The most famous human superpowers. Real superheroes: incredible abilities of the most unusual people in the world

The media often talks about people who are capable of incredible things. Tissue regeneration, weather control and levitation - is there anything impossible? Of course, many abilities are the invention of a science fiction writer, but it is no secret that you can develop some of them. There is an opinion that many skills were inherited from our ancestors, who were more receptive to exoteric knowledge. So, we dodge an unexpectedly falling object, we feel an inexplicable danger from some person. What superpowers do people have today?


This is the ability to see events in the past and future, as well as in parallel worlds. To transfer images to a conscious level, it is necessary to use one more skill - claircognizance. People with superpowers in these areas can simulate the likelihood of actions and their experience at a fast pace. In reality, the individual uses the experience gained and can change the future. It is believed that such a gift can be developed using various techniques and exercises. When passing through the stages of knowledge, the mind opens, and thinking becomes multifaceted, and not linear, like ordinary people.

Extrasensory perception

There are superpowers in people who are distinguished by their extraordinary sensitivity to all types of energy. This phenomenon is called extrasensory perception. The owner of this skill sees auras, chakras, and feels disturbances at the energy level. The psychic can cure the detected changes, but only with the help of words.

Insensitivity to cold and heat

The famous Wim Hof, nicknamed “The Iceman,” spent his entire life developing the ability to control the autonomic functions of the body. Thanks to the use of special techniques and meditations, he became a world record holder in many categories. For example, I spent several hours in an ice bath without any consequences for my body, and climbed Mount Everest in only shorts. Scientists, after conducting a series of studies, came to the conclusion that Wim Hof ​​controls the level of stress hormone and anti-inflammatory molecules in the blood, thereby allowing vegetative processes to accelerate. But this is not the only case of insensitivity to aggressive environmental factors. Ordinary people, without any preparation, also survived after encountering the cold. Thus, pilot Yuri Kozlovsky ejected in winter. In the fall, he received an open fracture of both legs, but was able to survive in the tundra, spending three days there.

Here is the opposite example of human superpower. African-American Willie Jones, having received heatstroke at an air temperature of 32.2 degrees, was able to survive. Although his body heated up to 46.5 degrees, and he was already 52 years old. An extraordinary “friendship” with fire was recorded by the Guinness Book of Records. Reg Morris, a professional fire-eater, managed to exhale a burning flame 9.4 meters long from himself, after which he extinguished 22,888 torches in his mouth in two hours. The results of scientific experiments have shown that the maximum temperature with which a person can come into contact is 841 degrees Celsius. It is to this temperature that the coals and stones are heated on which ritual dances and barefoot walks are performed.

Absolute memory

No less well known are people’s superpowers in memorizing a lot of material and pictures of the world around them. For example, in 1974 in Burma, Bhandanta Visachara recited 16 thousand pages of Buddhist texts by heart. Gu Yang Lin from China was able to memorize 15 thousand phone numbers of the city of Harbin, and Barbara Moore from America sang 1852 songs in 19 days. In 1990, the Guinness Book of Records included Samvel Gharibyan from Yerevan, who the first time remembered 960 out of 1000 unfamiliar words dictated to him.

You can remember not only numbers and words, an example of this is the artist Wiltshire, who has a phenomenal photographic memory. Flying in a helicopter over New York, he was able to recreate on canvas the picture he saw in every detail. Kim Peek, who suffers from Opitz-Kaveggia syndrome, could read two pages of a book at the same time, and even several years later, retell them exactly.

Analyzers work at a super level

There are people in the world with superpowers who are able to sense taste most vividly and intensely. They are called supertasters. The reason for this phenomenon is the large number of special papillae on the tongue. Oddly enough, this ability is most characteristic of women from Asia and Africa. Typically, people with superpowers of this type refuse to eat foods containing bitterness, since for them this is the most noticeable taste.

A person who has absolute pitch is able to reproduce a sound without mentioning it, name the notes of a chord, and recognize the pitch of everyday sounds. To have this skill, you need to mentally classify sounds into categories. Based on the research conducted on this issue, we can conclude that absolute pitch is most common in a sound language environment and with a pitch accent. Such regions include Japan, Vietnam, and areas of China where Mandarin and Cantonese are spoken. People who have superpowers in this area are most often either blind from birth or suffer from a mental disorder.

