Theater studio for children. Moscow theater studios for children Theater studio at the theater

What child doesn't love performing! Perform loudly and brightly, preferably in front of an audience and in a beautiful suit. Of course, parents in this case only welcome such desires, and if it is absent, then they do their best to contribute to its appearance. For the vast majority, the opportunity to feel like an artist at a festival is realized in the preschool period. What then? What if your child is the future “Chaplin” or a great director?
Talent, of course, needs to be developed. Talent requires daily hard work. It is possible to understand these axioms only by experiencing them. And having experienced it, decide on your readiness to devote yourself to the path of Melpomene. This review will help you find not just a theater studio, of which there are plenty in the Palaces of Creativity, but also find a master who will help your child master such a delicate profession - an artist.

The Russian academic youth theater was originally called the Central Children's Theater. This transformation from childhood to adolescence was reflected in the Spectator Clubs at the theater. The oldest of them is “Theater Dictionary” for teenagers from 11 to 14 years old. Its program lasts 2 years and is focused on theater professions.
For children of preschool and primary school age, Family Club classes are held once a month, during which its members watch the best performances, discuss them, take photographs in the scenery and go on a tour of the theater. The Premiere club is intended for those who have completed classes in the first two clubs.

The name of the theater - Children's Musical Theater of Young Actors - in this case speaks for itself. The creative credo of the theater is the principle “Children actors for children spectators.”
The theater is unique precisely because of its young actors, who master the basics of musical and dramatic art, vocals and plastic arts, and the requirements are placed on them as professionals, and many of the graduates study at Moscow theater universities in the capital, work in Moscow theaters, and act in films.

The children's opera studio began its work in December 2010. Children from 6 to 13 years old take part in it. However, these are not just classes - studio students take an active part in performances, appearing on stage in productions of “The Love for Three Oranges”, “A Game of Soul and Body”, “Cat’s House”, “Mowgli”, “Thumbelina”, “ Nutcracker".
Training is free. In the process of getting acquainted with the world of musical theater, children learn the skills of an actor, the basics of stage movement and dance, and develop vocal abilities.
Recruitment takes place at the beginning of the theater season, in September.

Since 1920, the Bolshoi Theater has had an independent group - the Children's Choir. Perhaps every talented child dreams of getting here. The team took part in many opera and ballet productions of the theater: “The Queen of Spades”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Nutcracker”, “Khovanshchina”, “Boris Godunov”, “That’s What Everybody Do”, “Carmen”, “La Boheme”, “Tosca” ", "Turandot", "Der Rosenkavalier", "Wozzeck", "Fiery Angel", "Child and Magic", "Moidodyr", "Ivan the Terrible" and others. But today the choir not only takes part in performances, but also engages in independent concert activities.
Classes in the choir allow its students to enter higher musical educational institutions. Many of them become laureates of vocal competitions and soloists of opera houses.

The children's choral studio at the Musical Theater has been operating since 2006. Every year, talented children aged 6 to 13 years old are accepted for free training. May 6, 2006 in the Hall. Tchaikovsky's opera troupe of the Musical Theater presented a concert performance of the opera "Carmen" in French and with spoken dialogues. This event became the choir's birthday.
The children's choir is a full participant in the theater's performances. Today, productions of the plays “Werther”, “La Boheme”, “Carmen”, “The Barber of Seville”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Blind. Songs at the Well”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “The Queen of Spades” cannot do without him. , "Tosca", "Nutcracker".

Pupils of the Children's Choral Group at the Pokrovsky Theater, with some effort and diligence, can also “boast” of participating in the performances “Let’s create an opera”, “The Adventures of Cipollino”, “Pinocchio”, “Prodigal Son”, “Nest of Nobles”.
Classes in the group are conducted by a wonderful teacher - Elena Ozerova. The only condition for admission to the group is an excellent ear for music and voice. And group training, rehearsals for conductors, choirmasters, and choreographers are free.
Auditions for the group are held in early September annually.

Children aged 5 to 15 years are invited to the studio of the Modern Theater. As a result of the training, the children receive a comprehensive education that guarantees a professional studio uniform and the opportunity to take part in performances with troupe artists on the theater stage, as well as take part in Russian and foreign festivals.
Training is differentiated depending on age and level of training. The educational course includes a number of subjects: acting, stage speech, vocals and choreography. In addition, master classes are conducted for all students by invited teachers from higher education institutions, as well as artists.

