
Larion(verb from Hilarion) – joyful
a lion(old) – “lion”
Leon- a lion
Leonard(new) – strong
Leonid(old) – son of a lion
Leonty(old) – lion-like
Longinus- long
Luke(old) – “happiness”
Lukyan/ Lucian (old) – happy
Luchezar- luminous, radiant
We love you(Old Russian) – handsome
Luxen/ Lucian(new) – light


If you are still expecting a baby, then do not forget to track your condition using ours. This will allow you not to worry once again about one thing or another. But don’t forget – there are no perfect calendars! Each situation is individual and only a doctor can tell whether you should worry or not.

Russian male names starting with the letter M:

Mauritius(old) – black
May(new) – warm heart
Maislav/ Maeslav(new) – famous in May
Makar/ Macarius (old) – happy
Max(new) – majestic
Maksim(old) – majestic
Maximilian/ Maximilian(old) – majestic
Marian- sea
Mark- hammer
Martin- dedicated to Mars, warlike
Matvey- man of God
Methodius- tracking, searching
Mieczyslaw- glorious sword
Milan- Cute
Milen- Cute
Milius(old) – dear
Miloneg(slav.) - dear
Miloslav(glory) - glory is sweet
Mine- monthly, lunar
Miron(old) – kind
Mitrofan- found by mother
Michael/ Mikhailo (old) – equal to God
Micah- equal to God
Modest(old) – modest
Moses(old) – extracted from water
Mokiy- mocker
Monolith(new) – unshakable
Mstislav- glorious avenger

Russian male names starting with the letter N:

Nazar/ Nazariy(old) – dedicated to God
Nathan(old) – bestowed
Nahum(old) – consolation
Neon(old) – brilliant
Neonil(old) – principled
Nestor/ Nester (old) – returned to his homeland
Nikandr(old) – winner of men
Nikanor- seeing victory
Nikita- win
Nikifor- victorious
Nicodemus- victory and people
Nikolay- victory of the people
Nikon- Victorious
Nifont- reasonable, judicious
North(new) – north (ny)

Russian male names starting with the letter O:

Ovid(old) – savior
Odysseus(new) – angry
Octavian(old) – (Roman) – eighth
Oktyabrin(new) – autumn
October(new) – autumn
Oleg(old, old Russian) – saint
Olympius- name of the sacred Mount Olympus
Onesimus- execution, completion
Onuphry- free
Orestes(old) – savage
Oscar(old) – “God’s spear”
Ostap- stable

Russian male names starting with the letter P:

Paul(old) – small
Palladium(old) – dedicated to Pallas Athena
Pankrat- the strongest, omnipotent
Panteleimon/ Panteley(old)
Panfil(old) – loving everyone
Paramon- reliable, faithful
Parfem- virgin, pure
Groin- broad-shouldered
Peresvet(Old Russian) – light
Peter- stone, rock
Peter(old) – “rock” or “stone”
Pimen- shepherd, shepherd
Plato- broad-shouldered
Polycarp- fruitful
Porfiry- purple, crimson
Potap- mastered
Proclus- fame precedes him
Prokhor(old) – choir director

Russian male names starting with the letter R:

Radium(new) – “radium”
Radislav(glory) - glad for the glory
Radomir(glory) - glad for the world
Ratibor- warrior
Ratmir- protecting the world
Rodion- song to the lord
Novel- Roman; Roman
Rostislav- increasing fame
Ruben- ruby, blushing
Ruslan- a lion
Rurik- glory of the king

Russian male names starting with the letter C:

Savva/ Sava(old) – desired
Savvaty- Saturday
Savely(old) – desired
Samson- sunny
Samuel- the name of God, God heard
Light(new) – “light”
Svetlana(glory) – light
Svetoslav(glory) – “glory is bright”
Svyatogor(Old Russian) – “holy mountain”
Svyatopolk(Old Russian) – “holy regiment”
Sevastyan- highly respected
North(old) – “north”
Severin(old) – cold
Severyan/ Severian (old) – northern
Northerners(new) – northern
Selivan- forest
Semyon- heard
Semyon(popular from old Simeon) – heard by God in prayer
Seraphim(old) – fiery
Sergey(old) – highly respected
Sigismund(new) - ...
Sidor- gift of Isis
Force- forest, wild
Sylvester- forest
Simon- heard
Socrates- maintaining power
Solomon- peaceful
Sofron- sensible, prudent
Spartacus- organizer, leader
Spiridon- box
Steel/ Steel (new) – hard
Stanimir- peacemaker
Stepan/ Stefan (old) – “wreath”
Stoyan- strong