Another unusual skill that has been repeatedly recorded in the world is tetrachromatism. This is the ability to see not only the red, green and blue regions of the spectrum, but also additional regions, which leads to the ability to perceive 100 million colors. This phenomenon occurs most often in women, and the ability can be transferred to a man, but in the form of color blindness.


People's superpowers are especially clearly manifested as a result of any violations. Thus, to navigate in space, blind individuals can recreate sound and determine the location of objects by echo. You can make sounds by clicking your tongue or knocking with a stick. An example of a person who has this ability is Daniel Kish. He lost his sight as an infant, but was able to compensate by clicking his tongue. As an adult, he taught his way of understanding the world to about 500 children. Magnetic resonance imaging studies have shown that the brains of people who have learned echolocation have undergone a number of changes. Thus, the visual cortex adapts to process echoes, distance and direction of sound waves. This development of human superpower allows one to move long distances in any conditions.


Human superpowers may seem incredible at first glance, but they are easily explained scientifically. Chimerism is extremely rare and is caused by the fusion of two fertilized eggs early in pregnancy. In this type of intercourse, each population of cells retains its genetic character, and the resulting embryo becomes a mixture of the two parental DNAs. No more than 40 cases of chimerism have been recorded in the world. There is an assumption that chimeras are people of a new generation, whom nature adapts to global changes on the planet in the future.


People's superpowers can manifest themselves in the association of letters, numbers, and words with certain colors and tastes. The phenomenon is explained by the stimulation of certain sensory or cognitive channels, which leads to an involuntary reaction of other channels. Synesthesia most often manifests itself in grapheme-color form. There are other forms of this phenomenon - seeing a certain location of a date in space, or perceiving sounds in color. According to the results of studies conducted in 2006, scientists concluded that one in 23 people has synesthesia. Famous people with this phenomenon included Vladimir Nabokov, Nikola Tesla and others.

Human counters

You can often see on TV that a person can almost instantly multiply huge numbers in his head. Research in this area has suggested that the cause of superpowers is increased blood flow in a certain part of the brain. An example of a person who can count quickly is Shakuntala Devi from India. In front of the commission, the woman multiplied two thirteen-digit numbers, taken at random, in 28 seconds. And Alexander Nekrasov from Lipetsk was able to extract the thousandth root from a number consisting of 547 digits in 61 seconds. The list of “Human Superpowers” ​​in the field of counting is not so small; in almost every country you can meet an individual with such a phenomenon.

"Powerful Fist"

Gino Martino is the owner of superpowers. A professional wrestler could easily break hard objects with his head, such as iron rods and concrete blocks. Gino Martino's skull even withstood the impact of a bowling ball thrown from a height of five meters.

Masutatsu Oyama was distinguished by incredible strength. He was a martial artist that no one could defeat. In addition to his invincibility in battles, Masutatsu Oyama became famous for knocking down one with a blow from an angry bull.

Buddhist monks have always been distinguished by skills beyond the control of ordinary people. Thus, thanks to the practice of “inner fire,” they could significantly increase their body temperature. Master Zhou could heat objects with his own hands, for example, he could easily dry clay or bring water to a boil. He was also distinguished by his ability to heal seriously ill patients, including those suffering from cancer, through simple touches.

Incredible abilities

In France there lived a man who could eat anything. His name was Michel Lotito. Between 1959 and 1997, he consumed approximately nine tons of metal, in the form of televisions, bicycles, shopping carts, a coffin, an airplane, and part of the Eiffel Tower. The scientific world calls this phenomenon “pica” or an eating disorder, which is expressed in an extraordinary craving for inedible things.

Do people have superpowers that allow them to recognize a person’s illness at a glance? It turns out there is. At the age of 10, a girl named Natasha Demkina discovered that she had the gift of seeing through a person’s skin. Numerous studies have confirmed its ability. People began to come to her for a diagnosis. Natalya was nicknamed “The Girl with X-Ray Eyes” and even the Discovery Channel released a documentary about her superpowers.