The children's educational studio of the MOST Theater is based on the results of the "Magic BRIDGE" project. This is a new theater project that is designed to develop a child's creative abilities.
Classes are taught by leading actors and choreographers of the theater who have experience working with children. The studio program includes two directions: acting and choreography. The result of the acting classes is a performance that will be shown to the audience at the end of the course. The result of the choreographic classes is a special program that will be shown to the audience at the end of the course.

In the studios of the drama theater "On the Embankment" children from 10 to 18 years old study in a studio theater program. The program includes work with professional theater teachers on individual, duet, artel dramatic miniatures, studio performances presented in the theater repertoire. Children study dramatic art, explore voice, plastic, dance, improvisational art. Studio graduates perform in repertory performances.
The program is conducted according to the original methods of the artistic director of the theater F.V. Sukhova.

The child’s creative potential will be developed in the New Art Theater Studios. Looking ahead, we note that the basis of the current theater troupe is made up of students of the Studio, most of whom have already graduated from theater universities in the capital.
NAT studios are formed according to certain rules, including the age and education of students. The youngest (from 4 years old) are taught according to a specially developed program. It includes almost all professional subjects of theater institutes, but significantly adapted to children's age characteristics. The Studio "I Am an Artist" teaches acting, choreography, vocals and stage speech.
Children from 7 to 16 years old are invited to the First NAT studio. The most gifted and hardworking guys who have demonstrated themselves positively during classes and rehearsals get here. They become the main participants in the theater’s creative projects. Despite the fact that these studio students are closely involved in the theater repertoire, they continue to practice acting, choreography, stage speech and vocals in full.

The Drama Theater "Vernadsky, 13" invites gifted children to the Children's Theater Studio "Wings". This is a real school of additional education with a theatrical and artistic focus. The main goal of the studio is to develop the child’s creative potential.
School-age children and teenagers, as well as young people, study in the studio. Training takes place in 7 age groups. Younger children are taught theatrical acting, artistic expression, choreography, the basics of stage movement and acrobatics, the basics of fine arts, and ensemble singing. And with the older ones they study acting, stage speech, choreography, stage movement, plastic arts, stage combat, vocals, makeup and stage design.
For those planning to receive professional creative education, there is a preparatory course, and the opportunity has also been created for acting practice in theater performances.

A clear understanding of your emotions and feelings, the ability to work with your body, gesticulate correctly, and confidently behave in public - all this makes it possible to feel free in any situation. Learning the basics of acting will help the child in the future to win over others, be a leader, inspire trust, and be a charismatic person.

The ability to recognize your feelings and emotions will help you understand other people well.

The "CHILDHOOD" club invites children from four years old to a children's theater studio in Moscow. Groups in the acting club for children are formed of 10-12 people so that the teacher can pay attention to each child.

Cost of classes in a theater studio for children

Subscription for 4 classes (RUB)Subscription for 8 classes (RUB)One-time visit (RUB)
3,300 rub.4,500 rub.1,000 rub.

Teaching staff

The best assimilation of the program is ensured by classes in a theater studio in small groups. Depending on age, personal characteristics, level of training, groups of up to 10-12 people are formed. A small age difference helps participants feel “on the same page” without comparing themselves to skilled students.

Konkina Veronica

(Teacher of acting and stage speech)

  • Theater Institute named after. Boris Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after. Evgenia Vakhtangova. Department of Stage Speech
  • Federal State Scientific Institution "Institute of Socialization and Education". Department of “Innovative and institutional aspects of speech therapy.”
  • Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Yaroslavl State Theater Institute". Faculty of Acting.
  • Pedagogical School named after Y. Rajabi. Faculty of Music Education.
  • Artistic director, stage speech teacher, director of the Russian Speech theater studio
  • Stage speech teacher – musical theater “Monoton”
  • Stage speech teacher at the Moscow Academy of Education N. Nesterova
  • Acting teacher, director at the theater-studio “Door”
  • Stage speech teacher at the Kvadrat theater
  • Stage speech teacher at the Solist theater studio
  • Acting teacher at the theater studio "I-Actor"