Russian male names starting with the letter T:

Taras(old) – restless
Tverdislav- solid glory
Tvorimir-creates the world
Teimuraz(new) – analogue to Timur
Terenty- rubbing, shabby
Timofey- God-worshipper
Timur- iron
Titus- honor, honor
Tikhon- successful
Tristan(old) – sad (tristia)
Tryphon(old) – pampered
Trofim(old) – pet

Russian male names starting with the letter U:

Ulyan- belonging to Julius
Ustin- fair

Russian male names starting with the letter F:

Thaddeus- a gift from God
Fadey/ Thaddeus(old) – “praise”
Fevralin(new) – winter
Fedor(old) - God's gift
Fedosy- gift of the gods
Fedot- given by the gods
Felix(old) – successful
Feoktist- created by God
Feofan- appearance of God
Ferapont- student, servant
Filaret- lover of virtue
Philemon(old) – favorite
Philip(old) – lover of horses
Phlegont(old) - ...
Florenty(old) – blooming
Florentine- blossoming
Florenc(new) – blooming
Florin(new) – blooming
Foka- seal
Thomas- twin
Fortunatus- happy
Photius- light, glowing
Frol(vernacular from old Flor) – blooming

Russian male names starting with the letter X:

Khariton(old) – benefactor
Kharlampy- joyful light
Brave(Old Russian) – brave
Christophe(old) – (Christopher) – bearer of Christ
Christopher- professing faith in Christ
Cheslav- Honor and glory

Russian male names starting with the letter E:

Electron(new) – amber
Elbrus(new) – “mountain”
Emil- diligent
Emmanuel- God is with us
Energy(new) – energetic
Erast- adorable
Ernst- serious, strict

Russian male names starting with the letter Y:

Juvenaly(old from Juvenalia) – young
Eugene(new) – noble
Julian(old from Julian) – curly
Julius(old from Iuliy) – fluffy
Jupiter(new) – “Jupiter”
Yuri(old, popular from Georgiy) – farmer

Russian male names starting with the letter I:

Yakov(old from Jacob) – imitating God
Yakub- next
Januarius(old from Iannuarius) – January
Jaromir(old, famous) – “sunny world”
Yaropolk(old, famous) – “sunny”
Yaroslav(old, slav.) – “burning glory” or glorifying Yarila, the ancient Slavic god

A name for a child is, without exaggeration, an important component of his future life. It is known that among male names there are “strong” and “weak”, which have a certain energy and can endow a person with certain qualities. Therefore, before you give your son a name, be sure to familiarize yourself with its meaning.

In addition, parents need to remember that name abbreviations and affectionate nicknames can also affect the child's perception of his own self. It is worth alternating such manifestations of love with the full name, and also, if possible, reducing their use when the child is already in school. Otherwise, an adult man may forever remain a soft and infantile “Vlad”, although he had the makings of a strong Vlad.

If everyone knows about the “power” of the names Alexander and Vladimir, then there are less common names that many have forgotten about.


15 names for boys with strong energy


From Hebrew this name is translated as “God is the judge of everything” and has biblical origins.

Daniel is a strong, balanced man who is not inclined to make decisions in a hurry. He has well-developed intuition, all matters are sorted out, and he accepts adversity and problems with restraint and optimism.

Such boys are prone to exact sciences, love analytics, and are often characterized by outstanding intellectual abilities. In addition, Daniels are very moral people, they rarely betray, they value friends and family, they love their home and are not prone to senseless adventures.


The origin of the name Mark is still not precisely known. There is a version that the name sounds similar to the Latin word “marcus”, which means “hammer”. It is also believed that the name originates from the name of the god of war Mars or from the French word “marquis” (marquis).