Fantasy in real life

Real people with superpowers, the list of which we will continue, are represented by the ability to ignite objects and soar above the ground. Many of us dreamed of learning to fly and feeling freedom of movement. Scotsman Daniel Hume made this dream come true. Witnesses confirm the fact that he left the ground and could have hung near the ceiling. In 1867, a psychic and spiritualist, in front of numerous spectators, flew out of a third-floor window and returned back. Famous people (Napoleon Bonaparte), researchers, scientists attended D. Hume's speeches, but no one was able to catch him in a lie. Nelly Kulagina had another amazing and inexplicable ability. She could separate the yolk from the white without touching the egg, and she could also stop the hearts of animals. During experiments, scientists could only record her rapid heartbeat, reaching up to 250 beats.

Science fiction films tell us about heroes who can set things on fire with just a glance. It turns out that this is not fiction. In Mongolia, there really was a girl named Batmukhin Unurme who possessed such a gift, but, unfortunately, she was never able to control her ability. She spent the end of her life in the hospital with a nervous breakdown.

Development of human superpowers

Incredible skills can appear from birth and have no explanation. But scientists have identified a number of reasons that can help in the emergence of superpowers. These include brain injuries, mental disorders, compensation for dysfunctional senses, and autism.

How can you develop your abilities? In fact, there are quite a lot of techniques, starting with breathing exercises and meditation, and ending with hypnosis. Some organizations even invite you to “Human Superpowers” ​​training. If we combine information on methods for developing special skills, we will come to the following conclusion: the most important condition is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The spirit must also be healthy. You need to give vent to negative emotions during physical exercise, understanding the reasons why they were caused. You need to undergo training regularly, without succumbing to laziness. It must be remembered that the stronger a person becomes, the greater his responsibility to the world.

Each of us has heard about popular superheroes with unrealistic superpowers, but in the real world there is also a place for people with amazing abilities. Although the abilities of these people cannot be compared with the flights of Superman and the web of Spider-Man, but unlike them, the heroes of this article can use their abilities in the real world. We present to you the stories of 10 people who have truly impressive abilities, reminiscent of the X-Men team.

Gino Martino - Anvil Man

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to break hard objects with his head, including iron bars, baseball bats and concrete blocks. His skull could even withstand bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, Gino's unusual physical ability is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

Tim Cridland - King of Torture

Tim Cridland, who performs under the stage name "Zamora - King of Torture", has demonstrated to the world for decades his unique ability - his exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and these are just a few of the dangerous stunts he performed throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness Book of Records record holder.

Wim Hof ​​- Ice Man

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He has run marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath of 1 hour and 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro wearing only shorts, for which he received the nickname “Ice Man”. The man claims that he has reached a state in which he does not feel cold at all, solely thanks to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Vim is indeed capable of conscious control of his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

Masutatsu Oyama could knock down a bull with one blow

Masutatsu Oyama (1923-1994) was a martial artist and champion that no one could defeat. They say that in three days he fought a hundred fights with various opponents lasting no more than two minutes and emerged victorious from each. Masutatsu Oyama also became famous for fighting angry bulls with his bare hands and being able to knock them down with just one blow.

Tibetan monks practicing tummo are able to generate enormous amounts of heat with their own bodies

It is known that Buddhist monks who practice tummo (yoga of internal fire) are able to increase their own body temperature to an incredibly high level without moving a muscle. To demonstrate their extraordinary abilities, they place large towels soaked in ice water on their shoulders, and within an hour of deep meditation they become completely dry. Science has not yet been able to explain the ability of a person to consciously increase the temperature of his own body.

Master Zhou - "the pearl of China"

Master Zhou is a healer and master of Tai Chi, Kung Fu and Qigong. The "qi" in the word "qigong" is translated as "heat"; This is precisely where Master Zhou’s extraordinary ability lies: he has the rare gift of heating objects with his own hands. He demonstrated his extraordinary talent by drying clay and bringing water to a boiling point. Master Zhou also uses his unique ability to cure tumors, body pain and a variety of other ailments that plague the common people. His patients included such famous figures as the Dalai Lama and members of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. For his exceptional gift, Master Zhou received the nickname “The Pearl of China.” He claims that the appearance of “chi” energy in his hands is the result of constant meditation.

Michelle Lotito - "Monsieur will eat everything"

It was not without reason that the Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950-2007) was called ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Monsieur will eat everything.” Between 1959 and 1997, it literally consumed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower. What is the reason for Lotito’s manifestation of such a shocking ability? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as pica, an eating disorder that involves craving non-food substances. This, along with the unusually thick mucous membrane of the stomach, allowed Lotito to consume a huge amount of metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, poured with vegetable oil and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

Isao Machii - super samurai

Isao Machii stuns audiences with his incredible sword skills: he is able to cut in half a plastic bullet fired from an air gun, traveling at over 200 mph. The stunt performed by Isao was captured on video; After viewing it in slow motion, the researchers were very surprised at how accurate and lightning-fast the young super samurai’s movements and reactions were.

Ben Andenrwood - navigated in space using sounds

Ben Andenrwood was born in 1992; at the age of three, he underwent a complex operation during which both eyes were removed. But Ben was significantly different from other visually impaired people: he did not need a cane or a guide dog, and all because he learned to navigate in space using sounds. By the age of five, Ben had developed the ability to echolocate, a skill that allows him to “see” objects around him by perceiving sound signals reflected from them. Thanks to this, he, like all normal children, could skateboard, play football, defend himself from bullies, and so on. Unfortunately, Ben was unable to overcome the disease, which led him to complete blindness. He died in 2009 at the age of 16.

Natalya Demkina - x-ray vision

Natalya Demkina first discovered her unique ability to see through human skin at the age of ten and has since used it to diagnose people who turn to her for help. To prove or disprove the girl's claims that she has x-ray vision, medical experts conducted a number of extensive studies with her participation.

In 2004, the Discovery Channel released a documentary about the extraordinary abilities of Natalia Demkina entitled “The Girl with X-Ray Eyes.” During a study conducted by the Committee of Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), Natasha was asked to determine the health status of six volunteers who had undergone surgery or had physical abnormalities. The girl examined patients for four hours and was able to correctly diagnose four of them. Representatives of the KSI considered these results inconclusive, and the research ended there. Nevertheless, Natalya continues to help sick people to this day.

“Psychokinesis” is a term that combines the phenomena of the influence of thought on matter. There is a theory that an abnormal ability can be congenital or acquired. Almost everyone can develop it in themselves. The process is long, painstaking, labor-intensive. Harmony and mental balance play a decisive role. By wasting energy on the negative aspects of existence - anger, envy, selfishness, rudeness, people have lost their natural capabilities. Psychokinesis includes:


The term appeared back in 1914. Proponents claim that the phenomenon has been known since ancient times. Despite the obvious evidence, there are enough opponents who claim that telekinesis as a phenomenon does not exist.

A striking example confirming the unique abilities of a person is the phenomenon of Kulagina.

Ninel Kulagina became famous in the 1960s. On March 10, 1970, the most famous experiment took place. Kulagina, psychokinetically influencing the frog, changed its pulse, and then stopped its heart. This caused a sensation among domestic and Western scientists. According to eyewitnesses, Kulagina’s phenomenal abilities consisted of:

    moving small objects;

    movement of the compass needle;

    scattering the laser beam with your hands;

    changes in liquid acidity;

    exposure of photographic film;

    the appearance of a burn from the touch of her hand.

Skeptics attributed these magical abilities to the release of histamine from her sweat glands, forming a charged aerosol. Many accused her of quackery. However, there is no evidence of deception. We couldn’t find anything suspicious in the photo from Kulagina’s experiment.


The ability to cause and control fire with the power of thought. There are real cases of sudden fire in people, when the temperature of the human body reached three thousand degrees, and the person turned into a handful of ash within a few seconds. The nature of such fire is different from the usual process associated with oxidation. Things and flammable objects around remained intact if pyrokinesis was not directed at them.