Despite the fact that this name sounds very beautiful and “strong,” the upbringing of such a child cannot be left to chance. Since childhood, Mark has been a rather narcissistic and selfish boy, but if his energy is channeled in the right direction, this trait can be balanced by politeness and a willingness to help others.

A child with this name is often jealous of the successes of others, so from childhood he needs to be taught patience and concentration on his own victories, and also knows how to lose with dignity. In adulthood, Mark is a rather dominant man who strives to be the master of the house and the leader at work.


The name Gleb takes its roots from the Scandinavian name Gottlieb, which means “darling of God,” “under divine protection.”

Gleb is a very strong-willed, persistent and self-confident person. A man with this name tries to achieve everything himself, does not like excessive attention to his person, and quickly makes even difficult decisions, which helps him make a good career in the future.

Gleb always keeps his promises and is responsible for his words, is true to his principles and is ready to vigorously defend them. Such a man is respected at work, primarily for his fairness and honesty.

Glebs, as a rule, become wonderful family men, love children and take care of their parents.


Translated from Latin, the name “Maxim” means “greatest.”

Maxim is a strong-willed man whose character is often dominated by ambition and pride. Therefore, from childhood, parents should try to properly develop these qualities in a boy.

If Maxim is deprived of excessive vanity and self-confidence, he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become a reliable man, a loving father and husband.

Maxims are smart, sociable, able to find an approach to almost any person and persuade them to do anything. People with this name are good at “calculating” people and know how to manipulate them for their own purposes. In his home, Maxim wants to be the master, the dominant, but friends sometimes mean even more to him than relatives.


A Slavic name formed from two words: “Everything” (all) and “volod” (to own). So the name can be translated as “owning everything”, “ruling”.

This name sounds beautiful and full, just like its bearer. Since childhood, Vsevolod has been very flexible and mature beyond his years; teachers and classmates love him for his special attractive charisma.

A person with this name is balanced, patient, assiduous and persistent. Despite this, he does not always like to be a leader; he can be content with a supporting role. Parents can develop leadership qualities in their child so that the boy achieves great success in life.

Seva’s sociability and openness helps him out in any life circumstances. Such a man appreciates earthly joys, coziness and comfort in the home.


In Hebrew, the name "Nazar" means "vow" or "dedication to God." Also from Arabic this name can be interpreted as “far-sighted.”

Nazar is a bright, strong, controversial and even militant soul. Nazar’s unusual and mysterious character has attracted people to him since childhood, which is why the boy has many friends and acquaintances.

As a rule, such a man is reserved, closed, not very emotional, but at the same time sociable and active. He strives to achieve high results, go towards his goals independently and craves material wealth.

In the character of Nazar one can see a strong and powerful person with great willpower. He values ​​fidelity, complaisance, and honesty in people. If a boy with that name is betrayed or offended, he will not withdraw into himself, but will repay you in return in the same coin.


The name is of Greek origin and is translated as “mature”, “courageous”.

Despite the fact that in childhood Arseny is often kind, calm and shy, he has great internal energy that will definitely manifest itself. A boy with this name is sociable, pleasant to talk to, people are drawn to him. Arseny has few real friends, but he is ready to do anything for them.

Arseny is a dreamy and creative person, so the main thing for parents is to instill in their child a sense of discipline and responsibility in a timely manner, otherwise in adult life such a man may not finish the things he starts and rush from hobby to hobby.

If you instill determination and firmness in a child, Arseny will achieve success and will not lose his sincerity.


The name Alexey has ancient Greek roots and is translated as “protector”, “one who protects”.

Alexey is a strong, strong-willed personality with developed intuition. Combined with enormous willpower, ability to work and activity in life, this trait helps him to be in the first positions and achieve success in his career.

It is important for parents to support Alexey in his endeavors, since this person is characterized by self-criticism and doubts about his actions. Boys with this name do not like adventures, sudden changes in life and risks. They are much closer to stability and comfort.

A man named Alexey is smart, attentive to detail, inquisitive and has a good memory. In addition, he is very popular among girls, as he knows how to combine sensuality and tenderness with pragmatism and earthly desires.


Slavic name, which translates as “given by God.”

Bogdan is a self-confident, strong-willed person with developed intuition. But despite the fact that the boy’s character is calm and reserved, he loves to take risks and bet everything on his victory, which often leads him to success.