Lifting people, animals, objects into the air, despite the force of gravity - levitation. There are a number of videos confirming the phenomenon of levitation. The ability to soar in the air is characteristic of yogis, shamans, Tibetan monks, and mediums. Teleportation is separate from levitation. Real cases of teleportation, both controlled and sudden, have been recorded.

The power of thought

Teachings about the power of thought and the materialization of thought forms have gained particular popularity in the modern world. Many scientists became interested in the topic. A number of practices, seminars, and techniques for developing a person’s ability to manage thoughts are publicly available. They have no scientific validity or evidence, but they really work. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is the first step to achieving harmony.

Each of the controversial anomalous phenomena has a huge number of opponents, but there is also a lot of evidence of its existence. The confrontation is explained by the fact that a person is afraid to believe in what he cannot explain from a scientific point of view. It is important that strengthening faith in supernatural abilities does not benefit the rulers of this world; it is much easier to control the ignorant, gullible masses.

People with paranormal abilities have lived in our world at all times. Naturally, unusual abilities have always attracted people's attention. A number of studies conducted by scientists say that a person uses only 10% of the abilities of his body and brain. After reading our article, you will learn that people with unusual abilities (including children) have gone down in history and become modern pearls of the Internet.

Reptile Man

Science has long known cases when a person could change his skin, like snakes and other reptiles. Some Buskirk, born in Missouri in 1851, has been changing his skin since childhood and this continues throughout his life.

This happens year after year and always on the same day - June 27th. The skin becomes rough, then peels off in large pieces, and is removed from the legs and arms like tights and gloves.

In place of the peeling skin, a new one appeared, smooth, like a baby’s. Today Mr. Buskirk has his own “skin collection”, which he shows off without embarrassment.

The patient who glows

Anna Monaro suffers from asthma and there was nothing strange about this, but in 1934 the woman lit up, becoming like a fluorescent lamp. Such people frightened her. Indeed, during an exacerbation of the disease, her breasts emitted a blue glow. This was observed for several weeks, which gave doctors every right to document the phenomenon.

Sometimes the bluish glow gave way to green or red. But why such an unusual ability appeared in Anna, no one could clearly say. The psychiatrist voiced the theory that this reaction was caused by electrical organisms that began to rapidly develop in her body and emit radiance. Other doctors simply said that I don’t know the reasons. The woman has come to terms with her phenomenon and continues to shine from time to time.

The boy who never sleeps

Unusual abilities among adults are perceived more or less calmly, but when this occurs among children, it is even more interesting. In fact, children very often become “phenomenal.” For example, a 3 year old boy Rhett Lamb, is no different in appearance, his unusual ability lies in the fact that he does not know how to sleep. The boy feels cheerful throughout the day, and no medical examinations have revealed any abnormalities in the body. He plays like other children, but he cannot sleep. The only interesting thing is, what does he do when his parents go to bed?!

Girl allergic to water

A girl from Australia named Ashley Morris He has been suffering for 14 years due to a serious, but unusual deviation - it is exposed to water, and it does not matter what temperature the water is and in what quantities it comes into contact with the body.

It’s scary to imagine: she experiences pain and itching, even when she starts to sweat, let alone bathe. We don't know what the girl does to cleanse her body, but it clearly makes her uncomfortable. Such unusual abilities prevent poor Ashley from drinking water, and it remains a mystery how she quenches her thirst.

Doctors gave the girl a disappointing but very rare diagnosis of Aquagenic Urticaria.

Ice man

Wim Hof- this is a person who is able to pass the test of exposure to the lowest temperatures on the body. The Iceman from the Netherlands can withstand the lowest temperatures without blinking an eye. He once set a world record by staying in a pipe filled with cold water and ice for 73 minutes. For another minute he swam under a crust of ice in a frozen lake, and even conquered Mont Blanc in France in only shorts. Hof could have swam in the lake longer, he just had to learn to hold his breath!

He discovered his unusual abilities at the age of 17, but still believes that it’s all about human desire, and it is limitless!

Living mermaid

Hannah Fraser from Australia knows how to make the dream of many girls come true, namely to transform into a mermaid. It all started in childhood: Hannah made a tail-fin out of plasticine, and as she grew up, she realized that she wanted something on a larger scale. Today she can stay underwater for a long time and swim like a real mermaid.

Unusual abilities of people who made history

Wolf Messing phenomenon

The unusual abilities of Wolf Messing at the age of 11 by neurologist Anabel in Berlin, after the boy ran away from home.

It is worth noting that Messing did not know how to guess notes, drawings, words, and the like. His most important ability was to guess future events; just ask the question “What will happen...”

In 1937, Messing predicted that “if Hitler turns east, Germany will perish,” and in 1953 he predicted Stalin’s death on one of the Jewish holidays, which is what happened.

At the age of 18, he became the host of the ABC program “The Magic of David Copperfield”, then began appearing on the CBS channel. In his life, he demonstrated to the world the most unusual abilities associated with magic. Just remember the disappearance of the plane and the Statue of Liberty, which took place in front of the public.

In addition, Copperfield realized such illusions as passing through the Wall of China, moving to the Bermuda Triangle, flying through the Grand Canyon and much more. real miracles that no one has yet been able to repeat.

The most unusual abilities of ordinary and extraordinary people

In general, where do these unusual abilities come from? It's different for everyone. Sometimes they are formed in the womb, in other cases they appear after experienced shocks, such as a lightning strike and clinical death, and often appear by the will of a person and his persistent desire to do something.

  • Here's a bright one for you example of limitless will, when, during the war, a 70-year-old mother carried her lifeless son 13 km in her arms, never lowering him to the ground. Phenomenon, isn't it? But here, most likely, boundless love and maternal instinct played a role.
  • Scientists' research says that a person only partially uses the capabilities of his brain, and after reading stories like this it’s hard to argue with that. This has been proven once again Michelle Lotito from France, who could eat whatever he wanted. So, while still a child, Michel “ate” a TV, and when he was 15 years old, he turned his unusual abilities into a kind of business, entertaining people for money and eating whatever they wanted: rubber, plastic and even glass. Once within two years, and still ate it! For this, Lotito was included in the Guinness Book of Records.
  • Another interesting case from life: biologist K. Richardson can sit in a cage with lions all night and come out unharmed. The lions accept him as “one of their own,” but for what reasons is not known.
  • There are people who can only do one thing move objects with your eyes, and even bend metal like a fragile lady Monica Tejada. And the woman Hanuma from Africa knows how cry diamond tears. Miracles, and that’s all, and there are quite a few of them in the world.

Video about the most unusual abilities of people


It is worth noting that modern children are already ready-made phenomena, so it is worth taking a closer look at them. Perhaps it is children who will push you into the world of extraordinary abilities, where it is so interesting to be! Try it and let me know in the comments!


How often do we try to find something unusual in ourselves that will help us become an individual person and distinguish ourselves from other people. Each of us tried ourselves in the field of magic, magic tricks, and tried to perform some tricks. Americans are completely obsessed with records, and try to break them every time. But there are individuals in the world who do not need any advanced training courses - they themselves will surprise anyone. And they have this gift from nature. Today we will talk about amazing human abilities.

Each of them is an ordinary person with his own reputation, hobbies and work. They are not world stars, they do not have bank accounts, they do not spend millions of dollars on their appearance. We will tell you a secret - these are the top 10 people with incredible abilities who simply live and surprise viewers with their innate talents for free. They don't need recognition, just quiet applause and understanding.

10. Daniel Tammet

An autistic man was born in England. Since childhood, he speaks poorly, does not know where right and left are, he never succeeds in inserting a plug into a socket the first time. But these minor troubles do not prevent him from being a unique person. God created him not like everyone else - in exchange for his shortcomings, he became a professional in numbers. Yes, yes, that's exactly what he called himself. Daniel easily copes with mathematical formulas, problems, and understanding of space. In his head he can perform the most complex calculations, without the use of handy tips, rulers, calculators, etc.