For such a man, self-realization, material wealth and love for his work are very important. But laziness can destroy many of Bogdan’s talents in early childhood, so parents should not cultivate this trait in a boy.

In life and in the family, Bogdan is a clear leader. He is reserved, always behaves with dignity and knows his worth. Such a person will never become a victim of circumstances, since he does not go with the flow, but builds his life himself.


Ostap can be translated from Greek as “solid”, “persistent”.

Ostap is a male leader who always has his own point of view on everything. The boy's desire for leadership has been evident since childhood, so he is very active and tries himself in many areas. Children with this name are very sociable, self-confident, with a good sense of humor, but not too open to others.

Ostap does not like too much attention from other people, he does not trust everyone, and demonstrates his talents only in the circle of loved ones.

A man with this name is a subtle psychologist who loves to observe people and evaluate their behavior in different situations. Also, such a bright individual is not prone to breakdowns or depression, lives with an optimistic attitude and has high self-esteem. But if parents want Ostap to find himself in some kind of business, they should dampen their son’s desire to participate in everything in the world and go to all sections at school.


The origin of the name comes from the Greek word “oros”, which means “mountain”, “mountainous”.

Just like his name, Orestes is a strong and courageous man who is difficult to break by life's problems. Since childhood, the boy loves nature, animals, communicating with people, he does not tend to enter into conflicts. At the same time, a person with this name is very strong-willed and will go towards his goal, finding the most rational ways.

Orestes is very sociable, purposeful and diligent, but can be quite stubborn (you need to pay attention to this in childhood). Such a person does not tolerate injustice and deception, and especially betrayal.


The name Plato translated from Greek means “broad”, “broad-shouldered”.

Since childhood, a boy with this name is very developed and serious beyond his years. He is quite stubborn, active and loves to be in the company of his elders.

Plato is very self-confident and independent. It is almost impossible to force him to do something; this can only be achieved with a delicate request and love. A man given this name often becomes a boss or businessman, as he is uncompromising when he is pushed around and directed.

Plato is a rather calm and reserved person; he does not like to share his feelings and emotions, but he is very reliable and faithful in any relationship, both friendly and family.


The name Stanislav comes from two Slavic words: “stan” (“to become”) and “slav” (“glory”). Therefore it is translated as “establisher of glory.”

Since childhood, Stas has been a very kind and open boy, but he can be quite unrestrained in his desires and dreams. Stanislav's character is very unusual, his way of thinking is different from those around him, and therefore it is difficult for him to find true friends in spirit.

Despite this, a man with such a beautiful name is very generous, active and proactive in any endeavor. Stas strives to develop, does not sit still, and often incites his family and friends to change.

In adulthood, Stanislav becomes a good husband and caring father. But those around you should know that it is better not to joke about him and express himself as clearly as possible, since this person can be very touchy and unrestrained in his emotions.


Translated from Latin, the name Victor is translated as “winner.”

As a child, such a boy is attracted by adventures, and he makes decisions quickly and unambiguously. Over time, he becomes less adventurous and begins to look at things with a more calculating view.

Victor is a true leader who is characterized by patience, calmness, prudence and optimism. Such a man forgives easily, does not get hung up on trifles, and loves to sacrifice himself for the sake of his loved ones.

Such a man has a highly developed sense of duty, he is demanding of people, but his praise is of great value. At home, Victor is a caring husband and a good but strict father.


Translated from the Turkic language, Ruslan means “lion”.

Despite the fact that as a child Ruslan can be very capricious and sometimes unrestrained, over the years the boy acquires the skill to control his emotions and behaves relaxed but calmly.

Ruslan is a strong-willed person who is not averse to taking risks for a good cause. The soul of such a person is often open-minded; he is always ready to come to the aid of friends and help out loved ones.

In adult life, negative traits of Ruslan may also appear, such as vindictiveness, selfishness and a talent for exaggerating. This is what parents need to work on so that the child’s energy goes in the right direction, and such traits do not manifest themselves in relation to others.

A man with this name tends to achieve his goals by any means, even by cunning and deception, but at the same time he is a real fighter who never gives up and continues to act even after defeat.