“I see numbers in a special way - they are colors, and each color has its own number.” In principle, if we take computational formulas as a basis and take into account the rules for the formation of colors, then he is right - each number (on a computer) has its own color. Remember, green, red and yellow in photography, and blue, red and yellow in TV are the basic color combinations. Only Daniel has a slightly different view of all this. To calculate the equation, he imagines a landscape, the colors represent the numbers, and he easily manipulates them by changing the pictures in his head. He knows 22517 digits by heart that follow the decimal point in Pi! He speaks 17 languages ​​perfectly, which he learned in 78 days. Reminds me of something – reality transurfing (Zeland).

9. Ben Underwood

This man is from Sacramento, California. He became famous thanks to his flair. As a child, he was absolutely healthy, loved to play role-playing games, and had good intuition. As a child, he was hospitalized with a congenital but not immediately identified defect. His eyeballs were removed. Since then, Ben Underwood has learned to live without retinal cancer. By the age of 5, he was already moving without the help of a stick. Many considered him a deceiver, because he wore simple glasses and moved like a fully sighted person.

Ben never had a guide dog next to him, he did not use technology for the blind, and he did not ask for help from caretakers and guides. Walking through the streets, he did not touch a single object, nor did he touch any signs or walls. To identify obstacles, Ben uses his tongue, which he has learned to make sounds with. By making clicks, the sound is reflected from the surfaces of oncoming obstacles. Bats live in the same way, using ultrasound to determine the range of a signal when flying.

8. Daniel Smith

Daniel lives in the USA, which is where he is originally from. He became famous for his ability to bend his body in such a way that not a single gymnast could stand nearby. The gutta-percha boy became a five-time champion - he broke records in the Guinness Book, more than once. From the age of 4, he practiced in his home yard, repeating some tricks after circus performers. Instead of tricks, it actually folded, almost in half. A few years later, he began to notice that his talent was a gift from God. He dropped out of school and began training with adult artists.

At the age of 18, he ran away from home with a circus troupe to earn a living the way he wanted. The parents did not accept their son’s choice, so for a long time they could not believe that their only child was a circus performer, and not a scientist or financier. By the age of 21, he became famous throughout the world. He was called the "rubber man" who also acted as an acrobat. They invited him to matches, to the circus, on tours, to magic tricks and concerts. It can crawl into the hole of a toilet seat, curl up 7 times, tie knots out of its body, and also move the heart in the chest.

7. Michael Lotito

Michael was born in France in 1950. At the age of 10, he ate the TV, which scared his parents to a heart attack. The mother, out of fear, called an ambulance, and the father decided to commit suicide, fearing that he would be accused of negligence and the child would be taken away. Fortunately, everything worked out, but their son, Michael Lotito, began to earn money on the streets of the city. By the age of 16, he had created his own program - he could eat glass, rubber, metal, etc. He was given money for such street performances. After the unusual meal, the child did not experience any side effects or stomach upsets. Once he ate a toxic substance - the doctors didn’t find anything either. This fact was registered in the Book of Medical Observations in order to later track the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Michael himself admitted that he used to cut objects before using them, but then considered it a waste of time. He only washed down everything he ate with water so that it would be “digested better.” In the 70s, he received the “Monsieur, Eat It All” prize for swallowing a Cessna 150 airplane. Well, once he swallowed it, he ate it for 22 months, and was listed in the Guinness Book as the omnivorous Michael. Every day Lotito ate 1 g per day from the plane, he did not eat anything else. Michael was observed by a doctor for six months after this; the metal remained in his stomach, but he would not have died - the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of an ordinary person.

6. Radhakrishnan Velu

This man is known to the world thanks to his nickname - “The Tooth King”. He was born in Malaysia and practices tugging. No, he doesn’t just pull them, and not with his hands. Radhakrishnan is a Sami champion for strong teeth. He drags all heavy loads with his jaw, and can even move a train. He moved 17 cars filled with cargo back in 2007, breaking his record. Then there was a holiday - the country's independence day.

The man decided to congratulate the country in this unusual way. He decided to give a gift - such amazing people live in the country, and it should be proud of them. The event itself was talked about in all countries - a man broke his own record, moving the train by 4 meters! His weight exceeded 300 tons, and the man was not even tired - he had no sweat on his forehead, no blood from his nose.

5. Liv Tou Lin

Liv Tou is a real magnet. He attracts all kinds of things! There are people who can use a few spoons on their chest, but Liv is something completely different. Objects themselves are drawn to him, that’s what love is like. When he turned 70, an acquaintance of his (the previous point in our rating) managed to drag a car on a chain with his teeth, and the chain was attached to Liv Tou Lin’s stomach. The man considers his gift to be hereditary, since his sons and grandchildren have the same abilities, and he himself inherited them from his grandfather.

Scientists even tried to study his body and skin - they were not happy with the result, since the mystery remained unsolved. Experts said that the man has no problems with his skin, and there is also no magnetic field around the body. His descendants will also suffer from the phenomenon, and probably several more generations of scientists will discuss this magic, referring to the conclusions of their ancestors. We hope that in 100 years at least someone will be able to find the answer to this question.

4. Thai Ngoc

Scientists, on the contrary, are in shock - if a person does not sleep for more than 2 weeks, this leads to death. Some experiments have shown that people are afraid to return to sleep because they are so comfortable in reality that the dream world no longer attracts them. At the same time, Vietnamese Thai is not sick, he has no liver problems, and every day he carries several kilograms of fertilizer for his garden, which is located 5 kilometers from his home.

3. Tim Cridland

The top three is opened by Tim Cridland - a man who never feels pain. This is not a phenomenon, and he has no problems with pain. He simply does not have the sensation of pain syndromes for which the nerve endings are responsible. As a student, at school he received the nickname “King of Torture” because they experimented on him, inflicted pain on him, but he did not feel it at all. One of the guys suggested that he was pretending, and in fact he was just pretending and being patient. He could pierce his hand with a needle, stand in 40 degree frost without trembling, tolerate any temperature - boiling kettles were leaned against him, and boiling water was poured on him.

The boy withstood absolutely everything, and his classmates began to respect his gift. Today, he has become an artist who amazes the audience with his magic tricks. Across America, legends are unspoken. He studied anatomy all his life to amaze people. Doctors explained his gift by the fact that his pain syndrome was much higher than that of the average person. The chance of death when inserting needles or other objects is zero, as is the case with injuries to the body.

2. Kevin Richardson

Kevin has become a true friend of animals, and only those who belong to the cat family. No, he doesn’t like domestic cats, his calling is to understand the language of predators - lions, tigers, etc. Kevin learned about his gift when he accidentally got lost in the forest. And since then he can spend the night in a cage with lions, cheetahs or other predatory cats. The Internet is full of such videos where animals are happy to see their saviors, but no one from the animal world owes anything to Kevin, he is not the savior of lives and forests. Later, he became the director of his animal center, began traveling around countries and studying the world of cats.

The same hyenas could easily give Kevin their newborn cubs without making an attempt on his life. Leopards can play with him, but the tiger cubs don’t want him to leave them after a fun time. Richardson explains the behavior by saying that his intuition is well developed, and if the animal is against it, he will never approach it. So it’s difficult to call it easy to win over any animal. He simply uses his charm and warmth, does not use sticks, whips, rudeness or assault.

1. Claudio Pinto

The leader of our rating is a legendary man, originally from Belo Horizonte. Miru fell in love with his googly-eyed trick. He can bulge them 4.3 cm forward! This is almost 96% of the space when the eyeball is outside the orbits. The man underwent examinations and tests, but all to no avail - doctors cannot substantiate this fact. Claudio has made a lot of money in his city - he likes to show people his eyes, receiving a reward for it.

There was another such lover of thrills as a spectator, but she did not earn money in such an easy way. This is what you won’t do for money, although who said that this trick or talent cannot be sold. It would be a spectacle, but there would be bread. Claudio himself calls himself not a defective, but a happy person, because he talks about an easy way to earn money. Indeed, what else can you think about if crazy fees are paid for such nonsense!

And these were our top 10 people with incredible abilities. Maybe you have some talent or gift that no one has found out about yet. Tell us about yourself, and we will be happy to write about you in the next article.